
Anonpencil Writes Drunk: Spitting Into The Wind (oneshot)

Apr 24th, 2013
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  1. >Spitfire stands in front of you staring piercingly into your soul.
  2. >She’s been doing this for the last few minutes with no sign of stopping, and you have no idea why she’s doing it.
  3. >You were just passing by after all, on your way to see Fluttershy about that time last night when one of her rabbit friends snuck into your room to watch you undress.
  4. >What the fuck was with that bunny anyway? Staring your down with it’s beady little black eyes that show no forgiveness or compassion. Studying your naked body without expression or motion, but with this intensity that made you feel like a five year old caught experimenting with the family dog again.
  5. >Fucking rabbits. Gotta tell Fluttershy to keep them away from you.
  6. >You’ll deal with that later, back to Spitfire.
  7. >She’s standing in the path in front of you, blocking your way.
  8. >She’s not wearing her usual Wonderbolts dress or military garb, and you’re struck by how naked she looks. None of the other ponies wear clothes, but somehow it’s strange to see her without them.
  9. >And that expression…
  10. >Her eyes are narrowed, her legs spread and bent slightly like she’s crouching. Her lower lip protrudes slightly, almost in a pout, not quite in a snarl. And she's looking at you like you are the most fascinating, disgusting, and empty thing she has ever laid eyes on.
  11. >What is she even doing here anyway? Why isn’t she up in Cloudsdale, practicing or teaching others flying techniques?
  12. >You’ve been waiting for her to say something because under that gaze you really can’t think of anything to break the silence.
  13. >You manage to clear your throat, trying to relieve some of the tension.
  14. >It doesn’t work, she just keeps staring.
  15. “Um…” you force out. “May I…help…you?”
  16. >With each word her eyes narrow a little more till they’re barely slits.
  17. >She takes a step towards you, leaning forward to bring her face closer and closer to you.
  18. >You feel yourself begin to sweat.
  19. >What the fuck is going on here? What does she want?
  20. >Did you do something wrong?
  21. >Is there something on your face?
  22. >What the fuck is going on!?
  23. >Why didn't she answer you? You want to speak again, but her face silences you. There is nothing you can say to her that she will listen to, accept, or deem worthy of even hearing. You're sure of it.
  24. >You swallow hard and pray for this to end. You’re not sure why she’s staring at you, but her look is beginning to cause you physical pain now. You can feel it burning through the back of your skull. You can feel her gaze traveling through every recess of your brain.
  25. >Oh god…oh god she can see it all can’t she?
  26. >That time you tickled Spike under the chin while he slept to see if it would give him a boner (it did)
  27. >That time you made passionate love to one of Rarity’s manikins because you thought it might relieve your sexual frustration (it didn’t).
  28. >That time that Iron Will held you down and…
  29. >Oh god, she can see it all!
  30. >You feel sick. You feel today’s lunch begin to churn in your stomach as she draws even closer.
  31. >Her eyes flicker like flames, the heat of her expression searing your skin.
  32. >You want to look away, but you can’t.
  33. >You’re trapped there, paralyzed, as she dissects every last part of your psyche with her eyes.
  34. >Make it stop, please, someone, anyone, make it stop.
  35. >She’s so close you can feel her body heat, feel her breath.
  36. >You’re trembling, sweating, nearly in tears now.
  37. >You should have never left your house. Fuck it, let the creepy stalker peeping tom rabbits ogle you while you change. It would be better than this!
  38. >You should have never even come to Ponyville.
  39. >You should have never been born.
  40. >You’re sorry for it, sorry for it all.
  41. >All of a sudden, Spitfire’s eyes shoot wide open and she nods decidedly.
  42. “Yep,” she says with a curt nod.
  43. >Wat?
  44. Yep?
  45. >What does she-
  46. >Before you can react, spitfire grabs you in a tight hug around your torso, pinning your arms to your sides.
  47. >With a whoosh of air she springs towards the sky, hauling you with her.
  48. >You shriek as you rocket upward, higher and higher, past clouds and birds.
  49. >The air rips past your skin, stinging. Your eyes begin to water and the speed of your flight pulls your lips and cheeks back taught against your face.
  50. >Higher and higher you fly, still grasped firmly in Spitfire’s hooves.
  51. >All at once, she stops.
  52. >The two of you hang in the air, the only sound the methodical flapping of her wings. You look at her gasping and shaking from the intensity of the experience.
  53. >She’s smiling almost tenderly at you now and you can’t help but smile back.
  54. >She’s not staring you down any more. She doesn’t know all of your deepest secrets! She’s not the pony antichrist! There might even be affection in those round, beautiful, kind eyes now!
  55. >This could easily be the happiest moment of your-
  56. >Spitfire lets go.
  57. >There’s a moment where you hang there, gravity not clasping you in its forces yet, where you stare at Spitfire’s grinning face with confusion, loss…
  58. “…why?” you manage to squeak out.
  59. >Then you fall.
  60. >You flail, shrieking as you plummet down, down down…
  61. >You see trees and earth approaching you.
  62. >The ground is rising up to swallow you, break you, kill you.
  63. >This is it, this is…
  64. >You land with a sickening crack, and know no more.
  65. >Above you, Spitfire sticks out a pouting lower lip as she stares at your crumpled form far below.
  66. “Damn,” she mutters. “Guess Rainbow wins that bet. Human’s can’t fly after all.”
  68. >-End-
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