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- #include <iostream>
- #include <list>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <string>
- #include <iomanip>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <iterator>
- #include <vector> //not in my life would I use this;<
- using namespace std;
- struct info {
- string lname;
- string fname;
- string mname;
- int age;
- string gender;
- };
- //table of contents
- void start(); //line 36
- void home(); //line 63
- void add(); //line 96
- void savedata(list <info>); //line 121
- void view(); //line 151
- void search(); //line 205
- void stringsearch(int, string); //line 262
- void edit(int, string, string); //line 327
- void deleto(int, string, string); //line 382
- void savedatav2(list <info>); //line 417
- void sort(); //line 447
- void stringsort(int, string); //line 504
- void stringquicksort(vector <info>&);
- void intquicksort(vector <info>&);
- void savedatav3(vector <info>);
- int main() {
- start();
- return 0;
- }
- void start() {
- char choice;
- cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- << "\n[a] Start"
- << "\n[b] End"
- << "\nEnter your Choice: ";
- cin >> choice;
- system("cls");
- switch (choice) {
- case 'a': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- home();
- break;
- }
- case 'b': {
- break;
- }
- default: {
- cout << "\nChoice is None, Mismatch";
- start();
- }
- }
- }
- void home() {
- char choice;
- cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- << "\n[a] Add"
- << "\n[b] View"
- << "\n[c] End"
- << "\nEnter your Choice: ";
- cin >> choice;
- system("cls");
- switch (choice) {
- case 'a': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- add();
- break;
- }
- case 'b': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- view();
- break;
- }
- case 'c': {
- break;
- }
- default: {
- cout << "\nChoice is None, Mismatch";
- home();
- }
- }
- }
- void add() {
- list <info> adding;
- string name[4];
- int age;
- cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- << "\nLast Name: ";
- cin >> name[0];
- cout << "\nFirst Name: ";
- cin >> name[1];
- cout << "\nMiddle Initial: ";
- cin >> name[2];
- cout << "\nAge: ";
- cin >> age;
- cout << "\nGender: ";
- cin >> name[3];
- adding.push_back({ name[0], name[1], name[2], age, name[3]});
- savedata(adding);
- system("cls");
- cout << "\nAdd is Success, Match";
- home();
- }
- void savedata(list <info> adding) {
- fstream file;
-"lname.txt", ios::app);
- for (auto word : adding) {
- file << "\n" << word.lname;
- }
- file.close();
-"fname.txt", ios::app);
- for (auto word : adding) {
- file << "\n" << word.fname;
- }
- file.close();
-"mname.txt", ios::app);
- for (auto word : adding) {
- file << "\n" << word.mname;
- }
- file.close();
-"age.txt", ios::app);
- for (auto word : adding) {
- file << "\n" << word.age;
- }
- file.close();
-"gender.txt", ios::app);
- for (auto word : adding) {
- file << "\n" << word.gender;
- }
- file.close();
- }
- void view() {
- string line[5];
- fstream file[5];
- char choice;
- cout << "\nLast Name" << setw(13) << "First Name" << setw(9) << "M.I." << setw(7) << "Age" << setw(11) << "Gender\n";
- file[0].open("lname.txt");
- file[1].open("fname.txt");
- file[2].open("mname.txt");
- file[3].open("age.txt");
- file[4].open("gender.txt");
- while (getline(file[0], line[0]) && getline(file[1], line[1]) && getline(file[2], line[2]) && getline(file[3], line[3]) && getline(file[4], line[4])) {
- cout << setw(9) << line[0] << setw(13) << line[1] << setw(9) << line[2] << setw(7) << line[3] << setw(10) << line[4] << "\n";
- }
- for (int h = 0; h < 5; h++) {
- file[h].close();
- }
- cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- << "\n[a] Search"
- << "\n[b] Sort"
- << "\n[c] Home"
- << "\n[d] End"
- << "\nEnter your Choice: ";
- cin >> choice;
- system("cls");
- switch (choice) {
- case 'a': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- search();
- break;
- }
- case 'b': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- sort();
- break;
- }
- case 'c': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- home();
- break;
- }
- case 'd': {
- break;
- }
- default: {
- cout << "\nChoice is None, Mismatch";
- view();
- }
- }
- }
- void search() {
- char choice;
- cout << "\n------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- << "\n[a] Last Name"
- << "\n[b] First Name"
- << "\n[c] Middle Initial"
- << "\n[d] Age"
- << "\n[e] Gender"
- << "\n[f] Home"
- << "\n[g] End"
- << "\nEnter your Choice: ";
- cin >> choice;
- system("cls");
- switch (choice) {
- case 'a': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- stringsearch(0, "Last Name");
- break;
- }
- case 'b': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- stringsearch(1, "First Name");
- break;
- }
- case 'c': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- stringsearch(2, "Middle Initial");
- break;
- }
- case 'd': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- stringsearch(3, "Age");
- break;
- }
- case 'e': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- stringsearch(4, "Gender");
- break;
- }
- case 'f': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- home();
- break;
- }
- case 'g': {
- break;
- }
- default: {
- cout << "\nChoice is None, Mismatch";
- search();
- }
- }
- }
- void stringsearch(int h, string word) {
- string search;
- fstream file[5];
- string line[5];
- char choice;
- cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- << "\nSTUDENT PROFILE INFORMATION SYSTEM -> Search -> " << word
- << "\nSearch: ";
- cin >> search;
- system("cls");
- cout << "\nSearch is Success, Match"
- << "\nLast Name" << setw(13) << "First Name" << setw(9) << "M.I." << setw(7) << "Age" << setw(11) << "Gender\n";
- file[0].open("lname.txt");
- file[1].open("fname.txt");
- file[2].open("mname.txt");
- file[3].open("age.txt");
- file[4].open("gender.txt");
- while (getline(file[0], line[0]) && getline(file[1], line[1]) && getline(file[2], line[2]) && getline(file[3], line[3]) && getline(file[4], line[4])) {
- if (line[h] == search) {
- cout << setw(9) << line[0] << setw(13) << line[1] << setw(9) << line[2] << setw(7) << line[3] << setw(10) << line[4] << "\n";
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- file[i].close();
- }
- cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- << "\nSTUDENT PROFILE INFORMATION SYSTEM -> Search -> " << word
- << "\nSearch: " << search
- << "\n[a] Edit"
- << "\n[b] Delete"
- << "\n[c] Home"
- << "\n[d] End"
- << "\nEnter your Choice: ";
- cin >> choice;
- system("cls");
- switch (choice) {
- case 'a': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- edit(h, word, search);
- break;
- }
- case 'b': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- deleto(h, word, search);
- break;
- }
- case 'c': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- home();
- break;
- }
- case 'd': {
- break;
- }
- default: {
- cout << "\nChoice is None, Mismatch";
- stringsearch(h, word);
- }
- }
- }
- void edit(int h, string word, string search) {
- fstream file[5];
- string line[5];
- string edit;
- list <info> editing;
- cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- << "\nSTUDENT PROFILE INFORMATION SYSTEM -> Search -> " << word << "-> Edit"
- << "\nEdit: ";
- cin >> edit;
- system("cls");
- file[0].open("lname.txt");
- file[1].open("fname.txt");
- file[2].open("mname.txt");
- file[3].open("age.txt");
- file[4].open("gender.txt");
- while (getline(file[0], line[0]) && getline(file[1], line[1]) && getline(file[2], line[2]) && getline(file[3], line[3]) && getline(file[4], line[4])) {
- int age = stoi(line[3]);
- if (line[h] == search) {
- line[h] = edit;
- if (word == "Last Name") {
- editing.push_back({ line[h], line[1], line[2], age, line[4] });
- }
- else if (word == "First Name") {
- editing.push_back({ line[0], line[h], line[2], age, line[4] });
- }
- else if (word == "Middle Name") {
- editing.push_back({ line[0], line[1], line[h], age, line[4] });
- }
- else if (word == "Age") {
- int age = stoi(line[h]);
- editing.push_back({ line[0], line[1], line[2], age, line[4] });
- }
- else if (word == "Gender") {
- editing.push_back({ line[0], line[1], line[2], age, line[h] });
- }
- }
- else {
- editing.push_back({ line[0], line[1], line[2], age, line[4] });
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- file[i].close();
- }
- savedatav2(editing);
- system("cls");
- cout << "\nEdit is Success, Match";
- home();
- }
- void deleto(int h, string word, string search) {
- fstream file[5];
- string line[5];
- string edit;
- list <info> editing;
- cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- << "\nSTUDENT PROFILE INFORMATION SYSTEM -> Search -> " << word << "-> Delete"
- << "\nDelete: ";
- cin >> edit;
- system("cls");
- file[0].open("lname.txt");
- file[1].open("fname.txt");
- file[2].open("mname.txt");
- file[3].open("age.txt");
- file[4].open("gender.txt");
- while (getline(file[0], line[0]) && getline(file[1], line[1]) && getline(file[2], line[2]) && getline(file[3], line[3]) && getline(file[4], line[4])) {
- int age = stoi(line[3]);
- if (line[h] != search) {
- editing.push_back({ line[0], line[1], line[2], age, line[4] });
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- file[i].close();
- }
- savedatav2(editing);
- system("cls");
- cout << "\nDelete is Success, Match";
- home();
- }
- void savedatav2(list <info> adding) {
- fstream file;
- for (auto word : adding) {
- file << "\n" << word.lname;
- }
- file.close();
- for (auto word : adding) {
- file << "\n" << word.fname;
- }
- file.close();
- for (auto word : adding) {
- file << "\n" << word.mname;
- }
- file.close();
- for (auto word : adding) {
- file << "\n" << word.age;
- }
- file.close();
- for (auto word : adding) {
- file << "\n" << word.gender;
- }
- file.close();
- }
- void sort() {
- char choice;
- cout << "\n------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- << "\n[a] Last Name"
- << "\n[b] First Name"
- << "\n[c] Middle Initial"
- << "\n[d] Age"
- << "\n[e] Gender"
- << "\n[f] Home"
- << "\n[g] End"
- << "\nEnter your Choice: ";
- cin >> choice;
- system("cls");
- switch (choice) {
- case 'a': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- stringsort(0, "Last Name");
- break;
- }
- case 'b': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- stringsort(1, "First Name");
- break;
- }
- case 'c': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- stringsort(2, "Middle Initial");
- break;
- }
- case 'd': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- stringsort(3, "Age");
- break;
- }
- case 'e': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- stringsort(4, "Gender");
- break;
- }
- case 'f': {
- cout << "\nLoad is Success, Match";
- home();
- break;
- }
- case 'g': {
- break;
- }
- default: {
- cout << "\nChoice is None, Mismatch";
- sort();
- }
- }
- }
- void stringsort(int h, string word) {
- fstream file[5];
- string line[5];
- vector <info> sorting;
- file[0].open("lname.txt");
- file[1].open("fname.txt");
- file[2].open("mname.txt");
- file[3].open("age.txt");
- file[4].open("gender.txt");
- while (getline(file[0], line[0]) && getline(file[1], line[1]) && getline(file[2], line[2]) && getline(file[3], line[3]) && getline(file[4], line[4])) {
- int age = stoi(line[3]);
- sorting.push_back({ line[0], line[1], line[2], age, line[4] });
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- file[i].close();
- }
- if (word == "Last Name") {
- stringquicksort(sorting);
- }
- else if (word == "First Name") {
- cout << "\nComing Soon...";
- }
- else if (word == "Middle Name") {
- cout << "\nComing Soon...";
- }
- else if (word == "Age") {
- intquicksort(sorting);
- }
- else if (word == "Gender") {
- cout << "\nComing Soon...";
- }
- savedatav3(sorting);
- system("cls");
- cout << "\nSort is Success, Match";
- }
- void stringquicksort(vector<info>& nums) {
- if (!nums.size()) return;
- int left = 0, right = nums.size() - 1;
- while (left <= right) {
- string pivot = nums[left].lname;
- while (left <= right && nums[right].lname < pivot) {
- right--;
- }
- while (left <= right && nums[left].lname > pivot) {
- left++;
- }
- swap(nums[left], nums[right]);
- }
- info temp = nums[0];
- nums[0] = nums[right];
- nums[right] = temp;
- stringquicksort(nums);
- }
- void intquicksort(vector<info>& nums) {
- if (!nums.size()) return;
- int left = 0, right = nums.size() - 1;
- while (left <= right) {
- int pivot = nums[left].age;
- while (left <= right && nums[right].age < pivot) {
- right--;
- }
- while (left <= right && nums[left].age > pivot) {
- left++;
- }
- swap(nums[left], nums[right]);
- }
- info temp = nums[0];
- nums[0] = nums[right];
- nums[right] = temp;
- stringquicksort(nums);
- }
- void savedatav3(vector <info> adding) {
- fstream file;
- for (auto word : adding) {
- file << "\n" << word.lname;
- }
- file.close();
- for (auto word : adding) {
- file << "\n" << word.fname;
- }
- file.close();
- for (auto word : adding) {
- file << "\n" << word.mname;
- }
- file.close();
- for (auto word : adding) {
- file << "\n" << word.age;
- }
- file.close();
- for (auto word : adding) {
- file << "\n" << word.gender;
- }
- file.close();
- }
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