
Week of Jane day 3 - Unwanted offerings.

Aug 22nd, 2018
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  1. Jane was looking at her reflection one morning, she was focused on scanning her face for any irregularities. Most girls would be looking for zits or blemishes, but she was looking for odd eyeballs and horns.
  2. She had a secret she needed to keep from other students in Hogwarts. She was an ancient being of great power, a goddess for many religions older than the written word and a frightening demon to others.
  3. But right now, she was just a teenage student and a prefect of Hufflepuff. She wanted nothing more than to live a normal life and focus her duties as a prefect, and one of them was something she had to deal with soon.
  4. Jane grabbed her cheeks and squished them a bit, she had taken a human form from infancy and planted herself into a family with her powers and lived as a human witch from then on out. Whatever had happened to her form was just normal human development. She kinda wished she had more self-restraint when it came to eating food, but it was part of being a human. She could just use her powers to become thin, but she didn't see the point, if she wanted to change herself she would do it the same way any human would.
  5. Jane smiled a bit and took out her toothbrush and put on some minty toothpaste on it and started brushing her teeth. Making sure she hadn't accidentally made any of her teeth sharper than they were for humans.
  6. Strong emotions caused her to start losing her disguise, everytime she had to deal with a certain troublemaker she had to restrain herself from sprouting horns or tentacles and just choking the boy for angering her on purpose. And other times the boy seemed to use his damned charisma to fluster her. She was a being older than time and a damn mortal could cause her emotions to run wild, it was a problem with occupying a human form with all the human emotions and chemicals and instincts.
  7. Once she was happy with her teeth being clean she spat out the toothpaste and rinsed her mouth and started cleaning her toothbrush. And not a moment after she took the toothbrush from under the running water she noticed the water had turned crimson.
  8. "What the..."
  9. Jane watched the running water turn into thick blood, she immediately turned the faucet off and opened the door into the dorm room.
  10. "Any of you girls notice anything strange with the water?"
  11. One of her roommates looked at her and raised her eyebrow.
  12. "What do you mean?"
  13. "Like, the water tasting weird or being odd colour?"
  14. "No, why?"
  15. "Come see if you can spot something strange."
  16. The girl walked into the bathroom and started running water from the faucet.
  17. "Looks normal to me..."
  18. Jane let out a sigh or relief.
  19. "Must have been my imagination..."
  20. Jane went on and started putting on her robes and clipped her prefect badge on them when she glanced something red spreading from under her bed. She quickly glanced around the empty dorm room.
  21. "COME ON! Why is it appearing here?"
  22. Jane looked under the bed and realized it was a goat with it's neck cut open.
  23. "Ugh..."
  24. Jane pointed at it and the darkness under the bed consumed the corpse and made it disappear without a trace.
  25. Jane closed her eyes and started to wonder where the goat came from, some damn mortal had found some ancient writing maybe, or maybe it was one of those tribes that had taught their children about her in an unbroken chain from the days she was known as something different.
  26. She was annoyed the mortals wouldn't leave her alone, she hasn't answered any calls for hundreds of years and they still pestered her about things.
  27. Jane went back to the mirror and checked herself for any changes, when she was happy she scowled at herself and tried to get ready to give a mortal an ungodly scolding.
  28. She smirked at herself, maybe she should appear in his dream once and make him stop causing trouble that way.
  30. She was walking around Hogwarts, it was a lazy saturday, students were mostly just relaxing but she knew the boy she was looking for didn't relax, he spent his free time to plot for mischief.
  31. He wasn't technically in her house, but he had dragged Penny Haywood and Nymphadora Tonks into trouble, and caused the two to become huge troublemakers under his bad influence.
  32. She would not allow this. She would tell him calmly to leave the girls alone, and if that didn't work, she'd say it a bit more forcefully.
  33. She started hearing a buzzing in her head, normally her mind was calm and undisturbed, but something was affecting her. She tried to ignore it, as she was too busy with her studies and her duties as prefect of Hufflepuff.
  35. Jane finally found the troublemaker in the library with his friends, including Penny and Tonks. When the two girls noticed the plump prefect enter the library, they went silent and waited to hear what they had done wrong this time. But instead Jane ignored them and went straight to Anon, who was reading some pile of papers with a Weasley.
  36. "Ymous."
  37. Anon raised his eyes from the paper and looked at the angry prefect.
  38. "Oh, Jane, hello."
  39. Anon went back to the paper and pointed something to the Weasley.
  40. "That's interesting, looks like some religious site."
  41. "Ymous." Jane repeated with a bit more authority.
  42. Anon looked up.
  43. "What? Did you need something from me?"
  44. "We need to talk."
  45. "What about?"
  46. Jane felt another buzz in her head and, it was starting to get distracting.
  47. "Jane?"
  48. Jane blinked and looked at Anon.
  49. "Eh, what?"
  50. "You dozed off, is everything alright?"
  51. "Yeah, I'm fine."
  52. Jane rubbed her temples and tried to block it out. This was a bit different than usual, someone is actually trying to contact her directly, and they're being somewhat successful with it.
  53. She turned back to look at Anon, who had stopped smiling his usual smile.
  54. "So, what did you want to talk to me about then?"
  55. "You've been causing problems."
  56. Anon laughed.
  57. "You're not my prefect, you have no authority over me."
  58. "First of all, I even if I am a hufflepuff prefect, I have the authority to take action against troublemakers from other houses; and secondly, you're causing problems to hufflepuff by being a bad influence to Tonks and Haywood."
  59. "Oh really, you make it sound like I am forcing them to help me."
  60. Jane opened her mouth but was interrupted.
  61. "Mother of shadows, please accept these offerings and answer the call of your humble servants!"
  62. "Shut up!"
  63. Anon looked at Jane surprised, Bill and the two girls had also stopped what they were doing and stared at her. Jane looked around and realized she had shouted that out loud. She tried to regain control of the situation and sighed loudly.
  64. "Sorry... I am just..." Jane tried to think of something, but instead Anon got serious.
  65. "No, I am sorry, I don't mean to put anyone else in danger, but I needed help..."
  66. "...What?"
  67. "I'll stop causing problems to others."
  68. Jane stared Anon for a while, she had never been successful in scolding Anon for his rulebreaking.
  69. She coughed and looked around.
  70. "Well, okay then..."
  71. Jane walked past Nymphadora and Penny and glanced at them.
  72. "You two need to start trying to stay out of trouble aswell."
  73. The two girls just nodded as Jane walked out of the library, appologizing to Madam Pince for raising her volume.
  75. Jane was hurrying to the common room when she put her hands in her pockets.
  76. "Ah, great..."
  77. She pulled her hand out and realized her pockets were full of blood, something was happening, someone had found an ancient site where her connection was still strong.
  78. Usually any would be worshipers chanted praises to her and nothing actually happened, but now someone was sacrificing things to her and the things they were sacrificing were starting to appear near her. She would have to start dealing with it very soon, but for now she just cleaned her pockets and decided to ignore it for now, whoever was offering things to her was bound to give up when she didn't answer.
  79. Jane spent the rest of the day dealing with her more mundane prefect duties, some first year student had lost her toad in the common room and was crying. Jane tried to console her and helped the girl find her toad.
  80. They spent a good 30 minutes looking for the toad when Jane found it under one of the chairs, when she reached out to pick the toad up she realized there was something strange about it.
  81. "Oh no..."
  82. Jane quickly took the toad and put it in her pocket. And looked a the sad first year student.
  83. "Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom, keep looking for your toad, I'll come back and help you in a moment."
  85. Jane rushed out of the common room an went into the bathroom and locked the door behind her, she took the toad out of her pocket and put it in the sink.
  86. "Oh no... I can't control it..."
  87. Jane inspected the toad and realized it had a noticeably large tentacles coming from it's back. She must have subconsciously affected it when she was looking for it. Something was making her stronger.
  88. Jane took at deep breath and closed her eyes and placed her hands on the toad. She focused hard on removing her influence from it and when she opened her eyes she glanced at the mirror and realized she had an extra eye on her face, she quickly placed her palm on it and made it disappear.
  89. She looked down at the absolutely terrified toad trying to escape the sink. She gently picked it up and brought it to her face.
  90. "Hush... I did not mean it, please calm down..."
  91. Jane walked out of the dorm room and up to the first year student throwing sofa chushions everywhere.
  92. "I found your toad... It had gotten lost in the dorms."
  93. The first year student wiped her cheeks and rushed up to Jane and took the frightened toad from her.
  94. "Thank you, thank you! I don't know what I would've done if I found someone had accidentally sat down on Prince..."
  95. Jane smiled at the girl.
  96. "You named your toad prince?"
  97. "Yeah, like in that fable... I mean I am a muggleborn, it a story of..."
  98. "I know the story."
  99. "Thank you for finding him."
  100. "Keep a closer eye on Prince from now on."
  101. The first year student smiled and rubbed the toad on her cheek, the toad looked visibly relieved to get away from Jane.
  102. Jane sighed and thought about the story, if she kissed the toad it would probably turn into something much worse than a prince.
  104. Jane walked to the great hall for dinner, she was starting to relax again, the buzzing had stopped and no unwanted offerings appeared near her. She sat down a bit away from other students and tried to look like she didn't want to be disturbed.
  105. She was happy no one felt like sitting next to her. She could finish her dinner without any interruptions and when the desserts appeared she just took a single muffin, thinking about trying to lose weight the mortal way.
  106. She had managed to take a single bite when she realized the muffin was full of gore, instead of whatever filling it was supposed to. She wasn't bothered with it, she knew someone had sacrificed another animal to her, it was slightly annoying that it had appeared in something she was eating. She was about to spit it out and make it disappear when she noticed the sound of footsteps closing in, she glanced behind her and noticed Anon was walking to her.
  107. She paniced a little and just shoved the rest of the muffin in her mouth.
  108. "Hey, Jane... I was just..."
  109. Anon stopped when she noticed Jane had her cheeks full of muffin and something else she was glad he didn't know about.
  110. Jane started calmly chewing and slowly swallowed the muffin. She felt her cheeks starting to get red as Anon was still staring at her eating the whole muffin at once.
  111. "uhh, you have something on your cheek."
  112. Jane felt her face go completely red and hoped it blocked out the blood coming out of the side of her mouth.
  113. Jane turned around and looked for a napkin, but couldn't find one.
  114. "Here, it's clean."
  115. Anon held a napkin infront of Jane, who immediately grabbed it and wiped her mouth and turned around.
  116. "What do you want, Ymous?"
  117. Anon stared at Jane's face for a while before gathering himself.
  118. "I just wanted to say, I am sorry."
  119. "For?"
  120. "causing your problems."
  121. Jane sighed and looked at Anon, who seemed to be scanning her face.
  122. "It's not me you're causing problems for, it's Tonks and Haywood."
  123. "Yeah, I know, but I really have no control over that, it's not like I am forcing them to do anything, besides Tonks was a bit wild before I even met her."
  124. Jane furrowed her brows.
  125. "That's no excuse, you're a person they look up to, would it kill you to set a little bit better example?"
  126. Anon scratched his neck and smiled weakly.
  127. "Uhh... Thanks for the compliment, I never thought about it that way."
  128. "Why isn't your prefect taking action against your rulebreaking?"
  129. "Oh, he doesn't really care... So long as I bring in the house points."
  130. Jane scoffed.
  131. "Fine, just please stop causing problems for hufflepuff."
  132. "I will try."
  133. Anon stared at Jane quietly for a while before leaving.
  135. After the dinner Jane walked out of the great hall and noticed some students talk about the moon being beautifully red.
  136. Jane walked out to the courtyard and noticed more students were in the courtyard and watched the moon, and sure enough it was actually really red, Jane knew something was badly wrong at that point, someone powerful had managed to start influencing her, she hadn't felt like that for a very, very long time.
  137. She needed to calm down, she decided she wouldn't deal with the moon yet, red moon wasn't actually that out of place, it was just not the right time for it.
  138. She rushed to the common room and looked for one of her roommates.
  139. "Uhh, could I ask a favour?"
  140. The girl turned to look at Jane.
  141. "Could you go and fill the bathtub with hot water, I need to do some prefect stuff before and I'd like a bath. I'll repay the favour to you."
  142. "Eh, sure, Jane..." The girl looked at Jane a bit weirdly but left to fill the bathtub.
  143. Jane in the meanwhile went out of the common room for a bit, she wanted to take a bath and didn't want to fill the bathtub herself, in case the water turned to blood or something.
  144. After a while she walked back in and thanked the girl in the common room and went to the dorms and put her prefect badge on her nightstand and walked into the bathroom, happy to see the tub filled with regular hot water. She disrobed herself and got in the tub and sighed.
  145. She was relaxing and let her mind wander a bit.
  146. After a while she realized something, she looked around her and noticed she had latched on to someone else's mind. She had let her mind wander too far, she was about to leave, a bit embarrassed she had accidentally intruded someone's mind that way when she realized that someone had noticed her presence.
  147. "Who's there?"
  148. Jane snapped out of it and realized she was back in the bathtub and the water had turned black.
  149. "What is this?"
  150. she pulled the plug on the tub and realized her skin was stained with the black water and quickly turned the faucet on wanting to clean herself with water, but when she did the water that came out of the showerhead was red.
  151. "Oh, great!"
  152. Jane was starting to get annoyed, she decided she had to do something about the situation, the bathtub was covered with blood and whatever the black stuff was. She went to the lightswitch and turned the lights off and started focusing.
  153. When she turned the lights back on, she and the room were completely clean. She then walked up to the mirror and realized she had started to change her form again, her teeth were sharper and her skin had started to turn paler and her eyes were completely black.
  154. She took at deep breath and took her mortal form again, she had to find out what was causing this.
  155. Jane put on her bathrobes and walked out to the dorm room and put her pyjamas. And went to sleep.
  157. This time she was concentrating on whoever was trying to contact her with blood offerings.
  158. She found herself in a cavern somewhere, there was a bloodstained altar in the cavern and there were lit torches around, she looked around and realized she wasn't alone, there were people talking in another room.
  159. She crept closer and remained hidden, but could hear what the people in the other room were talking about.
  160. "What more proof you want, the offerings gone."
  161. "And what proof do I have you, or your friends, haven't gone and got rid of them while I am gone?"
  162. "You come here, you know we know these caverns, you look for her and you ask us to start paying tribute in your stead and now you doubt us?"
  163. "I doubt you because nothing has happened."
  164. "Feel the air, sir, look around you, things happen."
  165. "I am not convinced..."
  166. "You doubt, she know, you are no real follower."
  167. Jane looked around the cavern, she noticed the writing on the wall, she started reading the text.
  168. "Oh, bother..."
  169. "What the bloody hell!"
  170. Jane turned around and noticed there was a british person with a thick moustache and spectacles wearing some stereotypically british explorer outfit on.
  171. Other people rushed in the altar room and she saw there was another british person with chiseled features and a short hair and a guide who immediately threw himself on the floor infront of her.
  172. "What the devil is this child doing here?"
  173. "Sir! This her, do no anger her, she curse us all."
  174. The guide started speaking in his native tongue.
  175. "Please forgive us, he is ignorant."
  176. The brit turned to look at the man cowering in the ground.
  177. "This is just a child, what are you trying to pull here?"
  178. Jane was starting to get annoyed.
  179. "It's not just any child" The brit with the moustache said. "She's a witch, look at her robes, it's a hufflepuff."
  180. Both of the british men stared at Jane.
  181. "What the hell is a hufflepuff prefect doing in Iran?"
  182. Jane furrowed her brows.
  183. "It's alright, little girl, what are you doing here?"
  184. "Nevermind that, are YOU doing here?"
  185. The two men glanced at eachother visibly confused.
  186. "Uhh..."
  187. "Forget it, I know what you're doing here, you found this place and some old scriptures. Now you're trying to play with things you have no understanding of. My next question is, why, and I want you to answer that, because the other way for me to get the answer is unpleasant for you."
  188. The man lying on the ground infront of Jane started talking again terrified.
  189. "These men read about a prophecy and wanted to pay tribute in hopes of proving themselves the chosen one."
  190. "Speak english, you idiot, she's british!"
  191. "I'm not really, and you haven't answered my question."
  192. "Richard... look behind her." The brit with moustache said.
  193. "What the..."
  194. Jane glanced behind her and noticed she had sub-consciously started to twist the shadows around her. She was starting to lose her temper, she hadn't dealt with people directly for so long that she was starting to lose control of herself.
  195. She turned to look at the men again and noticed the british men were kneeling.
  196. "Please... We read your holy scriptures, we want to pledge ourselves to you."
  197. "I am not looking for followers."
  198. "But the prophecy..."
  199. "What prophecy?"
  200. The men glanced at eachother, one of them tapped the guide.
  201. "They are talking about the chosen one, the wizard with unimaginable power."
  202. Jane started laughing.
  203. "Neither of you are powerful, I don't care about any of you. Also I am canceling the prophecy."
  204. "What... You can't do that!"
  205. Jane scowled at the rude man standing in HER temple telling HER what she can not do.
  206. "I was thinking of obliviating you and throwing you out, but I think I might kill you instead."
  207. The men started screaming when Jane extended the shadows and picked the man up.
  208. "Please no!"
  209. "There is no prophecy, there is no age of dreams and there is no chosen one. And you found nothing when you came here."
  210. Jane threw the men out of the cavern and removed any memory from them of her. She then went back in the cavern and read the text that had been translated from much older texts that were translated from even older texts and so on and so forth until a the end of the chain she herself dictated it.
  211. A hobby of hers, to stave off any boredom, there wasn't actually going to be a powerful mortal individual. She had written several prophecies and watched people go out of their way to fulfill them, even if they were bogus to begin with.
  212. This one on the wall, however, she had no memory of it.
  213. Jane decided to destroy the temple, that should stop people from contacting her unwantedly.
  215. Jane woke up in her bed as usual, she went into the bathroom and warily turned the faucet on and was relieved just regular clear water came out.
  216. Everything was back to normal, well as normal as an ancient eldritch being pretending to be a schoolgirl could ever be.
  217. Jane relaxed and went to eat breakfast, assured that nothing was going to go wrong that day. She sat down and started looking at healthier options when she noticed a buzz in her head again. She turned around and saw Anon Ymous staring at her, to her dismay she had gained a follower that would be much harder to get rid of.
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