
Angel by Wnrite [WIP]

Jun 1st, 2014
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  1. >You're on your way home to Ponyville in a train, mulling over your life while the sun sets in the window.
  2. >It's been so long since you were first dumped off into the world of colorful ponies.
  3. >You've had a lot of different experiences here in this ponyworld that is now your home.
  4. >It's also pretty cool that you've even chatted it up with a new Princess, talked with hero's, hung out with celebrates, and done some crazy stuff in these 5 years.
  5. >Really, other than that odd stuff though, for the most part it's just like living on Earth, except maybe for the fact that some still treat you like shit for being different.
  6. >Oh well, you win some, you lose some.
  7. >You feel the train slow and hear the screech of the brakes as you reach your destination.
  8. >A pony pokes his head through the door.
  9. >"All those headed for Ponyville, this is your stop!"
  10. >A few ponies along with you get up and shuffle out of the train, a light chatter around you that muddles together.
  11. >You walk by, somehow the couples that you see stick out like a sore thumb in the crowds at the station.
  12. >Even though you've come to terms with the idea of being attracted to ponies doesn't mean love comes easy.
  13. >Another case where being the only human really hurts you. Most aren't interested in you.
  14. >It doesn't mean there aren't other ways of going about getting some 'satisfaction' form a mare.
  15. >You were surprised to find out that ponies, in their clean and what seems like Utopian society, have darker sides to them.
  16. >Today feels like one of those days. Your happiness from visiting Twilight in Canterlot is starting to wear down, knowing that it'll be a while before you can see one of your only 'true' friends in Equestria again.
  17. >You meander your way about the town and find yourself in the shadier side.
  18. >It's really odd though, you have yet to find somepony who really isn't happy being there, doing what they do.
  19. >Probably has something to do with the whole cutiemark thing. A pony's destiny and junk.
  20. >You didn't notice before, but a few pegasi fly above with a blanket of clouds, a light snow beginning to fall.
  21. >You continue making your way down the street, mares smiling and waving their hooves at you.
  22. >"Hey human! Over here."
  23. >You continue walking by, looking around.
  24. >"Oh, an exotic one!"
  25. >You look over your possible escorts, nothing really catching your eye.
  26. >"Over here cutie!"
  27. >You continue walking and somepony catches your eye.
  28. >A mare a little further off to the side wearing some tattered clothing covering her body, nothing like what the other ones are wearing.
  29. >Seems a little odd that the cloths she has on are covering her cutie mark. Most of the 'escorts', and for that matter, all ponies, tend to have their cutie marks uncovered.
  30. >She peaks your interest, so you make your way over to her.
  31. >She looks up at you, giving you a better look at her.
  32. >By her height and over facial features, she can't be over 20. She has an orange coat and purple mane and tail. A small pouch is hanging off of her neck.
  33. >Her light pink eyes look directly into yours, for a moment you swear you can see a look of fear in her eyes.
  34. >She stammers out her price to you.
  35. >"T-The rate is 60 bits."
  36. >You're really surprised at the way she's acting, which really pushes you to further this. It seems the 'escorts' are normally a little more confident.
  37. >Plus, that short mane style is too cute.
  38. "Alright."
  39. >You pull out your bag of bits and hand it over to her.
  40. >Grabbing them from you, she shrugs the bag off of her neck and manages to open it.
  41. >She tosses the bits into the bag, closes it up and puts it back around her neck.
  42. >You wait there for a moment for her to lead the way to her 'lodging'.
  43. >The silence starts to get a little awkward as she just stares up at you like she's waiting for you to make a move.
  44. >So that's what it must have been, she's new to this whole thing.
  45. "So, aren't you going to show me to your room?"
  46. >She opens her mouth trying to say something, utter confusion on her face.
  47. "You do have a room don't you?"
  48. >"W-Well, no..."
  49. >Her head lowers a little.
  50. "Really? Don't you know how this works?"
  51. >"N-No, sorry."
  52. >She's getting on your nerves a little.
  53. "You're supposed to show me to the room you're in."
  54. >She shrugs the bag off her neck once again, a look of defeat overwhelming her.
  55. >Jesus, you didn't know it would be this hard for this.
  56. "Listen, lets make this a little easier. Why don't you just come with me and we can go back to my place."
  57. >She looks back up to you.
  58. >"Really?"
  59. >What harm could it do?
  60. "Yah, why not."
  61. >She seems to perk up slightly at that. Must be because she thought she was going to lose her bits.
  62. >You start to move back towards your home, she throws the bag back around her neck and begins to follow.
  63. >The silence is really getting to you. Normally, the mare with you is really friendly and chatty.
  64. >You have to break this uncomfortable silence.
  65. "So, what's your name?"
  66. >"Scootaloo."
  67. "Odd name for someone in this type of business. Usually an elegant long name or something a little more flashy."
  68. >She just continues to trudge behind you.
  69. "So, you're brand new to this?"
  70. >"Yah."
  71. "How come you just started now? Most there seem to have been there a while, what with the cutie mark thing and all."
  72. >She flinches at the mention of a cutie mark and replies with a little bit of venom in her voice.
  73. >"Well, not me."
  74. "Why's that?"
  75. >"Don't want to talk about it."
  76. >Short, blunt, and to the point. Can't really blame her though, if you were doing what she was, you probably wouldn't want to talk about it either.
  77. "Ok then, what did you used to do before this with a talent like that?"
  78. >You both reach your house and you mess with your keys trying to find the right one.
  79. >The snow at this point has started to accumulate a little on the ground.
  80. >"Worked on an apple farm for a while."
  81. >You open the door and usher her in.
  82. "So why'd you stop?"
  83. >"None of your business,"
  84. >More fire in her voice. Another touchy subject. >You're starting to think this was more trouble than it was worth.
  85. >Looking her over again in the light, you can see that she seems a little dirty.
  86. >Yep, definitely more trouble than you wanted.
  87. "If you wanted to take a shower beforehand, you can."
  88. >You see her eyes light up slightly at the mention of this.
  89. >No way in hell your going to deal with dirt all over.
  90. "Just go up the stairs and it's the first door on your right."
  91. >She trots off at a slightly faster pace. A few minutes later you hear the sound of the shower going.
  92. "Yep, so much extra trouble."
  94. >Going over the situation in your head, this just has a bad vibe overall.
  95. >You have an 'escort' that's never been one before that you took to YOUR house. Not only that, but she seemed a little dirty which is a little unsettling.
  96. >The only positive thing you think she has going for her is that she's pretty cute.
  97. >A lot of extra work for just that.
  98. >"So, you know my name, what's yours?"
  99. >You didn't even notice her because you were so lost in your thought.
  100. "Anon."
  101. >"Anon."
  102. >She states, reaffirming it.
  103. >Looking her over again, she looks even better than she did before. Her orange coat was a lot brighter than before.
  104. >You lead her to your room.
  105. >When your finally in it and the door is shut, she pushes you onto the bed.
  106. "A little forceful, aren't we?"
  107. >Knowing how much of an issue it is, you mess with the button and zipper on your pants, getting them undone quickly.
  108. >"Let's just get this over with."
  109. >As mad as she's making you, you really couldn't give a fuck at this point. You paid for it and she knew what she was getting into.
  110. >You feel her hooves slide your boxers down and her mouth take you in.
  111. > Apparently she knew what she was getting into too.
  112. >Letting out a few 'ohhs' and 'ahhs', she continues to work you over, sucking and running her tongue up and down the bottom of your shaft.
  113. >You look down at her, her face a little distraught.
  114. >After a few more minutes of working you over, she slowly climbs up you, her slit resting against you.
  115. >She re-positions herself and you feel her slowly guide you into her.
  116. >As soon as she's sure your in, she starts to almost bounce up and down.
  117. >One thing you always liked about prostitution, the ponies here usually took control.
  118. >You can just feel yourself sliding in and out of her.
  119. >Even better that she's pretty tight considering what profession she's chosen.
  120. >You're really not sure how long you can hold out.
  121. >She starts to slide her hoof up and down your chest, her mouth coming to yours.
  123. >She pushes her tongue into your mouth.
  124. >You feel something a little wet hit your chest and trail down slowly.
  125. >Your not sure what that was, but god damn, you can't be bothered to look right now.
  126. >You feel yourself edging as she starts riding you harder and faster.
  127. >Finally, you release into her, letting out a loud moan.
  128. >You ride the waves of pleasure as they overtake you.
  129. > Definitely worth the trouble this time.
  130. >Her mouth parts from yours and you feel her start to lift off of you and move off the bed.
  131. >You open your eyes as you start coming down from your high.
  132. >"I'm just going to use your bathroom again."
  133. "S-Sure"
  134. >You look her over again and notice two things. First is the tears in her eyes.
  135. >Second is her cutie mark. Well, lack of a cutie mark.
  136. >Oh fuck.
  137. >Panic mode engage.
  138. >Sure, she looked a little young, but you would have thought that someone would have stopped her from being there or going with you had she been that young.
  139. >What if anyone finds out? You'd be so fucked.
  140. >Plus, that isn't something you really wanted on your conscience.
  141. >You're all but freaking out as you clean yourself up with some of the tissue conveniently located near your bed.
  142. >She enters the room again, putting back on her outfit.
  143. >"Thank you for the bits."
  144. "O-One question Scootaloo."
  145. >She turns to face you.
  146. "H-How old are you?"
  147. >This is it, depending on what she says here, you've either hung yourself for being an idiot and choosing somepony odd from the group, or you're in the clear.
  148. >A flash of rage shows over her face.
  149. >"Just because I don't have a cutie mark doesn't mean I'm not a mare! I'm 19, you jerk!"
  150. >And with that, she's out of the room and headed to your front door.
  151. >You quickly pull your pants up and try to rush downstairs to apologize for something you must have said that made her mad.
  152. >She's already outside and headed off towards the woods.
  153. >Now things are really starting to get foggy.
  154. >You throw a coat on and start to follow her.
  155. >Investigation time.
  157. >You try to be as quiet as possible so she doesn't know you're following her.
  158. >Man, this looks really bad to anyone watching.
  159. >Finally, you see her reach her destination as she trots up an old and unstable looking ramp.
  160. >She opens the door of the rikkity looking tree fort and walks inside, shutting the door behind her.
  161. >You follow up the ramp quietly and sneak around the side to see in the window, still so many questions unanswered.
  162. >Peering into the window, you can see a pile of hay a bucket with a cloth, a blanket, and some other small accessories.
  163. >You see her move over to the hay pile and pull out a small box.
  164. >She takes off the bag around her neck, removes the bits from it, and places them in the small box which she puts back underneath the hay.
  165. >She moves back over to the bucket and dips the cloth into it, bringing it back out and to her nether region as she starts to scrub.
  166. >Jesus, that water has to be ice cold right now.
  167. >You think you've see enough.
  168. >Making your way back home, you really want to find out what the story is behind her.
  169. >Why the hell did you have to go with someone who looked a little different?
  171. >A few weeks go by and the good old urge hits you.
  172. >You find yourself once again on the street that makes you feel like the happiest and most depressed being at the same time.
  173. >The weather is a little different this time around. It seems like ponies have an unnatural resistance to the cold, but even they have to wear some heavier clothing to keep warm.
  174. >You walk about the street getting the same calls from the mares all around you.
  175. >”Oh, an exotic species! I could show you a good time human!” a blond maned mare calls.
  176. >”No, no, pick me!”
  177. >You continue your trek, your mind focused on one pony.
  178. >Your eyes land on the orange pony at the end of the street whose still wearing the same thing as she was last time.
  179. >There were so many positives to her that you could overlook what you saw a few weeks ago.
  180. >You weren’t meant to see that anyways, right?
  181. >Plus the fact that you get this at the comfort of your own home is a huge bonus.
  182. >And what if she was just staying there temporarily?
  183. >You walk towards her, her eyes locking with yours.
  184. >When you finally get up to her, she puts on her best smile for you.
  185. >”S-Sorry about last time, I didn’t mean to yell at you.”
  186. >You shake your head.
  187. “No problem, just a little misunderstanding.”
  188. >She walks a little closer to you, trying to put some extra movement in her hind quarters as she closes her eyes partially.
  189. >”So, are you ready to go anon?”
  190. >You give her a little smile.
  191. “Same price as last time?”
  192. >”Maybe I can give you a tiny discount” She says as she gives you a wink.
  193. >This mare is crazy man. A few weeks ago, she was the meekest person ever. Now she’s here, flirting with you.
  194. >You’re not sure what changed, but it seems like she’s a little happier now.
  195. >It helps set your mind at ease though.
  197. >You make your way home with her and your stomach growls.
  198. “Hey, you want some food or something?” you ask while rummaging through the cabinets.
  199. >”S-Sure?”
  200. >Figure it would be rude to eat food in front of her without offering some.
  201. >You whip up a small but delicious meal and set the table for two while she takes another shower.
  202. >Aren’t they supposed to do that beforehand? Ah whatever.
  203. >You serve up the food just in time as Scootaloo enters the kitchen again.
  204. >”That smells really good Anonymous. “
  205. >She sits down in the chair and you server the food on both the plates, put the dishes into the sink, and return to the table to eat.
  206. >Scootaloo is already slamming the food down like an animal.
  207. >You go about eating at your normal slow pace.
  208. “Say Scootaloo, what makes you want to do a job like this anyways?”
  209. >She pauses and looks up at you, a little confused by what you asked.
  210. >”What?”
  211. “Well, I’m just curious why someone who’s special talent isn’t this would choose to take such a job. “
  212. >She takes a second to formulate an answer for you. Probably doesn’t want to say too much.
  213. >”Well, a friend of mine who gave me a job while I kept searching for my mark moved away about a year ago.”
  214. “Who was it?”
  215. >You pick at your food a little while waiting for an answer.
  216. >”Her name was Apple Bloom.” She says, a ting of sadness falling over her face.
  217. >Hmm, Apple Bloom. Where have you heard that name before?
  218. >Wait a second, wasn’t that AJ’s sister?
  219. “Is she by any chance Applejack’s younger sister?”
  221. >Her face lights up slightly hearing that you know who she’s talking about.
  222. >”Yah! How’d you know that though?” she asks with confusion in her voice.
  223. “Well, I know all the elements pretty well. We used to hang out a lot.” You reply, a little sad thinking about how great it used to be.
  224. >”Really? How come she never talked about you?”
  225. >And there’s the delicate subject.
  226. “Well, Celestia figured it would be better for everyone if others really didn’t know I was around much. Keep the public happy and feeling ‘safe’ and all.”
  227. >She looks at you, a little angry.
  228. >”So why’d you stop hanging out with them?”
  229. “Well, same as you I guess. When Twilight became a Princess, everyone went off to do their own things. The elements moved to different towns. I get to see them sometimes, but not very often.”
  230. >Her mouth hangs open at this while she tries to comprehend.
  231. >”Wait, so you hung out with Rainbow Dash all the time!”
  232. “Yah, we were pretty good bros, but her schedule just became too busy once she moved to Cloudsdale and joined the Wonderbolts.”
  233. >”She never mentioned me to you?”
  234. “No, nothing really. She just told me she was mentoring some younger pony.”
  235. >You think about what she just said.
  236. “Wait, you’re that pony?”
  237. >”Y-Yah, but she never got around to helping me completely before she went off to the Wonderbolts.”
  238. >Damn, that’s some tough breaks.
  239. >You start picking at your food in the silence that follows.
  240. >Scootaloo rams the rest of the food down her throat and goes to set her dish in the sink.
  241. >”So Anonymous, where’d you learn to cook so well?”
  242. “Oh, picking up some things here and there while living alone. Gotta learn sometime right.”
  243. >”Right…”
  245. >You have her help you clean up the dishes and the two of you make your way upstairs and to your bedroom again.
  246. >By this point, the wind and snow has begun to pick up heavily outside.
  247. >Just like last time, you feel all of the work and oddities about this mare pay off.
  248. >She leaves to clean herself off again, you just lying in bed, recovering.
  249. >When she returns, she gives you a sheepish look.
  250. >”Uhm Anonymous. I-I saw that you had a spare room down the hall and I was wondering…”
  251. >She pulls the sack off of her neck and pulls a few bits back out of it.
  252. >”I was wondering if maybe I could spend the night here if I returned some of the bits.”
  253. >Activate terrible feels again.
  254. >Now you know 100% for certain that she is living out of that tree fort.
  255. >And there’s no way you could say no to her when sending her out there now might lead to her not doing so well.
  256. >You nod your head.
  257. “Sure, but you don’t have to pay. It’s alright.”
  258. >Her face flashes to anger as she runs up to the table at the side of the bed and drops the bits on it.
  259. >”No Anon! I’m not taking your free handouts!”
  260. >She pulls out another few bits and sets them on the table.
  261. >”And there’s for dinner too.” She says angrily.
  262. >Damn she has some pride issues.
  263. >She pretty much storms out of the room and to the guest room.
  264. >Going to have to find a way to sneak the bits back to her.
  265. >You take care of your nightly duties and wait around for a while in your room reading a book Twilight sent you.
  266. >After a while, you open the door to the guest bedroom, peaking in to see if Scootaloo was asleep.
  267. >Once you’re sure she’s asleep, you sneak in, open the bag, and put the bits she gave back to you in her bag.
  268. >Your conscious feels so much better now.
  269. >After getting back to your room and into bed, you fall asleep almost instantly.
  271. >You wake up the next morning and find that Scootaloo is gone.
  272. >Ok, today you’re going to have to do some serious investigating.
  273. >Even if the town was a little afraid of you, they’d still talk to you.
  274. >Well, after a little persuading.
  276. >After walking around town for a while and talking to a few people, mainly Cherilee, you found out that Scootaloo just never got her cutie mark.
  277. >She never found her special talent.
  278. >You also found out that many around here aren’t very concerned about her and see her as an outcast.
  279. >Hits you right where it hurts. Been that way since day one for you.
  280. >You also found out that she didn’t know how to fly.
  281. >You didn’t even think that was possible at her age.
  282. >Now you just want to help her out.
  283. >You head towards the area that the tree house you guessed she was living in was in.
  284. >After a little while of searching, you find it again and sneak your way up to the window to see if she’s around.
  285. >Looking in there again, you can tell 100% that she lives in there. There are a few random belonging spread about.
  286. >“Anon?”
  287. >You jump and turn around to see her standing there in front of you, her purple eyes staring into yours.
  288. >“Well, I guess now you know.” She says. “Go ahead and make fun of me like everyone else, you jerk!”
  289. “Y-Your jumping to conclusions.” You stammer out as you hear a door slam.
  290. >She didn’t even hear you. She just ran straight into her makeshift home.
  291. “S-Scootaloo?” you say as you knock on the door.
  292. >No reply.
  293. “Seriously, I’m not going to make fun of you.”
  294. >No reply.
  295. >You sigh in defeat and make your way back home.
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