

Feb 7th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. start 1
  2. 16 x 2 move towards chairs (sitting down by 32) (take off jkt ~16)
  3. 1 hold
  4. 2 3 4 hands to right, lean to back of chair (counts: inner, outer hands, clasp)
  5. 5 6 lock arms, swing towards outer partner's shoulders
  6. 7 hands on shoulders
  7. 8 hold?
  8. 9 pull?
  9. 10 hold?
  10. 11 place arms at sides
  11. 12 hold
  12. 13 B group down (init on & count) (give yourself whiplash, sorta)
  13. 14 A group down (same notes as above)
  14. 16 1 hand up, look at it
  15. 3 let momentum of hand carry you up, place left hand on outer partner shoulder
  16. 7 place right hand on inner partner shoulder
  17. ?? sway to inner
  18. ?? sway to outer, stay leaning outwards
  19. ?? flourish and point inner hand to center, letting its momentum pull you towards center. drop outer arm.
  20. ?? improv (want to be here, just tired)
  21. 3 hands on thighs?
  22. 5 bounce feet, toes pointed (B group)
  23. 8 standing (init 7 idk)
  24. ?? walk
  25. ?? hold
  26. 5 hold arm (turn around first)
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