
You guilty asshole

Feb 14th, 2018
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  1. [2/13/2018 11:58:08 PM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: Felix pulled up in his jeep there was a decent sized box sitting in the passenger side, along with a not wrapped build-a-bear box. He finished off his 9th cigarette for the day and took a shot of mouth wash, swishing it around in his mouth then climbed put and spit it out towards the grass. He didn't have a shirt on, just a pink heart sweater wrapped around his shoulders and his pants and shoes. Grabbing a piece of gum, he got the boxes out and made his way up to the house, and walked in. He set the package and bear box down, stripping out of his pants and shoes by the door. "RED! I brought a Valentine gift, and a package and a thing from me!" He added, probably while dealing with a spazzy Penny as he stripped.
  2. [2/13/2018 11:58:24 PM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: (Aww cute!)
  3. [12:02:01 AM] Stephh -: (Take your pants off a little faster.)
  4. [12:07:17 AM | Edited 12:10:00 AM] Stephh -: -Steph was busy in the kitchen hovering over a plate of brownies that were all cut into the shape of hearts, carefully icing each one with chocolate icing. Hearing Felix come in and Penny lose her shit, she spun around to see Felix already stripping out of his pants. She raised her brows to look at him, cocking her head to one side. "You're not wasting any time, are you?"-
  5. [12:09:33 AM] 【Amethyst】: ((Nice.))
  6. [12:13:23 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: (XD)
  7. [12:18:16 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "No, I am the Valentine's gift, I wasn't going to have it completley wrapped. I'm keeping the boxers on." He told her, then smelled brownies, "oh you really love me... and the pink dress," he grinned and made his way over, "But... we can open up these now, specifically this one. " He told her handing her the build-a-bear box. Inside was a brown bear in a scarecrow costume, if she pressed the heart the bear spoke saying, "I don't have a brain, but I'll always share my heart with you." In his voice.
  8. [12:20:31 AM] Stephh -: (Me: Oh good. Something to throw at him next week.)
  9. [12:24:23 AM] Stephh -: "I really do love you." She repeated with a laugh, moving the plate of iced brownies over so he could take one because she knew it was only a matter of time before he focused more on the brownies than on her. Life. She glanced at build-a-bear box as he handed it over to her, her eyes lighting up when she looked at the side. "You actually went to Build-A-Bear?" She asked as she opened the box to pull out the bear dressed like a scarecrow. "Aw, Arizona..." She said in a soft voice, her fingers running through the bear's fur before she squeezed the hand and heard his voice. She pretty much jumped at him, throwing her arms around his neck and giving him a tight squeeze. "Thank you."-
  10. [12:35:46 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "I know, I love you too" He grinned, then happily obliged the brownies, taking two of them, one in each hand. Taking a bite he nodded his head, "Why is that so hard to believe? Yes I did." He scoffed then smiled when she pushed the hand and then jumped on him. He dropped a brownie in the process, which would have made him upset, but love is about sacrifices. "You are very welcome, Red."
  12. [12:37:17 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: (XD)
  13. [12:39:40 AM] Stephh -: -She leaned back to give him a kiss, slipping away from him to admire the bear again because it was cute. "I have a weakness for stuffed things." Hugging the bear to her chest, she looked at him again, leaning down to grab Penny before she could swarm in for the chocolate. "Grab that before she does." But she was still hugging the bear.-
  14. [12:53:48 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "The inner disgusting male in me wants to make a comment in regards to that, but, not on Valentine's." He said then quickly leaned down to get the brownie, "None for you." He told her, sitting the brownie on the counter out of her reach. "Mom sent a box too, but she texted me and told me I had to wait until I was with you before we could open it."
  15. [12:57:08 AM] Stephh -: -Letting go of Penny, she stood back up and set the bear down on the counter, stepping over into the living room to grab the canvas that was still not entirely dry from paint earlier. "I appreciate you keeping your grotesque comments to yourself for the time being." Spinning the canvas around for him to see, she held it out toward him. "It's still a little wet, so be careful. And then we can open your mom's box."- ( )
  16. [1:07:45 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: Felix looked at the brownie that had been on the floor, while Steph went to get the canvas. He gave a shrug and picked it up eating it anyways, after checking it for pet hairs. He was mid bite when she turned back around. Covering his mouth he nodded with an impressed look, "That is amazing, I love it." He said after swallowing.
  17. [1:09:51 AM] Stephh -: "Good, because it's yours. I have every intention of making you a nice collection of art for your wall in your room." She leaned up to plant a kiss on his cheek, her hands moving to her middle to adjust the corset she was wearing beneath her dress. "Now go ahead and open the box from your mom."-
  18. [1:32:05 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "I'll just have art in there, charge students to come see your gallery." Felix said with a grin then started getting into the box, it was filled with pink and white tissue paper hiding the gifts, on top was a card that had their names. Felix opened it, "Happy Valentine's day kiddos, I know I don't have to worry about you two not enjoying this day, but I needed to send some things along to let you know I love you too. Enjoy, and breathe easy knowing I didn't forget. Love Mom" Felix read aloud then set the card aside. Next he pulled out the things, he carefully pulled out the glass terrarium that had a cactus and some succulents in it, it wwas marked for Steph, they were pet friendly and needed little maintenance, she also sent along a pretty crystal mobile, that had ones to ward off bad energy. Then there was a bunch of candy for Felix, specifically gum and the box. The ominous box, that had the words, Nicotene Cessation Kit. Felix looked at it with an unamused look on his face. "I'm going to assume you had something to do with this?"
  19. [1:36:39 AM] Stephh -: -She smiled as she listened to him read the card, her finger toying in the fur of the bear when he started to pull things out of the box to line up on the counter. "That's so cute. I should put this on my desk in my office." She spoke as she examined the little cactus." Her eyes shifted over to the kit, straightening up and turning to him. "Actually, that was all your mom's idea. I just condoned it." She stepped closer to him, her hand reaching out to cup his cheek. "She just wants you to be healthy. We both do. And you've already done so well on your way to quitting, you almost don't even need that. It'll just make it easier for you to keep on the progress you've made." She spoke with a genuine smile across her face, pulling him in for a hug. "I'm proud of you for being so diligent with it."-
  20. [1:36:59 AM] Stephh -: (Me: )
  21. [1:52:09 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: (Ahahahaha dead at that gif. Lmao)
  23. Felix exhaled softly and tried not to roll his eyes, " she didn't even give me good candy, just gum, and this." He said looking at the box then at her. The guilt hit him slightly, when she mentioned how good he was doing, "Yeah... I know, I guess. But I'll just use it when I need to." He shrugged then hugged her back, sighing out, "Thanks, you shouldn't be, it's not like it's a big deal, lots of people stop smoking. No different then going vegan or something." He said covering his guilt
  24. [1:56:26 AM] Stephh -: "What are you talking about? Quitting smoking is a big deal. And it's really difficult which I'm well aware of. Don't sell yourself short." She leaned back and took his face in her hands so she could look straight into his guilty fucking eyes. "It's very different than going vegan. Going vegan is easy. I'm allowed to be proud of you so stop talking this down." She pulled him in for a kiss before releasing him, her hand moving to her own shoulder to toy with the strap of her dress. "And considering I'm proud of you and it's Valentines day, I think you deserve something special."-
  25. [2:06:28 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: Felix swallowed that guilt like a bitter cocoa brownie and gave her a smile as she took his face, "Okay..." He said reluctantly, then watched her toy with the strap, " I'm watching...go on..." He said, his brain jumping over to sex mode, because it was easier than guilt mode.
  26. [2:12:33 AM] Stephh -: -She pushed the strap off her shoulder, letting it fall down her arm before sliding the other one off her other shoulder. The top of her dress fell around the boob area where it naturally caught, revealing the top of her pink and white lacey corset. "Do you want to see the rest of what I got you for Valentines Day?" She asked him as she stepped closer, her hands moving to run over his chest.-
  27. ( )
  28. [2:13:34 AM] 【Amethyst】: ((Nice.))
  29. [2:14:49 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: (He likes the pink huehueue)
  30. [2:15:27 AM] Stephh -: (SHE KNOWS.)
  31. [2:16:54 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: Felix nodded his head quickly as she teased him, "Yes, please." He said pulling her close to kiss her then picked her up to take her back to the bedroom to enjoy the fuck out of his gift.
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