Guest User


a guest
Sep 26th, 2016
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text 64.42 KB | None | 0 0
  1. viewDidLoad
  2. willBecomeActive
  3. previous currentConversion: %@ nil
  4. playedPositionCounter: 0
  5. didBecomeActive
  6. previous currentConversion: %@ nil
  7. This message from other people: nil
  8. Button pressed
  9. willTransition
  10. didTransition
  11. playedPositionCounter: 0
  12. available pos: 0
  13. available pos: 1
  14. available pos: 2
  15. available pos: 3
  16. available pos: 4
  17. available pos: 5
  18. available pos: 6
  19. available pos: 7
  20. available pos: 8
  21. button pressed: 5
  23. isThisWinningPosition: myPlayedArray: (
  24. )
  25. myPlayedArray.count: 0
  26. 2016-09-26 11:16:26.968214 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  27. 2016-09-26 11:16:26.968593 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 1, 2
  28. isWinningPossible
  29. button pressed: 6
  30. LAST_PLAYED_BUTTON_TAG is now started
  31. isThisWinningPosition: myPlayedArray: (
  32. )
  33. myPlayedArray.count: 0
  34. 2016-09-26 11:16:28.166908 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  35. 2016-09-26 11:16:28.167138 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 1, 2
  36. isWinningPossible
  37. button pressed: 2
  38. LAST_PLAYED_BUTTON_TAG is now started
  39. isThisWinningPosition: myPlayedArray: (
  40. )
  41. myPlayedArray.count: 0
  42. 2016-09-26 11:16:29.029355 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  43. 2016-09-26 11:16:29.029615 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 1, 2
  44. 2016-09-26 11:16:29.029726 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 3, 4, 5
  45. 2016-09-26 11:16:29.029862 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] isWinningPossibleForPositions 3, 4, 5
  46. isWinningPossible
  47. Button pressed
  48. currentConversion: %@ nil
  49. composeMessageNew
  50. my uid: 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  51. your uid: [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  52. color not changed position0
  53. color not changed position1
  54. color changed, position2
  55. color not changed position3
  56. color not changed position4
  57. color not changed position5
  58. color not changed position6
  59. color not changed position7
  60. color not changed position8
  61. you playied at :%@ 2
  62. playied postion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=0&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  63. sending message.url: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=0&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  64. 2016-09-26 11:16:30.059676 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  65. didResignActive
  66. viewDidLoad
  67. willBecomeActive
  68. previous currentConversion: %@ nil
  69. playedPositionCounter: 0
  70. didBecomeActive
  71. previous currentConversion: %@ nil
  72. This message from other people: nil
  73. 2016-09-26 11:16:31.924530 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  74. 2016-09-26 11:16:31.925052 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  75. didStartSending
  76. conversation.localParticipantIdentifier.uuidString:%@ 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  77. conversation.remoteParticipantIdentifiers.uuidString: %@ [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  78. conversation.selectedMessage?.senderParticipantIdentifier.uuidString: %@ nil
  79. lstPstn 2
  80. myPlayedArray: %@ (
  81. 2
  82. )
  83. newTempArray: %@ (
  84. 2
  85. )
  86. from user default: %@ Optional(<__NSSingleObjectArrayI 0x17001d0a0>(
  87. 2
  88. )
  89. )
  90. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. didResignActive
  92. viewDidLoad
  93. willBecomeActive
  94. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  95. urlArray.count 11
  96. name : %@ ?position0
  97. name : %@ position1
  98. name : %@ position2
  99. name : %@ position3
  100. name : %@ position4
  101. name : %@ position5
  102. name : %@ position6
  103. name : %@ position7
  104. name : %@ position8
  105. name : %@ lastPlayed
  106. name : %@ GAME_STATE
  107. gameStatus: RUNNING
  108. urlStr: %@ (
  109. 0,
  110. 0,
  111. 1,
  112. 0,
  113. 1,
  114. 0,
  115. 0,
  116. 0,
  117. 0,
  118. 4,
  119. RUNNING
  120. )
  121. playedPositionCounter: 2
  122. sender indentifier: %@ Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  123. available pos: 0
  124. available pos: 1
  125. myplayed: %@ (
  126. )
  127. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  128. old data exist (
  129. 2
  130. )
  131. comparing: %d and %d 2 2
  132. matched
  133. Yes this position is played by me! 2
  134. already blocked: 2
  135. available pos: 3
  136. myplayed: %@ (
  137. 2
  138. )
  139. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  140. old data exist (
  141. 2
  142. )
  143. comparing: %d and %d 2 4
  144. not matched
  145. already blocked: 4
  146. available pos: 5
  147. available pos: 6
  148. available pos: 7
  149. available pos: 8
  150. didBecomeActive
  151. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  152. This message from other people: Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  153. 2016-09-26 11:17:07.203332 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  154. 2016-09-26 11:17:07.203758 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  155. button pressed: 8
  156. LAST_PLAYED_BUTTON_TAG is now started
  157. isThisWinningPosition: myPlayedArray: (
  158. 2
  159. )
  160. myPlayedArray.count: 1
  161. 2016-09-26 11:17:08.865991 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  162. 2016-09-26 11:17:08.866232 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 1, 2
  163. 2016-09-26 11:17:08.866344 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 3, 4, 5
  164. 2016-09-26 11:17:08.866550 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 3, 4, 5
  165. 2016-09-26 11:17:08.866658 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 6, 7, 8
  166. 2016-09-26 11:17:08.866790 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 6, 7, 8
  167. 2016-09-26 11:17:08.866894 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 3, 6
  168. 2016-09-26 11:17:08.867021 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 3, 6
  169. isWinningPossible
  170. Button pressed
  171. currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  172. composeMessageNew
  173. my uid: 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  174. your uid: [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  175. color not changed position0
  176. color not changed position1
  177. color changed, position2
  178. color not changed position3
  179. color changed, position4
  180. color not changed position5
  181. color not changed position6
  182. color not changed position7
  183. color changed, position8
  184. you playied at :%@ 8
  185. playied postion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  186. sending message.url: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  187. didReceive
  188. MSMessage: <MSMessage: 0x1700bc200>
  189. urlArray.count 11
  190. name : %@ ?position0
  191. name : %@ position1
  192. name : %@ position2
  193. name : %@ position3
  194. name : %@ position4
  195. name : %@ position5
  196. name : %@ position6
  197. name : %@ position7
  198. name : %@ position8
  199. name : %@ lastPlayed
  200. name : %@ GAME_STATE
  201. gameStatus: RUNNING
  202. urlStr: %@ (
  203. 0,
  204. 0,
  205. 1,
  206. 0,
  207. 1,
  208. 0,
  209. 0,
  210. 0,
  211. 1,
  212. 8,
  213. RUNNING
  214. )
  215. playedPositionCounter: 3
  216. didResignActive
  217. viewDidLoad
  218. willBecomeActive
  219. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  220. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  221. urlArray.count 11
  222. name : %@ ?position0
  223. name : %@ position1
  224. name : %@ position2
  225. name : %@ position3
  226. name : %@ position4
  227. name : %@ position5
  228. name : %@ position6
  229. name : %@ position7
  230. name : %@ position8
  231. name : %@ lastPlayed
  232. name : %@ GAME_STATE
  233. gameStatus: RUNNING
  234. urlStr: %@ (
  235. 0,
  236. 0,
  237. 1,
  238. 0,
  239. 1,
  240. 0,
  241. 0,
  242. 0,
  243. 1,
  244. 8,
  245. RUNNING
  246. )
  247. playedPositionCounter: 3
  248. didBecomeActive
  249. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  250. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  251. 2016-09-26 11:17:11.251009 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  252. 2016-09-26 11:17:11.251566 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  253. didStartSending
  254. conversation.localParticipantIdentifier.uuidString:%@ 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  255. conversation.remoteParticipantIdentifiers.uuidString: %@ [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  256. conversation.selectedMessage?.senderParticipantIdentifier.uuidString: %@ Optional("5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06")
  257. old data exist (
  258. 2
  259. )
  260. old index 2
  261. lstPstn 8
  262. myPlayedArray: %@ (
  263. 2,
  264. 8
  265. )
  266. newTempArray: %@ (
  267. 2,
  268. 8
  269. )
  270. from user default: %@ Optional(<__NSArrayI 0x170224d20>(
  271. 2,
  272. 8
  273. )
  274. )
  275. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  276. didResignActive
  277. viewDidLoad
  278. willBecomeActive
  279. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  280. urlArray.count 11
  281. name : %@ ?position0
  282. name : %@ position1
  283. name : %@ position2
  284. name : %@ position3
  285. name : %@ position4
  286. name : %@ position5
  287. name : %@ position6
  288. name : %@ position7
  289. name : %@ position8
  290. name : %@ lastPlayed
  291. name : %@ GAME_STATE
  292. gameStatus: RUNNING
  293. urlStr: %@ (
  294. 0,
  295. 0,
  296. 1,
  297. 0,
  298. 1,
  299. 1,
  300. 0,
  301. 0,
  302. 1,
  303. 5,
  304. RUNNING
  305. )
  306. playedPositionCounter: 4
  307. sender indentifier: %@ Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  308. available pos: 0
  309. available pos: 1
  310. myplayed: %@ (
  311. )
  312. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  313. old data exist (
  314. 2,
  315. 8
  316. )
  317. comparing: %d and %d 2 2
  318. matched
  319. Yes this position is played by me! 2
  320. already blocked: 2
  321. available pos: 3
  322. myplayed: %@ (
  323. 2
  324. )
  325. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  326. old data exist (
  327. 2,
  328. 8
  329. )
  330. comparing: %d and %d 2 4
  331. comparing: %d and %d 8 4
  332. not matched
  333. already blocked: 4
  334. myplayed: %@ (
  335. 2
  336. )
  337. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  338. old data exist (
  339. 2,
  340. 8
  341. )
  342. comparing: %d and %d 2 5
  343. comparing: %d and %d 8 5
  344. not matched
  345. already blocked: 5
  346. available pos: 6
  347. available pos: 7
  348. myplayed: %@ (
  349. 2
  350. )
  351. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  352. old data exist (
  353. 2,
  354. 8
  355. )
  356. comparing: %d and %d 2 8
  357. comparing: %d and %d 8 8
  358. matched
  359. Yes this position is played by me! 8
  360. already blocked: 8
  361. didBecomeActive
  362. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  363. This message from other people: Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  364. 2016-09-26 11:17:37.016428 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  365. 2016-09-26 11:17:37.016939 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  366. button pressed: 7
  367. LAST_PLAYED_BUTTON_TAG is now started
  368. isThisWinningPosition: myPlayedArray: (
  369. 2,
  370. 8
  371. )
  372. myPlayedArray.count: %@ (
  373. 2,
  374. 8
  375. )
  376. firstPos: %d, secondPos: %d, index: %d 2 8 7
  377. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.080485 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  378. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.080718 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 0, 1, 2
  379. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.080831 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 3, 4, 5
  380. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.080970 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 3, 4, 5
  381. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.081075 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 6, 7, 8
  382. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.081273 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 6, 7, 8
  383. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.081377 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 3, 6
  384. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.081511 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 0, 3, 6
  385. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.081615 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 1, 4, 7
  386. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.081741 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 1, 4, 7
  387. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.081845 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 2, 5, 8
  388. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.081974 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 2, 5, 8
  389. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.082077 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 4, 8
  390. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.082204 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 0, 4, 8
  391. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.082307 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 2, 4, 6
  392. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.082432 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 2, 4, 6
  393. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.082540 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  394. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.082678 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 1, 2
  395. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.082784 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 3, 4, 5
  396. 2016-09-26 11:17:38.082917 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] isWinningPossibleForPositions 3, 4, 5
  397. isWinningPossible
  398. Button pressed
  399. currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  400. composeMessageNew
  401. my uid: 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  402. your uid: [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  403. color not changed position0
  404. color not changed position1
  405. color changed, position2
  406. color not changed position3
  407. color changed, position4
  408. color changed, position5
  409. color not changed position6
  410. color changed, position7
  411. color changed, position8
  412. you playied at :%@ 7
  413. playied postion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  414. sending message.url: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  415. didResignActive
  416. viewDidLoad
  417. willBecomeActive
  418. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  419. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  420. urlArray.count 11
  421. name : %@ ?position0
  422. name : %@ position1
  423. name : %@ position2
  424. name : %@ position3
  425. name : %@ position4
  426. name : %@ position5
  427. name : %@ position6
  428. name : %@ position7
  429. name : %@ position8
  430. name : %@ lastPlayed
  431. name : %@ GAME_STATE
  432. gameStatus: RUNNING
  433. urlStr: %@ (
  434. 0,
  435. 0,
  436. 1,
  437. 0,
  438. 1,
  439. 1,
  440. 0,
  441. 1,
  442. 1,
  443. 7,
  444. RUNNING
  445. )
  446. playedPositionCounter: 5
  447. didBecomeActive
  448. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  449. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  450. 2016-09-26 11:17:40.840612 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  451. 2016-09-26 11:17:40.841065 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  452. didStartSending
  453. conversation.localParticipantIdentifier.uuidString:%@ 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  454. conversation.remoteParticipantIdentifiers.uuidString: %@ [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  455. conversation.selectedMessage?.senderParticipantIdentifier.uuidString: %@ Optional("5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06")
  456. old data exist (
  457. 2,
  458. 8
  459. )
  460. old index 2
  461. old index 8
  462. lstPstn 7
  463. myPlayedArray: %@ (
  464. 2,
  465. 8,
  466. 7
  467. )
  468. newTempArray: %@ (
  469. 2,
  470. 8,
  471. 7
  472. )
  473. from user default: %@ Optional(<__NSArrayI 0x174059290>(
  474. 2,
  475. 8,
  476. 7
  477. )
  478. )
  479. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  480. didResignActive
  481. viewDidLoad
  482. willBecomeActive
  483. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  484. urlArray.count 11
  485. name : %@ ?position0
  486. name : %@ position1
  487. name : %@ position2
  488. name : %@ position3
  489. name : %@ position4
  490. name : %@ position5
  491. name : %@ position6
  492. name : %@ position7
  493. name : %@ position8
  494. name : %@ lastPlayed
  495. name : %@ GAME_STATE
  496. gameStatus: RUNNING
  497. urlStr: %@ (
  498. 0,
  499. 0,
  500. 1,
  501. 0,
  502. 1,
  503. 1,
  504. 1,
  505. 1,
  506. 1,
  507. 6,
  508. RUNNING
  509. )
  510. playedPositionCounter: 6
  511. sender indentifier: %@ Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  512. available pos: 0
  513. available pos: 1
  514. myplayed: %@ (
  515. )
  516. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  517. old data exist (
  518. 2,
  519. 8,
  520. 7
  521. )
  522. comparing: %d and %d 2 2
  523. matched
  524. Yes this position is played by me! 2
  525. already blocked: 2
  526. available pos: 3
  527. myplayed: %@ (
  528. 2
  529. )
  530. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  531. old data exist (
  532. 2,
  533. 8,
  534. 7
  535. )
  536. comparing: %d and %d 2 4
  537. comparing: %d and %d 8 4
  538. comparing: %d and %d 7 4
  539. not matched
  540. already blocked: 4
  541. myplayed: %@ (
  542. 2
  543. )
  544. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  545. old data exist (
  546. 2,
  547. 8,
  548. 7
  549. )
  550. comparing: %d and %d 2 5
  551. comparing: %d and %d 8 5
  552. comparing: %d and %d 7 5
  553. not matched
  554. already blocked: 5
  555. myplayed: %@ (
  556. 2
  557. )
  558. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  559. old data exist (
  560. 2,
  561. 8,
  562. 7
  563. )
  564. comparing: %d and %d 2 6
  565. comparing: %d and %d 8 6
  566. comparing: %d and %d 7 6
  567. not matched
  568. already blocked: 6
  569. myplayed: %@ (
  570. 2
  571. )
  572. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  573. old data exist (
  574. 2,
  575. 8,
  576. 7
  577. )
  578. comparing: %d and %d 2 7
  579. comparing: %d and %d 8 7
  580. comparing: %d and %d 7 7
  581. matched
  582. Yes this position is played by me! 7
  583. already blocked: 7
  584. myplayed: %@ (
  585. 2,
  586. 7
  587. )
  588. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  589. old data exist (
  590. 2,
  591. 8,
  592. 7
  593. )
  594. comparing: %d and %d 2 8
  595. comparing: %d and %d 8 8
  596. matched
  597. Yes this position is played by me! 8
  598. already blocked: 8
  599. didBecomeActive
  600. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  601. This message from other people: Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  602. 2016-09-26 11:18:20.492565 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  603. 2016-09-26 11:18:20.493081 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  604. button pressed: 3
  605. LAST_PLAYED_BUTTON_TAG is now started
  606. isThisWinningPosition: myPlayedArray: (
  607. 2,
  608. 7,
  609. 8
  610. )
  611. myPlayedArray.count: %@ (
  612. 2,
  613. 7,
  614. 8
  615. )
  616. firstPos: %d, secondPos: %d, index: %d 2 7 3
  617. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.452018 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  618. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.452250 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 0, 1, 2
  619. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.452361 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 3, 4, 5
  620. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.452499 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 3, 4, 5
  621. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.452604 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 6, 7, 8
  622. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.452733 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 6, 7, 8
  623. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.452838 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 3, 6
  624. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.452962 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 0, 3, 6
  625. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.453066 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 1, 4, 7
  626. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.453194 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 1, 4, 7
  627. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.453298 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 2, 5, 8
  628. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.453424 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 2, 5, 8
  629. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.453528 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 4, 8
  630. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.453654 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 0, 4, 8
  631. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.453758 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 2, 4, 6
  632. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.453882 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 2, 4, 6
  633. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.453990 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  634. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.454128 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 1, 2
  635. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.454233 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 3, 4, 5
  636. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.454381 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 3, 4, 5
  637. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.454486 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 6, 7, 8
  638. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.454627 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 6, 7, 8
  639. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.454731 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 3, 6
  640. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.454864 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 3, 6
  641. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.454968 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 1, 4, 7
  642. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.455102 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 1, 4, 7
  643. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.455359 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 2, 5, 8
  644. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.455505 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 2, 5, 8
  645. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.455610 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 4, 8
  646. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.455743 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 4, 8
  647. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.456452 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 2, 4, 6
  648. 2016-09-26 11:18:21.456610 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 2, 4, 6
  649. winning not possible
  650. The match is draw
  651. Button pressed
  652. currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  653. composeMessageNew
  654. my uid: 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  655. your uid: [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  656. color not changed position0
  657. color not changed position1
  658. color changed, position2
  659. color changed, position3
  660. color changed, position4
  661. color changed, position5
  662. color changed, position6
  663. color changed, position7
  664. color changed, position8
  665. you playied at :%@ 3
  666. playied postion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  667. sending message.url: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  668. didResignActive
  669. viewDidLoad
  670. willBecomeActive
  671. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  672. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  673. urlArray.count 11
  674. name : %@ ?position0
  675. name : %@ position1
  676. name : %@ position2
  677. name : %@ position3
  678. name : %@ position4
  679. name : %@ position5
  680. name : %@ position6
  681. name : %@ position7
  682. name : %@ position8
  683. name : %@ lastPlayed
  684. name : %@ OVER
  685. urlStr: %@ (
  686. 0,
  687. 0,
  688. 1,
  689. 1,
  690. 1,
  691. 1,
  692. 1,
  693. 1,
  694. 1,
  695. 3,
  696. OVER
  697. )
  698. playedPositionCounter: 7
  699. didBecomeActive
  700. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  701. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  702. didStartSending
  703. conversation.localParticipantIdentifier.uuidString:%@ 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  704. conversation.remoteParticipantIdentifiers.uuidString: %@ [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  705. conversation.selectedMessage?.senderParticipantIdentifier.uuidString: %@ Optional("5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06")
  706. lstPstn 0
  707. myPlayedArray: %@ (
  708. 0
  709. )
  710. newTempArray: %@ (
  711. 0
  712. )
  713. from user default: %@ Optional(<__NSSingleObjectArrayI 0x17001d930>(
  714. 0
  715. )
  716. )
  717. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  718. didResignActive
  719. viewDidLoad
  720. willBecomeActive
  721. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=0&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  722. urlArray.count 11
  723. name : %@ ?position0
  724. name : %@ position1
  725. name : %@ position2
  726. name : %@ position3
  727. name : %@ position4
  728. name : %@ position5
  729. name : %@ position6
  730. name : %@ position7
  731. name : %@ position8
  732. name : %@ lastPlayed
  733. name : %@ RUNNING
  734. gameStatus: RUNNING
  735. urlStr: %@ (
  736. 0,
  737. 0,
  738. 0,
  739. 0,
  740. 0,
  741. 1,
  742. 0,
  743. 0,
  744. 0,
  745. 5,
  746. RUNNING
  747. )
  748. playedPositionCounter: 1
  749. sender indentifier: %@ Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  750. available pos: 0
  751. available pos: 1
  752. available pos: 2
  753. available pos: 3
  754. available pos: 4
  755. myplayed: %@ (
  756. )
  757. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=0&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  758. old data exist (
  759. 0
  760. )
  761. comparing: %d and %d 0 5
  762. not matched
  763. already blocked: 5
  764. available pos: 6
  765. available pos: 7
  766. available pos: 8
  767. didBecomeActive
  768. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=0&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  769. This message from other people: Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  770. 2016-09-26 11:19:13.400474 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  771. 2016-09-26 11:19:13.400922 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  772. button pressed: 4
  773. Yes it LAST_PLAYED_BUTTON_TAG has
  774. isThisWinningPosition: myPlayedArray: (
  775. )
  776. myPlayedArray.count: 0
  777. 2016-09-26 11:19:14.495225 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  778. 2016-09-26 11:19:14.495442 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 1, 2
  779. isWinningPossible
  780. Button pressed
  781. currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=0&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  782. composeMessageNew
  783. my uid: 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  784. your uid: [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  785. color not changed position0
  786. color not changed position1
  787. color not changed position2
  788. color not changed position3
  789. color changed, position4
  790. color changed, position5
  791. color not changed position6
  792. color not changed position7
  793. color not changed position8
  794. you playied at :%@ 4
  795. playied postion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  796. sending message.url: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  797. 2016-09-26 11:19:15.320304 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  798. 2016-09-26 11:19:15.329956 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  799. didResignActive
  800. viewDidLoad
  801. willBecomeActive
  802. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  803. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  804. urlArray.count 11
  805. name : %@ ?position0
  806. name : %@ position1
  807. name : %@ position2
  808. name : %@ position3
  809. name : %@ position4
  810. name : %@ position5
  811. name : %@ position6
  812. name : %@ position7
  813. name : %@ position8
  814. name : %@ lastPlayed
  815. name : %@ GAME_STATE
  816. gameStatus: RUNNING
  817. urlStr: %@ (
  818. 0,
  819. 0,
  820. 0,
  821. 0,
  822. 1,
  823. 1,
  824. 0,
  825. 0,
  826. 0,
  827. 4,
  828. RUNNING
  829. )
  830. playedPositionCounter: 2
  831. didBecomeActive
  832. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  833. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  834. didStartSending
  835. conversation.localParticipantIdentifier.uuidString:%@ 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  836. conversation.remoteParticipantIdentifiers.uuidString: %@ [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  837. conversation.selectedMessage?.senderParticipantIdentifier.uuidString: %@ Optional("5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06")
  838. old data exist (
  839. 0
  840. )
  841. old index 0
  842. lstPstn 4
  843. myPlayedArray: %@ (
  844. 0,
  845. 4
  846. )
  847. newTempArray: %@ (
  848. 0,
  849. 4
  850. )
  851. from user default: %@ Optional(<__NSArrayI 0x170228e00>(
  852. 0,
  853. 4
  854. )
  855. )
  856. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  857. didResignActive
  858. viewDidLoad
  859. willBecomeActive
  860. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  861. urlArray.count 11
  862. name : %@ ?position0
  863. name : %@ position1
  864. name : %@ position2
  865. name : %@ position3
  866. name : %@ position4
  867. name : %@ position5
  868. name : %@ position6
  869. name : %@ position7
  870. name : %@ position8
  871. name : %@ lastPlayed
  872. name : %@ GAME_STATE
  873. gameStatus: RUNNING
  874. urlStr: %@ (
  875. 0,
  876. 0,
  877. 0,
  878. 1,
  879. 1,
  880. 1,
  881. 0,
  882. 0,
  883. 0,
  884. 3,
  885. RUNNING
  886. )
  887. playedPositionCounter: 3
  888. sender indentifier: %@ Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  889. available pos: 0
  890. available pos: 1
  891. available pos: 2
  892. myplayed: %@ (
  893. )
  894. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  895. old data exist (
  896. 0,
  897. 4
  898. )
  899. comparing: %d and %d 0 3
  900. comparing: %d and %d 4 3
  901. not matched
  902. already blocked: 3
  903. myplayed: %@ (
  904. )
  905. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  906. old data exist (
  907. 0,
  908. 4
  909. )
  910. comparing: %d and %d 0 4
  911. comparing: %d and %d 4 4
  912. matched
  913. Yes this position is played by me! 4
  914. already blocked: 4
  915. myplayed: %@ (
  916. 4
  917. )
  918. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  919. old data exist (
  920. 0,
  921. 4
  922. )
  923. comparing: %d and %d 0 5
  924. comparing: %d and %d 4 5
  925. not matched
  926. already blocked: 5
  927. available pos: 6
  928. available pos: 7
  929. available pos: 8
  930. didBecomeActive
  931. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  932. This message from other people: Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  933. 2016-09-26 11:19:59.029138 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  934. 2016-09-26 11:19:59.029802 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  935. button pressed: 2
  936. LAST_PLAYED_BUTTON_TAG is now started
  937. isThisWinningPosition: myPlayedArray: (
  938. 4
  939. )
  940. myPlayedArray.count: 1
  941. 2016-09-26 11:20:00.536041 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  942. 2016-09-26 11:20:00.536287 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 1, 2
  943. 2016-09-26 11:20:00.536403 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 3, 4, 5
  944. 2016-09-26 11:20:00.536563 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 3, 4, 5
  945. 2016-09-26 11:20:00.536670 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 6, 7, 8
  946. 2016-09-26 11:20:00.536804 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] isWinningPossibleForPositions 6, 7, 8
  947. isWinningPossible
  948. Button pressed
  949. currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  950. composeMessageNew
  951. my uid: 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  952. your uid: [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  953. color not changed position0
  954. color not changed position1
  955. color changed, position2
  956. color changed, position3
  957. color changed, position4
  958. color changed, position5
  959. color not changed position6
  960. color not changed position7
  961. color not changed position8
  962. you playied at :%@ 2
  963. playied postion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  964. sending message.url: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  965. didReceive
  966. MSMessage: <MSMessage: 0x1700b9620>
  967. urlArray.count 11
  968. name : %@ ?position0
  969. name : %@ position1
  970. name : %@ position2
  971. name : %@ position3
  972. name : %@ position4
  973. name : %@ position5
  974. name : %@ position6
  975. name : %@ position7
  976. name : %@ position8
  977. name : %@ lastPlayed
  978. name : %@ GAME_STATE
  979. gameStatus: RUNNING
  980. urlStr: %@ (
  981. 0,
  982. 0,
  983. 1,
  984. 1,
  985. 1,
  986. 1,
  987. 0,
  988. 0,
  989. 0,
  990. 2,
  991. RUNNING
  992. )
  993. playedPositionCounter: 4
  994. didResignActive
  995. viewDidLoad
  996. willBecomeActive
  997. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  998. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  999. urlArray.count 11
  1000. name : %@ ?position0
  1001. name : %@ position1
  1002. name : %@ position2
  1003. name : %@ position3
  1004. name : %@ position4
  1005. name : %@ position5
  1006. name : %@ position6
  1007. name : %@ position7
  1008. name : %@ position8
  1009. name : %@ lastPlayed
  1010. name : %@ GAME_STATE
  1011. gameStatus: RUNNING
  1012. urlStr: %@ (
  1013. 0,
  1014. 0,
  1015. 1,
  1016. 1,
  1017. 1,
  1018. 1,
  1019. 0,
  1020. 0,
  1021. 0,
  1022. 2,
  1023. RUNNING
  1024. )
  1025. playedPositionCounter: 4
  1026. didBecomeActive
  1027. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1028. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  1029. didStartSending
  1030. conversation.localParticipantIdentifier.uuidString:%@ 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  1031. conversation.remoteParticipantIdentifiers.uuidString: %@ [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  1032. conversation.selectedMessage?.senderParticipantIdentifier.uuidString: %@ Optional("5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06")
  1033. old data exist (
  1034. 0,
  1035. 4
  1036. )
  1037. old index 0
  1038. old index 4
  1039. lstPstn 2
  1040. myPlayedArray: %@ (
  1041. 0,
  1042. 4,
  1043. 2
  1044. )
  1045. newTempArray: %@ (
  1046. 0,
  1047. 4,
  1048. 2
  1049. )
  1050. from user default: %@ Optional(<__NSArrayI 0x1740594d0>(
  1051. 0,
  1052. 4,
  1053. 2
  1054. )
  1055. )
  1056. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1057. didResignActive
  1058. viewDidLoad
  1059. willBecomeActive
  1060. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1061. urlArray.count 11
  1062. name : %@ ?position0
  1063. name : %@ position1
  1064. name : %@ position2
  1065. name : %@ position3
  1066. name : %@ position4
  1067. name : %@ position5
  1068. name : %@ position6
  1069. name : %@ position7
  1070. name : %@ position8
  1071. name : %@ lastPlayed
  1072. name : %@ GAME_STATE
  1073. gameStatus: RUNNING
  1074. urlStr: %@ (
  1075. 0,
  1076. 0,
  1077. 1,
  1078. 1,
  1079. 1,
  1080. 1,
  1081. 1,
  1082. 0,
  1083. 0,
  1084. 6,
  1085. RUNNING
  1086. )
  1087. playedPositionCounter: 5
  1088. sender indentifier: %@ Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  1089. available pos: 0
  1090. available pos: 1
  1091. myplayed: %@ (
  1092. )
  1093. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1094. old data exist (
  1095. 0,
  1096. 4,
  1097. 2
  1098. )
  1099. comparing: %d and %d 0 2
  1100. comparing: %d and %d 4 2
  1101. comparing: %d and %d 2 2
  1102. matched
  1103. Yes this position is played by me! 2
  1104. already blocked: 2
  1105. myplayed: %@ (
  1106. 2
  1107. )
  1108. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1109. old data exist (
  1110. 0,
  1111. 4,
  1112. 2
  1113. )
  1114. comparing: %d and %d 0 3
  1115. comparing: %d and %d 4 3
  1116. comparing: %d and %d 2 3
  1117. not matched
  1118. already blocked: 3
  1119. myplayed: %@ (
  1120. 2
  1121. )
  1122. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1123. old data exist (
  1124. 0,
  1125. 4,
  1126. 2
  1127. )
  1128. comparing: %d and %d 0 4
  1129. comparing: %d and %d 4 4
  1130. matched
  1131. Yes this position is played by me! 4
  1132. already blocked: 4
  1133. myplayed: %@ (
  1134. 2,
  1135. 4
  1136. )
  1137. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1138. old data exist (
  1139. 0,
  1140. 4,
  1141. 2
  1142. )
  1143. comparing: %d and %d 0 5
  1144. comparing: %d and %d 4 5
  1145. comparing: %d and %d 2 5
  1146. not matched
  1147. already blocked: 5
  1148. myplayed: %@ (
  1149. 2,
  1150. 4
  1151. )
  1152. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1153. old data exist (
  1154. 0,
  1155. 4,
  1156. 2
  1157. )
  1158. comparing: %d and %d 0 6
  1159. comparing: %d and %d 4 6
  1160. comparing: %d and %d 2 6
  1161. not matched
  1162. already blocked: 6
  1163. available pos: 7
  1164. available pos: 8
  1165. didBecomeActive
  1166. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1167. This message from other people: Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  1168. 2016-09-26 11:20:33.142432 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  1169. 2016-09-26 11:20:33.142898 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  1170. button pressed: 0
  1171. LAST_PLAYED_BUTTON_TAG is now started
  1172. isThisWinningPosition: myPlayedArray: (
  1173. 2,
  1174. 4
  1175. )
  1176. myPlayedArray.count: %@ (
  1177. 2,
  1178. 4
  1179. )
  1180. firstPos: %d, secondPos: %d, index: %d 2 4 0
  1181. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.871707 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  1182. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.871940 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 0, 1, 2
  1183. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.872052 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 3, 4, 5
  1184. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.872188 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 3, 4, 5
  1185. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.872292 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 6, 7, 8
  1186. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.872420 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 6, 7, 8
  1187. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.872524 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 3, 6
  1188. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.872649 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 0, 3, 6
  1189. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.872752 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 1, 4, 7
  1190. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.872883 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 1, 4, 7
  1191. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.872986 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 2, 5, 8
  1192. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.873112 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 2, 5, 8
  1193. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.873215 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 4, 8
  1194. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.873353 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 0, 4, 8
  1195. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.873457 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 2, 4, 6
  1196. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.873592 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 2, 4, 6
  1197. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.873699 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  1198. 2016-09-26 11:20:38.873848 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 1, 2
  1199. isWinningPossible
  1200. Button pressed
  1201. currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1202. composeMessageNew
  1203. my uid: 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  1204. your uid: [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  1205. color changed, position0
  1206. color not changed position1
  1207. color changed, position2
  1208. color changed, position3
  1209. color changed, position4
  1210. color changed, position5
  1211. color changed, position6
  1212. color not changed position7
  1213. color not changed position8
  1214. you playied at :%@ 0
  1215. playied postion: %@ Optional(?position0=1&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1216. sending message.url: %@ Optional(?position0=1&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1217. 2016-09-26 11:20:40.319132 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  1218. 2016-09-26 11:20:40.327584 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  1219. didResignActive
  1220. viewDidLoad
  1221. willBecomeActive
  1222. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  1223. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=1&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1224. urlArray.count 11
  1225. name : %@ ?position0
  1226. name : %@ position1
  1227. name : %@ position2
  1228. name : %@ position3
  1229. name : %@ position4
  1230. name : %@ position5
  1231. name : %@ position6
  1232. name : %@ position7
  1233. name : %@ position8
  1234. name : %@ lastPlayed
  1235. name : %@ GAME_STATE
  1236. gameStatus: RUNNING
  1237. urlStr: %@ (
  1238. 1,
  1239. 0,
  1240. 1,
  1241. 1,
  1242. 1,
  1243. 1,
  1244. 1,
  1245. 0,
  1246. 0,
  1247. 0,
  1248. RUNNING
  1249. )
  1250. playedPositionCounter: 6
  1251. didBecomeActive
  1252. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=1&position1=0&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1253. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  1254. 2016-09-26 11:20:42.021569 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  1255. 2016-09-26 11:20:42.021980 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  1256. didStartSending
  1257. conversation.localParticipantIdentifier.uuidString:%@ 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  1258. conversation.remoteParticipantIdentifiers.uuidString: %@ [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  1259. conversation.selectedMessage?.senderParticipantIdentifier.uuidString: %@ Optional("5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06")
  1260. old data exist (
  1261. 0,
  1262. 4,
  1263. 2
  1264. )
  1265. old index 0
  1266. old index 4
  1267. old index 2
  1268. lstPstn 0
  1269. myPlayedArray: %@ (
  1270. 0,
  1271. 4,
  1272. 2,
  1273. 0
  1274. )
  1275. newTempArray: %@ (
  1276. 0,
  1277. 4,
  1278. 2,
  1279. 0
  1280. )
  1281. from user default: %@ Optional(<__NSArrayI 0x17024f2a0>(
  1282. 0,
  1283. 4,
  1284. 2,
  1285. 0
  1286. )
  1287. )
  1288. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1289. didResignActive
  1290. viewDidLoad
  1291. willBecomeActive
  1292. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1293. urlArray.count 11
  1294. name : %@ ?position0
  1295. name : %@ position1
  1296. name : %@ position2
  1297. name : %@ position3
  1298. name : %@ position4
  1299. name : %@ position5
  1300. name : %@ position6
  1301. name : %@ position7
  1302. name : %@ position8
  1303. name : %@ lastPlayed
  1304. name : %@ GAME_STATE
  1305. gameStatus: RUNNING
  1306. urlStr: %@ (
  1307. 1,
  1308. 1,
  1309. 1,
  1310. 1,
  1311. 1,
  1312. 1,
  1313. 1,
  1314. 0,
  1315. 0,
  1316. 1,
  1317. RUNNING
  1318. )
  1319. playedPositionCounter: 8
  1320. sender indentifier: %@ Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  1321. myplayed: %@ (
  1322. )
  1323. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1324. old data exist (
  1325. 0,
  1326. 4,
  1327. 2,
  1328. 0
  1329. )
  1330. comparing: %d and %d 0 0
  1331. matched
  1332. Yes this position is played by me! 0
  1333. already blocked: 0
  1334. myplayed: %@ (
  1335. 0
  1336. )
  1337. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1338. old data exist (
  1339. 0,
  1340. 4,
  1341. 2,
  1342. 0
  1343. )
  1344. comparing: %d and %d 0 1
  1345. comparing: %d and %d 4 1
  1346. comparing: %d and %d 2 1
  1347. comparing: %d and %d 0 1
  1348. not matched
  1349. already blocked: 1
  1350. myplayed: %@ (
  1351. 0
  1352. )
  1353. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1354. old data exist (
  1355. 0,
  1356. 4,
  1357. 2,
  1358. 0
  1359. )
  1360. comparing: %d and %d 0 2
  1361. comparing: %d and %d 4 2
  1362. comparing: %d and %d 2 2
  1363. matched
  1364. Yes this position is played by me! 2
  1365. already blocked: 2
  1366. myplayed: %@ (
  1367. 0,
  1368. 2
  1369. )
  1370. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1371. old data exist (
  1372. 0,
  1373. 4,
  1374. 2,
  1375. 0
  1376. )
  1377. comparing: %d and %d 0 3
  1378. comparing: %d and %d 4 3
  1379. comparing: %d and %d 2 3
  1380. comparing: %d and %d 0 3
  1381. not matched
  1382. already blocked: 3
  1383. myplayed: %@ (
  1384. 0,
  1385. 2
  1386. )
  1387. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1388. old data exist (
  1389. 0,
  1390. 4,
  1391. 2,
  1392. 0
  1393. )
  1394. comparing: %d and %d 0 4
  1395. comparing: %d and %d 4 4
  1396. matched
  1397. Yes this position is played by me! 4
  1398. already blocked: 4
  1399. myplayed: %@ (
  1400. 0,
  1401. 2,
  1402. 4
  1403. )
  1404. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1405. old data exist (
  1406. 0,
  1407. 4,
  1408. 2,
  1409. 0
  1410. )
  1411. comparing: %d and %d 0 5
  1412. comparing: %d and %d 4 5
  1413. comparing: %d and %d 2 5
  1414. comparing: %d and %d 0 5
  1415. not matched
  1416. already blocked: 5
  1417. myplayed: %@ (
  1418. 0,
  1419. 2,
  1420. 4
  1421. )
  1422. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1423. old data exist (
  1424. 0,
  1425. 4,
  1426. 2,
  1427. 0
  1428. )
  1429. comparing: %d and %d 0 6
  1430. comparing: %d and %d 4 6
  1431. comparing: %d and %d 2 6
  1432. comparing: %d and %d 0 6
  1433. not matched
  1434. already blocked: 6
  1435. available pos: 7
  1436. available pos: 8
  1437. didBecomeActive
  1438. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1439. This message from other people: Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  1440. button pressed: 7
  1441. LAST_PLAYED_BUTTON_TAG is now started
  1442. isThisWinningPosition: myPlayedArray: (
  1443. 0,
  1444. 2,
  1445. 4
  1446. )
  1447. myPlayedArray.count: %@ (
  1448. 0,
  1449. 2,
  1450. 4
  1451. )
  1452. firstPos: %d, secondPos: %d, index: %d 0 2 7
  1453. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.350216 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  1454. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.350455 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 0, 1, 2
  1455. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.350569 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 3, 4, 5
  1456. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.350703 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 3, 4, 5
  1457. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.350808 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 6, 7, 8
  1458. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.350935 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 6, 7, 8
  1459. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.351039 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 3, 6
  1460. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.351164 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 0, 3, 6
  1461. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.351308 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 1, 4, 7
  1462. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.351438 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 1, 4, 7
  1463. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.351543 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 2, 5, 8
  1464. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.351805 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 2, 5, 8
  1465. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.351915 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 4, 8
  1466. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.352056 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 0, 4, 8
  1467. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.352160 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 2, 4, 6
  1468. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.352295 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not winnder 2, 4, 6
  1469. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.352404 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  1470. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.352555 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 1, 2
  1471. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.352660 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 3, 4, 5
  1472. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.352803 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 3, 4, 5
  1473. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.352907 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 6, 7, 8
  1474. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.353057 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 6, 7, 8
  1475. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.353162 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 3, 6
  1476. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.353304 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 3, 6
  1477. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.353408 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 1, 4, 7
  1478. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.353546 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 1, 4, 7
  1479. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.353651 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 2, 5, 8
  1480. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.353800 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 2, 5, 8
  1481. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.354627 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 4, 8
  1482. 2016-09-26 11:21:21.354805 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 4, 8
  1483. isWinningPossible
  1484. Button pressed
  1485. currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1486. composeMessageNew
  1487. my uid: 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  1488. your uid: [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  1489. color changed, position0
  1490. color changed, position1
  1491. color changed, position2
  1492. color changed, position3
  1493. color changed, position4
  1494. color changed, position5
  1495. color changed, position6
  1496. color changed, position7
  1497. color not changed position8
  1498. you playied at :%@ 7
  1499. playied postion: %@ Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1500. sending message.url: %@ Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1501. didResignActive
  1502. viewDidLoad
  1503. willBecomeActive
  1504. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  1505. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1506. urlArray.count 11
  1507. name : %@ ?position0
  1508. name : %@ position1
  1509. name : %@ position2
  1510. name : %@ position3
  1511. name : %@ position4
  1512. name : %@ position5
  1513. name : %@ position6
  1514. name : %@ position7
  1515. name : %@ position8
  1516. name : %@ lastPlayed
  1517. name : %@ GAME_STATE
  1518. gameStatus: RUNNING
  1519. urlStr: %@ (
  1520. 1,
  1521. 1,
  1522. 1,
  1523. 1,
  1524. 1,
  1525. 1,
  1526. 1,
  1527. 1,
  1528. 0,
  1529. 7,
  1530. RUNNING
  1531. )
  1532. playedPositionCounter: 8
  1533. didBecomeActive
  1534. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1535. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  1536. 2016-09-26 11:21:31.540287 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  1537. 2016-09-26 11:21:31.540720 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  1538. didStartSending
  1539. conversation.localParticipantIdentifier.uuidString:%@ 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  1540. conversation.remoteParticipantIdentifiers.uuidString: %@ [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  1541. conversation.selectedMessage?.senderParticipantIdentifier.uuidString: %@ Optional("5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06")
  1542. old data exist (
  1543. 0,
  1544. 4,
  1545. 2,
  1546. 0
  1547. )
  1548. old index 0
  1549. old index 4
  1550. old index 2
  1551. old index 0
  1552. lstPstn 7
  1553. myPlayedArray: %@ (
  1554. 0,
  1555. 4,
  1556. 2,
  1557. 0,
  1558. 7
  1559. )
  1560. newTempArray: %@ (
  1561. 0,
  1562. 4,
  1563. 2,
  1564. 0,
  1565. 7
  1566. )
  1567. from user default: %@ Optional(<__NSArrayI 0x170477600>(
  1568. 0,
  1569. 4,
  1570. 2,
  1571. 0,
  1572. 7
  1573. )
  1574. )
  1575. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1576. didResignActive
  1577. viewDidLoad
  1578. willBecomeActive
  1579. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  1580. urlArray.count 11
  1581. name : %@ ?position0
  1582. name : %@ position1
  1583. name : %@ position2
  1584. name : %@ position3
  1585. name : %@ position4
  1586. name : %@ position5
  1587. name : %@ position6
  1588. name : %@ position7
  1589. name : %@ position8
  1590. name : %@ lastPlayed
  1591. name : %@ OVER
  1592. urlStr: %@ (
  1593. 1,
  1594. 1,
  1595. 1,
  1596. 1,
  1597. 1,
  1598. 1,
  1599. 1,
  1600. 1,
  1601. 1,
  1602. 8,
  1603. OVER
  1604. )
  1605. playedPositionCounter: 9
  1606. sender indentifier: %@ Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  1607. myplayed: %@ (
  1608. )
  1609. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  1610. old data exist (
  1611. 0,
  1612. 4,
  1613. 2,
  1614. 0,
  1615. 7
  1616. )
  1617. comparing: %d and %d 0 0
  1618. matched
  1619. Yes this position is played by me! 0
  1620. already blocked: 0
  1621. myplayed: %@ (
  1622. 0
  1623. )
  1624. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  1625. old data exist (
  1626. 0,
  1627. 4,
  1628. 2,
  1629. 0,
  1630. 7
  1631. )
  1632. comparing: %d and %d 0 1
  1633. comparing: %d and %d 4 1
  1634. comparing: %d and %d 2 1
  1635. comparing: %d and %d 0 1
  1636. comparing: %d and %d 7 1
  1637. not matched
  1638. already blocked: 1
  1639. myplayed: %@ (
  1640. 0
  1641. )
  1642. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  1643. old data exist (
  1644. 0,
  1645. 4,
  1646. 2,
  1647. 0,
  1648. 7
  1649. )
  1650. comparing: %d and %d 0 2
  1651. comparing: %d and %d 4 2
  1652. comparing: %d and %d 2 2
  1653. matched
  1654. Yes this position is played by me! 2
  1655. already blocked: 2
  1656. myplayed: %@ (
  1657. 0,
  1658. 2
  1659. )
  1660. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  1661. old data exist (
  1662. 0,
  1663. 4,
  1664. 2,
  1665. 0,
  1666. 7
  1667. )
  1668. comparing: %d and %d 0 3
  1669. comparing: %d and %d 4 3
  1670. comparing: %d and %d 2 3
  1671. comparing: %d and %d 0 3
  1672. comparing: %d and %d 7 3
  1673. not matched
  1674. already blocked: 3
  1675. myplayed: %@ (
  1676. 0,
  1677. 2
  1678. )
  1679. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  1680. old data exist (
  1681. 0,
  1682. 4,
  1683. 2,
  1684. 0,
  1685. 7
  1686. )
  1687. comparing: %d and %d 0 4
  1688. comparing: %d and %d 4 4
  1689. matched
  1690. Yes this position is played by me! 4
  1691. already blocked: 4
  1692. myplayed: %@ (
  1693. 0,
  1694. 2,
  1695. 4
  1696. )
  1697. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  1698. old data exist (
  1699. 0,
  1700. 4,
  1701. 2,
  1702. 0,
  1703. 7
  1704. )
  1705. comparing: %d and %d 0 5
  1706. comparing: %d and %d 4 5
  1707. comparing: %d and %d 2 5
  1708. comparing: %d and %d 0 5
  1709. comparing: %d and %d 7 5
  1710. not matched
  1711. already blocked: 5
  1712. myplayed: %@ (
  1713. 0,
  1714. 2,
  1715. 4
  1716. )
  1717. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  1718. old data exist (
  1719. 0,
  1720. 4,
  1721. 2,
  1722. 0,
  1723. 7
  1724. )
  1725. comparing: %d and %d 0 6
  1726. comparing: %d and %d 4 6
  1727. comparing: %d and %d 2 6
  1728. comparing: %d and %d 0 6
  1729. comparing: %d and %d 7 6
  1730. not matched
  1731. already blocked: 6
  1732. myplayed: %@ (
  1733. 0,
  1734. 2,
  1735. 4
  1736. )
  1737. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  1738. old data exist (
  1739. 0,
  1740. 4,
  1741. 2,
  1742. 0,
  1743. 7
  1744. )
  1745. comparing: %d and %d 0 7
  1746. comparing: %d and %d 4 7
  1747. comparing: %d and %d 2 7
  1748. comparing: %d and %d 0 7
  1749. comparing: %d and %d 7 7
  1750. matched
  1751. Yes this position is played by me! 7
  1752. already blocked: 7
  1753. myplayed: %@ (
  1754. 0,
  1755. 2,
  1756. 4,
  1757. 7
  1758. )
  1759. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  1760. old data exist (
  1761. 0,
  1762. 4,
  1763. 2,
  1764. 0,
  1765. 7
  1766. )
  1767. comparing: %d and %d 0 8
  1768. comparing: %d and %d 4 8
  1769. comparing: %d and %d 2 8
  1770. comparing: %d and %d 0 8
  1771. comparing: %d and %d 7 8
  1772. not matched
  1773. already blocked: 8
  1774. didBecomeActive
  1775. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  1776. This message from other people: Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  1777. available pos: 0
  1778. available pos: 1
  1779. available pos: 2
  1780. available pos: 3
  1781. available pos: 4
  1782. available pos: 5
  1783. available pos: 6
  1784. available pos: 7
  1785. available pos: 8
  1786. button pressed: 4
  1787. Yes it LAST_PLAYED_BUTTON_TAG has
  1788. isThisWinningPosition: myPlayedArray: (
  1789. )
  1790. myPlayedArray.count: 0
  1791. 2016-09-26 11:22:15.227481 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  1792. 2016-09-26 11:22:15.227705 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 1, 2
  1793. isWinningPossible
  1794. Button pressed
  1795. currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=1&position1=1&position2=1&position3=1&position4=1&position5=1&position6=1&position7=1&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... VER=OVER)
  1796. composeMessageNew
  1797. my uid: 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  1798. your uid: [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  1799. color not changed position0
  1800. color not changed position1
  1801. color not changed position2
  1802. color not changed position3
  1803. color changed, position4
  1804. color not changed position5
  1805. color not changed position6
  1806. color not changed position7
  1807. color not changed position8
  1808. you playied at :%@ 4
  1809. playied postion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1810. sending message.url: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1811. didResignActive
  1812. viewDidLoad
  1813. willBecomeActive
  1814. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  1815. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1816. urlArray.count 11
  1817. name : %@ ?position0
  1818. name : %@ position1
  1819. name : %@ position2
  1820. name : %@ position3
  1821. name : %@ position4
  1822. name : %@ position5
  1823. name : %@ position6
  1824. name : %@ position7
  1825. name : %@ position8
  1826. name : %@ lastPlayed
  1827. name : %@ RUNNING
  1828. gameStatus: RUNNING
  1829. urlStr: %@ (
  1830. 0,
  1831. 0,
  1832. 0,
  1833. 0,
  1834. 1,
  1835. 0,
  1836. 0,
  1837. 0,
  1838. 0,
  1839. 4,
  1840. RUNNING
  1841. )
  1842. playedPositionCounter: 1
  1843. didBecomeActive
  1844. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=0&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1845. This message is yours: Optional(5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06)
  1846. 2016-09-26 11:22:18.653978 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  1847. 2016-09-26 11:22:18.654434 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  1848. didStartSending
  1849. conversation.localParticipantIdentifier.uuidString:%@ 5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06
  1850. conversation.remoteParticipantIdentifiers.uuidString: %@ [71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36]
  1851. conversation.selectedMessage?.senderParticipantIdentifier.uuidString: %@ Optional("5EB67298-3AEF-41AA-B1DC-5F3955DF4C06")
  1852. lstPstn 4
  1853. myPlayedArray: %@ (
  1854. 4
  1855. )
  1856. newTempArray: %@ (
  1857. 4
  1858. )
  1859. from user default: %@ Optional(<__NSSingleObjectArrayI 0x17401fc70>(
  1860. 4
  1861. )
  1862. )
  1863. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1864. didResignActive
  1865. viewDidLoad
  1866. willBecomeActive
  1867. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1868. urlArray.count 11
  1869. name : %@ ?position0
  1870. name : %@ position1
  1871. name : %@ position2
  1872. name : %@ position3
  1873. name : %@ position4
  1874. name : %@ position5
  1875. name : %@ position6
  1876. name : %@ position7
  1877. name : %@ position8
  1878. name : %@ lastPlayed
  1879. name : %@ GAME_STATE
  1880. gameStatus: RUNNING
  1881. urlStr: %@ (
  1882. 0,
  1883. 0,
  1884. 0,
  1885. 0,
  1886. 1,
  1887. 0,
  1888. 0,
  1889. 0,
  1890. 1,
  1891. 8,
  1892. RUNNING
  1893. )
  1894. playedPositionCounter: 2
  1895. sender indentifier: %@ Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  1896. available pos: 0
  1897. available pos: 1
  1898. available pos: 2
  1899. available pos: 3
  1900. myplayed: %@ (
  1901. )
  1902. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1903. old data exist (
  1904. 4
  1905. )
  1906. comparing: %d and %d 4 4
  1907. matched
  1908. Yes this position is played by me! 4
  1909. already blocked: 4
  1910. available pos: 5
  1911. available pos: 6
  1912. available pos: 7
  1913. myplayed: %@ (
  1914. 4
  1915. )
  1916. currentConversation.selectedMessage?.url: Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1917. old data exist (
  1918. 4
  1919. )
  1920. comparing: %d and %d 4 8
  1921. not matched
  1922. already blocked: 8
  1923. didBecomeActive
  1924. previous currentConversion: %@ Optional(?position0=0&position1=0&position2=0&position3=0&position4=1&position5=0&position6=0&position7=0&position8=1&lastPlayed= ... =RUNNING)
  1925. This message from other people: Optional(71B681BA-58AD-4CB1-A292-257BF6311F36)
  1926. 2016-09-26 11:22:44.538468 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  1927. 2016-09-26 11:22:44.538879 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] [App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction
  1928. button pressed: 0
  1929. LAST_PLAYED_BUTTON_TAG is now started
  1930. isThisWinningPosition: myPlayedArray: (
  1931. 4
  1932. )
  1933. myPlayedArray.count: 1
  1934. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.641858 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 1, 2
  1935. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.642094 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 1, 2
  1936. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.642207 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 3, 4, 5
  1937. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.642343 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 3, 4, 5
  1938. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.642448 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 6, 7, 8
  1939. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.642592 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 6, 7, 8
  1940. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.642697 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 3, 6
  1941. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.642833 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 3, 6
  1942. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.642970 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 1, 4, 7
  1943. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.643107 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 1, 4, 7
  1944. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.643212 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 2, 5, 8
  1945. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.643346 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 2, 5, 8
  1946. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.643450 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 0, 4, 8
  1947. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.643592 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 0, 4, 8
  1948. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.643696 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] 2, 4, 6
  1949. 2016-09-26 11:22:45.643825 MessagesExtension[1623:345354] not isWinningPossibleForPositions 2, 4, 6
  1950. winning not possible
  1951. The match is draw
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