
Nepeta's past

Jun 17th, 2015
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  1. <strike>:xx < so i visited karkitty to confess, but gamz33 said he was with him</strike><br>
  2. :cc < gamz33 went ofur to karkittys house to finally tail him how i felt but he wasnt there... so when i showed up he decided he wanted to have some "fun" and told me that he and karkitty were in dating! i was so furry, furry sad... :cc<br>
  3. :cc < i was really mad at equius one day beclaws of something... i dont purrticularly remempurr... i think it was beclaws of something involving aradia... he hugged me but hugged a little bit too tight and now i have a tail! :33 <br>
  4. :xx < gamz33 kissed me while we were hanging out... i got some confursing f33lings<br>
  5. <strike>:xx < i kissed karkitty and confessed but he said he was with gamz33...</strike><br>
  6. |cc < kissing karkitty and confessing to him was a hallucination... but that means that my rejection was also a hallucination<br>
  7. :cc < i told gamz33...  he basically tried to kill me... but beclaws it wasnt beclaws i "kissed" karkitty, it was beclaws he was compurrletely unstable... i didnt have my strife specibi to defend myself with and got sent to the hospitail<br>
  8. :cc < <strike>gamz33 threatened karkitty</strike>  i attacked him to defend the hallucination... gamz33 basically tried to kill me again |cc i went back to the hospitail but so did he >:cc<br>
  9. <strike>:cc < karkitty said he hated me and didnt want to be furiends anymeow</strike><br>
  10. :33 < karkitty is still furiends with me! he nefur said he hated me that was all a hallucination<br>
  11. |cc < i started having nightmares...bad ones about gamz33 coming into my home with equius and trying to kill me...<br>
  12. :33 < i started dating equius! i was sooo happy!! <3 <> <3 <><br>
  13. <strike>:xx < karkitty wanted to have sex</strike><br>
  14. :ss < i talked to kurloz today... he said that his little brofur has b33n using "chucklevoodoo" on me... :xx but he told me not to tail anyone so my lips are sealed! ...but what even is that? :cc <br>
  15. :33 < gamz33 stopped hating me! he gave me his voodoo doll as a peace offurring! but im still going to be cautious around him... :xx <br>
  16. <strike>:cc < he convinced me to despite him being with gamz33 and me being with equius... and he wanted to get me pregnant and said if i lied to him about being pregnant he would be supurr mad...</strike><br>
  17. <strike>:cc < he made me take a pregnancy test... i did and lied to him about it... he begged and furced me to take one with him right there in the same room... |cc it was humiliating... he couldnt read it so i lied and told him it was negative</strike><br>
  18. |cc < i told equius what happened... he said we should break up and that getting togefur was a bad idea fur our meowrailship... so we broke up... <br>
  19. <strike>:cc < so i ran away to tz took me to the hospitail to get an abortion</strike><br>
  20. |cc < all of that was fake... all of it was a hallucination... i dont meow what really happened but it was all fake...<br>
  21. |cc < i ran away to the furest... beclaws i truly believed that gamz33 would kill me if he found out what i did with karkitty... <br>
  22. :cc < gamz33 found me and offurred fur us to go back to his house to talk <br>
  23. |xx < things happened <br>
  24. |cc < we didnt tail karkitty...but it didnt matter beclaws he wasnt really with karkitty to begin with! <br>
  25. <strike>:ss < karkitty told gamz33 he had sex with me and you two broke up</strike> <br>
  26. |cc < gamz33 and karkitty nefur were togefur to begin with...<br>
  27. :xx < i started living with gamz33... he made me f33l safe when equius wasnt around... and he told me that i help k33p him sane too and k33p him furom doing stupid things like strifing with people<br>
  28. :33 < gamz33 and i got togefur<br>
  29. :33 < i had gamz33 and equius m33t up and make peace! <br>
  30. :cc < nathan got kidnapped... i asked gamz33 if he would ask his dad fur money to pay fur the ransom... |cc
  31. >:cc < i found out who kidnapped nathan! it was caliborn! im going to kill him!! he broke our agr33ment to not hurt anyone i care about!!! <br>
  32. |cc < we got nathan back...but he was a butthead and wouldnt listen to me about being more carefur...<br>
  33. >:cc < i met my mom when i went to visit nathan in the hospitail... she tried to hug me!! can you believe that!! afpurr she abandoned us in the woods |cc how could she just show up and purretend that efurrything is okay?? <br>
  34. >:cc < i beat up caliborn! equius came to help!<br>
  35. |cc < i woke up in equius' house... i dont really remempurr that fight with caliborn but i havent s33n him around since so i suppaws he got scared off! <br>
  36. |cc < i stayed at equius' house until i was better... and then i went ofur to gamz33s house with my brofur and gamz33 came home drunk :ss i wish i couldve been around more to k33p him from using all of that stuff so often... :cc but i suppaws he does n33d it...<br>
  37. <33 < gamz33 said that he loved me and nefur wanted me to leave him<br>
  38. |cc < i was going to hang out with tz...and i found out that he wasnt real! which means only one thing... gamz33 has b33n lying to me...<br>
  39. |cc < we talked... a lot... <br>
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