
Lullabyun Form

Jul 24th, 2016
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  5. → SLOT: the spirit witch
  7. → NAME: young min
  9. → NICKNAME(S): minnie
  11. → AGE: 22
  13. → BIRTH DATE: february 19th 1994
  15. → ZODIAC SIGN: pisces
  17. → BACKGROUND: min grew up in the countryside of south korea. her parents taught her how to stay away from things that could - in their words - screw up her mind, such as technology. when she was four years old, she had gotten her first encounter of a 'ghost'. after the incident, she had decided to run into her parents bedroom and started screaming. they instantly woke up to find her scrawled on their floor and crying to herself. immediately, they got up from their beds and started yelling at her, asking her what her problem was at the middle of the night. their yells were interrupted by police sirens and knocks on their doors. at least an hour passed by before her parents came back into the bedroom and asked her what was wrong with her. she told them that it was nothing and told her that she must've been seeing things because she didn't have enough sleep. that night, she slept in their bedroom. for another two years, she would see supernatural beings wherever she went. finally, she decided to tell her parents at the age of six. they laughed it off at first as they continued to do what they were doing. but after countless nights of her screaming and her sobs being heard quite loudly, they confronted her and told her that they couldn't take it anymore. they threatened her and told her that they would send her away if she didn't stop joking around. that very moment, she saw a ghost of a teenage girl sitting next to her parents, smirking. she looked away and let some tears fall from her eyes. she pointed at her and told her parents that there was right beside them. she spent the rest of the day packing her clothes and her belongings. her family had decided to send her away to the city.
  19. → PERSONALITY: min learned a lot from what happened between her parents and her. from that day forward, she kept to herself. when it comes to communicating with others, she'd usually wait for others to talk to her first. other than that, she wouldn't say a thing. but when people actually do talk to her, she'd give one word answers until she'd feel slightly comfortable around you. when she's in public places, she makes sure to keep her eyes on the ground as she walks through crowds. even in crowds, she feels ghosts following her. some would describe her as dull because she just stays quiet and doesn't say a word around others. she makes sure someone is good enough for her to talk back to. because of the way she is, she had only two friends. but she doesn't trust her friends completely. when people ask if she's okay whenever her face becomes pale when she sees something, she lies. when others ask what is the reason why she moved to seoul, she lies. when people ask her why she's so independent, she lies. her life revolves around the lies that she tells.
  21. → FACE CLAIM: keumjo
  23. → BACK UP: luna
  25. ✿ WITCH ME UP;
  27. → POWERS: could see ghosts, monsters, demons, etc. and communicate with them.
  29. → HOW DID YOU DISCOVER YOUR POWERS?: when she was four years old, she had gotten her first encounter of a 'ghost'. it was late at night one winter night when she tried to fall asleep. but after countless hours of hearing sounds outside of her window, she decided to take a peek just to find a little boy around her age sitting on her swing set, she debated whether she should tell her parents or go out and ask if he was okay. after some time, she went with the latter. as quietly as she could, she opened her front door and left the house into the backyard. the little boy changed his attention to her before smiling and raising his hand to indicate for her to take a step closer to her. she smiled back before taking a seat on the swing next to him. she said hi to him and asked him if he was okay. the little boy sat without saying anything. they sat swinging together for twenty minutes until he decided to actually open his mouth. "i'm okay, now that you're here," he says. but what surprised her is that his voice wasn't a little boy's voice. it was very deep. he let out a deep laugh as she started running away. she took a last look at him and saw him disappear into thin air. she continued to cry before turning around to run away into her house. her eyes had then landed onto a man in his mid fifties holding a gun to his head and blood dripping from his forehead to his clothes. she panicked before the man had disappeared just like the boy did. she took the chance and walked into her living room and called the police.
  31. → LIKES: chocolate, sweets, reading, baking, cooking, video games, staying at home, keeping herself busy, sleeping, disney movies, really sad documentaries, animals, chinese food, staying at home when her schedule is empty
  33. → DISLIKES: the dark, people that talk a lot, embarrassing herself, not getting enough sleep, feeling happy when she breaks a record without any ghost sightings just to see one that same day, spicy food,
  35. → TRIVIA: has a thing for guys that read a lot, likes listening to others talk about what they love, hates the dark because she gets scared easily by ghosts, has a cat named chichi and a dog named munchie, she once encountered a ghost of a middle school friend that was murdered. the ghost had not left her alone until min agreed to tell the police the reason that hee friend died and where her body could be found. min agreed to tell the police but anonymously, she used to have a cat that she believed was possessed. she later gave it to someone she knew, she is a secret fan of bts and memes omg, she used to be a dancer until she saw a ghost haunting the studio she used to practice in, met woohyun where she works
  37. → HABITS, HOBBIES: habits: biting on her nails and her lip when frustrated, keeping her mouth in a thin line, brushing her hair out of her face
  38. hobbies: reading and writing, cooking and baking
  40. → ENEMIES: her parents: when they sent her away, min had felt her trust break. she hadn't heard a word about them until she turned eighteen. they called her to say that they 'miss her' and that she now has a brother and a sister. min told them to never contact her again and hung up on them. she knew the only reason why they called was to make her feel worse.
  41. - her co worker, naeun: naeun had always been suspicious about min. she would constantly watch her at work and took mental notes about her. she also likes woohyun so thatz didn't make things better. her and min usually got in arguments that started with naeun.
  43. ❀ BEST OF ME;
  45. → PAIRING: fire
  47. → POWER: whenever he thinks of wanting to use fire, it just appears. he can do whatever he wants with the fire and could control it.
  49. → LOVE INTEREST: woohyun
  51. → BACK UP: baekhyun
  53. → AGE: 25
  55. → BIRTHDAY: february 8th 1991
  57. → PERSONALITY: woohyun is known to be a very sarcastic and sassy person. he usually talks to others first nicely. but once they start to get to know him better, he starts becoming more comfortable and starts acting how he usually does. he doesn't ever tell anyone what he is capable of because he wouldn't want to be treated as different. he's very confident in himself and he'd make sure that everyone knows. although he could seem cold to others, he actually cares a little too much and gets attached quickly. he's usually very bubbly and always laughing, even if it's a sarcastically.
  59. → BACKGROUND: he grew up in the city with his family so he knows how to properly control his powers around crowds. his family accepted him right away when they noticed something odd about him. he grew up to be loved, which resulted him to be a little spoiled. but after his teenage years, he learned to help his family when in need. he worked at his mom's restaurant and helped around the house when needed. he decided to move into an apartment of his own at the age of 20. later on, he found out that min lived in the same building but a couple floors above him.
  61. → HOW HE ACTS AROUND HER: he's always joking around with her. he loves to approach her first and challenges himself to get her to open up to him more. he likes to randomly tell her how much he likes her and how he'd wait for her until she completely trusted him.
  63. → HOW SHE ACTS AROUND HIM: although she's quiet at times, she talks to him like a normal person would. she catches herself smiling and laughing more around him. he's probably the first person that accepted her for who she was. her opening up to him drew them closer and they started to spend more time together. when ever he brings up the topic of then dating, she stays quiet and pushes him away.
  65. → STATUS: they both like each other and know it. but she just doesn't like the idea of dating him because she can't afford her trust being broken again by someone she cares deeply for.
  67. → COUPLE TRIVIA: he likes to scare her (jokingly) when she's alone, likes to crack jokes when it's silent between them, woohyun had first talked to her to ask her if she was okay when she stopped moving suddenly. he wanted to ask her if she was okay and she was quick to nod her head and leave. he felt himself get attached as he visited her at her work place everyday, he talked to her a lot everytime he visited her and he felt something about her, she first found out about his powers when there was a blackout in his apartment. he used fire to light up the room. by then, he completely trusted her.
  69. → SCENES: - after a day of spending time with each other, it is around eight at night and woohyun decides to take her to a park. she accepts, but it took hee some time. they chased each over around the park and he suggested that they should play tag. "you're 25, woohyun," she reminds him.
  70. "and you're 22. nice to know we're stating facts here," he joked back. min rolled her eyes before telling him that he's the one that's going to count as she runs away. after ten seconds, he starts chasing her. he's surprised by how fast she is but then when she starts getting tired, he starts catching up. once he touches her, he pulls her to his side so that she'd the facing him and just about above centimeters away. "you're it," he whispers to her.
  71. - after about two days of not seeing each other or talking to each other, woohyun decides to surprise her at her apartment. he arrives at her apartment with some take out and knocks at her door. knowing that it's her day off and she likes to spend most of her time at her apartment, he knew that she was in there. but after a while, woohyun shrugged and looked under her door mat for a spare key. "she really has to put this spare key somewhere safe," he muttered to him self. he opens her door and enters. once he enters the living room, he notices her sleeping on her couch with her tv on. he passes it as something normal until he sees the dry tears on her cheeks. there, he feels that something is wrong. min felt him near her so she woke up at his sudden touch of her holding her cheek. she looked at him before sitting up quickly and wiping her cheeks. "what's wrong, min?" he asked her in worry.
  72. "it's nothing," she mumbled, fixing herself.
  73. "it's another ghost, isn't it?" she looked at him before her eyes got teary.
  74. "i can't take it anymore, woohyun. every corner that i look at, there's one staring right at me. some are all boody and others just have am expression on their faces that kill," she cried. woohyun listened to her before carefully grabbing her and hugging her.
  75. "i'll be here, min. i won't leave you. ever." jajsndks this is wrecking me okay next scene
  76. - basically the both of them having a drink together on her break where she works. they sit together at a table in silence before he randomly states that he likes her a lot. she'd laugh it off before changing the subject
  80. → NOTE TO JAIMZAR: hello!! i read the slots and the intro of this apply fic and i really loved it. i'm looking forward to seeing more of the plot and the characters! i got into so much detail in the scenes omg i'm so sorry that it's so long
  82. → WILL YOU LOVE US AND WAIT FOR OUR LAZY ASSES TO WRITE: i already love you <3
  84. → PASSWORD: besides bands, i really like crush, dean and zion.t
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