

Apr 28th, 2021
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  1. [18:59] Two individuals attempted to stop it from pressing onwards. Though, they did not interfere with him strolling to the forest, which was a good thing. Adrammalech, one of the few Ogres who were incapable of speech, made its way to the forest.
  3. A canvas of dark green encompassed it, the thirty feet tall abomination causing diminutive quakes with each and every individual step. Anyone, or anything, that happened to be around it would feel the reverberation of its herculean steps.
  5. Grass beneath its feet started to dull, almost as if it evaporated. The night had fallen upon them, the perfect chance for Adrammalech to get its nourishment. Something that it strived for... Mana. The most delicious meal that it could ever come across. Any being that had much more mana than the average person was a worthy feast for this creature.
  7. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" A banshee scream echoed, causing the trees to shake, losing a plethora of their leaves. Any animal that was nearby had its eardrums shattered, but only if they lacked a significant amount of mana.
  9. The enormous monster turned its head, scarlet optics coming into contact with a boy who was at least eighteen years of age. A perfect target. Slowly, it crept closer.
  10. (Adrammalech)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [18:59] Making his way home from Achyon with an inventory loaded down with all kinds of delicious and nutritious food, as well as a rather... colorful poster He'd bought for his friend Vigr - Frekr stumbled across a sight he surely hadn't expected.
  15. An Ogre.
  17. He stops midstep and stares at the huge creature. His eyes slowly narrowing as he inspects the beast. "Not Blakkr…" He'd mumble to himself. But, it was an Ogre none the less. Once upon a time, Frekr had wanted to tame such a beast, to make a companion of one.
  19. Blakkr had ruined any chance of that though - the Jarl had expressly forbid Mire creatures at the outpost, even ones that could potentially be bent to Frekr's will.
  21. And so - Frekr was left with no choice but to treat the big ugly brute as he would any other abomination of the Shadowmire. With extreme prejudice and unrepentant violence.
  23. Almost at the same time Frekr was thinking all these things - Adrammalech let out a monstrous roar and turned it's gaze to him. Frekr's lips pull into a smug little smirk as he remembered the words of his friends. 'Don't fight those things until you're stronger.' 'Only fight if you have no choice' 'Let us fight for you.' And once... Once he'd have accepted such notions. Once he'd gladly have paid them gold to be his bodyguards - but he was younger then, and far more foolish than he was now.
  25. Though that's not to say he'd grown wise.
  27. Calmly setting aside the bag of packaged food from Achyon, Frekr reaches into one of the leather pouches at his waist and withdraws a handful of coins before tossing them into the air. They shine and gleam in the moonlight, a dazzling sight made even more so as the coins warp and expand and meld together until finally forming a shimmering Bow of solid gold - courtesy of Frekr's metal magic.
  29. Or mostly solid gold, at least - atleast one of the coins used hadn't been mundane gold, but True Gold. Orichalcum. And as Frekr takes hold of his bow, runes carve themselves along it's form and flare to life.
  31. It all took but a moment - the Ogre still slowly creeping closer and closer all the while.
  33. "I wouldn't come any closer, if y'know what's good for ya, Ugly." He'd call out with an even tone, drawing forth another pair of coins and forming them into an arrow in the same fashion as he'd formed the bow - Drawing and taking aim.
  34. (Frekr Gullmunr)
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [18:59] * You have been awarded 3 Roleplay Points! *
  38. [18:59] Was on his usual runs, trying to gather what resources he could for his homeland, sticking to the trees. Last time he nearly got his neck broken just because he refused to submit to some stranger in a mask. Narci was very much lucky to be alive. The small mutant making some leaves rustle a little even a twig snapping when his horns got stuck in the brush. Well so much for being quiet.
  40. Amber eyes glancing over to see a mirefolk ogre? Was that one of his bretheran or just a lone mutant? He wasn't really sure so he just stayed hidden, trying to be quiet as possible. Hopefully if anyone heard the rustling would think it was a wild animal of some sort.
  41. (Narcissus)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [18:59] {Item} You drop Natasha's Playrat Cover.
  45. [18:59] {Item} You picked up Natasha's Playrat Cover. Dropped by Frekr Gullmunr..
  46. [18:59] Fortunately for Adrammalech, it at least understood speech and the significance of words. It couldn't reply, but it let out a rather stentorian snarl to indicate that it knew what Frekr was speaking about. 'Ugly'. It meant that its appearance was lackluster.
  48. Crimson optics scrutinize the minuscule being, one that wouldn't dare step to the might of the midnight blue ogre. A dark, deep laugh echoed throughout the forest. Ambience from celestials started to envelop the being in its entirety, the entity preparing for strife.
  50. It knew how to call upon the power of a star even if it didn't know speech at all. A stomp yet again. Closer and closer. The distance between the two of them was non-existent at this point. A creature of its size shouldn't be that fast, right...?
  52. Right?
  54. Wrong. That distance was closed almost instantaneously. Not just because of its absurdly large steps, but because of how quick it actually moved. A hand came crashing down, attempting to get Frekr in its clutches!
  55. (Adrammalech)
  56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. [18:59] Frekr had in fact been initially caught up by the midnight blue beast, his small body threatening to snap like a twig as it had so many times before when facing Blakkr. He hadn't even managed to get his shot off!
  60. But as Adrammalech tights it's grip on his fleshy form, Frekr cries out and metal flows across his form, chains erupting in every direction to pierce the Ogres great paw and free himself - allowing that first arrow to fly free and find it's mark.
  62. For the first time in his young life, Frekr though perhaps, just maybe, he could match an opponent.
  63. (Frekr Gullmunr)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [18:59] {Lost Aggressive RPB against Adrammalech}
  67. [18:59] ** Adrammalech has inflicted an injury upon Frekr Gullmunr. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "") **
  68. [18:59] It was one of the first times Adrammalech had officially left Shadowmire. They were exploring, attempting to find a prey that would entertain it -- Perhaps a prey that could give it some of their mana. That scrumptious taste that Magi had due to their excessive mana... It was something Adrammalech craved.
  70. Ever since its first taste of it, it yearned for it. Now that it was out adventuring, it was capable of such. Adrammalech was put on the ropes the second time around, even falling to its knees once.
  72. As soon as it stood up though, it was a completely different battle. Adrammalech was exasperated that it had fallen to such a frail being. The Ogre was in an enfeebled state, feeling as if it were the weakest creature in existence. That feeling would soon be lifted.
  74. With the curse of the cosmos, Adrammalech bolstered his physical capabilities. Its movements were much faster this time around, appearing right behind Frekr. Its maw widened and it started to concentrate arcane in the center of it. A protract beam launched from its open maw, burning Frekr's flesh, causing him to stagger. In that moment, Adrammalech pulled back its right arm, having it come crashing into Frekr's leg, shattering it in its entirety.
  76. Blood spewed, and Frekr was more than likely left unconscious. An individual as weak as that had no right to face death, not yet. With that, the Ogre continued its expedition, searching for opponents to call its 'prey'.
  77. (Adrammalech)
  78. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. [18:59] In that moment, Frekr cursed himself for daring to Hope that Victory might have been in his grasp. He'd been so close - he could practically taste it when one of his great arrows brought the mighty beast to it's knees.
  82. But then the Ogre stood back up and seemed to surge with new power - power drawn from the very stars above, it seemed. The Ogre overwhelmed Frekr at every turn - dodging his shots despite their ability to track their target, staying out of reach whenever Frekr would cause spikes to erupt from the ground underfoot.
  84. Every move he made, all he'd done - Pointless.
  86. In the end, he again found himself at the mercy of an Ogre's unrelenting fury. First a beam blasted into Frekr's earthen shell and began to melt through it - burning the boy badly in the process - and sending him staggering back until at last he collapsed.
  88. And not far behind was Adrammalech's fist. The great bludgeon beat down onto Frekr's legs with out any concept of mercy and it was only thanks to the exquisite agony of having been far more broken than this that Frekr remained conscious at all.
  90. Conscious, but quite immobile in the moment.
  92. Laying there with blood spewing from his broken form, Frekr struggled to turn his gaze back to the Ogre. Despite the depression and pain of defeat, there was still some spark of defiance... of Hope. Something within Frekr that refused to be extinguished. "Is... Tha' all y'got?"
  93. (Frekr Gullmunr)
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