
Shitty Fanfic with Xerneas and Raycray

Jul 2nd, 2015
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  1. "Rayquaza stared at the ultra fabulous deer, The gems of the deer antlers sparkled. like Ash's pikachu did for some weirdass reason (probably because ash's pikachu eats glitter) The fairy type deer didn't exactly fit, with a badass dragon. But oh freaking well. The deer was blue, with a greyish belly (I'm not typing in black that sounds racist-oh god that made it worse.) And rayquaza was a slick-as-fuck black color (I lied.) Yveltal was clearly the best black-as-fuck Bacon dragon but Rayquaza...was a snake. That means something right? Rayquaza was long, as fuck (literally) And Xerneas was a dope-ass geomancy deer with sparkly gems that killed Rayquaza's family. But his family sucked so it was k, and the only reason they wanted to "dragon dance it on" was because they were in love for some sick reason.Rayquaza and Xerneas were in whatever the fuck they were. Rayquaza was hard as fuck (get it it can use iron head huehue) And put his legendary cawk into Xerneas. Xerneas made a weird deer noise. Rayquaza was a hard dragon, he started to legendcum everywhere and Xerneas was pleased. Xerneas the family murderer- had dragon danced before. With Palkia (obviously) and Dialga (u dirty cheater) And Rayquaza had no life other than bitch slapping Kyogre and Groudon with his tail whenever they tried to kill eachother. The only reason they were doing it now, was because Xerneas needed more terrifying dragon deer hybrids (That would look terrifying) However then they both realised they didn't have any of those. However, Palkia then walked in and Xerneas made a weird deer noise, and Rayquaza flipped him off (Rayquaza has three fingers) And then Palkia Spacial Rended Xerneas. It didn't do anything. Because Fairy types are overpowered as fuck. And Rayquaza made a GREEEEEEHNEHHH noise and did a thing. Palkia, being the giant penis dragon he was. Made a weird noise and and GRAWWWD and fainted on the ground (pokemon don't fuckin die) And Dialga used Flash Cannon (magic) and it hit Xerneas in the face and he/she passed out and Rayquaza said "wtf m8 das bad n0" Rayquaza then realized that Groudon and Kyogre were probably doing something weird as fuck (see what I did there) and Flew to TOMBSTONY land or whatever. Kyogre and Groudon were busy "watering the flowers" and Rayquaza was like "n0 m8 n0 das bad" and shot lasers out of his face Kyogre exploded into fish dust and Groudon's Desolate land went wrong and things happened. (mostly that the sun exploded) and Rayquaza was like "oshit xerns is pr0b getn rap" and flew back to wherever the fuck he was in the first place like a dankass mothafucka Den Palkia said to Rayquaza "WHAT ARE DOSE" And Rayquaza got mad and slapped him and Xerneas wasn't in wherever the hell they were. Dialga wasn't either (put two and two together, not literally thats weird) and Raycray said "n0 m8" and did a thing Xerneas walked across the desolate field, reminiscing about his past lover. So many fond memories lost to the cold hand of the Kalosian War. Nothing could bring him solace, not even the wonderful sight of the thriving current generation
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