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May 23rd, 2018
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  1. Hi! Just a quick intro! I’m Decypher from NA and I’ve played League on and off since season 3(I think). I'm currently just another Gold 3 monkey in the jungle, but hopefully I will reach high plat now that I am done with most of my classes. In this post I’m just going to list some improvements I think would drastically improve the average quality of every game.
  3. **In no specific order:**
  4. Rune Selection errors in champ select
  7. What problem is this causing?
  9. Occasionally, players accidentally lock into a game with the wrong runes
  11. Right from the start, players, and their teammates, are at a disadvantage
  13. Mistakes happen, but this simple mistake significantly effects the average quality of games when a champion like lux takes conqueror. And although I haven’t seen it yet, I know we each have our own version of a Zed taking Aftershock into mid lane.
  15. Possible solutions:
  16. **Simple Solution**
  17. Rune pages show an image of the champion they were last used with when being selected
  18. When the current champion locked in, and last champion used of the page do not match, the client gives a small alert that warns the player that they do not match. This message can be ignored if the player is aware of the current setup, and the currently selected page will be locked in when the timer reaches 0.
  19. Complex
  20. I’m not going to go super into detail, but you could have each champion have their own specific rune page that is auto selected when players lock in/hover their champion
  22. This however can cause a lot of problems like having to make 141 pages for each unique champion. Doing this does actually saves you time in the long run when editing rune pages, but who actually wants to make 141 pages?
  25. Major problem: Riot loses revenue from decrease in demand for additional rune pages -> how much revenue can that really be though……
  28. As a side note, remove the extra default rune pages no one uses and make it a single page listed as recommended for that champion so that I don’t have to look at 10 of them, a good suggestion by /u/DiscoPhasma
  31. What happens when you don’t finish editing the page in time? If someone doesn’t complete the Rune page, have it use the currently selected runes, then use default runes for the non-selected spaces in order to fix the problem proposed by /u/ViktorVonBadmeme
  34. How it feels when picking a Rune
  35. [](
  37. There needs to be another way for Riot to offset the revenue gained from rune pages, or just extra revenue in general, or just an additional feature for free(ritoPLEASE).
  39. In an attempt not to beat a dead horse, since we don't need anymore of those
  41. **Announcers!**
  43. The technology exists!
  44. Sure, voice packs can take up some extra HDD space, but I’m willing to sacrifice a few hundred MB’s of space and a few dollars just to hear Gangplank tell me he’ll meet me in Davey Jones Locker.
  48. Recently, Phreak and Kobe’s announcer pack was released, and this is absolutely a step in the correct direction. Hopefully this is Riot testing the Bilgewaters for community interest in Announcers. But before I continue praising this step, I need to bring attention to the simple fact that these announcers are not for everyone. As much as we all love their personalities and how they really light up the stages when they cast, they **Should. Not.** be used to test the waters for announcer packs. After about 5 games of hearing phreak say “**ACED!** Gonna feel that one!” I was about to bring out my impersonation of Tyler1 before Reformation, so I turned it off.
  51. I know there have been multiple recent posts about this, but I really think having additional announcer options is too big of a point for me to leave out
  54. **MUSIC**
  55. • Before I continue with the post, I want to take a moment to bring attention to the Phenomenal music that is produced by Riot. League of Legends is the only game I have ever sat at a login menu for 20 minutes just to hear the music. Time after time again, I continue to be amazed by the consistency and originality of each song that is released. Which Begs the question.
  57. • **WHY ISN’T THERE MORE MUSIC IN THE ACTUAL GAME!** You have what is probably the most skilled audio and music teams in the game industry, and there is only 1 skin in the game that changes the music?!?!
  59. • [Legends Never Die](
  60. [World Championship 2015 Login](
  61. [As We Fall](
  62. are just some of the fantastic songs released from Riot that deserve to be in the game.
  64. • So far in my 1,658 estimated hours played of this game I have spent $15 on skins and had the rest as gifts.(I was until recently a broke college student) But I’m telling you now, I would have without a doubt bought music for in the game. Sure I can just go on youtube and create a playlist, but if I had a choice whether to listen to random music on youtube for free, or pay to listen to league of legends quality music, in game, that gets me pumped, I would without a doubt spend money on that.
  66. • While still staying on the music topic, I’m going to take it in another direction. Sometimes when you play league, the group you normally play with isn’t going to be on. But when you have a fantastic solo game where you went 19-0 as Jhin with a do-nothing support and hard carried the game to get a penta to win. What is the one thing you say to your friends the next day when you want to tell them about it? “Dude, I got a penta”. So now with this music idea, what if we try building up this penta-kill moment a little more so that when you hard carry your team to victory, you actually feel like a fucking champion?
  68. • What I’m suggesting is, what if there was music that started playing the closer you got to a penta-kill? Sure, solo kills happen way too often for music to start playing, doubles as well, but what about triples?
  70. • As an example let’s say you are playing Jhin and after a grueling laning phase and mid game, it’s finally come to the win or lose team fight, and you are the last chance the team has for victory. Miraculously, your team managed to catch out the enemy Evelyn between your Malphite and a hard place, and you 2 shot her instantly. It’s now a 4v5 and your enemies are running for their lives. Malphite ults and catches out their support and mid laner. With 2 additional, kills you have the triple, and the music starts playing.
  72. music ->[](
  75. • The enemy Cho-Gath can only run so far before blitz flash hooks and grabs him, leading him to a slow and painful death by 1v5. You are spam pinging for the kill and the team gives it for once!(music at 2:50) Now there’s only 1 left alive, Twitch, and as much as Jhin loves 4’s, there is only one outcome he’s going to accept. The Penta.
  77. • Next patch should be bringing the ARAM changes and the new champion, and as an active ARAM player, having improvements made on the game mode is going to feel so good. I am extremely excited for the patch, and hopefully this will encourage more people to come play the clusterfuck that is ARAM!
  79. • If anyone has any comments, questions or ideas about what I have mentioned, **PLEASE** let me know! I know I have left quite a bit out, but working on this post for 5 hours was not on the daily agenda.
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