
[f-list] theodore x koji

Jun 13th, 2018
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  1. [19:58] A Man Possessed: Strange looks, refreshing breeze, gradually darkening gray and orange sky to the west: three characteristics all too familiar to Theo, whose large hands nearly enveloped the small phone he was hunched over. Was it the fact that he was wearing a knitted sweater and baggy denim jeans in early summer, albeit one with the sleeves bunched up unceremoniously around his biceps? Was it his expression, reminiscent of a lost dog whenever he chanced to survey his surroundings (an endeavor which each time necessitated the parting of that wavy curtain of hair)? Was it something much more obvious? These concerns were present, but hardly in the forefront of his mind. He was far too oblivious and far too focused on locating his acquaintance of a little over a week to care about the looks of people who might as well not have faces at all for how much they mattered. It was already a few minutes past the agreed waiting time and both he and it were getting anxious. The park's territory was sizable - truthfully, more than it really needed to be, more of an under-glorified trail - but surely scent would be as big of a help as his frantic texting. Was it because they weren't bonded? His standard, painfully average role and dim sense of smell? Theo's stomach poised itself to flip as he lifted his head one last time... and saw a visage that, at that moment, might as well have resembled an angel. Before he could think of the few other patrons or even first impressions, he was pocketing his cell and rushing over in long, rapid strides, and calling out a name that he had been beginning to suspect was a mere fantasy. "Koji!" An ominous snicker echoed in his mind at the possibility that he might not have the right guy, but at this point he didn't care. Hearing that thing do something other than give him lip was almost a fantasy in and of itself.
  2. [20:12] A Light In The Dark: The man, upon hearing Theo's call, turned and blinked at the suddenly encroaching man with a visibly nervousness before a light of recognition passed across his dark brown eyes. Koji clutches his hand to his chest with a sheepish smile and a slight blush, tilting his head up to peer at the beta he'd been talking with the past week or so. His phone is quickly stuffed in his pocket from where he had been just about to reply to the frantic giant with an apologetic message of his own, owing all of his tardiness to last minute work that needed to be completed before he went off for a few days on a 'break'. He wasn't out as an Omega to the Yamaguchi family besides his father and brother, and it needed to be kept that way with the utmost discretion, which is why Heat-Meet sites were so invaluable to someone like Koji. "Theo! I am so sorry for being late," he began, patting the larger man on his arm with a reassuring gesture, "Something last minute came up at work that needed to be done before I could officially take off. Then the train schedule was off because of that, it... it sort of compounded on itself at that point. I'm just glad you hadn't left yet..." Koji had dressed somewhat casually for this sort of meeting, dark wash jeans that clung to his legs with a violet, long-sleeved shirt rolled up to his elbows due to the slightly warmer weather that had rolled in over the last few days. Pulled together with white canvas sneakers and dark sunglasses pushed into his slightly wavy hair, the smaller man made a pretty image to look at.
  3. [20:34] A Man Possessed: Almost as soon as the apology was delivered, Theo's hands were raised just beneath his chin in an almost defensive position, waving dismissively. "It's fine, it's fine, I got turned around and came in at the wrong side of the park and thought I was the late one..." His too-fast speaking eased with the contact on his arm, but his hands lingered in their position for a few moments after his own explanation. His nerves marginally less active, he was able to get a better look, and was suddenly hyper-conscious of the sheer contrast (most notably the eleven inches that seemed so much less substantial when they were just numbers on a screen) and the reason he was so conscious in the first place. It wasn't terribly evident on the air, but just thinking about the context of their meeting caused his heart to rattle in his chest. His voice was steady and unwavering, practically another miracle, but his nervous habit was made very evident when he pushed his fingers up under his bangs and found comfort in the feeling of his scalp, warped though it was from the eruption of the horns (which, for once, were not his primary concern). "So... we're here, but I suppose I should make sure: were our estimates about your, er, schedule right? More importantly, are you sure you want to go through with this now that you've seen me in person?" A gentle laugh bubbled up from his lips at his own self-deprecating joke, which were split into a smile that was genuine but tinged with the anxiety that refused to taint his speech.
  4. [20:51] A Light In The Dark: Other than being slightly intimidated by the sheer size of Theo's body over his own, Koji didn't seem that nervous besides the natural sort of apprehension that followed when meeting someone online. You had no idea if their personality, or their pictures, had been a fabrication in an attempt to either humiliate or 'troll' you. It had happened to Koji one time before when he was still young and naive, but thankfully it hadn't worked since that frankly embarrassing moment. Both he and Theo had exchanged photos of themselves with certain objects or doing innocuous things to prove that they were, in fact, who they said they were- so it wasn't too much of a shock to be greeted by the real thing. The yakuza had already asked the man about his horns and the subsequent answer of being into body modification had been accepted easily, considering Koji had a large portion of his skin dedicated to the same thing. "You? You're fine!" he stammered over the phrase and tried to keep himself from seeming too eager, "However, my pre-heat has ended up hitting me a bit... earlier than expected. I had hoped we would at least have some time where we would have a nice dinner, to get comfortable with each other before... you know." The smaller human coughed briefly, trying to keep the already ruddy blush from over taking his face before a slight breeze ended up blowing the faintest hint of Koji's heat smell into Theo's face- the slightest smell of something heady that only begged to be investigated by even a beta's muted sense of smell.
  5. [21:13] A Man Possessed: He hardly had any time to be amused by the verbal slip before he had to avert his gaze and more aggressively comb his fingers through his bangs with no regard for how awful they would look. "I... I see. Then we should probablygetgoingthen." The odor was hardly enough to knock him off his feet or totally impair his judgment, but the blood coursing through his veins with so much increased fervor was difficult to ignore - it was a purely instinctual reaction, one that had to be metaphorically pushed aside before he could clear his own throat and continue speaking. Th-there's always next time, right? Or, maybe, uh, erm - I didn't want to imply... Let's just focus on what's in front of us and we can-" a deep, heaving breath "- discuss all that afterwards. P-probably better not to leave you like that in the park." Very much unsatisfied with how he handled the situation, Theo stuffed his hands deep into his pockets and tried to gain some distance, setting off in the direction of their destination with comically rushed strides before slowing down to a more easily matched pace. To make matters worse, there was additional input resounding in his skull - that grotesque, growl he had come to resent. Awww, how sweet; if I had teeth, they would be rotting. Maybe you should lend me yours, loverboy. It was probably for the best that he couldn't respond.
  6. [21:27] A Light In The Dark: The poor Omega barely had enough time to blink before Theo was rushing ahead without him, which only served to make him more confused. Did the Beta want to continue, or was he just wanting to get it over with. Even then, Koji rushed to meet up beside the giant man before he could disappear completely out of sight, taking Theo by the arm and trying to ease the nervous man into a sense of comfort. "Careful, I didn't even tell you where we were going yet," he smiled, hand pressed softly into the crook of his companion's arm, "You don't have to be afraid to touch me like this- I'm not going to jump you or anything." Still, a small hollow in his stomach couldn't help but open up at the sight of the larger man's increased tension. Had he done something wrong? Maybe Theo had changed his mind for helping out Koji's heat? Whatever it was, he didn't want to turn confrontational, even if his skin was dying to have someone else's hands touch him. Before they could get too far along in the wrong direction, the yakuza leads the possessed man down to the right of the park and towards the higher-class, business sector of the city. "I hope you don't mind, but I usually spend a little more money on my heat-hotels," he chuckled, "Not that there's anything wrong with cheaper ones, but I think you'll enjoy the bigger beds. I requested a California King mattress for the room, so your feet shouldn't hand off the end."
  7. [22:03] A Man Possessed: After a split second of bristling from being snapped from his reverie (caused in equal parts by Tilmiran's taunting and agitation that reasonably shouldn't be there given his experience with such stints), he realized and the heat. This time not from primal arousal, but from embarrassment. So much for a good first impression, but at least it was in line with his self-description. More brawn than brains, emotional despite being a standard beta... and, a detail excluded from his short biography, receptive to physical contact. The ringing and heat in his knife-shaped ears dissipated and he found himself unconsciously leaning into the touch, or at least as much as he could without toppling at least one of them over, and regulating his breathing. "O-oh... I probably shouldn't have assumed things like that." The last vestiges of his breath were sighed out as he found himself speaking slowly (as if it were a necessary step in grounding himself. "Sorry. Anyways, I don't mind - I, er, appreciate it, even - but I almost wonder how you can afford such a thing for something like this." A pause, and another shuddering breath through his nose. "Don't answer that. I don't wanna know." He frantically murmured his correction and stole a glance at his partner who, for all intents and purposes, was a stranger, before directing his colorless and much more relaxed gaze towards the district ahead. Luxury heat-hotel, huh? Almost sounded like a paradox given what he was used to in the less-than-palatial motels in the tiny red-light district that he was often pulled into (or, on extremely rare occasions with other betas, reserved himself. Not that he would admit to such a thing).
  8. [22:16] A Light In The Dark: Thank God he didn't have to answer twenty questions about his "job" or his background, the sheer amount of suspicion dodging he'd have to go through for such a thing would be enough to mentally exhaust him and send him hurtling right into the non-verbal part of his heat cycle. Still, he takes comfort from being allowed close to absorb the warmth and the scent of the Beta giant, only giving a slight smile when he's glanced at. It wasn't too long before they came across their hotel [], standing before them in all it's intimidating opulence that demanded respect from the street goer that could not bare to afford it's comforts. The Penninsula was the largest luxury heat hotel in their mutual area, guaranteeing discreet service and all the comforts that a well-to-do Omega would need to be comfortable during their cycle. Koji tugs Theo along with him inside, resting his cheek idly on the giant's forearm unconsciously as they awaited to check in. "Is this alright for you? I'm sure I could book something else if you don't like it," he murmured, looking up at the possessed man with an expression that asked for approval of his choice. Damn heat hormones, making him touchy and needy for approval. The yakuza notices their proximity after a moment, slowly slipping his hand from the crook of the Beta's arm with soft cough, trying to brush himself off to maintain some of his dignity in the face of utter embarrassment.
  9. [22:42] A Man Possessed: Their gazes met for a fraction of a second by chance when the omega glanced up, and Theo found himself averting his gaze once again. "Mm? Ah, yeah, everything's fine." That was a lie. It was more than fine - fixating on the front desk was about all he could do to keep his gaze in check, wanting to avoid the impression of a child twenty years his junior. A simple man with simple residence, possession notwithstanding, he was ill-prepared to venture into a place that seemed like it could only exist in the realm of fiction (or, just as unattainable, the life of the outrageously wealthy). In a reverse of the earlier situation, the removal of touch was what brought him back, and he cursed himself for feeling a pang of disappointment when he looked down and saw Koji in the same position he was in just moments ago. Your turn, cooed the demon, and for once the two agreed on something. As if proving that this wasn't entirely one-sided, the towering man reached one arm and, as if a colossus terrified of crushing something, snaked his arm around the other's body and contented himself with resting his fingers featherlight on the yakuza's abdomen and touching their bare forearms. It was a timid action that defied his massive stature, but he found himself unable to release his "grip" (nearly too light to be called as such) or verbally expand on it. It just felt right.
  10. [22:57] A Light In The Dark: The yakuza bites the inside of his lip for the few tense moments that follow his departure from Theo's side, wondering if this was going to be the most awkward pre-heat of his life with a man who obviously didn't want to be here- but that thought is pushed out of his mind as soon as the large arm snakes around his waist in a significant gesture. Koji lets out a content sigh through his nose and takes his own opportunity to tuck himself firmly into the Beta's side and make himself comfortable. Normally, such public displays of affection weren't looked kindly upon in a public setting, but in a heat hotel such as this one they were a common enough sight. For a few moments, the smaller man is tempted to rub his cheek onto the Beta's chest just to see him blush, or to get even closer, but he doesn't get the chance before their number is up in the line. A young woman checks in before them, rolling a red piece of luggage behind her before she notices the hulking man that had queued behind her. She gives him a once over before looking down at Koji, who glares at her with such obvious disdain that she quickly moves along to wherever she was going. Yet another symptom of the escalating pre-heat, but at least he still had his faculties about him. Finally, they reach the clerk, who takes the smaller man's ID and types it into her computer to pull up his room and load the key cards. She also asks for Theo's identification for safety purposes, typing that down efficiently before chiming, "Your room is on the 16th floor, 5th suite. Enjoy your stay."
  11. [23:33] A Man Possessed: The woman's look was met with a polite smile, which dropped without a trace and melted into mild confusion when she turned around so suddenly. It did not linger, though, because in the time it took him to process that situation they were already through check-in and he was unconsciously tightening his hold, silently marveling the feeling of flesh beneath his calloused fingers. "No turning back now, huh?" A meager attempt at small talk, a joke that wasn't destined to land; he just wanted to lighten the mood when the lump in his throat and his footsteps felt so heavy. The imaginary weight on body made the short walk to the elevator felt like an eternity, though his legs were miraculously more receptive to his movements and he was soothed by the feeling of swapping body heat (even if his internal temperature was plenty warm already), a person on his side no matter how impersonal the relationship truly was... for an affair and a moment only existing for the sake of lust, it certainly felt much more pure. "Not that... not that I want to." Smooth. A few more cracks like that and you might actually see him after tonight, Tilmiran sneered. Once again, it was ignored in favor of taking initiative with pressing the button to call the elevator, though his fingers were unsteady (everything seemed almost too expensive to touch) and he was painfully aware of his fingerprint left behind. Minuscule details like that seemed so much bigger, especially notable given how oblivious he normally was. Maybe it was just all in his head, a side effect of the still-faint scent drifting into his nostrils without a need for a breeze given their proximity.
  12. [23:49] A Light In The Dark: Chuckling, Koji shook his head slowly at the joke and subsequent backpedaling- finding the nervousness cute instead of something that would turn him off. Something about a gentle giant that was so hesitant to touch him made the Omega feel much safer than he would with an Alpha who only wanted to tear him apart. Despite the impersonal nature of their relationship, it wasn't unheard of for heat-mates to become good friends, something that reassured Koji when he found his thoughts ultimately turning towards the future. He would have to be patient, see if their bodies are hopefully as compatible as the soft touches they exchanged attempted to convey, and then move on from there. The elevator is delightfully empty when they enter and the smaller man takes every opportunity to tuck himself even closer, arm wrapping around Theo's broad back to rest right above the waistband of his pants. Once the Beta pushes the button, the doors slide closed with a soft click before it starts up with a low hum, ascending quickly through the floors with a bright 'ding!' with every pass. Finally they reach the top floor, opening into a wide hall that seemed to expand forever both left and right of the doors, but they aren't given time to examine the fancy interior before the elevator makes a soft noise to let them know to get off. With that, Koji pulls away only slightly to slide his smaller hand into Theo's, leading him down the hall and towards the room with an easy smile. "I'm sorry if... if I'm getting very touchy," he chuckled, "You're naturally very warm, and my preheat is pushing me to get closer and closer..."
  13. [00:15] A Man Possessed: As a sign he was becoming less hesitant, Theo squeezed the omega's hand before returning to a slightly less stifling pressure - firm enough to still be comforting, but which of them it was supposed to reassure was questionable, to say the least. "If I didn't want you to get touchy, I wouldn't have agreed to help," he responded quietly, obediently allowing himself to be led. "It's probably better if we're comfortable like this anyways, right? We're going to be... well... I'm sure I don't need to repeat it." Such modesty probably wasn't required given their location, but even with his senses ebbing away under the weight of those intoxicating pheromones and his palm heating up from the pressure of being flush against another's, it was surreal - and frankly less than easy - to say out loud "we're going to have sex." A certain demon had several alternatives to such blunt wording, but appeasing it would only lead to trouble (and flowery depravity hardly suited Theo anyways). It was much better relegated to an implication, like when they came up to the door and the taller man positioned himself behind Koji and the height difference displayed its potential. The former's heavy, chiseled forearms draped lazily over the latter's collarbone, pressing his groin roughly into the small of his partner's back. A less-than-subtle signal consecrated by a low, barely audible whine. He wasn't feeling the heat himself, but even a patient and standard beta is capable of getting a little antsy.
  14. [00:28] A Light In The Dark: The Omega takes a slow breath when Theo's groin pressed into his back, letting his hands come up to rub gently along the muscle of those larger forearms for a moment. This... this sort of affection, he was much more suited for at the moment. Koji doesn't shift away from the pressure, but he does slightly lean back into it before he whips out their keys and uses them to open the door into their penthouse suite. The main room is cozy with plump couches and large reclining areas- centered around a warming fireplace that pops on as soon as they enter the vicinity, kitchen and main lights slowly rising up until they accentuate the light coming from the large windows along the back wall of the suite. The bedroom is sequestered off into the corner, almost like it was meant to be hidden away- but the yakuza finds a certain primal comfort in that. "You're already so eager, Theo?" he asked with a tilt of his head and a mischievous grin quirking his lips, "Here I was, going to prepare some tea for us before we started off, but I think we both know that we wouldn't make it to even a first cup." With that said, the yakuza closes the door behind them, taking his shoes off and padding into the interior space. It was obvious the Omega had been here before, as his scent occupied the different areas of the suite. With most heat-hotels, they allowed their clients to scent their rooms before the main heat, so the person in question wouldn't try to tear apart property to make a nest.
  15. [00:56] A Man Possessed: Even if he didn't want to, the giant found himself taking a deep whiff of the air before taking in the sight with his eyes - the former process was much less of a surprise than the latter, but still vaguely comforting - perhaps it was an unconscious sense of pride that he managed to hook someone that knew what he was doing, a luxury he had been denied on at least one unfortunate past occasion. Even after witnessing everything between the exterior and their "realm" of sorts he was still in awe that a building so extravagant could truly be corporeal, not a hazed illusion. "And you'd be able to? I'm not the one in heat," he quipped after a long period of silence, pulling off his loosely-laced boots in the process. They looked bulky and almost out of place, dirty and worn-out and years old, but Theo was beyond noting such little things like that. "...Then again, it has been awhile since I've released," he admitted sheepishly, as if he had any reason to be embarrassed now, or perhaps because he needed to make up for the almost out-of-character sarcasm. "Maybe I won't be any more restrained than you, Koji." With another series of nervous run-throughs of his bangs (which demonstrated an inexplicable ability to remold to their original shape), he began following like a particularly large lost dog. The boldness he displayed outside the door seemed to have been a fluke... at least, it would if it weren't for the fact that he caught up in no time and was right back into that position, craning his neck and bending his back as to press his nose against that mass of dark, wavy hair and setting his hands much lower this time, drifting over the approximate location of the omega's yet-concealed Adonis belt, endeavors aiming to set the mood at the price of movement. All in time.
  16. [01:11] A Light In The Dark: Snickering out a laugh, Koji couldn't help but shake his head at the question. "If there was anything I could do in a completely heat-addled state," he chimed in as he instinctively surveyed the room, "It would be to make a perfect cup of tea." Well, that was certainly confident. Of course, growing up in a home that paid close attention to tea ceremonies and tradition above all else, it wasn't surprising that the yakuza's first instinct. He was about to fiddle with the opacity of the windows before Theo comes up behind him and presses close once more, feeling a shudder make his way up his spine and send goosebumps spreading from the areas that were currently being touched. The feeling of breath on the back of his neck, hands warming his skin through the material of his shirt, they all served to create a warm fog pass over his consciousness for a moment. Koji bites down on his bottom lip to snap himself out of the heat-brain, using the slight pain to clear out that sensation before craning his neck to one side, giving Theo all the room he needed to scent and nibble on the Omega's sensitive skin. Such a simple gesture of submission, allowing for more contact in the non-verbal way that asked so sweetly for more. "I probably should tell you," he breathed into the room, "When I saw you in the park... the first thing I wanted to do when we got back here was put my hands all over your body. Followed with my mouth."
  17. [01:39] A Man Possessed: "Hmn." A brief sound of acknowledgement to affirm that he heard, but was too preoccupied to respond. There was no time for verbal responses when nonverbal was so much more simple and effective, planting sloppy open-mouthed kisses down the expanse of exposed skin, the flat part of his front teeth brushing by and featherlight pricks from that one curse-extended canine but no true biting. At this point Theo much preferred to focus on scent and taste, residual salt touching his overactive tongue and his nose filling with a mixture of natural, normal scent and heat. More evasive notes, like specific arousal, were not evident, but it wasn't even a little consequential. Not when there was a pulse against that wet appendage dipping so carelessly into the dip behind the collarbone and circling the earlobe of his partner, head positioned just right as not to disturb either of them with those bulky, inconvenient horns. Not when his hands, rough and huge but ever-so-ginger, were committed to breaking past the intrusive barriers of fabric. One took the responsibility of pushing up the shirt's hem, while the other shirked its original responsibility of unfastening (a Herculean task for a single hand belonging to a man with his attention pulling too much already) and instead settled for idle cupping. A little greedy? Maybe, but it was all clarified when he finally pulled back, disregarded the gossamer string of saliva still clinging to his tongue, and delivered a long-awaited response: "that makes two of us."
  19. ___________
  21. [18:17] A Light In The Dark: Hey! Long time no see.
  22. [18:19] A Man Possessed: Evening! I got really busy the last couple weeks, meant to get on but could barely stay awake long enough to log in, ahaha... and apparently that spell lasted long enough that F-Chat cleared my logs. This is why I use Notepad.
  23. [18:20] A Light In The Dark: Ah, same for me, sadly. I logged in a few days ago and our logs ended up deleted...
  24. [18:21] A Man Possessed: If you like, I could Pastebin them real quick.
  25. [18:21] A Light In The Dark: Ooh, that would be great!
  26. [18:24] A Man Possessed: Lost logs a few too many times to count not to be safe... [] I think I can afford a couple KB if it means staying out of vicious cycles and not having to worry about whether or not I can clear my cookies!
  27. [18:25] A Light In The Dark: Bless you! I appreciate this a lot.
  28. [18:53] A Man Possessed: Absolutely! I always try to keep a backup no matter what state the scene is in. I try to get important bits of setup in there too just in case but I guess it slipped my mind this time. Oh well - I think we both remember the gist anyways.
  29. [18:54] A Light In The Dark: Yep! We were right on the verge of them getting a bit of petting in, thankfully.
  30. [18:58] A Light In The Dark: Although, the kinks and such are a bit fuzzy. I think one of them was having Theo sink into the possession and Koji gets fucked within an inch of his life.
  31. [19:06] A Man Possessed: Yeah, something like that. Gradual requests from Koji for rougher treatment that are awkwardly/weakly fulfilled (fingers resting on the throat instead of choking, not really digging in the nails during scratching, over-pulled punches, etc) at first and turn into a lesson in "be careful what you wish for" when Theo climaxes and accidentally loses his mental grip. Despite all the semi-IC I don't think we really decided on a clear extent of violence.
  32. [19:09] A Light In The Dark: Also an emphasis of breeding and overstimulation, I believe.
  33. [19:12] A Man Possessed: Ah, right. Side effect of demonic possession being capability (rather, greatly increased chance) to knot.
  34. [19:13] A Light In The Dark: Perhaps a mating bite as well- Tilmiran using the opportunity to bite down on Koji's neck to mark him.
  35. [19:29] A Man Possessed: Of course; for something that's been trapped for so long, the taste of blood would be more than enough of an incentive to keep going for additional rounds and avoid starting a nonsexual body count. That protruding fang's not just for show, after all, and such an athletic base body would require a little bit more than just one orgasm to wear out...
  36. [19:35] A Light In The Dark: Oh! I just had an idea, but I don't remember if you enjoyed the concept of stealthing? Basically, Theo use a condom to avoid any accidents along with Koji's birth control, but Tilmiran doesn't care for such contraptions- slipping it off right before going in for round two before Koji can stop him.
  37. [19:53] A Man Possessed: I don't believe it was brought up, but regardless I have no problem with it, especially given how fitting it is! Can never be too cautious regardless of roles involved (not to mention nasty stuff that you can pick up from dating app hookups) but "not my body, not my problem" has been a pretty effective policy thus far. Not that it'd consider those extra consequences in the first place, requests to make good on all.
  38. [19:53] A Man Possessed: good on and all*
  39. [19:57] A Light In The Dark: Also, it gives a lot of room for some dirty talk on Tilmiran's part- threatening to get Koji pregnant while he's still coherent enough to struggle before going down into full on heat mode.
  40. [20:02] A Man Possessed: Makes it that much more satisfying when those threats come true - or at least, too close for comfort dependent on the projected effectiveness of the BC. That level of encouragement might rival the bite once the "fog" clears.
  41. [20:07] A Light In The Dark: The claiming bite and the subsequent knotting isn't helping the chances of his birth control being effective- every round decreases the chances of it actually working. Let's say combined with the condom it's a good 99% chance, without the condom it's 89-90%, knotting and the claim decreases it drastically.
  42. [20:25] A Man Possessed: And there go its (admittedly few) reasons not to test the limits of Theo's abnormally high physical stamina. Doubly so if the knot isn't a guaranteed appearance (it is still a beta body) and it's difficult to tell whether or not it'll pop - dependent on how many rounds we end up going for, perhaps an every-other-time deal or something. Overwhelming persistence got it this far, might as well apply it to knocking Koji up.
  43. [20:30] A Light In The Dark: Yesss, that's perfect. You can't see it but mentally I'm cackling and rubbing my hands together like a maniac.
  44. [20:35] A Man Possessed: Discussing your characters in unfortunate(?!) situations - almost cruel, but entirely too fun. Muhaha.
  45. [20:35] A Light In The Dark: Unfortunate for them, but great for me and my kinks~
  46. [20:36] A Light In The Dark: I'm just imagining Theo waking back up and seeing the absolute mess that the demon made of Koji's body.
  47. [20:45] A Man Possessed: Aah, yeah, that actual evil laughter from the infernal peanut gallery, a bit of lingering soreness from overexertion, rubbing his eyes, frantically wondering if he should call the police on himself until he notices breathing... Maybe the worst morning he's had since he woke up possessed, but a relief. Until he realizes the extent of the damage and is gearing up to head to the station and turn himself in again.
  48. [20:48] A Light In The Dark: Koji, still in his heat-addled state and tired, is whining for him to stay. His omega brain doesn't want his mate to leave him all alone, so he's clinging to Theo like a lifeline and whimpering each time the man tries to pull away.
  49. [20:57] A Man Possessed: And of course, between the guilt and his general nature, Theo sticks around thinking about the consequences of "his" actions. With one arm strategically resting around the other's shoulder unsure which one of them that's supposed to calm down. Using both of them might cause his subconscious to mistake it for something more than a one-night stand. Or worse, his regular conscious.
  50. [21:04] A Light In The Dark: That's not going to do at all. The omega will take any and all opportunity for skinship and affection, peppering kisses and nuzzling Theo in an attempt to make him feel better.
  51. [21:21] A Man Possessed: Of course - he'll be a little put-off at first (partially out of fear of his emotions and partially out of fear of inflicting any more pain given the myriad of scratches and bruises and whatnot), but it wouldn't take a whole lot of nonverbal convincing to get that other arm involved. Not to mention a few kisses of his own, ginger coaxing into a more full-fledged cuddling position, and the melting of that apprehensive wince into a warm and contented smile as he shares the warmth and ignores the annoying jeering.
  52. [21:29] A Light In The Dark: They'll need to have a serious talk once Koji's gotten fully out of his heat now. The "Oh shit, I might be pregnant" talk that also involves a demon.
  53. [21:52] A Man Possessed: Hardly a fun one to have even without the presence of an incorporeal entity that needs to be selectively translated (letting it speak for itself would be akin to murder-suicide and not everything it says would be of note), but necessary - and perhaps a less than glamorous door leading to something else, not that Theo would admit to even thinking something like that. He's a little dim, but knows where his priorities should be in such a dire situation or otherwise. Certainly not with his heart.
  54. [21:53] A Light In The Dark: It's with his dick.
  55. [21:53] A Light In The Dark: I kid, I kid.
  56. [21:59] A Man Possessed: I mean, it's up there. Maybe not entirely figuratively.
  57. [22:02] A Light In The Dark: It's going to be so stressful to explain to his father that he accidentally ended up mated by a beta.
  58. [22:11] A Man Possessed: Ooh, yeah. It'd be easy for Theo to walk away given his lack of familial obligation, bearing no burden besides guilt that'll eventually dissipate if he chooses to do so. The circumstances of their meeting probably don't help, either.
  59. [22:14] A Light In The Dark: Exactly. Koji wouldn't hold it against Theo if he chose to cut ties, but it would be painful for him to be separated from his mate and would make him extremely sick.
  60. [22:34] A Man Possessed: With this knowledge Theo'd probably try and stick around if it's feasible - he'd likely start blaming himself in Koji's stead and try to mend said ties if he tried to cut them out of some deep-set sense of obligation. Actually, even if it weren't feasible, he'd probably be a little pushy. "I made this mess and I'm gonna clean it up whether you like it or not" sort of mindset.
  61. [22:36] A Light In The Dark: Koji might have to resign from the family, considering he hid the fact he was an omega for so long- he can't bare to disgrace his father.
  62. [23:50] A Man Possessed: Regrettable, but unavoidable - at least there'd be something to fall back on, but you'd. And in a cheesy segway, that long silence was mostly me trying to avoid the regrettable/unavoidable state of me having to get up in the morning, and I think I'd better be falling back on my pillow. God, that was bad. I had a lot of fun chatting as usual, glad I decided to hop on tonight! Maybe I'll be able to tomorrow as well, maybe a little later.
  64. ____________
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