

Aug 31st, 2015
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  1. CursedMoon has joined the chat
  2. RoseSyriac: /me waits paitently
  3. RoseSyriac: dang.. I tried XD
  4. EmeliaBowers: Yeah been one of those days
  5. Guest_SnowPipGuest_SnowPip WhisperAdd Friend has joined the chat
  6. deathinchains666deathinchains666 Whisper: that it has...
  7. deathinchains666 deathinchains666 WhisperNarrate lays out on the couch
  8. RoseSyriac has left the chat
  9. Guest_VanoCat has joined the chat
  10. deathinchains666: Welcome
  11. Guest_VanoCat: sup
  12. Guest_VanoCat: 030
  13. deathinchains666: Status please?
  14. Guest_VanoCat: im hear to adopt a furry
  15. CursedMoon: death
  16. CursedMoon: out of the mod area
  17. CursedMoon: thank you
  18. Guest_VanoCat: o.o
  19. Guest_nnathanial: Moon thast Ems pet
  20. CursedMoon: hes in my seat
  21. CursedMoon: and its the mod area o.e
  22. deathinchains666: i have permission from shadow to be here
  23. CursedMoon: then get the fuck out of my seat
  24. Guest_VanoCat: um e__e
  25. deathinchains666 whispers: good lord someone is cranky
  26. CursedMoon: youre really starting to piss me ogg
  27. CursedMoon: off*
  28. EmeliaBowers: Death is my pet
  29. EmeliaBowers: he is MORE than welcome to sit here with me.
  30. EmeliaBowers: and always has been.
  31. deathinchains666: i havn't done anything i shouldnt
  32. CursedMoon: hes in my seat
  33. Guest_VanoCat has left the chat
  34. deathinchains666 whispers: permission to be a smart ass?
  35. EmeliaBowers: IYou could have asked nicely instead of raging about it.
  36. deathinchains666 whispers: :D
  37. EmeliaBowers > deathinchains666: Let me handle it.
  38. deathinchains666 whispers: as you wish
  39. CursedMoon: I am behaving the same way I normally do.
  40. EmeliaBowers: Have you read the rules by the wall, I'm pretty sure be respectful is on there, and i'm also sitting on Death's lap.
  41. EmeliaBowers: Nope respect is not on there.
  42. EmeliaBowers: But it's always been a rule here.
  43. CursedMoon: on my screen youre standing right next to me
  44. CursedMoon: if you really have a problem with my attitude talk with shades.
  45. EmeliaBowers: I do have a problem with your attitude right now. You've been here for so long, you should know that this room is a peaceful one. AND we have recently redone the place changing the rules and mod codes for everyone.
  46. CursedMoon: wouldnt it apply to the people that are aware of that?
  47. CursedMoon: How can I be expected to know the rules when I wasnt informed on any changed?
  48. EmeliaBowers: Respect has ALWAYS been a rule here, and it's the only rule you're breaking.
  49. deathinchains666 whispers: the urge to scream out "use your eyes" is killing me....
  50. CursedMoon: I broke it by wanting my seat? all becuase i didnt ask nicely. okay.
  51. deathinchains666 whispers: and that there are 7 other seats just like it
  52. CursedMoon: I get yall are in a bad mood, but honestly, if you didnt have a problem with me before why start now?
  53. deathinchains666 whispers: oh shit
  54. EmeliaBowers: I've never had a problem with you before, but I was in a GREAT mood until you started about your seat. There are so many just like it, and you're not the only one who sits here.
  55. EmeliaBowers: Hell I could name off so many people who sit in that seat.
  56. deathinchains666 the tip of his tail flicks back and forth
  57. EmeliaBowers: FOr fuck sake if you want you can even sit in my fucking throne. I don't give a shit.
  58. CursedMoon: lol
  59. Al3xStardust has joined the chat
  60. EmeliaBowers: Now I'm done speaking with you. Before you put me in a worse mood.
  61. deathinchains666: Hey star
  62. EmeliaBowers: Hey Alex what's up ^.^
  63. EmeliaBowers: Good to see you again.
  64. Al3xStardust: Hey guys.
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