
The Paper

Feb 27th, 2014
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  1. Asked to use:
  2. Taylor Swift
  3. Radar
  4. Sacrificial Knives
  7. >Day in Equestria
  8. >You wake up and stretch your back
  9. >You walk downstairs scratching your head
  10. >You open the door to pick up the paper like you always do
  11. >Fluttershy sits there
  12. You're early. Now move I need the paper.
  13. >She moans and tenses up
  14. >The highly lubricated paper squirts out of her vag and slides across your floor
  15. >You just stare at her
  16. >"Is the paper your fetish?"
  17. >You are about to slam the door in her face when she says
  18. >"No wait! M-maybe we can get another paper?"
  19. >You look back at the soaked in Flutters newspaper
  20. Yeah. Let's do that.
  21. >"Okay I'll be right back!"
  22. >She zooms off
  23. >You shrug and make some toast to eat
  24. >You smear the butter on your toast with those strange knives that merchant sold you
  25. >Sacrificial Knives you think he called them
  26. >What a fucking nut job
  27. >You eat the toast and feel a tingly sensation in your body
  28. >Just then the wall crashes in
  29. >When the smoke clears you see a huge wooden aircraft in your house
  30. >Fluttershy pokes her head out
  31. >" damage your fetish?"
  32. No...speaking of which, WHAT THE FUCK?!
  33. >She cowers
  34. >Then she gets back in the cockpit and pulls something out
  35. >"W-well you know that w-weird cross eyed p0ny?"
  36. Derpy?
  37. >"Y-yeah. She also b-brings the paper."
  38. So what the fuck does that have to do with my house being destroyed by a wooden plane?
  39. >"I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a friend of another guy, and that guy knows another guy's cousin, who is really good at tracking people down."
  40. >How she said that without stuttering the world may never know
  42. >"I f-flew the plane to that g-guys house and he gave me this thing to track her with."
  43. >She throws down to you a radar
  44. How the fuck does it work?
  45. >"H-he said you need to g-get some of her DNA..."
  46. >You look over at the soggy newspaper in horror
  47. No...please...
  48. >"But I thought y-you wanted the paper?"
  49. > did want that paper
  50. >You suck it up and pick up the soggy newspaper
  51. >You gag as you open it
  52. >There's a blonde hair right in it
  53. >You pick it out of there
  54. Where do I put this?
  55. >"I-in the top."
  56. >You put the hair to the top and something sucks it in
  57. >It clicks on
  58. >You see a line that goes around in a circle
  59. >Every once in a while you see a dot that appears
  60. >And then a dot that's right next to you
  61. >Fucking Fluttershy...
  62. I think I found her!
  63. >She flutters down after you when you run out of the house
  64. >Suddenly you feel the tingly sensation again
  65. >Some random p0ny drops a vase
  66. >Woah
  67. >You somehow adapted Pinkie's power
  68. >This could come in handy
  69. >You continue walking towards the dot
  70. >When you get about 6 meters away you hear something
  71. >Something really fucking annoying
  72. >
  73. >You look towards the sound
  74. >You see Derpy with big ugly glasses on holding cards that say things over to a house parallel to hers
  75. >The other p0ny opens his window and calls her a freak
  76. >You decide to stop standing around and...
  77. >That tingle...
  78. >You hear the same p0ny scream out
  79. >"FREEDOM!"
  80. >He smacks against the ground
  81. >He's dead obviously but Fluttershy still checks
  82. >You just walk up to Derpy's door
  83. >You knock
  84. >The earraping music stops and she opens the door
  85. >"OH hi! Aren't you the human?"
  86. >She looks at you and your dick at the same time
  87. >Fluttershy wishes she can do this
  88. I need another paper, mine accident.
  89. >"Oh gosh was it bad is he hurt?!"
  90. >You facepalm
  91. Just give me another paper.
  92. >She nods and goes back inside
  93. >She hands you the paper
  94. >You thank her and head back with Fluttershy
  95. >"Are requests your fetish Anon?"
  96. No Fluttershy. I'm just bored.
  97. >She sighs and flies home
  98. >You go back to your house and ignore the giant wooden plane and Fluttercum stain
  99. >Today was an average day
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