AE2X Storm Tabs

Oct 17th, 2016
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  1. wait()
  2. local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  3. local Char = Player.Character
  4. local Camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  5. local Lighting = game.Lighting
  6. local YourName = Player.Name
  7. local ClickSound = "130794851"
  8. local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
  9. local Players = game.Players
  10. local Cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  11. local OutlineOnOrOff = false
  12. local UserInterface = game:service'UserInputService'
  13. local bannedlist = {"BlackKash","SpencerMan004","Fasttiger10","Injectioneer","thebighotboy123","supersonic3322","TearfulRobux","Bamraven","rodrigostar","TycoonKing1981","NeoDevGames","zomio1213","idontnotoputasmyname","MostAccurate","RazorSenpai","Sensuke","Pixelmatt2002","897jimbob123","Z_V","foxythepiratefo477","Gabey35","v3mil10n","kobeabella","iiOmqFoldz","MasterPiggy00","Veaker","iiReanimation","DeathDecay25","Goku888008","kfree141","xDragun","setheasterbunny10","SilentNoob57","ShawnGlow","HomicideRiley","LegendOfDarknees","Darkus_Theory"}
  14. local OutlineDefault = Color3.new(255,255,255)
  15. local Disco = false
  16. local ChatColor = "Really black"
  17. local ChatGui = true
  18. --[[================REDFINES================]]--
  19. local LocalPlayer = Player
  20. local char = Char
  21. local Terrain = game.Workspace.Terrain
  22. local DefaultColor = DefaultColour
  23. --[[================Protections=============]]--
  24. local DontTouchBypassers = {"VersedBK","Kayaven","SnapGun","Nilzers","contentdeletedLEET","ljx21","CrE4TiioN123","AltraIncantatrix","Elttob"}
  25. local EnviromentalBypassers = {"VersedBK","Kayaven","SnapGun","Nilzers","contentdeletedLEET","ljx21","CrE4TiioN123","Elttob"}
  26. local CantBeKicked = {"VersedBK","Kayaven","SnapGun","Nilzers","contentdeletedLEET","ljx21","CrE4TiioN123","AltraIncantatrix","Elttob"}
  27. --[[================Bypass==================]]--
  28. local CMDS = {};
  29. if script.ClassName == "LocalScript" then if game.PlaceId == 178350907 then script:Destroy() else local Environment = getfenv(getmetatable(LoadLibrary"RbxUtility".Create).__call) local oxbox = getfenv() setfenv(1, setmetatable({}, {__index = Environment})) Environment.coroutine.yield() oxbox.script:Destroy() end end
  30. if script ~= true then
  31. print("Unremoveable Test Completed! Works! This script is immune to g/nol/all or g/nos/all!")
  32. else
  33. print("Unremoveable Test Failed! This script is removable by g/nol/all or g/nos/all!")
  34. end
  35. --[[[================Skydive================]]--
  36. function Skydive(player)
  37. game.Players[player.Name].Character.Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(game.Players[player.Name].Character.Torso.CFrame.X,game.Players[player.Name].Character.Torso.CFrame.Y + 500,game.Players[player.Name].Character.Torso.CFrame.Z)
  38. end
  39. --[[[================Players================]]--
  40. function GetPlayers(str)
  41. local found = {};
  42. if str == "all" then
  43. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:children()) do
  44. if v:IsA("Player") then table.insert(found,v) end
  45. end
  46. else
  47. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:children()) do
  48. if string.match(v.Name:lower(), str:lower()) and v:IsA("Player") then
  49. table.insert(found,v)
  50. end
  51. end
  52. end
  53. return found
  54. end
  56. --[[=================Cmds===================]]--
  57. function LoadCmd(nme, usg, desc,func)
  58. table.insert(CMDS, {['Name']=nme, ['Usage']=usg, ['Description']=desc, ['Function']=func})
  59. end
  61. LoadCmd("Kick Tab","donttouch","Creates a tab that kicks people on touch",function(msg)
  62. Dismiss()
  63. for i=1,msg do
  64. Out("Dont Touch Me",Colors.Black,nil,true,false)
  65. end
  66. end)
  68. LoadCmd("Chat Options","chat","Shows the chat functions",function()
  69. Dismiss()
  70. Out("Chat Off",Colors.White,function()
  71. ChatGui = false
  72. Dismiss()
  73. end)
  74. Out("Chat On",Colors.White,function()
  75. ChatGui = true
  76. Dismiss()
  77. end)
  78. Out("Chat Colour",Colors.White,function()
  79. Dismiss()
  80. ShowChatColours()
  81. end)
  82. end)
  83. --Created by VersedBK
  84. function ShowChatColours()
  85. wait(1)
  86. Out("Black",Colors.Black,function()
  87. ChatColor = "Black"
  88. Dismiss()
  89. end)
  90. Out("Camo",Colors.Green,function()
  91. ChatColor = "Camo"
  92. Dismiss()
  93. end)
  94. Out("Cyan",Colors.Blue,function()
  95. ChatColor = "Cyan"
  96. Dismiss()
  97. end)
  98. Out("White",Colors.White,function()
  99. ChatColor = "White"
  100. Dismiss()
  101. end)
  102. Out("Royal purple",Colors.Purple,function()
  103. ChatColor = "Royal purple"
  104. Dismiss()
  105. end)
  106. end
  107. local SoundNumber = 0
  108. local MySound = {}
  109. LoadCmd("Sound","snd","Loads A Sound",function(msg)
  110. Dismiss()
  111. SoundNumber = SoundNumber + 1
  112. MySound = SoundNumber
  113. local Sound = Instance.new("Sound",game.Workspace)
  114. Sound.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/Asset/?id="..msg
  115. Sound:Play()
  116. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  117. if Sound == nil and MySound == SoundNumber then
  118. local Sound = Instance.new("Sound",game.Workspace)
  119. Sound.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/Asset/?id="..msg
  120. Sound:Play()
  121. elseif Sound == nil and MySound ~= SoundNumber then
  122. Sound:Stop()
  123. Sound:Remove()
  124. elseif Sound and Sound.IsPlaying == false then
  125. Sound:Play()
  126. end
  127. end)
  128. function SoundOptions(ChosenSound)
  129. Out("Pitch = "..ChosenSound.Pitch)
  130. Out("Volume = "..ChosenSound.Volume)
  131. Out("Pitch + .1",nil,function()
  132. ChosenSound.Pitch = ChosenSound.Pitch + .1
  133. Dismiss()
  134. wait(.1)
  135. SoundOptions(ChosenSound)
  136. end)
  137. Out("Pitch - .1",nil,function()
  138. ChosenSound.Pitch = ChosenSound.Pitch - .1
  139. Dismiss()
  140. wait(.1)
  141. SoundOptions(ChosenSound)
  142. end)
  143. Out("Volume + .1",nil,function()
  144. ChosenSound.Volume = ChosenSound.Volume + .1
  145. Dismiss()
  146. wait(.1)
  147. SoundOptions(ChosenSound)
  148. end)
  149. Out("Volume - .1",nil,function()
  150. ChosenSound.Volume = ChosenSound.Volume - .1
  151. Dismiss()
  152. wait(.1)
  153. SoundOptions(ChosenSound)
  154. end)
  155. end
  156. SoundOptions(Sound)
  157. end)
  158. LoadCmd("Clean", "clr", "Clears Workspace", function()
  159. for index, child in ipairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  160. if not (Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(child) or child.ClassName == "Camera" or child:IsA("Script") or child.ClassName == "Terrain") then
  161. pcall(child.Destroy, child)
  162. end
  163. end
  164. local base = Instance.new("Part")
  165. base.Anchored = true
  166. base.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Camo")
  167. base.Material = "Grass"
  168. base.Locked = true
  169. base.Name = "Base"
  170. base.Size = Vector3.new(512, 1.2, 512)
  171. base.Parent = Workspace
  172. end)
  173. LoadCmd("MegaClear","mclr","Mega Clear",function()
  174. for _,Thing in pairs (game.Workspace.Terrain:GetChildren()) do
  175. Thing:remove()
  176. end
  177. game.Workspace.Terrain:Clear()
  178. for index, child in ipairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  179. if not (Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(child) or child.ClassName == "Camera" or child:IsA("Script") or child.ClassName == "Terrain") then
  180. pcall(child.Destroy, child)
  181. end
  182. end
  183. local base = Instance.new("Part")
  184. base.Anchored = true
  185. base.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Camo")
  186. base.Material = "Grass"
  187. base.Locked = true
  188. base.Name = "Base"
  189. base.Size = Vector3.new(512, 1.2, 512)
  190. base.Parent = Workspace
  191. end)
  192. LoadCmd("Loop Clear","lmclr","Loop mega clear",function()
  193. for i=1,500 do
  194. wait(0.1)
  195. for _,Thing in pairs (game.Workspace.Terrain:GetChildren()) do
  196. Thing:remove()
  197. end
  198. game.Workspace.Terrain:Clear()
  199. for index, child in ipairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  200. if not (Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(child) or child.ClassName == "Camera" or child:IsA("Script") or child.ClassName == "Terrain") then
  201. pcall(child.Destroy, child)
  202. end
  203. end
  204. local base = Instance.new("Part")
  205. base.Anchored = true
  206. base.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Camo")
  207. base.Material = "Grass"
  208. base.Locked = true
  209. base.Name = "Base"
  210. base.Size = Vector3.new(512, 1.2, 512)
  211. base.Parent = Workspace
  212. end
  213. end)
  214. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  215. --[[=====Load Scripts Bit=====]]--
  219. function ShowScripts(Player)
  220. Out("The Player Is: "..Player.Name,Colors.Black)
  221. end
  223. LoadCmd("Script List","scrlist","Shows a list of scripts you could run on a player",function(msg)
  224. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  225. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  226. Dismiss()
  227. ShowScripts(plr)
  228. end
  229. end)
  230. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  231. LoadCmd("ClearA","dta","Clears Terrain and all tabs",function()
  232. Dismiss()
  233. game.Workspace.Terrain:ClearAllChildren()
  234. end)
  236. --[[Disco stuff]]--
  237. function c3lerp(a,b,t)
  238. return Color3.new(a.r * (1-t) + (b.r*t),a.g * (1-t) + (b.g*t),a.b * (1-t) + (b.b*t))
  239. end
  240. l=game:service'Lighting'
  241. Colorss={
  242. Color3.new(1,0,0);
  243. Color3.new(0,1,0);
  244. Color3.new(0,0,1);
  245. Color3.new(0,1,1);
  246. Color3.new(1,0,1);
  247. Color3.new(1,1,0);
  248. }
  250. function ShowDisco()
  251. Out("Disco On",Colors.Black,function()
  252. Disco = true
  253. Dismiss()
  254. while Disco do
  255. local k=l.Ambient
  256. local b=Colorss[math.random(1,#Colorss)]
  257. local slow=100
  258. for i=1, slow do
  259. l.Ambient=c3lerp(k,b,i/slow)
  260. wait()
  261. end
  262. end
  263. end)
  264. Out("Disco Off",Colors.Black,function()
  265. Disco = false
  266. Dismiss()
  267. end)
  268. end
  269. LoadCmd("rainbow","rainbow","Disco Options",function()
  270. Dismiss()
  271. wait(1)
  272. ShowDisco()
  273. end)
  274. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  275. function LoadSafeHouse()
  276. Create = function(itemClass,tabl)
  277. local item = Instance.new(itemClass)
  278. for i,v in pairs(tabl) do
  279. local a,b = ypcall(function() return item[i] end)
  280. if a then
  281. item[i] = tabl[i]
  282. end
  283. end
  284. return item
  285. end
  286. function runDummyScript(f,scri)
  287. local oldenv = getfenv(f)
  288. local newenv = setmetatable({}, {
  289. __index = function(_, k)
  290. if k:lower() == 'script' then
  291. return scri
  292. else
  293. return oldenv[k]
  294. end
  295. end
  296. })
  297. setfenv(f, newenv)
  298. ypcall(function() f() end)
  299. end
  300. cors = {}
  301. mas = Instance.new("Model",game:GetService("Lighting"))
  302. mas.Name = "AERX SafeHouse"
  303. o1 = Create("Model",{
  304. ["Parent"] = mas,
  305. })
  306. o2 = Create("Part",{
  307. ["Parent"] = o1,
  308. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Brick,
  309. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Black"),
  310. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(3.44035411, 1241.5, 695.15918),
  311. ["Anchored"] = true,
  312. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(3.44035411, 1241.5, 695.15918, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  313. ["Locked"] = true,
  314. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  315. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(87, 67, 2),
  316. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  317. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  318. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.207843),
  319. })
  320. o3 = Create("Part",{
  321. ["Parent"] = o1,
  322. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Brick,
  323. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Black"),
  324. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(46.4403534, 1241.5, 652.65918),
  325. ["Rotation"] = Vector3.new(0, 90, 0),
  326. ["Anchored"] = true,
  327. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(46.4403534, 1241.5, 652.65918, -4.37113883e-008, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -4.37113883e-008),
  328. ["Locked"] = true,
  329. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  330. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(86, 67, 2),
  331. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  332. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  333. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.207843),
  334. })
  335. o4 = Create("Part",{
  336. ["Parent"] = o1,
  337. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Slate,
  338. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Really black"),
  339. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(3.29072595, 1270.5, 652.773193),
  340. ["Anchored"] = true,
  341. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(3.29072595, 1270.5, 652.773193, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  342. ["Locked"] = true,
  343. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  344. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(85, 1, 84),
  345. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  346. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  347. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.0666667, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
  348. })
  349. o5 = Create("Part",{
  350. ["Name"] = "TeleDown",
  351. ["Parent"] = o1,
  352. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Ice,
  353. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Lime green"),
  354. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(42.7907257, 1271.09998, 613.773193),
  355. ["Anchored"] = true,
  356. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(42.7907257, 1271.09998, 613.773193, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  357. ["Locked"] = true,
  358. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  359. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(4, 1, 4),
  360. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  361. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  362. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 1, 0),
  363. })
  364. o6 = Create("Script",{
  365. ["Parent"] = o5,
  366. })
  367. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  368. wait()
  369. runDummyScript(function()
  370. local TeleDown = script.Parent
  371. local TeleUp = script.Parent.Parent.TeleUp
  372. function tele(hit)
  373. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  374. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("TeleportBuff") == nil then
  375. local Human = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  376. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  377. local Torso = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso")
  378. local M = Instance.new("Model",hit.Parent)
  379. M.Name = "TeleportBuff"
  380. Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(TeleUp.CFrame.X,TeleUp.CFrame.Y + 4,TeleUp.CFrame.Z)
  381. wait(5)
  382. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("TeleportBuff") then
  383. hit.Parent:findFirstChild("TeleportBuff"):remove()
  384. end
  385. end
  386. end
  387. end
  388. end
  389. TeleDown.Touched:connect(tele)
  390. end,o6)
  391. end))
  392. o7 = Create("Part",{
  393. ["Parent"] = o1,
  394. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Brick,
  395. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Black"),
  396. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(3.44035411, 1241.5, 610.15918),
  397. ["Anchored"] = true,
  398. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(3.44035411, 1241.5, 610.15918, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  399. ["Locked"] = true,
  400. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  401. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(87, 67, 2),
  402. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  403. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  404. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.207843),
  405. })
  406. o8 = Create("Part",{
  407. ["Parent"] = o1,
  408. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Brick,
  409. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Black"),
  410. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-39.5596466, 1241.5, 652.65918),
  411. ["Rotation"] = Vector3.new(0, 90, 0),
  412. ["Anchored"] = true,
  413. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-39.5596466, 1241.5, 652.65918, -4.37113883e-008, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -4.37113883e-008),
  414. ["Locked"] = true,
  415. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  416. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(86, 67, 2),
  417. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  418. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  419. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.207843),
  420. })
  421. o9 = Create("Part",{
  422. ["Parent"] = o1,
  423. ["Transparency"] = 1,
  424. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(32.7708817, 1241.5, 617.539185),
  425. ["Anchored"] = true,
  426. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(32.7708817, 1241.5, 617.539185, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  427. ["Locked"] = true,
  428. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  429. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(1, 57, 13),
  430. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  431. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  432. })
  433. o10 = Create("Part",{
  434. ["Parent"] = o1,
  435. ["Transparency"] = 1,
  436. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(43.0705223, 1241.5, 623.269287),
  437. ["Anchored"] = true,
  438. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(43.0705223, 1241.5, 623.269287, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  439. ["Locked"] = true,
  440. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  441. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 57, 1),
  442. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  443. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  444. })
  445. o11 = Create("Part",{
  446. ["Parent"] = o1,
  447. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Brick,
  448. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(42.996212, 1210.99988, 623.353394),
  449. ["Anchored"] = true,
  450. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(42.996212, 1210.99988, 623.353394, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  451. ["Locked"] = true,
  452. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  453. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 5, 1),
  454. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  455. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  456. })
  457. o12 = Create("Part",{
  458. ["Parent"] = o1,
  459. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Brick,
  460. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(32.9446678, 1210.99988, 617.305786),
  461. ["Anchored"] = true,
  462. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(32.9446678, 1210.99988, 617.305786, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  463. ["Locked"] = true,
  464. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  465. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(1, 5, 13),
  466. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  467. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  468. })
  469. o13 = Create("Part",{
  470. ["Parent"] = o1,
  471. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Wood,
  472. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Really black"),
  473. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(3.29072595, 1208.5, 652.773193),
  474. ["Anchored"] = true,
  475. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(3.29072595, 1208.5, 652.773193, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  476. ["Locked"] = true,
  477. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  478. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(85, 1, 84),
  479. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  480. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  481. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.0666667, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
  482. })
  483. o14 = Create("Part",{
  484. ["Name"] = "TeleUp",
  485. ["Parent"] = o1,
  486. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Ice,
  487. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Really red"),
  488. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(42.3897552, 1208.99988, 614.059204),
  489. ["Anchored"] = true,
  490. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(42.3897552, 1208.99988, 614.059204, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  491. ["Locked"] = true,
  492. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  493. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(4, 1, 4),
  494. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  495. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  496. ["Color"] = Color3.new(1, 0, 0),
  497. })
  498. o15 = Create("Script",{
  499. ["Parent"] = o14,
  500. })
  501. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  502. wait()
  503. runDummyScript(function()
  504. local Me = script.Parent
  505. local To = script.Parent.Parent.TeleDown
  506. function bam(hit)
  507. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("TeleportBuff") == nil then
  508. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  509. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  510. local Torso = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso")
  511. Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(To.CFrame.X,To.CFrame.Y + 4,To.CFrame.Z)
  512. local M = Instance.new("Model",hit.Parent)
  513. M.Name = "TeleportBuff"
  514. wait(5)
  515. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("TeleportBuff") then
  516. hit.Parent:findFirstChild("TeleportBuff"):remove()
  517. end
  518. end
  519. end
  520. end
  522. end
  523. Me.Touched:connect(bam)
  524. end,o15)
  525. end))
  526. o16 = Create("Part",{
  527. ["Name"] = "Particles",
  528. ["Parent"] = o1,
  529. ["Transparency"] = 1,
  530. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-0.999996006, 1269.5, 653.999878),
  531. ["Anchored"] = true,
  532. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-0.999996006, 1269.5, 653.999878, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  533. ["Locked"] = true,
  534. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric,
  535. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(4, 1, 2),
  536. })
  537. o17 = Create("PointLight",{
  538. ["Parent"] = o16,
  539. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0, 0),
  540. ["Brightness"] = 4,
  541. ["Range"] = 50,
  542. })
  543. o18 = Create("ParticleEmitter",{
  544. ["Parent"] = o16,
  545. ["Rotation"] = NumberRange.new(50,50),
  546. ["Size"] = NumberSequence.new(0.20000000298023,0.20000000298023),
  547. ["LightEmission"] = 0.83999997377396,
  548. ["Texture"] = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=300899453",
  549. ["Lifetime"] = NumberRange.new(8,10),
  550. ["RotSpeed"] = NumberRange.new(2,2),
  551. ["Speed"] = NumberRange.new(10,10),
  552. ["VelocitySpread"] = 20,
  553. })
  554. o19 = Create("Part",{
  555. ["Parent"] = o1,
  556. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Grass,
  557. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Camo"),
  558. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-12.6446676, 1224.21948, 684.526611),
  559. ["Anchored"] = true,
  560. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-12.6446676, 1224.21948, 684.526611, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  561. ["Locked"] = true,
  562. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  563. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(52.5, 1, 19.3999996),
  564. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  565. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  566. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.227451, 0.490196, 0.0823529),
  567. })
  568. o20 = Create("Script",{
  569. ["Parent"] = o19,
  570. })
  571. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  572. wait()
  573. runDummyScript(function()
  574. local Part = script.Parent
  575. function bam(hit)
  576. if hit.Parent.Name ~= "Nilzers" and hit.Parent.Name ~="vr3m" and hit.Parent.Name ~="CoolMLGPlayer" and hit.Parent.Name ~="Elttob" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "VersedBK" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "Altraincantatrix" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "imaboos2" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "SnapGun" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "Kayaven" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "Nilzers" then
  577. hit.Parent:BreakJoints()
  578. end
  579. end
  580. Part.Touched:connect(bam)
  581. end,o20)
  582. end))
  583. o21 = Create("Part",{
  584. ["Parent"] = o1,
  585. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Marble,
  586. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright blue"),
  587. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(17.1517639, 1216.75549, 626.127563),
  588. ["Rotation"] = Vector3.new(-67.9304962, -22.0438042, 29.2175961),
  589. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(17.1517639, 1216.75549, 626.127563, 0.808970153, -0.452444226, -0.375315338, 0.486968458, 0.158149347, 0.858982325, -0.329285651, -0.877657771, 0.348264128),
  590. ["Locked"] = true,
  591. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric,
  592. ["Shape"] = Enum.PartType.Ball,
  593. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(15.6000004, 15.6000004, 15.6000004),
  594. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  595. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  596. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.0509804, 0.411765, 0.67451),
  597. })
  598. o22 = Create("Part",{
  599. ["Parent"] = o1,
  600. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Pebble,
  601. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Lime green"),
  602. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-32.969986, 1212.49854, 625.882935),
  603. ["Rotation"] = Vector3.new(-131.485703, 45.7341461, 95.7716751),
  604. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-32.969986, 1212.49854, 625.882935, -0.0701928437, -0.694450259, 0.716108799, -0.605126977, 0.600349903, 0.522878051, -0.793028712, -0.3966344, -0.462370813),
  605. ["Locked"] = true,
  606. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric,
  607. ["Shape"] = Enum.PartType.Ball,
  608. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(7, 7, 7),
  609. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  610. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  611. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 1, 0),
  612. })
  613. o23 = Create("Part",{
  614. ["Parent"] = o1,
  615. ["Transparency"] = 1,
  616. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-12.6862221, 1243.7196, 676.068115),
  617. ["Anchored"] = true,
  618. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-12.6862221, 1243.7196, 676.068115, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  619. ["Locked"] = true,
  620. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  621. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(50.5999985, 39, 1.20000005),
  622. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  623. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  624. })
  625. o24 = Create("Script",{
  626. ["Parent"] = o23,
  627. })
  628. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  629. wait()
  630. runDummyScript(function()
  631. local Part = script.Parent
  632. function bam(hit)
  633. if hit.Parent.Name == "VersedBK" then
  634. Part.CanCollide = false
  635. wait(0.6)
  636. Part.CanCollide = true
  637. end
  638. if hit.Parent.Name == "Kayaven" then
  639. Part.CanCollide = false
  640. wait(0.6)
  641. Part.CanCollide = true
  642. end
  643. if hit.Parent.Name == "AltraIncantatrix" then
  644. Part.CanCollide = false
  645. wait(0.6)
  646. Part.CanCollide = true
  647. end
  648. if hit.Parent.Name == "imaboos2" then
  649. Part.CanCollide = false
  650. wait(0.6)
  651. Part.CanCollide = true
  652. end
  653. if hit.Parent.Name == "SnapGun" then
  654. Part.CanCollide = false
  655. wait(0.6)
  656. Part.CanCollide = true
  657. end
  658. if hit.Parent.Name == "Nilzers" then
  659. Part.CanCollide = false
  660. wait(0.6)
  661. Part.CanCollide = true
  662. end
  663. if hit.Parent.Name == "Elttob" then
  664. Part.CanCollide = false
  665. wait(0.6)
  666. Part.CanCollide = true
  667. end
  668. if hit.Parent.Name == "vr3m" then
  669. Part.CanCollide = false
  670. wait(0.6)
  671. Part.CanCollide = true
  672. end
  673. if hit.Parent.Name == "CoolMLGPlayer" then
  674. Part.CanCollide = false
  675. wait(0.6)
  676. Part.CanCollide = true
  677. end
  678. if hit.Parent.Name ~= "Nilzers" and hit.Parent.Name ~="vr3m" and hit.Parent.Name ~="CoolMLGPlayer" and hit.Parent.Name ~="Elttob" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "VersedBK" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "Altraincantatrix" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "imaboos2" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "SnapGun" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "Kayaven" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "Nilzers" then
  679. hit.Parent:BreakJoints()
  680. end
  681. end
  682. Part.Touched:connect(bam)
  683. end,o24)
  684. end))
  685. o25 = Create("Part",{
  686. ["Parent"] = o1,
  687. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Grass,
  688. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Really black"),
  689. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(2.33906198, 1214.99731, 650.606812),
  690. ["Rotation"] = Vector3.new(-45.8041115, -28.1088905, 45.130291),
  691. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(2.33906198, 1214.99731, 650.606812, 0.62228632, -0.625122905, -0.471148759, 0.73236692, 0.252411842, 0.63239783, -0.276402831, -0.738586307, 0.614891708),
  692. ["Locked"] = true,
  693. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric,
  694. ["Shape"] = Enum.PartType.Ball,
  695. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(12, 12, 12),
  696. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  697. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  698. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.0666667, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
  699. })
  700. o26 = Create("Part",{
  701. ["Parent"] = o1,
  702. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Ice,
  703. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Deep orange"),
  704. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-27.9697552, 1215.9978, 655.029785),
  705. ["Rotation"] = Vector3.new(-14.088625, 18.0388794, 144.624756),
  706. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-27.9697552, 1215.9978, 655.029785, -0.77529943, -0.550472617, 0.309662282, 0.622977197, -0.747212768, 0.231457412, 0.103972636, 0.372361332, 0.922245502),
  707. ["Locked"] = true,
  708. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric,
  709. ["Shape"] = Enum.PartType.Ball,
  710. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(14, 14, 14),
  711. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  712. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  713. ["Color"] = Color3.new(1, 0.686275, 0),
  714. })
  715. o27 = Create("Part",{
  716. ["Parent"] = o1,
  717. ["Transparency"] = 1,
  718. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(12.6485596, 1244.76941, 684.901978),
  719. ["Anchored"] = true,
  720. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(12.6485596, 1244.76941, 684.901978, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  721. ["Locked"] = true,
  722. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  723. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(0.799999952, 41.0999985, 19.5),
  724. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  725. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  726. })
  727. o28 = Create("Script",{
  728. ["Parent"] = o27,
  729. })
  730. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  731. wait()
  732. runDummyScript(function()
  733. local Part = script.Parent
  734. function bam(hit)
  735. if hit.Parent.Name == "VersedBK" then
  736. Part.CanCollide = false
  737. wait(0.6)
  738. Part.CanCollide = true
  739. end
  740. if hit.Parent.Name == "Kayaven" then
  741. Part.CanCollide = false
  742. wait(0.6)
  743. Part.CanCollide = true
  744. end
  745. if hit.Parent.Name == "AltraIncantatrix" then
  746. Part.CanCollide = false
  747. wait(0.6)
  748. Part.CanCollide = true
  749. end
  750. if hit.Parent.Name == "imaboos2" then
  751. Part.CanCollide = false
  752. wait(0.6)
  753. Part.CanCollide = true
  754. end
  755. if hit.Parent.Name == "SnapGun" then
  756. Part.CanCollide = false
  757. wait(0.6)
  758. Part.CanCollide = true
  759. end
  760. if hit.Parent.Name == "Nilzers" then
  761. Part.CanCollide = false
  762. wait(0.6)
  763. Part.CanCollide = true
  764. end
  765. if hit.Parent.Name == "Elttob" then
  766. Part.CanCollide = false
  767. wait(0.6)
  768. Part.CanCollide = true
  769. end
  770. if hit.Parent.Name == "vr3m" then
  771. Part.CanCollide = false
  772. wait(0.6)
  773. Part.CanCollide = true
  774. end
  775. if hit.Parent.Name == "CoolMLGPlayer" then
  776. Part.CanCollide = false
  777. wait(0.6)
  778. Part.CanCollide = true
  779. end
  780. if hit.Parent.Name ~= "Nilzers" and hit.Parent.Name ~="vr3m" and hit.Parent.Name ~="CoolMLGPlayer" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "Elttob" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "VersedBK" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "Altraincantatrix" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "imaboos2" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "SnapGun" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "Kayaven" and hit.Parent.Name ~= "Nilzers" then
  781. hit.Parent:BreakJoints()
  782. if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  783. hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso"):remove()
  784. end
  785. end
  786. end
  787. Part.Touched:connect(bam)
  788. end,o28)
  789. end))
  790. o29 = Create("TrussPart",{
  791. ["Parent"] = o1,
  792. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(14.6053295, 1216.99988, 684.59082),
  793. ["Anchored"] = true,
  794. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(14.6053295, 1216.99988, 684.59082, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  795. ["Locked"] = true,
  796. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(2, 16, 2),
  797. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  798. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  799. })
  800. mas.Parent = workspace.Terrain
  801. mas:MakeJoints()
  802. local mas1 = mas:GetChildren()
  803. for i=1,#mas1 do
  804. mas1[i].Parent = workspace.Terrain
  805. ypcall(function() mas1[i]:MakeJoints() end)
  806. end
  807. mas:Destroy()
  808. for i=1,#cors do
  809. coroutine.resume(cors[i])
  810. end
  814. end
  816. function LoadHouse()
  817. Create = function(itemClass,tabl)
  818. local item = Instance.new(itemClass)
  819. for i,v in pairs(tabl) do
  820. local a,b = ypcall(function() return item[i] end)
  821. if a then
  822. item[i] = tabl[i]
  823. end
  824. end
  825. return item
  826. end
  827. function runDummyScript(f,scri)
  828. local oldenv = getfenv(f)
  829. local newenv = setmetatable({}, {
  830. __index = function(_, k)
  831. if k:lower() == 'script' then
  832. return scri
  833. else
  834. return oldenv[k]
  835. end
  836. end
  837. })
  838. setfenv(f, newenv)
  839. ypcall(function() f() end)
  840. end
  841. cors = {}
  842. mas = Instance.new("Model",game:GetService("Lighting"))
  843. mas.Name = "AE2X House"
  844. o1 = Create("Model",{
  845. ["Name"] = "AERX House",
  846. ["Parent"] = mas,
  847. })
  848. o2 = Create("Part",{
  849. ["Parent"] = o1,
  850. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Concrete,
  851. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Really black"),
  852. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(20.870409, 9.50002766, 4834.76807),
  853. ["Rotation"] = Vector3.new(-0, -90, 0),
  854. ["Anchored"] = true,
  855. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(20.870409, 9.50002766, 4834.76807, -4.37113883e-008, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -4.37113883e-008),
  856. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  857. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(52, 19, 1),
  858. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  859. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  860. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.0666667, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
  861. })
  862. o3 = Create("Part",{
  863. ["Parent"] = o1,
  864. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Concrete,
  865. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Really black"),
  866. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-1.19026697, 2.50002789, 4817.9668),
  867. ["Anchored"] = true,
  868. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-1.19026697, 2.50002789, 4817.9668, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  869. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  870. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(43.2000008, 4, 1.5),
  871. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  872. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  873. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.0666667, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
  874. })
  875. o4 = Create("Part",{
  876. ["Parent"] = o1,
  877. ["Transparency"] = 1,
  878. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-23.1957016, 11.2737818, 4835.34863),
  879. ["Anchored"] = true,
  880. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-23.1957016, 11.2737818, 4835.34863, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  881. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  882. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(0.399999976, 13.3999996, 35.5999985),
  883. })
  884. o5 = Create("Part",{
  885. ["Parent"] = o1,
  886. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Concrete,
  887. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Really black"),
  888. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-31.1295891, 9.50002766, 4834.76807),
  889. ["Rotation"] = Vector3.new(-0, -90, 0),
  890. ["Anchored"] = true,
  891. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-31.1295891, 9.50002766, 4834.76807, -4.37113883e-008, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -4.37113883e-008),
  892. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  893. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(52, 19, 1),
  894. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  895. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  896. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.0666667, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
  897. })
  898. o6 = Create("Part",{
  899. ["Parent"] = o1,
  900. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  901. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  902. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-5.50305605, 1.00002897, 4821.104),
  903. ["Anchored"] = true,
  904. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-5.50305605, 1.00002897, 4821.104, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  905. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  906. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  907. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  908. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  909. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  910. })
  911. o7 = Create("Script",{
  912. ["Parent"] = o6,
  913. })
  914. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  915. wait()
  916. runDummyScript(function()
  917. local Brick = script.Parent
  918. while true do
  919. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  920. wait(0.8)
  921. end
  922. end,o7)
  923. end))
  924. o8 = Create("Part",{
  925. ["Parent"] = o1,
  926. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  927. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  928. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(9.49694157, 1.00002897, 4821.104),
  929. ["Anchored"] = true,
  930. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(9.49694157, 1.00002897, 4821.104, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  931. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  932. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  933. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  934. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  935. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  936. })
  937. o9 = Create("Script",{
  938. ["Parent"] = o8,
  939. })
  940. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  941. wait()
  942. runDummyScript(function()
  943. local Brick = script.Parent
  944. while true do
  945. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  946. wait(0.8)
  947. end
  948. end,o9)
  949. end))
  950. o10 = Create("Part",{
  951. ["Parent"] = o1,
  952. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  953. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  954. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(18.5969429, 1.00002897, 4821.104),
  955. ["Anchored"] = true,
  956. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(18.5969429, 1.00002897, 4821.104, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  957. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  958. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(3.5999999, 1, 4.9000001),
  959. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  960. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  961. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  962. })
  963. o11 = Create("Script",{
  964. ["Parent"] = o10,
  965. })
  966. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  967. wait()
  968. runDummyScript(function()
  969. local Brick = script.Parent
  970. while true do
  971. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  972. wait(0.8)
  973. end
  974. end,o11)
  975. end))
  976. o12 = Create("Part",{
  977. ["Name"] = "TeleUp",
  978. ["Parent"] = o1,
  979. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  980. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright green"),
  981. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(16.6366081, 1.00002897, 4813.271),
  982. ["Rotation"] = Vector3.new(-0, 30.0000019, -0),
  983. ["Anchored"] = true,
  984. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(16.6366081, 1.00002897, 4813.271, 0.866025388, 0, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, -0.5, 0, 0.866025388),
  985. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  986. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(4, 1, 4),
  987. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  988. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  989. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.294118, 0.592157, 0.294118),
  990. })
  991. o13 = Create("Script",{
  992. ["Parent"] = o12,
  993. })
  994. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  995. wait()
  996. runDummyScript(function()
  997. local Me = script.Parent
  998. local To = script.Parent.Parent.TeleDown
  999. function bam(hit)
  1000. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("TeleportBuff") == nil then
  1001. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1002. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  1003. local Torso = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso")
  1004. Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(To.CFrame.X,To.CFrame.Y + 4,To.CFrame.Z)
  1005. local M = Instance.new("Model",hit.Parent)
  1006. M.Name = "TeleportBuff"
  1007. wait(5)
  1008. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("TeleportBuff") then
  1009. hit.Parent:findFirstChild("TeleportBuff"):remove()
  1010. end
  1011. end
  1012. end
  1013. end
  1015. end
  1016. Me.Touched:connect(bam)
  1017. end,o13)
  1018. end))
  1019. o14 = Create("Part",{
  1020. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1021. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1022. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1023. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-10.4030561, 1.00002897, 4821.104),
  1024. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1025. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-10.4030561, 1.00002897, 4821.104, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1026. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1027. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1028. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1029. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1030. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1031. })
  1032. o15 = Create("Script",{
  1033. ["Parent"] = o14,
  1034. })
  1035. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1036. wait()
  1037. runDummyScript(function()
  1038. local Brick = script.Parent
  1039. while true do
  1040. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1041. wait(0.8)
  1042. end
  1043. end,o15)
  1044. end))
  1045. o16 = Create("Part",{
  1046. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1047. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Really black"),
  1048. ["Transparency"] = 1,
  1049. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-5.17958879, 12.7982597, 4817.64795),
  1050. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1051. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-5.17958879, 12.7982597, 4817.64795, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1052. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1053. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(51.0999985, 10.3000002, 1.79999995),
  1054. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.0666667, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
  1055. })
  1056. o17 = Create("Part",{
  1057. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1058. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1059. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1060. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-20.2030563, 1.00002897, 4821.104),
  1061. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1062. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-20.2030563, 1.00002897, 4821.104, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1063. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1064. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1065. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1066. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1067. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1068. })
  1069. o18 = Create("Script",{
  1070. ["Parent"] = o17,
  1071. })
  1072. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1073. wait()
  1074. runDummyScript(function()
  1075. local Brick = script.Parent
  1076. while true do
  1077. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1078. wait(0.8)
  1079. end
  1080. end,o18)
  1081. end))
  1082. o19 = Create("Part",{
  1083. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1084. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Concrete,
  1085. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Really black"),
  1086. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-23.1666031, 2.50002789, 4835.35156),
  1087. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1088. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-23.1666031, 2.50002789, 4835.35156, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1089. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1090. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(0.900000095, 4, 35.8999977),
  1091. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.0666667, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
  1092. })
  1093. o20 = Create("Part",{
  1094. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1095. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Brick,
  1096. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Institutional white"),
  1097. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-5.22013378, 0.500029027, 4834.96826),
  1098. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1099. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-5.22013378, 0.500029027, 4834.96826, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1100. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1101. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(52, 1, 52),
  1102. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1103. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1104. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.972549, 0.972549, 0.972549),
  1105. })
  1106. o21 = Create("Part",{
  1107. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1108. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1109. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1110. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-15.3030558, 1.00002897, 4821.104),
  1111. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1112. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-15.3030558, 1.00002897, 4821.104, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1113. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1114. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1115. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1116. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1117. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1118. })
  1119. o22 = Create("Script",{
  1120. ["Parent"] = o21,
  1121. })
  1122. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1123. wait()
  1124. runDummyScript(function()
  1125. local Brick = script.Parent
  1126. while true do
  1127. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1128. wait(0.8)
  1129. end
  1130. end,o22)
  1131. end))
  1132. o23 = Create("Part",{
  1133. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1134. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1135. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1136. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(4.496943, 1.00002897, 4821.104),
  1137. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1138. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(4.496943, 1.00002897, 4821.104, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1139. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1140. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1141. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1142. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1143. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1144. })
  1145. o24 = Create("Script",{
  1146. ["Parent"] = o23,
  1147. })
  1148. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1149. wait()
  1150. runDummyScript(function()
  1151. local Brick = script.Parent
  1152. while true do
  1153. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1154. wait(0.8)
  1155. end
  1156. end,o24)
  1157. end))
  1158. o25 = Create("Part",{
  1159. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1160. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1161. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1162. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-0.503057003, 1.00002897, 4821.104),
  1163. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1164. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-0.503057003, 1.00002897, 4821.104, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1165. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1166. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1167. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1168. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1169. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1170. })
  1171. o26 = Create("Script",{
  1172. ["Parent"] = o25,
  1173. })
  1174. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1175. wait()
  1176. runDummyScript(function()
  1177. local Brick = script.Parent
  1178. while true do
  1179. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1180. wait(0.8)
  1181. end
  1182. end,o26)
  1183. end))
  1184. o27 = Create("Part",{
  1185. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1186. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1187. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1188. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(14.3969421, 1.00002897, 4821.104),
  1189. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1190. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(14.3969421, 1.00002897, 4821.104, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1191. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1192. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1193. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1194. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1195. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1196. })
  1197. o28 = Create("Script",{
  1198. ["Parent"] = o27,
  1199. })
  1200. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1201. wait()
  1202. runDummyScript(function()
  1203. local Brick = script.Parent
  1204. while true do
  1205. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1206. wait(0.8)
  1207. end
  1208. end,o28)
  1209. end))
  1210. o29 = Create("Part",{
  1211. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1212. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Concrete,
  1213. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Really black"),
  1214. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-5.12959003, 9.50002766, 4860.76807),
  1215. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1216. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-5.12959003, 9.50002766, 4860.76807, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1217. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1218. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(52, 19, 1),
  1219. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1220. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1221. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.0666667, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
  1222. })
  1223. o30 = Create("Part",{
  1224. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1225. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Marble,
  1226. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright blue"),
  1227. ["Reflectance"] = 0.10000000149012,
  1228. ["Transparency"] = 0.10000000149012,
  1229. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-5.4486742, 18.6000271, 4834.76807),
  1230. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1231. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-5.4486742, 18.6000271, 4834.76807, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1232. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1233. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(51.7999992, 1, 51),
  1234. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1235. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1236. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.0509804, 0.411765, 0.67451),
  1237. })
  1238. o31 = Create("Part",{
  1239. ["Name"] = "TeleDown",
  1240. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1241. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1242. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Really red"),
  1243. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-27.238308, 19.4000263, 4857.07715),
  1244. ["Rotation"] = Vector3.new(-0, 30.0000019, -0),
  1245. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1246. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-27.238308, 19.4000263, 4857.07715, 0.866025388, 0, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, -0.5, 0, 0.866025388),
  1247. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1248. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(4, 1, 4),
  1249. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1250. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1251. ["Color"] = Color3.new(1, 0, 0),
  1252. })
  1253. o32 = Create("Script",{
  1254. ["Parent"] = o31,
  1255. })
  1256. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1257. wait()
  1258. runDummyScript(function()
  1259. local TeleDown = script.Parent
  1260. local TeleUp = script.Parent.Parent.TeleUp
  1261. function tele(hit)
  1262. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1263. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("TeleportBuff") == nil then
  1264. local Human = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  1265. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  1266. local Torso = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso")
  1267. local M = Instance.new("Model",hit.Parent)
  1268. M.Name = "TeleportBuff"
  1269. Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(TeleUp.CFrame.X,TeleUp.CFrame.Y + 3,TeleUp.CFrame.Z)
  1270. wait(5)
  1271. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("TeleportBuff") then
  1272. hit.Parent:findFirstChild("TeleportBuff"):remove()
  1273. end
  1274. end
  1275. end
  1276. end
  1277. end
  1278. TeleDown.Touched:connect(tele)
  1279. end,o32)
  1280. end))
  1281. o33 = Create("Part",{
  1282. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1283. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1284. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1285. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-15.3030539, 1.00002897, 4826.00391),
  1286. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1287. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-15.3030539, 1.00002897, 4826.00391, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1288. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1289. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1290. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1291. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1292. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1293. })
  1294. o34 = Create("Script",{
  1295. ["Parent"] = o33,
  1296. })
  1297. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1298. wait()
  1299. runDummyScript(function()
  1300. local Brick = script.Parent
  1301. while true do
  1302. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1303. wait(0.8)
  1304. end
  1305. end,o34)
  1306. end))
  1307. o35 = Create("Part",{
  1308. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1309. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1310. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1311. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(9.49694157, 1.00003195, 4845.60449),
  1312. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1313. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(9.49694157, 1.00003195, 4845.60449, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1314. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1315. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1316. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1317. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1318. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1319. })
  1320. o36 = Create("Script",{
  1321. ["Parent"] = o35,
  1322. })
  1323. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1324. wait()
  1325. runDummyScript(function()
  1326. local Brick = script.Parent
  1327. while true do
  1328. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1329. wait(0.8)
  1330. end
  1331. end,o36)
  1332. end))
  1333. o37 = Create("Part",{
  1334. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1335. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1336. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1337. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-0.503054976, 1.00002897, 4826.00391),
  1338. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1339. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-0.503054976, 1.00002897, 4826.00391, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1340. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1341. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1342. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1343. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1344. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1345. })
  1346. o38 = Create("Script",{
  1347. ["Parent"] = o37,
  1348. })
  1349. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1350. wait()
  1351. runDummyScript(function()
  1352. local Brick = script.Parent
  1353. while true do
  1354. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1355. wait(0.8)
  1356. end
  1357. end,o38)
  1358. end))
  1359. o39 = Create("Part",{
  1360. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1361. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1362. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1363. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(14.3969421, 1.00002897, 4826.00391),
  1364. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1365. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(14.3969421, 1.00002897, 4826.00391, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1366. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1367. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1368. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1369. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1370. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1371. })
  1372. o40 = Create("Script",{
  1373. ["Parent"] = o39,
  1374. })
  1375. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1376. wait()
  1377. runDummyScript(function()
  1378. local Brick = script.Parent
  1379. while true do
  1380. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1381. wait(0.8)
  1382. end
  1383. end,o40)
  1384. end))
  1385. o41 = Create("Part",{
  1386. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1387. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1388. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1389. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(4.49694204, 1.00002897, 4826.00391),
  1390. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1391. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(4.49694204, 1.00002897, 4826.00391, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1392. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1393. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1394. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1395. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1396. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1397. })
  1398. o42 = Create("Script",{
  1399. ["Parent"] = o41,
  1400. })
  1401. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1402. wait()
  1403. runDummyScript(function()
  1404. local Brick = script.Parent
  1405. while true do
  1406. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1407. wait(0.8)
  1408. end
  1409. end,o42)
  1410. end))
  1411. o43 = Create("Part",{
  1412. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1413. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1414. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1415. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(4.49694204, 1.00003195, 4845.60449),
  1416. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1417. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(4.49694204, 1.00003195, 4845.60449, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1418. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1419. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1420. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1421. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1422. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1423. })
  1424. o44 = Create("Script",{
  1425. ["Parent"] = o43,
  1426. })
  1427. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1428. wait()
  1429. runDummyScript(function()
  1430. local Brick = script.Parent
  1431. while true do
  1432. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1433. wait(0.8)
  1434. end
  1435. end,o44)
  1436. end))
  1437. o45 = Create("Part",{
  1438. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1439. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1440. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1441. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-0.503054976, 1.00003195, 4845.60449),
  1442. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1443. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-0.503054976, 1.00003195, 4845.60449, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1444. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1445. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1446. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1447. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1448. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1449. })
  1450. o46 = Create("Script",{
  1451. ["Parent"] = o45,
  1452. })
  1453. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1454. wait()
  1455. runDummyScript(function()
  1456. local Brick = script.Parent
  1457. while true do
  1458. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1459. wait(0.8)
  1460. end
  1461. end,o46)
  1462. end))
  1463. o47 = Create("Part",{
  1464. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1465. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1466. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1467. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-15.3030539, 1.00003195, 4845.60449),
  1468. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1469. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-15.3030539, 1.00003195, 4845.60449, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1470. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1471. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1472. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1473. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1474. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1475. })
  1476. o48 = Create("Script",{
  1477. ["Parent"] = o47,
  1478. })
  1479. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1480. wait()
  1481. runDummyScript(function()
  1482. local Brick = script.Parent
  1483. while true do
  1484. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1485. wait(0.8)
  1486. end
  1487. end,o48)
  1488. end))
  1489. o49 = Create("Part",{
  1490. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1491. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1492. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1493. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-5.5030551, 1.00002897, 4826.00391),
  1494. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1495. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-5.5030551, 1.00002897, 4826.00391, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1496. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1497. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1498. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1499. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1500. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1501. })
  1502. o50 = Create("Script",{
  1503. ["Parent"] = o49,
  1504. })
  1505. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1506. wait()
  1507. runDummyScript(function()
  1508. local Brick = script.Parent
  1509. while true do
  1510. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1511. wait(0.8)
  1512. end
  1513. end,o50)
  1514. end))
  1515. o51 = Create("Part",{
  1516. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1517. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1518. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1519. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-20.2030563, 1.00003195, 4845.60449),
  1520. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1521. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-20.2030563, 1.00003195, 4845.60449, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1522. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1523. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1524. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1525. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1526. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1527. })
  1528. o52 = Create("Script",{
  1529. ["Parent"] = o51,
  1530. })
  1531. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1532. wait()
  1533. runDummyScript(function()
  1534. local Brick = script.Parent
  1535. while true do
  1536. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1537. wait(0.8)
  1538. end
  1539. end,o52)
  1540. end))
  1541. o53 = Create("Part",{
  1542. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1543. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1544. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1545. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-15.3030558, 1.00003195, 4840.7041),
  1546. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1547. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-15.3030558, 1.00003195, 4840.7041, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1548. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1549. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1550. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1551. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1552. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1553. })
  1554. o54 = Create("Script",{
  1555. ["Parent"] = o53,
  1556. })
  1557. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1558. wait()
  1559. runDummyScript(function()
  1560. local Brick = script.Parent
  1561. while true do
  1562. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1563. wait(0.8)
  1564. end
  1565. end,o54)
  1566. end))
  1567. o55 = Create("Part",{
  1568. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1569. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1570. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1571. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(18.5969391, 1.00004005, 4850.50439),
  1572. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1573. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(18.5969391, 1.00004005, 4850.50439, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1574. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1575. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(3.5999999, 1, 4.9000001),
  1576. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1577. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1578. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1579. })
  1580. o56 = Create("Script",{
  1581. ["Parent"] = o55,
  1582. })
  1583. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1584. wait()
  1585. runDummyScript(function()
  1586. local Brick = script.Parent
  1587. while true do
  1588. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1589. wait(0.8)
  1590. end
  1591. end,o56)
  1592. end))
  1593. o57 = Create("Part",{
  1594. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1595. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1596. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1597. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-20.2030563, 1.00002897, 4826.00391),
  1598. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1599. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-20.2030563, 1.00002897, 4826.00391, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1600. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1601. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1602. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1603. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1604. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1605. })
  1606. o58 = Create("Script",{
  1607. ["Parent"] = o57,
  1608. })
  1609. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1610. wait()
  1611. runDummyScript(function()
  1612. local Brick = script.Parent
  1613. while true do
  1614. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1615. wait(0.8)
  1616. end
  1617. end,o58)
  1618. end))
  1619. o59 = Create("Part",{
  1620. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1621. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1622. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1623. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-10.4030523, 1.00002897, 4826.00391),
  1624. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1625. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-10.4030523, 1.00002897, 4826.00391, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1626. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1627. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1628. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1629. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1630. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1631. })
  1632. o60 = Create("Script",{
  1633. ["Parent"] = o59,
  1634. })
  1635. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1636. wait()
  1637. runDummyScript(function()
  1638. local Brick = script.Parent
  1639. while true do
  1640. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1641. wait(0.8)
  1642. end
  1643. end,o60)
  1644. end))
  1645. o61 = Create("Part",{
  1646. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1647. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1648. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1649. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-5.5030551, 1.00003195, 4845.60449),
  1650. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1651. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-5.5030551, 1.00003195, 4845.60449, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1652. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1653. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1654. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1655. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1656. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1657. })
  1658. o62 = Create("Script",{
  1659. ["Parent"] = o61,
  1660. })
  1661. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1662. wait()
  1663. runDummyScript(function()
  1664. local Brick = script.Parent
  1665. while true do
  1666. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1667. wait(0.8)
  1668. end
  1669. end,o62)
  1670. end))
  1671. o63 = Create("Part",{
  1672. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1673. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1674. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1675. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(18.5969391, 1.00003195, 4845.60449),
  1676. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1677. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(18.5969391, 1.00003195, 4845.60449, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1678. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1679. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(3.5999999, 1, 4.9000001),
  1680. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1681. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1682. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1683. })
  1684. o64 = Create("Script",{
  1685. ["Parent"] = o63,
  1686. })
  1687. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1688. wait()
  1689. runDummyScript(function()
  1690. local Brick = script.Parent
  1691. while true do
  1692. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1693. wait(0.8)
  1694. end
  1695. end,o64)
  1696. end))
  1697. o65 = Create("Part",{
  1698. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1699. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1700. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1701. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-10.4030523, 1.00003195, 4845.60449),
  1702. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1703. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-10.4030523, 1.00003195, 4845.60449, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1704. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1705. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1706. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1707. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1708. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1709. })
  1710. o66 = Create("Script",{
  1711. ["Parent"] = o65,
  1712. })
  1713. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1714. wait()
  1715. runDummyScript(function()
  1716. local Brick = script.Parent
  1717. while true do
  1718. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1719. wait(0.8)
  1720. end
  1721. end,o66)
  1722. end))
  1723. o67 = Create("Part",{
  1724. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1725. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1726. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1727. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-20.2030563, 1.00003195, 4840.7041),
  1728. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1729. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-20.2030563, 1.00003195, 4840.7041, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1730. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1731. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1732. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1733. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1734. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1735. })
  1736. o68 = Create("Script",{
  1737. ["Parent"] = o67,
  1738. })
  1739. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1740. wait()
  1741. runDummyScript(function()
  1742. local Brick = script.Parent
  1743. while true do
  1744. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1745. wait(0.8)
  1746. end
  1747. end,o68)
  1748. end))
  1749. o69 = Create("Part",{
  1750. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1751. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1752. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1753. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(14.3969421, 1.00003195, 4845.60449),
  1754. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1755. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(14.3969421, 1.00003195, 4845.60449, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1756. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1757. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1758. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1759. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1760. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1761. })
  1762. o70 = Create("Script",{
  1763. ["Parent"] = o69,
  1764. })
  1765. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1766. wait()
  1767. runDummyScript(function()
  1768. local Brick = script.Parent
  1769. while true do
  1770. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1771. wait(0.8)
  1772. end
  1773. end,o70)
  1774. end))
  1775. o71 = Create("Part",{
  1776. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1777. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1778. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1779. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(18.5969391, 1.00002897, 4826.00391),
  1780. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1781. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(18.5969391, 1.00002897, 4826.00391, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1782. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1783. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(3.5999999, 1, 4.9000001),
  1784. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1785. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1786. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1787. })
  1788. o72 = Create("Script",{
  1789. ["Parent"] = o71,
  1790. })
  1791. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1792. wait()
  1793. runDummyScript(function()
  1794. local Brick = script.Parent
  1795. while true do
  1796. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1797. wait(0.8)
  1798. end
  1799. end,o72)
  1800. end))
  1801. o73 = Create("Part",{
  1802. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1803. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1804. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1805. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(9.49694157, 1.00002897, 4826.00391),
  1806. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1807. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(9.49694157, 1.00002897, 4826.00391, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1808. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1809. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1810. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1811. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1812. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1813. })
  1814. o74 = Create("Script",{
  1815. ["Parent"] = o73,
  1816. })
  1817. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1818. wait()
  1819. runDummyScript(function()
  1820. local Brick = script.Parent
  1821. while true do
  1822. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1823. wait(0.8)
  1824. end
  1825. end,o74)
  1826. end))
  1827. o75 = Create("Part",{
  1828. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1829. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1830. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1831. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-10.4030561, 1.00003195, 4840.7041),
  1832. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1833. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-10.4030561, 1.00003195, 4840.7041, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1834. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1835. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1836. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1837. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1838. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1839. })
  1840. o76 = Create("Script",{
  1841. ["Parent"] = o75,
  1842. })
  1843. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1844. wait()
  1845. runDummyScript(function()
  1846. local Brick = script.Parent
  1847. while true do
  1848. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1849. wait(0.8)
  1850. end
  1851. end,o76)
  1852. end))
  1853. o77 = Create("Part",{
  1854. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1855. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1856. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1857. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-0.503057003, 1.00003195, 4840.7041),
  1858. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1859. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-0.503057003, 1.00003195, 4840.7041, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1860. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1861. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1862. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1863. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1864. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1865. })
  1866. o78 = Create("Script",{
  1867. ["Parent"] = o77,
  1868. })
  1869. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1870. wait()
  1871. runDummyScript(function()
  1872. local Brick = script.Parent
  1873. while true do
  1874. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1875. wait(0.8)
  1876. end
  1877. end,o78)
  1878. end))
  1879. o79 = Create("Part",{
  1880. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1881. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1882. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1883. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(4.49694204, 1.00003195, 4840.7041),
  1884. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1885. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(4.49694204, 1.00003195, 4840.7041, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1886. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1887. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1888. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1889. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1890. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1891. })
  1892. o80 = Create("Script",{
  1893. ["Parent"] = o79,
  1894. })
  1895. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1896. wait()
  1897. runDummyScript(function()
  1898. local Brick = script.Parent
  1899. while true do
  1900. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1901. wait(0.8)
  1902. end
  1903. end,o80)
  1904. end))
  1905. o81 = Create("Part",{
  1906. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1907. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1908. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1909. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-5.50305605, 1.00003195, 4840.7041),
  1910. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1911. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-5.50305605, 1.00003195, 4840.7041, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1912. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1913. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1914. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1915. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1916. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1917. })
  1918. o82 = Create("Script",{
  1919. ["Parent"] = o81,
  1920. })
  1921. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1922. wait()
  1923. runDummyScript(function()
  1924. local Brick = script.Parent
  1925. while true do
  1926. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1927. wait(0.8)
  1928. end
  1929. end,o82)
  1930. end))
  1931. o83 = Create("Part",{
  1932. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1933. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1934. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1935. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(14.3969421, 1.00003195, 4840.7041),
  1936. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1937. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(14.3969421, 1.00003195, 4840.7041, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1938. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1939. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1940. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1941. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1942. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1943. })
  1944. o84 = Create("Script",{
  1945. ["Parent"] = o83,
  1946. })
  1947. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1948. wait()
  1949. runDummyScript(function()
  1950. local Brick = script.Parent
  1951. while true do
  1952. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1953. wait(0.8)
  1954. end
  1955. end,o84)
  1956. end))
  1957. o85 = Create("Part",{
  1958. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1959. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1960. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1961. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(9.49694157, 1.00003195, 4840.7041),
  1962. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1963. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(9.49694157, 1.00003195, 4840.7041, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1964. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1965. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  1966. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1967. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1968. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1969. })
  1970. o86 = Create("Script",{
  1971. ["Parent"] = o85,
  1972. })
  1973. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  1974. wait()
  1975. runDummyScript(function()
  1976. local Brick = script.Parent
  1977. while true do
  1978. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  1979. wait(0.8)
  1980. end
  1981. end,o86)
  1982. end))
  1983. o87 = Create("Part",{
  1984. ["Parent"] = o1,
  1985. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  1986. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  1987. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(18.5969391, 1.00003195, 4840.7041),
  1988. ["Anchored"] = true,
  1989. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(18.5969391, 1.00003195, 4840.7041, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  1990. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  1991. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(3.5999999, 1, 4.9000001),
  1992. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1993. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  1994. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  1995. })
  1996. o88 = Create("Script",{
  1997. ["Parent"] = o87,
  1998. })
  1999. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2000. wait()
  2001. runDummyScript(function()
  2002. local Brick = script.Parent
  2003. while true do
  2004. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2005. wait(0.8)
  2006. end
  2007. end,o88)
  2008. end))
  2009. o89 = Create("Part",{
  2010. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2011. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2012. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2013. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-20.2030563, 1.00004399, 4855.4043),
  2014. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2015. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-20.2030563, 1.00004399, 4855.4043, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2016. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2017. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2018. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2019. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2020. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2021. })
  2022. o90 = Create("Script",{
  2023. ["Parent"] = o89,
  2024. })
  2025. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2026. wait()
  2027. runDummyScript(function()
  2028. local Brick = script.Parent
  2029. while true do
  2030. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2031. wait(0.8)
  2032. end
  2033. end,o90)
  2034. end))
  2035. o91 = Create("Part",{
  2036. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2037. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2038. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2039. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-15.3030539, 1.00004399, 4855.4043),
  2040. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2041. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-15.3030539, 1.00004399, 4855.4043, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2042. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2043. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2044. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2045. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2046. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2047. })
  2048. o92 = Create("Script",{
  2049. ["Parent"] = o91,
  2050. })
  2051. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2052. wait()
  2053. runDummyScript(function()
  2054. local Brick = script.Parent
  2055. while true do
  2056. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2057. wait(0.8)
  2058. end
  2059. end,o92)
  2060. end))
  2061. o93 = Create("Part",{
  2062. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2063. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2064. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2065. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-10.4030523, 1.00004399, 4855.4043),
  2066. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2067. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-10.4030523, 1.00004399, 4855.4043, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2068. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2069. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2070. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2071. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2072. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2073. })
  2074. o94 = Create("Script",{
  2075. ["Parent"] = o93,
  2076. })
  2077. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2078. wait()
  2079. runDummyScript(function()
  2080. local Brick = script.Parent
  2081. while true do
  2082. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2083. wait(0.8)
  2084. end
  2085. end,o94)
  2086. end))
  2087. o95 = Create("Part",{
  2088. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2089. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2090. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2091. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-5.5030551, 1.00004005, 4850.50439),
  2092. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2093. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-5.5030551, 1.00004005, 4850.50439, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2094. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2095. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2096. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2097. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2098. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2099. })
  2100. o96 = Create("Script",{
  2101. ["Parent"] = o95,
  2102. })
  2103. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2104. wait()
  2105. runDummyScript(function()
  2106. local Brick = script.Parent
  2107. while true do
  2108. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2109. wait(0.8)
  2110. end
  2111. end,o96)
  2112. end))
  2113. o97 = Create("Part",{
  2114. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2115. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2116. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2117. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(18.5969391, 1.00004399, 4855.4043),
  2118. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2119. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(18.5969391, 1.00004399, 4855.4043, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2120. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2121. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(3.5999999, 1, 4.9000001),
  2122. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2123. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2124. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2125. })
  2126. o98 = Create("Script",{
  2127. ["Parent"] = o97,
  2128. })
  2129. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2130. wait()
  2131. runDummyScript(function()
  2132. local Brick = script.Parent
  2133. while true do
  2134. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2135. wait(0.8)
  2136. end
  2137. end,o98)
  2138. end))
  2139. o99 = Create("Part",{
  2140. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2141. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2142. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2143. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(9.49694157, 1.00004399, 4855.4043),
  2144. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2145. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(9.49694157, 1.00004399, 4855.4043, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2146. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2147. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2148. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2149. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2150. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2151. })
  2152. o100 = Create("Script",{
  2153. ["Parent"] = o99,
  2154. })
  2155. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2156. wait()
  2157. runDummyScript(function()
  2158. local Brick = script.Parent
  2159. while true do
  2160. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2161. wait(0.8)
  2162. end
  2163. end,o100)
  2164. end))
  2165. o101 = Create("Part",{
  2166. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2167. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2168. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2169. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-5.5030551, 1.00004399, 4855.4043),
  2170. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2171. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-5.5030551, 1.00004399, 4855.4043, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2172. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2173. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2174. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2175. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2176. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2177. })
  2178. o102 = Create("Script",{
  2179. ["Parent"] = o101,
  2180. })
  2181. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2182. wait()
  2183. runDummyScript(function()
  2184. local Brick = script.Parent
  2185. while true do
  2186. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2187. wait(0.8)
  2188. end
  2189. end,o102)
  2190. end))
  2191. o103 = Create("Part",{
  2192. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2193. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2194. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2195. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-0.503054976, 1.00004399, 4855.4043),
  2196. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2197. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-0.503054976, 1.00004399, 4855.4043, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2198. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2199. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2200. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2201. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2202. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2203. })
  2204. o104 = Create("Script",{
  2205. ["Parent"] = o103,
  2206. })
  2207. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2208. wait()
  2209. runDummyScript(function()
  2210. local Brick = script.Parent
  2211. while true do
  2212. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2213. wait(0.8)
  2214. end
  2215. end,o104)
  2216. end))
  2217. o105 = Create("Part",{
  2218. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2219. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2220. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2221. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(14.3969421, 1.00004399, 4855.4043),
  2222. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2223. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(14.3969421, 1.00004399, 4855.4043, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2224. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2225. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2226. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2227. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2228. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2229. })
  2230. o106 = Create("Script",{
  2231. ["Parent"] = o105,
  2232. })
  2233. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2234. wait()
  2235. runDummyScript(function()
  2236. local Brick = script.Parent
  2237. while true do
  2238. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2239. wait(0.8)
  2240. end
  2241. end,o106)
  2242. end))
  2243. o107 = Create("Part",{
  2244. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2245. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2246. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2247. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-15.3030539, 1.00004005, 4850.50439),
  2248. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2249. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-15.3030539, 1.00004005, 4850.50439, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2250. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2251. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2252. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2253. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2254. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2255. })
  2256. o108 = Create("Script",{
  2257. ["Parent"] = o107,
  2258. })
  2259. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2260. wait()
  2261. runDummyScript(function()
  2262. local Brick = script.Parent
  2263. while true do
  2264. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2265. wait(0.8)
  2266. end
  2267. end,o108)
  2268. end))
  2269. o109 = Create("Part",{
  2270. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2271. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2272. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2273. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(4.49694204, 1.00004399, 4855.4043),
  2274. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2275. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(4.49694204, 1.00004399, 4855.4043, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2276. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2277. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2278. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2279. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2280. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2281. })
  2282. o110 = Create("Script",{
  2283. ["Parent"] = o109,
  2284. })
  2285. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2286. wait()
  2287. runDummyScript(function()
  2288. local Brick = script.Parent
  2289. while true do
  2290. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2291. wait(0.8)
  2292. end
  2293. end,o110)
  2294. end))
  2295. o111 = Create("Part",{
  2296. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2297. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2298. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2299. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(14.3969421, 1.00004005, 4850.50439),
  2300. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2301. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(14.3969421, 1.00004005, 4850.50439, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2302. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2303. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2304. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2305. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2306. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2307. })
  2308. o112 = Create("Script",{
  2309. ["Parent"] = o111,
  2310. })
  2311. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2312. wait()
  2313. runDummyScript(function()
  2314. local Brick = script.Parent
  2315. while true do
  2316. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2317. wait(0.8)
  2318. end
  2319. end,o112)
  2320. end))
  2321. o113 = Create("Part",{
  2322. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2323. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2324. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2325. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-20.2030563, 1.00004005, 4850.50439),
  2326. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2327. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-20.2030563, 1.00004005, 4850.50439, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2328. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2329. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2330. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2331. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2332. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2333. })
  2334. o114 = Create("Script",{
  2335. ["Parent"] = o113,
  2336. })
  2337. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2338. wait()
  2339. runDummyScript(function()
  2340. local Brick = script.Parent
  2341. while true do
  2342. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2343. wait(0.8)
  2344. end
  2345. end,o114)
  2346. end))
  2347. o115 = Create("Part",{
  2348. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2349. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2350. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2351. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-0.503054976, 1.00004005, 4850.50439),
  2352. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2353. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-0.503054976, 1.00004005, 4850.50439, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2354. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2355. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2356. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2357. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2358. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2359. })
  2360. o116 = Create("Script",{
  2361. ["Parent"] = o115,
  2362. })
  2363. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2364. wait()
  2365. runDummyScript(function()
  2366. local Brick = script.Parent
  2367. while true do
  2368. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2369. wait(0.8)
  2370. end
  2371. end,o116)
  2372. end))
  2373. o117 = Create("Part",{
  2374. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2375. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2376. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2377. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(4.49694204, 1.00004005, 4850.50439),
  2378. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2379. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(4.49694204, 1.00004005, 4850.50439, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2380. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2381. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2382. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2383. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2384. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2385. })
  2386. o118 = Create("Script",{
  2387. ["Parent"] = o117,
  2388. })
  2389. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2390. wait()
  2391. runDummyScript(function()
  2392. local Brick = script.Parent
  2393. while true do
  2394. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2395. wait(0.8)
  2396. end
  2397. end,o118)
  2398. end))
  2399. o119 = Create("Part",{
  2400. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2401. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2402. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2403. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-10.4030523, 1.00004005, 4850.50439),
  2404. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2405. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-10.4030523, 1.00004005, 4850.50439, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2406. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2407. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2408. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2409. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2410. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2411. })
  2412. o120 = Create("Script",{
  2413. ["Parent"] = o119,
  2414. })
  2415. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2416. wait()
  2417. runDummyScript(function()
  2418. local Brick = script.Parent
  2419. while true do
  2420. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2421. wait(0.8)
  2422. end
  2423. end,o120)
  2424. end))
  2425. o121 = Create("Part",{
  2426. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2427. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2428. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2429. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(9.49694157, 1.00004005, 4850.50439),
  2430. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2431. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(9.49694157, 1.00004005, 4850.50439, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2432. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2433. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2434. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2435. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2436. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2437. })
  2438. o122 = Create("Script",{
  2439. ["Parent"] = o121,
  2440. })
  2441. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2442. wait()
  2443. runDummyScript(function()
  2444. local Brick = script.Parent
  2445. while true do
  2446. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2447. wait(0.8)
  2448. end
  2449. end,o122)
  2450. end))
  2451. o123 = Create("Part",{
  2452. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2453. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2454. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2455. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-15.3030539, 1.00003803, 4835.8042),
  2456. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2457. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-15.3030539, 1.00003803, 4835.8042, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2458. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2459. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2460. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2461. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2462. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2463. })
  2464. o124 = Create("Script",{
  2465. ["Parent"] = o123,
  2466. })
  2467. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2468. wait()
  2469. runDummyScript(function()
  2470. local Brick = script.Parent
  2471. while true do
  2472. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2473. wait(0.8)
  2474. end
  2475. end,o124)
  2476. end))
  2477. o125 = Create("Part",{
  2478. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2479. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2480. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2481. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-0.503054976, 1.00003803, 4835.8042),
  2482. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2483. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-0.503054976, 1.00003803, 4835.8042, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2484. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2485. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2486. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2487. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2488. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2489. })
  2490. o126 = Create("Script",{
  2491. ["Parent"] = o125,
  2492. })
  2493. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2494. wait()
  2495. runDummyScript(function()
  2496. local Brick = script.Parent
  2497. while true do
  2498. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2499. wait(0.8)
  2500. end
  2501. end,o126)
  2502. end))
  2503. o127 = Create("Part",{
  2504. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2505. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2506. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2507. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(14.3969421, 1.00003803, 4835.8042),
  2508. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2509. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(14.3969421, 1.00003803, 4835.8042, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2510. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2511. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2512. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2513. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2514. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2515. })
  2516. o128 = Create("Script",{
  2517. ["Parent"] = o127,
  2518. })
  2519. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2520. wait()
  2521. runDummyScript(function()
  2522. local Brick = script.Parent
  2523. while true do
  2524. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2525. wait(0.8)
  2526. end
  2527. end,o128)
  2528. end))
  2529. o129 = Create("Part",{
  2530. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2531. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2532. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2533. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(9.49694157, 1.00003803, 4835.8042),
  2534. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2535. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(9.49694157, 1.00003803, 4835.8042, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2536. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2537. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2538. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2539. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2540. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2541. })
  2542. o130 = Create("Script",{
  2543. ["Parent"] = o129,
  2544. })
  2545. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2546. wait()
  2547. runDummyScript(function()
  2548. local Brick = script.Parent
  2549. while true do
  2550. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2551. wait(0.8)
  2552. end
  2553. end,o130)
  2554. end))
  2555. o131 = Create("Part",{
  2556. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2557. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2558. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2559. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-5.5030551, 1.00003803, 4835.8042),
  2560. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2561. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-5.5030551, 1.00003803, 4835.8042, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2562. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2563. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2564. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2565. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2566. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2567. })
  2568. o132 = Create("Script",{
  2569. ["Parent"] = o131,
  2570. })
  2571. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2572. wait()
  2573. runDummyScript(function()
  2574. local Brick = script.Parent
  2575. while true do
  2576. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2577. wait(0.8)
  2578. end
  2579. end,o132)
  2580. end))
  2581. o133 = Create("Part",{
  2582. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2583. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2584. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2585. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(4.49694204, 1.00003803, 4835.8042),
  2586. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2587. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(4.49694204, 1.00003803, 4835.8042, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2588. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2589. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2590. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2591. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2592. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2593. })
  2594. o134 = Create("Script",{
  2595. ["Parent"] = o133,
  2596. })
  2597. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2598. wait()
  2599. runDummyScript(function()
  2600. local Brick = script.Parent
  2601. while true do
  2602. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2603. wait(0.8)
  2604. end
  2605. end,o134)
  2606. end))
  2607. o135 = Create("Part",{
  2608. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2609. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2610. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2611. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-20.2030563, 1.00003803, 4835.8042),
  2612. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2613. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-20.2030563, 1.00003803, 4835.8042, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2614. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2615. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2616. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2617. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2618. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2619. })
  2620. o136 = Create("Script",{
  2621. ["Parent"] = o135,
  2622. })
  2623. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2624. wait()
  2625. runDummyScript(function()
  2626. local Brick = script.Parent
  2627. while true do
  2628. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2629. wait(0.8)
  2630. end
  2631. end,o136)
  2632. end))
  2633. o137 = Create("Part",{
  2634. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2635. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2636. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2637. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-10.4030523, 1.00003803, 4835.8042),
  2638. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2639. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-10.4030523, 1.00003803, 4835.8042, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2640. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2641. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2642. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2643. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2644. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2645. })
  2646. o138 = Create("Script",{
  2647. ["Parent"] = o137,
  2648. })
  2649. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2650. wait()
  2651. runDummyScript(function()
  2652. local Brick = script.Parent
  2653. while true do
  2654. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2655. wait(0.8)
  2656. end
  2657. end,o138)
  2658. end))
  2659. o139 = Create("Part",{
  2660. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2661. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2662. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2663. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(18.5969391, 1.00003803, 4835.8042),
  2664. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2665. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(18.5969391, 1.00003803, 4835.8042, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2666. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2667. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(3.5999999, 1, 4.9000001),
  2668. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2669. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2670. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2671. })
  2672. o140 = Create("Script",{
  2673. ["Parent"] = o139,
  2674. })
  2675. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2676. wait()
  2677. runDummyScript(function()
  2678. local Brick = script.Parent
  2679. while true do
  2680. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2681. wait(0.8)
  2682. end
  2683. end,o140)
  2684. end))
  2685. o141 = Create("Part",{
  2686. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2687. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2688. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2689. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(4.49694204, 1.000036, 4830.90381),
  2690. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2691. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(4.49694204, 1.000036, 4830.90381, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2692. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2693. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2694. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2695. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2696. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2697. })
  2698. o142 = Create("Script",{
  2699. ["Parent"] = o141,
  2700. })
  2701. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2702. wait()
  2703. runDummyScript(function()
  2704. local Brick = script.Parent
  2705. while true do
  2706. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2707. wait(0.8)
  2708. end
  2709. end,o142)
  2710. end))
  2711. o143 = Create("Part",{
  2712. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2713. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2714. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2715. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(14.3969421, 1.000036, 4830.90381),
  2716. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2717. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(14.3969421, 1.000036, 4830.90381, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2718. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2719. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2720. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2721. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2722. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2723. })
  2724. o144 = Create("Script",{
  2725. ["Parent"] = o143,
  2726. })
  2727. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2728. wait()
  2729. runDummyScript(function()
  2730. local Brick = script.Parent
  2731. while true do
  2732. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2733. wait(0.8)
  2734. end
  2735. end,o144)
  2736. end))
  2737. o145 = Create("Part",{
  2738. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2739. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2740. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2741. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-5.5030551, 1.000036, 4830.90381),
  2742. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2743. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-5.5030551, 1.000036, 4830.90381, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2744. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2745. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2746. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2747. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2748. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2749. })
  2750. o146 = Create("Script",{
  2751. ["Parent"] = o145,
  2752. })
  2753. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2754. wait()
  2755. runDummyScript(function()
  2756. local Brick = script.Parent
  2757. while true do
  2758. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2759. wait(0.8)
  2760. end
  2761. end,o146)
  2762. end))
  2763. o147 = Create("Part",{
  2764. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2765. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2766. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2767. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-20.2030563, 1.000036, 4830.90381),
  2768. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2769. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-20.2030563, 1.000036, 4830.90381, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2770. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2771. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2772. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2773. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2774. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2775. })
  2776. o148 = Create("Script",{
  2777. ["Parent"] = o147,
  2778. })
  2779. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2780. wait()
  2781. runDummyScript(function()
  2782. local Brick = script.Parent
  2783. while true do
  2784. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2785. wait(0.8)
  2786. end
  2787. end,o148)
  2788. end))
  2789. o149 = Create("Part",{
  2790. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2791. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2792. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2793. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-15.3030539, 1.000036, 4830.90381),
  2794. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2795. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-15.3030539, 1.000036, 4830.90381, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2796. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2797. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2798. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2799. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2800. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2801. })
  2802. o150 = Create("Script",{
  2803. ["Parent"] = o149,
  2804. })
  2805. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2806. wait()
  2807. runDummyScript(function()
  2808. local Brick = script.Parent
  2809. while true do
  2810. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2811. wait(0.8)
  2812. end
  2813. end,o150)
  2814. end))
  2815. o151 = Create("Part",{
  2816. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2817. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2818. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2819. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(9.49694157, 1.000036, 4830.90381),
  2820. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2821. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(9.49694157, 1.000036, 4830.90381, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2822. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2823. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2824. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2825. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2826. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2827. })
  2828. o152 = Create("Script",{
  2829. ["Parent"] = o151,
  2830. })
  2831. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2832. wait()
  2833. runDummyScript(function()
  2834. local Brick = script.Parent
  2835. while true do
  2836. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2837. wait(0.8)
  2838. end
  2839. end,o152)
  2840. end))
  2841. o153 = Create("Part",{
  2842. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2843. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2844. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2845. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(18.5969391, 1.000036, 4830.90381),
  2846. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2847. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(18.5969391, 1.000036, 4830.90381, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2848. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2849. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(3.5999999, 1, 4.9000001),
  2850. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2851. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2852. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2853. })
  2854. o154 = Create("Script",{
  2855. ["Parent"] = o153,
  2856. })
  2857. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2858. wait()
  2859. runDummyScript(function()
  2860. local Brick = script.Parent
  2861. while true do
  2862. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2863. wait(0.8)
  2864. end
  2865. end,o154)
  2866. end))
  2867. o155 = Create("Part",{
  2868. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2869. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2870. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2871. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-10.4030523, 1.000036, 4830.90381),
  2872. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2873. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-10.4030523, 1.000036, 4830.90381, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2874. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2875. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2876. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2877. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2878. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2879. })
  2880. o156 = Create("Script",{
  2881. ["Parent"] = o155,
  2882. })
  2883. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2884. wait()
  2885. runDummyScript(function()
  2886. local Brick = script.Parent
  2887. while true do
  2888. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2889. wait(0.8)
  2890. end
  2891. end,o156)
  2892. end))
  2893. o157 = Create("Part",{
  2894. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2895. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Foil,
  2896. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Bright bluish green"),
  2897. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-0.503054976, 1.000036, 4830.90381),
  2898. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2899. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-0.503054976, 1.000036, 4830.90381, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2900. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2901. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(5, 1, 4.9000001),
  2902. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2903. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2904. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0, 0.560784, 0.611765),
  2905. })
  2906. o158 = Create("Script",{
  2907. ["Parent"] = o157,
  2908. })
  2909. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2910. wait()
  2911. runDummyScript(function()
  2912. local Brick = script.Parent
  2913. while true do
  2914. Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random("Really Black","Cyan","New Yeller","Really red","Institutional white")
  2915. wait(0.8)
  2916. end
  2917. end,o158)
  2918. end))
  2919. o159 = Create("Part",{
  2920. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2921. ["Material"] = Enum.Material.Concrete,
  2922. ["BrickColor"] = BrickColor.new("Really black"),
  2923. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-5.12959003, 9.50002766, 4808.76807),
  2924. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2925. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-5.12959003, 9.50002766, 4808.76807, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2926. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,
  2927. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(52, 19, 1),
  2928. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2929. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2930. ["Color"] = Color3.new(0.0666667, 0.0666667, 0.0666667),
  2931. })
  2932. o160 = Create("Part",{
  2933. ["Name"] = "TP",
  2934. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2935. ["Transparency"] = 1,
  2936. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-1.34867501, 19.6000271, 4830.26855),
  2937. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2938. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-1.34867501, 19.6000271, 4830.26855, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2939. ["CanCollide"] = false,
  2940. ["Locked"] = true,
  2941. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric,
  2942. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(4, 1, 2),
  2943. })
  2944. o161 = Create("Part",{
  2945. ["Name"] = "Portal",
  2946. ["Parent"] = o1,
  2947. ["Transparency"] = 1,
  2948. ["Position"] = Vector3.new(-10, 0.500001013, 39.5),
  2949. ["Anchored"] = true,
  2950. ["CFrame"] = CFrame.new(-10, 0.500001013, 39.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
  2951. ["CanCollide"] = false,
  2952. ["Locked"] = true,
  2953. ["FormFactor"] = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric,
  2954. ["Size"] = Vector3.new(14, 0.200000003, 15),
  2955. ["BottomSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2956. ["TopSurface"] = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,
  2957. })
  2958. o162 = Create("Decal",{
  2959. ["Parent"] = o161,
  2960. ["Texture"] = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=34042861",
  2961. ["Face"] = Enum.NormalId.Top,
  2962. })
  2963. o163 = Create("Script",{
  2964. ["Parent"] = o161,
  2965. })
  2966. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  2967. wait()
  2968. runDummyScript(function()
  2969. local Me = script.Parent
  2970. local To = script.Parent.Parent.TP
  2971. function bam(hit)
  2972. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("TeleportBuff") == nil then
  2973. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2974. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  2975. local Torso = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso")
  2976. Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(To.CFrame.X,To.CFrame.Y + 4,To.CFrame.Z)
  2977. local M = Instance.new("Model",hit.Parent)
  2978. M.Name = "TeleportBuff"
  2979. Me:remove()
  2980. wait(5)
  2981. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("TeleportBuff") then
  2982. hit.Parent:findFirstChild("TeleportBuff"):remove()
  2983. end
  2984. end
  2985. end
  2986. end
  2988. end
  2989. Me.Touched:connect(bam)
  2990. end,o163)
  2991. end))
  2992. mas.Parent = workspace.Terrain
  2993. mas:MakeJoints()
  2994. local mas1 = mas:GetChildren()
  2995. for i=1,#mas1 do
  2996. mas1[i].Parent = workspace.Terrain
  2997. ypcall(function() mas1[i]:MakeJoints() end)
  2998. end
  2999. mas:Destroy()
  3000. for i=1,#cors do
  3001. coroutine.resume(cors[i])
  3002. end
  3004. end
  3005. LoadCmd("TP to House","tph","Teleports a player to the house",function(msg)
  3006. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3007. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3008. if game.Workspace.Terrain["AERX House"] then
  3009. game.Players[plr.Name].Character.Torso.CFrame = game.Workspace.Terrain["AERX House"].TP.CFrame
  3010. end
  3011. end
  3012. end)
  3013. function HouseCmds()
  3014. Out("Load House",Colors.Black,function()
  3015. LoadHouse()
  3016. Dismiss()
  3017. end)
  3018. Out("Remove House",Colors.Black,function()
  3019. Dismiss()
  3020. if game.Workspace.Terrain:findFirstChild("AERX House") then
  3021. game.Workspace.Terrain["AERX House"]:remove()
  3022. end
  3023. end)
  3024. Out("Load Safe House",Colors.Black,function()
  3025. LoadSafeHouse()
  3026. end)
  3027. end
  3028. LoadCmd("House Options","ahouse","Creates the aerx house",function()
  3029. HouseCmds()
  3030. end)
  3031. LoadCmd("TP Safehouse","tpsh","Teleports a player to the safehouse",function(msg)
  3032. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3033. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3034. game.Players[plr.Name].Character.Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(42,1271,613)
  3035. end
  3036. end)
  3037. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3038. LoadCmd("Kill", "breakjoints", "Kills a chosen Player", function(msg)
  3039. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3040. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3041. game.Players[plr.Name].Character:BreakJoints()
  3042. end
  3043. end)
  3044. LoadCmd("Light", "pl", "Gives a play a pointlight", function(msg)
  3045. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3046. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3047. Instance.new("PointLight",game.Players[plr.Name].Character.Torso)
  3048. end
  3049. end)
  3050. LoadCmd("Spin","spin", "Spins the player", function(msg)
  3051. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3052. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3053. local b = Instance.new('BodyAngularVelocity')
  3054. b.maxTorque = Vector3.new(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
  3055. b.angularvelocity = Vector3.new(0,75, 0) ---Change speed where it says '50'
  3056. b.Parent = game.Players[plr.Name].Character.Torso
  3058. end
  3059. end)
  3060. LoadCmd("UnSpin","unspin", "Unspins the player", function(msg)
  3061. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3062. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3063. if game.Players[plr.Name].Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("BodyAngularVelocity") then
  3064. game.Players[plr.Name].Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("BodyAngularVelocity"):remove()
  3065. end
  3066. end
  3067. end)
  3069. local PlayerColor = Color3.new(175,0,0)
  3070. local OutlineColor = PlayerColor
  3071. function Chat(Msg, Clr)
  3073. if Msg:sub(1,2) == "/e" then return end
  3074. if Clr == nil then Clr = ChatColor end
  3075. if Msg == nil then Msg = ";" end
  3076. Msg = Msg:gsub("","\5")
  3077. if LocalPlayer and LocalPlayer.Character and LocalPlayer.Character.Head then
  3078. if #LocalPlayer.Character.Head:children() > 15 then return end
  3079. for _,v in pairs(LocalPlayer.Character.Head:children()) do
  3080. if v.Name == "BG" then
  3081. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3082. for i = v.StudsOffset.y,v.StudsOffset.y+2,0.1 do
  3083. v.StudsOffset = Vector3.new(0,i,0)
  3084. wait()
  3085. end
  3086. wait(2)
  3087. if v:findFirstChild("TextLabel") ~= nil then
  3088. for i = 0,1,0.1 do
  3089. if v:findFirstChild("TextLabel") == nil then break end
  3090. v.TextLabel.TextTransparency = i
  3091. v.TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = i
  3092. wait()
  3093. end
  3094. end
  3095. v:Destroy()
  3096. end)()
  3097. end
  3098. end
  3099. if ChatGui == false then
  3100. return
  3101. elseif ChatGui == true then
  3102. local BG = Instance.new("BillboardGui", Player.Character.Head)
  3103. BG.Name = "BG"
  3104. BG.Size = UDim2.new(2,0,3,0)
  3105. BG.StudsOffset = Vector3.new(0,1,0)
  3106. BG.SizeOffset = Vector2.new(0,.1)
  3107. local TL = Instance.new("TextLabel", BG)
  3108. TL.Text = Msg
  3109. TL.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  3110. TL.Size = UDim2.new(0,50,0,50)
  3111. TL.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0,0,0)
  3112. TL.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,.6,0)
  3113. TL.Font = "SourceSansBold"
  3114. TL.FontSize = "Size24"
  3115. TL.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.4
  3116. TL.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.new(255,255,255)
  3117. if Clr ~= "Random" then
  3118. TL.TextColor = BrickColor.new(Clr)
  3119. elseif Clr == "Random" then
  3120. TL.TextColor = BrickColor.random()
  3121. end
  3122. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3123. wait(5)
  3124. if TL ~= nil then
  3125. for i = 0,1,0.1 do
  3126. if TL == nil then break end
  3127. TL.TextTransparency = i
  3128. TL.TextStrokeTransparency = i
  3129. TL.TextColor = BrickColor.random()
  3130. wait()
  3131. end
  3132. end
  3134. BG:Destroy()
  3135. end)()
  3136. while TL~= nil do
  3137. TL.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.new(0,0,0)
  3138. wait(0.1)
  3139. end
  3140. end
  3141. end
  3142. end
  3144. ---------------------------------------------------
  3145. local D = Instance.new("StringValue", game.Lighting)
  3146. D.Name = "123456"
  3147. D.Value = Player.Name
  3148. ---------------------------------------------------
  3150. LoadCmd("Block", "rek", "Block's a player's sb", function(msg)
  3151. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3152. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3153. game.Players[plr.Name]:ClearAllChildren()
  3154. end
  3155. end)
  3156. LoadCmd("nclip","nclip","noclip",
  3157. function()
  3158. repeat wait(1/44) until game.Players.LocalPlayer and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") and game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() and game.Workspace.CurrentCamera local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local torso = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso local dir = {w = 0, s = 0, a = 0, d = 0} local spd = 2 mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key:lower() == "w" then dir.w = 1 elseif key:lower() == "s" then dir.s = 1 elseif key:lower() == "a" then dir.a = 1 elseif key:lower() == "d" then dir.d = 1 elseif key:lower() == "q" then spd = spd + 1 elseif key:lower() == "e" then spd = spd - 1 end end) mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key) if key:lower() == "w" then dir.w = 0 elseif key:lower() == "s" then dir.s = 0 elseif key:lower() == "a" then dir.a = 0 elseif key:lower() == "d" then dir.d = 0 end end) torso.Anchored = true game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Changed:connect(function() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true end) repeat wait(1/44) torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(torso.Position, game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(180),0) * CFrame.new((dir.d-dir.a)*spd,0,(dir.s-dir.w)*spd) until nil
  3159. end
  3160. )
  3161. LoadCmd("Day", "day", "Makes the time day", function()
  3162. game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "12:00:00"
  3163. end)
  3165. LoadCmd("Night", "night", "Makes the time night", function()
  3166. game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "00:00:00"
  3167. end)
  3169. LoadCmd("Midnight", "midnight", "Makes the time midnight", function()
  3170. game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "06:00:00"
  3171. end)
  3173. LoadCmd("Teleport", "tp", "Teleports you to a player",function(msg)
  3174. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3175. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3176. local Nam = plr.Name
  3177. Player.Character.Torso.CFrame = plr.Character.Torso.CFrame
  3178. end
  3179. end)
  3180. LoadCmd("Skydive","skydive","Makes a player skydive",function(msg)
  3181. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3182. for _,plr in next ,plrs do
  3183. Skydive(plr)
  3184. end
  3185. end)
  3187. function Remove()
  3188. Dismiss()
  3189. ChatGui = false
  3190. for i = 0,50,1 do
  3191. pcall(function()
  3192. for j,k in pairs(getfenv(i)) do
  3193. getfenv(i)[j] = nil
  3194. end
  3195. end)
  3196. end
  3197. end
  3199. LoadCmd("Remove","disableae2x","Remove the script",
  3200. function()
  3201. Remove()
  3202. end)
  3204. LoadCmd("Fire", "fi", "Sets a player on fire",function(msg)
  3205. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3206. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3207. local Nam = plr.Name
  3208. local F = Instance.new("Fire")
  3209. F.Parent = plr.Character.Torso
  3210. Chat("Given Fire to: "..plr.Name"!")
  3211. end
  3212. end)
  3214. LoadCmd("Sparkles", "spa", "Gives a player sparkles",function(msg)
  3215. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3216. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3217. local F = Instance.new("Sparkles")
  3218. F.Parent = plr.Character.Torso
  3219. Chat("Given Sparkles")
  3220. end
  3221. end)
  3223. LoadCmd("ClearBackpack", "cback", "Clears a players backpack",function(msg)
  3224. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3225. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3226. plr.Backpack:ClearAllChildren()
  3227. end
  3228. end)
  3230. LoadCmd("ForceField", "ff", "Gives a player a ForceField",function(msg)
  3231. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3232. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3233. local F = Instance.new("ForceField")
  3234. F.Parent = plr.Character
  3235. Chat("Given FF!")
  3236. end
  3237. end)
  3239. LoadCmd("Fix Chat","fixc","Fixes the chat",function()
  3240. Chat("Fixed Chat","Lime green")
  3241. end)
  3243. LoadCmd("RemoveFire", "rfia", "Removes fire from a player",function(msg)
  3244. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3245. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3246. for _,Child in pairs(plr["Character"].Torso:GetChildren()) do
  3247. if Child:IsA("Fire") then
  3248. Child:Destroy()
  3249. end
  3250. end
  3251. end
  3252. end)
  3255. LoadCmd("RemoveSparkles", "rsp", "Removes Sparkles From A Player",function(msg)
  3256. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3257. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3258. for _,Child in pairs(plr["Character"].Torso:GetChildren()) do
  3259. if Child:IsA("Sparkles") then
  3260. Child:Destroy()
  3261. end
  3262. end
  3263. end
  3264. end)
  3266. LoadCmd("RemoveForceField", "rff", "Removes ff from a player",function(msg)
  3267. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3268. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3269. for _,Child in pairs(plr["Character"]:GetChildren()) do
  3270. if Child:IsA("ForceField") then
  3271. Child:Destroy()
  3272. end
  3273. end
  3274. end
  3275. end)
  3277. LoadCmd("God", "go", "Makes a player god",function(msg)
  3278. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3279. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3280. plr.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
  3281. plr.Character.Humanoid.Health = math.huge
  3282. Chat("Goded Player!")
  3284. end
  3285. end)
  3287. LoadCmd("Remove god", "rgo", "Remove god from a player",function(msg)
  3288. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3289. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3290. plr.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100
  3291. plr.Character.Humanoid.Health = 100
  3292. GraphicalEffects.CrystalRing({base_part=plr.Character.Torso, crystal_color = BrickColor.new("Really red"), float_duration = 0.2})
  3293. end
  3294. end)
  3296. LoadCmd("Playerinfo", "get", "Shows a players information",function(msg)
  3297. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3298. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3299. Out("Age: "..plr.AccountAge, Colors.Magenta)
  3300. Out("Membership: "..plr.MembershipType.Name, Colors.Magenta)
  3301. Out("Player: "..plr.Name, Colors.Magenta)
  3302. Out("Id: "..plr.userId, Colors.Magenta)
  3303. Out("Camera Mode: "..plr.CameraMode.Name, Colors.Magenta)
  3304. Out("This is "..plr.."'s info", Colors.Magenta)
  3305. Chat("Found info!")
  3306. end
  3307. end)
  3309. Services = {
  3310. game:GetService("Workspace"),
  3311. game:GetService("Players"),
  3312. game:GetService("Lighting"),
  3313. game:GetService("StarterPack"),
  3314. game:GetService("StarterGui"),
  3315. game:GetService("Teams"),
  3316. game:GetService("SoundService"),
  3317. game:GetService("Debris"),
  3318. game:GetService("InsertService"),
  3319. game:GetService("RunService"),
  3320. game:GetService("Chat"),
  3321. game:GetService("TeleportService"),
  3322. game:GetService("Geometry"),
  3323. game:GetService("MarketplaceService"),
  3324. game:GetService("BadgeService"),
  3325. game:GetService("FriendService"),
  3326. }
  3327. function Explore(Item)
  3328. Dismiss()
  3329. if(Item==nil)then
  3330. for _,v in pairs(Services)do
  3331. Out(tostring(v),Colors.Black,function() wait() Explore(v) end)
  3332. end;
  3333. else
  3334. f={
  3335. ['View children']=function()
  3336. Dismiss()
  3337. for _,v in pairs(Item:children())do
  3338. Out(v.Name,Colors.Black,function()
  3339. wait()
  3340. Explore(v)
  3341. end);
  3342. end;
  3343. end;
  3344. ['View parent']=function()
  3345. wait()
  3346. Explore(Item.Parent)
  3347. end;
  3348. ['Destroy']=function()
  3349. Item:Destroy();
  3350. Explore(Item.Parent);
  3351. end;
  3352. ['Clear']=function()
  3353. Item:ClearAllChildren()
  3354. end;
  3356. ['Clone']=function()
  3357. pcall(function()
  3358. cloneableObj = Item:clone()
  3359. end)
  3360. end;
  3361. ['Remove']=function()
  3362. Item:remove()
  3363. end;
  3364. ['Paste']=function()
  3365. if cloneableObj then
  3366. cloneableObj.Parent = Item
  3367. end
  3368. end;
  3369. };
  3370. for i,v in pairs(f)do
  3371. Out(tostring(i),Colors.Red,v);
  3372. end;
  3373. Out('Item Name: \''..tostring(Item.Name)..'\'',Colors.Blue,nil);
  3374. Out('Class: \''..tostring(Item.ClassName)..'\'',Colors.Blue,nil);
  3375. if cloneableObj then
  3376. Out('Currently Cloning: \''..tostring(cloneableObj.Name)..'\'',Colors.Blue,nil);
  3377. end
  3378. end;
  3379. end;
  3381. LoadCmd("Explore","expl","Explore the game",
  3382. function()
  3383. Explore()
  3384. end
  3385. )
  3387. LoadCmd("LoopKill", "lk", "LoopKills the player", function(msg)
  3388. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3389. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3390. while true do
  3391. wait(1)
  3392. plr.Character:BreakJoints()
  3393. end
  3394. end
  3395. end)
  3397. LoadCmd("Cr".."edits ", "cr".."edit", "Cre".."dits", function(msg)
  3398. Out("C".."redits", Colors.Green)
  3399. Out("Created by:")
  3400. Out("VersedBK")
  3401. Out("Kayaven")
  3402. Out("SnapGun")
  3403. Out("Nilzers")
  3405. end)
  3406. LoadCmd("Heal", "hl", "heals player",function(msg)
  3408. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3409. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3410. plr.Character.Health = 100
  3411. end
  3412. end)
  3414. LoadCmd("Server Shutdown", "sd", "Shutdown a server", function(msg)
  3415. local M = Instance.new("Message")
  3416. M.Parent = game.Workspace
  3417. M.Text = "This Server has shutdown for: "..msg
  3418. wait(0.1)
  3419. game.Lighting:ClearAllChildren()
  3420. game.Players:ClearAllChildren()
  3421. end)
  3423. LoadCmd("Show commands","cmds", "Shows the commands",
  3424. function()
  3425. Dismiss()
  3426. wait(1)
  3427. for i,v in pairs(CMDS) do
  3428. Out(v['Name'],DefaultColor,function()
  3429. Dismiss()
  3430. Out("Viewing".." : "..v['Name'])--wait u got so many I just want to access func
  3431. Out("Usage".." : "..v['Usage'])
  3432. Out("Description".." : "..v['Description'])
  3433. end)
  3434. end
  3435. end
  3436. )
  3437. LoadCmd("Visible Tabs","vis:on", "Makes the tabs visible to others",
  3438. function()
  3439. TabsInWorkspace = true
  3440. end)
  3441. LoadCmd("Invisible Tabs","vis:off", "Makes the tabs invisible to others",
  3442. function()
  3443. TabsInWorkspace = false
  3444. end)
  3446. LoadCmd("Disconnect", "disc", "Disconnects the player",function(msg)
  3447. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3448. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3449. plr:Remove()
  3451. end
  3452. end)
  3453. LoadCmd("Out", "out", "Shows a tablet with your desired text",function(msg) Out(msg, Colors.White) end)
  3454. LoadCmd("Dismiss", "dt", "Dismisses all your tablets",function(msg) Dismiss() end)
  3456. LoadCmd("Nil", "nil", "Enables or disables nil Player",function()
  3457. LoadNil()
  3458. end)
  3459. local Z = Player.PlayerGui
  3460. function LoadIcon()
  3461. if(Z:FindFirstChild("Icon")==nil) then
  3462. local G = Instance.new("ScreenGui",Z)
  3463. G.Name = "Icon"
  3464. local F = Instance.new("ImageButton", G)
  3465. F.Position = UDim2.new(1,-88,0,565)
  3466. F.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  3467. F.Image = "rbxassetid://196377547"
  3468. F.Size = UDim2.new(0,100,0,100)
  3469. F.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  3470. Dismiss()
  3471. Out("You Are Using AE2X",Colors.White)
  3472. Out("Ma".."de by V".."er".."se".."d".."B".."K and K".."ay".."a".."v".."en",Colors.Black)
  3473. Out("Thank you for using AE2X",Colors.Black)
  3474. Out("WE ARE AERX",Colors.White)
  3475. Out("Click Me To See Commands",Colors.Yellow, function()
  3476. Dismiss()
  3477. for i,v in pairs(CMDS) do
  3478. Out(v['Name'],Colors.Black,function()
  3479. Dismiss()
  3480. Out("Viewing".." : "..v['Name'])
  3481. Out("Usage".." : "..v['Usage'])
  3482. Out("Description".." : "..v['Description'])
  3483. end)
  3484. end
  3486. end)
  3488. end)
  3489. end
  3490. end
  3491. LoadIcon()
  3492. function onChatted(Message)
  3493. if string.sub(Message,1,3) == "/e " then Message = string.sub(Message,4) end
  3494. pcall(function()
  3495. for i,v in pairs(CMDS) do
  3496. local tosay = ";"..v['Usage']:lower()
  3497. if Message:sub(1,tosay:len()):lower() == tosay:lower() then
  3498. LoadIcon()
  3499. local Run,Error = ypcall(function()
  3500. v.Function(Message:sub(tosay:len()+2))
  3501. end)
  3502. if Error then
  3503. print("[Error]: "..tostring(Error))
  3504. end
  3505. end
  3506. end
  3507. end)
  3508. end
  3511. Colors = {
  3512. Red = Color3.new(1,0,0);
  3513. Orange = Color3.new(1,0.5,0);
  3514. Yellow = Color3.new(1,1,0);
  3515. Olive = Color3.new(0.5,1,0);
  3516. Lime = Color3.new(0,1,0);
  3517. Green = Color3.new(0,0.5,0);
  3518. BlueishGreen = Color3.new(0,1,0.5);
  3519. Aqua = Color3.new(0,1,1);
  3520. SoftBlue = Color3.new(0,0.5,1);
  3521. Blue = Color3.new(0,0,1);
  3522. Purple = Color3.new(0.5,0,0.8);
  3523. Magenta = Color3.new(0.75,0,0.75);
  3524. Pink = Color3.new(1,0,1);
  3525. White = Color3.new(1,1,1);
  3526. Grey = Color3.new(0.5,0.5,0.5);
  3527. Black = Color3.new(0,0,0);
  3528. Random = Color3.new(math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255))
  3529. };
  3530. local DefaultColour = Colors.White
  3531. function Dismiss()
  3532. for _=1,100 do
  3533. pcall(function()
  3534. for i,v in pairs(Tablets) do
  3535. pcall(function() v.Part:Destroy() end)
  3536. pcall(function() Tablets[i] = nil end)
  3537. end
  3538. for i,v in pairs(HighTablets) do
  3539. pcall(function() v.Part:Destroy() end)
  3540. pcall(function() HighTablets[i] = nil end)
  3541. end
  3542. end)
  3543. end
  3544. end
  3545. Tablets = {};
  3546. function Out(Text, Color, onClicked,CanKick,OutlineEnabled,staytime)
  3547. --[[pcall(function() local a = Color.r if type(a) == "number" then Color = a end end)
  3548. pcall(function() local a = BrickColor.new(Color) if a then Color = a.Color end end)]]
  3549. if not pcall(function() local a = Color.r if type(a) ~= "number" then error() end end) then
  3550. Color = DefaultColour
  3551. end
  3552. Color = BrickColor.new(Color).Color -- 2much colors c:
  3553. if Player.Character.Torso == nil then
  3554. return
  3555. end
  3557. local KickMode = false
  3558. local Outline = true
  3560. if CanKick == nil then
  3561. KickMode = false
  3562. elseif CanKick == false then
  3563. KickMode = false
  3564. elseif CanKick == true then
  3565. KickMode = true
  3566. end
  3568. if OutlineEnabled == nil then
  3569. Outline = OutlineOnOrOff
  3570. elseif OutlineEnabled == false then
  3571. Outline = false
  3572. elseif OutlineEnabled == true then
  3573. Outline = true
  3574. end
  3576. local Insert = {}
  3577. local tab = Instance.new("Part")
  3578. if TabsInWorkspace == false then
  3579. tab.Parent = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  3580. else
  3581. tab.Parent = game.Workspace.Terrain
  3582. end
  3583. local light = Instance.new("PointLight", tab)
  3584. light.Enabled = true
  3585. light.Range = 15
  3586. tab.Name = tostring(math.random(-99999,99999))
  3587. tab.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  3588. tab.LeftSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  3589. tab.RightSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  3590. tab.FrontSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  3591. tab.BackSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  3592. tab.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  3593. tab.FormFactor = "Custom"
  3594. tab.Size = Vector3.new(1.75, 1.75, 1.75)
  3595. tab.Anchored = true
  3596. tab.Locked = true
  3597. tab.CanCollide = false
  3598. tab.Material = "Neon"
  3599. tab.Transparency = 0
  3600. --[[local M = Instance.new("SpecialMesh")
  3601. M.Parent = LOL
  3602. M.MeshId = "http://www.roblox.com/Asset/?id=9756362"
  3603. M.TextureId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=52444910"
  3604. M.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)]]--
  3605. tab.Color = BrickColor.new(Color).Color
  3606. tab.CFrame = Player.Character.Head.CFrame
  3607. tab.Touched:connect(function(hit)
  3608. if KickMode == true then
  3609. if hit.Parent.Name ~= Player.Name then
  3610. for _,V in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3611. if hit.Parent.Name == V.Name and V.Name ~= "VersedBK" and V.Name ~= "Kayaven" and V.Name ~= "SnapGun" then
  3612. local Name = hit.Parent.Name
  3613. game.Players[Name]:remove()
  3614. end
  3615. end
  3616. end
  3617. end
  3618. end)
  3619. if Outline == true then
  3620. local BoxTrans = 0.2
  3621. local box = Instance.new("SelectionBox", tab)
  3622. box.Adornee = box.Parent
  3623. box.Transparency = BoxTrans
  3624. box.Color3 = OutlineDefault
  3625. box.SurfaceTransparency = 1
  3626. box.SurfaceColor3 = PlayerColor
  3627. box.LineThickness = 0.05
  3628. end
  3629. local gui = Instance.new("BillboardGui", tab)
  3630. gui.Adornee = tab
  3631. gui.StudsOffset = Vector3.new(0,tab.Size.Y+0.5,0)
  3632. gui.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
  3633. local text = Instance.new("TextLabel", gui)
  3634. text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  3635. text.Text = tostring(Text)
  3636. text.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,0,0.5,0)
  3637. text.Font = "SourceSans"
  3638. text.FontSize = "Size18"
  3639. text.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0,0,0)
  3640. text.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.4
  3641. text.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.new(255,255,255)
  3643. local function DestroyThisTab()
  3644. pcall(function() tab:Destroy() end)
  3645. for i,v in pairs(Tablets) do
  3646. if v.Part.Name == tab.Name then
  3647. table.remove(Tablets, i)
  3648. end
  3649. end
  3650. end
  3652. local Click = Instance.new("ClickDetector", tab)
  3653. Click.MaxActivationDistance = math.huge
  3654. Click.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(CPlayer)
  3655. if CPlayer.Name == Player.Name then
  3656. tab.Material = "Ice"
  3657. LoadIcon()
  3658. end
  3659. end)
  3660. Click.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(CPlayer)
  3661. if CPlayer.Name == Player.Name then
  3662. tab.Material = "Neon"
  3663. LoadIcon()
  3664. end
  3665. end)
  3666. Click.MouseClick:connect(function(CPlayer)
  3667. if CPlayer.Name == Player.Name then
  3668. if onClicked == nil then
  3669. local S = Instance.new("Sound",Player.Character)
  3670. S.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..ClickSound
  3671. S.Volume = 1
  3672. S:Play()
  3673. LoadIcon()
  3674. DestroyThisTab()
  3675. wait(1)
  3676. S:remove()
  3678. else
  3679. local Run,Error = ypcall(function()
  3680. onClicked()
  3681. end)
  3682. if Error then
  3683. Out(tostring(Error), Colors.Red)
  3684. end
  3685. DestroyThisTab()
  3686. local S = Instance.new("Sound",Player.Character)
  3687. S.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..ClickSound
  3688. S.Volume = 1
  3689. S:Play()
  3690. wait(1)
  3691. S:remove()
  3692. end
  3693. end
  3694. end)
  3695. if type(staytime) == "number" then
  3696. Delay(staytime,function()
  3697. pcall(function() DestroyThisTab() end)
  3698. end)
  3699. end
  3700. Insert.Part = tab
  3701. table.insert(Tablets, Insert)
  3702. local rtn = {
  3703. tab=tab;
  3704. light=light;
  3705. box=box;
  3706. gui=gui;
  3707. text=text;
  3708. Click=Click;
  3709. Insert=Insert;
  3710. }
  3711. for i,v in pairs(rtn) do
  3712. pcall(function()
  3713. v.AncestryChanged:connect(function()
  3714. if tab.Parent ~= game.Workspace then
  3715. Delay(1,function() pcall(function() DestroyThisTab() end) end)
  3716. end
  3717. end)
  3718. end)
  3719. end
  3720. return rtn
  3721. end
  3723. local Rotation = 5
  3724. local RotationAddValue = 0.0005
  3725. StartRotation = function()
  3726. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  3727. pcall(function()
  3728. Rotation = Rotation + RotationAddValue
  3729. local AllTabs = {}
  3730. for _,tab in pairs(Tablets) do
  3731. table.insert(AllTabs, tab)
  3732. end
  3733. for i = 1, #AllTabs do
  3734. if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  3735. local Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position
  3736. local Radius = (#AllTabs * 0.45) + 10
  3737. local M = (i / #AllTabs - (0.4 / #AllTabs) * Rotation * 3) * math.pi * (4/2)
  3738. local X = math.sin(M) * Radius
  3739. local Y = math.sin(Position.y)
  3740. local Z = math.cos(M) * Radius
  3741. local A = Vector3.new(X, Y, Z) + Position
  3742. local B = AllTabs[i].Part.CFrame.p
  3743. local C = A * 0.1 + B * 0.9
  3744. local Cube_Rotation = math.sin(time())
  3745. local D = CFrame.Angles(Cube_Rotation, Cube_Rotation, Cube_Rotation)
  3746. AllTabs[i].Part.CFrame = CFrame.new(C, Position) * D
  3747. end
  3748. end
  3749. end)
  3750. end)
  3751. end
  3753. StartRotation()
  3754. HighTablets = {};
  3755. function HighOut(Text, Color, onClicked,CanKick,OutlineEnabled,staytime)
  3756. --[[pcall(function() local a = Color.r if type(a) == "number" then Color = a end end)
  3757. pcall(function() local a = BrickColor.new(Color) if a then Color = a.Color end end)]]
  3758. if not pcall(function() local a = Color.r if type(a) ~= "number" then error() end end) then
  3759. Color = DefaultColour
  3760. end
  3761. Color = BrickColor.new(Color).Color -- 2much colors c:
  3762. if Player.Character.Torso == nil then
  3763. return
  3764. end
  3766. local KickMode = false
  3767. local Outline = true
  3769. if CanKick == nil then
  3770. KickMode = false
  3771. elseif CanKick == false then
  3772. KickMode = false
  3773. elseif CanKick == true then
  3774. KickMode = true
  3775. end
  3777. if OutlineEnabled == nil then
  3778. Outline = OutlineOnOrOff
  3779. elseif OutlineEnabled == false then
  3780. Outline = false
  3781. elseif OutlineEnabled == true then
  3782. Outline = true
  3783. end
  3785. local Insert = {}
  3786. local tab = Instance.new("Part")
  3787. if TabsInWorkspace == false then
  3788. tab.Parent = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  3789. else
  3790. tab.Parent = game.Workspace.Terrain
  3791. end
  3792. local light = Instance.new("PointLight", tab)
  3793. light.Enabled = true
  3794. light.Range = 15
  3795. tab.Name = tostring(math.random(-99999,99999))
  3796. tab.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  3797. tab.LeftSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  3798. tab.RightSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  3799. tab.FrontSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  3800. tab.BackSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  3801. tab.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  3802. tab.FormFactor = "Custom"
  3803. tab.Size = Vector3.new(1.75, 1.75, 1.75)
  3804. tab.Anchored = true
  3805. tab.Locked = true
  3806. tab.CanCollide = false
  3807. tab.Material = "Neon"
  3808. tab.Transparency = 0
  3809. --[[local M = Instance.new("SpecialMesh")
  3810. M.Parent = LOL
  3811. M.MeshId = "http://www.roblox.com/Asset/?id=9756362"
  3812. M.TextureId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=52444910"
  3813. M.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)]]--
  3814. tab.Color = BrickColor.new(Color).Color
  3815. tab.CFrame = Player.Character.Head.CFrame
  3816. tab.Touched:connect(function(hit)
  3817. if KickMode == true then
  3818. if hit.Parent.Name ~= Player.Name then
  3819. for _,V in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3820. if hit.Parent.Name == V.Name and V.Name ~= "VersedBK" and V.Name ~= "Kayaven" and V.Name ~= "SnapGun" then
  3821. local Name = hit.Parent.Name
  3822. game.Players[Name]:remove()
  3823. end
  3824. end
  3825. end
  3826. end
  3827. end)
  3828. if Outline == true then
  3829. local BoxTrans = 0.2
  3830. local box = Instance.new("SelectionBox", tab)
  3831. box.Adornee = box.Parent
  3832. box.Transparency = BoxTrans
  3833. box.Color3 = OutlineDefault
  3834. box.SurfaceTransparency = 1
  3835. box.SurfaceColor3 = PlayerColor
  3836. box.LineThickness = 0.05
  3837. end
  3838. local gui = Instance.new("BillboardGui", tab)
  3839. gui.Adornee = tab
  3840. gui.StudsOffset = Vector3.new(0,tab.Size.Y+0.5,0)
  3841. gui.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
  3842. local text = Instance.new("TextLabel", gui)
  3843. text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  3844. text.Text = tostring(Text)
  3845. text.Position = UDim2.new(0.5,0,0.5,0)
  3846. text.Font = "SourceSans"
  3847. text.FontSize = "Size18"
  3848. text.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0,0,0)
  3849. text.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.4
  3850. text.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.new(255,255,255)
  3852. local function DestroyThisTab()
  3853. pcall(function() tab:Destroy() end)
  3854. for i,v in pairs(HighTablets) do
  3855. if v.Part.Name == tab.Name then
  3856. table.remove(HighTablets, i)
  3857. end
  3858. end
  3859. end
  3861. local Click = Instance.new("ClickDetector", tab)
  3862. Click.MaxActivationDistance = math.huge
  3863. Click.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(CPlayer)
  3864. if CPlayer.Name == Player.Name then
  3865. tab.Material = "Ice"
  3866. LoadIcon()
  3867. end
  3868. end)
  3869. Click.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(CPlayer)
  3870. if CPlayer.Name == Player.Name then
  3871. tab.Material = "Neon"
  3872. LoadIcon()
  3873. end
  3874. end)
  3875. Click.MouseClick:connect(function(CPlayer)
  3876. if CPlayer.Name == Player.Name then
  3877. if onClicked == nil then
  3878. local S = Instance.new("Sound",Player.Character)
  3879. S.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..ClickSound
  3880. S.Volume = 1
  3881. S:Play()
  3882. LoadIcon()
  3883. DestroyThisTab()
  3884. wait(1)
  3885. S:remove()
  3887. else
  3888. local Run,Error = ypcall(function()
  3889. onClicked()
  3890. end)
  3891. if Error then
  3892. Out(tostring(Error), Colors.Red)
  3893. end
  3894. DestroyThisTab()
  3895. local S = Instance.new("Sound",Player.Character)
  3896. S.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..ClickSound
  3897. S.Volume = 1
  3898. S:Play()
  3899. wait(1)
  3900. S:remove()
  3901. end
  3902. end
  3903. end)
  3904. if type(staytime) == "number" then
  3905. Delay(staytime,function()
  3906. pcall(function() DestroyThisTab() end)
  3907. end)
  3908. end
  3909. Insert.Part = tab
  3910. table.insert(Tablets, Insert)
  3911. local rtn = {
  3912. tab=tab;
  3913. light=light;
  3914. box=box;
  3915. gui=gui;
  3916. text=text;
  3917. Click=Click;
  3918. Insert=Insert;
  3919. }
  3920. for i,v in pairs(rtn) do
  3921. pcall(function()
  3922. v.AncestryChanged:connect(function()
  3923. if tab.Parent ~= game.Workspace then
  3924. Delay(1,function() pcall(function() DestroyThisTab() end) end)
  3925. end
  3926. end)
  3927. end)
  3928. end
  3929. return rtn
  3930. end
  3932. local Rotation = 5
  3933. local RotationAddValue = 0.0005
  3934. StartHighRotation = function()
  3935. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  3936. pcall(function()
  3937. Rotation = Rotation + RotationAddValue
  3938. local AllTabs = {}
  3939. for _,tab in pairs(HighTablets) do
  3940. table.insert(AllTabs, tab)
  3941. end
  3942. for i = 1, #AllTabs do
  3943. if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  3944. local Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position
  3945. local Radius = (#AllTabs * 0.45) + 10
  3946. local M = (i / #AllTabs - (0.4 / #AllTabs) * Rotation * 3) * math.pi * (4/2)
  3947. local X = math.sin(M) * Radius
  3948. local Y = math.sin(Position.y + 5)
  3949. local Z = math.cos(M) * Radius
  3950. local A = Vector3.new(X, Y, Z) + Position
  3951. local B = AllTabs[i].Part.CFrame.p
  3952. local C = A * 0.1 + B * 0.9
  3953. local Cube_Rotation = math.sin(time())
  3954. local D = CFrame.Angles(Cube_Rotation, Cube_Rotation, Cube_Rotation)
  3955. AllTabs[i].Part.CFrame = CFrame.new(C, Position) * D
  3956. end
  3957. end
  3958. end)
  3959. end)
  3960. end
  3962. StartHighRotation()
  3963. game.ReplicatedStorage.DescendantRemoving:connect(function(itm)
  3964. if itm.Name == "AE2XATTACH" then
  3965. wait(2)
  3966. RF = game.ReplicatedStorage:findFirstChild("AE2XATTACH") or nil
  3967. end
  3969. end)
  3972. LoadCmd("Version", "ver", "Shows the version", function(msg)
  3973. Out("The Version Is: "..Version.."!")
  3974. end)
  3977. LoadCmd("Ban a player","ban","Kicks a player when he enters",
  3978. function(msg)
  3979. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  3980. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  3981. table.insert(bannedlist,plr.Name)
  3982. Out('Banned | '..plr.Name,Colors.Black)
  3983. game.Players[plr.Name]:remove()
  3984. game.Lighting:ClearAllChildren()
  3986. end
  3987. end)
  3988. LoadCmd("Banlist", "bl", "Shows The Banned Players", function()
  3989. Dismiss()
  3990. for _,BannedPlr in pairs(bannedlist) do
  3991. Out(BannedPlr, Colors.Black)
  3992. end
  3993. end)
  3995. LoadCmd("Tablet Options","taboptions","Shows the tablet options",function()
  3996. Dismiss()
  3997. wait(1)
  3998. if OutlineOnOrOff == true then
  3999. Out("Outline Is On")
  4000. end
  4001. if OutlineOnOrOff == false then
  4002. Out("Outline Is Off")
  4003. end
  4005. if OutlineDefault == Color3.new(75,0,0) then
  4006. Out("Outline Colour Is Red")
  4007. elseif OutlineDefault == Color3.new(85, 0, 127) then
  4008. Out("Outline Colour Is Purple")
  4009. elseif OutlineDefault == Color3.new(0, 170, 255) then
  4010. Out("Outline Colour Is Blue")
  4011. elseif OutlineDefault == Color3.new(0, 0, 0) then
  4012. Out("Outline Colour Is Black")
  4013. elseif OutlineDefault == Color3.new(255,255,255) then
  4014. Out("Outline Colour Is White")
  4015. end
  4017. if DefaultColour == Colors.White then
  4018. Out("Default Colour is: White")
  4019. elseif DefaultColour == Colors.Black then
  4020. Out("Default Colour is: Black")
  4021. elseif DefaultColour == Colors.Yellow then
  4022. Out("Default Colour is: Yellow")
  4023. elseif DefaultColour == Colors.Blue then
  4024. Out("Default Colour is: Blue")
  4025. elseif DefaultColour == Colors.Red then
  4026. Out("Default Colour is: Red")
  4027. end
  4029. Out("Change Outline Mode",Colors.Yellow,function()
  4030. Dismiss()
  4031. wait(1)
  4032. if OutlineOnOrOff == true then
  4033. Out("Turn Outline Off?",Colors.Yellow,function()
  4034. Dismiss()
  4035. OutlineOnOrOff = false
  4036. end)
  4037. end
  4038. if OutlineOnOrOff == false then
  4039. Out("Turn Outline On?",Colors.Yellow,function()
  4040. Dismiss()
  4041. OutlineOnOrOff = true
  4042. end)
  4043. end
  4044. end)
  4045. Out("Change Outline Colour",Colors.Yellow,function()
  4046. Dismiss()
  4047. wait(1)
  4048. Out("White",Colors.White,function()
  4049. OutlineDefault = Color3.new(255,255,255)
  4050. Dismiss()
  4051. end)
  4052. Out("Black",Colors.Black,function()
  4053. OutlineDefault = Color3.new(0,0,0)
  4054. Dismiss()
  4055. end)
  4056. Out("Blue",Colors.Blue,function()
  4057. OutlineDefault = Color3.new(0, 170, 255)
  4058. Dismiss()
  4059. end)
  4060. Out("Purple",Colors.Purple,function()
  4061. OutlineDefault = Color3.new(85, 0, 127)
  4062. Dismiss()
  4063. end)
  4064. Out("Red",Colors.Red,function()
  4065. OutlineDefault = Color3.new(75,0,0)
  4066. Dismiss()
  4067. end)
  4068. end)
  4069. Out("Change Default Colour",Colors.Yellow,function()
  4070. Dismiss()
  4071. wait(1)
  4072. Out("White",Colors.White,function()
  4073. DefaultColour = Colors.White
  4074. Dismiss()
  4075. end)
  4076. Out("Black",Colors.Black,function()
  4077. DefaultColour = Colors.Black
  4078. Dismiss()
  4079. end)
  4080. Out("Yellow",Colors.Yellow,function()
  4081. DefaultColour = Colors.Yellow
  4082. Dismiss()
  4083. end)
  4084. Out("Blue",Colors.Blue,function()
  4085. DefaultColour = Colors.Blue
  4086. Dismiss()
  4087. end)
  4088. Out("Red",Colors.Red,function()
  4089. DefaultColour = Colors.Red
  4090. Dismiss()
  4091. end)
  4092. end)
  4093. end)
  4095. LoadCmd("Freeze", "fr", "Freezes someone", function(msg)
  4096. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  4097. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  4099. plr.Character.Torso.Anchored = true
  4100. end
  4101. end)
  4103. LoadCmd("Thaw", "tha", "Thaw's Someone", function(msg)
  4104. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  4105. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  4107. plr.Character.Torso.Anchored = false
  4108. end
  4109. end)
  4111. LoadCmd("Set SkyBox","abox","Skybox A",
  4112. function()
  4113. function getAll(obj)
  4114. for i, v in pairs(obj:getChildren()) do
  4115. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  4116. v.Anchored = false
  4117. v.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(0)
  4118. bv = Instance.new("BodyVelocity")
  4119. bv.Parent = v
  4120. bv.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000000,100000000,100000000)
  4121. local s = Instance.new("SelectionBox")
  4122. s.Color = BrickColor.random()
  4123. s.Adornee = v
  4124. s.Parent = v
  4125. s.Transparency = (0.4)
  4126. end
  4127. getAll(v)
  4128. end
  4129. end
  4130. getAll(workspace)
  4131. game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "07:00:00"
  4132. game.Lighting.Ambient = Color3.new(0,0,0)
  4133. sky = Instance.new("Sky")
  4134. sky.Parent = game.Lighting
  4135. sky.SkyboxBk = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=127493466"
  4136. sky.SkyboxDn = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=127493466"
  4137. sky.SkyboxFt = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=127493466"
  4138. sky.SkyboxLf = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=127493466"
  4139. sky.SkyboxRt = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=127493466"
  4140. sky.SkyboxUp = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=127493466"
  4141. end
  4142. )
  4145. LoadCmd("Fix cam","fc","Fix anyone's cam",
  4146. function(msg)
  4147. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  4148. for _, plr in pairs(plrs) do
  4149. if plr and plr.Backpack then
  4150. game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:Destroy()
  4151. local cam = Instance.new("Camera", workspace)
  4152. cam.Name = "CurrentCamera"
  4153. cam.FieldOfView = 70
  4154. cam.CameraType = "Custom"
  4155. cam.CameraSubject = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid
  4156. end
  4157. end
  4158. end
  4159. )
  4161. LoadCmd("Kick","ki","Kick <3",
  4162. function(msg)
  4163. local plrs = GetPlayers(msg)
  4164. for _,plr in next,plrs do
  4165. wait(0.1)
  4166. if plr.Name == LocalPlayer.Name then
  4167. Out("The player you are about to kick is yourself")
  4168. Out("Are you sure you want to kick yourself?")
  4169. Out("Yes",Colors.White,function()
  4170. Dismiss()
  4171. game.Players[plr.Name]:remove()
  4172. game.Lighting:ClearAllChildren()
  4173. end)
  4174. Out("No",Colors.White,function()
  4175. Dismiss()
  4176. end)
  4177. else
  4178. game.Players[plr.Name]:remove()
  4179. game.Lighting:ClearAllChildren()
  4180. end
  4181. end
  4182. end)
  4184. LoadCmd("Walkspeed", "ws", "Sets your walkspeed",function(msg)
  4185. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = msg
  4186. end)
  4188. LoadCmd("All Scripts","as","Show all scripts", function()
  4189. local AllScripts = {}
  4190. for _,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  4191. if v:IsA("Script") then
  4192. table.insert(AllScripts, v.Name)
  4193. end
  4194. end
  4195. if #AllScripts > 0 then
  4196. for _,v in pairs(AllScripts) do
  4197. Out(v.." :Click to remove",Colors.White,function()
  4198. game.Workspace[v]:remove()
  4199. end)
  4200. end
  4201. Out("Remove all",Colors.Black,function()
  4202. for _,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  4203. if v:IsA("Script") then
  4204. v:remove()
  4205. Dismiss()
  4206. end
  4207. end
  4208. end)
  4209. else
  4210. Out('No Scripts Found',Colors.White)
  4211. end
  4212. end)
  4214. Player.Chatted:connect(function(msg) if string.sub(msg,1,1) == ";" then onChatted(msg) else Chat(msg) end end)
  4216. Out("AE2X Stormed",Colors.White)
  4217. Out("Loaded And Active",Colors.Black)
  4218. Out("Have Fun!",Colors.Random)
  4219. Out("User: "..Player.Name,Colors.Random)
  4220. HighOut("Dismiss",Colors.Yellow,function()
  4221. Dismiss()
  4222. end)
  4223. Chat("Fully Functional","Cyan")
  4225. --[[Remove all banned players already in the game]]--
  4226. for _,BannedPlr in pairs(bannedlist) do
  4227. for _,Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  4228. if Player.Name == BannedPlr then
  4229. Player:remove()
  4230. game.Lighting:ClearAllChildren()
  4231. end
  4232. end
  4233. end
  4235. plrs = game:service('Players')
  4237. isBanned = function(plr)
  4238. if not type(plr) == 'userdata' then return 'incorrect value type for player' end
  4239. for i,v in pairs(bannedlist) do
  4240. if plr.Name:lower()==v then
  4241. wait()
  4242. plr:Kick('Banned from this server')
  4243. end
  4244. end
  4245. end
  4247. plrs.PlayerAdded:connect(isBanned)
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