
Lincoln helps the twins bond

Aug 21st, 2016
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  1. >"IT'S MY TURN!" Shouted Lana
  2. >"NO, IT'S MINE!" Replied Lola
  3. >the twins were arguing again, this time about who got to pick the show they would watch
  6. >the remote broke in half. we always kept spares for this sort of thing, but Lincoln was starting to get sick of it
  7. >Lincoln figured it was about time to get the twins into his game, but for this, he was gonna need Lisa's help
  8. >The next day seemed pretty normal, Lincoln woke up, made his brothers some breakfast
  9. >but this time, he added a little something extra to the twins breakfast and lunch
  10. >Everyone ate, and was off to school, no one aware of Lincolns plan
  11. >Fast forward to the end of the day
  12. >Lincoln rushed home, wanting to be there when the twins got back
  13. >Lola was the first to walk in, He was bent forward slightly, blushing, and trying to maintain his posture
  14. >"You alright there Lola?" Lincoln asked
  15. >It took Lola a moment to respond
  16. >"Huh wuh, yeah I'm fine Linc" Lola huffed, His voice wispy and unsure "I'm uh, I'm gonna go lie down a bit."
  17. >He went upstairs, the drug was starting to work
  18. >Lana was next to get home
  19. >Unlike Lola, He was making no attempt to hide his discomfort
  20. >"Hey Lana, how was school?"
  21. >"eeh, it was fine Lincoln" Lana mumbled as he walked slightly bow legged up the stairs to his room
  22. >"I must remember to thank Lisa for this stuff" Lincoln thought to himself
  23. >Fast forward a week and a half
  24. >it's been around 9 days since Lincoln has been giving the twins their "special lunches" and the effects were starting to show
  25. >Lana could be heard grumbling about how his balls felt weird, while Lola was putting on a brave face
  26. >"Time to start Phase 2" thought lincoln "I'll set it up when they are at their friend's birthday party this Sunday.
  28. >Fast forward to Sunday, Lincoln gave the twins an extra large dose in their breakfast and sent them on their way
  29. >"Alright, let's set this up" Lincoln muttered
  30. >"beds go here, straps here... machine off to the side....Perfect!"
  31. >With the setup complete, Lincoln only had to wait for the twins to come home
  32. >Fast forward a few hours
  33. >The door flies open as the twins run inside, they go to run upstairs but are stopped by Lincoln
  34. >"Whoa Whoa guys, what's the rush" asked Lincoln as he blocked the stairs
  35. >"Please Lincoln, I gotta go upstairs!" cried Lana
  36. >"My crotch hurts so much Linc, I don't know what to do!" shouted Lana
  37. >"I have noticed you two acting odd these last few days" said Lincoln
  38. >"So I decided to do something to help"
  39. >"Help?" asked the twins in unison
  40. >"Yup" replied Lincoln "I set something up in your room that should make you feel MUCH better"
  41. >Upon hearing this, the twins dashed past Lincoln to their room to see what it was
  42. >Lincoln followed behind them
  43. >"Uh Linc" started Lola "What is this?"
  44. >before them was a set of 2 small beds some straps, and a large crane shaped machine with pistons and 2 hollow metal rods connected to each-other with a plastic tube
  45. >"This is a little something I had Lisa help me make" Lincoln replied "It should help you 2 get some....relief"
  46. >"Wanna try it?" asked Lincoln
  47. >Nervous as the twins were, they were also desperate for this feeling to end
  48. >"Yes! Just make this feeling stop!" cried Lana
  49. >"I...I'll try it too Linc" said Lola trying to mask her desperation
  50. >"All right then, Get undressed and lie on the beds" Lincoln instructed
  52. >The twins took off their clothes and got on the beds
  53. >as Lincoln strapped their legs together (Lola's left leg to Lana's right leg, and so on) he saw the result of the drugs
  54. >Their testicles had grown several times larger, and There was a large bulge in their pelvic areas
  55. >"So, why do we have to be strapped together like this?" Lana asked
  56. >"Well" replied Lincoln "it's to make sure this is as safe as possible"
  57. >"Make sure WHAT'S as safe as possible" Questioned Lola
  58. >Lincoln brought the pistons with the rods and tube down to the level of their crotches
  59. >"You have a backup of liquid inside you" Lincoln explained "And we need to get it out"
  60. >Lincoln grabbed their dicks and began to massage them
  61. >"OOOH Lincoln, that feels.....that feels AMAZING" cried Lola
  62. >"MMNG, MMMRRRF So Goood" grunted Lana
  63. >Lincoln stopped when they both got hard
  64. >"Whuh, why'd you stop?" asked Lola
  65. >"Yeah, Keep going, please" begged Lana
  66. >Oh don't worry, You're about to feel much better, I promise" Lincoln replied, reassuring them
  67. >First was Lola
  68. >Lincoln grabbed one of the arms of the piston arms of the machine, and positioned it so the end of the rod was just inside Lola's dick
  69. >He then did the same for Lana
  70. >"You two ready?" asked Lincoln
  71. >The two of them nodded, waiting for this relief
  72. >"Ok then, here we go" said Lincoln as he turned the dial on the machine to "setup"
  73. >As the machine came to life, a small arm came off each of the pistons
  74. >The arm wasn't very long, and had a ring with a latch on the end
  75. >Lincoln secured the ring around the base of their dicks and locked the latch in place
  77. >With the twins firmly secured, Lincoln turned the switch to "1"
  78. >The pistons began to pump, the sounds going in and out of their dicks
  79. >The twins started moaning as their dicks were being violated by the rods
  80. >"you guys seem to be enjoying this" remarked Lincoln "I think we should put it on setting two"
  81. >The machine sped up, the rods pumping their tight urethras about as fast as one would masturbate
  82. >"UuuuuuuUH, UUUUUHHHHAAAAA, AAAAAAH,A AAAAAAAAAAH!" Cried Lana as he came
  83. >the sperm shot up into the tube, and headed towards Lola's dick
  84. >"nnnnguh, You okay LanAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Lola cried as Lana's cum went through the rod into his dick
  85. >The feeling was too much for Lola to handle, He came in seconds
  87. >As Lola came, their mixed cum was shot back into Lana, Forcing its way into Lana's bladder
  88. >"Hmm, Good results" said Lincoln "But I think we can gooooo...Faster"
  89. >Lincoln turned the knob to 3
  90. >The machine began to pump amazingly fast
  92. >Lana came again, forcing more sperm into Lola
  93. >In the excitement, Lana started to pee, forcing the previous combined load from her bladder to transfer to Lola
  94. >Lola's Bladder had grown a visible bulge, and it was only going to get bigger
  95. >"I'll leave you two alone for a bit, I have some studying to do" said Lincoln as he left the room
  96. >For the next hour or so all you could hear was the twins moaning, and the whirr of the machines
  98. >Lincoln came back into the room to see how the two were doing
  99. >There was cum all over the floor below them
  100. >Their bladders had swollen to an amazing size, and yet they were still cumming
  101. >"Huh, Maybe I overdid it with the medicine..." Thought Lincoln
  102. >"Well, I'm sure it's fine. at-least they seem happy"
  103. >Lincoln walked over to the machine and turned it off
  104. >He unlatched the rings and took the rods out
  105. >as he did, a torrent of cum erupted from their dicks, There must have been at-least a gallon in total.
  106. >Lincoln unstrapped the two, and left them with the machine
  107. >"If you two ever need help again, just let me know" said Lincoln
  108. >Lincoln went back to his room and took out a jar of powder from under his bed, it was about half full
  109. >"I'm gonna need Lisa to make more of this stuff." Lincoln thought, with a smile on his face
  111. End
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