
Missing Senses Intro (WIP)(Needs editing)

Jul 7th, 2016
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  1. "Hey girls, ever wonder why Anon is always alone?"
  2. >Curiosity brought you to bring this topic up during your weekly breakfast meetup.
  3. >You are genuinely curious about Anonymous.
  4. >As Ponyville's only resident human, he doesn't interact with his fellow neighbors much.
  5. >Actually, you've never seen him talk to anypony.
  6. >Most just avoid him like the plague.
  7. >Still, you never really interacted with him either.
  8. >Which, as the Princess of Friendship, is concerning.
  9. >The reactions you received from your friends however, are not expected.
  10. >Rarity is eating her waffles, completely avoiding any eye contact.
  11. >Dash just stopped in the middle of eating. Which is quite the sight, given her waffle is just hanging from her snout.
  12. >AJ slowly played with the rest of her waffles, unsure of how to respond.
  13. >Fluttershy looked like she is on the verge of tears.
  14. >Strangest of all is Pinkie. Her mane just...deflates. Complete with the sound of escaping air.
  15. "Girls? What is going on?"
  16. >AJ is the first to speak up.
  17. >She looks like she's about to say the most serious thing you've ever heard.
  18. >"Twilight, I know your the Princess of Friendship and all, but take my word on what ahm about ta say. Don't try and befriend him. It's impossible."
  19. >Well, that was...unexpected.
  20. >Applejack, of all ponies to say that you can't befriend somepony.
  21. >Being who she is, you can't imagine her lying to you.
  22. >But there is no way you can't become friends with him.
  23. >Sure, the few times you saw anypony talking to him resulted in him completely ignoring them.
  24. >You just figured that he is super bashful.
  25. >It's just means you'd have to try harder.
  26. >And it seems that your friends won't help on this one.
  27. >Except maybe Pinkie. She's friends with everypony.
  28. "That's nonsense, AJ, I can befriend him. I just have to try harder enough.
  29. >Hopping off the chair, you head straight for the door, only to be stopped by a still deflated Pinkie.
  30. "Pinkie, I'm leaving to go befriend Anon. Want to help me out?"
  31. >"No, And I can't let you leave."
  32. >What. She said no. So...un-Pinkieish. Not
  33. >"Pinkie, I'm not playing games. It's time for me to step up to the plate as Princess of Friendship. I'm going, with or without you. I know that you're friends with him, so help me out here."
  34. >Pinkie's bright blue eyes stared at you. She somehow seemed sadder than before, and tears are started to well up in those eyes of hers.
  35. >"Sadly Twilight, I'm not friends with him. He's the only one I'm not friends with. Nopony is his friend either. It's just...impossible to be friends with him. And it looks like you're not taking no for an answer, so..."
  36. >As soon as she finished, she stepped to the side, letting you through.
  37. >You go through, giving no heed to the warning Pinkie gave you.
  38. >You are Fluttershy, watching as your friend goes off to befriend the most unfriendable being in equestria.
  39. >It wouldn't work.
  40. >If never does.
  41. >Not with anon.
  42. "Oh, I hope she won't take this personally. She can be stubborn and she... Oh, no. She'll take it personally."
  43. >Rainbow drops the waffle she still had in her mouth, pokes it, and says," Well, breakfast is ruined."
  44. >"Rainbow, dear, it won't be that bad."
  45. >Rarity looked hopeful for a second, then suddenly shoves her waffles away, and rests her head on the table.
  46. >"Oh, who are kidding. What ever shall we do when she finds out?"
  47. >"Ah reckon we oughta stay here, so we can comfort her and explain what will happen."
  48. >Applejack just sighs, then looks around the room, disheartened.
  49. >"Ya'll in agreement?"
  50. >You had to admit, it was probably the best plan.
  51. "I am Applejack." You respond, raising you hoof.
  52. >Rarity and Rainbow Dash also agreed, which left Pinkie.
  53. >"Well, I'll go follow Twilight around until she figures it out, then drag her back here."
  54. >Pinkie's made a whole bunch of gestures with her hooves while saying that, ending with her shaking her head and heading after Twilight.
  55. "Oh, I hope this goes okay..."
  56. >You are Twilight, on a mission to hunt down and capture the elusive fiend Anon and befriend him.
  57. >It honestly didn't take you long to figure out that you had absolutely no idea where he lives.
  58. >Deep in thought, you see Lyra walk right in front of you, and a simple idea forms in your head.
  59. >Genius.
  60. "Hey, Lyra! Come over here, I have a question for you!"
  61. >She pauses to see who was calling her, then beams at you and walks over and gives you a nice quick hug.
  62. >"Well, what's my favorite princess needing from me?"
  63. >You giggle a bit at her words, but you still had a mission.
  64. "Oh Lyra, you know flattery will get you nowhere. I just wanted to know where somepony lives."
  65. >Her face lights up at what you asked. Lyra is one of the friendliest ponies around. Second only to Pinkie.
  66. >Surely she knew where Anon lives.
  67. >"Oh, jeez Twilight, is that all? Who might the lucky stallion be?"
  68. >She's also trying to find you a coltfriend. Something about getting you a prince since you're a princess.
  69. >You guess you can humor her this once.
  70. "Oh, it's Anon. Although we might not be physically compatible, if you know what I mean."
  71. >You suggestively bounce your eyebrows with the last part.
  72. >Any hope and happiness she had was gone.
  73. >Her face is an open book.
  74. >Shock, anger, sadness.
  75. >All because of Anon.
  76. >And then, she panicked.
  77. >"No, no, no, not him. You can't even think about it. The Princess of Friendship cannot be with somepony like him. Find somepony else, Twilight. You'll be so much better off."
  78. >And then she ran off, without a single glance back.
  79. >What.
  80. >For the second time today, you are stunned by the reaction of your friends.
  81. >What is wrong with everypony today?
  82. >Shaking off your encounter with Lyra, you head further to the other side of town.
  83. >Everypony you ask on the way has a very similar reaction.
  84. >For some reason, this whole situation is reminding you of Zecora.
  85. >Everypony is assuming he's evil or something.
  86. >The only difference is that you have no idea what is making them run away or freeze when you mention him.
  87. >And the further and further you get to outskirts, the worse the reactions become..
  88. >If that is even possible.
  89. >There were a few ponies that even fainted upon mention of his name.
  90. >This whole thing is started to wig you out.
  91. "Why is everypony acting this way?"
  92. >You're taking a break at a park currently, your hooves are much to sore at the moment.
  93. >Something catches your eye, and your spirits immediately lift when you see the person you've been looking for all day.
  94. >Anon in the flesh.
  95. >Just walking along the road into town.
  96. >The only ponies in the streets take notice and just give him a wide berth.
  97. >Odd.
  98. >The reactions you are seeing are not matching the reactions of your friends, or the ponies you talked to either.
  99. "Oh, there he is. Annooonn!" You yelled over to him.
  100. >Your cries go unanswered.
  101. >Not only that, but he made no indication of even hearing you.
  102. "Well, maybe he's deaf."
  103. >With that in mind you start to follow him.
  104. >You follow Anon into a small shop.
  105. >'Thyme's herbs and spices'
  106. >Huh. You didn't even know this place existed.
  107. >Inside is a variety of herbs in jars, pots and hanging to dry.
  108. >Let's not get distracted with the fun shop, Anon is right there.
  109. >He's just browsing the herbs in the pots, picking them up and putting them back down after inspecting them.
  110. >The store keeper eyes him warily, not even noticing that you are only a few feet away from him.
  111. >Once he finds one he likes he goes up to the counter and pays for it.
  112. >The store keeper counts the bits, and after seeing that there are enough for the transaction, he takes them and putts them under the counter.
  113. >Anon just nods his head and walks on out of the store.
  114. >What.
  115. >He just paid fair and square.
  116. >Where is this evil person that everypony was talking about?
  117. >Because it certainly wasn't Anon.
  118. "I don't get it."
  119. >The store keep finally sees you there, and asks,"Welcome! What can I do for ya?"
  120. >You don't even bother answering the question, as you wave your hoof nonchalantly at her before exiting yourself.
  121. >It doesn't take long to catch up to him.
  122. >Anon is heading back the way he came, and with just a potted plant in tow you wonder if that truly was the only thing he wanted.
  123. >You know he doesn't come into town very often.
  124. >As it turns out, that is what he wanted.
  125. >A few miles outside of town the two of you come up on a small hut.
  126. >There is a small vegetable garden, and a few chickens outside.
  127. >Even if whoever built it didn't have much in the way of bits, it worked.
  128. >Anon just keeps walking along towards the hut.
  129. >It then hits you that the hut is Anon's home.
  130. >You can hear a few of your heartstrings being pulled.
  131. >If he needed a place to stay, you could put him up in your castle.
  132. >There is more than enough room in there to help him out.
  133. >Then another realization hits.
  134. >He made no notion of knowing that you were there, even with you being right next to him for quite some time.
  135. >He's blind as well.
  136. "How did that happen? do you get around?" You ask to empty space.
  137. >The time to get to his hut took less time than you thought.
  138. >It's larger than what you imagined.
  139. >Taller, probably to fit him inside easier.
  140. >He sets down his new plant right next to the door into the hut, and walks inside.
  141. >Still wanting to befriend him, you wait for him to step outside.
  142. >The wind blows, bringing a multitude of smells to your sensitive nose.
  143. >The many flowers and herbs he's planted around are a testament to his hard work.
  144. >Even if the hut is small, the place seems quite cozy.
  145. >There is another smell in the air that you can't quite put your hoof on.
  146. >It's sweet, almost sickening sweet.
  147. >Far too faint for you to trace it's source.
  148. >Looking around, you see off to the side of the hut a field of little white flowers, with a single, solitary hill in it.
  149. >Deciding to investigate, you trot on over to the hill.
  150. >As you get closer, the smell gets slightly stronger.
  151. >A loud bang rings out behind you.
  152. Turning around, you rush back to the door, smells and hill forgotten.
  153. >He still hasn't come outside yet.
  154. "Is he okay? That bang was frighteningly loud. He may not want the help though..."
  155. >Disregarding your concerns, you raise a hoof to the door.
  156. "Should I knock?"
  157. >Still unsure, your hoof hovers over door for what seems to be an eternity.
  158. >To do or not to do?
  159. >You don't get the chance to decide when the door in front of you flies open.
  160. >In the doorway stands Anon, holding a few gardening tools.
  161. >You back up a bit, startled at his sudden action.
  162. >As you do, your back hoof knocks over the new potted plant of his, breaking the pot and spilling the contents all over the place.
  163. >Glancing back, you see your rear hooves are in the newly spilled dirt.
  164. >Panicked, you say, "O-oh, Anon, I'm so sorry about your plant. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
  165. >Your eyes widen as he stares right at you, not looking anywhere else with his beady eyes.
  166. >Wasn't he supposed to be blind?!?
  167. >Horrified, you can only stand frozen in place as he puts his tools on the ground, and kneels down to stare at you.
  168. >His hand raises and he points right between your eyes, and slowly brings it closer.
  169. >That hand of his stops right under your snout, and you go cross-eyed trying to follow his finger.
  170. >You can't even think what his next action could be.
  171. >Suddenly, he lunges at you.
  172. "AaaAaaaaAaaAaaahhh....whaawhattwhaa.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
  173. >The screams you unleash are probably being heard from miles away.
  174. >Your mind is racing at a million miles an hour as you try to comprehend what is currently happening to you.
  175. >Nope.
  176. >Don't want anymore of this.
  177. >On instinct, you cast a teleport spell to go the castle.
  178. *Pop*
  179. >Arriving in the same room this little adventure started, you start to hyperventilate.
  180. Everything is tinted red as your eyes sting, with tears streaming down your face.
  181. >Your friends are still here, and they are trying their hardest to calm you down, but it isn't working.
  182. >Their voices sound so far away.
  183. >As darkness creeps around your vision, your mind comes to a conclusion as to what happened.
  184. >Nothing else is making any sort of sense.
  185. >It's the last thought you have before you lose consciousness.
  186. >Anon is... a ghost.
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