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- import serial, math
- from evdev import UInput, AbsInfo, ecodes as e
- from time import sleep
- from gpiozero import Button
- from alsaaudio import Mixer
- #Variables
- serialInputDevice = '/dev/ttyUSB0'
- timeToSleep = .03333 # Time between loops
- joystickDividend = 12.0 # tanh(x/joystickDividend) to convert pulses to axis
- ##########################################################################
- # Definitions that shouldnt be changed
- ##########################################################################
- def convertAxisData(data):
- if data == '\x01' :
- return 1
- elif data == '\xfe' :
- return -1
- return 0
- mouse = {
- e.EV_KEY : [e.BTN_MOUSE],
- e.EV_REL : [e.REL_X, e.REL_Y, e.REL_Z],
- e.EV_MSC : [e.MSC_SCAN]
- }
- joystick = {
- e.EV_KEY : [e.BTN_START, e.BTN_SELECT, e.BTN_A, e.BTN_B, e.BTN_C ],
- e.EV_ABS : [(e.ABS_X, AbsInfo(0, -32767, 32767, 0, 0, 0)),
- (e.ABS_Y, AbsInfo(0, -32767, 32767, 0, 0, 0)),
- (e.ABS_Z, AbsInfo(0, -32767, 32767, 0, 0, 0))]
- }
- downA = False
- downB = False
- downC = False
- downStart = False
- downSelect = False
- downModeSelect = False
- joystickMode = True
- volumeLevel = -1
- ###########################################################################
- mix = Mixer('PCM')
- ser = serial.Serial(serialInputDevice,100000)
- uiMouse = UInput(mouse, name='A1UP-Trackball-Spinner', version = 0x3)
- uiJoystick = UInput(joystick, name='A1UP-Centipede-Panel', version = 0x3)
- buttonA = Button(5)
- buttonB = Button(6)
- buttonC = Button(13)
- buttonStart = Button(19)
- buttonSelect = Button(26)
- switchVolA = Button(20)
- switchVolB = Button(21)
- while 1:
- #K, let's check buttons. Start with mode change
- if buttonSelect.is_pressed and buttonA.is_pressed:
- if not downModeSelect:
- downModeSelect = True
- joystickMode = not joystickMode
- if joystickMode:
- print("Joystick Mode ON")
- else:
- print("Mouse Mode ON")
- else:
- downModeSelect = False
- if buttonA.is_pressed and not downModeSelect:
- if not downA:
- downA = True
- if joystickMode:
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_KEY, e.BTN_A,1)
- uiMouse.write(e.EV_KEY, e.BTN_MOUSE,0)
- else:
- uiMouse.write(e.EV_KEY, e.BTN_MOUSE,1)
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_KEY, e.BTN_A,0)
- elif downA:
- downA = False
- uiMouse.write(e.EV_KEY, e.BTN_MOUSE,0)
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_KEY,e.BTN_A,0)
- if buttonB.is_pressed:
- if not downB:
- downB = True
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_KEY, e.BTN_B,1)
- elif downB:
- downB = False
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_KEY,e.BTN_B,0)
- if buttonC.is_pressed:
- if not downC:
- downC = True
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_KEY, e.BTN_C, 1)
- elif downC:
- downC = False
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_KEY,e.BTN_C,0)
- if buttonStart.is_pressed:
- if not downStart:
- downStart = True
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_KEY, e.BTN_START, 1)
- elif downStart:
- downStart = False
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_KEY, e.BTN_START, 0)
- if buttonSelect.is_pressed:
- if not downSelect:
- downSelect = True
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_KEY, e.BTN_SELECT, 1)
- elif downSelect:
- downSelect = False
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_KEY, e.BTN_SELECT, 0)
- if switchVolA.is_pressed:
- if volumeLevel != 0:
- volumeLevel = 0
- mix.setvolume(0)
- elif switchVolB.is_pressed:
- if volumeLevel != 2:
- volumeLevel = 2
- mix.setvolume(90)
- else:
- if volumeLevel != 1:
- volumeLevel = 1
- mix.setvolume(60)
- # Now do the trackball stuff
- lengthOfBuffer = ser.in_waiting
- bytesRead =
- deltaX = 0
- deltaY = 0
- deltaZ = 0
- iterator = 0
- loopTimes = math.floor(lengthOfBuffer/4)
- #buffer should always be a multiple of 4, but sometimes we drop bytes.
- #if that happens, we don't want a fraction on the loop.
- while iterator < loopTimes :
- if bytesRead[iterator*4] != '\xff':
- #The 4 byte packet always starts with 255, if we dropped some bytes
- #and it's no longer in sync it's just easier to end the loop.
- break
- deltaX += convertAxisData(bytesRead[iterator*4+1])
- deltaY += convertAxisData(bytesRead[iterator*4+2])
- deltaZ += convertAxisData(bytesRead[iterator*4+3])
- iterator+=1
- #We use the deltas to simulate the mouse/joystick!
- if joystickMode:
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_ABS, e.ABS_X, int(math.tanh(deltaX/joystickDividend)*32767))
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_ABS, e.ABS_Y, int(math.tanh(deltaY/joystickDividend)*32767))
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_ABS, e.ABS_Z, int(math.tanh(deltaZ/joystickDividend)*32767))
- uiMouse.write(e.EV_REL, e.REL_X, 0)
- uiMouse.write(e.EV_REL, e.REL_Y, 0)
- uiMouse.write(e.EV_REL, e.REL_Z, 0)
- else:
- uiMouse.write(e.EV_REL,e.REL_X, deltaX)
- uiMouse.write(e.EV_REL,e.REL_Y, deltaY)
- uiMouse.write(e.EV_REL,e.REL_Z, deltaZ)
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_ABS, e.ABS_X, 0)
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_ABS, e.ABS_Y, 0)
- uiJoystick.write(e.EV_ABS, e.ABS_Z, 0)
- #Sync our fake inputs
- uiMouse.syn()
- uiJoystick.syn()
- sleep(timeToSleep)
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