

Jan 9th, 2021
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  1. lua_atpanic: 0x145A080
  2. lua_call: 0x145A0D0
  3. lua_checkstack: 0x145A140
  4. lua_close: 0x1466BB0
  5. lua_concat: 0x1461970
  6. lua_createtable: 0x145BA20
  7. lua_error: 0x14716D0
  8. lua_gc: 0xFB9A10
  9. lua_g???: 0x14675E0
  10. lua_getfenv: 0x145BD40
  11. lua_getfield: 0x770560
  12. lua_gethook: 0x7705C0
  13. lua_getinfo: 0x14676A0
  14. lua_getlocal: 0x145A4D0
  15. lua_getmetatable: 0x1A155A0
  16. lua_getstack: 0x1467830
  17. lua_gettable: 0x145B7C0
  18. lua_gettop: 0x145B850
  19. lua_getupvalue: 0x79F490
  20. lua_insert: 0x145A7F0
  21. lua_iscfunction: 0x6DDC40
  22. lua_isstring: 0x145A910
  23. lua_isnumber: 0x145A970
  24. lua_newstate: 0x617E20
  25. lua_newthread: 0x145AA70
  26. lua_newuserdata: 0x145AB00
  27. lua_next: 0x145BD40
  28. lua_objlen: 0x145AC10
  29. lua_pcall: 0x145ACE0
  30. lua_pushcclosure: 0x145BBE0
  31. lua_pushfstring: 0x1006A50
  32. lua_pushinteger: 0x145AF30
  33. lua_pushlightuserdata: 0x145AF90
  34. lua_pushlstring: 0x145AFE0
  35. lua_pushnil: 0x145B050
  36. lua_pushnumber: 0x145B0A0
  37. lua_pushstring: 0x145BCC0
  38. lua_pushthread: 0x145B1E0
  39. lua_pushunumber: 0x145B240
  40. lua_pushvfstring: 0x1008030
  41. lua_rawequal: 0x10080F0
  42. lua_rawget: 0x145BAD0
  43. lua_rawgetf: 0x79FB40
  44. lua_rawgeti: 0x62C910
  45. lua_rawset: 0x145B620
  46. lua_rawseti: 0x161AAA0
  47. lua_remove: 0x145C960
  48. lua_replace: 0x145C990
  49. lua_resume: 0x145D620
  50. lua_setfenv: 0xFD7880
  51. lua_setf???: 0x145BCC0
  52. lua_setfield: 0x145BD40
  53. lua_sethook: 0x1614F20
  54. lua_setlocal: 0x79F490
  55. lua_setmetatable: 0x79F4C0
  56. lua_set???: 0x5DF530
  57. lua_settable: 0x145BD40
  58. lua_settop: 0x145BDC0
  59. lua_setupvalue: 0x145BDC0
  60. lua_toboolean: 0x145C390
  61. lua_tointeger: 0x1614FA0
  62. lua_tolstring: 0x145BF40
  63. lua_tonumber: 0x145C060
  64. lua_topointer: 0x5C7530
  65. lua_tostring: 0x161AAA0
  66. lua_tothread: 0x145C220
  67. lua_touserdata: 0x7AA030
  68. lua_touserdata???: 0x79B5A0
  69. lua_type: 0x79B660
  70. lua_xmove: 0x822420
  71. lua_yield: 0x161A990
  72. luaV_execute: 0x145E020
  73. luaV_gettable???: 0x1461970
  74. luaV_gettable: 0x145E020
  75. luaV_lessequal: 0x1461970
  76. luaV_lessthan: 0x1471E60
  77. luaV_settable: 0x145B620
  78. luaV_tonumber: 0x145B6F0
  79. luaV_tostring: 0x1034470
  80. luaS_newlstr: 0x10344E0
  81. luaS_newudata: 0xB0DA70
  82. luaL_addlstring: 0x145C600
  83. luaL_addvalue: 0x145CC60
  84. luaL_argerror: 0x145CCA0
  85. luaL_???: 0x1615390
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