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a guest
Jul 29th, 2017
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  1. options:
  2. permission: gm.use
  3. permission message: &4Sorry. &cYou do not have permission.
  4. refresh time: 10 seconds
  5. resetOnLoad: true
  6. broadcast: &6&lGlowstone Mountain &8- &7Glowstone mountain appeared at <your coords here>
  8. command /glowstonemountain [<text>]:
  9. permission: {@permission}
  10. permission message: {@permission message}
  11. aliases: gmo, glowstone, gmountain, glowstonem, glow
  12. trigger:
  13. if argument 1 is not set:
  14. send "&e&m--------[&r &6&lGlowstone Mountain &e&m]--------"
  15. send "&6- &e/gmo reset &6Reset the mountain"
  16. send "&6- &e/gmo pos1 &6Set the position 1 of the GM"
  17. send "&6- &e/gmo pos2 &6Set the position 2 of the GM"
  18. send "&e&m--------[&r &6&lGlowstone Mountain &e&m]--------"
  19. stop
  20. if argument 1 is "reset":
  21. if {gm.pos1} is set:
  22. if {gm.pos2} is set:
  23. loop blocks within {gm.pos1} to {gm.pos2}:
  24. set block at loop-block to glowstone block
  25. broadcast "{@broadcast}"
  26. stop
  27. else:
  28. send "&6- &eEither&6 pos1 &eor &6pos2 &eare missing"
  29. stop
  30. else:
  31. send "&6- &eEither &6pos1 &eor &6pos2 &eare missing"
  32. stop
  33. if argument 1 is "pos1":
  34. set {gm.pos1} to target block
  35. send "&6- &eGlowstone Mountain &6Pos1 &eset!"
  36. stop
  37. if argument 1 is "pos2":
  38. set {gm.pos2} to target block
  39. send "&6- &eGlowstone Mountain &6Pos2 &eset!"
  40. else:
  41. send "&e&m--------[&r &6&lGlowstone Mountain &e&m]--------"
  42. send "&6- &e/gmo reset &6Reset the mountain"
  43. send "&6- &e/gmo pos1 &6Set the position 1 of the GM"
  44. send "&6- &e/gmo pos2 &6Set the position 2 of the GM"
  45. send "&e&m--------[&r &6&lGlowstone Mountain &e&m]--------"
  46. stop
  47. every {gm.refreshtime} in world "world_nether":
  48. if {gm.pos1} is set:
  49. if {gm.pos2} is set:
  50. loop blocks within {gm.pos1} to {gm.pos2}:
  51. set block at loop-block to glowstone block
  52. broadcast "{@broadcast}"
  53. stop
  56. on load:
  57. set {gm.refreshtime} to {@refresh time} parsed as a timespan
  58. if {@refreshOnLoad} is "true":
  59. loop blocks within {gm.pos1} to {gm.pos2}:
  60. set block at loop-block to glowstone block
  61. on unload:
  62. set {gm.refreshtime} to {@refresh time} parsed as a timespan
  63. if {@refreshOnLoad} is "true":
  64. loop blocks within {gm.pos1} to {gm.pos2}:
  65. set block at loop-block to glowstone bloc
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