

Aug 4th, 2019
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  1. # The message the player is sent.
  2. # {name} shows the name of the mob or player.
  3. # {health} shows current health of the mob or player.
  4. # {maxhealth} shows the max health of the mob or player.
  5. # {usestyle} will use the defined chars.
  6. # {displayname} will use player/mob custom name.
  7. # Has support for PlaceholderAPI and MVdWPlaceholderAPI.
  8. Health Message: '{name} &7[{usestyle}&7] &7[&a{health}&7/&a{maxhealth}&7]'
  10. # If set empty it will default to the one above.
  11. # This message is sent to all non player entities.
  12. # All the placeholders from above work here also.
  13. Non Player Message: ''
  15. # The message the player is sent to the player if they have actionhealth disabled.
  16. # {name} shows the name of the player.
  17. Toggle Message: ''
  19. # Message sent to player when player enables actionhealth
  20. # {name} shows the name of the player.
  21. On Enable: '&7Отображение здоровья &cвключено&7.'
  23. # Message sent to player when player disables actionhealth
  24. # {name} shows the name of the player.
  25. On Disable: '&7Отображение здоровья &cотключено&7.'
  27. # Strip Name.
  28. Strip Name: false
  30. # If enabled players with the permission 'ActionHealth.Health' will only see the action health message.
  31. Use Permissions: false
  33. # If set to false player will not see health messages from mobs.
  34. Show Mob: true
  36. # If set to false player will not see health messages from other players.
  38. Show Player: true
  40. # If set to true player will get the message in a delay to get 100% accurate health. Useful for plugins that add damage by reading item lore.
  41. Delay Message: true
  42. # Amount delayed by
  43. Delay Tick: 5
  45. # Style Health
  46. Full Health Icon: "&c\u007C"
  47. Half Health Icon: "&c\u007C"
  48. Empty Health Icon: "&4\u007C"
  50. # Set names. Case sensitive!
  51. Name Change: true
  52. Name:
  53. - Chicken = &aКурица
  54. - Pig = &aСвинья
  55. - Zombie = &aЗомби
  56. - Sheep = &aОвечка
  57. - Wolf = &aВолк
  58. - Parrot = &aПопугай
  59. - Llama = &aЛама
  60. - Cow = &aКорова
  61. - Rabbit = &aКролик
  62. - Spider = &aПаук
  63. - Creeper = &aКрипер
  64. - Skeleton = &aСкелет
  65. - Donkey = &aОсел
  66. - Mule = &aМул
  67. - Bat = &aЛетучая мышь
  68. - Squid = &aКальмар
  69. - Witch = &aВедьма
  70. - Horse = &aЛошадь
  71. - Wither = &aИссушитель
  72. - PigZombie = &aЗомби-свинья
  73. - Shulker = &aШалкер
  74. - Vex = &aДосаждатель
  75. - Enderman = &aЭндермэн
  76. - Ocelot = &aОцелот
  77. - Husk = &aПесчаный зомби
  78. - Blaze = &aИфрит
  79. - SkeletonHorse = &aЛошадь-скелет
  80. - Villager = &aЖитель
  81. - Ghast = &aГаст
  82. - Endermite = &aЭндер-чешуйница
  83. - MagmaCube = &aМагма-куб
  84. - Evoker = &aПризыватель
  85. - ElderGuardian = &aДревний страж
  86. - CaveSpider = &aПещерный паук
  87. - WitherSkeleton = &aСкелет-иссушитель
  88. - StraySkeleton = &aСкелет-бродяга
  89. - Slime = &aСлизняк
  90. - Polar Bear = &aПолярный медведь
  91. - Mooshroom = &aМуххомор
  92. - IronGolem = &aЖелезный голем
  93. - Illusioner = &aИллюзор
  94. - Vindicator = &aПоборник
  95. - ZombieHorse = &aЛошадь-зомби
  96. - Phantom = &aФантом
  97. - Dolphin = &aДельфин
  98. - Salmon = &aЛосось
  99. - Turtle = &aЧерепаха
  100. - Drowned = &aУтопленник
  101. - Guardian = &aСтраж
  102. - Silverfish = &aЧешуйница
  103. # ActionHealth will be disabled for any world names added below. Case sensitive!
  104. Disabled worlds:
  105. - randomworld
  107. Disabled regions:
  108. - spawn
  110. # Disable ActionHealth in regions where PvP is denied.
  111. Region PvP: true
  113. # Limits the health style to a certain amount of symbols.
  114. Limit Health: 50
  116. # Saves players /actionhealth toggle state.
  117. Remember Toggle: false
  119. # Blacklist by entity name or entity display name.
  120. Blacklist:
  121. - 'CCPD Officer'
  123. # Show the health of the entity that the player is looking at.
  124. Show On Look: true
  125. Look Distance: 64
  127. # Check if player can see entity before sending health.
  128. Can See: true
  130. # Hide action health if entity has invisible potion on.
  131. Invisible Potion: true
  133. # Hide if entity is in spectator mode.
  134. Spectator Mode: true
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