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- # Written by David Neuy
- # Version 0.1.0 @ 03.12.2014
- # This script was first published at:
- # You may republish it as is or publish a modified version only when you
- # provide a link to ''.
- # Lightly Modified by Sean Kelley
- # To include second sensor for soil temperature
- # No need to provide a link to Sean @
- #install dependency with 'sudo easy_install apscheduler' NOT with 'sudo pip install apscheduler'
- import os, sys, Adafruit_DHT, time
- from datetime import datetime, date
- from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
- #load drivers for soil temp sensor
- os.system('modprobe w1-gpio')
- os.system('modprobe w1-therm')
- # soil sensor output file
- soil_temp_sensor = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-000006c3a429/w1_slave'
- #air temp sensor setup
- sensor = Adafruit_DHT.AM2302 #DHT11/DHT22/AM2302
- pin = 4
- sensor_name = "outside"
- hist_temperature_file_path = "sensor-values/temperature_" + sensor_name + "_log_" + str( + ".csv"
- hist_soil_temperature_file_path = "sensor-values/temperature_" + 'soil' + "_log_" + str( + ".csv"
- latest_temperature_file_path = "sensor-values/temperature_" + sensor_name + "_latest_value.csv"
- latest_soil_temp_file_path = "sensor-values/temperature_" + 'soil' + "_latest_value.csv"
- hist_humidity_file_path = "sensor-values/humidity_" + sensor_name + "_log_" + str( + ".csv"
- latest_humidity_file_path = "sensor-values/humidity_" + sensor_name + "_latest_value.csv"
- csv_header_temperature = "timestamp,temperature_in_fahrenheit\n"
- csv_header_soil_termperature = "timestamp,temperature_in_fahrenheit\n"
- csv_header_humidity = "timestamp,relative_humidity\n"
- csv_entry_format = "{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S},{:0.1f}\n"
- sec_between_log_entries = 60
- latest_humidity = 0.0
- latest_temperature = 0.0
- latest_soil_temperature = 0.0
- latest_value_datetime = None
- # SOIL TEMP CODE functions
- def temp_raw():
- f = open(soil_temp_sensor, 'r')
- lines = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- return lines
- def read_soil_temp():
- lines = temp_raw()
- while lines[0].strip()[-3:] != 'YES':
- time.sleep(0.2)
- lines = temp_raw()
- temp_output = lines[1].find('t=')
- if temp_output != -1:
- temp_string = lines[1].strip()[temp_output+2:]
- temp_c = float(temp_string) / 1000.0
- temp_f = temp_c * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0
- return temp_f
- # AIR TEMP/HUMIDTY functions
- def write_header(file_handle, csv_header):
- file_handle.write(csv_header)
- def write_value(file_handle, datetime, value):
- line = csv_entry_format.format(datetime, value)
- file_handle.write(line)
- file_handle.flush()
- def open_file_ensure_header(file_path, mode, csv_header):
- f = open(file_path, mode, os.O_NONBLOCK)
- if os.path.getsize(file_path) <= 0:
- write_header(f, csv_header)
- return f
- def write_hist_value_callback():
- write_value(f_hist_temp, latest_value_datetime, latest_temperature)
- write_value(f_hist_hum, latest_value_datetime, latest_humidity)
- # added for soil temp
- write_value(f_hist_soil_temperature, latest_value_datetime, latest_soil_temperature)
- def write_latest_value():
- with open_file_ensure_header(latest_temperature_file_path, 'w', csv_header_temperature) as f_latest_value: #open and truncate
- write_value(f_latest_value, latest_value_datetime, latest_temperature)
- with open_file_ensure_header(latest_humidity_file_path, 'w', csv_header_humidity) as f_latest_value: #open and truncate
- write_value(f_latest_value, latest_value_datetime, latest_humidity)
- # added for soil temp
- with open_file_ensure_header(latest_soil_temp_file_path, 'w', csv_header_soil_termperature) as f_latest_value: #open and truncate
- write_value(f_latest_value, latest_value_datetime, latest_soil_temperature)
- # Mix of step one code and new soil code (step 2)
- f_hist_temp = open_file_ensure_header(hist_temperature_file_path, 'a', csv_header_temperature)
- f_hist_hum = open_file_ensure_header(hist_humidity_file_path, 'a', csv_header_humidity)
- #soil added
- f_hist_soil_temperature = open_file_ensure_header(hist_soil_temperature_file_path, 'a', csv_header_soil_termperature)
- print "Ignoring first 2 sensor values to improve quality..."
- for x in range(2):
- Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(sensor, pin)
- print "Creating interval timer. This step takes almost 2 minutes on the Raspberry Pi..."
- #create timer that is called every n seconds, without accumulating delays as when using sleep
- scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
- scheduler.add_job(write_hist_value_callback, 'interval', seconds=sec_between_log_entries)
- scheduler.start()
- print "Started interval timer which will be called the first time in {0} seconds.".format(sec_between_log_entries);
- try:
- while True:
- hum, temp = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(sensor, pin)
- if hum is not None and temp is not None:
- ftemp = (temp *9.0) / 5.0 + 32.0
- latest_humidity, latest_temperature = hum, ftemp
- latest_value_datetime =
- latest_soil_temperature = read_soil_temp()
- write_latest_value()
- time.sleep(1)
- except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
- scheduler.shutdown()
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