
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 114

Feb 11th, 2014
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  1. [16:41] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [16:42] <Kilarra> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. [16:42] <Kilarra> -Session 114-
  4. [16:42] <Kilarra> At the Silken Veil, after dinner and stories of Aluthyra and Kilarra's visit to Elysium, and the latter's subsequent reincarnation, there came an unexpected visiter. A young tiefling girl claiming to be looking for her older sister
  5. [16:42] <Kilarra> The name she gave shocked Kilarra, as the name given by the child was, in fact, her own. To her, this can only have one meaning.
  6. [16:42] * Kilarra takes Aluthyra's hand and gets back to her feet.
  7. [16:42] <Kilarra> Imoto just looks perplexed, but thankfully, Kilarra's moment of shock gave the one other person in the room who knew that name time to recompose herself. Shorafa looks to Imoto, "So, you have lost your mother while looking for your sister. That is most unfortunate, but we can help you. We just happen to not be prepared to do so right this minute."
  8. [16:44] * Aluthyra steadies Kilarra, giving Imoto a concerned glance.
  9. [16:49] * Kilarra whispers to Aluthyra, tilting her head towards her room, "Something's not right here. We need to talk in private."
  10. [16:49] <Kilarra> Imoto just smiles up at Shorafa. "I'd be grateful." She gives a cute little curtsey.
  11. [16:50] * Aluthyra nods, looking to Kilarra's room. "Leave before me, and I will join soon after." She explains quietly, "Better to not arouse suspicion from the little one."
  12. [16:53] * Kilarra nods and heads towards her room.
  13. [16:53] <Kilarra> Shorafa looks to Imoto, "You'll have to forgive Kilarra, she went through quite the ordeal recently."
  14. [16:54] <Kilarra> Imoto nods and looks to Aluthyra, then to her wings, "Are you an angel?"
  15. [16:56] * Aluthyra chuckles and shakes her head. "No, an Aasimar. Though I do have angelic blood."
  16. [16:57] <Kilarra> Imoto nods, "Ohhhh. Well, me and my momma both have devil blood." She looks to Shorafa, "I guess that's why she thought this would be a safe place if I got lost."
  17. [17:00] <Kilarra> Aluthyra figures what Imoto is saying is true for what it is, but given Kilarra's reaction, she can safely assume there's more to it.
  18. [17:03] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow. "How did your sister get lost, or why now are you looking for her?"
  19. [17:09] <Kilarra> Imoto nods, "Momma says she was taken away a long time ago, but now she wants to have her back so she and momma and daddy can be a family again."
  20. [17:09] <Kilarra> Imoto smiles, "And me too!"
  21. [17:10] * Aluthyra smiles lightly and nods. "And do you plan to stay here once you are a family once more?"
  22. [17:11] <Kilarra> Imoto shakes her head, "Well, my momma likes to travel, so we don't stay in one place too long. It's fun though; I get to see lots of people and places."
  23. [17:12] * Aluthyra nods. "Any place in particular that you would like to travel to?":
  24. [17:13] <Kilarra> Imoto considers that, "Usually we do what momma wants, and it's fun like that. It would nice to have a big sister to play with though."
  25. [17:13] <Kilarra> Imoto notes, "Sometimes daddy mentions places he's been and she agrees to visit them too."
  26. [17:14] <Aluthyra> "I am sure that it would." She replies. "And where did you last see your mother?"
  27. [17:14] <Kilarra> Imoto thinks about that. "It was this morning in the marketplace."
  28. [17:14] <Aluthyra> "
  29. [17:14] <Aluthyra> "And how did you get separated?"
  30. [17:16] <Kilarra> Imoto frowns a bit, "The place was really crowded and I tripped and let go of her hand. I was scared so I curled up and waited for people to pass, then when I got up she had gone without noticing."
  31. [17:18] <Kilarra> Shorafa whisperss to Aluthyra, "Wouldn't be the first time I've heard of a tiefling childing being 'lost'." She gives Aluthyra a wink, indicating that she knows more about the situation than she's stating.
  32. [17:18] * Aluthyra nods. "I am sure she will turn up, since you have indicated this as a safe place."
  33. [17:19] <Kilarra> Shorafa nods, "Would you like something to eat?" She gestures to the table.
  34. [17:19] <Kilarra> Imoto nods, "Sure!" She follows the high priestess and chats her up a bit.
  35. [17:20] * Kilarra , meanwhile, is in her room with some diamond dust and incense, tracing a glyph on the inside of her door while she waits for Aluthyra.
  36. [17:20] * Aluthyra retreats to Kilarra's room, closing the door and locking it behind her.
  37. [17:21] * Kilarra finishes the enchantment and then sits on her bed, laying on her back and groaning, "This isn't good."
  38. [17:21] * Aluthyra nods. "Sooner than we had thought. Your sister... something more is up. She is lying. Much of what she tells is a ruse."
  39. [17:23] * Kilarra nods, "She's probably some urchin my mother pulled off the street and entranced. However, that name... there's no doubt. The only other person who knew my mother named me Nisha is Shorafa, and maybe the adventurers who rescued me, I can't remember if I ever told them."
  40. [17:23] * Kilarra explains to Aluthyra, "After learning about my past when I became an Acolyte here, I swore my revenge and chose the new name to go with it."
  41. [17:24] * Aluthyra nods. "I see. Then... what shall we do? Go out and seek your mother; bring the encounter to our terms?"
  42. [17:25] * Kilarra sits up, "That's what I needed some time to think about. If mother knows I'm here, she's probably been scrying on me. I can't even be sure if that was something she could do or not. Still, I didn't want to break whatever enchantment the girl is under just yet, since that would immediately let me know I was on to her."
  43. [17:27] * Aluthyra nods. "So then, is there a way for you to scry against her?"
  44. [17:27] * Kilarra nods, "I can try, but I've been less than diligent in shielding myself considering what she seems to know. That said, she probably hasn't been so lax."
  45. [17:28] * Kilarra notes, "I imagine the only reason that child didn't call me on the spot was because of my new appearance."
  46. [17:29] * Kilarra frowns, "I never expected -her- to come looking for -me-." She sits up wit ha sigh. "Did you get anything out of the kid?"
  47. [17:31] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "No. Most everything she told me was a lie. Although, it seems that your father may be here as well."
  48. [17:34] * Kilarra shakes her head, "My father is dead. She probably put delusions into that poor girl's head about a loving family or something. It would be just like her to toy with people like that. Same goes with using her to try and get to me. It's even more annoying because it's working."
  49. [17:34] * Aluthyra frowns and nods. "I see."
  50. [17:38] * Kilarra sighs. "So, we need a plan. My mother is powerful; maybe too powerful. I'll need your help to deal with her and whatever she might have brought with her. We can't let this wait though. If she's after me for some reason, I imagine she's only being subtle for the moment because it amuses her."
  51. [17:39] * Aluthyra nods. "Are you fully restored from your reincarnation?"
  52. [17:40] * Kilarra nods, "Yeah, I used a more powerful restoration to get rid of the effects all at once. It's just a matter of guessing what I'll need to prepare to deal with her."
  53. [17:43] * Aluthyra nods. "Considering that you believe she used enchantment on this girl, I would recommend wards against that. Perhaps preparing a spell for yourself to resist such effects."
  54. [17:44] * Kilarra nods, "And definitely death wards for each of us, and as much positive energy as I can pack. Perhaps a Holy Word if Calistria will allow."
  55. [17:47] * Kilarra nods, "Still, I wasn't preapred for this this morning, so we'll have to get some rest. I don't imagine the girl will give Shorafa too much trouble."
  56. [17:48] * Aluthyra looks to the bed. "Then we should rest now. I do not imagine we have much time."
  57. [17:48] * Kilarra nods, "As a last resort, an Anti-Magic field would neutralize both me and her, but should allow you to harm her still."
  58. [17:51] * Kilarra lays down on her bed, looking agitated and nervous. "I wanted ot have mroe time for this!"
  59. [17:52] * Aluthyra sighs, laying down next to Kilarra, wing outstretching around her. "We will need to make the best of it."
  60. [17:52] * Kilarra nods, finding comfort in the warmth and scent of her (now fellow) aasimar. "Well, I need to put a stop to her anyways. It may be unexpected, but it might end up saving me some trouble."
  61. [17:54] * Kilarra glances at the door, "If she tries to get the door open, an alarm will sound and wake everyone in the temple."
  62. [17:55] * Aluthyra nods. "Good. Now, rest. It will be a trying day, tomorrow..."
  63. [17:57] * Kilarra nods and pulls the covers over them, not feeling like bothering with any of the more fun nighttime activities.
  64. [17:57] <Kilarra> Later that night...
  65. [18:01] <Kilarra> The temple is largely empty, as those who would use it at night are confined to their own rooms, or out walking the streets. No one sees the inky, formless mass of vapour creeping along the floor towards Kilarra's room.
  66. [18:01] <Kilarra> The gaseous form reaches the door to her room, then slips underneath the very much -not- airtight crack beneath it, not opening the door at all.
  67. [18:01] <Kilarra> Once the entirety of the mass has entered the room, it resubstantiates, the form of Imoto resurging from the gas. Her eyes glow a dim red in the darkness, within which she can see without any problems. She looks at the two sleeping aasimar, giving her lips a lick.
  68. [18:04] <Kilarra> Aluthyra stirs a bit, but the child is silent as the grave as she creeps about the room. She looks around a moment, stopping to spy the silver mirror on the dresser-altar. Her face isn't reflected in it.
  69. [18:09] <Kilarra> She slips up silently next to the bed. She doesn't say anything, but she opens her mouth, fangs glistening. She brings them down and bites into Kilarra's neck.
  70. [18:25] * Kilarra jolts awake at the sharp pain and screams.
  71. [18:28] * Aluthyra 's eyes open wide as she hears Kilarra scream. She immediately scans the room, seeing Imoto. Aluthyra frowns and her eyes narrow as she stands, drawing her bow from the quiver on the ground, and swinging the quiver onto her shoulder.
  72. [18:31] <Kilarra> Imoto doesn't move from Kilarra's neck, staring intensely at Aluthyra with her Red, glowing, hypnotic eyes. She continues to feed before she realizes Aluthyra was unaffected.
  73. [18:33] * Kilarra doesn't even stop to think as she grabs her holy symbol and thrusts it right up to Imoto's face. A brilliant blast of searing light erupts
  74. [18:35] <Kilarra> The force of the blast of light throws Imoto against the door. The tiefling vampire screams as her skin boils and burns. The light fades after a moment, but Kilarra and Aluthyra can both see in the dark as well. Imoto is not dead, but she looks severely burnt
  75. [18:35] <Kilarra> Imoto slumps against the door, looking pained. She begins to cry.
  76. [18:36] * Aluthyra raises her bow, frowning. "Should I knock her out, Kilarra? I do have blunt arrows."
  77. [18:37] * Kilarra frowns, raising a hand to her neck. She looks horrified. "She's... she's a vampire. Knocking her out won't work."
  78. [18:37] <Kilarra> Imoto shrinks back, "Please! I was just doing what daddy said!"
  79. [18:38] * Aluthyra frowns. "And if you move, you will be able to do so no longer." The aasimar draws an adamantine arrow to prove her point, training it on the vampire's head.
  80. [18:39] <Kilarra> Imoto sniffles and cries.
  81. [18:39] * Kilarra frowns, "If she's a vampire..." She raises her holy symbol. "Calistria, release this child from the thrall of her maker."
  82. [18:41] <Kilarra> Imoto's head jerks a bit and the glow in her eyes dims. Her wounds are beginning to heal on their own.
  83. [18:42] <Kilarra> The child still looks frightened. She keeps glancing at the door, and the crack beneath it, then back to Kilarra's holy symbol (which she shrinks away from more than Aluthyra's arrow).
  84. [18:42] * Kilarra glances to Aluthyra, "Silver for a vampire."
  85. [18:42] * Aluthyra quickly switches her arrow to one of silver.
  86. [18:43] * Kilarra looks to Imoto. "Your mind is now free, but I do not have a lot of patience for the undead. Who are you?"
  87. [18:43] <Kilarra> Imoto sniffles, but answers; "Imoto Delshkarl."
  88. [18:44] * Kilarra blinks. That wasn't a lie. "How do you know Mordren Delshkarl?"
  89. [18:44] <Kilarra> Imoto sniffles, her wounds healing rapidly, but still very painful. "She's my mommy."
  90. [18:45] * Kilarra frowns, Looking a combination of surprised and angered. "So you are my sister. Half-sister at least."
  91. [18:47] <Kilarra> Imoto continues to wince away from the brandished holy symbol. "Mommy wanted her other daughter back, so daddy sent me to get you."
  92. [18:47] * Kilarra snarls. "Unbelieveable!"
  93. [18:48] * Kilarra looks to Imoto, "How did you know I was Nisha?"
  94. [18:49] <Kilarra> Imoto gulps. "Mommy has a crystal ball. She was watching you. You disappeared for a while and then she found you again looking different. Mommy thought it was a magical disguise."
  95. [18:50] * Aluthyra keeps her arrow ready in case the vampire tries anything...
  96. [18:51] * Kilarra continues to look at the child, "Who is your father?"
  97. [18:52] <Kilarra> Imoto nods, "His name is Syaoran. He's from Tian Xia."
  98. [18:52] * Kilarra nods, "And he bit you?"
  99. [18:53] <Kilarra> Imoto nods, "Momma said she wanted me to be cute like this forever."
  100. [18:53] * Kilarra looks thoroughly disgusted.
  101. [18:56] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow. "And where are they both now?"
  102. [18:57] <Kilarra> Imoto nods, "J-just outside of town. Please, I was just doing as I was told. I couldn't help it!"
  103. [18:59] * Kilarra looks Imoto, "I want to see Mordren and your father. I set you free from his domination, but I want you to take me to them." She frowns. If the girl was a vampire, she couldn't go out during the day.
  104. [19:01] <Kilarra> Imoto nods. "Momma didn't think you'd want to see her. That's why daddy sent me."
  105. [19:09] * Kilarra lowers her holy Symbol. She keeps her attention on Imoto, but glances at Aluthyra, "Would you be able to watch her for the rest of the night? She can't leave once morning comes."
  106. [19:09] * Aluthyra nods. "I suppose I can, yes."
  107. [19:15] * Kilarra looks to Imoto. "If you try to leave before I'm ready to go see mother, Aluthyra will be able to put half a dozen arrows in you before you can sneeze."
  108. [19:15] * Kilarra is trying very hard to keep her gaze stern, but Aluthyra is probably perceptive enough to notice her shakey voice and uneasy hand.
  109. [19:17] * Aluthyra notes to Imoto as she hears the shaky voice, "Kilarra may be hesitant, but I will not be. Stay where you are, and I will not fill you with arrows."
  110. [19:18] * Kilarra nods, "You may actually be my half-sister, but you also snuck into my room and bit me. Try anything like that again and you won't get another chance." She touches her hand to the bite and channels what healing energy she has left into it.
  111. [19:22] <Kilarra> Imoto gulps and nods, standing up shakily. She takes a seat in the corner, watching Aluthyra.
  112. [19:22] * Aluthyra doesn't let up, keeping the bow trained on the small tiefling.
  113. [19:23] * Kilarra breathes a slight sigh of relief and then flops back onto the bed, feeling (quite literally) drained. She would need to sleep in to make up for the disturbance.
  114. [19:23] <Kilarra> Imoto tries to smile at Aluthyra, "I really did think you were pretty. Even prettier than mommy."
  115. [19:26] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "Why will you not leave Kilarra alone? And if you were actually wanting a sister, why did you attack her?"
  116. [19:27] <Kilarra> Imoto gulps, "I had to do what daddy told me. It's... part of being a vampire I think. When you get bitten, the one who bit you is your master until they release you, or someone breaks it like Nisha did."
  117. [19:29] * Aluthyra frowns. "I see. Without your father's control, would you have done the same?"
  118. [19:31] <Kilarra> Imoto rubs her arm, looking a bit uncomfortable. "I don't like making mommy mad, so... I probably would have tried. Mommy is scary when she's mad. She and daddy are really nice to me most of the time, but recently she talked about wanting her whole family back."
  119. [19:33] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow. "And do you want your sister back?"
  120. [19:35] <Kilarra> Imoto shrugs, "Well... mommy sometimes makes playmates for me, but it felt a little hollow as I got older. When mommy said she had another daughter... I kinda liked the idea of not being an only child."
  121. [19:37] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "Kilarra is not so willing to reunite the family. It is likely that this will come to blows."
  122. [19:38] <Kilarra> Imoto frowns. "Well... I can stay out of it, if she wants. Now that I don't have to obey daddy. I just... they are my mommy and daddy."
  123. [19:40] * Aluthyra remains silent, keeping her bow ready.
  124. [19:42] <Kilarra> Imoto just shrinks a bit away from the weapon. Maybe her mommy could do a better job of convincing Nisha not to fight, and they could be happy together.
  125. [19:44] <Kilarra> -End Session-
  126. [19:44] <Kilarra> Rewards: 1 EL 9
  127. [19:45] <Kilarra> 1600 Experience Each
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