
Ash's Anthro Adventures Ch. 2 – Rival Revival

Dec 4th, 2012
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  1. Ash's Anthro Adventures
  3. Ch. 2 – Rival Revival
  5. Ash and Pikachu walked on the dirt road towards Professor Oak's lab. They hoped that he had found some information about the other Pokémon and whether or not he could still use them in battle. One thing on Ash's mind was that he was going to ask whether or not he could take all his Pokémon with him. He didn't think it was safe that they'd stay at Professor Oak's lab, since they'd be out in the open and clear targets.
  7. "Here we are." Ash said as they reached the steps to Oak's laboratory. After climbing up the steps, they stopped at the front door.
  9. Ash rang the doorbell. "Coming," called a voice, Ash figuring it'd be Tracey. His answer was confirmed correct as Tracey opened the door. "Hey Ash, hey Pikachu!" he greeted.
  11. "Hi Tracey!" Pikachu exclaimed.
  13. "Hey Trace," Ash said. "So how's the studying going? Are all my Pokémon alright?"
  15. Tracey nodded. "Yep," Tracey replied. "In fact, Professor Oak wants to talk to you. He's upstairs, if you need me, I'll be outside." Ash nodded and Tracey went out the back door.
  17. Ash and Pikachu entered the house, Ash closing the door behind him. "Come on Pikachu, let's go check on the Professor."
  19. "Right Ash," Pikachu replied. The duo went upstairs into the laboratory. There they spotted Professor Oak by his large computer and a few other devices around him. "Hey Professor Oak!"
  21. Oak turned to see Ash and Pikachu. "Ah, Ash, Pikachu, good to see you have made it." Oak rose from his seat and walked over to the two. "How was the walk back here?"
  23. "Simple enough," Ash replied. "No one seemed to be out except a few kids who were playing the playground, but they didn't even notice us, not that I'm complaining." Ash mumbled the last part inaudibly. "So, anything new to report?"
  25. "Oh you'd be surprised." Oak replied. "Follow me." He led the two to his computer. On it were a number of pictures of different Pokémon, more specifically, the Pokémon Ash had at Oak's lab: Bulbasaur, Meowth, Muk, Kingler, Snorlax, Bayleef, Quilava, Totodile, Noctowl, Heracross, Donphan, Sceptile, Swellow, Torkoal, Crawdaunt, Glalie, Torterra, Infernape, Staraptor, Buizel, Gabite, Jalorda, Pokabu, Daikenki, Hatooboo, Waruvile, Gliscor and Charizard (Both who returned to Ash after training).
  27. "What's this Oak?" Ash asked the old professor.
  29. "This is the list of all the Pokémon in your Poke-Tector." Oak responded.
  31. "Poke-what?" Ash asked in return in confusion.
  33. Oak went over to his keyboard and took out a strange red, black and white rectangular device. It had a large screen, a small red sphere at the bottom and a wrist strap. "Ash, meet the Poke-Tector, the future of catching and training Pokémon!" Ash cocked an eyebrow. "This is a device some of the other professors and I have been working on. You see, a lot of us see trainers that want to raise and hold onto all of their Pokémon rather than send them to stay with someone or inside the storage boxes in Pokémon centers. So, we created the Poke-Tector. This device allows you to hold onto all of your Pokémon and use any of them at any time."
  35. "Wow Professor Oak, that's really cool!" Ash said in amazement.
  37. "That's not all," Oak interrupted. "The Poke-Tector is basically the ultimate device for all Pokémon trainers. It has a built in Pokedex, a GPS and map, a clock, a camera to tape battles or training sessions, and a voice journal to document anything you feel. What's best about is how the Poke-tector stores the Pokémon. Ash, you know the game Pokémon Ranch?"
  39. "Yeah," Ash replied. "It's a Nintendo Wii game that allows kids to store Pokémon from their Nintendo DS games into a virtual ranch."
  41. "Well, that's basically the same thing!" Ash had a confused face. "You see, when you store a Pokémon in the Poke-Tector, their entire being is sent into a virtual ranch where they can live and rest. Take a look on the screen." Professor Oak gave Ash the device and Ash touched the touch-screen. Instantly, five choices appeared: Trainer Info, Capture Mode, Poke-Ranch, Pokedex and Other Devices. Ash pressed on Poke-Ranch icon, and the screen went white. After five seconds, a new screen appeared, and Ash could see all his Pokémon, walking around in a large ranch like area. There were fences, a lake, trees, even a large barn. Ash was amazed by this virtual dominion his Pokémon were now residing in, but he was more astounded by the how the rest of his Pokémon had transformed.
  43. The day before he only saw how Pikachu, Meowth and Bulbasaur had changed, but he was astounded how the rest had also transformed. "Wow. This incredible Professor Oak." The raven haired male stated.
  45. "I thought you might say so," Oak replied. "You see Ash, I knew that since your Pokémon had all transformed into more noticeable forms, you'd want to make sure they were all safe. I was going to give you the Poke-Tector anyways, but it thought this gave me a better reason to introduce it to you."
  47. "Thanks Professor Oak," Ash said in amazement. "Is there anything I should know about the Poke-Tector?"
  49. "As a matter of fact there is." Oak responded, "Although this Poke-Tector contains all your Pokémon, it has yet to make itself truly yours."
  51. "What do you mean?" Ash asked.
  53. "Allow me," Oak said as he took the Poke-Tector from Ash. He pointed in a position that the small red sphere was pointing at Ash.
  55. "Activating DNA scan" said a computer voice. Suddenly, a yellow began and scanned Ash from top to bottom. After a few seconds the beam disappeared. "DNA scan complete. This Poke-Tector belongs to Ash Ketchum"
  57. "What just happened?" Ash asked in shock.
  59. "You see Ash," Oak began, "Each Poke-Tector has a built in DNA scanner. It scans whoever it belongs to, and it will only respond to whoever it scanned. To make it simple, only you will be able to access anything that on this Poke-Tector."
  61. "Nice," Ash responded.
  63. "There are a few last things I nearly forgot to mention." Oak said. "The Poke-Tector as you obviously saw has a Capture feature, meaning you can capture Pokémon and store them in your Poke-Ranch. How it works, I think you should find out on your own." Ash cocked an eyebrow to the smiling Professor. "The only other thing is that when you wish to call out your Pokémon, just call out their name. Go ahead, try it."
  65. Ash nodded and strapped the device onto his left wrist. He stuck his arm out, pointing at an empty space in the lab. "Come on out, Meowth!" he called, and suddenly, a flash of red light shot out from the red sphere and formed into the shape of the Anthropoid Meowth.
  67. "What's up boss?" Meowth exclaimed in joy. She then noticed Pikachu and walked over to her. "Hey Pikachu, nice to see your still alright!"
  69. "You too Meowth," Pikachu smiled as the two then joined in a hug.
  71. "Wow," Ash said in amazement.
  73. "Exactly Ash," Oak agreed. "And to call them back, all you need to do is say the Pokémon name plus Return."
  75. "Alright, let's try it." Ash replied. He looked at Meowth and pointed his arm at her. "Meowth Return!" He called, and quickly enough, Meowth disappeared back into the Poke-Tector. "Professor Oak, this is amazing! Thank you."
  77. "You're welcome Ash," Oak said with a smile. "So is there anything else you want to know about?"
  79. "Actually yes," Ash replied. "You said you did some tests on my Pokémon, what did you find out?"
  81. "Very interesting you should mention that Ash," Oak replied. He went over to his computer and pulled out the screen on Meowth. "You see Ash, this transformation seems to have done more than just change the bodies of your Pokémon."
  83. 'No kidding,' Ash said sarcastically in his mind.
  85. "Take Meowth for example." Oak said as he pointed at the screen and picture of Ash's Meowth. "Before the transformation, she knew only four attacks correct?"
  87. "Yeah," Ash replied. "She knew Arial Ace, Thunderbolt, Pay Day, and Night Slash."
  89. "Exactly," Oak stated. "Most Pokémon tend to only remember how to do four moves at a time and forget their previous moves. However, it seems that your Pokémon have managed to learn a number of new attacks."
  91. "What do you mean?" Ash asked.
  93. "Well, other than those four attacks, it seems Meowth has learned Attract, Iron tail, and Swift."
  95. Ash did a double take. "Really?"
  97. "Yes, I know how you feel," Oak replied. "There is documented evidence that Meowths can learn all three attacks, but it is very rare."
  99. Ash was astounded. "Is that the same with the rest of my Pokémon?"
  101. "Yes," Oak replied. "Most of them seemed to have learned three new attacks."
  103. "Wow," Ash said in astonishment. Suddenly, an evil smile crept onto his face. "Alright! This is awesome!"
  105. "What do you mean Ash?" Pikachu asked.
  107. "If you girls know attacks that no other of your species knows, that means we have a wide advantage! This is awesome!"
  109. Oak chuckled; he should have known this would be Ash's reaction. "Well, it's good to see your taking this well Ash. How about we scan Pikachu to see what new moves she has learned?"
  111. "That's a great idea!" Ash replied. "How about it Pikachu?"
  113. "Sounds good to me!" Pikachu beamed. "Where do I sit?"
  115. "Just lay on the bed over there." Oak replied. Pikachu nodded and walked over to the bed. She took off her cloak and laid on her back. Oak walked over went to a computer just beside the bed. "Now I'm just going to do a scan to see if you're attacks have changed."
  117. "Alright!" Pikachu replied. She looked up and saw a large device hanging from the ceiling. A light shined from the machine and began to scan Pikachu from bottom to top. After a few seconds, the scanning ceased.
  119. "Now we just have to wait a bit for the results to come through." Oak said. There was silence for a few seconds before the professor cried out. "Incredible!"
  121. "What is it Professor?" Ash asked as he and Pikachu came behind him.
  123. "Pikachu's attacks," Oak replied. "Other than Thunderbolt, Volt Tackle, Iron Tail and Quick Attack, it seems Pikachu has learned Attract, Thunder Punch, and Surf!"
  125. "Whoa, Surf?" Ash asked in surprise. "Pikachu that's awesome, you have an attack that can beat any ground type!"
  127. "YAY!" Pikachu screamed as she jumped up and down.
  129. "This is very interesting," Oak said as Pikachu jumped. "Ash." Ash turned to the professor. "I need you to do me a favor."
  131. "What?" Ash asked.
  133. "When you go on your journey tomorrow, I want you to document all your findings on your Poke-Tector and then at the end of each month you should send them to me. I want to learn more about the effects of the Lust Stone and how they've changed your Pokémon and you." Oak explained.
  135. 'Good thing he doesn't know about last night,' Ash thought. 'And let's keep it that way.' "Alright Professor, I will."
  137. "Good." Oak said in return.
  139. Ash nodded. "So other than the attacks, is there anything else I should know about?"
  141. "Only one last thing," Oak replied. "As you know, all your Pokémon have been transformed." Ash nodded. "Well some have changed more so than others. What I mean is that Pokémon that don't really have any way of looking human have somehow generated human-like appearances. Take Glalie for example, before it was only a big head made out of ice, now she has arms and legs and she can walk. The same goes for Muk, somehow she now resembles a humanoid muck creature. And as for Pokémon like Jalorda, she has grown arms and legs that match with her body as well. I want you to document these changes whenever you have a new Pokémon, is that alright?"
  143. "Yes Professor," Ash responded with a smile.
  145. "Thank you my boy." Oak said with the same smile.
  147. "Ash! We're going to have so much fun!" Pikachu exclaimed as she hugged Ash's arm. Ash smiled at the action.
  149. "Wow Ash, who knew you could get a girl to go head over heels for you just like that?" called an all-too-familiar voice. Ash and Pikachu turned to see a familiar spiky haired brunette smirking at them.
  151. "Gary," Ash said with a smirk. He walked over to his former rival and looked him straight in the eye. "Jealous much?"
  153. "You wish," Gary said with a smirk. The two stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity before bursting out laughing. "Ha ha, it's good to see you Ash."
  155. "You too Gary," Ash said in return. He stuck out his hand and Gary shook it. "So what brings you here?"
  157. "Well, Gramps told me about that stone he found and he wanted me to take a look at it. I can see you have already gotten a good look at it," he said pointing at Pikachu.
  159. "Hi Gary!" Pikachu exclaimed.
  161. "Pikachu says hi," Ash translated.
  163. "You can understand her?" Gary asked. All he heard was "Pi Pika!"
  165. "Yeah, it's one of three new things I can do," Ash replied.
  167. "Nice." Gary replied. Then he remembered something. "Hey Ash, I almost forgot. Someone's here to see you."
  169. Ash's eyes widened as a new figure climbed up the steps. It was a man in his late 30's with dark long raven hair and blue eyes. He wore a dark red shirt and a black leather jacket that complimented his muscular build, blue jeans and black shoes. He had z-shaped marks on his cheeks like Ash. "Hello son," The man said .
  171. "Dad," Ash said in surprise. After the initial shock, Ash ran over and hugged the man he knew as his father. "Dad!"
  173. "Nice to see you too, son," Ash's father said in joy as he hugged his son. He turned to the two Oaks. "Hello Samuel, good to see you again."
  175. "You too Jason," Professor Oak said to Ash's Father – Jason Ketchum.
  177. Ash and Jason separated from their hug. "So where's your mother, son?"
  179. "I think she's at the house right now, but she should be coming soon." Ash replied. He then noticed Pikachu nervously standing behind him. "Oh! I nearly forgot, Dad, this is Pikachu." Ash introduced his partner to Jason.
  181. "Hi," Pikachu said shyly.
  183. "Wow," Jason said in surprise. "Delia told me what happened, but I didn't believe it." He looked Pikachu over. "Well Pikachu, it is very nice to meet you. Thanks for taking care of Ash."
  185. "No problem!" Pikachu said in joy.
  187. "So Ash, what's your plan this time?" Jason asked his son.
  189. "I'm planning to go through the Kanto league again." Ash replied. "What about you, are you going back on your research mission to Orre?"
  191. Jason shook his head. "Nope, thanks to all the discoveries I made about wild Pokémon there, I managed to convince my superior to let me retire early. From now on, I'm staying with your mother all the time."
  193. Ash was smiling widely. "That's great! Does mom know?"
  195. Jason gave an evil smirk. "Nope, I want it to be a surprise. I'll tell her on the day I told her I'm supposed to leave."
  197. Ash smirked at his dad. "I knew I got my ingenuity and sneakiness from somewhere."
  199. "That's from your mother," Jason replied. Both he and Ash laugh at the banter thrown between the two.
  201. "Hey Ash," Gary called. "Now that you got the reunion down, how about a battle?"
  203. "A battle?" Ash asked his former rival.
  205. "Yeah," Gary replied. "I want to see how you'll fight with your new Pokémon, and it'll be good practice for when I beat you in the Indigo league!"
  207. Ash looked at Gary in surprise. "You mean you're coming back?"
  209. "Yep!" Gary said proudly. "I decided to take a break from my Pokémon researching and visit the good ol' days. From now on, you and I are rivals again!"
  211. "Awesome," Ash said in return. "Well Gary, if it's a battle you want, then it's a battle you'll get! Right Pikachu?"
  213. "Right!" the electric rodent exclaimed.
  215. Ash's father and Gary's Grandfather watched smiling at the two boys. "He's definitely your son/grandson." Said the two in unison.
  217. After only a short time, Ash, Pikachu standing next to him, and Gary stood face to face behind Oak's laboratory, both ready to battle. On the sides were Oak, Jason, Delia and Mimey. Delia had arrived shortly before the battle started and had great joy to see her husband again. Tracey was standing outside the middle of the battlefield, being the referee.
  219. "This battle will be a three on three match up. No substitutions can be made from either side. The best 2 out of 3 wins. Begin!" Tracey exclaimed.
  221. "Go Umbreon!" Gary exclaimed as he summoned his black fox from a Poke-Tector his grandfather had given him. On the field appeared a black fox with multiple golden rings around its body.
  223. "Umbre!"
  225. "Umbreon huh?" Ash said, not surprised. "Alright, Go Crawdaunt!" Ash called out. As soon as the red light disappeared, Crawdaunt appeared on the field, but like the rest of Ash's Pokémon, it had changed. Crawdaunt stood 5.5 feet tall and shared the similar female hourglass figure, its large red pincers resembled human arms, the small front claws were hanging by her waist, towering legs and thighs, and the fined tail by the end. Her skull had also change so it looked more feminine with a crest of the back and it had a set of white F-cups hanging on her chest.
  227. "Crawdaunt!" the large crustacean Anthro-Pokémon exclaimed as it stood on the battle field. Umbreon and Gary were both surprised by the incredible transformation, but knew better than to let themselves get distracted.
  229. "You can have the first move Ash," Gary said proudly.
  231. "You're going to regret that Gary, Crawdaunt use Bubble Beam!" Ash exclaimed.
  233. "You got it!" Crawdaunt exclaimed as she unleashed the stream of bubbles from her claws.
  235. "Umbreon dodge it!" Gary cried out.
  237. "Right!" Umbreon replied as it jumped away from bubble stream.
  239. "Not getting away that easily." Ash said. "Crawdaunt use Ancient Power!"
  241. 'Ancient Power?' Gary asked in his mind in surprise. 'must be one of the special moves it learned.' "Umbreon counter with Shadow Ball!"
  243. "Take This!" Umbreon exclaimed as it launched the sphere of dark energy.
  245. "Now Crawdaunt!" Ash cried out.
  247. "Right!" Crawdaunt called back as it unleashed a sphere of light directed at the Shadow Ball. The two attacks collided, creating a smoke cloud. Gary and Umbreon couldn't see any sign of the female crustacean.
  249. "Now, Crawdaunt use Crabhammer!" Ash called out.
  251. Crawdaunt appeared as tout of the smoke cloud with great speed, her claws glowing blue. "Take this!" Crawdaunt cried as she struck the surprised moon Pokémon.
  253. "Ah!" Umbreon cried out in pain.
  255. "Umbreon!" Gary called out as he saw his dark type fall to the ground. "Umbreon get up." Umbreon struggled, but managed to get back on its feet. "Good. Try using Quick Attack to come in close!"
  257. "Right!" the dark type exclaimed as it ran at quick speed towards the anthro-Pokémon.
  259. "Not gonna happen," Ash said sneakily. "Crawdaunt use Whirlpool!"
  261. "WHAT?" Gary exclaimed in shock. Crawdaunt summoned a massive vortex of water and sent it at Umbreon, consuming the poor dark type.
  263. "Use Crabhammer again!" Ash exclaimed. Crawdaunt nodded and struck the dark type with her massive claws, knocking Umbreon out of the Whirlpool. "Alright Crawdaunt, finish it with Guillotine!"
  265. "Time to end this!" the humanoid crustacean exclaimed as she sent a massive slash towards Umbreon.
  267. "Umbreon get out of there!" Gary called out, but it was too late. Umbreon was struck by the massive slash and knocked unconscious.
  269. "Umbreon is unable to battle, Crawdaunt is the winner!" Tracey exclaimed as he pointed his hand towards Ash and his Pokémon.
  271. "Alright! Way to go Crawdaunt!" Ash exclaimed. Crawdaunt smiled widely as she went over and proceeded to hug Ash. Ash blushed lightly as she pressed her breasts against him, but he was happy she was too.
  273. "That was a very interesting battle," Oak said out loud.
  275. "Yes," Jason agreed. "I've never seen a Crawdaunt use Whirlpool before. Nor have I seen one look so human or have breasts."
  277. "What do you think Gary will do now?" Delia asked her husband.
  279. "Since Ash won, he has to choose his Pokémon first, so Gary will probably pick someone that has a large advantage against whatever Ash picks." Jason exclaimed.
  281. "Let the second match begin!" Tracey exclaimed after both trainers recalled their Pokémon to their Poke-Tectors.
  283. "I guess I go first this time," Ash said to himself. "Swellow, I choose you!" Ash exclaimed. Immediately the swallow Pokémon appeared, but it also changed. She was 4' 10" ft tall and had the similar female human shape like the others, long arms with feathers, thick thighs and long legs and tail feathers, hair like feathers going down the back of her neck and a small curl on her forehead, and a set of D-cups.
  285. "Swellow!" the bird Pokémon exclaimed.
  287. "Swellow huh?" Gary said in surprise to the female bird. "Then let's go Cloyster!"
  289. "Cloy!" the shell Pokémon cried out.
  291. "I'll go first," Gary stated. "Cloyster use Ice Beam!"
  293. "Ice!" the water/ice type exclaimed as it launched the icy beam.
  295. "Swellow dodge it!" Ash exclaimed.
  297. "To the sky!" the feathered female exclaimed. She successfully avoided the attack.
  299. "Alright Swellow, come in close with Arial Ace!" Ash commanded.
  301. Swellow dove at high speeds, straight for Cloyster. "Bombs Away!"
  303. "Cloyster attack with Icicle Spears!" Gary commanded.
  305. "Ice!" the bivalve Pokémon cried as it launched a number of pointed icicles towards Swellow.
  307. "Swellow use Protect!" Ash called out. Swellow stopped using Arial Ace and followed by a green shield forming around her. The icicles struck the shield and dissipated. The shield disappeared and Swellow smirked.
  309. "Nice Try," the bird Pokémon stated.
  311. "Swellow use Air Slash!" Ash called out.
  313. "Take this!" Swellow exclaimed as she released a number of slashes, all striking down on Cloyster.
  315. "Cloyster!" Gary exclaimed in shock.
  317. "Time to end this," Ash said with a smirk. "Swellow use Sky Attack!"
  319. "So long, Ice Dummy!" Swellow exclaimed as she began to dive while glowing with energy.
  321. 'I only got one shot,' Gary thought. He watched as Swellow flew fast and close. Just when Swellow was 5 feet away, Gary made his move. "Cloyster use EXPLODE!"
  323. "Bye bye Birdie!" Cloyster said as it glowed in energy before exploding, consuming Swellow in the process.
  325. "Swellow!" Ash exclaimed as he witnessed the event. A large smoke cloud formed and no one could see what happened for a moment. After a few seconds, the cloud disappeared, revealing an unconscious Swellow and Cloyster.
  327. "Both Cloyster and Swellow are unable to battle. The Match is a draw!" Tracey exclaimed.
  329. Ash ran over and took Swellow in his arms, Pikachu close behind. "Swellow, are you alright?"
  331. Swellow slowly opened her eyes. "S-Sorry Ash. I didn't see it coming."
  333. Ash smiled warmly. "It's okay. You deserve a good rest." Ash recalled his bird and faced Gary.
  335. "Well Ash, you have one and a tie. If I win, we'll have a tie breaker, if you win, well, what are the chances of that?" Gary teased.
  337. Ash smirked. "Oh, I'm winning this thing."
  339. "That's right!" Pikachu stated in agreement.
  341. Delia and Jason smiled at her son. "His determination is astounding," Delia stated.
  343. "What do you expect?" Jason said to his wife. "He takes after you."
  345. "Oh Jay Jay," Delia said in a loving manner.
  347. "Do'oh! Don't call me that in public!" Jason whispered to his wife. "Someone might hear you."
  349. "Too late for that Jay Jay," Professor Oak said with a smirk.
  351. "This is the final match up. Begin!" Tracey exclaimed.
  353. "Electivire, come on out!" Gary exclaimed.
  355. "Vire!" the electric Pokémon exclaimed as it was summoned and pounded its fists on its chest like a gorilla.
  357. "Electivire," Ash said with a smile. "You up for it, Pikachu?"
  359. "You know it, Ash!" Pikachu exclaimed as she got onto the battle field.
  361. "Using Pikachu?" Gary said in surprise. "Well doesn't this bring back memories? You can go first this time."
  363. "Whatever you say Gary." Ash replied. "Pikachu use Quick Attack!"
  365. "Here I come!" Pikachu screamed as she bolted towards the other electric type, but instead on all fours like it did when it was a normal Pikachu, she ran like a human.
  367. "Electivire use Fire Punch!" Gary exclaimed.
  369. "Try this mouse!" Electivire roared as its fists burst into flames. It tried to jab, but Pikachu dodged it and rammed the electric Pokémon in the side. "Ah!"
  371. "Try something else big boy!" Pikachu teased.
  373. "Pikachu use Quick Attack!" Ash called out.
  375. "You got it!" Pikachu replied as she began to charge again.
  377. "Not this time Ash," Gary stated. "Electivire use your tails to get into the air!"
  379. "Going up!" the Pokémon exclaimed as it launched itself into the air.
  381. "Not going to work!" Pikachu called out as it jumped towards Electivire.
  383. "Fire Punch!" Gary called out.
  385. "Pikachu no!" Ash exclaimed as he realized what was about to happen.
  387. "Take this!" Electivire roared as it punched Pikachu square in the face with a fist of flames.
  389. "Ah!" Pikachu screamed in pain as she was sent to the dirt. She got onto her arms and rubbed her cheek. "That hurt."
  391. "Pikachu, you alright?" Ash called worriedly.
  393. Pikachu quickly jumped back onto her feet. "You bet Ash!" she gave him a thumbs up and he smiled.
  395. "Electivire follow up with Iron Tail!" Gary exclaimed.
  397. "Here I come!" Electivire exclaimed as it ran ready to strike Pikachu with its steel powered tails.
  399. "Pikachu, time for a change of Strategy, use Attract!" Ash called out.
  401. "Alright!" Pikachu exclaimed. She spun around, summoning a number of heart shaped lights, stopped and her breasts jiggled. She winked and the hearts flew towards Electivire, striking him in the chest. Electivire stopped its attack as hearts replaced its eyes.
  403. "Electivire no!" Gary exclaimed. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he was also caught by Pikachu's Attract, and wondered if the rest of Ash's Pokémon could do that.
  405. Ash smirked, he had Gary now. "Alright Pikachu, let's finish with Volt Tackle!"
  407. "Pikapikapikapikapika-" Pikachu kept saying as it ran towards the love-struck Electivire in a rocket of electricity. "PIKA!" she cried as she made contact. A large explosion followed and soon, no one could see what happened. Ash wasn't sure Pikachu was alright, and Gary had no idea about Electivire.
  409. The smoke cleared, revealing Pikachu on one knee, and Electivire on the ground unconscious. "Electivire is unable to battle, Pikachu is the winner. The victory goes to Ash!" Tracey exclaimed.
  411. "Way to go Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed as he ran and hugged Pikachu. "We did it!"
  413. "Yay!" Pikachu exclaimed as she hugged Ash.
  415. Gary smirked as he recalled his fallen Pokémon. He walked over to Ash and Pikachu. "Ash," he said, gaining the boy's attention. "That was a good battle. I guess I'm going to need a lot of practice if I'm going to beat your super powered girls."
  417. Ash smiled. "Thanks Gary." Gary nodded and went back into the building.
  419. "Well done son!" Jason said as he, Delia, Oak, and Tracey came into view. Mimey had left to go back to the house. "That was an amazing battle."
  421. "I'll say," Delia agreed. She looked over to Pikachu and smirked. "And way to go with that Attract, Pikachu. That's the same way I caught Ash's father."
  423. "MOM!" Ash screamed in embarrassment.
  425. Delia giggled. "Just kidding Ash."
  427. "I have to agree with your parents Ash," Oak stepped in. "That battle was impressive, excellent use of strategy."
  429. "Thanks Professor," Ash replied with a smile. He turned to Pikachu. "Hey Pikachu, how about you go to the Poke-Ranch and make sure everyone is getting along?"
  431. "But Ash!" Pikachu exclaimed in a pleading tone.
  433. "Pikachu, I need someone to look after things in there until I decide who will be in charge when you're not in there okay?" Ash gave Pikachu a look she knew he couldn't fight.
  435. "Alright," Pikachu said with a small smile.
  437. Ash smiled back before lightly kissing her on the cheek. "Pikachu return." Pikachu disappeared into the Poke-Tector.
  439. "Woo, boy Ash, you sure are quite the charmer." Jason said to the boy, snapping him out of his thought.
  441. Ash's face was bright red as he stood up. "Oh, be quiet dad!" he began to walk away. "Not one word mom! And that goes double for you Oak!" Ash exclaimed as he knew both of the adults would also comment on his actions.
  443. That night, Ash had gone home and decided to let Pikachu out again. She reported that the Poke-Ranch was amazing, considering it had nearly everything a Pokémon would want, including a food area in the farm house Ash had seen. Later that night, they experienced the same events as the night before, but this time Ash had suggested it. They weren't the only ones, as Delia and Jason were also rekindling their love.
  445. The following morning, Ash and Pikachu stood in front of the house they knew as their home. Pikachu no longer needed her cloak because Ash had figured out how to manipulate people's sight on his way home the night before. To everyone else, Pikachu was still an everyday Pikachu.
  447. "Take a good look Pikachu," Ash said to his female companion, "It'll be a while before we come back."
  449. "Yeah, when we come to go to Cinnabar Island," Pikachu replied.
  451. Suddenly, Delia and Jason appeared at the door. "Hey mom, dad." Ash greeted his parents.
  453. "Hey Son," Jason said proudly.
  455. "I guess you'll be going now huh?" Delia asked her son.
  457. "Yeah Mom," Ash replied with a sad smile. "I got to get going if I want to be in the Indigo League."
  459. "Just be careful son," Jason said as he placed his hands on his son's shoulders. "Remember that we'll always be here whenever you need us."
  461. "I know dad," Ash said with a smile.
  463. "And Pikachu," Delia began. "Make sure you and the others take care of my little Ash. Alright?"
  465. "I promise," Pikachu said, although all Delia heard was "PikaPika."
  467. "Thank you," Delia smiled.
  469. "Well," Ash said as he looked at Pikachu, "we should get going. The battles aren't going to wait for us, right Pikachu?"
  471. "Right!" Pikachu exclaimed.
  473. Ash nodded and looked at his parents. He quickly hugged them and then ran off. "I promise I'll be back. And dad, don't forget to tell mom you're retiring and staying home!"
  475. "ASHTON!" Jason screamed as Ash and Pikachu laughed as they ran.
  477. As Ash ran, he knew that this was going to be an entirely new adventure for him. The fact that his Pokémon had transformed into these new forms seems to have been more of a good thing than bad. He was beginning to think he was going to enjoy this new adventure more so than all the others.
  481. ---
  483. Author notes:
  484. Hey guys,
  486. Every time another of Ash's Pokémon makes their first appearance, I'll be revealing their attacks. So here everyone revealed so far.
  488. The first four are the attacks they already knew, the last three are attacks that they can learn, but not easily.
  490. Pikachu – Thunderbolt, Volt Tackle, Iron Tail, Quick Attack, Attract, Thunder Punch and Surf
  492. Meowth – Arial Ace, Thunderbolt, Pay Day, Night Slash, Attract, Iron Tail, Swift
  494. Bulbasaur – Razor Leaf, Solarbeam , Power Whip, Take Down, Charm, Venom Shock, Safegaurd
  496. Crawdaunt – Bubble Beam, Crabhammer, Guillotine, Brick Break, Ancient Power, X-Scissor, Whirlpool
  498. Swellow – Arial Ace, Steel Wing, Air Slash, Sky Attack, Protect, Hidden Power, U-Turn
  500. Next Time – Forest Flight
  501. Ash heads into the Viridian Forest where he meets up with an old flying friend. However, things aren't well as a familiar foe reappears stronger than ever. It will take Ash, Pikachu and all of his flyers to help save the Pokémon residing in the Viridian Forest from the horrid enemy.
  503. Just for the record, I need ideas on what Pokémon you guys want to see anthromorphed and what Pokémon you want Ash to capture. I already have a few ideas, but I will take suggestions.
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