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a guest
Dec 11th, 2019
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  1. Crate:
  2. CrateType: CSGO #Type of crate (CSGO/QuadCrate/QuickCrate/Roulette/CrateOnTheGo/FireCracker/Wonder/Wheel/War/Cosmic(This requires a additional info to work.)).
  3. CrateName: ' &e&nRank Crate' #Name of the Inventory if a GUI crate.
  4. Preview-Name: ' &e&nRank Crate' #The name of the inventory that will be in the preview GUI.
  5. StartingKeys: 0 #Starting amount of keys when the player 1st joins.
  6. InGUI: false #If the crate shows in the /cc GUI. (If the crate type is QuickCrate/CrateOnTheGo/FireCracker then the Crate will not work. Quick Crate requires a Physical Crate.)
  7. Slot: 21 #Slot the item is in the GUI.
  8. OpeningBroadCast: false #Enables/Disables the Broadcasts message when they open a crate.
  9. BroadCast: '' #Message that is broadcasted when opening the crate.
  10. Item: 'ENDER_CHEST' #Item the crate is in the GUI
  11. Glowing: false #If the crate in the main /cc GUI is glowing or not.
  12. Name: '&e&k;&6&k;&r &e&nRank Crate&r &6&k;&e&k;&r' #Name of the item in the GUI.
  13. Lore: #The lore of the item in the GUI.
  14. - '&e&k;&6&k;&r &eRank &fKey&r &6&k;&e&k;&r'
  15. PhysicalKey:
  16. Name: '&e&k;&6&k;&r &eRank &fKey&r &6&k;&e&k;&r' #Name of the Key.
  17. Lore: []
  18. Item: 'TRIPWIRE_HOOK' #The item the key is.
  19. Glowing: True #Makes the key look enchanted.
  21. Prizes: #All the prizes that can be gotten in the Crate.
  22. 1:
  23. DisplayName: '&6&m--&f Rank &6Bandit &6&m--'
  24. DisplayItem: '54'
  25. DisplayAmount: 1
  26. Lore:
  27. - ''
  28. - '&7Foloseste acest voucher'
  29. - '&7pentru a primi &fRank &6Bandit'
  30. - ''
  31. - '&eClick dreapta pentru a-l revendica'
  32. - "&8 &7Sansa: &630%"
  33. MaxRange: 100
  34. Chance: 45
  35. Firework: false
  36. Glowing: true
  37. Player: ''
  38. Unbreakable: false
  39. Commands:
  40. - 'vouch give rankcowboy 1 %player%'
  41. Messages:
  42. - '&7Felicitari! &fRank &6Bandit &7a fost folosit cu succes! Distractie placuta!'
  43. BlackListed-Permissions: []
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