
A bust at the Dock

Apr 11th, 2016
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  1. 21:09 Generic-Thugs Neon City...blah blah blah you've heard things like that before. Point being there was a Weapons and Cargo transfer going down right now on the Docks, more specifically the shipyard. Large metal boxes waited to be loaded. Thugs of every type and size stood guard. Most carry guns but some had simple metal bats. They got the shitty end of the stick.
  2. 21:13 Generic-Thugs Slowly the large ship came into view miles away, the Leader of the gang stood at the edge of the doc, he was Huge and Burly. A tag of a Green Eye on his large furry coat, seem this whole thing was going down for Sales man. At least partly as a notably smaller man in a business suit stood next to him, there for Ryan Stone. He spoke to the large man
  3. 21:14 Generic-Thugs "How much longer must we wait? Those Hero types can come at any minute, hell they can already be here!" The Large man looked at him, speaking in a thick german accent "Give it time. We are more then prepared for any hero" The Business man kept quiet, shaking his head "Right...We can take any heroes...
  4. 21:14 Generic-Thugs "
  5. 21:19 *** Oyu is now known as Eden-
  6. 21:24 Eden- "So, Doc, whats exactly the situation here...?" Over the communicator built inside of his head, he was getting the scoop on what was going on straight from the head of Singular Solutions himself. Their wealth and tech have started giving them in-roads on information travel in the city. Sometimes they intercepted things. Eden was the one sent the most.
  7. 21:26 Eden- "...So they're going to be expecting some heroes their way, huh?" That would make things a little harder, but this was his element. The android stood not that far from the shipyard. From there he scanned. Anything he could catch in his advanced eyes he analyzed to get a map of the joint.
  8. 21:27 Eden- "Well. Hope I'm not in this alone. I'll catch you at HQ, Doc."
  9. 21:28 *** AnnaClaskovic joined #covenger_rp
  10. 21:34 Generic-Thugs The Boat was getting closer, the guards and thugs were getting nervous, so far no one was seen. But this is Neon, chances are someone is there
  11. 21:37 McGoFuckYourself Magnitude hunkered down beneath the large shipping crate at the fringe of the dockyard. It wasn't easy for the massive man, considering that he was a seven foot tall luchador in a sparkling red outfit, but so far he managed to escape detection by the thugs. None of the patrolling thugs seemed aware of his presence yet, but he'd have to wait until the boat touched down and started unloading...
  12. 21:37 McGoFuckYourself ...or loading its cargo. If he attacked down, it'd just turn around and the whole bust would be a waste. The Evolutionary, feet planted firmly on the ground, poked his masked head out every few minutes to check on its arrival. Didn't look like enough to need backup, but he kept his radio with him just in case.
  13. 21:44 Eden- began to walk into the docks. Something inside of him switched, and with that his body and clothes began to reflect off light in a strange way, adapting to the spaces around him until settling to coat him in a camouflage with his surroundings. Effectively invisible by sight, and with no body heat to detect, he figured he'd just waltz in and go from there.
  14. 21:55 Generic-Thugs The air was quiet, a few guards were letting their guard down. One left to go to the bathroom, walking around a few shipping crates to get far enough away, in time he figured he was far enough away. He placed his gun down...only to find a Large Luchador. Naturally, he screamed in fear
  15. 21:56 Generic-Thugs The Scream echoed around, the thugs running towards it, a few would run into the invisible Eden if he didn't pay attention
  16. 21:58 McGoFuckYourself His scream was abruptly cut off as the giant leapt forward, forearm hitting him in a powerful clothesline. Magnitude kicked forward and dropped them both to the ground, thug getting slammed into the ground beneath the wrestler. Subtlety wasn't the style of a seven foot tall mexican wrestler.
  17. 22:01 Generic-Thugs The guard was crushed, out for the count with more then a few broken bones. Not hard to see why what with the Wrestler being 7 feet tall, but was he bullet proof? Hopefully so as 3 guards came running from the corner guns blazing!
  18. 22:02 Eden- made his attack right there as the men started running his way. Kicks and crushing right hooks, some invisible force smacked down anybody that was running that way.
  19. 22:12 Generic-Thugs "Oh great! Heroes! Are your men able to handle Invisible forces!?" The Business suit man was panicking, the Giant stayed calm "We have more then enough weapons to handle them. We just need to wait for the boat"
  20. 22:13 Generic-Thugs The armed thugs shot at the Luchador! Others pointing their gun at Eden, or to be more precise, the empty spot that was surrounded by downed thugs. "W-Where do we shoot?" "I dont fucking know! Just, open fire!" They did so, no real aim as they started unloading
  21. 22:15 McGoFuckYourself Magnitude rolled over, spray of bullets narrowly missing him. He sprang to his feet, trying to stick as low to the ground as he could, and tackled the first gunman. There was a lot of Magnitude behind thhat tackle, and it kept right on moving. He slammed the thug into the ground and rolled right on over and past him. Staying still for even a moment would mean getting shot, and despite his...
  22. 22:15 McGoFuckYourself ...size the luchador could pick up a decent turn of speed. He weaved and ducked under the spray of bullets, before running headlong into the next thug. Arms wrapped around the mans waist, Magnitude's arched backwards, spine bending in a perfect curve. Feet still planted on the ground, the limber giant slammed /that/ thug head first into the ground behind him.
  23. 22:16 Eden- winced as a few of the bullets managed to make their mark. They would get no deeper than the skin, the metal underneath bouncing them away. The shroud faded away and revealed to the thugs what they were trying to gun down. Shots did nothing, like they were attempting to gun down a tank as it moved.
  24. 22:17 Eden- put his arms out to his sides as if to show off to them. Intimidate them. They weren't doing a goddamn thing and more of his metal endoskeleton revealed itself.
  25. 22:20 *** AnnaClaskovic quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  26. 22:24 Generic-Thugs The remaining gurad watched in horror as the Masked Man took out the other two. He was the only one remaining, and deciding he wasn't up for being crushed, he dropped his gun and raised his hands over his head "I-I Surrender!"
  27. 22:25 Generic-Thugs Meanwhile, the other thugs watched in horror as the bullets did nothing to Eden, a few dropped and ran, but others kept up "Tell Skynet I said hi you sonofa Bitch!" They didn't even try to focus the shots to one place or anything
  28. 22:32 Eden- started his way over to one of the firing guards as the rounds continued to ricochet off of him. The Doc was berating him over the comm for being so goddamn showy but fuck it, it wouldn't be until the boat came that he had to worry. He'd want to see how they'd react.
  29. 22:34 McGoFuckYourself Magnitude nods. Then smacks the thug straight in the forehad with an open palm, more than enough fforce to knock out most people. He turns and, grin covered beneath the wild beard, starts towards the boat. Robo-man has the thugs, and it'll probably be best to go take care of whatever might be coming off of there. His trot is slow but /powerful/, giant steps pounding against the docks.
  30. 22:38 Generic-Thugs Most others ran away from Eden, the final one shooting until his gun ran out *ClickClickClick*
  31. 22:39 Eden- raised his eyebrows and looked to the last guard standing there.
  32. 22:39 Generic-Thugs "...well, I'm screwed aren't I?"
  33. 22:40 Eden- "You could get a head start on running. Otherwise, yeah, I think so."
  34. 22:42 Generic-Thugs The guard, stared for a sec before running off. He didn't get far as the large German man punched him him away, he flew quiet aways. "You, Robot Boy. Tell me who made you, you have good parts I want."
  35. 22:42 Generic-Thugs Meanwhile, more thugs ran at the Luchador, the ones with the metal bats. A few with guns keeping their distance as they began to shoot at him
  36. 22:45 Eden- rubbed part of his cheek. There was a goddamn hole blown through it and the pristine metal jaw underneath was showing. Always nasty. But he looked on to this strange, large fellow. "I'm not here to advertise to criminals."
  37. 22:46 Eden- "You know why we came here."
  38. 22:56 Generic-Thugs "Yes Yes, but I dont believe we have anything like you. A Robot, and AI! Amazing technology." He placed brass knuckles on both of his large hands "I can always bust you apart of course."
  39. 22:56 McGoFuckYourself The bats were fairly useless against Magnitude. He didn't even bother dodging or blocking them, and the thugs that did connect felt more like they were swinging at a boulder than a person. Hopefully the bright red cape swirling about would make him a difficult target to track. The bullets that did hit him stung, but the supehero had shrugged off getting hit by a speeding truck before, so...
  40. 22:56 McGoFuckYourself ...nothing some measly thugs packed would do any lasting damage as he made his way towards the incoming boat.
  41. 23:02 Eden- "I'd say that's a terrible idea but I can tell you aren't going to listen. Doing this the good old way I guess." Eden put up his hands and took on a combative stance. His eyes turned from a natural organic look to their true robotic look as the Battle Systems fired up. Full analysis 20 meters around him.
  42. 23:06 Generic-Thugs The Business man let his Partner handle the Robo, he waited for the Boat. "Cmon Cmon CMON!" He brought out his own gun to shoot at the Luchador, emptying the clip. Once the boat was there he pounded the side, a ladder being dropped down for him to climb.
  43. 23:13 Generic-Thugs The large German tried to Punch Eden! For his size he was pretty fast "I'll start with your chest!" As Eden would register, he was aiming for his head
  44. 23:16 McGoFuckYourself At the rattle of bullets, Magnitude dove to the ground and slammed into the concrete of the shipyard. Getting winged was one thing, taking a full round of bullets to the face was another. When the ladder dropped, he rose back to his feet, stumbling along as he tried to regain his momentum. Making it to the edge of the docks, Magnitude leaped forward. It wasn't graceful. It wasn''t smooth. It...
  45. 23:16 McGoFuckYourself ...was like a goddamn wrecking ball breaking free of its chain and swinging through the air at the boat, hands outstretched to try and get a hold on the side.
  46. 23:18 Eden- anticipated the blow as it railed down onto him, able to calculate the trajectory and the point of impact from the muscle movements that rippled through his skin. The android could see EVERYTHING. Able to eek out a dodge in the half-second he had, the next order of business was a harsh palm into the German's stomach to perhaps wind him.
  47. 23:18 Eden- Or, see how tough he was.
  48. 23:23 Generic-Thugs The entire damn ship nearly fell over! But thankfully it didn't. The Business man looked on in horror at the Wrestler climbing up "Open one of those boxes damn it! Give me a Bazooka or whatever you have that can take care of a tank!"
  49. 23:28 Generic-Thugs The German Giant was surprised at Eden's reflexes, feeling the strong punch to his gut "GAH!" As Eden would feel, he seemed to have Armor under his Large Furry Coat "Such Speed and Strength! My boss must have you!" He went for another punch, aimed for head once more, but his other hand was moving to his pocket, a gun? But Why seeing how the others failed?
  50. 23:34 Eden- would have moved to block out his other hand but he had to protect his own face first. If he got his head done in it'd be game over, so he had to prioritize and catch the offending arm in his hands. "You mind telling me who this boss is? I don't do blind dates."
  51. 23:40 McGoFuckYourself Magnitude pulled himself up onto the boat. There was a lot of Magnitude to pull, but a lot of Magnitude meant a lot of muscles. He stood on top of the deck and grinned. Not that they could see it, considering the mass of BEARD covering his mouth.
  52. 23:40 McGoFuckYourself "Hola."
  53. 23:41 Generic-Thugs "Goodbye"
  54. 23:42 Generic-Thugs The Business man fired the Bazooka!
  55. 23:43 Generic-Thugs Sadly he had it backwords to the missile when flying out towards the ocean "...God dammit! Distract him while I reload!" Armed Guards fired at the Luchador, the guns were notably stronger
  56. 23:44 Generic-Thugs Meanwhile with Eden "Trust me, you would want to meet him blind!" The German Giant brought out a gun! Firing near damn point blank to Edens head
  57. 23:45 --- Bud is away (Auto away)
  58. 23:54 Eden- had just the smallest fraction of a second to react to the gunshot, being able to see the windup of his arm along the way. With that he moved just enough for the blast to graze over his face and blow nearly all the skin off of half of it. Underneath false blood and skin was the chrome and silver of a living machine.
  59. 23:57 Eden- shot a hand up to jab straight into the German's jugular with that opening, going just short of crushing the windpipe if it managed to make impact.
  60. 00:00 McGoFuckYourself Magnitude, unwilling to lose his newfound position on the boat, lowered his head and charged. Couldn't really make himself a smaller target, so he opted just for bowling them over.
  61. 00:00 McGoFuckYourself The bullets hurt, of course. Fortunately a couple of them bounced off his bony shoulders and skull, but they still managed to break skin even if they didn't do a ton of damage. Damaging as they were, though, it would take a lot more than bullets to stop a Magnitude in full-charge as he threw his considerable weight at the bazooka joe.
  62. 00:10 Generic-Thugs The German Giant stumbled back, grabbing his neck in pain, giving Eden ample time to attack! As with the Business man, he had a Bazooka ready, but by the time he fired the Luchador ran over him. the missile flew until it hit a Very Large Metal Box, covered in chains and locks, strong enough to not be destroyed, but not strong enough as a largedent was made
  63. 00:18 Eden- leaped up into the air to slam both of his soles against the Giant's head in a snapping dropkick, flipping back and landing quite nimbly. Sometimes he wished he did his heroics in public where he'd get cheers for these things but oh well...
  64. 00:27 McGoFuckYourself Magnitude slammed full force into the suited businessman. There's a lot of force behind that slam, and that shoulder, and drove straight back /through/ him and right into the metal box
  65. 00:47 Generic-Thugs The German Giant fell, knocked out by his kick, at the same time, the Business man was knocked out, and slightly crushed by the metal box. The metal box held a Large Mechsuit, good thing no one used that huh? And it should be more then enough proof this wasn't a bust.
  66. 00:53 Eden- looked down over the German and checked his vitals to see if he was still hanging in there. Tough son of a bitch was just knocked out. Tapping into the ear that was- Welp. Yeah the right ear went with the rest of that side of the face. Fuck. Right to the input he pressed and sent a report out to the authorities that several criminal types were there.
  67. 00:55 Eden- had to deal with the Doc next up. He was not happy with that performance at all. With how many of the guards escaped and how much damage he could have taken it was nearly not worth it. Magnitude would see the robotic man muttering to someone over some kind of communicator, looking around for whoever else had arrived.
  68. 01:00 --- Bud is back
  69. 01:12 Generic-Thugs After a few minutes, cop sirens would be heard. German Giant and Business man would be arrested, along with the rest of the knocked out thugs. The heroes succeeded this day, and all should be well
  70. 01:17 Generic-Thugs What doesn't bode well, was the fact the car that had German Giant and Business man in it mysteriously never made it to the station. Meaning the two criminals are free for another day
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