
Unnamed for Morphini

Jul 1st, 2015
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  10. [center][size=6][font=georgia][i]It's all in the details[/i][/font][/size][/center]
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  12. [right][i]All creatures small and ... small[/i][/right]
  14. Some dragons knit and some dragons sing and some dragons have more complicated hobbies. Like this one here. She collects plants and brightly-coloured things, and arranges them in a tasteful, inviting display outside of her home. It's not unusual for her neighbours to see her out in the hours before sundown, strolling up and down her paw-made promenade of assorted saplings and plants, ribbons, buttons, and other eye-catching objects leading up to the entryway of her home, making sure that everything looks [i]just right.[/i]
  16. She doesn't do it for her draconic guests, though if they should enjoy her efforts too, well -- that's just a bonus, then. No, she does it for her smaller, wilder guests: birds and bugs and anything small, shiny, and curious. She is very fond of small animals, and delights in building little metropolises for them to visit or live in out of the cast-offs of her fellow dragons. She can spend hours watching them explore her elaborate displays, and takes careful notes of everything she sees in a notebook that she keeps close at hand.
  18. This hoarding and decorating behaviour was frowned upon in her old clan, and when her prior neighbours voiced their complaints, well, she was understanding but unwilling to give up the thing that made her happy. So she moved north, and wound up here, where there's plenty of space for a bug-collecting bower-dragon to build, and build ... and build.
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  22. [center][size=2]Bio by Rifter #2226. Free to edit, use, delete as the owner of this dragon sees fit.[/size][/center]
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