

Apr 27th, 2013
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  1. Chat
  2. Guest_llamadude2 has joined the chat
  3. Zer0bandit: Wow, this room's a blast from the past.
  4. Guest_llamadude2: lol, really?
  5. Guest_llamadude2: you've been here before?
  6. Zer0bandit: Yeah, they used to hand this out standard with the really ooooold accounts.
  7. Zer0bandit: Haven't seen it in so long because nobody has it these days.
  8. Guest_llamadude2: not sure where I got it...
  9. Guest_llamadude2: we can change if you like?
  10. Zer0bandit: Oh, no, I'm not complaining.
  11. Zer0bandit: The old rooms were great.
  12. Guest_llamadude2: I haven't used this in a while... how do you get rooms?
  13. Guest_llamadude2: do you have to buy them?
  14. Zer0bandit: Yeah, pretty much.
  15. Guest_llamadude2: can I ask you something?
  16. Zer0bandit: Sure.
  17. Guest_llamadude2: how ticklish would you say you are?
  18. Guest_llamadude2: 1-10 scale?
  19. Zer0bandit: interesting question.
  20. Zer0bandit: 2, mostly, I would say.
  21. Guest_llamadude2: really? a 2... so not ticklish at all?
  22. Zer0bandit: not terribly. There are parts of me I am really adverse to people touching, but that's more sensitivity than ticklishness.
  23. Guest_llamadude2: and can I ask what these adverse to touching areas are?
  24. Zer0bandit: Why
  25. Guest_llamadude2: sorry, never mind.
  26. Guest_llamadude2: I have a bit of a thing for ticklish girls.
  27. Guest_llamadude2: but it's almost impossible to find a girl who's not afraid of being tickled senseless.
  28. Guest_llamadude2: or of tickling in general
  29. Zer0bandit: It's curious. Socially, it's a lighthearted thing. Physically, it's not really terribly desirable at all.
  30. Zer0bandit: I've wondered before how tickling hasn't accrued more of a... disfavourable image, as it were.
  31. Zer0bandit: It's perfectly acceptible to tickle someone, even though they spend the entire time going 'no no stop'.
  32. Guest_llamadude2: strange isn't it...
  33. Zer0bandit: Quite.
  34. Guest_llamadude2: it has a place in the bedroom too...
  35. Guest_llamadude2: let's say your BF wanted to tickle your feet... would you let him?
  36. Zer0bandit: Absolutely not.
  37. Guest_llamadude2: or is it unpleasent?
  38. Zer0bandit: Gentlemen have gotten kicked for that before.
  39. Guest_llamadude2: but I thought you were only a 2 on the ticklishness scale?
  40. Zer0bandit: Indeed.
  41. Guest_llamadude2: so you're not ticklish, let you still would "absolutely not" let your BF tickle your feet?
  42. Zer0bandit: That is correct,.
  43. Guest_llamadude2: I am confused... you can see why?
  44. Zer0bandit: You are forgetting something else I said earlier.
  45. Guest_llamadude2: some places you can't handle being touched?
  46. Zer0bandit: Indeed.
  47. Guest_llamadude2: what do you hate about it if it doesn't tickle?
  48. Zer0bandit: I said it was sensitive.
  49. Guest_llamadude2: so foot massages are also a no no?
  50. Zer0bandit: Pretty much.
  51. Guest_llamadude2: you'd hate me then...
  52. Guest_llamadude2: I have a foot fetish... in case you can't tell.
  53. Zer0bandit: I was gathering that.
  54. Zer0bandit: Should I perhaps let you go on and find someone who might be up for that?
  55. Whispering to
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