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a guest
Jan 22nd, 2018
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  1. Set=Page 1@
  2. Aura[1]=Version:4.22; b:0.0392; g:0.9294; icon:Ability_Hunter_ImprovedSteadyShot; buffname:Improved Steady Shot; texture:2; inVehicle:0; speed:0.24; size:1.31; y:-25; texmode:1; timer.h:4.97; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:-133; timer.x:-32; timer.Transparent:true@
  3. Aura[2]=Version:4.22; anim1:4; g:0.4863; icon:INV_Spear_07; buffname:Fire!; r:0.1059; begin:1; customname:82928; texture:10; alpha:1; wowtex:true; size:1.63; y:-21; texmode:1; finish:3@
  4. Aura[3]=Version:4.22; b:0.1804; anim1:4; g:0.749; icon:Ability_Hunter_MendPet; buffname:Mend Pet; begin:1; unitn:Only for raid/group.; focus:true; texture:21; mine:true; sound:1; stacksOperator:=; combat:true; size:0.76; texmode:1@
  5. Aura[4]=Version:4.22; g:0.1686; icon:Ability_ImpalingBolt; buffname:Arcane Shot; r:0.2392; begin:2; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:7; texture:28; stacksOperator:=; combat:true; size:0.58; texmode:1@
  6. Aura[5]=Version:4.22; g:0.6078; icon:INV_Spear_07; buffname:Aimed Shot; r:0.6118; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:7; texture:16; alpha:0.8; symetrie:1; speed:0.5; stacksOperator:=; combat:true; size:0.4; texmode:1@
  7. Aura[6]=Version:4.22; b:0.5725; anim1:4; g:0; icon:Ability_Hunter_ChimeraShot2; buffname:Chimera Shot; r:0.6941; begin:1; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:7; texture:7; alpha:0.9; speed:0.75; stacksOperator:=; combat:true; size:0.86; texmode:1@
  8. Aura[7]=Version:4.22; b:0.3176; anim1:4; target:true; icon:Ability_Hunter_Quickshot; buffname:serpent; r:0.4235; begin:1; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:2; texture:2; alpha:1; mine:true; sound:12; stacksOperator:=; combat:true; size:0.76; texmode:1; inverse:true@
  9. Aura[8]=Version:4.22; b:0.2863; anim1:2; g:0.1882; icon:Ability_Hunter_Assassinate2; buffname:Kill Shot; x:-70; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:7; texture:8; stacksOperator:=; combat:true; size:0.2; y:22; texmode:1@
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