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Blue Apex Autoexec

a guest
Apr 20th, 2019
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  1. ///autoexec ApexLegends
  3. //Always Sprint
  4. +speed
  5. alias "+fixed_ADS" "+zoom"
  6. alias "-fixed_ADS" "-zoom"
  7. bind "mouse2" "+fixed_ADS"
  8. alias "+fixed_zoom" "-speed"
  9. alias "-fixed_zoom" "+speed"
  10. bind "CapsLock" "+fixed_zoom"
  11. +fps_max 190
  12. cl_forcepreload 0
  13. mat_compressedtextures 1
  14. cl_ragdoll_collide 0
  15. cl_showfps 4
  16. r_fullscreen 1
  18. //////Info1
  19. //Launch options
  20. //+exec autoexec -refresh 144 -forcenovsync -fullscreen -novid -nomenuvid -nojoy
  21. //Nvidia saturation 65-75%
  22. //Press 5 before dropping
  23. //////
  25. //////Info2
  26. // F1 Mute audio
  27. // F2 Disconnect
  28. // F3 Fps display cycler
  29. // F4 Pos display cycler
  31. // F6 Toggle voice chat mute
  32. // F11 Reload autoexec
  33. // F12 Close game
  34. // Mouse4 Bhop toggler
  35. // I shownet ping
  36. // F Remove active smoke
  37. // N Autorun
  38. // X Drop from ship faster while held //disabled by default
  39. // ` Clutch mode
  40. // 3 Holser
  41. // 5 Dof/Dust Disabler
  42. // - Vol up
  43. // = Vol down
  44. //////
  46. //////Binds
  47. bind "F1" "toggle sound_volume"
  48. bind "F2" "disconnect"
  49. bind "F3" "fpscycler"
  50. bind "F4" "poscycler"
  51. bind "F5" "cmd ClientCommand_Quickchat 18" 0
  52. bind "F6" "voiceEnable"
  53. bind "F11" "exec autoexec"
  54. bind "F12" "exit"
  55. bind "mouse1" "+shooty"
  56. bind "5" "dof_enable 0; mat_debug_tonemapping_disable 0; particle_remove_all 1; fixer_start" //removed mat_envmap_scale causing black textures
  57. //bind "0" "mat_envmap_scale 1"
  58. bind "0" "r_lod_switch_scale "0.1"
  59. bind w +mfwd
  60. bind s +mback
  61. bind a +mleft
  62. bind d +mright
  63. bind "-" "incrementvar sound_volume 0 1 -0.025"
  64. bind "=" "incrementvar sound_volume 0 1 0.025"
  65. bind "v" "+melee" 0
  67. //////
  69. //////Smokeremover
  70. alias "+swoke" "weapon_inspect; particle_scrub_debug_effect 1; r_cleardecals"
  71. alias "-swoke" "particle_scrub_debug_effect 0"
  72. bind "F" "+swoke" 0
  73. //////
  75. //muzzlev2
  76. alias "+shooty" "+attack; r_particle_timescale 3"
  77. alias "-shooty" "-attack; r_particle_timescale 1"
  81. //performance - not sure if this actually helps
  82. rate "128000”
  83. cl_cmdrate "128”
  84. cl_updaterate "128”
  85. cl_interp "0”
  86. cl_interp_ratio "1”
  87. cl_lagcompensation "1”
  88. cl_forcepreload "0”
  90. //settings
  91. cl_gib_allow "1" //cant see any difference
  92. hud_setting_minimapRotate 1
  93. mat_screen_blur_enabled 0
  94. r_shadows 0
  95. r_particle_tiimescale 3
  96. r_dxgi_max_frame_latency 1
  97. mat_motion_blur_enabled 0
  98. cl_smooth 0
  99. r_threaded_particles 1
  100. mat_queue_mode -2
  101. snd_mix_async 1
  102. r_threaded_particles 1
  103. mat_motion_blur_falling_intensity 0
  104. mat_motion_blur_falling_max 0
  105. mat_motion_blur_falling_min 0
  106. mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled 0
  107. mat_motion_blur_percent_of_screen_max 0
  108. mat_motion_blur_rotation_intensity 0
  109. mat_motion_blur_strength 0
  110. cl_threaded_bone_setup 1
  111. cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 1
  112. r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1
  113. r_threaded_renderables 1
  114. r_queued_ropes 1
  115. r_queued_decals 1
  116. r_queued_post_processing 1
  117. fps_max 0
  121. //Map
  122. alias "+map" "toggle_map"
  123. alias "-map" "toggle_map"
  124. unbind "m"
  125. bind "m" "+map"
  128. //////Binds
  131. //////Superhearing
  132. miles_occlusion "0"
  133. miles_occlusion_force "0"
  134. miles_occlusion_partial "0"
  135. snd_mixahead "0.05"
  136. snd_headphone_pan_exponent "2"
  137. snd_musicvolume "0"
  138. snd_setmixer PlayerFootsteps vol 0.1
  139. snd_setmixer GlobalFootsteps vol 1.2
  140. //////
  142. //////Misc
  143. r_drawtracers_firstperson "1"
  144. //cl_fovScale "1.7"
  145. hud_setting_pingAlpha "0.500000"
  146. //cl_color 4
  147. //snd_mute_losefocus "0"
  148. damage_indicator_style_pilot "1"
  149. hud_setting_showCallsigns "1"
  150. hud_setting_showLevelUp "0"
  151. hud_setting_showMedals "0"
  152. hud_setting_showMeter "1"
  153. hud_setting_lootPromptStyle "0"
  154. hud_setting_pingAlpha "0.500000" //ping and banner opacity
  155. sprint_view_shake_style "1" //minimal screenshake
  156. cl_drawmonitors "0" //hide banners
  157. cl_forcepreload 0 //disable if stuttering
  158. sv_forcepreload 0
  159. //mat_monitorgamma 0.960000 //gamma, lower is brighter
  160. //snd_mute_losefocus "0" //doesnt mute when tabbed out
  161. hud_setting_showWeaponFlyouts "1"
  162. hud_setting_streamerMode "0"
  163. damage_indicator_style_pilot "1"
  164. hud_setting_showCallsigns "1"
  165. hud_setting_showLevelUp "0"
  166. hud_setting_showMedals "0"
  167. hud_setting_showMeter "1"
  168. hud_setting_lootPromptStyle "0"
  169. //////
  171. //////Exposure
  172. mat_autoexposure_override_min_max "1" // required to get the other auto exposure commands working
  173. mat_autoexposure_max "1.3" // default 2, set to 1 and min to 0.8 to slightly lower the exposure of the world
  174. mat_autoexposure_min "1.2" //default 0.5
  175. mat_autoexposure_speed "1.5" // Speed between the exposure changes
  176. mat_autoexposure_uncap "0"
  177. mat_autoexposure_max_multiplier 1
  178. mat_autoexposure_min_multiplier 1
  179. mat_colorcorrection "1"
  180. mat_colorcorrection_editor "1"
  181. //////
  183. //////LOD Bias Exposure
  184. //mat_autoexposure_override_min_max "1"
  185. //mat_autoexposure_max "1.9" // default 2, set to 1 and min to 0.8 to slightly lower the exposure of the world
  186. //mat_autoexposure_min "1.9" //default 0.5
  187. //mat_autoexposure_speed "2" // Speed between the exposure changes
  188. //mat_autoexposure_uncap "0"
  189. //mat_autoexposure_max_multiplier "1.7"
  190. //mat_autoexposure_min_multiplier "1.7"
  191. //mat_colorcorrection "1"
  192. //mat_colorcorrection_editor "1"
  193. //////
  195. //no movement nulling
  196. alias +mfwd "-backward;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward"
  197. alias +mback "-forward;+backward;alias checkback +backward"
  198. alias +mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft"
  199. alias +mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright"
  200. alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none"
  201. alias -mback "-backward;checkfwd;alias checkback none"
  202. alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none"
  203. alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none"
  204. alias checkfwd none
  205. alias checkback none
  206. alias checkleft none
  207. alias checkright none
  208. alias none ""
  210. //kiktest
  211. //alias "+jumpkik" "+jump;+attack"
  212. //alias "-jumpkik" "-jump"
  213. //bind "v" "+jumpkik"
  215. //90% of this junk past this point prob does nothing
  217. //////Stank
  218. shadow_maxdynamic "0"
  219. r_decals "0"
  220. r_createmodeldecals "0"
  221. shadow_depth_dimen_min "0"
  222. shadow_depth_upres_factor_max "0"
  223. bugreporter_username ""
  224. viewmodel_recoil "0"
  225. mat_lightcull_subview 1
  226. mat_light_edit 1
  227. //mat_envmap_scale 0
  228. mat_envmapsize 4
  229. mat_envmaptgasize 4
  230. particle_dlights_enable 0
  231. dlight_enable 1 //0
  232. highlight_draw 0
  233. highlight_deferred_update 0
  234. mat_showenvmapmask 1
  235. dvs_enable 0
  236. //stream_enable 0
  237. Allowoverbright "1"
  238. adsp_debug "0"
  239. bugreporter_uploadasync "0"
  240. cl_aggregate_particles 0
  241. cl_autohelp 0
  242. cl_blurTapSize 0
  243. cl_bob_lower_amt "0"
  244. cl_bobamt_lat "0"
  245. cl_bobamt_vert "0"
  246. cl_bobcycle "0"
  247. cl_clearhinthistory "1"
  248. cl_cloud_settings 0
  249. cl_cull_weapon_fx 1
  250. cl_debugrumble "0"
  251. cl_detaildist 0
  252. cl_detailfade 0
  253. cl_disable_ragdolls 1
  254. cl_disable_water_render_targets 1
  255. cl_disablehtmlmotd "1"
  256. cl_drawshadowtexture "0"
  257. cl_drawshadowtexture 0
  258. cl_ejectbrass 0
  259. cl_headbob_amp 0
  260. cl_headbob_freq 0
  261. cl_hud_color "5"
  262. cl_impacteffects 0
  263. cl_impacteffects_limit_exit 0
  264. cl_impacteffects_limit_general 0
  265. cl_impacteffects_limit_water 0
  266. cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff 0
  267. cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st 0
  268. cl_muzzleflash_dlight_3rd 0
  269. cl_new_impact_effects 0
  270. cl_particle_fallback_base 0
  271. cl_particle_fallback_multiplier 0
  272. cl_particle_limiter_max_particle_count 0.1 //10
  273. cl_particle_limiter_max_system_count 0.1 //10
  274. cl_phys_maxticks 0
  275. cl_predict "1"
  276. cl_ragdoll_collide "0"
  277. cl_ragdoll_force_fade_time 0
  278. cl_ragdoll_force_fade_time_local_view_player 0
  279. cl_ragdoll_force_fade_time_on_moving_geo 0
  280. cl_show_splashes 0
  281. cl_show_splashes 0
  282. cl_showhelp 0
  283. cl_showpluginmessages "0"
  284. cl_simdbones_slerp 0
  285. cl_smooth 0
  286. snd_ducking_off "1"
  287. cl_soundemitter_flush "1"
  288. cl_use_simd_bones 0
  289. cl_viewmodel_pre_animate "0"
  290. csm_cascade_res "16"
  291. csm_coverage "0"
  292. csm_enabled "0"
  293. csm_enableunlock 1
  294. csm_world_shadows 0
  295. dlight_enable 0
  296. dof_enable "0"
  297. env_lightglow 0
  298. flex_smooth 0
  299. fog_enable 0
  300. fog_enable_water_fog 0
  301. fog_enableskybox 0
  302. fps_max_menu "120"
  303. func_break_max_pieces "0"
  304. gameinstructor_enable 0
  305. gl_clear 0
  306. hud_setting_adsDof "0"
  307. lightmap_ambient 0
  308. lightmap_realtimelight 0
  309. lightmap_realtimeshadows 0
  310. map_settings_override "1"
  311. mat_bloom_max_lighting_value 0
  312. mat_bloom_streak_amount 0
  313. mat_bloom_wide_amount 0
  314. mat_bloomscale 0
  315. mat_blur_b 0
  316. mat_blur_g 0
  317. mat_blur_r 0
  318. mat_bumpmap 0
  319. mat_clipz 0
  320. mat_colcorrection_forceentitiesclientside "0"
  321. mat_compressedtextures 1
  322. mat_debug_postprocessing_effects "0"
  323. mat_debugdepthval "0"
  324. mat_debugdepthvalmax "0"
  325. mat_depthbias_shadowmap 0
  326. mat_depthfeather_enable "0"
  327. mat_detail_tex 0
  328. mat_diffuse "1"
  329. mat_disable_bloom 1
  330. mat_disable_fancy_blending 1
  331. mat_disable_lightmap_ambient 1
  332. mat_disable_lightmaps 1
  333. mat_disable_lightwarp 1
  334. mat_disable_model_ambient 1
  335. mat_disable_ps_patch "1"
  336. mat_disablehwmorph "0"
  337. mat_dof_max_blur_radius 0
  338. mat_dof_quality 0
  339. mat_drawflat 1
  340. mat_dynamic_tonemapping 0
  341. mat_enable_ssr 0
  342. mat_envmaptgasize "0"
  343. mat_filterlightmaps "0"
  344. mat_filtertextures "0"
  345. mat_force_bloom 0
  346. mat_frame_color_enabled 0
  347. mat_fullbright 1
  348. mat_fxaa_enable "0"
  349. mat_global_lighting "0"
  350. mat_hdr_enabled 0
  351. mat_hdr_level 0
  352. mat_hide_sun_in_last_cascade 1
  353. mat_instancing "0"
  354. mat_local_contrast_scale_override 0
  355. mat_max_worldmesh_vertices "0"
  356. mat_maxframelatency "0"
  357. mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled "0"
  358. mat_motion_blur_enabled 0
  359. mat_motion_blur_falling_intensity 0
  360. mat_motion_blur_falling_max 0
  361. mat_motion_blur_falling_min 0
  362. mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled 0
  363. mat_motion_blur_percent_of_screen_max 0
  364. mat_motion_blur_rotation_intensity 0
  365. mat_motion_blur_strength 0
  366. mat_norendering "1"
  367. mat_normalmaps 1
  368. mat_override_sky_colors 1
  369. mat_parallaxmap 0
  370. mat_phong 0 // May cause crashes on "1"
  371. mat_postprocess_enable 0
  372. mat_powersavingsmode "0"
  373. mat_queue_mode "-1"
  374. mat_reducefillrate 1
  375. mat_reduceparticles 1
  376. mat_shadowstate "0"
  377. mat_showlowresimage 1
  378. mat_sky_scale "5" //1
  379. mat_softwarelighting 0
  380. mat_specular 0
  381. mat_sun_highlight_size "0"
  382. mat_sun_scale "8" //1
  383. mat_superbloom 0
  384. mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures 1
  385. mat_vignette_enable 0
  386. mat_wateroverlaysize 0
  387. modeldecals_forceAllowed "-1"
  388. muzzleflash_light 0
  389. particle_cpu_level "0"
  390. particle_dlights_enable 0
  391. projectile_filltrails "2"
  392. r_3dsky 0
  393. r_DrawDisp 0
  394. r_PhysPropStaticLighting 0
  395. r_WaterDrawReflection 0
  396. r_ambientfraction "0.2"
  397. r_cheapwaterend "0"
  398. r_cheapwaterstart "0"
  399. r_dopixelvisibility 0
  400. r_drawbatchdecals 0
  401. r_drawflecks 0
  402. r_drawparticles 0
  403. r_drawsprites 0
  404. r_dynamic 0
  405. r_eyegloss "0"
  406. r_eyemove "0"
  407. r_eyes "0"
  408. r_fastzreject -1 //0
  409. r_flashlightdepthtexture "0"
  410. r_flashlightmodels "0"
  411. r_flex "0"
  412. r_forcecheapwater 1
  413. r_hunkalloclightmaps "0"
  414. r_jiggle_bones 0
  415. r_lightaverage 0
  416. r_lightcache_zbuffercache "0"
  417. r_lightmap 0
  418. r_lod_switch_scale "0.5"
  419. r_modeldecal_maxtotal "1"
  420. r_particle_lighting_enable 0
  421. r_particle_lighting_force 0
  422. r_particle_low_res_enable 1
  423. r_particle_sim_spike_threshold_ms 0
  424. r_particles_cull_all "0"
  425. r_rimlight 0
  426. r_rootlod 2
  427. r_shadowmaxrendered 0
  428. r_shadowrendertotexture 0
  429. r_shadows 0
  430. r_spray_lifetime 0
  431. r_sse_s 0
  432. r_teeth "0"
  433. r_updaterefracttexture "0"
  434. r_updaterefracttexture_allowmultiple "0"
  435. r_waterdrawrefraction "0"
  436. r_worldlightmin 0
  437. shadow_capable 0
  438. shadow_default_filter_size 0
  439. shadow_enable 0
  440. shadow_filter_maxstep 0
  441. shadow_maxspotshadows 0
  442. slide_viewTiltSide 0
  443. sprint_camera_smoothing_enabled "0"
  444. ssao_blur "0"
  445. ssao_enabled "0"
  446. ssao_tech "0"
  447. sssss_enable 0
  448. staticProp_budget "6000"
  449. static_shadow "1"
  450. static_shadow_res "0"
  451. stream_cache_high_priority_static_models 0
  452. stream_cache_preload_from_rpak 0
  453. stream_drop_unused 1
  454. stream_memory "0"
  455. stream_mode "none"
  456. stream_picmip "4.0"
  457. sv_screenShake_enabled 0
  458. telemetry_client_enable "0"
  459. telemetry_client_sendInterval "0"
  460. testhudanim scoperemoval
  461. tracer_extra 0
  462. viewmodelShake 0
  463. viewmodel_recoil 0
  464. viewmodel_selfshadow 0
  465. viewpunch_predictable_scalar "0.0"
  466. violence_ablood "0"
  467. violence_hblood "0"
  468. setting.shadow_maxspotshadows "0"
  469. //////
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