

Oct 6th, 2013
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  1. >You check the straps on your pack.
  2. >It's attached securely, although it's a bit heavy.
  3. >You run over your mental checklist.
  4. >Telescope, star charts, sandwiches, thermos of tea, thermos of coffee, compass, inkwell, quills.
  5. >Yeah, you should be good to go.
  6. >You and Twilight will be meeting up at her library in about half an hour.
  7. >You give yourself a once-over in the mirror and walk out the door.
  8. >Pondering the significance (or banality) of that statement, you take the scenic route to the library, exchanging polite nods and waves to ponies.
  9. >It really was quite amazing how quickly they adjusted to you.
  10. >But only one pony was actually excited for you to be here.
  11. >When Twilight found out you were from a technologically superior, magic-null society she almost passed out.
  12. >And then bombarded you with questions.
  13. >You think you could spend the rest of your life answering questions about humanity.
  14. >Not like you'll see it again.
  15. >Musing on this, you arrive at your destination, and knock on her door.
  16. >Seized in a telekinetic field, the door swings open, and Twilight beams at you.
  17. >"Oh good, you're early! I'm early too!"
  18. >She giggles.
  19. >"What I meant to say is that I finished packing like two hours ago. Shall we get started?!"
  20. >Wow, she sure is excited.
  21. >You grin and nod at her.
  22. "Sure. How far is this spot of yours?"
  23. >She gives a toss of her mane.
  24. >"Not far at all. It's on a hill right out of Ponyville. Quite near the place where you appeared."
  25. >You think back.
  26. "Oh yeah! I think I know the place."
  27. >You step away from the door, do a semi-bow, and hold your hand out.
  28. "Shall we, m'lady?"
  29. >Twilight giggles.
  30. >"Hanging out with Rarity definitely rubbed off on you, Anon."
  31. >You raise a hand to your heart as the two of you make your way down the street.
  32. "Why, Miss Twilight! I as like this before I got here. You don't know - maybe I was a crown prince of Denmark or somesuch."
  34. >She quirks an eyebrow at you and you shrug.
  35. "Well, it's true. It's really only my word versus your theories."
  36. >You wink at her.
  37. "But from now on, I want you to call me 'Your Majesty.' Has a rather nice ring to it."
  38. >Twilight snorts and starts to speed up.
  39. >You break into a hustle and catch up to her.
  40. >The two of you spend the time just idly chit-chatting which halts as you ascend to the top of the hill.
  41. >The two of you start setting up your equipment.
  42. >Twilight has a lot more stuff than you.
  43. >So once you're done setting up your telescope, you assist her with her set-up as well.
  44. >Eventually the two of you finish getting ready.
  45. >You position yourself more comfortably, and peer through the telescope.
  46. >You do enjoy staring at the night sky.
  47. >Judging from your view, you're looking at Polaris.
  48. >It's weird how the ponies have the same exact names for stars as you do.
  49. >In completely different places, sure.
  50. >But the name's the same.
  51. >You tear your eye off the ocular and look over at Twilight.
  52. "Hey Twilight? You got a minute?"
  53. >She looks up at you.
  54. >"Sure! What's on your mind?"
  55. >You gesture to the stars.
  56. "So, you know how these are giant balls of plasma, like the Sun?"
  57. >Twilight nods.
  58. "Well, I was just wondering - how does Princess Luna move all of them around, and Princess Celestia moves just the Sun; and yet Princess Celestia is considered more powerful than her sister."
  59. >Twilight smiles at you in a semi-condescending manner and levitates a pair of glasses out from her pack.
  60. >Why did she even pack them?
  61. >Her vision isn't bad.
  62. >She puts them on and adopts a semi-lecturing tone.
  63. >"Good question! The answer is two-fold. Firstly, Princess Luna doesn't actually move the stars themselves. She merely bends the light -from- the stars that are there to give us a night sky. It ties in to her specialty of dream magic and illusions."
  64. >Huh.
  65. >That makes sense, actually.
  66. >Otherwise Luna would have to reach out across the entire visible Universe.
  68. >Twilight continues her brief lecture:
  69. >"The other thing that must be considered is the mythopoeic connotation. Princess Celestia moves the Sun, which gives light to our world, banishes evil beings, and makes our plants grow. So, in that sense she is... I hesitate to use the words 'more important.' She gains more power than Luna from us as worshipers."
  70. >You nod.
  71. >Makes as much sense as anything.
  72. >Twilight pokes you with a hoof.
  73. >"Now, it's my turn to ask you a question."
  74. >You chuckle because you expected it.
  75. "Shoot."
  76. >Twilight looks at you.
  77. >"Why do you study the stars? You don't cast spells, so you don't need to factor their influence in magic. You're not an astrologer, so you don't do predictions. You aren't an astronomer, so you don't just study them. So... why?"
  78. >You pause as you mull this over.
  79. "This is an interesting question."
  80. >You point up to the night sky.
  81. "Because when I look up at the sky at a clear night like this, I am filled with two emotions. Terror and a feeling of endless potential."
  82. >Twilight mouths the word 'terror' as you continue.
  83. "The terror part is easy. The world - well, Earth was - and probably still is incredibly fragile. Don't know how it is for your planet."
  84. >"Fragile? What do you mean?"
  85. "Well, there are just so many things that could mess it up. Gamma ray bursts, neutron radiation, wandering stars, meteors, comets, starquakes, novas, et cetera."
  86. >Twilight just gapes at you.
  87. "Not to mention the whole concept of it is terrifying. The planet is just a ball of rock with a thin layer of breathable air and an ephemeral magnetosphere. Then it's cold, crushing vacuum for... infinity. And that scares the everloving -everything- out of me."
  88. >You point to the moon.
  89. "And yet? Humanity went to our moon. We built a ship that took people there and back. Repeatedly. And we built artificial satellites so that we could broadcast data. There was talk about building a colony on Mars. Maybe at this point they completed it."
  90. >You shrug.
  91. "It fills me with a sense of endless potential. So, to answer your question, I look at the night sky to experience both of these emotions."
  92. >Twilight moves slightly closer to you, and places her head on your lap.
  94. >Immediately you move to start running your fingers through her mane.
  95. >The mare goes crazy for your fingers.
  96. >"Huh. That was almost poetic, Anon. You sound proud of what you accomplished."
  97. >You give a soft laugh.
  98. "Well, I wasn't the one who personally assisted in this. But it was a huge endeavor. Humans can do a lot of amazing stuff when they put their minds to it."
  99. >Twilight's ear flicks up in excitement underneath your fingers.
  100. >"Oh, like the pyramids you mentioned! I remember you talking about those."
  101. >You nod.
  102. "On a slightly different scale and a different time, but yeah."
  103. >"Amazing, how much your people accomplished without magic."
  104. >You grin.
  105. "Aw, shucks. It's a big legacy though. I have to constantly try to be an exemplar of the human species while here. All my actions reflect on humanity as a whole - and I have to channel all of humanity."
  106. >Twilight looks up at you.
  107. >"What do you mean by being an exemplar."
  108. >You start stroking her mane, as she settles more comfortably on you.
  109. "Well... like, I'm trying to share as much knowledge as possible with you so that you could perhaps use it. And if I could - gah, it's hard to explain. Like, since I'm the only human, I have to act in a manner that would make the human race be proud of me, y'know."
  110. >She smiles at you and nods, making herself comfortable on your lap, pressing her head into your roving fingers.
  111. >"Mmm. Well, you're doing a good job."
  112. >You grin.
  113. "Well, being a headscratcher for a pretty purple pony counts, I guess."
  114. >She giggles.
  115. "But have I mentioned germ theory?"
  116. >Her ears perk up.
  117. >"No... do tell!"
  118. >You spend the rest of the night talking.
  119. >Maybe you'll end up doing some good in this world.
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