

Nov 1st, 2014
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  1. “What are you doing?” Hanten questioned, looking over her best friend’s shoulder curiously as the other worked.
  2. “...Nothing of much interest,” the other responded, bored yellow eyes sliding over to glance at her for a moment before turning back to the work at hand.
  3. “...Hmm,” the more blood-thirsty of the two pondered, trying to look at what her friend was doing. Kurotsuno stood in front of a refrigerator, the freezer pulled out, and was working with her hands in it. After a moment of thought, the violent girl offered up, “...Blood ice cream?”
  4. “Disgusting. If I had any ice cream, it would be chocolate,” her fellow demon responded, eyes still stuck to her work.
  5. “Frozen eyes? A head you want to keep fresh? Just plain old ice?” the other continued to pester her, Kurotsuno getting more and more annoyed with each question.
  6. “No, no, and no,” she made a disgusted face at some of the suggestions. What the hell did Hanten eat at her house…?
  7. “Then what?” there was the beginning of a whine to the question, the red-eyed demon ready to push as long as she could until she found out what she wanted.
  8. “If you must know,” the gray-haired girl began, a hint of irritation painting her tone, “I’m freezing our bread. My stupid dad bought too much, so I have to keep it from getting moldy,” she explained.
  9. “What the hell, you freeze your bread?” it was a question of disbelief rather than one demanding answers. Crossing her arms, the demon girl spoke, “Are you out of your mind? You don’t freeze bread!”
  10. “Yes, I do,” Kurotsuno shot back, placing the last loaf inside of the frigid container, “It helps them last longer.”
  11. “Uh, no. That’s just not natural,” the other shook her head, as if anything in their fucked up world was natural. Satanick just did what he wanted, and Fumus was too tired to give a shit anymore.
  12. “What exactly is so unnatural about it?” it was Kurotsuno’s turn to cross her arms, turning to face her friend with a slight scowl.
  13. “It’s bread! You eat it when it’s hot and enjoy it. Freezing it to keep it longer is like a human trying to freeze themselves to go to the future or something. It just doesn’t work,” Hanten replied, “Besides, doesn’t it get all gross and soggy from the water in the ice? Ick, gross,” she smirked, leaning in close to her companion.
  14. “It works just fine,” the other replied steadily, shoving Hanten’s head inside of the freezer, “Why don’t you take a feel for yourself?”
  15. “Ah! Cold!” the girl exclaimed, kicking her legs a bit. She suddenly paused, and Kurotsuno let her guard drop for a moment, wondering what had made the other cease in her kicking.
  16. “Why don’t you go enjoy the cool temperature with your sacrilegious bread?” the demon grinned maliciously, red eyes flashing as she threw the other off of her and stuck Kurotsuno’s head in the freezer.
  17. “Why you…!” the other growled, angry now.
  18. By the time Met came back from her singing to the crows, the home would be completely trashed, two bloodied demons beating the shit out of each other in the living room. Sullivan, of course, would be made to clean it up as he cried.
  19. And that’s why you should never, ever, fucking freeze your bread.
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