
Kronos - Timestop 1

Sep 7th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Kronos raised his scythe. ‘He serves me with his whole being, as I require. The difference is, he feared you, Percy Jackson. I do not.’
  2. That’s when I ran. There wasn’t even any thought to it. No debate in my mind about – gee, should I stand up to him and try to fight again? Nope. I simply ran.
  3. But my feet felt like lead. Time slowed down around me, like the world was turning to Jell-O. I’d had this feeling once before, and I knew it was the power of Kronos. His presence was so strong it could bend time itself.
  4. ‘Run, little hero,’ he laughed. ‘Run!’
  5. I glanced back and saw him approaching leisurely, swinging his scythe as if he were enjoying the feel of having it in his hands again. No weapon in the world could stop him. No amount of celestial bronze.
  6. He was three metres away when I heard, ‘PERCY!’
  7. Rachel’s voice.
  8. Something flew past me, and a blue plastic hairbrush hit Kronos in the eye.
  9. ‘Ow!’ he yelled. For a moment it was only Luke’s voice, full of surprise and pain. My limbs were freed and I ran straight into Rachel, Nico and Annabeth, who were standing in the entry hall, their eyes wide with dismay.
  11. ***
  13. Battle of the Labyrinth, Chapter 16
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