
03.24 spirit realm invite?

Apr 12th, 2018
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  1. [00:02:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (woo.. so stronk..)
  2. [00:03:37] LOOC - Xoconan: (Hm)
  3. [00:03:37] LOOC - Xoconan: (Yep, plasma gives 10 agi)
  4. [00:03:37] LOOC - Xoconan: (wtf)
  5. [00:07:02] Lotlhuitl felt that pang of disappointment like a dagger to her heart. Still, though. It wasn't like she flinched. Or.. said anything. She wasn't so easily tamed. Freed from Xoconan's magic, the Nagual with the blue-black hair had jumped to her feet.
  7. "My freedom." Lotlhuitl said, simply enough. "Name your price."
  8. (Lotlhuitl)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [00:07:53] Xoconan says, "I... I felt alive for the first time today up there..."
  12. [00:07:53] Xoconan says, "My price is simple. You'll finish the night with me."
  13. [00:08:44] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xoconan! They're unable to continue fighting.
  14. [00:08:44] LOOC - Xoconan: (Jeez you need some CC)
  15. [00:10:27] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xoconan! They're unable to continue fighting.
  16. [00:10:27] LOOC - Xoconan: (should've made that cap 6, though the result is the same)
  17. [00:11:18] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Yeah. I mean. We could go again? :P
  18. [00:11:18] LOOC - Xoconan: (:thinking:)
  19. [00:15:34] She didn't want to hold back, it went against her very principles for fighting an honor duel, but... It didn't matter. The gap was too large, and for it all, no matter how much fury Lotlhuitl might come at Xoconan with, the younger woman refused to hurt her in return.
  21. Not to say it wasn't painful for the Nagual. The strange plasma energy would've been toned down from its normal flesh-searing power to something merely shocking. Burns that would rapidly heal, shocks that would fade in minutes. Enough to pain, but not wound.
  23. With a motion, the girl would be thrown forward through the air, landing gently in Xoconans arms, careful to catch her so that the woman's wounded left arm would be safe.
  25. "I win..." She said simply, holding her tightly against herself.
  26. (Xoconan)
  27. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. [00:15:34] LOOC - Xoconan: (Follow me)
  30. [00:26:40] Lotlhuitl crashed down on Xoconan, full of sound and fury. But ultimately? It came down to nothing. The wind had been knocked from her lungs, and so it was that she was silent as Xoconan summoned her forth. Throwing her forward. She might have yelped, in anticipation of pain -- her left arm was an obvious weak point. Might have, but she couldn't.
  32. And even when her breath returned, she still couldn't breathe. She'd lost, again. Despite all her rage. And for what? To upset Xoconan? With a whimper, she exhaled, burying her face against Xoconan's neck.. her uninjured arm snaking around to wrap around Xoconan's shoulders. Searching for comfort. Or... as a kind of apology? Or something else? In truth, Lotlhuitl didn't know where she stood. What she was doing.
  34. "You win." She exhaled, finally conceding after a long period of trembling silence.
  35. (Lotlhuitl)
  36. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. [00:32:38] "Come on..." Still nearly nude, she floated them back to the place they'd had before, onto her cloak, laying out onto the makeshift mat. "Tell me..."
  40. A hand gently rubbed at the Naguals back. "Why is this so bad?" Curious, as she held onto her tightly, refusing to give an inch as her aura worked to warm the two once more.
  42. "I'm not letting go now..."
  43. (Xoconan)
  44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. [00:42:01] Lotlhuitl was, once more, in Xoconan's arms. Lying back, she blinked at the younger female. Dark eyelashes slowly rising and falling. Xoconan was rubbing her back. Why was it so bad? "It isn't." Lotlhuitl begrudgingly admitted. It wasn't 'bad,' at least in the strictest sense. Her tail flicked against Xoconan. Her hair was spread out on Xoconan's cloak, all silken and long.
  48. Lotlhuitl spent some time awkwardly untangling her (already tangle free!) hair, setting it out so that she wasn't lying atop it. All why she deflected answering Xoconan's question properly.
  50. The only response she seemed to be able to dignify Xoconan's taunt (or was it just a promise?) that he wasn't going to let go was to half heartedly screw her nose up at him.
  52. But.. fine. She would answer his question properly.
  54. "It's.. overwhelming," she admitted. "And I don't like not being Incontrol."
  55. (Lotlhuitl)
  56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. [00:42:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (not being in control.. I don't know how it keeps not havin spaces.. I swear I use the in the RP box..)
  59. [00:43:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (all while..)
  60. [00:43:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ok.. maybe i am a little sleepy ahaha)
  61. [00:58:14] Her hands continued to rub across Lotlhuitl, across her back, her shoulders, holding her, *touching* her. And slowly, as the adrenaline in her blood from the fight, no matter how half-hearted it'd been faded, her smile came back.
  63. "Then... Let me fix that..." She offered softly, pressing her head inward. "I... I made what I want pretty clear, but... I don't want to just take it from you." Eyes closed as she spoke.
  65. "I'll make you a deal..." She pushed up onto an elbow, now on her side to look the Nagual woman in the eye. "You lead, give me what I want tonight, and short freeing you, I'll give you something *you* want. Name it."
  67. It felt odd, bargaining, but... She needed to feel alive. She needed to dispel that curse.
  68. (Xoconan)
  69. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. [01:19:34] "Yes, well. I don't.. I don't understand what you want." Lotlhuitl had stammered, her green eyes wide and looking up at Xoconan as the younger female-presenting warrior leant up on an elbow and made her an offer.
  73. And indeed, the Nagual did have a distinctly bewildered vibe to her. There was no evidence of guile or ill intent in her gaze. Though, there was still that slight blush lending a certain deep pink to her cheeks.
  75. And.. after a moment? "Oh," Lotlhuitl said. The woman squirmed against Xoconan, her right hand stroking through the young warrior's messy hair. And.. after a moment of hesitation, and more than one moment of thought, Lotlhuitl leant in and placed a chaste kiss against Xoconan's cheek.
  77. "I want revenge." Lotlhuitl breathed, her eyes narrowing. Lotlhuitl's entire body tensed, but she did (perhaps thankfully for Xoconan) stop short of grabbing hold of younger woman's hair. "Toka. I want you to avenge me and humiliate her. Publicly. She.. she not only insulted me. Not only stole from me. She injured me. And she picked me up, afterwards. Treated me like a-"
  79. Lotlhuitl shuddered, cutting herself off.
  80. (Lotlhuitl)
  81. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. [01:35:47] She smiled softly at the thought. Revenge, huh? Considering what Toka had done, it made complete and utter sense. A long sigh came to her lips, but not a weary one. Simply a breath, before a hand came to cup the back of Lotlhuitl's head, pulling them close together.
  85. "Revenge? Alright." She smiled. "I'll give you your revenge... Stay with me tonight, and I'll fix Toka's insult to you." Her eyes took on a predatory quality, shifting to press herself against the Nagual again.
  87. "After tonight."
  88. (Xoconan)
  89. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. [01:56:16] Lotlhuitl shivered.
  93. But this time? The shiver was accompanied with a smile. A look of wonder, as she leant into Xoconan's personal space, trembling hand tracing over the female-presenting warrior's (extra!) lovely form.
  95. The Nagual let herself be entwined into Xoconan's limbs. Pressed herself against the lovely young woman.
  97. And, relaxing, Lotlhuitl gave Xoconan what (she thought!) the lovely female-appearing warrior wanted.
  98. (Lotlhuitl)
  99. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. [02:03:05] LOOC - Xoconan: (Here u go)
  102. [02:03:56] Olander says, "By any means, if you find Master Chieftan Karma an uncomfortable title, I shall refer to you as simply... Chieftan, sir."
  103. [02:03:56] Olander ponders for a moment, and then nods. He looks to Citlalli, once more, for reassurance.
  104. (Olander)
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [02:19:18] A week. Time passes quick on Agartha, but a week from the Jianghese assult has already passed. Hatred can still be felt like molasses in the air as the Chieftain of the Atl flies above the top of the temple, pride ready to lash out. Two pillars extend from the top, continuing to be worked upon tirelessly by the Occali under his command.
  109. The nearby area was once cratered, and the wall destroyed, but bricks are slowly being mended, the earth is slowly tended to, fixing it. And so, through gritted teeth the sinner of pride merely watches his world rebuild from the loss..
  111. "Blood. I will have their blood."
  113. These words are stated from his mouth as he moves through the sky. Hatred is focused, pulsing around him through closed eyes.
  115. "They will suffer."
  116. (Xomac Tepin)
  117. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  119. [02:30:24] The Nagual's interest in the repair work had lasted a good minute before being completely expended. She hadn't come here to watch slaves lift heavy things. No. She'd come here for something else.
  121. Xomac Tepin.
  123. Green eyes stared up at Xomac Tepin from the courtyard. Feline. Appraising.
  125. Lotlhuitl inhaled. Slooowly.
  127. Hatred. Strong enough to twist the mana here.
  129. Something close to a thrill flowed through her body, adrenaline surging -- along with something else. A spike of her own energy, setting her own energy humming almost in the same key. Almost.
  131. It.. wasn't a pleasant feeling. It set her jaw on edge. Visibly made her tense. And.. worse, it reminded her of the warning of the creature which had attacked the Cruxati. The warning that the spirits were angry. The suspicion that she was partially responsible.
  133. Lotlhuitl pushed that to one side. That was a thought that was going to have to go in the 'to think about later, box.'
  135. "Chieftain Xomac Tepin," Lotlhuitl said, forming Xomac's name at the same time as her lips formed a smile. She stood almost below him, looking up. If she had heard what he had said, she didn't show any sign of it. "Could we speak?"
  136. (Lotlhuitl)
  137. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  139. [02:37:13] 'The spirits are angry'. The words of the Atl clansman played in the Chieftain's head as his silver hues glanced at the pillars in construction. Teeth grit in sheer frustration.. Fingers crack, and bend inwards, far past where they are supposed to, then unbend, any damage quickly healed without a flicker of pain on the 'God's' face.
  141. "I'm far angrier." The words were mostly mumbled to himself as the hatred seeped into the very bricks that built the temple, the very ground around him. Golden wings flap as he continues to hover, up until a voice rings out, drawing him away from his meditation.
  143. It's contorted, his expression, as if the loss was something of unbearable agony. Despite this, the physical strain that should be on his body, there is only anger, only rage at the insult that is the result of the raid.
  145. "Speak."
  147. The Pride around him makes something different for once. Rather then appearing as a God, Xomac looks akin to a demon, akin to a devil in his rage.. Some lines that should not have been crossed had been utterly crossed.
  149. "I am focusing on the deaths of the mongrels of Jianghu. Their blood will flow."
  150. (Xomac Tepin)
  151. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  153. [02:46:36] Lotlhuitl's green eye subtly widened as she became aware that she had attracted Xomac's attention. It had been what she wanted, her goal, and even so.. she couldn't help shivering. For a second, she was almost struck dumb by his presence.
  155. Instead, she embraced that seed of anger. For obvious reasons, that felt easier to do at the epicentre of hateful pride which now all of Atl revolved around.
  157. "I also wish to bring about the deaths of the Jianghu." Lotlhuitl stated, raising her voice so that Xomac could hear her.
  159. The Nagual was wearing a lot of jewellery. And as she spoke, she moved, adding emphasis with her hands. And the jewellery shifted, subtly jingling.
  161. But the precious metals, they dulled in comparison with that awful, terrible, awesome light that surrounded Xomac.
  163. Perhaps he really was a God.
  165. Well. Those who plot his death, better hope that he wasn't. Lotlhuitl wasn't so certain that Gods could be killed.
  166. (Lotlhuitl)
  167. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  169. [02:52:35] "You should." The red haired man simply states, the silver hues staring at the woman, irate towards the world itself. "They are below us, mangy dogs and filth. They come to Agartha, come to take the shards for what purpose? Just to keep it out of Gehenna's hands. Just to keep the cycle of death on the homelands going. Even when invited to talk diplomacy, they are more keen on destruction of my Atl, of Gehenna, then they would like to admit.
  171. Karma and Kayeliun do not see it. But death will come and every moment not spent stomping Jianghu into the ground is a moment that they grow stronger. If you wish to bring about deaths? Raise your blade in my honor, fight for Xomac Tepin and Gehenna against these filthy, filthy, fools."
  173. No light shines from Xomac, yet.. It almost as if one is. He speaks and the fires around the temples grow in heat and size. The plants writhe in agreement. The stars fill his words with energy. The whispers of Pride state that he is right, that he a God and can not be wrong.
  175. "They will be crushed."
  176. (Xomac Tepin)
  177. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  179. [03:08:48] Lotlhuitl inhaled as Xomac spoke. As if she had been holding her breath. As if his presence threatened to overwhelm her. And indeed, had she been weak of will, she likely would have been overwhelmed.
  181. But she was not weak of will. Even if she had been weak of will, she already had a living Goddess, whom she served... and Xoconan.
  183. And so she did not fall to her knees and swear allegiance to Xomac, as much as some part of her thrilled at the idea.
  185. But even so, it was clear that by the way she stared up at him, transfixed, ears pricked forward, and by the way that she nodded as she listened, that she had found truth in what Xomac had to say.
  187. "Were my blade mine to offer, I would, Mighty Xomac." Lotlhuitl began. A frown. The Nagual broke eye contact, her hands balling into fists. "It is not a slave's place to swear herself one way or the other. And I am bound by honour in more ways than one to decline such a mission."
  189. It.. shamed her to say as such, and visibly so. Her tail thrashed violently. Her anger was made all the more intense by Xomac's corrupting presence. It threatened to bubble to the surface. She stiffened, shoulders squaring as she slowly trailed her gaze up the God-Chieftain's form.
  191. "No. All I suppose I came to ask is, does Atl ride for war with all Jianghu? Or.. are the specific individuals who dared attack Gehenna, are they known?"
  192. (Lotlhuitl)
  193. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  195. [03:14:46] "Tsk."
  197. The silver hues narrow, quickly losing interest as the other Gehennan reveals themselves to be a slave, and thus not willing to fight. Fists once more ball and unball in annoyance, the hatred around him seemingly ready to lash out. The telekinetic forth grows stronger, not touching Lothlhuitl, radiating around her.
  199. "Then don't. Don't fight for me, don't fight for Gehenna. And when the world is in flames, when all Gehennans suffer at the hand of Jianghu.. Well all will know who to blame."
  201. The anger seeps in around him, into the very foundation of the world. It is not as if he needs to say more, merely turning around and watching the pillars that were being worked upon by the Occali.
  203. "Atl rides for war with all of Jianghu. Those who abandon their false Gods and pray to the true God will be spared. The non-magi will be captured, not killed initially..
  205. But I will kill the elected. I will kill that cowardwho can not even stand on his own two feet and face me alone."
  206. (Xomac Tepin)
  207. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  209. [03:25:52] Xomac was right. These Jiangs, they were almost as duplicitous as Vaslmasians. Lotlhuitl had remained still, feeling the hatred like a force around her. It.. made her bones ache. It.. made the anger inside her bubble forth.
  211. "I.. I will earn my freedom. Then.. then I will fight for Gehenna once more." Lotlhuitl swore. And she meant it. Earnestly. Though, it still felt somewhat of a weak statement. But what else could she do? She couldn't swear to Xomac. To do so would be meaningless, considering her current state.
  213. She supposed she could convince Xoconan to fight against Jianghu. But to fight for Atl? Or, heck, even with Atl? Xoconan hated Xomac with the burning intensity of a thousand suns.
  216. (Lotlhuitl)
  217. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  219. [03:29:16] It was corrupting, consuming, contagious, the hatred that surrounded Xomac, as if it were an attempt to stir all surrounding him up into a frenzy. It was destructive, wanting to drive all and everyone against his targets.. And it seemed to be doing well. The red haired man stares forwards a few more seconds before nodding towards the woman.
  221. "Good. Earn your freedom. Fight for Gehenna. Strike Jianghu, kill those who would stand against ME, those who would stand against Gehenna. Do not let them get away. Recall all the times the Jiaghese made Gehenna suffer, all the times they interrupted our wars or hurt our people..
  223. Follow your hatred."
  225. With that? The Chieftain of the Atl stepped forwards, moving past the Nagual and down the steps.
  227. "I will be resting. Farewell."
  228. (Xomac Tepin)
  229. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  231. [03:31:50] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, Chieftain Tepin. "
  232. [03:31:50] Lotlhuitl says, "Farewell."
  233. [03:31:50] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: ((oh
  234. [03:31:50] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: ((i thought you might want to do one more red
  235. [03:32:41] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: ((coolio. going to go instead and log
  236. [03:32:41] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh, I thooought you had to go to sleeep)
  237. [03:32:41] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (night!)
  238. [03:32:41] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: ((nah, i'm cool with waiting one more red if you wanna
  239. [03:39:31] "Nng.."
  241. Lotlhuitl had found herself groaning under her breath, hands clenched into fists so tightly that her fingernails threatened to draw blood.
  243. Xomac Tepin passed close by her. Almost brushed against her. The air around him was so charged, it felt like he was a magnet. Except, instead of affecting metals, there was this distinct pull on her mind.
  245. So close to him, she couldn't resist. And really, the thoughts had never been too far from the surface. It wasn't like youthful Lotlhuitl needed excuses to hate outsiders.
  247. The Nagual's ears had pinned back, the soft, sleek fur on her long, blue-black tail bristling. She squared her shoulders as the hatred flared up within her. She wanted to go now. Wanted to go strike the Jianghuanese. Make their suffering be a thousandfold worse than any they had inflicted on Gehenna.
  249. But first, her freedom.
  251. "Yes, Chieftain Tepin." Lotlhuitl repeated, her enthusiastic tone indicating how swayed by Xomac's opinion she had become.
  253. Well. Which wasn't hard. She had pretty much already been there.
  254. (Lotlhuitl)
  255. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  257. [03:40:22] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: ((good rp. Anyhow must sleep now. you all have good nights.
  258. [03:41:13] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (nini!)
  259. [03:41:13] LOOC - Nizhoni : (chieftains dont get to sleep
  260. [03:41:13] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: ((--
  261. [03:41:13] LOOC - Nizhoni : (kidding good night!
  262. [03:41:13] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sadly he aint a chieftain irl soo)
  263. [03:41:13] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: ((-quietly looks at other chieftains-
  264. [03:41:13] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (haha)
  265. [03:41:13] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: ( go to bed)
  266. [03:41:13] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: ((XD peace out guys!
  267. [03:42:04] Nizhoni whispers something.
  268. [03:42:56] Lotlhuitl exhaled, slooowly. And then she began to move down the steps, intending on exiting the courtyard and then Atl. Her steps were purposeful, and what with all the jewelery she wore, not exactly quiet. She jingled as she moved..
  269. (Lotlhuitl)
  270. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  272. [03:42:56] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (none of ya'll wanna chat, right?)
  273. [03:43:47] LOOC - Nizhoni : (I have nothing, you're okay :)
  274. [03:45:29] {Item} You picked up Poppylus..
  275. [03:47:12] {combat} You killed a Mega Demon! (+1200 EXP)
  276. [03:52:19] {Item} You picked up Glowing Mushroom..
  277. [03:52:19] {combat} You killed a Mega Demon! (+1200 EXP)
  278. [03:52:19] Lotlhuitl used Jerky
  279. [03:52:19] {Item} You picked up Robe.Dropped by Olander. .
  280. [03:52:19] {Item} You drop Robe.
  281. [03:53:10] {Item} You picked up Newbie Pants.Dropped by Olander. .
  282. [03:53:10] {Item} You drop Newbie Pants.
  283. [03:54:52] {combat} You killed a Mega Demon! (+1200 EXP)
  284. [04:01:42] Lotlhuitl knew what she had to do to earn her freedom.
  286. Either defeat Xoconan in an honor duel, or collect enough Arcanium to make into a staff.
  288. Neither of which would be particularly easy tasks.
  290. But so it was that she began to delve deep into places which she had never delved before. A mighty cavern, where she had heard rare metals could be found.
  292. She only hoped she could find her way out again afterwards..
  293. (Lotlhuitl)
  294. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  296. [04:01:42] {Item} You drop Firefly x5.
  297. [04:01:42] {Item} You picked up Firefly x5.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  298. [04:01:42] {Item} You drop Firefly x5.
  299. [04:02:33] {Item} You picked up Firefly x5.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  300. [04:02:33] {Item} You drop Firefly x5.
  301. [04:03:24] {Item} You picked up Firefly x5.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  302. [04:04:16] {Item} You drop Firefly x5.
  303. [04:05:07] {Item} You picked up Firefly x5.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  304. [04:06:49] {combat} You killed a Lesser Demon! (+240 EXP)
  305. [04:06:49] {combat} You killed a Lesser Demon! (+240 EXP)
  306. [04:07:40] {combat} You killed a Lesser Demon! (+240 EXP)
  307. [04:08:32] {Item} You drop Demon Horn x2.
  308. [04:08:32] {Item} You picked up Copper.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  309. [04:10:14] {combat} You killed a Babline! (+300 EXP)
  310. [04:11:05] {Item} You drop Firefly x5.
  311. [04:11:05] {Item} You picked up Iron.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  312. [04:17:55] {combat} You killed a Babline! (+300 EXP)
  313. [04:29:00] {combat} You killed a Leafat! (+780 EXP)
  314. [04:29:00] {combat} You killed a Leafat! (+780 EXP)
  315. [04:29:52] {combat} You killed a Leafat! (+780 EXP)
  316. [04:29:52] {combat} You killed a Leafat! (+780 EXP)
  317. [04:29:52] {combat} You killed a Pagehorn! (+1680 EXP)
  318. [04:32:25] {combat} You killed a Pagehorn! (+1680 EXP)
  319. [04:32:25] {combat} You killed a Leafat! (+780 EXP)
  320. [11:18:36]
  321. {LOAD GAME}
  323. [11:21:10] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((I HAVE BEEN SUMMONED))
  324. [11:22:01] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (:3)
  325. [11:22:01] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (it says to ping u)
  326. [11:22:52] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((You have done well))
  327. [11:28:51] Lotlhuitl loitered by Hatsune Panic. The Nagual had subtly edged closer, and closer. Whenever the Sirenian happened to look her way, she had a chance at noticing that the (somemwhat awkward) woman was closer to her. The percentage chance at working that something was up had to increase, until it was surely close to 100%, when Lotlhuitl was pretty much invading Hatsune's personal space, leaning against the temple wall next to her.
  329. The Nagual woman was tall. And somewhat injured. But her arm, while still useless for pretty much everything, was beginning to look a bit better. The floral-shaped burns had begun to scab over.
  331. Lotlhuitl sought to use this tallness to look down at Hatsune, green eyes suddenly staring at the woman as she loitered exceedingly close to her.
  333. If Lotl had any awareness that such behaviour might have been perceived as strange, she surely didn't give that away. Either she didn't know, or just didn't care.
  334. (Lotlhuitl)
  335. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  337. [11:31:24] Inversely, the mermaid did not miss the woman getting closer. She stood close to the wall, but she did not lean against it. Her eyes were forward, staring, unblinking, and wide. Her hands were held over her lap with one webbed set of fingers folded entirely over the other. She did not move save the wiggling of her gills and the rare twitch of her finned ears.
  339. Until the Nagual was far too close to her at least. Then, she turned her head and stared at her instead. Wide, unblinking, blue eyes dig into the young woman, following her but otherwise not moving at all. As much as the Nagual invaded her personal space, the mermaid broke common decency by maintaining unbroken and unexplained eye contact.
  340. (Hatsune Panic)
  341. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  343. [11:37:23] Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati was prone to staring. And this occasion was certainly no exception. Her green eyes (large and almond shaped and feline and predatory!) scanned over Hatsune's form, before meeting the Sirenian's blue gaze.
  345. The Nagual, unblinking, continued to stare. Looking Hatsune dead in the eyes. Her gaze distinctly appraising. Again, if Lotl had any knowledge that her sustained eye contact or the lack of personal boundaries, were unusual. Well. She certainly didn't give that away.
  347. The woman blinked. Sloooowly. Dark eyelashes rising and falling, as she continued to lean on the wall close to Hatsune. Still, she looked to the Sirenian. Still, she didn't say anything!
  349. Her tail twitched slowly, fluffy blue-black appendage seeming to have a mind of its own as it brushed against the Sirenian's arm.
  350. (Lotlhuitl)
  351. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  353. [11:39:56] If the mermaid found any fault in this behavior, she too did not say anything or mention it. Instead of scanning over the Nagual's form, she just stared into her eyes. Unflinching, unbreaking. The tail that brushed against her arm found her flesh distinctly moist.
  355. Everything about the mermaid looked rubbery, soft, or just wet. Her hair was thick but had droplets of water, what little exposed skin she had seemed like it would wring out like a rag left in the sink, and her webbed fingers and toes dripped rarely but reliably.
  357. She did not blink. Maybe she did not need to. Why wet her eyes when everything about her was always wet, after all?
  358. (Hatsune Panic)
  359. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  361. [11:39:56] JaDrako Kumo says, "If it isnt the best siren around."
  362. [11:39:56] JaDrako Kumo exclaims, "Hiya Hatsune!"
  363. [11:41:39] JaDrako Kumo says, "Hiya Lothuitl."
  364. [11:48:28] Chitli says, "I'll be honest Hatsu, I haven't been getting much sleep since that attack."
  365. [11:49:20] "Greetings, JaDrako." Lotlhuitl had said, fluffy tail twitching away from the wet surface it had brushed up against. She didn't look at the pink-haired Drakanite. Her attention still firmly on Hatsune. Fascinated? Curious? The end of the Nagual's tail twitched rapidly, as the appendage shifted to curl around her own body. End brushing against her chin as she continued to regard the Sirenian.
  367. "The creature that attacked Cruxati," Lotlhuitl began, refering to the skeletal, wraith-like figure, for which Hatsune had been the one to pick up the core. "What news is there about it?"
  369. A slight tilt of her head was given, ears perking up as she looked down at Hatsune.
  371. Where Hatsune was dripping wet, Lotlhuitl was. Well. More or less dry. As might be expected, considering the humidity in the jungle. The Nagual had a lot of exposed, sun-kissed skin. Or. Skin which was barely covered, behind jewellery. Her skin was mostly flawless, save for the odd scratch here or there. But her left arm was decorated with floral-shaped electrical burns. Painful lookin'!
  372. (Lotlhuitl)
  373. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  375. [11:52:44] "Were it not for recent events, its declaration that the spirits were angry would likely be dismissed or entirely confusing. Unfortunately, the Spirits are in fact angry. This was confirmed before this being came to attack. What connection such an abominable creature might have to the natural spirits, not even likened to the wraiths I've heard so much about, is still a mystery."
  377. "The core is going to be utilized in a journey to the Spirit World. We are hoping that its purpose or ours in going will gather more meaning after we make the trip, as right now the only thing certain is that the trip should indeed be made."
  379. She tore her eyes away from Lotlhuitl finally, just to look over to JaDrako. She nodded her head with a glacial, slow tilt.
  381. "I do believe I am the only Siren around. It is good to see you, JaDrako."
  382. (Hatsune Panic)
  383. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  385. [11:52:44] LOOC - Chitli: *afk again, knee is hurting so ima lay down and stretch it out)
  386. [11:53:36] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Take your time and rest up, Chitli.))
  387. [11:53:36] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((You will need that knee for times to come.))
  388. [11:53:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (look after yourself!! D:)
  389. [11:57:00] "I'm talking about of all time yea? and trust I knew quite a few Sirens!" JaDrako said while giving Hatsune the typical shonen protag thumbs up
  391. He then moved his hands behind his head its the presence felt a lot less dark he had finally been around people for once and not a bunch of demons "So... how are you lot? I hope all is well."
  392. (JaDrako Kumo)
  393. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  395. [11:57:00] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( I qualified...
  396. [11:57:52] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Nice.))
  397. [11:57:52] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Are you in the 220 club?))
  398. [11:57:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (niice..)
  399. [11:57:52] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Far from it :c
  400. [11:57:52] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Wait until you're 220+))
  401. [11:57:52] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((And know suffering.))
  402. [11:58:43] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: (If JaDrako makes it to 220 i'll be surprised.
  403. [12:05:32] Lotlhuitl, truthfully, hadn't been feeling all there. The woman's gaze (even when tracking over dear little Hatsune!) had visibly struggled to focus. It was like Lotlhuitl was fighting being drawn into some sort of unpleasant daydream.
  405. Which, ya know. She'd fought the creature, just like everyone else. And just like everyone else who had been present, the corruption had clung to her soul.
  407. She was cursed. But then, who wasn't these days?
  409. The end of Lotlhuitl's tail had tapped against her chin. Her gaze shifting into thoughtfulness. Her attention plainly grabbed when Hatsune explained that a journey to the Spirit World was being planned.
  411. "Naturally, the Great Spirit Dmex has been invited to attend any such journey," Lotlhuitl said to Hatsune as she ceased to look the woman dead in the eyes. Instead, her green gaze stared out across the courtyard.
  413. Lotlhuitl had merely been looking out towards the middle distance, but, speak of the devil.. it took her a moment, but then recognition flickered across her face as she realised that Dmex was standing but a few feet away.
  415. "I volunteer to go on this journey, Hatsune."
  419. (Lotlhuitl)
  420. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  422. [12:08:57] "To my knowledge, Dmex is neither a great spirit nor has she been invited on this journey," the mermaid drones in her monotonous speech. She too swept her eyes over to the masked woman standing across from her in the courtyard. Then she looked back to Lotlhuitl. "I am unsure exactly how many we will be able to take with us on this journey, and I am unsure who all is willing to go. I will keep your volunteering in mind, however, and I will call on you if we are capable. Right now, those who have agreed to come and seem to have the most reason and capability to help are Noxim Florus, myself, and Chitli. We will need Xitlalli as she has learned under Zahhual and thus has the greatest likelihood of being able to send us there with the help of the crystal remains left behind."
  424. "I am unsure how many she will be able to send, or if she herself will need to depart with us or must stay."
  426. "But we are working on getting those answers, so rest assured that you will hear news of it soon enough."
  427. (Hatsune Panic)
  428. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  430. [12:12:22] Journey!?!
  432. JaDrako had been looking to risk his life as of recent and that sounded like the perfect opportunity. "Yo Hatsune if ya need a Extra body I'm always around just sayin."
  433. (JaDrako Kumo)
  434. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  436. [12:12:22] JaDrako Kumo assumes the Vritra stance!
  437. [12:13:13] Dmex zips her way closer to the point of conversation when she's brought up for the second time, apparently missing the first mention of herself.
  439. Or it was just caught and smothered by the delay between herself and the rest of the world.
  441. "A journey to the spirit realm?"
  443. She looked off to Lotlhuitl, and then off to Hatsune - but her gaze almost immediately swung back to the Nagual rather than the fish. Might've just been a courtesy.
  445. "Go in my stead. My expedition there will be a more personal, focused endeavor, rather than whatever business they have here. Understood?"
  446. (Dmex)
  447. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  449. [12:17:29] LOOC - Chitli: (back)
  450. [12:17:29] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: (wb
  451. [12:22:36] Lotlhuitl had blinked at the Sirenian. The Nagual was visibly surprised by her response. "I assure you, Dmex most certainly is a Great Spirit. But.. if she has not revealed herself as such to you, perhaps-"
  453. But the Nagual's sentence never would get finished, she cutting herself off as Dmex, her patron, her Goddess approached. Lotlhuitl straightened, pressing off the wall. The woman stood tall, her tail wrapping around her bared waist.
  455. "I understand, Great Spirit." Lotlhuitl responded, giving a slight nod of her head.
  457. Green gaze once more regarding Hatsune, Lotlhuitl's ears had twitched. "I will go in Dmex's stead," she said, repeating what Dmex had only just said.
  458. (Lotlhuitl)
  459. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  461. [12:25:10] Hatsune looked between Lotlhuitl and Dmex. And then her hand rose up slowly to meet her face. Fingers pinched around the bridge of her nose, and she closed her eyes finally. She stood there in silence for a passing moment before speaking around her wrist.
  463. "Dmex, why is the Nagual treating you like every Sin Tainted shell I've cured of Xomac's Curse was treating him? This isn't anything weird that I'm about to figure out if I delve deeper into it, is it?"
  464. (Hatsune Panic)
  465. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  467. [12:26:52] Lotlhuitl says, "... excuse me? I'm standing RIGHT here."
  468. [12:26:52] Dmex says, "I am Lotlhuitl's mentor, and guide. She views me as a Great Spirit, due to my... unique circumstance."
  469. [12:26:52] Dmex says, "I've done nothing to corrupt her, as Xomac did."
  470. [12:27:44] Lotlhuitl says, "Dmex would never. How could you even say such a thing, Hatsune."
  471. [12:27:44] Dmex says, "...I'm not sure it's helping, Lotlhuitl."
  472. [12:27:44] JaDrako hanging inside the window at the moment tilted his head he just noticed that Lothuitl was acting strange. He switched his gaze to Dmex.
  474. "How the hell do you people make people view you like that? Shits super cool."
  475. (JaDrako Kumo)
  476. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  478. [12:28:35] Dmex says, "-- Achievements, and a sense of ascetic grace."
  479. [12:28:35] Lotlhuitl closed her mouth, still furious.. tail swishing side to side, violently..
  480. (Lotlhuitl)
  481. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  483. [12:28:35] JaDrako Kumo asks, "Ahh whos ass do i gotta kick?"
  484. [12:30:17] Hatsune reached a hand out and tried to blindly grope through the air to find Lotlhuitl's head, and if successful she'd pat her there. She kept her eyes on Dmex all the while, slowly tilted her head, and shrugged her shoulders.
  486. "Very well. Far be it from me to interrupt the odd Gehennese practices and traditions. It just seemed... Nonsensical. But then, so does so much that you all do, even after all of these years."
  487. (Hatsune Panic)
  488. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  490. [12:32:00] Chitli says, "I din't think this level of devotion is normal."
  491. [12:32:51] Curiously looks at dmex. seeming to stand still now.
  492. (Malachai)
  493. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  495. [12:41:23] Lotlhuitl hadn't been looking at Hatsune. She had been, struggling to not dissociate. A response perhaps made a bit worse by the fact that those around her had seemed to find her devotion to Dmex, well, strange.
  497. And so it was difficult for the Nagual to resist indulging in the visions she had been having. Of a life, previously lived... in Gehenna. Or. What she assumed was Gehenna. Though, admittedly, hellish murderscape would have also been an apt description.
  499. Acknowledging her own anger, letting herself feel it until it bubbled up within her - that was something which held her firmly attached to this world, and this life. It was like the mental equivilant of pinching herself: it hurt. And the pain reminded her who she was.
  501. And so that was what she had been doing, indulging in her own anger/ mentally pinching herself when Hatsune's hand (perhaps unfortunately) found its way to pat her atop her head. For a moment, Lotlhuitl was merely.. shocked.
  503. Lotlhuitl's hair was long, silken. Soft. Her ears fuzzy! In truth, the Nagual woman was not at all unpleasant to the touch. At least.. for a moment.
  505. Lotlhuitl's gaze slooowly traced up to regard the Sirenian, a snarl rolling from her lips. And she jerked back, removing Hatsune's patting hand from her person. An overwhelming sort of tension built in her limbs, and, reacting on instinct, her own hands moved to smooth over her hair. The manner in which she brushed her hands across where Hatsune had touched, it suggested a strong need on Lotlhuitl's part to erase the memory of being touched there. Glaring, Lotl pinned her ears back as she all but bared her teeth at Hatsune.
  507. "How. Dare. You." She hissed through gritted teeth, tail flicking.
  509. Hooo, boy. She was furious!
  510. (Lotlhuitl)
  511. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  513. [12:43:56] Aaalright that's a pretty good place to step in, yes. Dmex clears her throat to steal some attention away, before waving Malachai off and stepping closer to Lotlhuitl.
  515. "Yes, yes. This is not the appropriate time, nor the appropriate place for this."
  517. Very, very gently, Dmex tapped on the Nagual's shoulder and tried to motion for her to head west.
  519. "I'm sure there's business in Ezmara to attend to. Please join me."
  520. (Dmex)
  521. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  523. [12:46:30] JaDrako Kumo says, "< Holy shit things are gettin tense >"
  524. [12:48:12] Hatsune's hand fell away, and the mermaid seemed incapable of making any harsh movement or quick reaction to the sudden snarling levelled in her direction. Instead, she brought her hand up to stare at her fingers, and then swept her eyes to Lotlhuitl to study her face. The mermaid was impossible to read. Exotic features created a mask that obfuscated emotions, and whatever her finned ears twitching meant to anyone was a mystery.
  526. "My apologies. It had seemed to be exceedingly common practice as a measure to defuse tense situations amongst Nagual and most other Land Dwellers. I will not do it again."
  528. She looked back to Dmex and nodded her head. Her entire body swayed with that motion.
  530. "It was a pleasure to make your company once more. Safe waters, Dmex."
  531. (Hatsune Panic)
  532. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  534. [12:49:55] Lotlhuitl squinted, drawing herself up to full height as she regarded Hatsune and the others for one fleeting moment.
  535. (Lotlhuitl)
  536. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  538. [12:49:55] Lotlhuitl says, "I forgive you."
  539. [12:49:55] Dmex asks, "...Oh. Hatsune?"
  540. [12:49:55] JaDrako Kumo says, "Weird."
  541. [12:50:46] Dmex says, "I know it's been years since I've asked, but - runes."
  542. [12:50:46] Lotlhuitl moved to follow Dmex. Her tail twitching.
  543. (Lotlhuitl)
  544. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  546. [12:50:46] Dmex asks, "Still offering those?"
  547. [12:54:11] Hatsune Panic says, "Yes, of course."
  548. [12:54:11] Hatsune Panic says, "Tell me what it is you need and lay your object before me."
  549. [12:55:02] Dmex says, "Ah. Well."
  550. [12:55:02] Dmex says, "Lotlhuitl, please step aside for one moment."
  551. [12:55:02] Lotlhuitl did so!
  552. (Lotlhuitl)
  553. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  555. [12:55:53] Dmex promptly buys a spare pair of pants that looks pretty much identical to her own, before returning.
  556. (Dmex)
  557. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  559. [12:56:44] Dmex tosses down the new pair in front of Hatsune.
  560. (Dmex)
  561. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  563. [12:57:36] Dmex says, "Endurance, much as the last... five times, or so."
  564. [12:57:36] Hatsune Panic says, "Yes, I cannot enchant clothes that people are currently wearing. I am glad you did not decide to strip naked as many do."
  565. [12:57:36] Dmex says, "It's extremely inappropriate."
  566. [12:57:36] Dmex says, "It's five coins. Why wouldn't they just..."
  567. [12:57:36] Dmex says, "They specifically ignore the more obvious solution to have an opportunity to be awkward."
  568. [13:04:25] Hatsune stepped forward to stand before the pants offered to her for enchantment. The mermaid offered Dmex a nod before looking down at her new project.
  570. "Waste not, want not."
  572. The ball of water that whirled around her shoulders came to a stop before her face, contorted, and through it she could see the world magnified- And all watching could see her face made tiny.
  574. Then, it sprayed down at the pants, thoroughly drenching them. The water collected and spilled into shapes and rings around and atop them, forming complex patterns on the stonework.
  576. The water began to frost at the edges before it erupted upwards, creating intricate structures of ice. Arches and buttresses formed to create runes and magical formula in three dimensions. It moved slowly, creating a dizzying display through its diaphanous dome.
  578. A blue light built up like the first spark in an explosion, and then it erupted to an uncomfortable brightness. Snow sprayed out as the entire thing broke apart from the sudden influx of mana, and when the light cleared only the pants remained.
  580. Slightly sturdier pants. At least ten percent harder to tear. Truly, this was the pinnacle of magic.
  581. (Hatsune Panic)
  582. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  584. [13:05:16] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Oh thank god that Stir Fry wasn't poisoned.))
  585. [13:05:16] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Why do I accept food that people hand to me?))
  586. [13:05:16] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((There was at LEAST a 50-50 chance that Hatsune was about to grow unwelcome sexual organs.))
  587. [13:06:08] LOOC - Dmex: (-okay so. what slots can have vit enchants now)
  588. [13:06:08] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((All slots that CAN have enchantments except weapon.))
  589. [13:06:08] LOOC - Dmex: (. which are)
  590. [13:06:08] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((So head-shirt-torso-legs-cloak-pednant I believe))
  591. [13:06:08] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((I should probably test feet-shield-other-light-ring but I'm pretty sure those are still blocked from enchants.))
  592. [13:06:59] LOOC - Dmex: (so i think it just. took off my other enchantments, for some reason?)
  593. [13:06:59] LOOC - Dmex: (because it's gone from my robes, apparently)
  594. [13:06:59] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Take off your robes and lemme see rq?))
  595. [13:06:59] LOOC - Dmex: (and cloak)
  596. [13:06:59] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Yeah, that's weird...))
  597. [13:06:59] LOOC - Dmex: (wait, no, it's there)
  598. [13:06:59] LOOC - Dmex: (it's just not showing up)
  599. [13:06:59] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Oh, yeah.))
  600. [13:07:50] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((That's weird.))
  601. [13:07:50] LOOC - Dmex: (so i'm guessing the cloak works too)
  602. [13:07:50] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((But uh...))
  603. [13:07:50] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((That's a weak enchantment I think.))
  604. [13:07:50] LOOC - Dmex: (it -did- take it off my pendant, though)
  605. [13:07:50] LOOC - Dmex: (it's 3 vit worth)
  606. [13:07:50] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Pendants lost enchantments a while ago.))
  607. [13:07:50] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((And then got them again.))
  608. [13:07:50] LOOC - Dmex: (oh, sweet. so that's missing some more vit too)
  609. [13:07:50] LOOC - Dmex: (i just want to have green vit with starlight on)
  610. [13:07:50] LOOC - Dmex: (cries)
  611. [13:08:41] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Well, my mithril armor is 6 vit, 3 force.))
  612. [13:08:41] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((All enchants are the same value.))
  613. [13:08:41] LOOC - Dmex: (look at this. i'm so close)
  614. [13:08:41] LOOC - Dmex: (so close...)
  615. [13:08:41] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( How much vit do u lose
  616. [13:08:41] LOOC - Dmex: (10)
  617. [13:08:41] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Ouchie
  618. [13:09:32] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Go get yoself some nyesk or mithril.))
  619. [13:09:32] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((And enchant your armor to have vit instead of force for whatever reason.))
  620. [13:09:32] LOOC - Dmex: (maaaybe mythril but not nyeshk)
  621. [13:09:32] LOOC - Dmex: (i need my obnoxious agimage meme)
  622. [13:09:32] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: (I still use steel lol
  623. [13:10:24] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Peasants.))
  624. [13:10:24] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((I bet Dmex's cloak isn't even a subscriber store +1 vit cloak.))
  625. [13:11:15] JaDrako Kumo says, "Hatsune! I need your permission for something."
  626. [13:11:15] Hatsune Panic says, "Okay."
  627. [13:11:15] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Aight, you pass.))
  628. [13:11:15] JaDrako Kumo whispers something.
  629. [13:11:15] LOOC - Dmex: (...i feel so naked with my cape off)
  630. [13:12:06] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: (My shit cloak gibs 1.5 vit
  631. [13:12:06] Hatsune Panic says, "I have absolutely no ground or authority to either grant you or deny you that, JaDrako."
  632. [13:12:06] Hatsune Panic says, "Only you are capable of making that decision."
  633. [13:12:06] Dmex asks, "...What did he ask for?"
  634. [13:12:06] JaDrako Kumo exclaims, "Uwa!"
  635. [13:12:06] Hatsune Panic says, "Very good."
  636. [13:12:57] Lotlhuitl saunters over to Dmex with a soft jingle, jangle, jingle, of jewellery.
  637. (Lotlhuitl)
  638. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  640. [13:12:57] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Dmex is a larper.))
  641. [13:12:57] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((She has a larp weapon.))
  642. [13:13:48] JaDrako Kumo says, "Uwa, Thank you Hatsune The Drako is pleased yes."
  643. [13:13:48] LOOC - Dmex: (it's basically two struggle bats taped together)
  644. [13:13:48] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((If you hit someone past the red line at the end, it's 1 damage. If it's between the red lines in the middle, it's 2 damage. The double red lines show the zone where it's no damage. That's just to protect your hand.))
  645. [13:14:40] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((You have to yell out how much damage you do after you do it.))
  646. [13:14:40] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (you don't have to yell out the damage, you just do out of a courtsey..)
  647. [13:15:31] LOOC - Dmex: (dmex would totally murder someone in a larp and then go "whoops it was an accident" while the camera zooms in on her)
  648. [13:15:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (haha)
  649. [13:15:31] LOOC - Dmex: (please curb your enthusiasm starts playing)
  650. [13:15:31] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Lol
  651. [13:16:22] JaDrako Kumo asks, "Tell War Chief of Ezzymera land what did i ask for?"
  652. [13:17:13] Lotlhuitl whispers: groan.. that guy..
  653. [13:17:13] Dmex whispers: Painful.
  654. [13:17:13] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Oof Tell me*
  655. [13:18:04] Hatsune Panic asks, "JaDrako are you unwell?"
  656. [13:18:04] Dmex says, "Very unwell."
  657. [13:18:04] JaDrako Kumo says, "Probably."
  658. [13:18:04] Dmex says, "Please check him for corruption."
  659. [13:18:04] Dmex says, "Potential development of a Sin of Lust."
  660. [13:18:04] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  661. [13:18:56] Lotlhuitl glances at JaDrako. Concern!
  662. (Lotlhuitl)
  663. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  665. [13:18:56] Lotlhuitl whispers: Really..?
  666. [13:18:56] Dmex whispers: I'm unsure, but she might take it seriously and focus on him instead of me.
  667. [13:19:47] JaDrako Kumo says, "Thanks to kaschei i stopped having bad dreams."
  668. [13:19:47] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... does her focus concern you?
  669. [13:20:38] Dmex whispers: If she's apparently beginning to suspect me of Sin? Yes.
  670. [13:20:38] Dmex whispers: I know from Atro - if someone's convinced of that, they will attempt to cleanse me until the end of Agartha.
  671. [13:20:38] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  672. [13:20:38] Dmex whispers: And, when they fail repeatedly - as there's nothing to cleanse - they'd tearfully attempt to kill me.
  673. [13:21:29] Dmex whispers: ...Not that Atro's reached that point, either.
  674. [13:21:29] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... rather than be proven wrong?
  675. [13:21:29] Dmex whispers: I'm assuming they'd just... conclude that I'm very stealthy.
  676. [13:21:29] Lotlhuitl whispers: That's outrageous.
  677. [13:22:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Outrageous.."
  678. [13:22:20] Dmex whispers: Yes.
  679. [13:22:20] Dmex whispers: Please don't breach the subject with Hatsune. Nor Atro.
  680. [13:23:12] Lotlhuitl whispers: I.. will not. Because you have asked this of me, Great Spirit.
  681. [13:23:12] Lotlhuitl whispers: But I.. I must say, I am offended. On your behalf.
  682. [13:23:12] Dmex whispers: ...For that matter, don't breach it with anyone else. I want the rumor to die.
  683. [13:24:03] Lotlhuitl whispers: Very well.
  684. [13:24:54] LOOC - Harima Ouji: (i bring her stuff every day, 20 water crystals/sludge/scales/some nightshade and a bundle of toadstools
  685. [13:24:54] LOOC - Harima Ouji: (u need stuff like that?
  686. [13:25:45] Dmex says, "Not interested in dealing with the demons."
  687. [13:25:45] Lotlhuitl asks, "Oh?"
  688. [13:25:45] Dmex says, "Too much of a headache."
  689. [13:26:36] Dmex says, "Seeing if anyone else had taken the bait."
  690. [13:26:36] Dmex says, "I'm fantastic at bait."
  691. [13:26:36] Lotlhuitl asks, "Bait, Dmex?"
  692. [13:27:28] Dmex says, "Oh. The chest has exactly one item in it."
  693. [13:27:28] Dmex says, "A note, telling the thief that I will kill them."
  694. [13:28:19] Dmex says, "It's just another way of gathering evidence in case my home is broken into."
  695. [13:28:19] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "Oh!"
  696. [13:29:10] Lotlhuitl says, "That is quite well thought out."
  697. [13:29:10] Lotlhuitl says, "Though, if.. you wanted to have a chest which.. you could actually store things in. I could make it invisible."
  698. [13:30:01] Dmex says, "Safer to simply keep things on me. I can never be robbed, because I can never be defeated in combat."
  699. [13:30:01] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh. That is wise."
  700. [13:31:44] Lotlhuitl asks, "Was there something you needed from me, Great Spirit?"
  701. [13:31:44] Dmex asks, "...Was there?"
  702. [13:32:35] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. you pulled me away. From Cruxati."
  703. [13:32:35] Lotlhuitl says, "You said there was business in Ezmara."
  704. [13:35:08] "Did I say that?"
  706. Dmex set a hand against the side of her mask, staring off into space while trying to remember whether or not she did, in fact, say that.
  708. After some time spent doing nothing of worth, she begins tapping away to try and drag her memory of it back - but seemingly fails, as the tapping eventually stops, and she remains silent.
  710. She might not be... entirely there.
  711. (Dmex)
  712. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  714. [13:45:23] Lotlhuitl shivered. She was a Nagual of not many words, and yet.. the silence. Since the attack on Cruxati, since she had been cursed. It threatened to overwhelm her. Her thoughts straying to that other life, that other world which she had never seen.
  716. Corpses. Death. Corruption. Crows circling overhead.
  718. So. Lotlhuitl too, was not feeling entirely there.
  720. "Yes, Great Spirit." Lotlhuitl answered. The Nagual gazed at Dmex from beneath dark eyelashes, her general posture shifting to one of unease. "But I suppose, Hatsune was about to make an enemy of me. It was wise of you to ask me to come away."
  722. Lotlhuitl paced around the room, obvious tension in her limbs. She felt... distressed. There was silence from her for what could have been several minutes. Or seconds. And then she turned to Dmex: Her mentor, her patron, her Goddess.
  724. "Is everything all right?"
  726. There were thousands of things she could have said. Thousands of things she wanted to ask. Like, when is Ezmara going to get a real Chieftain instead of that idiot Karma. Or. When is Jianghu going to be dealt with? And by dealt with, she would have, of course, meant vanquished, her people either converted, sacrificed, or enslaved.
  728. The Nagual shuddered. "I.. I'm not okay, Great Spirit."
  729. (Lotlhuitl)
  730. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  732. [13:49:39] Dmex only came back to reality long after Lotlhuitl had stopped, tilting her head back to face towards the Nagual with confusion clear on her face.
  734. "Not okay, Lotlhuitl?"
  736. Patiently, she stepped around, slowly encircling the smaller woman with a frown. Every word she says seems forced, somehow, like she's still mentally distant.
  738. "You're with me. Everything should be fine. I heal all wounds."
  739. (Dmex)
  740. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  742. [13:59:02] Lotlhuitl's gaze fell to the ground. She had clasped her hands in front of her as Dmex circled her.
  744. "Great Spirit.. truly, I.. do feel buoyed in your presence. Protected. But.. I'm troubled."
  746. Lotlhuitl was a tall woman. Willowy in figure. Her hair was long, and silken. And she, despite looking at the ground, found herself drawing herself up to her full height as Dmex paced around her. She didn't want to disappoint her Goddess. She wanted to impress her. Please her.
  748. "A creature attacked Cruxati." Lotlhuitl explained. "It told us that the spirits were angry. That is why Hatsune is planning a trip into the Spirit Realm."
  750. Lotlhuitl ran a hand through her blue-black hair. Still looking at the ground.
  752. "I wasn't much use, in the battle. It.. was overwhelmingly powerful. I fell. Again. And again. I watched others defeat it, others protect my home. And.. still, its words. I think it cursed me. All of us. I have been seeing things. Terrible, terrible visions. But.. I haven't been able to stop. When I'm not having them, I'm thinking about them. They're.. unpleasant. But.. addicting."
  753. (Lotlhuitl)
  754. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  756. [14:02:27] Her explanation was given a sharp nod, the delay between Dmex and the world around her gradually decreasing. Whatever the hell was getting in the way before, it's starting to be pushed away.
  758. "I'd ask you for more details - such as, say, what the visions specifically include, but - "
  760. She sighed, coming to a stop and briefly waving off towards the mostly-untouched pair of beds at the south end of the room.
  762. "You need rest, first. Too much stress. Too much cutting into your focus."
  763. (Dmex)
  764. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  766. [14:03:18] Lotlhuitl blinked slowly, before nodding. She -was- tired.
  767. (Lotlhuitl)
  768. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  770. [14:03:18] Lotlhuitl says, "Thank you, Great Spirit."
  771. [14:04:09] Dmex says, "Maybe afterward."
  772. [14:18:40] * You have been awarded 1.5 Roleplay Points! *
  773. [22:12:16]
  774. {LOAD GAME}
  776. [22:12:16] Hatsune Panic says, "So. Yes, you can come. But some of us might be left behind. If some power whisks me away alone because I'm holding onto the Spiritual Remains, then I apologize for gathering the group to begin with."
  777. [22:13:07] * You have been awarded 1.5 Roleplay Points! *
  778. [22:13:07] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: (( http://spires.pixel-realms.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=1809 ))
  779. [22:13:07] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((I'll amend the player count and final score of people who wanted to go. Just throw a post up.))
  780. [22:13:07] Hatsune Panic says, "Hello Chitli. It is good to see you again."
  781. [22:13:58] Hatsune Panic says, "That is what I would be saying if I could actually see you."
  782. [22:13:58] Kayeliun whispers something.
  783. [22:13:58] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (wow)
  784. [22:13:58] Kayeliun whispers something.
  785. [22:13:58] Kayeliun whispers something.
  786. [22:14:49] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((We're the Fellowship of the Core.))
  787. [22:14:49] Kayeliun says, "Taking a demon to the spirit realm may be a bad decision."
  788. [22:14:49] Kayeliun says, "...and Hatsune? Only Cruxati."
  789. [22:14:49] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Atro can be Gimli.))
  790. [22:14:49] Kayeliun says, "No Ezmarans. Should be obvious, but no Atl."
  791. [22:15:40] Hatsune Panic asks, "What tribe is Ausar even in?"
  792. [22:15:40] Kayeliun says, "Ezmara."
  793. [22:15:40] Hatsune Panic says, "I am unsure. I do not keep track of these things."
  794. [22:15:40] Lotlhuitl is here, loitering casually..
  795. (Lotlhuitl)
  796. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  798. [22:15:40] Hatsune Panic says, "Uwa... I wish to make an exception for him, and for the gentleman who can quite literally teleport into the Spirit World at will."
  799. [22:16:32] Kayeliun says, "I don't like Ausar."
  800. [22:16:32] Kayeliun says, "...I hate Ezmara's stupid converts."
  801. [22:18:14] Hatsune Panic says, "Well, the man just killed his wife and I felt terribly awkward saying that I wasn't willing to walk with him to the grave because it was right where I've heard that settlement is located."
  802. [22:18:14] Lotlhuitl asks, "... killed his wife?"
  803. [22:18:14] Hatsune Panic says, "So I already told him he could come. Because he thinks he might see his family there. And yes, it was a whole thing. Forbidden romance, duty compelled them, she refused to turn to the Gehennese side, he refused to turn to the Valmaese..."
  804. [22:19:05] Kayeliun says, "If he killed his own wife he's an idiot for trying to go to the spirit realm to see her."
  805. [22:19:05] Hatsune Panic says, "Agreed."
  806. [22:19:05] Kayeliun says, "Tell him to bring me Xomac's head, and then he can come with."
  807. [22:19:05] Hatsune Panic says, "We'll discuss that."
  808. [22:19:56] Kayeliun says, "That's my terms."
  809. [22:19:56] Atro stares at the ground, distant. Depressed? Contemplating?
  810. (Atro Gwyn)
  811. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  813. [22:19:56] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: ((where's the rest..
  814. [22:19:56] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: ((eh. to atl.
  815. [22:19:56] LOOC - Nizhoni : (wait no fight? :(
  816. [22:20:48] LOOC - Zyanya Tlaco: im sure theyll ahelp u if they find one)
  817. [22:20:48] Hatsune Panic says, "I will say again that I have no idea how this trip will go and if we even have a truly open selection of who can go. If it refuses all occultists and the demon... Hmm..."
  818. [22:20:48] Kayeliun asks, "...you think the spirit realm would reject an occultist?"
  819. [22:20:48] Chitli says, "This sounds like it's becoming complicated Hatsu. The numbers of this should be kept small, and all that agreed should really only be the ones to go, in my personal opinion."
  820. [22:20:48] Hatsune Panic says, "Let me just do some research before I go telling him. It will be some time before we make this trip, but yes, yes, I understand your concerns and wishes regarding this."
  821. [22:21:39] Cocinar whispers: You awake? I hope daydreams haven't kept you dazed
  822. [22:21:39] Lotlhuitl whispers: Mmn?
  823. [22:21:39] Cocinar whispers: How is the Spirit Rot? Have you been well?
  824. [22:21:39] Chitli says, "It would be pointless to bring a large group if none of us can even go."
  825. [22:22:30] Lotlhuitl asks, "... might some people be unable to pass into the spiritual realm?"
  826. [22:22:30] Chitli says, "We aren't sure as to how many can even go."
  827. [22:22:30] Lotlhuitl says, "I am fine <at Cocinar.>"
  828. [22:22:30] Chitli says, "It could be one, it could be many."
  829. [22:23:21] Chitli says, "It's best we decide who is going, and who is not."
  830. [22:23:21] Malle gets up and stretches. He shakes his head and blinks a few times after his nap.
  831. (Malle_Yeno)
  832. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  834. [22:23:21] JaDrako Kumo says, "I've been to spirit lando before although it was very forced i might add."
  835. [22:25:55] Cocinar asks, "Um... Kayeluin?"
  836. [22:25:55] Chitli says, "I have no issues with Ausar coming, and prefer him to. He is strong, and capable if combat were to arise."
  837. [22:25:55] Kayeliun asks, "What, Cocinar?"
  838. [22:26:46] Lotlhuitl says, "I mean, I have issues. This shouldn't be a personal mission. "
  839. [22:26:46] Kayeliun says, "I would prefer if it was kept to Cruxati, as priority."
  840. [22:26:46] Kayeliun says, "And- yes. Lotl is right."
  841. [22:26:46] Kayeliun says, "We can't bring someone who'll be distracted looking for his family."
  842. [22:27:37] Cocinar says, "Do let me know when you have the time to allow me into the tribe. I may be Atl-born... but that connection is long gone."
  843. [22:27:37] Chitli says, "I'll discuss it with him."
  844. [22:27:37] Kayeliun says, "Oh. Yes, of course."
  845. [22:28:28] Lotlhuitl says, "I have volunteered. As Hatsune knows. I understand that the number of people able to go on this mission is not set."
  846. [22:28:28] (Cruxati Tribe) Alert: Cocinar has joined the guild.
  847. [22:28:28] Lotlhuitl says, "But.. I would be disappointed if an Ezmaran was chosen ahead of me."
  848. [22:28:28] Kayeliun says, "...regardless. I would prefer it kept to Cruxati members, as well as those who can remain focused on a task and not a fool who killed his wife himself and hopes to see her again."
  849. [22:28:28] Chitli says, "I honestly don't care personally waht tribe anyone who is going is from."
  850. [22:29:20] Cocinar says, "If I may, what is the goal of the spirit world mission? If it is to appease the spirits, perhaps emotional investment may be needed."
  851. [22:29:20] Chitli says, "I can agree with his personal issues perhaps being a problem."
  852. [22:30:11] Chitli says, "Tribe affiliation however, should not matter, in my opinion. Not everyone at theat fight was of Cruaxti."
  853. [22:30:11] LOOC - Chitli: (*that)
  854. [22:30:11] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Sorry, roommate came in asking for life advice.))
  855. [22:30:11] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((I've convined her that I am a functioning member of society.))
  856. [22:30:11] LOOC - Chitli: (*cruxati)
  857. [22:30:11] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Isn't that hilarious.))
  858. [22:30:11] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (whoaa)
  859. [22:30:11] LOOC - Cocinar: (X_X )
  860. [22:30:11] LOOC - Chitli: (i wish i could convice people that i am)
  861. [22:31:02] Kayeliun says, "As it is Cruxati leading the expedition, members of Cruxati should be prioritized."
  862. [22:31:02] Hatsune Panic says, "They will be."
  863. [22:31:02] Kayeliun says, "Good."
  864. [22:31:02] Cocinar says, "Kayeliun, while it is true that those with too much investment may be distracted, too little may cause a person to withdraw."
  865. [22:31:53] Hatsune Panic says, "That was never in question, and I did make it clear that he was on a prioritized list."
  866. [22:31:53] Chitli says, "Theres investment, and then emotional distraction."
  867. [22:31:53] Cocinar says, "True, my bad."
  868. [22:31:53] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Damnit. I qualified from white text.))
  869. [22:31:53] Chitli says, "We are going to figure out why the spirits are unhappy with us."
  870. [22:31:53] LOOC - Cocinar: (XDD)
  871. [22:31:53] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((And I didn't get a dangerous check in.))
  872. [22:32:44] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((So now I got a .25 check...))
  873. [22:32:44] Hatsune Panic says, "Uwa. Or why this being claimed that the spirits were unhappy with us."
  874. [22:32:44] Chitli says, "Mhm."
  875. [22:32:44] Chitli says, "We are looking for answers."
  876. [22:32:44] Hatsune Panic says, "While that is true, it did not seem like a messenger for the spirits. So it might have just said that knowing that it would lure people into the Spirit World to murder them."
  877. [22:32:44] Hatsune Panic says, "Regardless, we have questions without answers and a rock that's fading into and out of existence intermittently."
  878. [22:32:44] Chitli says, "If such happens, we will beat it back again."
  879. [22:34:27] Cocinar says, "A more intuitive question, Who's a healer in Cruxati? I need to begin to learn a few names, here and there."
  880. [22:34:27] Chitli says, "I will inform Ausar of these developments though."
  881. [22:34:27] Cocinar asks, "And on a related note, should you bring one?"
  882. [22:34:27] Chitli says, "Hatsu can heal if I am not mistaken."
  883. [22:35:18] Chitli says, "If injuries cannot be fixed by healing magic, I can make replacements."
  884. [22:35:18] Cocinar says, "That so? I'm glad."
  885. [22:35:18] Hatsune Panic says, "I am in fact a healer. Chitli can forge the augments and prosthetics, and I can implement them."
  886. [22:35:18] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (afk)
  887. [22:36:09] Cocinar says, "So, if I have been listening properly..."
  888. [22:37:00] Cocinar says, "Cruxati members only, small group, and Hatsune and Kayeliun are confirmed to be going."
  889. [22:37:00] Cocinar asks, "Are you, Chitli?"
  890. [22:37:00] Chitli says, "Cruxati memebers are prioritized."
  891. [22:37:00] LOOC - Chitli: (*members)
  892. [22:37:52] Chitli says, "I am going as well."
  893. [22:37:52] Cocinar says, "Ah."
  894. [22:37:52] LOOC - Cocinar: (Oh, Chitli, quick question)
  895. [22:37:52] LOOC - Cocinar: (Actually, I can ask IC)
  896. [22:38:43] Cocinar asks, "Are you a... master blacksmith, Chitli?"
  897. [22:38:43] Chitli says, "Yes."
  898. [22:38:43] Glasya yawns. That was a fun time. She walks over to Chitli.
  899. (Glasya Labolas)
  900. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  902. [22:38:43] Cocinar says, "Good to know a-"
  903. [22:38:43] Chitli says, "I see you're back to normal."
  904. [22:39:34] Glasya Labolas says, "Indeed. Thank you for the borrowing."
  905. [22:39:34] Glasya Labolas says, "It was fun to be 'small' for a while."
  906. [22:39:34] Chitli asks, "Might I ask waht you did?"
  907. [22:39:34] LOOC - Cocinar: (Holy shit XD)
  908. [22:39:34] LOOC - Chitli: (*what)
  909. [22:39:34] Glasya Labolas says, "Indeed."
  910. [22:39:34] Glasya moves in close, bringing her head in to whisper.
  911. (Glasya Labolas)
  912. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  914. [22:40:25] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  915. [22:40:25] Chitli whispers something.
  916. [22:40:25] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  917. [22:40:25] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  918. [22:40:25] LOOC - Cocinar: *sighs, and tried to remember what he wanted to do, other than attain citizenship(
  919. [22:40:25] LOOC - Cocinar: (Opp
  920. [22:40:25] Chitli whispers something.
  921. [22:40:25] Glasya Labolas whispers something.
  922. [22:41:16] Cocinar sighs, and tried to remember what he wanted to do, other than attain citizenship
  923. (Cocinar)
  924. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  926. [22:41:16] Chitli whispers something.
  927. [22:41:16] Glasya leans back, humming a pleasant tune.
  928. (Glasya Labolas)
  929. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  931. [22:41:16] Glasya Labolas says, "Already taken care of, Chitli~"
  932. [22:41:16] Glasya Labolas asks, "But why stop at just that?"
  933. [22:42:08] Chitli says, "Intriguing."
  934. [22:42:59] Glasya Labolas asks, "Intriguing?"
  935. [22:42:59] Chitli shrugs.
  936. (Chitli)
  937. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  939. [22:43:50] Chitli asks, "What's it like being that big?"
  940. [22:43:50] Glasya Labolas says, "Clumsy, now that I'm comparing the two."
  941. [22:43:50] Cocinar says, "Ah, I believe I need to check on a few things."
  942. [22:43:50] Glasya Labolas says, "Still, it is fun to loom over others."
  943. [22:43:50] Cocinar says, "Thank you for your time."
  944. [22:43:50] Chitli says, "I see."
  945. [22:44:41] Glasya moves over to Chitli, looming all the way over like a wall of cloak, black ichor, and skeleton.
  946. (Glasya Labolas)
  947. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  949. [22:44:41] Glasya Labolas exclaims, "See? Fun!"
  950. [22:45:32] Chitli says, "Can't say it's fun being loomed over."
  951. [22:45:32] Hatsune Panic says, "It is not."
  952. [22:45:32] Chitli says, "But maybe doing the looming is more on the fun side."
  953. [22:45:32] Chitli says, "Sadly I am unable to loom over people like that"
  954. [22:46:24] Glasya Labolas says, "You could one da-"
  955. [22:46:24] Dmex whispers: Evening.
  956. [22:46:24] Glasya Labolas says, "Oh right. Mortal. Sorry, still a litle..."
  957. [22:46:24] Lotlhuitl whispers: Evening.
  958. [22:46:24] LOOC - Glasya Labolas: (little*)
  959. [22:46:24] Glasya Labolas says, "Little euphoric with that mana drain."
  960. [22:46:24] Glasya giggles a lot.
  961. (Glasya Labolas)
  962. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  964. [22:47:15] Lotlhuitl whispers: You never did tell me what the plan was for dealing with Jianghu.
  965. [22:47:15] Chitli says, "I... see."
  966. [22:47:15] Glasya Labolas says, "I haven't felt this good in a long time."
  967. [22:47:15] JaDrako Kumo exclaims, "I just noticed Glasya you've become a Kaor!"
  968. [22:47:15] Glasya Labolas says, "... Indeed."
  969. [22:47:15] Chitli says, "I am unsure if I would be able to grow your size though."
  970. [22:47:15] JaDrako Kumo asks, "Wanna get beat up?"
  971. [22:47:15] Dmex whispers: It's not something relevant to you.
  972. [22:47:15] Glasya Labolas says, "No."
  973. [22:47:15] JaDrako Kumo says, "For fun of course."
  974. [22:47:15] Dmex whispers: Strictly need-to-know.
  975. [22:47:15] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  976. [22:47:15] Glasya Labolas asks, "Do you wish to be drained of your essence for my pleasure?"
  977. [22:48:06] Chitli whispers something.
  978. [22:48:06] Glasya Labolas says, ". . ."
  979. [22:48:06] JaDrako Kumo says, "Eh? you havent been a kaor long enough yet."
  980. [22:48:06] Glasya Labolas says, "And now I am even more disgusted."
  981. [22:48:06] Chitli chuckles.
  982. (Chitli)
  983. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  985. [22:48:06] JaDrako Kumo says, "But you can try."
  986. [22:48:06] Glasya Labolas says, "... I am off to find someone less..."
  987. [22:48:06] Glasya Labolas says, "Annoying."
  988. [22:48:57] Chitli exclaims, "Have fun!"
  989. [22:48:57] Glasya Labolas says, "Farewell, Drako."
  990. [22:48:57] Glasya smiles and waves to Chitli.
  991. (Glasya Labolas)
  992. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  994. [22:48:57] JaDrako Kumo exclaims, "Seeya later!"
  995. [22:48:57] Glasya Labolas says, "Thanks again, darling~"
  996. [22:48:57] Lotlhuitl whispers: Atl has declared war on them.
  997. [22:48:57] Chitli says, "Being called darling by a creature as big as that is kind of weird."
  998. [22:49:48] Kayeliun says, "Yeah, a bit."
  999. [22:49:48] JaDrako Kumo says, "That's the lamest demon yet."
  1000. [22:49:48] Chitli says, "I find it's difference from the others rather refreshing."
  1001. [22:49:48] JaDrako Kumo says, "They're so easily offended."
  1002. [22:50:40] Hatsune Panic says, "It's not different from others. It just appears different from others. Regardless, that at least is a refreshing change."
  1003. [22:50:40] Chitli says, "All the others I've met are all serious and not fun to be around."
  1004. [22:50:40] Dmex whispers: I know.
  1005. [22:51:31] Chitli says, "Eitehr that or they just come to me to make them large prosthetics."
  1006. [22:51:31] LOOC - Chitli: (*either)
  1007. [22:51:31] Dmex whispers: This is also irrelevant for how I, as Warchief, handle Jianghu or Atl. It doesn't change much.
  1008. [22:51:31] JaDrako Kumo says, "Pfft i joke with all the weirdo demon dudes."
  1009. [22:53:13] Hatsune Panic says, "You are a generally likeable person, JaDrako. You also like fighting."
  1010. [22:54:04] Hatsune Panic says, "Most of the demons do as well."
  1011. [22:55:47] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... I do not think Hatsune wishes to select me for the mission. You cannot confide in me what is happening with Jianghu.
  1012. [22:56:38] Dmex whispers: It's not something you need to know. Don't stab anyone until I tell you to.
  1013. [22:56:38] Dmex whispers: That's all that's relevant, on your part.
  1014. [22:56:38] Chitli says, "They are rather fun to fight."
  1015. [22:56:38] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... a difficult task, Great Spirit. Truly, not anyone?
  1016. [22:56:38] Chitli says, "Even if you risk being badly injured doing so."
  1017. [22:57:29] Chitli says, "Makes the thrill even better."
  1018. [22:57:29] Dmex whispers: - No one from Jianghu. Except in self-defense, or being horribly annoying. It's not part of a war effort to do it.
  1019. [22:58:20] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... they all are horrifically annoying.
  1020. [22:58:20] Lotlhuitl whispers: But, very well. I will show restraint.
  1021. [22:59:12] Hatsune Panic says, "That is one way to look at it, I am sure."
  1022. [22:59:12] Chitli says, "I am going to try and get some rest."
  1023. [22:59:12] Chitli says, "Although I doubt that'll happen."
  1024. [22:59:12] JaDrako Kumo says, "Mhm."
  1025. [22:59:12] Hatsune Panic asks, "Xitlalli, how are you?"
  1026. [23:00:03] Hatsune Panic says, "And rest well, Chitli."
  1027. [23:00:03] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Gnite
  1028. [23:00:03] Xitlalli says, "Hm? Uh? Oh, I'm okay."
  1029. [23:00:03] Kayeliun says, "Oh- Xitlalli."
  1030. [23:00:03] Xitlalli asks, "Yes?"
  1031. [23:00:03] Kayeliun asks, "Can you keep up those rituals in this area?"
  1032. [23:00:03] Xitlalli says, "Yeah, yeah."
  1033. [23:00:03] Kayeliun says, "The ones that slow people down."
  1034. [23:00:03] Kayeliun says, "Thanks."
  1035. [23:00:03] JaDrako Kumo asks, "Heya Xitlalli. you deal with jokor?"
  1036. [23:00:03] Xitlalli says, "I'm not sure where Jokor got to, actually."
  1037. [23:00:03] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((They're getting nerfed, sadly.))
  1038. [23:00:03] LOOC - Kayeliun: ((i know...
  1039. [23:00:54] LOOC - Xitlalli: (The rituals?)
  1040. [23:00:54] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Yeah.))
  1041. [23:00:54] LOOC - Xitlalli: (what to?)
  1042. [23:00:54] LOOC - Xitlalli: (15%/30%?)
  1043. [23:00:54] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((No idea, but they'll stop stacking up.))
  1044. [23:00:54] LOOC - Xitlalli: (they don't or shouldn't stack like)
  1045. [23:00:54] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Considering you can pop two potions for +50% flee rate, it only seems right that there's a -50% ritual.))
  1046. [23:00:54] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((They shouldn't stack, no, but they do.))
  1047. [23:00:54] LOOC - Xitlalli: (50% should just half flee rolls)
  1048. [23:01:45] Lotlhuitl whispers: I must talk to Xitlalli about something. I'm going to ask her to.. help me convince Hatsune to select me for this mission.
  1049. [23:01:45] LOOC - Xitlalli: (the problem is, i think exalted calls up the original ritual, which is 25%)
  1050. [23:01:45] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Both do both at the moment.))
  1051. [23:01:45] LOOC - Xitlalli: (ontop of the 50%/exalted ritual)
  1052. [23:01:45] LOOC - Xitlalli: (whic-so it isn't a nerf)
  1053. [23:01:45] LOOC - Xitlalli: (it's a bug fix)
  1054. [23:01:45] Dmex whispers something.
  1055. [23:01:45] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((They are also getting nerfed.))
  1056. [23:01:45] LOOC - Xitlalli: (completely different thing)
  1057. [23:01:45] LOOC - Xitlalli: (what to?)
  1058. [23:01:45] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((At least from what Nadrew said in OOC earlier.))
  1059. [23:02:36] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Iunno. He just said they're getting fixed and nerfed.))
  1060. [23:02:36] LOOC - Xitlalli: (if exalted gets nerfed too much, they won't be worthwhile investments imo)
  1061. [23:02:36] LOOC - Xitlalli: (they should be 20% for basic, 40% for exalted or 15% then 35%)
  1062. [23:02:36] Lotlhuitl sloooowly looked towards Xitlalli, her green eyes looking her up and down! And then the Nagual shifted from Dmex's side, sauntering over to the dancer. Subtly jingling.
  1063. (Lotlhuitl)
  1064. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1066. [23:03:28] Lotlhuitl says, "Xitlalli, I.. need you."
  1067. [23:03:28] Lotlhuitl says, "Need to talk to you."
  1068. [23:03:28] Xitlalli asks, "Hm? What for?"
  1069. [23:03:28] Lotlhuitl says, "A favour."
  1070. [23:03:28] LOOC - Xitlalli: (As for Jokor, Idk what the status is on him, I was going to finish the scene but I don't think he wants to)
  1071. [23:04:19] Xitlalli says, "Favour for what entirely? Tell me."
  1072. [23:04:19] Lotlhuitl whispers: it's somewhat sensitive..
  1073. [23:04:19] Xitlalli whispers: Right.
  1074. [23:04:19] Lotlhuitl whispers: Do you think we could step somewhere slightly more private?
  1075. [23:04:19] Xitlalli whispers: Alright, sure.
  1076. [23:05:10] Lotlhuitl whispers: I really don't want to look foolish in front of-- thanks.
  1077. [23:05:10] Xitlalli says, "<*looks a bit perplexed, only to begin following Lotlhuitl. "I'll be back in a moment, Hatsune, Kayeliun.""
  1078. [23:05:10] LOOC - Xitlalli: (oops)
  1079. [23:05:10] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (aha.. want to go back out and say that?)
  1080. [23:05:10] LOOC - Xitlalli: (ye)
  1081. [23:06:01] Xitlalli looks a bit perplexed, only to begin following Lotlhuitl. "I'll be back in a moment, Hatsune, Kayeliun. If I'm needed."
  1082. (Xitlalli)
  1083. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1085. [23:12:51] Lotlhuitl led Xitlalli within Tecotchitlan itself. Once the two were out of earshot, the Nagual (draped in jewellery) turned to the dancer. Her.. friend? The youthful woman was close to Xitlalli, though not touching her. Her expression? Concerned.
  1087. "I'll keep this brief, Xitlalli. I.. respect you." A begrudging sort of compliment, coming from someone who was obviously not too great at managing interpersonal relationships. An awkward sort of tension had taken itself up in Lotlhuitl's limbs. She tapped her fingertips together. "I hope that I've earned at least some sort of.. positive.. feeling, in return."
  1089. She was rambling.
  1091. The woman, perhaps realising this, straightened.
  1093. "Look. Nevermind. That's not what I needed to talk to you about." She stated, her ears pinning backwards slightly as a glimmer of embarrassment rose within her. "I need you to talk to Hatsune for me. She doesn't respect me. I know there are limits on how many people can go, but even if numbers were not an issue. I don't think she would or will pick me for this mission into the Spirit Realm."
  1095. Her gaze flicked up Xitlalli's lovely form, her expression determined. "And.. I must go. I must help make things right."
  1096. (Lotlhuitl)
  1097. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1099. [23:20:32] The dancer followed after Lotlhuitl, eyes flickering to and fro as she entered Tecotchitlan; the largest structure within Cruxati territory on Agartha. Xitlalli felt horribly distracted and out of place, sometimes her own body felt foreign to her own self which was strange.
  1101. She couldn't explain what it felt like but it was just dreadfully off, as if she was the one that was wrong, incorrect.
  1103. "Brief, yeah? I like brief talks.", the dancer eventually spoke after that begrudging compliment, her eyes slamming back down onto the Nagual, they were much taller and were adorned with wealth, least material wealth. For some reason or another, that was 'obvious' to her.
  1105. "..So is this about money? De-...", before Lothuitl could speak once more, Xitlalli interrupted, appearing lost and confused, her mind trying to hold on but it failed.
  1107. Once more, an experience not quite her own, invading her mindscape.
  1109. "...I... Uh... Sorry, continue."
  1111. Only for Xitlalli to break out of it, apologising and then continuing to listen; her body felt tense just like Lothuitl's, except the twist here was for other reasons entirely. Spirit Rot; as a spirit dancer, one might ought to believe that she'd have some resistance to it all.
  1113. Negative; for some reason or another it hit Xitlalli that much harder than some.
  1115. "I can...", it was also why she wanted to go on this mission into the Spirit Realm; not so much as to make things right but discover why she was experiencing the past memories and experiences of other people. Those who were both failures and accomplishments in their own rights.
  1117. "Do that for you, Lothuitl, if that's what you want."
  1119. Whereas Lothuitl was sharp and on the point here with her demands, Xitlalli had difficulty, wading through the currently foggy depths of her mind as she spoke aloud and clear albeit sluggishly.
  1121. "Hatsune will... Listen, yeah, don't worry."
  1122. (Xitlalli)
  1123. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1125. [23:30:46] Lotlhuitl nodded.
  1127. She was sharp and on the point today.
  1129. She had been doing well, today. To not indulge in the visions that the curse had been giving her. But as her concern, her bubbling anger at her own weakness subsided, she could feel the memories press in on her.
  1131. It would be so easy to just curl up and daydream. The visions were.. terrible. Hellish scenes of slaughter, of.. corrupt magics. Of chaos itself. And yet, they were scenes from a homeland she had never before seen. That she perhaps never would see. And Lotlhuitl had a weakness for tales of the homeland. Or, at least, she thought she was seeing Gehenna.
  1133. It could have been anywhere, for all she knew.
  1135. The Nagual blinked. Slowly. Dark eyelashes raising and falling.
  1137. Was that what she wanted? "Thank you, Xitlalli. I would be eternally grateful," Lotlhuitl answered. "Hatsune and I.. we had a disagreement yesterday. I do not think I made a good impression, and, well. Normally I wouldn't care. But I need to do this."
  1139. The Nagual's tail swished, and she ran a hand through her silken blue-black hair, feeling the length slowly run through her fingers. The sensation helped her stay in the moment. In the present. To not indulge in the terrible daydreams.
  1141. "I'm not supposed to mention it, as it was embarrassing to Dmex. But Hatsune seemed to think that I was being controlled by her. Which, I swear to you, really isn't the case. She's my teacher."
  1142. (Lotlhuitl)
  1143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1145. [23:35:53] Lotlhuitl was sharp but also forthcoming...? Was that the correct word. Least it was the word that Xitlalli suddenly felt popping into her mind as she staggered back blinking a few times; that wasn't too great, it almost felt as if she was back at sea.
  1147. "Ugh... 'Cuse me...", perhaps it was her nerves or maybe just fatigue, whatever it was, it was fleeting. Quick in and out bouts of it; Xitlalli was indeed a bit of a daydreamer as of late, her ambitions well up there but not something she oft promoted to others.
  1149. Not so much as a lack of confidence but due to the fact she believed her current presentation wasn't up to scratch.
  1151. "Well, I'll see what I can do. Especially when I'm not having those awful headaches.", leaning forward, feet becoming more 'solid' in her mind's eye, the dancer was able to regain her focus and carry on the conversation. It was there her blue eyes took note of the tail swishing back and forth; a way to keep her mind away from those visions and onto reality.
  1153. Even if it felt disconnecting all the more and more.
  1155. "Being controlled? Ah, I mean, I don't know much about her, so I can't really say or judge, y'know?"
  1156. (Xitlalli)
  1157. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1159. [23:38:27] Lotlhuitl says, "... r-right. Yes. Well. I'm following her of my own -- <sees Hatsune enter> --.. volition."
  1160. [23:39:18] Xitlalli says, "Ah'kay."
  1161. [23:40:09] Lotlhuitl whispers: She's.. amazing, Xitlalli. Really. At first she was, well. She's very terse.
  1162. [23:40:09] Lotlhuitl whispers: But I got to know her, and she's shown me things.
  1163. [23:40:09] Xitlalli whispers: Like... What?
  1164. [23:40:09] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... I'm not supposed to say.
  1165. [23:40:09] Xitlalli whispers: Zahhual has shown me plenty... And so has Oyaotl.
  1166. [23:41:00] Lotlhuitl whispers: But.. she has.. like.. divine magic.
  1167. [23:41:00] Xitlalli whispers: Oh... Oooh. Really? That's something special...
  1168. [23:41:00] Lotlhuitl whispers: She's a Great Spirit. Truly, Xitlalli.
  1169. [23:41:00] Lotlhuitl whispers: I think being bound to this plane of existance weakens her, though. She's.. getting more and more distracted.
  1170. [23:41:52] Xitlalli whispers: She's a Spirit? Impossible.
  1171. [23:41:52] Lotlhuitl whispers: I think she needs a temple.
  1172. [23:41:52] Lotlhuitl whispers: No, she is. Caprise summoned her..
  1173. [23:41:52] Lotlhuitl whispers: And I think she was aiding Macha for a time. I'm not sure on the details.
  1174. [23:42:43] Xitlalli whispers: R-Right. Right.
  1175. [23:43:34] Lotlhuitl whispers: She told me to stop telling people. She's worried people like Hatsune, Atro.. that they'll get the wrong idea.
  1176. [23:44:25] Lotlhuitl whispers: People have apparently inspected her for corruption. And.. despite not finding any, they've tried to 'cleanse' her.
  1177. [23:44:25] Lotlhuitl whispers: Rather than admit their own mistakes..
  1178. [23:44:25] Hatsune had only paused because the oven dinged. Carry on, they are not here to interrupt your thing going on.
  1179. (Hatsune Panic)
  1180. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1182. [23:45:16] Xitlalli hums for a short moment... Nodding a few times, "Huh, yeah, Hatsune is kind of touchy about that, except towards Oyaotl?", she murmurs.
  1183. (Xitlalli)
  1184. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1186. [23:45:16] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm."
  1187. [23:46:08] Xitlalli says, "Whatever the case, I've heard Dmex has done a bit here and there."
  1188. [23:46:08] Xitlalli says, "She ain't bad, let me rest in her house once so."
  1189. [23:46:08] Xitlalli says, "I got no problem with her."
  1190. [23:47:50]
  1191. {LOAD GAME}
  1193. [23:47:50] Lotlhuitl says, "... anyway, I said I would be brief."
  1194. [23:48:41] Xitlalli says, "Yeah, yeah, you did."
  1195. [23:50:24] Lotlhuitl says, "Aha."
  1196. [23:50:24] Lotlhuitl says, "I best let you go, Xitlalli."
  1197. [23:52:06] Lotlhuitl notably hadn't moved! Talking to Xitlalli was making it easier to resist sinking back into her own thoughts.. and the daydreams..
  1198. (Lotlhuitl)
  1199. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1201. [23:52:06] Xitlalli nods at the Nagual, before making a move towards exit.
  1202. (Xitlalli)
  1203. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1205. [23:52:06] Lotlhuitl watched her go!
  1206. (Lotlhuitl)
  1207. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1209. [23:52:06] Xitlalli says, "Okay, I best find Zahhual anyway, I haven't tried today."
  1210. [23:52:06] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "Oh! I'll come with you!"
  1211. [23:52:06] Dmex says, "Haven't gone for it yet, no. Every time I'm prepared to, there's another scramble one way or another from Jianghu and Atl."
  1212. [23:52:57] Xitlalli asks, "You sure?"
  1213. [23:52:57] Lotlhuitl asks, "... why?"
  1214. [23:52:57] Kayeliun says, "Yeah. Same."
  1215. [23:52:57] Dmex says, "If the chaos ever slows down, and he lets his guard down. At this point? Too paranoid."
  1216. [23:53:48] Xitlalli says, "Well, lets see."
  1217. [23:53:48] Xitlalli whispers: Private business and well, you've heard the stories right?
  1218. [23:53:48] Lotlhuitl shook her head.
  1219. (Lotlhuitl)
  1220. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1222. [23:53:48] Kayeliun says, "It's irritating."
  1223. [23:53:48] Kayeliun says, "Oh- I should pass this to you, actually. If you want to bring it up with Karma."
  1224. [23:53:48] Xitlalli whispers: Might be best to let me go alone for now. I'll come over and bring you, if Zahhual says it's okay-- If I can find her.
  1225. [23:53:48] Atro Gwyn asks, "She's fighting Xomac?"
  1226. [23:54:40] Dmex snatches Important Document!
  1227. (Dmex)
  1228. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1230. [23:54:40] Lotlhuitl says, "Very well, Xitlalli."
  1231. [23:54:40] Kayeliun says, "I know how much he loves his demon friends."
  1232. [23:54:40] LOOC - Xitlalli: (Oh god Lothuitl's skeleton just jumped out of her skin)
  1233. [23:54:40] Kayeliun says, "Might be some issues."
  1234. [23:54:40] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeah i sreamed)
  1235. [23:54:40] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (screamed**)
  1236. [23:54:40] LOOC - Atro Gwyn: (negatives)
  1237. [23:54:40] LOOC - Balthie: ((guardian rituals baybee))
  1238. [23:54:40] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Ew its Balthie.
  1239. [23:54:40] LOOC - Xitlalli: (ah ha, got you now mr bones)
  1240. [23:54:40] LOOC - Xitlalli: (clickity clack get in the SACK)
  1241. [23:54:40] Dmex says, "...Oh."
  1242. [23:54:40] LOOC - Balthie: ((It's okay I have -20 agi.))
  1243. [23:55:31] Dmex says, "Anaxes - that's... frustrating."
  1244. [23:55:31] Dmex says, "My perfect plan, once again thrown off course by incompetence."
  1245. [23:55:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Afk for a bit)
  1246. [23:55:31] LOOC - Xitlalli: (such bone structure)
  1247. [23:55:31] Kayeliun says, "Take it with a grain of salt, as it's from another demon that intends to eat the others, but...."
  1248. [23:55:31] LOOC - Balthie: ((How long is everybody here awake for.))
  1249. [23:55:31] Kayeliun says, "I know how that feels."
  1250. [23:55:31] LOOC - Xitlalli: (until 10am)
  1251. [23:56:22] LOOC - Xitlalli: (so six or five hours)
  1252. [23:56:22] LOOC - Balthie: ((Time to sip coffee and wake up then get IC.))
  1253. [23:56:22] LOOC - Kayeliun: ((iwas probably going to log soon
  1254. [23:56:22] Dmex says, "I'd give it to Karma with that stipulation in mind."
  1255. [23:56:22] LOOC - Kayeliun: ((have stuff tomorrow
  1256. [23:56:22] Dmex says, "If it's a lie, it's a lie attempting to build a case against these other demons, and the one responsible should be executed."
  1257. [23:56:22] LOOC - Balthie: ((COWARD. Rest well! <3))
  1258. [23:56:22] Kayeliun says, "Though it was apparently harmed in the attempt."
  1259. [23:57:13] Kayeliun says, "I've yet to determine if it's true or not."
  1260. [23:57:13] Kayeliun says, "...but Ezmara's assitance in the matter would be nice."
  1261. [23:57:13] Dmex says, "I intend to offer it."
  1262. [23:58:56] Kayeliun says, "Good."
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