Guest User


a guest
Feb 15th, 2019
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  1. Permission Description
  2. factions.admin Hand over your admin rights to a faction
  3. factions.admin.any Give or revoke admin status for any player in any faction
  4. factions.announce Announce things to your faction members
  5. factions.autoclaim Auto-claim land as you walk around
  6. factions.bypass Toggle admin bypass mode
  7. Change chat mode
  8. factions.chatspy Enable faction chat spy
  9. factions.claim Claim the chunk you are standing in
  10. factions.claim.radius Claim chunks in a large radius
  11. factions.config Change a conf.json setting
  12. factions.create Create a new faction
  13. factions.deinvite Remove a pending invitation
  14. factions.description Change the faction description
  15. factions.disband Disband the faction the player is in
  16. factions.disband.any Disband another faction (Ignores faction-specific permissions)
  17. Display a help page
  18. factions.home Teleport to the faction home
  19. factions.invite Invite a player to your faction
  20. factions.join Join a faction
  21. factions.join.any Join any faction (Bypasses invitation system)
  22. factions.join.others Force another user to join a faction
  23. factions.kick Kick a player from your faction
  24. factions.kick.any Kick anyone from any faction
  25. factions.leave Leave your faction
  26. factions.list View a list of all factions
  27. factions.lock Lock all writable configuration options
  28. factions.managesafezone Claim land for the safezone and build & destroy in the safezone
  29. factions.managewarzone Claim land for the warzone and build & destroy in the warzone
  30. Show the territory map, and set optional auto-update
  31. factions.mod Give or revoke moderator rights
  32. factions.mod.any Give or revoke moderator rights for any player in any faction
  33. Show your faction's current balance
  34. Show any faction's current balance
  35. Deposit money into a faction bank
  36. Withdraw money from your faction bank
  37. Withdraw money from any faction
  38. Transfer money from one faction to another
  39. Transfer money from the faction bank to a player's bank
  40. Transfer money from a player's bank to a faction's bank
  41. factions.noboom Toggle explosions in your faction land (Peaceful factions only)
  42. Toggle invitation requirement to join
  43. factions.owner Set membership of claimed chunk
  44. factions.ownerlist List owner(s) of claimed chunk
  45. factions.ownershipbypass Bypass ownership restrictions within owned land
  46. factions.setpeaceful Designate a faction as peaceful
  47. factions.setpermanent Designate a faction as permanent
  48. factions.setpermanentpower Set permanent power for a faction
  49. factions.stuck Teleports the executor outside a faction's land
  50. factions.power Show information about a player's power
  51. factions.power.any Show another player's power level
  52. factions.powerboost Apply permanent power bonus/penalty to a player or faction
  53. factions.relation Set relation wish with another faction
  54. factions.reload Reload data file(s) from disk
  55. Save all data to disk
  56. factions.sethome Set the faction home
  57. factions.sethome.any Set the faction home for any faction
  58. Show faction information
  59. Show exempt faction information
  60. factions.tag Change the faction tag
  61. faction.title Set or remove a player's faction title
  62. factions.title.color Use color codes in faction titles
  63. factions.version See the version of the plugin
  64. factions.unclaim Unclaim the chunk you are standing in
  65. factions.unclaimall Unclaim all your faction land
  66. factions.scoreboard Ability to toggle scoreboards
  67. factions.showinvites Show pending invites to your faction
  68. factions.seechunk See the borders of the chunk you are standing in
  69. factions.setwarp Set a faction warp
  70. factions.warp Access and teleport to faction warps
  71. factions.modfypower Modify another player's power
  72. factions.monitorlogins Monitor the joining and leaving of your faction members
  73. factions.claim.line Claim in a line
  74. Sort factions
  75. factions.togglealliancechat Toggle alliance chat on and off
  76. factions.dontlosepoweroffline Don't lose power for being offline
  77. factions.ahome Ability to send players to their faction home
  78. factions.autoleavebypass Bypass autoleave
  79. factions.vault Access faction vault
  80. factions.setmaxvault Set the maximum amount of vaults a faction can have
  81. factions.mapheight Set the /f map height
  82. factions.ban Ban players from a faction
  83. Allow use of /f fly
  84. factions.rules Add/remove/set/view rules for your own faction
  85. factions.checkpoint Set or teleport to a faction checkpoint
  86. factions.tnt Add/take from faction TNT bank
  87. factions.near See a list of nearby faction members
  88. factions.upgrades Open faction upgrade menu
  89. factions.freecam Enable/disable freecam
  90. factions.getvault Get faction vault item
  91. factions.coleader Grant/revoke coleader status
  92. factions.tpbanner Teleport to faction banner
  93. factions.banner Create a faction banner
  94. factions.killholos Kill invisible holograms
  95. factions.stealth Enter faction stealth mode
  96. factions.coords Broadcast your coordinates to a player
  97. factions.chest Open virtual shared faction chest
  98. factions.paypal.viewall View other factions' paypal ID
  99. factions.paypal Set/view your own faction's paypal ID
  100. factions.claimat "Click-to-claim" permission node for /f map
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