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Sep 1st, 2015
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  3. >"Come on out, it's time."
  4. >Star opens the bottle.
  5. >You look up.
  6. >She's already undressed.
  7. >She picks you up and puts you before her.
  8. >"Satisfy."
  9. >It always takes a while to think about how to do so.
  10. >She's *much* bigger than you, so you have to satisfy her with almost your whole body.
  11. >She nudges you
  12. >"Hurry up!"
  13. >She pushes you towards her and spreads her legs wider.
  14. >You start to rub against her vulva.
  15. >She breathes out in satisfaction.
  16. >You try your best to keep her this way.
  17. >You start to rub harder against her. Tickling her insides.
  18. >She cringes and squirms in pleasure.
  19. >Your startled as she gently starts to finger herself.
  20. >"Did I ask you to stop?"
  21. >You keep doing what your doing.
  22. >A while later, you move out of the way as she cums.
  23. >She picks you up.
  24. >"You did very well today, for that you get a reward."
  26. >Instead of putting you in the bottle, she got up.
  27. >"Wait here."
  28. >You feel the vibrations in the floor as she leaves.
  29. > She soon returns skin shiny with oil.
  30. >She lays down in front of you. Presenting herself by rubbing all over her body.
  31. >"I want you to have fun, but I have my boundaries."
  32. > She sets you atop of her stomach.
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------
  35. (NOTE: Only the following part was written by WriteFriend, the rest was someone else, this was a request)
  38. >You slide around her naked belly, like a figure skater
  39. >She giggles.
  40. >You jump and twirl, figure you might as well.
  41. >She laughs at your silliness.
  42. >You "skate" up between her breasts.
  43. >You lay down between them and start to make snow angels but with oil instead of snow.
  44. >She blushes uncontrollably at the sight of you and smiles.
  45. >You smile back because she's the prettiest and nicest giant hostage taker ever.
  46. >You get up and climb on her left breast.
  47. >You lay face down at the very top near her nipple and kiss her naked flesh twisting your head left and right
  48. >She moans a little, wishing you were bigger so you can motorboat her breast proper.
  49. >You stand up and pantomime setting a flag on her nipple like how mountain climbers do when they reach the top of a mountain.
  50. >She giggles and claps. "you are so sweet" she says.
  51. >You jump up and down as if on a trampoline.
  52. >S-s-stop that tickles she says her face bright red.
  53. >You jump to her other breast and then back and forth several times.
  54. >She laughs and blushes because it oddly feels good.
  55. >You make one more jump but miscalculate and slide off her breast and begin to fall.
  56. >Brace yourself for impact with the hard cement floor
  57. >She catches you with both hands
  58. >You sit down on her hand as she brings you up to eye level.
  59. >She's breathing hard and looks scared.
  60. >"Please be more careful you are the only friend I have, plus like a billion times cuter then all the other boys around here" she says.
  61. >She kisses you, her lips cover almost your entire body leaving you covered in saliva.
  62. >"Oops sorry" she tells you.
  63. >You motion her to put her ears near you
  64. >she does as you request
  65. >You kiss her cheek instead.
  66. >She blushes and sets you back in your bottle. and leaves to another room.
  67. >Returns a few minutes later in a nightgown.
  68. >Pours you out of your bottle and into a breast pocket on her nightgown.
  69. >She lays down on her bed and yawns.
  70. >She pats her pocket gently with her hand where you are, inside is a cotton ball that you assume is your pillow.
  71. >Goodnight new friend she says
  72. >You lay your head down on the cotton ball and make yourself comfortable using the outside of the pocket as a blanket.
  73. >goodnight new friend you repeat back.
  75. --------------------------------------------------------------
  76. (new anon writing, different than the previous writers)
  78. >It feels brighter in your surroundings, you open your eyes
  79. >There's cloth in front of you and you feel a large pressure on your back
  80. >Star hasn't woken up yet, you start squirming to get her attention
  81. >You prod at her breast in any sensitive areas you can to get a response
  82. >Nothing at first, then you start to hear small chuckles and finally outright laughter
  83. >The pressure is lifted as Star gets up
  84. >She looks down and laughs upon seeing you
  85. >The cotton ball is stuck to your head making you look like you're wearing a helmet
  86. >She puts you on her shoulder as she goes to get breakfast
  87. >Star pours herself a bowl of cereal and milk
  88. >While she is eating her cereal you lose your balance and fall in the bowl which is mostly milk now
  89. >Star notices and gasps, there is silence for a second
  90. >You begin acting like an athletic swimmer and doing butterfly strokes, backstroke, and breaststroke
  91. >Star begins to laugh hard at your antics, then suddenly stops and gets a glint in her eye
  92. >She takes a spoonful of milk with you in it and puts it in her mouth
  93. >Her tongue runs up and down your body, particularly paying attention to your lower region
  94. >She slowly pushes you out of her mouth head first as she sucks on the lower half of your body like a lollipop.
  95. >Star finally drops you out of your mouth onto her hand
  96. >You breathe heavily taking in all that just happened as Star looks on at you lovingly
  97. --------------------------------------------------------------
  98. (Original writer continuing)
  100. >She holds you close to her, as gently as possible to avoid crushing you.
  101. >You take in her sweet, calming scent as your pressed against her smooth skin.
  102. >She looks at the clock.
  103. >"It's time again!"
  104. >She eagerly gives you a soft, tiny boop on the head before setting you down in front of her.
  105. >She opens her legs and fingers herself a bit.
  106. >You run to her opening and stare up at her.
  107. >"Go ahead, and enjoy yourself too!"
  108. >You wait for her to withdraw her fingers before getting to work.
  109. >She starts to moan as your small body rubs along her vagina.
  110. >She actually looked more satisfied than last time.
  111. >You also seemed to enjoy it more this time, taking in her sugary taste, her nice warm feel.
  112. >You find her most ticklish spots, and squeeze them.
  113. >She laughs and smiles at you.
  114. >"Are you having a good time?"
  115. >You nod as you continue.
  116. >She's glad she captured you.
  117. >She cums, you do as well.
  118. >You try not to fall on the slippery floor.
  119. >Star giggles at the sight of you and helps you regain your balance.
  120. >"So cute!"
  121. >She lays down before you.
  122. >"I should keep you out of the bottle more often!"
  123. >She softly kisses you.
  124. >You forget the fact that your held hostage, and instead feel warm at the fact that you have a new best friend.
  126. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  127. (WriteFriend again, I just won't go away)
  129. >Days have past since you found the magical land floating in the sky and got captured upon arrival.
  130. >You often wonder if anyone back home misses you, at times you felt invisible and easily forgotten.
  131. >The girl hasn't left your side since she trapped you.
  132. >She tells you she's a princess in this world.
  133. >Had no idea a whole world existed below her kingdom.
  134. >She always wished for a true friend.
  135. >Stares at you through your bottle for hours each day.
  136. >She often puts you on her shoulders, tells you to sit still so the other citizens think you are a toy
  137. >She takes you everywhere through the castle and surrounding town, its all very medieval
  138. >You ask her for a nicer home
  139. >She brings you an empty treasure chest with dollhouse size furniture that's just right.
  140. >At night she sits you on her chest and you talk to her about where you are from
  141. >You ask her about her life and her problems
  142. >Sometimes you tickle her chin to make her laugh, and it works
  143. >You feel yourself growing more attached to your kidnapper but still miss home.
  144. >You ask her to let you go, promise her that you will come back to visit as much as you can.
  145. >She cries at the thought of you leaving. "I thought you could feel it, that feeling of love at first sight like I did"
  146. >You say you like her and the things you do together but still feel like a prisoner.
  147. >She gets sad and angry, in a fit of rage she smacks you with the back of her hand while you sat on a table and talked to her.
  148. >The pain is too much too much and you pass out.
  149. >Wake up to water on your forehead, someone put a warm cloth on you.
  150. >You are in your treasure chest house on your overly comfy doll bed
  151. >Suddenly the girl appears at the top of the chest, but she is your size, you think you are hallucinating from the blow to the head.
  152. >She rappels down using a rope, in her hand are what appear to be cloth bandages.
  153. >She jumps on top of you almost immediately, you can practically hear your spine snap from how hard she hugs you.
  154. >"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to please don't hate me" is one of the few things you understand as she is weeping while she talks.
  155. >She sprinkles your cheek with kisses.
  156. You are confused but ask how she got to be your size.
  157. >She tells you it's a magic spell she found, she tried to heal you while in her regular size but was afraid to do more damage then good, at least this way she could properly attend to you
  158. >You ask how long you been out, she tells you 36 hours.
  159. >She's had to re-apply the spell every few hours as its not permanent.
  160. >She kisses your lips and begs for forgiveness telling you that you can leave.
  161. >"I'll miss you more than anything, but I rather you leave than think I'm a monster"
  162. >You embrace her and tell her you are not mad, you can tell she meant it when she said she didn't mean to hurt you.
  163. >"No monster would go through all this trouble to make sure I'm ok" you whisper to her.
  164. >She is still weeping, mumbling about how she could have killed you, her best friend.
  165. >You caress her cheek and give her a kiss, an actual kiss like how you might kiss a girl back home.
  166. >You stand up as she stops crying.
  167. >"Hey look at that, I'm taller then you now" you point out as she stands up next to you.
  168. >She giggles again and wipes away her tears.
  169. >She hugs you again knowing you'll be leaving her soon.
  170. >How long until her spell wears off again you ask her.
  171. >"About an hour" she tells you.
  172. >You smile and wrap your arms around her waist.
  173. >"Now that you are my size, maybe I can properly express how much I like you" you say coyly.
  174. >She smiles from ear to ear and lays back down on your doll bed.
  175. >You climb on top of her and kiss her passionately on the lips as you unbutton her blouse.
  176. >You figure you might stay with her after all.
  178. --------------------------------------------------------------
  179. (Original writer continuing)
  181. >You keep exploring her mouth as you undress her.
  182. >You are able to strip her down to her underwear.
  183. >She moans in your mouth.
  184. >She breaks from the kiss and smirks at you as she takes off her lacy red bra.
  185. >You feel on her soft chest.
  186. >"Come on out, it's time" she says shyly.
  187. >You get excited, you finally get to satisfy her the right way.
  188. >You wink at her. "You know, not every part of me is small."
  189. >You bring attention to your erection.
  190. >She blushes at the sight of your size.
  191. >"Then prove it to me." she flirts.
  192. >You smile at her as you slide off her panties.
  193. >She spreads herself open.
  194. >You insert yourself into her surprisingly tight opening.
  195. >She moans trying to get used to her new size.
  196. >You go faster making her moan louder.
  197. >She grabs you tight and pulls you close.
  198. >"H-harder. I don't want you to have sex with me, I want you to make love to me!"
  199. >You start to passionately add force to your thrusting making Star lose control.
  200. >She moans your name uncontrollably.
  201. >You both reach climax at the same time.
  202. >You put yourself to sleep.
  204. >You wake up, Star isn't there with you.
  205. >You get out of your little house and look around she isn't to be found.
  206. >Then you notice a familiar set of loud sounds before Star appears before you big again.
  207. >Your glad she is happy this morning.
  208. >She gives you a tiny package on the tip of her finger.
  209. >I'ts a set of dimensional scissors and a new little out fit.
  210. >"So you can go home..."
  211. >She started to tear up.
  213. --------------------------------------------------------------
  214. (another random anon giving a shot at writing this story)
  216. >The two are looking at each other somberly
  217. >You put on the outfit Star gave you
  218. >It's a bunch of clothes patched together from loose scraps, and like a lot of mistakes were made making it
  219. >When you try it on it fits like a glove
  220. >Clothes these small to her must have taken hours to make right
  221. >You take out a pencil and paper and start writing a note
  222. >Minutes later, you cut open a portal and go home
  223. >"Goodbye, Marco. . ."
  224. >Star is having a harder time holding back tears at this point as they start streaming down her face
  225. >She lies on her bed in despair
  226. >Suddenly, she hears the sound of a portal open up next to her
  227. >Star sees you return through the portal
  228. >"Y-you came back? Even a-after what I've done?"
  229. >"Star, I only didn't like that you kept me a prisoner. With these scissors, now I'm free to choose where I want to be, and right now where I want to be is with you."
  230. >Star picks you up and cups you against the heart on her cheek hugging you tightly
  231. >You hug her back as best you can
  232. >She pulls you away, a huge smile on her face
  233. >"I left a note for my parents so they know I'm ok, so now we can just hang out and stuff, and I can still live my life and you can live yours, and everything will be goo- WWOAAAAAAAAH!"
  234. >Star suddenly lowered you to her chest and tucked you between her breasts so your head still stuck out.
  235. >She starts pressing her breasts together and you feel like your being squished by the lovechild of pillows and jello
  236. >You both hang out for the rest of the day and get to talking more about yourselves
  237. >Star tells you that ever since she got some magical wand a few years back, she's been trying her best to stay out of trouble or else she's get sent to princess jail, though she's pretty sure that her dad is still sneaking off having fun beating up monsters whenever he can
  238. >You tell Star about how you've spent the years training and getting better at karate with no distractions, advancing through the belts, and how you have a crush on a girl who makes you feel about as small and unnoticeable as you do around people as big as Star
  239. >Star visibly tenses up at the mention of your crush but says nothing
  240. >"H-hey, I have an idea about something really cool we can do. What do ya think, little guy, you up for some fun?"
  242. --------------------------------------------------------------
  243. (Original writer continuing)
  245. >You say yes not knowing what's going to happen.
  246. >She leaves the room and soon returns with a tiny piece of pound cake.
  247. >You notice a slight blue tint on it making you feel a bit suspicious.
  248. >"Here, eat this!" She gives you the piece on her finger.
  249. >Nervous, you take a few bites out of it. It's delicious.
  250. >Every thing gets blurry. You start to feel dizzy.
  251. >You catch a small glimpse of Star smiling at you as you finally pass out.
  253. >A little tingle is felt on your now completely bare skin waking you.
  254. >Assuming it's an itch, you begin to scratch yourself.
  255. >You stop, startled after hearing a light yelp.
  256. >You sit up.
  257. >You look...different.
  258. >Everything around you doesn't seem so big anymore.
  259. >You feel the tingle again.
  260. >You look to see where that tingle is coming from, it's Star!
  261. >Tiny Star!
  262. >You place your hand down and she climbs on it.
  263. >You bring her up to your face.>You ask her what happened while you were out.
  264. >"Oh this? I gave you an enlarging potion in that pound cake you just ate, and I gave myself a stronger version of the shrinking spell! Now both effects last a whole day!"
  265. >She turns her her head to the clock.
  266. >"And guess what, it's time."
  267. >She gives you a lewd smirk.
  268. >"I'ts my turn to satisfy you this time."
  269. >She hops off your hand and runs to your member.
  270. >She starts to rub her little warm body against the tip of your penis.
  271. >So this is what it felt like. It felt amazing.
  272. >She grabbed on as it became erect, slightly lifting her in the air.
  273. >You laugh and begin to stroke yourself.
  274. >This was pure bliss.
  275. >You cum, surprising Star.
  276. >You put her on you hand and bring her to your face again and smile at her.
  277. >"You have done very well, and for that you get a reward."
  280. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  281. (WriteFriend me they won't let me leave I've been forced to write for the last 3 days, my nipples are so bruised...oh god here they come they have the jumper cables)
  283. >Star's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.
  284. >She slips and falls on your hand as she is still drenched from head to toe from the unexpected cum shower you gave her.
  285. >She giggles and begins to lick the cum around her lips and chin with her tongue, moving on to her arms and hands. She almost looks like a cat licking itself.
  286. >"It tastes so yummy" She says licking her fingers dry and then scooping up more creamy goodness from the rest of her body.
  287. >You pat her head gently with your finger, somehow you doubt any girl back home would do this for you.
  288. >After she finishes she lays down on your chest face down.
  289. >You gently caress her back with your finger, she shivers as you touch her.
  290. >"I love it when you touch me like that" she tells you.
  291. >"I want you to forget all about that other girl" She whispers softly.
  292. >You think about it, its true these past few days you hardly think about her. You used to dream of kissing her and making love to her but now that starting to feel like another life.
  293. >"What are we?" you ask her.
  294. >"What do you mean?" She answers you still snuggled up on your bare chest.
  295. >"I mean can I tell people you are my girlfriend? Or am I just a phase a boy you trapped in a bottle after I climbed a demonic bean stalk expecting adventure trying to show others I'm not a loser who doesn't take risks"
  296. >Star looked saddened, but she understood what you meant. The past few days have been a confusing time for both of you.
  297. >"When I asked you a few days ago if you believed in love at first sight I asked because love is what I felt the first time I laid eyes on you...I just wish I could have better expressed those feelings besides putting you in a bottle" She said letting a few tears fall on to your skin.
  298. >She continues, "I just thought, I thought you would run away the second you got the chance and leave me alone, I know its a confusing message from a girl that is suppose to love you."
  299. >"I want to believe that you love me but you have only known me a few days so I just can't help shake the feeling that Ia m indeed just a phase" You tell her.
  300. >" I don't know what it is Marco, luck or destiny but believe me when I say that I don't ever want to lose you" She stell you and stands up and hugs the base of your chin.
  301. >I know what you are trying to say but it still doesn't answer what we are" you say.
  302. >"What I am is your princess, and you my prince...if you want to be" she tells you.
  303. >You caress her back again, and nod you understand now. "I want to be your everything" You tell her.
  304. She smiles back at you and kisses your cheek.
  305. >"Cast the shrink spell on me" You ask.
  306. >"But I thought that-""
  307. >"Please". You say...and Star complies.
  308. >You start feeling weird again and suddenly the room around you got bigger and bigger finally you weere almost the same size as Star once again.
  309. >"But I thought you'd like being big" she finally says.
  310. >You motion to her to cuddle with you, and she obeys.
  311. >"I like...being able to hold you in my arms...for now and forever." you tell her.
  312. >She squels a happy squeal.
  313. >"Just don't tell my mom you deflowered her daughter, she tends to get very murder happy over things"
  314. >"Wait I was your first?, for the record you were too" you ask.
  315. >"Yes...and its only gotten better every time"
  316. >"I was that bad huh?" you ask sounding dissapointed.
  317. >"I liked it, then again I had nothing to compare it too other then touching myself" she giggles as she talks.
  318. >"you just shrug. "Least I didn't make you a lesbian afterward thats a guys biggest fear "
  319. >"I don't know what that is, I just know I love you and I want to be with you and someday give you a child...and if you keep making love to me like you did last time that day may come sooner then you think" She told you while she stroke your chin.
  320. >You laugh nervously, things are moving faster then you ever imagined. Regardless it's not like you can resist her beautiful body.
  321. >"Goodnight my princess" you say kissing her forehead.
  322. >"Goodnight my prince" she replies back.
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