
Voting - en.yml (Until 1.5.0 - 15.10.2017)

Aug 11th, 2016
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  1. # Plugin name #
  2. nameOfPlugin: "&6[Voting]"
  3. # Errors #
  4. consoleError: "&cYou must be a player!"
  5. wrongUsageCommand: "&cWrong usage Command!"
  6. noPermission: "&cYou don't have permissions!"
  7. tooManyArgumets: "&cToo many arguments!"
  8. votingRunning: "&cVoting is already started!"
  9. disabeldWorld: "&cVoting in this world is disabled!"
  10. youAlreadyVoted: "&cYou already voted!"
  11. noVoting: "&cVoting isn't running!"
  12. noClassInSign: "&cThis class doesn't exists!"
  13. pleaseWait: "&cPlease wait before start next voting!"
  14. lackOfPLayers: "&cLack of players for start voting! Minimum count of players for start voting is &6{minPlayers}&c!"
  15. # Main sentences #
  16. startingVoting: "&aPlayer &6{player} &astarted voting for &6{type}&a in world &6{world}&a!\n&aIf you want {type} too, write &6&n/voting/&a. If no, write &6&n/voting/&a!"
  17. votingYesMessage: "&6&n/voting yes"
  18. votingNoMessage: "&6&n/voting no"
  19. clickForVoteYes: "&3Click if you want agree with this voting!"
  20. clickForVoteNo: "&3Click if you don't want agree with this voting!"
  21. voteRecorded: "&aVote successfully recorded!"
  22. votingSuccessful: "&aVoting for &6{type} &ain world &6{world} &awas successful!"
  23. votingFailed: "&cVoting for &6{type} &cin world &6{world} &cfailed!"
  24. votingFailedLackOfPlayers: "&cVoting for &6{type} &cin world &6{world} &cfailed! &7(Lack of participating players)"
  25. # Titles and Bar #
  26. baseTitle: "&3&lVoting ends in: &4&l{time}"
  27. baseTitleEnd: "&3&lVoting ended!"
  28. titleEvent: "&6&lDo you want &4&lEvent &6&ltoday?"
  29. subtitleEvent: "&3Yes &7- &2/voting yes &7| &3No &7- &2/voting no"
  30. bcastEvent: "&aDo you want &6&lEvent &atoday?\n&aIf yes, write &6&n/voting/&a. If no, write &6&n/voting/&a!"
  31. # For admins #
  32. results: "&aResult of voting: &7[&a{yes}&7/&c{no}&7]"
  33. reload: "&aConfig reloaded!"
  34. # Info about plugin #
  35. # Command /voting #
  36. headOfPlugin: "&7==========&6[Voting]&7=========="
  37. command: "&9Command:"
  38. classes: "&9Classes:"
  39. startVoting: "&9Start voting!"
  40. voteYes: "&9You voted Yes for actived voting!"
  41. voteNo: "&9You voted No for actived voting!"
  42. type: "CLASS"
  43. version: "&9Version of plugin: &6"
  44. #Signs#
  45. signCreated: "&aSign successfully created!"
  46. signRemoved: "&aSign successfully removed!"
  47. signLineHeadName: "&9[Voting]"
  48. signLineClass: "&l{class}"
  49. signLineThird: "&4Start Voting"
  50. signLineFourth: "&l---&1&lClick&0&l---"
  51. signLineRunning: "&7Running"
  52. signLineCountdown: "&3&lEnds in &4&l{int}"
  53. signLineCountdownWait: "&3&lWait! &4&l{int}"
  54. signLineCountdownEnded: "&3&lEnd!"
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