

Mar 13th, 2012
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  1. [18:54:25] <~Mons> Surprisingly, nobody wakes up altogether too sore (save any yet-to-be-determined buttdrilling on the part of the resident ouji-sama and the resident hipster) the morning of the 16th--the first day of classes for... All of you! Don't we have such a diligent group of students here. According to the very helpful map of the campus posted next to the door, Advanced Tactics takes place in the 'official' stadium, and is usually the only reason
  2. [18:54:25] <~Mons> damn thing is active from day-to-day.
  3. [18:55:14] <Beatrice> (>buttdrilling)
  4. [18:55:27] <~Mons> Don't knock my narration.
  5. [18:55:31] <~Mons> It is accurate and unbiased.
  6. [18:56:29] * Beatrice woke fairly early, probably before the dawn crew even poof'd, grabbed a few fruits, gathered her posse, and headed to the stadium early. Too excited to sleep much.
  7. [18:56:54] <~Mons> In any case, most of the people that had a TERRIFYING DREAMWORLD ADVENTURE a couple hours earlier are definitely awake at this stage, if not necessarily talkative. How busy the room is is, well, quite obviously up to you, being as there are two showers after all.
  8. [18:58:19] * Isabella is up early, but seems a bit distracted. She mostly stares at two newly occupied pokeballs in her possession while waiting for the shower to be freed up. She glances up once or twice at the others, and almost seems to say something, but loses her voice before managing to get anything out and goes back to quietly staring at her pokeballs.
  9. [18:58:39] <Mikaela> Depending on when the sun rises, Mikaela is probably up before the Saturday crew poofs as well, probably just in time to see hipster start his breakfast before setting off to the theatre's practice rooms to get a little bit of musical training done before AT.
  10. [18:58:55] <Mikaela> (Using Writing New Parts: Ranka's Leech Seed)
  11. [18:59:43] <Frederica> Regardless of miscellaneous circumstances, balllessness lead poor Rica to get up snuggling a bat with a bandaged wing, who is sweettalked to all morning and probably eventually placed on her head or something as she prepares at a reasonable time, getting dressed. Which includes putting on her wheels in addition to the uniform.
  12. [19:01:00] <Beatrice> In the mean time she just wandered around campus in the early early morning, guaging how early she'll have to wake up after moving and such to get places, before heading to the stadium itself to see if there are any other early birds.
  13. [19:01:16] * Isabella eventually gets on the move herself.
  14. [19:01:35] <Frederica> Waking up too late to talk to Trice is a thing, so, the abomination of an egg gets wrapped in a blanket or something and carried lovingly along with for the time being- well, dropping it off in a B&R incubator might happen if the classroom's open this early, but assuming otherwise a bat-on-head cripple arrives at the stadium. Eventually.
  15. [19:02:08] * Ramiel is now known as Ramiel|OuttaHere
  16. [19:03:56] <Isabella> Once Bella arrives at the stadium, she waves absently to Beatrice, though she remains uncharacteristically distracted.
  17. [19:03:57] * Felicia Is a late warly riser waking up last of everyone anyway. She picks her black combat boots and a pair of tights to go along with her uniform for the day. After getting dressed she grabs a few of her own personal books and reads a bit. (Did the Home Work Pokemon Capabilities, and School History.) Before heading off to the stadium bookbag in hand.
  18. [19:05:02] <~Mons> There's really only one entrance, and it's clear that a good-sized amount of people are filing in with your group. The way to the classroom itself, for some reason cuts through the stadium's hall of fame--plastered all around the walls and such are portraits, photographs, trophies, memorabilia, etc. from big winners that had graduated from the school previously and wanted to thank it.
  19. [19:05:23] * Isabella seems to focus up a little as they walk through this area.
  20. [19:05:52] <Beatrice> "Bonjour, Bella," she waves as well, looking away from one of the portraits. "I take it you did not sleep well either, non?"
  21. [19:06:01] <~Mons> Plenty of people do pause to look at something or another--fans or just curious, both seem present. Doesn't look like there's much of a time crunch, though there is ONE person that rushes in late, toast in mouth, just like everyone's animes. Maybe only for the sake of it.
  22. [19:06:44] <Isabella> "I slept quite well, actually... but what came immediately after is another story..." she shakes her head. "Oh, I doubt you'd believe me, though..."
  23. [19:06:49] : Mikaela barely seems to notice the portraits as she enters, her two pokemon at her side.
  24. [19:06:56] * Felicia Inspects the trophies and portraits nodding to herself at anyface she knows.
  25. [19:07:19] <Beatrice> "Ze prince visit you in ze night?" she jests.
  26. [19:07:20] <~Mons> Everyone takes a -1 Genre Point penalty for nobody thinking of toast-in-mouth-run. Unfortunately, as I haven't even given out any Genre Points, it does nothing.
  27. [19:07:37] * Frederica does stay at least near the back of the line, wary of being bumped into or something. Considering the blanket-wrapped egg sits on top of a bunch of textbooks, balancing that and a headbat gets worrisome. But slowly wheeling in, Rica glances at a few despite obviously not expecting to recognize any portraits.
  28. [19:07:39] * Beatrice cares not for Mon's whoseline points!
  29. [19:08:02] <Isabella> "Not so far off, actually, though that was the least of the highlights."
  30. [19:08:15] : Mikaela thinks Mons's genre points can piss off because he's cockblocking kissing through the glass. D:<
  31. [19:08:35] <Frederica> ^
  32. [19:08:40] <Isabella> "More like... I seem to have dragged several of our roommates into quite a mess."
  33. [19:09:27] <Beatrice> She seriouses up a bit. "Oh?"
  34. [19:09:37] <Mikaela> "Hey, sup Isa, Beats." Mikaela walks up to the conversing pair with a wave.
  35. [19:09:49] <Isabella> "Like I said, it's probably hard to believe - ah, hello, Mika."
  36. [19:10:17] <Prince_Ali> (damn it we forgot the waking up together stuff)
  37. [19:10:20] * Felicia Spies Wheels making her way and angles her self to intercept. Or rather use her like a snowplow. "Hello Frederica!"
  38. [19:10:53] <Isabella> "...but whether you believe or not, this morning I and some of the others were forcibly pulled into the Dream World. The very same realm I told you about yesterday..." she says quietly.
  39. [19:11:01] * Frederica stops her movement and smiles, barely loosing a hand for a small wave. "Good morning! Did you sleep well?"
  40. [19:11:12] <Frederica> Loosening, even.
  41. [19:11:25] <Beatrice> "Bonjour, Mikaela -" She waves. "And euh."
  42. [19:11:55] <Mikaela> "Sleep well last ni- oh uh...huh." Mika furtively gives Beatrice a glance at hearing this.
  43. [19:12:07] <Isabella> Of course, not having been there for much of the conversation with the Tower she hasn't QUITE put together two and two yet.
  44. [19:12:09] <Frederica> To Heels, of course, but... oh, they're probably close enough.
  45. [19:12:22] <Beatrice> <Do you zink we should mention our own little surprise yesterday?> she thinks at Mikaela
  46. [19:13:07] <Frederica> (oh I didn't forget, I was waiting for you)
  47. [19:13:09] <Mikaela> <It's definitely somethin' of a coincidence it happened that way for us both.> Mika thinks back.
  48. [19:13:21] <~Mons> All this chattering on and more is now, at this point, taking place in the classroom itself, done up like... Well, exactly how you'd expect a standard regulation stadium to look, dust and dry earth and all. Just... round. Bleachers on the edges. Naturally. The ONE surprise here is a gigantic machine in the very center, taking up the entire top to bottom of the dome, screens positioned all around it.
  49. [19:13:27] <Felicia> "I did! The bed was a pleasent surprise. How about yourself? You seem to have a bit of, ah, hand full."
  50. [19:13:40] <Beatrice> "Was zere...a big tower of light and nightmarish creatures?"
  51. [19:14:08] <Prince_Ali> (s-sorry tree ;_;)
  52. [19:14:13] <Isabella> "..." Click. She looks at Beatrice. "...You all were there, weren't you... that's why the sudden questions about the dream world yesterday..."
  53. [19:14:32] <Frederica> "It... could've been much worse than it was, at least. This, um, well, I want to show it to somebody," she wiggles the blanket lovingly a bit, "but I'll... wait until they're less busy. Did you remember all your textbooks too?"
  54. [19:14:37] <~Mons> 1d100
  55. [19:14:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, 1d100: 98 [1d100=98]
  56. [19:14:49] <Mikaela> (>battling class)
  57. [19:14:51] <Mikaela> (>textbooks)
  58. [19:14:52] <Beatrice> (oh god.)
  59. [19:14:59] <Frederica> (that's the joke)
  60. [19:15:02] * Isabella glances at the machine in the center of the area
  61. [19:15:06] <~Mons> Unfortunately, this sudden realization is interrupted by the machine humming to life and the doors sliding closed.
  62. [19:15:21] <Beatrice> "Zis is probably something we could discuss in more detail later..."
  63. [19:15:22] <Felicia> "But of course. I even brought some of my own if you wanted to-"
  64. [19:15:28] <Frederica> "Eep!"
  65. [19:15:31] * Isabella nods. "Very well..."
  66. [19:15:59] * Frederica scouts out a quiet, nonthreatening corner to let the abomination egg rest in before shit gets real.
  67. [19:17:00] * Felicia Glances at the machine in greater detail. "Hmmm. What are you?~"
  68. [19:17:08] <Beatrice> "Along with other zings, like moving out of ze host -" thoroughly distracted by machine.
  69. [19:17:12] <Mikaela> "After class I s'pose." Mika nods to Isabella and Trice.
  70. [19:17:34] <Mikaela> And then...she looks over to get a better glance at the machine. The hell does this thing look like aside from lots of screens?
  71. [19:17:34] <Frederica> "This... IS part of the class, isn't it?"
  72. [19:17:54] <Isabella> "I would imagine so."
  73. [19:18:15] <~Mons> The projectors on parts of it start displaying blanks, static images of the academy crest to be made later by someone who can mspaint more than scribbles. Holograms, naturally. Full color. The screens pop to life, and there's the head and shoulders of a slightly aging scientist displayed. Looks rather happy. "Goood morning, class! For our new faces today from the boat, I am the school's own General Engineering Operator slash Robotic
  74. [19:18:16] <~Mons> Genius--George for short, of course."
  75. [19:18:31] <~Mons> "And I am the Advanced Tactics teacher!"
  76. [19:18:56] * Isabella watches with a bit of interest.
  77. [19:18:59] <Felicia> "George?"
  78. [19:19:10] <Beatrice> "Euh."
  79. [19:19:16] * Frederica lets out a shocked gasp before a relieved sigh, loosening her tenseness with a typical smile. "Oh! Well that was a scare-- it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. George."
  80. [19:19:16] : Mikaela nudges Minmay with her foot. "...Aura?" She whispers.
  81. [19:19:26] <~Mons> <None like any other machine.>
  82. [19:19:39] <Felicia> "Why...Why does this remind me of yesterday...."
  83. [19:20:00] * Isabella seems to be fairly fascinated by the implication that the AT instructor is an AI.
  84. [19:20:07] <Beatrice> "Well zis explains why he was not present yesterday, I suppose."
  85. [19:20:20] * Frederica squints at the computers for a second before nodding at 'licia. "... Only a bit."
  86. [19:20:50] <~Mons> "Also, be quiet with all that murmuring, you shouldn't be that surprised. I am NATURALLY the best choice for this role, having a simply huge variety of simulations and devices to test you with!"
  87. [19:20:57] : Mikaela scratches her head. "...Alright I guess that's pretty damn cool. Makes sense for battling tactics to get an AI..."
  88. [19:21:25] * Isabella shuts up for the moment and pays attention. :3
  89. [19:21:52] <~Mons> "Now, today... today, today, today. I dunno, what do the veterans think, jump straight into live exercises?"
  90. [19:22:00] * Frederica does the same, shooting a glance to that undisturbed corner every few seconds but otherwise attentive.
  91. [19:22:03] * Beatrice shushes, but looks a bit perplexed.
  92. [19:22:12] <~Mons> There's quite a chorus of assent, a few "Yeah, test 'em!" "Start it off with a bang!"
  93. [19:22:19] * Felicia Is half way to pullin gout a notebook as the computer asks "Hmmm?"
  94. [19:22:31] <Frederica> "... Oh my."
  95. [19:22:47] <Isabella> "Veterans? This class has a second year variant, then, and it's lumped in with first?" She seems curious.
  96. [19:23:14] <~Mons> "One... Two... right, so it is! Pokemon of your choice out, then, obstacle course first!"
  97. [19:23:20] * Felicia Grins wolfishly. "Oh. I think I shall like this class very much."
  98. [19:23:44] * Isabella reaches for Ganymede's pokeball.
  99. [19:23:46] <Mikaela> "Computers are much better than humans at multitasking." Mika turns to Isa. "Like how it's much easier to play two voices on a violin than a guitar or somethin', y'know."
  100. [19:24:06] <Mikaela> "So I bet it'll handle two classes at the same time pretty well."
  101. [19:24:08] <Beatrice> "Hm, hazing. We shall show them."
  102. [19:24:11] <Mikaela> *fuck I meant piano or violin
  103. [19:24:14] <Isabella> "Indeed."
  104. [19:24:24] <Frederica> "Obstacle..." Disappointedly, Rica pulls the bat on top of her head down and sets her in her lap. "That... might be difficult for you right now, and Signum's probably tired. Hopefully Shamal won't have an issue." As if on cue, the spheal pops out on the ground.
  105. [19:25:08] <Mikaela> Obstacle courses, huh? Mika ponders a moment, waiting to see if there's any indication of what the course looks like or if she'll have to pick a pokemon first. Both of hers are by her side, just waiting for a cue.
  106. [19:25:17] <Beatrice> "
  107. [19:25:40] * Isabella does wonder silently what obstacle courses have to do with tactics...
  108. [19:25:47] <Beatrice> "Professor! What are ze conditions of zis obstacle course?" She seems a bit perplexed that she's calling a machine 'professor.'
  109. [19:26:50] * Felicia Watches interested in the answer as well. She rolls Sai's pokeball in her hand as she watches.
  110. [19:27:40] <~Mons> George himself tucks his screens in, projectors flicking off. Wires part and retract to be covered with plating around the screens, and small cannons pop out. As everyone moves into positions, the face flicks off and the screens begin to display Mode S...
  111. [19:27:41] <~Mons> As small laser beams extend from the ceiling, tracing walls of solid light all around, separating pretty much everyone from everyone else in a massive maze. "The objective is to get to the center and shut down the cannons! Because there are only five, naturally this course can have WINNERS! No clue what they'll get for it quite yet though, I'll calculate it as we go. Now... ready? On your mark? BEGIN!"
  112. [19:28:27] <Mikaela> (this a one pokemon only thing?)
  113. [19:28:28] <~Mons> dex and speeds please
  114. [19:28:33] <~Mons> As many as you can use
  115. [19:28:41] <Mikaela> (so switching off between them is okay?)
  116. [19:28:45] <~Mons> Yep
  117. [19:28:51] * Isabella curses her luck, why couldn't she have somehow taught Ganymede Brick Break...
  118. [19:29:02] <Frederica> (Rica dex 4, shamal spd 10.. and technically levi spd 4 is out too if we're doing it like that)
  119. [19:29:12] <Felicia> (Dex 6 Sai Spd 1)
  120. [19:29:12] <~Mons> Dunno, do you wanna do it like that?
  121. [19:29:16] <Frederica> No!
  122. [19:29:21] <Isabella> Dex 6, Ganymede 12
  123. [19:29:23] <Mikaela> (DEX 6, Minmay 5, Ranka 5)
  124. [19:29:50] <Beatrice> (Oh yeah I was gonna ask him about dual wielding)
  125. [19:29:51] <Felicia> (We are slowpokes.jpg)
  126. [19:29:51] <~Mons> (god you are all so slow)
  127. [19:29:55] <Beatrice> (but have no idea how to phrase that IC 3:)
  128. [19:29:57] * Frederica sets the bat back on her head. "Be good, okay?"
  129. [19:30:16] <Beatrice> (DEX 12, Speeds 16 and 13 for Samedi and Briggite)
  130. [19:30:43] <Frederica> "Alright, Shamal, let's be careful. Please go ahead, but watch out; we don't know what's in here."
  131. [19:31:23] <Isabella> "Let's go, Ganymede!"
  132. [19:31:48] <Beatrice> "Samedi! Briggite! Let's go!"
  133. [19:31:52] * Mons changes topic to 'Beato>Bella=Mike=Heels>Wheels | Fire Cannon > Samedi > Brigitte > Ice Cannon > Ganymede > Shamal > Thunder Cannon > Minmay > Ranka > Sticky Cannon > Sai > Tomato Cannon'
  134. [19:31:53] <Felicia> "Come Sai. Let's show them what a Thornebrook can do."
  135. [19:32:00] <Felicia> (Inb4 terrible.)
  136. [19:33:10] * Beatrice looks around at her surroundings first before heading forward. "Hm..."
  137. [19:33:58] <Beatrice> (sorta confused how to begin other than 'walk forward.')
  138. [19:34:24] <~Mons> Special Rule #1: In order to make progress, roll INT, modifier or capability. Numbers 10 or above will give forward progress, 9 or below will give negative progress.
  139. [19:34:47] <~Mons> Special Rule #2: Walls can be attacked through and brick broken like normal walls, but count as both Protect and Light Screen.
  140. [19:35:01] <Beatrice> 1d20+3 well then she darts forward.
  141. [19:35:01] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, well then she darts forward.: 16 [1d20=13]
  142. [19:35:04] <Mikaela> (yeah, where are the cannons in relation to us anyway?)
  143. [19:35:17] <Beatrice> (center of the maze, I think.)
  144. [19:35:18] <~Mons> All in the center, circling around. They're part of George himself.
  145. [19:35:20] <Isabella> (Dommot, can someone retrieve a list of Nidorino's capabilities for me?)
  146. [19:35:40] <Mikaela> (Overland 6, Surface 4, Burrow 6, Jump 3, Power 2, Intelligence 3)
  147. [19:35:44] <Isabella> (Thanks)
  148. [19:38:02] <~Mons> For the record: You need to make a total of 60 Progress to reach the center, and thus at least one cannon.
  149. [19:38:23] <Beatrice> (I already made my roll, so guessing it's just you guys rollin' atm)
  150. [19:38:30] <Frederica> (Oh, so it's just ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL one after the other then)
  151. [19:38:52] <Isabella> 1d20+2 Rollin' Int
  152. [19:38:52] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, Rollin' Int: 13 [1d20=11]
  153. [19:39:05] <~Mons> You start at a distance of 10m from George, and for every 10 Progress made, subtract 1m from that for the purposes of attacks.
  154. [19:39:21] <~Mons> When at 60, you're more or less in the clear, but take unreduced damage from the cannons.
  155. [19:39:29] <Felicia> 1d20+8 Movin' on up
  156. [19:39:30] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, Movin' on up: 12 [1d20=4]
  157. [19:39:39] * Isabella quickly moves forward while analyzing the properties of the walls as she goes.
  158. [19:39:42] <~Mons> You can indeed take actions, as the rolls are just your moves.
  159. [19:40:05] <Mikaela> "Ranka, see if you can get into the laser machine and read me off the path!" Mika wanders into the maze, starting up her guitar as well.
  160. [19:40:08] <Mikaela> 1d20+5 INT
  161. [19:40:10] * Beatrice tries to photokinesis the walls to fade the insensity as she runs, maybe see through them.
  162. [19:40:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Mikaela, INT: 18 [1d20=13]
  163. [19:40:21] <Frederica> 1d20 oh man I'm the only one without +INT
  164. [19:40:21] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, oh man I'm the only one without +INT: 16 [1d20=16]
  165. [19:40:31] <Mikaela> (and then you get the best flat roll anyway)
  166. [19:40:59] <Frederica> "Be careful... if something seems strange, stop moving and look in more detail, all right?"
  167. [19:40:59] <~Mons> Roll con beato
  168. [19:41:03] <Beatrice> 1d20+4
  169. [19:41:04] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, 1d20+4: 19 [1d20=15]
  170. [19:41:26] <~Mons> You... do thin stuff out a little and slip past one. +5 Progress.
  171. [19:41:29] <Mikaela> (oh, can we see each other and what's going on through the walls?)
  172. [19:41:40] <~Mons> But the lasers tend to re-create them quickly, so maybe not always...
  173. [19:41:50] <~Mons> Yes, you can. They're lightscreens after all.
  174. [19:41:55] <Mikaela> (got it)
  175. [19:42:02] <~Mons> 1d10
  176. [19:42:02] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, 1d10: 2 [1d10=2]
  177. [19:42:04] <Beatrice> "Hah! As expected."
  178. [19:42:16] <Felicia> "Hmm, Sai. See if you can't direct me through this from above." Sending Bronzor up above for birds eye guid.
  179. [19:42:24] <Isabella> What's the floor made of?
  180. [19:42:38] <~Mons> Dry earth.
  181. [19:42:53] <~Mons> Sai bumps into the ceiling created by the lasers.
  182. [19:43:03] * Isabella keeps that in mind and plans to have Ganymede burrow through once they get close enough
  183. [19:43:08] <~Mons> And meanwhile, the fire cannon shoots!
  184. [19:43:13] <Frederica> (So trainers and mons get progress separately?)
  185. [19:43:19] * Felicia Sighs. "Well there goes that train of throught."
  186. [19:43:22] <~Mons> 1d20 first target: Mikaela. Yes, they do.
  187. [19:43:22] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, first target: Mikaela. Yes, they do.: 5 [1d20=5]
  188. [19:43:36] <Mikaela> (hits unless it's like AC 6 or something)
  189. [19:43:40] <~Mons> 4d12+16 can target either self or pokemon, your choice.
  190. [19:43:40] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, can target either self or pokemon, your choice.: 41 [4d12=8,5,4,8]
  191. [19:43:58] <Frederica> (kk- also obligatory "can heals go through walls" question because you know you were waiting for it)
  192. [19:44:05] <~Mons> If pokemon, remember to apply the defenses from screens
  193. [19:44:08] <Mikaela> (oh hrm, does light screen combat stage affect AC?)
  194. [19:44:15] <~Mons> Yyyyes.
  195. [19:44:32] <Beatrice> 1d20+4;1d20+3 both ghosts follow along, Samedi and Briggite respectively.
  196. [19:44:32] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, 1d20+4: 13 [1d20=9]; both ghosts follow along, Samedi and Briggite respectively.: 14 [1d20=11]
  197. [19:44:42] : Mikaela takes the first hit for now.
  198. [19:45:22] <~Mons> No actions on the part of either ghost? Remember the distance rules, and that of course screens can be attacked through
  199. [19:45:35] <Beatrice> (Can they phase through the walls?)
  200. [19:45:39] <~Mons> No.
  201. [19:45:43] <~Mons> Actually
  202. [19:45:58] <~Mons> ...yeah, why not. Flat 20 Progress per round.
  203. [19:46:09] <~Mons> But that just means you get into the line of fire quicker.
  204. [19:46:30] <Beatrice> "Light shall not impeed us, go!" (Fine by me :3)
  205. [19:46:44] <Felicia> (Wait. So Trainer and Pokes move independently of one another. And pokemon can attack?)
  206. [19:46:58] <~Mons> Everyone can attack if indeed they have attacks, but again, distance.
  207. [19:47:12] <Mikaela> (do trainers have any benefit from light screens at all in this?)
  208. [19:47:12] <~Mons> Everyone is currently within 9m, beato's group within 8.
  209. [19:47:20] <~Mons> Do they normally?
  210. [19:47:29] <Mikaela> (;~;)
  211. [19:47:34] <Mikaela> (okay.jpg)
  212. [19:47:42] <Beatrice> 1d20 ember the ice cannon
  213. [19:47:43] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, ember the ice cannon: 19 [1d20=19]
  214. [19:47:43] <~Mons> 1d10 Ice Cannon!
  215. [19:47:44] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, Ice Cannon!: 7 [1d10=7]
  216. [19:47:59] <Beatrice> 1d12+10+12 BURN ZE CANNONS?
  217. [19:47:59] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, BURN ZE CANNONS?: 24 [1d12=2]
  218. [19:48:23] <~Mons> Doesn't seem to INFLICT burn, but it certainly hits.
  219. [19:48:24] <Felicia> 1d20+8 Movin on up again!
  220. [19:48:24] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, Movin on up again!: 11 [1d20=3]
  221. [19:48:33] <~Mons> bwuh?
  222. [19:48:51] <Beatrice> (I think you added too much to that, Felicia)
  223. [19:48:54] <Isabella> (You people need to mark when you're taking pokemon turns)
  224. [19:49:02] <~Mons> How did you move again this is pokemon turns
  225. [19:49:15] <Frederica> (Speaking of which I think it's Ganymede's now?)
  226. [19:49:26] <Felicia> (Man I dunno what th ehell is happening)
  227. [19:49:26] <~Mons> 1d20 ice cannon shoots at a faceless student
  228. [19:49:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, ice cannon shoots at a faceless student: 14 [1d20=14]
  229. [19:49:34] <Isabella> 1d20+3 Ganymede thinkan
  230. [19:49:34] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, Ganymede thinkan: 8 [1d20=5]
  231. [19:49:36] <~Mons> Are you okay beard :<
  232. [19:49:36] <Frederica> (... oh that's what that was)
  233. [19:49:42] <Beatrice> (I think he's just confused atm)
  234. [19:50:03] <Isabella> The rabbit seems confused by the light show and just sits for the moment. Isabella rethinks her strategy...
  235. [19:50:20] <Frederica> "M-Mika, are you alright? Go forward a bit, Shamal, and... that one." Wheels' finger points at the fire cannon.
  236. [19:50:27] <Mikaela> (Do I tally up progress total between Mika and her pokemon? Or is it separate?)
  237. [19:50:28] <Frederica> 1d20+3 spheal progressin'
  238. [19:50:29] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, spheal progressin': 14 [1d20=11]
  239. [19:50:35] <Beatrice> (seperate )
  240. [19:50:38] <~Mons> I'm keeping track of progress, but it's separate.
  241. [19:50:56] <Frederica> 1d20 and since that's closer than 10m, WATER GUN on fire cannon
  242. [19:50:57] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, and since that's closer than 10m, WATER GUN on fire cannon: 2 [1d20=2]
  243. [19:51:01] <Frederica> ... Oh.
  244. [19:51:09] <~Mons> bworp
  245. [19:51:24] <Frederica> "Well... you tried."
  246. [19:51:38] <Mikaela> "You ever see a gym battle from Murderland, Rica? Somethin' like this is par for the course!"
  247. [19:51:42] <~Mons> Naw cannons have no evasion
  248. [19:52:01] <Frederica> 1d12+6+13+4 OH OKAY THEN
  249. [19:52:02] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, OH OKAY THEN: 34 [1d12=11]
  250. [19:53:13] <Frederica> "Well, I might've seen... bits and pieces, once." She looks again at the fire cannon. "... Oh, you did it! Hmmm, it's sort of difficult to see in here."
  251. [19:53:13] <~Mons> 1d10 thunderrrr
  252. [19:53:14] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, thunderrrr: 5 [1d10=5]
  253. [19:53:23] <~Mons> 1d20 on one of whatever from WHEELS
  254. [19:53:23] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, on one of whatever from WHEELS: 4 [1d20=4]
  255. [19:53:39] <~Mons> 4d12+16
  256. [19:53:39] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, 4d12+16: 34 [4d12=4,2,11,1]
  257. [19:53:53] <Frederica> (if that's ac3 or lower oh shit I think shamal's down)
  258. [19:54:02] <Beatrice> (you can make it hit wheels herself.)
  259. [19:54:04] <~Mons> They're the Flamethrower equivalents for the respective types.
  260. [19:54:04] <Mikaela> (you can choose to have it hit Rica instead)
  261. [19:54:08] <Frederica> (Oh right!)
  262. [19:54:25] * Frederica SPEEDS UP. "I-I told you to be careful!"
  263. [19:55:00] <Felicia> (Wheels needs A Motor Drive Engine on her wheelchair.)
  264. [19:55:10] <Frederica> (SO NOTED)
  265. [19:55:24] <~Mons> Infiltrator is likewise as phasing... without the no-attack because ability
  266. [19:56:00] <Frederica> (oh man, almost worth activating to get it RIGHT NOW)
  267. [19:57:00] <Mikaela> (uh, did Ranka find something that's possible to Wired into?)
  268. [19:57:15] <~Mons> No
  269. [19:57:22] <Mikaela> 1d20+4 just proceedin then
  270. [19:57:24] <DiceMaid-9001> Mikaela, just proceedin then: 24 [1d20=20]
  271. [19:57:27] <Mikaela> (whooo)
  272. [19:57:31] <Frederica> (heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go)
  273. [19:57:37] <Mikaela> And....shockwave on a wall wynaut
  274. [19:57:51] <~Mons> noted
  275. [19:58:01] <~Mons> ranka?
  276. [19:58:04] <Mikaela> (yup)
  277. [19:58:12] <~Mons> ...but you have both out
  278. [19:58:29] <Mikaela> (oh do I get to roll for both of them?)
  279. [19:58:30] <~Mons> so what does minmay do
  280. [19:58:35] <~Mons> Well you're DW right?
  281. [19:58:36] <Mikaela> (I can't dual wield)
  282. [19:58:37] <Mikaela> (yet)
  283. [19:58:39] <~Mons> 3:
  284. [19:58:43] <~Mons> stop making me think you can!
  285. [19:58:47] <Mikaela> (;~;)
  286. [19:58:52] <Beatrice> (CHEEEEATER)
  287. [19:59:41] <Mikaela> (;______;)
  288. [19:59:44] <Beatrice> (so sticky cannon turn then?)
  289. [19:59:48] <~Mons> 1d10 sticky cannon turn.
  290. [19:59:49] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, sticky cannon turn.: 9 [1d10=9]
  291. [19:59:54] <Frederica> (That's why I went full timid and had a fluffmon!)
  292. [19:59:58] <~Mons> Faceless student gets all gummed up
  293. [20:00:38] <Felicia> "That looks most...Guh."
  294. [20:00:50] <Felicia> 1d20 Movin up for Sai
  295. [20:00:50] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, Movin up for Sai: 7 [1d20=7]
  296. [20:00:53] <Felicia> er +4
  297. [20:00:56] <Isabella> "What a dreadful fate..."
  298. [20:01:24] * Frederica is still sizzling, but brushes herself off. "Well it's still... mostly just for fun, isn't it? I'm sure it's not all that awful."
  299. [20:01:47] <Felicia> (Ohgod What would happen if I used Telekenisis the move on a cannon?)
  300. [20:02:02] <Beatrice> (explosions.)
  301. [20:02:03] <~Mons> 1d100
  302. [20:02:04] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, 1d100: 28 [1d100=28]
  303. [20:02:22] <~Mons> Limits movement, removes the particular cannon from your line of fire
  304. [20:02:51] <Felicia> (Then Passing on an attack for now.)
  305. [20:03:01] <~Mons> As in
  306. [20:03:08] <~Mons> you aren't a valid target for it for the duration
  307. [20:03:25] <~Mons> but neither can you target it unless you get in close
  308. [20:03:31] <Felicia> (Oh. Then totally gonna do that to the stick cannon if that is cool.)
  309. [20:03:37] <~Mons> go ahead
  310. [20:03:42] <~Mons> 1d10 TOMATO TIME
  311. [20:03:43] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, TOMATO TIME: 6 [1d10=6]
  312. [20:03:45] <Beatrice> (BRACE FOR TOMATOS)
  313. [20:03:54] <Felicia> "See if you can't gum up the works a bit Sai!"
  314. [20:04:18] <~Mons> 1d4 TOMATO TIME
  315. [20:04:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, TOMATO TIME: 4 [1d4=4]
  316. [20:04:32] <~Mons> ROTTEN TOMATO! Faceless student is flinched and stuck in place.
  317. [20:04:42] <Beatrice> Trice keeps movin', however.
  318. [20:04:47] <Beatrice> 1d20+3 progress?
  319. [20:04:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, progress?: 21 [1d20=18]
  320. [20:04:50] <Frederica> "Alright, that looks pretty awful."
  321. [20:04:52] <~Mons> 1d100 faceless progress
  322. [20:04:53] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, faceless progress: 81 [1d100=81]
  323. [20:05:03] <~Mons> Not much, your group seems to be leading it
  324. [20:05:13] <Beatrice> She flings a shadow ball at the ice tower.
  325. [20:05:29] <Beatrice> 1d20 beepboop ac2
  326. [20:05:30] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, beepboop ac2: 3 [1d20=3]
  327. [20:05:36] <Beatrice> (3: they had 0 evasion, right?)
  328. [20:05:44] <~Mons> yes
  329. [20:05:51] <Beatrice> 3d10+30
  330. [20:05:51] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, 3d10+30: 42 [3d10=1,7,4]
  331. [20:05:56] * Isabella returns Ganymede and sends out Europa. "We can't fall behind so easily... I refuse! Time for a change of plans. Europa!"
  332. [20:06:04] <Isabella> Speed 16
  333. [20:06:20] <Isabella> 1d20+2 progress
  334. [20:06:21] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, progress: 16 [1d20=14]
  335. [20:06:23] * Mons changes topic to 'Beato>Bella=Mike=Heels>Wheels | Europa > Fire Cannon > Samedi > Brigitte > Ice Cannon > Shamal > Thunder Cannon > Minmay > Ranka > Sticky Cannon > Sai > Tomato Cannon'
  336. [20:07:18] * Mons changes topic to 'Beato>Bella=Mike=Heels>Wheels | Fire Cannon > EuropaSamedi > Brigitte > Ice Cannon > Shamal > Thunder Cannon > Minmay > Ranka > Sticky Cannon > Sai > Tomato Cannon'
  337. [20:07:19] : Mikaela strums out a melody on her guitar then looks to the sky. Rain Dance!
  338. [20:07:25] <Mikaela> 1d20+5 progress
  339. [20:07:26] <DiceMaid-9001> Mikaela, progress: 15 [1d20=10]
  340. [20:07:53] <Beatrice> "Tch. Water." >:T
  341. [20:08:12] <~Mons> Would like to speed this up a tad if possible
  342. [20:08:15] <Felicia> 1d20+8 Progress
  343. [20:08:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, Progress: 26 [1d20=18]
  344. [20:08:27] <Felicia> (And thats allll folks)
  345. [20:08:28] <Frederica> 1d20 wheelin'
  346. [20:08:28] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, wheelin': 9 [1d20=9]
  347. [20:08:39] <Beatrice> (I think we were just confused at first, it's a cool idea :D)
  348. [20:09:05] <~Mons> Wheels goes backwards. poor wheels
  349. [20:09:14] <Frederica> "Let's... take it slowly." Rica pulls out a few bandages and applies them where the shock hurt worse... unless healing feats are FORBIDDEN here. At least she justifies going backwards!
  350. [20:09:23] <~Mons> Healing works sure
  351. [20:09:32] <Frederica> then -20EN to get rid of that nasty missing HP
  352. [20:09:40] <~Mons> 1d10 fire cannon
  353. [20:09:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, fire cannon: 2 [1d10=2]
  354. [20:09:55] <Mikaela> (yeah fuck you cannon this is what rain dance is for >:V)
  355. [20:09:55] <~Mons> 4d12+16 really doesn't like bella
  356. [20:09:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, really doesn't like bella: 43 [4d12=3,10,8,6]
  357. [20:10:10] * Isabella takes the hit with a bit of a grimace. "Nnnngh."
  358. [20:10:21] * Isabella directs Europa forward. "Normally I disfavor the brute force method, but it actually may be quicker here... Double Team! Send your copies down different routes, and find the correct way through!"
  359. [20:10:30] <Frederica> "That one really looks like it's going to be a problem for everybody, isn't it?"
  360. [20:10:39] <~Mons> HMMM
  361. [20:10:49] <~Mons> Go ahead and reroll progress if you go backwards then
  362. [20:11:02] <Isabella> 1d20+5 Europa's intelligence~
  363. [20:11:03] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, Europa's intelligence~: 8 [1d20=3]
  364. [20:11:07] <Isabella> Well then
  365. [20:11:09] <~Mons> Like so
  366. [20:11:11] <Isabella> 1d20+5
  367. [20:11:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, 1d20+5: 22 [1d20=17]
  368. [20:11:41] <~Mons> Continue phasing y/n
  369. [20:11:43] <Beatrice> Ghosts keep phasin'
  370. [20:11:54] <~Mons> 1d10 ice cannon
  371. [20:11:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, ice cannon: 7 [1d10=7]
  372. [20:12:09] <~Mons> #7 is DOWN now!
  373. [20:12:17] <~Mons> Rolls are 1d9 from now on!
  374. [20:12:19] <Frederica> Poor faceless students. ;_;
  375. [20:12:37] <Frederica> 1d20+3 sham 'em al(l)
  376. [20:12:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, sham 'em al(l): 20 [1d20=17]
  377. [20:12:44] <Beatrice> "Hah!" She laments on how much a zoof faceless student is!
  378. [20:13:08] <Felicia> "Thining the herd. Not a terrible plan."
  379. [20:13:11] <Frederica> "Please come see me if you're hurt after this, all right?" Rice gives a polite gesture.
  380. [20:13:19] <~Mons> 1d10 thunder
  381. [20:13:20] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, thunder: 2 [1d10=2]
  382. [20:13:20] <Frederica> 1d20 also water gunning fire cannon again, thanks mika
  383. [20:13:20] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, also water gunning fire cannon again, thanks mika: 2 [1d20=2]
  384. [20:13:39] <~Mons> Yep
  385. [20:13:48] <~Mons> 4d12+16 poor bella, goddamn
  386. [20:13:48] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, poor bella, goddamn: 43 [4d12=9,5,10,3]
  387. [20:14:01] <Mikaela> (...I don't suppose whirlwind would do anything nifty for this challenge, would it?)
  388. [20:14:08] <~Mons> nnnngh I don't think so.
  389. [20:14:18] <Frederica> 1d12+6+13+4 uh, then 1.5 if fire cannon has no eva still btw
  390. [20:14:18] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, uh, then 1.5 if fire cannon has no eva still btw: 33 [1d12=10]
  391. [20:14:24] <Mikaela> (not even spin the cannons around in silly ways? I mean, if telekinesis can do something...)
  392. [20:14:26] <~Mons> Of course it doesn't
  393. [20:14:43] <~Mons> Well it's like... Hm
  394. [20:14:45] * Kain ( has joined #traineracademy
  395. [20:14:55] <Kain> !dm9001 lastlines #15
  396. [20:15:00] <Mikaela> 1d20+4 minmay progress in the meantime
  398. [20:15:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Mikaela, minmay progress in the meantime: 13 [1d20=9]
  399. [20:15:08] <~Mons> i have zero--moving minmay and not ranka?
  400. [20:15:22] <Mikaela> And force palming the wall that Ranka hit last time
  401. [20:15:35] <~Mons> I see. +5 progress across the board
  402. [20:15:36] <Mikaela> (do I need to roll AC for that? It's a wall :B)
  403. [20:15:46] * Isabella ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  404. [20:15:56] * Kain takes another hit. Ow!
  405. [20:16:06] * Kain is now known as Isabella
  406. [20:16:11] <Frederica> (... I CAN totally heal bella from here, right?)
  407. [20:16:14] <~Mons> Yes
  408. [20:16:20] <~Mons> 1d10 sticky cannon targets:
  409. [20:16:22] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, sticky cannon targets:: 10 [1d10=10]
  410. [20:16:30] <~Mons> er, 1d9 but hey max roll
  411. [20:16:39] <~Mons> let's say that way #9 who loses progress
  412. [20:17:11] <Felicia> (So. How the hell would Stealth Rock work/do?)
  413. [20:17:13] * Isabella doesn't look like she can take much more.
  414. [20:17:37] <Felicia> 1d20+4 Regardless For Sai
  415. [20:17:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, Regardless For Sai: 19 [1d20=15]
  416. [20:17:40] * Frederica grimaces toward Bella. "Are you hurt, too? Um... let's see, how can I make this work..."
  417. [20:17:58] <~Mons> i'm... not sure on how sr would work either, probs trip up facelesses?
  418. [20:18:21] <~Mons> And of course now that I realize that whirlwind can... add or subtract 20 progress depending on target
  419. [20:18:30] * Isabella looks through the wall at Rica, a bit surprised. "You would... isn't this supposed to be a competition, though?"
  420. [20:18:41] <Felicia> "Sai. Thin the herd some more." SRing them poor faceless goons.
  421. [20:18:57] <~Mons> 1d10 TOMATO
  422. [20:18:57] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, TOMATO: 6 [1d10=6]
  423. [20:19:02] <~Mons> rrrgh I keep
  424. [20:19:13] <Frederica> "When somebody's hurt, they're hurt. It's against the fun of the game to actually be injured from it, right?"
  425. [20:19:18] <~Mons> 1d4 #6 is a tomato magnet
  426. [20:19:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, #6 is a tomato magnet: 3 [1d4=3]
  427. [20:19:20] <Beatrice> (stop picking on that poor KO'd student.)
  428. [20:19:28] <Mikaela> (if you roll 7 again it just means the cannon keeps pelting him while he's down :D)
  429. [20:19:40] <Felicia> (ahahaha.)
  430. [20:19:44] <~Mons> SLIPPERY TOMATO! #6 takes...
  431. [20:19:47] <~Mons> 2d20 damage
  432. [20:19:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, damage: 19 [2d20=6,13]
  433. [20:19:59] * Isabella finds herself smiling.
  434. [20:20:02] <~Mons> and loses 5 progress, but #6 was hurt before so he's down
  435. [20:20:20] <Frederica> "... I'll treat you when this is over, too." A mini-bow to poor #6.
  436. [20:20:36] <~Mons> 1d100 faceless progress, round 2
  437. [20:20:36] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, faceless progress, round 2: 74 [1d100=74]
  438. [20:20:43] <~Mons> 1d100 I wonder....
  439. [20:20:44] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, I wonder....: 1 [1d100=1]
  440. [20:20:44] <Isabella> goddamn they are terrible
  441. [20:20:48] <Mikaela> (oh fuck)
  442. [20:20:48] <Frederica> (oh no)
  443. [20:20:48] <Felicia> (AHAHAH)
  444. [20:21:13] <Beatrice> "Pardon, Bella, I've a remedy for zat after zis is done with!" She keeps moving.
  445. [20:21:14] <Isabella> (Well we have ONE TURN before one of them just juggernauts through the maze)
  446. [20:21:15] <Felicia> (This will fuck us in the most beautiful ways)
  447. [20:21:25] <~Mons> The one unharmed faceless student, from now on #6 on the d8, has had NONE OF THIS SHIT and begins rushing through.
  448. [20:21:41] <Beatrice> 1d20+3 progress?
  449. [20:21:42] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, progress?: 11 [1d20=8]
  450. [20:21:57] <Beatrice> 1d20 and a shadow ball at ice.
  451. [20:21:57] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, and a shadow ball at ice.: 7 [1d20=7]
  452. [20:22:00] <Beatrice> 3d10+30
  453. [20:22:01] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, 3d10+30: 47 [3d10=6,8,3]
  454. [20:22:05] <~Mons> Her hair is a brownish red, cut short, and before, she looked rather sleepy... But now she's just PISSED. With her are a Combusken and a red Kabuto.
  455. [20:22:11] <Felicia> (How are all the Cannons looking? Or can we tell?)
  456. [20:22:16] <Isabella> (Oh boy, she's no longer faceless)
  457. [20:22:19] * Frederica messes with some controls and gets the actual MEDIGUN out. After all, pure health lasers aren't affected by walls! Or... they're not supposed to be, anyway. Can't say the same of hands.
  458. [20:22:29] <Frederica> (no, she has hair and pokeymans, but still no face)
  459. [20:22:39] <Beatrice> (I find her lack of face disturbing.)
  460. [20:22:41] <Mikaela> 1d20+5 Mika progress
  461. [20:22:42] <DiceMaid-9001> Mikaela, Mika progress: 21 [1d20=16]
  462. [20:22:58] * Mons changes topic to 'Redhead>Beato>Bella=Mike=Heels>Wheels | Fire Cannon > EuropaSamedi > Brigitte > Combusken > Ice Cannon > Shamal > Thunder Cannon > Minmay > Ranka > Kabuto > Sticky Cannon > Sai > Tomato Cannon'
  463. [20:23:00] <Mikaela> Hey guys watch this! Airy Anthem!
  464. [20:23:06] <Felicia> 1d20+8 Gonna make it. Gonna be the very first (Best)
  465. [20:23:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, Gonna make it. Gonna be the very first (Best): 13 [1d20=5]
  466. [20:23:09] <Frederica> 1d20 lemme just get wheels progress out of the way early so I can declare +80 on Bella
  467. [20:23:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, lemme just get wheels progress out of the way early so I can declare +80 on Bella: 2 [1d20=2]
  468. [20:23:12] <Isabella> 1d20+3 progress after waiting for healing. "...Thank you, Fredrica."
  469. [20:23:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, progress after waiting for healing. "...Thank you, Fredrica.": 17 [1d20=14]
  470. [20:23:12] <~Mons> 1d20 +? redhead progress
  471. [20:23:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, +? redhead progress: 6 [1d20=6]
  472. [20:23:15] <Beatrice> (oh god.)
  473. [20:23:20] <Beatrice> (all the rolls.)
  474. [20:23:32] <~Mons> augh yes please wait for me to note this shit down
  475. [20:23:36] <~Mons> thank you for fast
  476. [20:23:39] <Frederica> "Please try your best." The gun withdraws back into the wheelchair.
  477. [20:23:40] <Mikaela> (do I roll AC on this whirlwind?)
  478. [20:23:44] <~Mons> I was fluffing ;-;
  479. [20:23:49] <~Mons> Yes you do, specify a target
  480. [20:24:02] <Mikaela> 1d20 minmay to propel forward?
  481. [20:24:02] <DiceMaid-9001> Mikaela, minmay to propel forward?: 13 [1d20=13]
  482. [20:24:09] * Isabella waves at Rica and heads on.
  483. [20:24:39] <Felicia> Also Using Efficiency Boost.
  484. [20:25:03] * Ramiel|OuttaHere is now known as Ramiel|IntheCorner
  485. [20:25:19] <~Mons> The redhead pauses a second, almost lost, but then starts punching through walls.
  486. [20:25:27] <Frederica> (what a badass)
  487. [20:25:33] <~Mons> ONLY MA IN THE ROOM GODDAMN
  488. [20:26:07] <~Mons> 1d8 anyway, fire cannon
  489. [20:26:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, anyway, fire cannon: 5 [1d8=5]
  490. [20:26:11] <~Mons> WHEEEELS
  491. [20:26:14] <~Mons> 4d12+16
  492. [20:26:14] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, 4d12+16: 42 [4d12=6,12,5,3]
  493. [20:26:21] <~Mons> Shamal presumably tanks dat
  494. [20:26:22] * Frederica has trouble moving forward after the sudden depletion of energy... of course, number-wise it's- SHAMAL TAKES THAT SHIT, FUCKIN' THICK FAT
  495. [20:26:30] <Mikaela> (don't forget rain dance~)
  496. [20:26:51] <~Mons> ghosts+bug
  497. [20:27:04] <Beatrice> phasin, once they hit 60 can they attack, or still pass this turn?
  498. [20:27:07] <~Mons> Still pass
  499. [20:27:11] <Beatrice> k, still phasin'
  500. [20:27:19] <Isabella> How close are we now?
  501. [20:27:26] <Beatrice> "Strike zem down, you two!"
  502. [20:27:40] <~Mons> Beato: 53 60 60
  503. [20:27:40] <~Mons> Bella: 49 32
  504. [20:27:41] <~Mons> Mike: 38 29 38
  505. [20:27:41] <~Mons> Heels: 51 30
  506. [20:27:41] <~Mons> Wheels: 7 34
  507. [20:27:41] <~Mons> Redhead: 45 30 35
  508. [20:27:52] <Isabella> I meant meters but okay
  509. [20:28:12] <Mikaela> (10m away to start, every 10 progress is -1m?)
  510. [20:28:19] <~Mons> yes
  511. [20:28:44] <Isabella> 1d20 Signal Beam on Tomato Cannon then
  512. [20:28:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, Signal Beam on Tomato Cannon then: 6 [1d20=6]
  513. [20:28:52] <~Mons> and progress?
  514. [20:28:57] <Isabella> 1d20+5 progress
  515. [20:28:58] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, progress: 9 [1d20=4]
  516. [20:29:05] <Isabella> 1d20+5 double team reroll
  517. [20:29:05] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, double team reroll: 9 [1d20=4]
  518. [20:29:08] <Isabella> ffff
  519. [20:29:11] <~Mons> 1d20+5 shiny
  520. [20:29:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, shiny: 9 [1d20=4]
  521. [20:29:15] <~Mons> Shiny confirmed
  522. [20:29:17] <Mikaela> (:D)
  523. [20:29:21] <~Mons> Next time you guys catch it's a lucky day
  524. [20:29:27] <Felicia> (Nice.)
  525. [20:29:33] <Isabella> 3d10+12+16+4 Signal Beam yay
  526. [20:29:34] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, Signal Beam yay: 60 [3d10=9,10,9]
  527. [20:30:19] <~Mons> 1d20+ fuck what's combusken's int
  528. [20:30:20] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, fuck what's combusken's int: 14 [1d20=14]
  529. [20:30:27] <Mikaela> 4 iirc
  530. [20:30:33] <Frederica> (looks like "ENOUGH")
  531. [20:30:37] <Mikaela> (er 3)
  532. [20:30:47] <Mikaela> (Blaziken is indeed 4 though)
  533. [20:31:05] <~Mons> 1d8 ice cannon
  534. [20:31:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, ice cannon: 5 [1d8=5]
  535. [20:31:13] <~Mons> 4d12+16 wheeeeeels
  536. [20:31:13] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, wheeeeeels: 36 [4d12=7,1,2,10]
  537. [20:31:14] <Frederica> THICK
  538. [20:31:14] <Frederica> FAT
  539. [20:31:27] <Frederica> ... or was it being ice-type, one of those
  540. [20:31:30] <~Mons> Speaking of the round and plump
  541. [20:31:34] <~Mons> Both actually
  542. [20:31:37] <Frederica> 1d20 shammin'!
  543. [20:31:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, shammin'!: 15 [1d20=15]
  544. [20:31:41] <~Mons> Water/Ice thick fat should be 1/8 damage
  545. [20:31:51] <~Mons> I'm gonna say thick fat works like heatproof.
  546. [20:32:01] <Frederica> Even with no DEF, Shamal shrugs it off and struts forward. Because she's a boss like that.
  547. [20:32:10] <Frederica> Aaand...
  548. [20:32:12] <~Mons> Anyway obviously that isn't progress
  549. [20:32:26] <Frederica> er yes it is, FORGOT +3 WHOOPS
  550. [20:32:41] <Frederica> Is that enough to be within 3m of cannons?
  551. [20:32:54] <~Mons> No
  552. [20:33:03] <Frederica> 1d20 k, let's water gun that fire cannon some more then
  553. [20:33:03] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, k, let's water gun that fire cannon some more then: 4 [1d20=4]
  554. [20:33:19] <Frederica> 1d12+6+4+13 x1.5 you know the drill
  555. [20:33:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, x1.5 you know the drill: 30 [1d12=7]
  556. [20:33:47] <Frederica> "Keep going! You can do it!"
  557. [20:33:53] <Frederica> "... Probably!"
  558. [20:33:56] <~Mons> 1d8 thunderrrrrrr
  559. [20:33:56] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, thunderrrrrrr: 7 [1d8=7]
  560. [20:34:06] * Frederica has nonresponsive controls over here. ;_;
  561. [20:34:06] <~Mons> I'm gonna say #7 goes down too now
  562. [20:34:09] <Mikaela> 1d20+4 minmay progress
  563. [20:34:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Mikaela, minmay progress: 15 [1d20=11]
  564. [20:34:21] <Mikaela> Bite on a wall
  565. [20:34:25] <~Mons> Righto
  566. [20:34:44] <~Mons> 1d20+2 wow kabuto has shit for int
  567. [20:34:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, wow kabuto has shit for int: 7 [1d20=5]
  568. [20:35:10] <~Mons> 1d100 faceless progress
  569. [20:35:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, faceless progress: 67 [1d100=67]
  570. [20:35:24] <~Mons> Let's say the new #7 is out from stealth rocks too now
  571. [20:35:31] <~Mons> Just you lot and her
  572. [20:35:41] <~Mons> 1d20 +? speaking of
  573. [20:35:42] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, +? speaking of: 10 [1d20=10]
  574. [20:35:50] <Frederica> (+? is always horrifying)
  575. [20:36:05] <~Mons> Through more punching of walls, the redhead arrives at the cannons.
  576. [20:36:05] <Mikaela> (she's an MA how bad can it be? </famous last words>)
  577. [20:36:32] <~Mons> Players go
  578. [20:36:40] <Beatrice> 1d20+3 last bit
  579. [20:36:40] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, last bit: 16 [1d20=13]
  580. [20:36:42] <Felicia> (Sai got skipped?)
  581. [20:36:43] <Isabella> 1d20+2 Bella progress
  582. [20:36:43] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, Bella progress: 22 [1d20=20]
  583. [20:36:45] <Mikaela> 1d20+5 Mika progress
  584. [20:36:46] <DiceMaid-9001> Mikaela, Mika progress: 14 [1d20=9]
  585. [20:36:52] <Frederica> 1d20 WHEELIN' TO NOWHERE
  586. [20:36:52] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, WHEELIN' TO NOWHERE: 12 [1d20=12]
  587. [20:36:53] <~Mons> Oh durr
  588. [20:36:56] <~Mons> roll sai too
  589. [20:37:00] <Felicia> 1d20+12 Gotta love Efficiency Boost.
  590. [20:37:01] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, Gotta love Efficiency Boost.: 19 [1d20=7]
  591. [20:37:11] <Felicia> 1d20+8 Hypno MA Gal
  592. [20:37:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, Hypno MA Gal: 14 [1d20=6]
  593. [20:37:16] <~Mons> Bella reaches the cannons!
  594. [20:37:20] <Beatrice> Beatrice arrives on the scene, and fires a Night Daze at the Ice Cannon. "Now or never!" (I'll wait till you catch up to roll this)
  595. [20:37:22] <Felicia> (Trying to rob me of my glory)
  596. [20:37:27] <Felicia> 1d20+8
  597. [20:37:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, 1d20+8: 27 [1d20=19]
  598. [20:37:28] <~Mons> beato reaches the cannons!
  599. [20:37:35] <Frederica> Also we'll say +40 to... whoever took more between Mika and Trice, silly psychic HP cost feats.
  600. [20:37:56] <Beatrice> (Trice has done 40 damage total to herself, but eh.)
  601. [20:38:02] <~Mons> Heels reaches the cannons!
  602. [20:38:08] <Frederica> (Perfect! Even numbers are always the best.)
  603. [20:38:11] : Mikaela blares at the sticky cannon (exhausted expression -1 def)
  604. [20:38:25] <Mikaela> (Mika's taken 41 damage exactly :V)
  605. [20:38:36] <~Mons> Now roll those attacks if applicable
  606. [20:38:40] <Beatrice> 1d20 ac2
  607. [20:38:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, ac2: 18 [1d20=18]
  608. [20:38:41] <Frederica> (WELL I SAID MORE, take that in the form of pure concentrated FRIENDSHIP)
  609. [20:38:48] * Isabella glances at the cannons, trying to figure out how to disable them from here. She didn't take Read the Manual, unfortunately...
  610. [20:39:09] * Isabella looks for a control panel or switch near the tomato cannon.
  611. [20:39:09] * Frederica tries to subtly lifegun Mika from behind so as to not be intrusive about it or anything!
  612. [20:39:10] <Beatrice> 3d12+32 DARKNESS
  613. [20:39:10] <Mikaela> (kay, up to 119/120 then :D)
  614. [20:39:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, DARKNESS: 56 [3d12=11,9,4]
  615. [20:39:16] <Felicia> (Hmm can I make a roll for inspection or is this jut a straight Beat Down?)
  616. [20:39:20] <~Mons> Beatdown
  617. [20:39:26] <Mikaela> (no roll for exhausted expression~)
  618. [20:39:27] <~Mons> The rest of George is behind walls of armor.
  619. [20:39:42] <Isabella> In that case
  620. [20:39:56] <Felicia> 1d20 Kicks the Fire Cannon with her Heels! =B
  621. [20:39:57] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, Kicks the Fire Cannon with her Heels! =B: 2 [1d20=2]
  622. [20:40:00] <Isabella> 1d20 HIYAH Limp Wristed Main Character Attack!
  623. [20:40:01] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, HIYAH Limp Wristed Main Character Attack!: 1 [1d20=1]
  624. [20:40:06] <~Mons> little
  625. [20:40:07] <~Mons> girls
  626. [20:40:08] <Frederica> (bisonyes.mp3)
  627. [20:40:09] <Felicia> (ahahaha)
  628. [20:40:09] <Isabella> "Ow! Ffff-"
  629. [20:40:25] <Frederica> "... I'm going to feel terrible if you end up injuring yourself, you know."
  630. [20:40:27] <Isabella> "Why did I think that was a good idea?"
  631. [20:40:36] <~Mons> 1d6 fire cannon
  632. [20:40:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, fire cannon: 3 [1d6=3]
  633. [20:40:46] <~Mons> 1d20 mika
  634. [20:40:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, mika: 4 [1d20=4]
  635. [20:40:53] <~Mons> 4d12+16 hurr
  636. [20:40:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, hurr: 46 [4d12=9,12,4,5]
  637. [20:41:05] <~Mons> Actually, add 15 to that
  638. [20:41:06] <~Mons> Or no
  639. [20:41:09] <~Mons> mika still isn't in range.
  640. [20:41:16] <Mikaela> Misses Minmay with light screen combat stages :D
  641. [20:41:24] <~Mons> 1d6 however, now that people are, it also hits...
  642. [20:41:24] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, however, now that people are, it also hits...: 6 [1d6=6]
  643. [20:41:28] <~Mons> Redhead dodges
  644. [20:41:38] <~Mons> ghosts+bug
  645. [20:41:42] <Isabella> 2#1d20+5 progress for hurropa, uses first roll that passes I guess.
  646. [20:41:43] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, progress for hurropa, uses first roll that passes I guess.: 7 [1d20=2], 17 [1d20=12]
  647. [20:41:54] <Felicia> (Aww red head is no asleep? Shucks.)
  648. [20:42:01] <Beatrice> Samedi shadow punches the ice cannon, Briggite Extrasensories it
  649. [20:42:03] <Isabella> (Yeah Mons you missed that?)
  650. [20:42:04] <~Mons> Well she IS but
  651. [20:42:09] <~Mons> AC4 misses her
  652. [20:42:10] <~Mons> er
  653. [20:42:11] <~Mons> AC2
  654. [20:42:18] <~Mons> on a 4
  655. [20:42:18] <Beatrice> 1d20 shadow punch
  656. [20:42:18] <~Mons> misses.
  657. [20:42:18] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, shadow punch: 2 [1d20=2]
  658. [20:42:20] <Beatrice> 1d20 extrasensory
  659. [20:42:21] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, extrasensory: 19 [1d20=19]
  660. [20:42:23] <~Mons> Shadow punch however doesn't
  661. [20:42:48] <Beatrice> 2d8+35 for the shadow punch
  662. [20:42:48] <Isabella> 1d20 Silver Wind on Tomato Cannon
  663. [20:42:48] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, for the shadow punch: 43 [2d8=2,6]
  664. [20:42:48] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, Silver Wind on Tomato Cannon: 2 [1d20=2]
  665. [20:42:59] <Isabella> thank god they don't have evasion
  666. [20:43:03] <Beatrice> 3d10+24 for the extrasensory
  667. [20:43:03] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, for the extrasensory: 44 [3d10=1,9,10]
  668. [20:43:23] <Isabella> 2d10+8+16+4
  669. [20:43:24] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, 2d10+8+16+4: 36 [2d10=4,4]
  670. [20:43:37] <~Mons> 1d6 ice cannon gets of one last shot before breaking down
  671. [20:43:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, ice cannon gets of one last shot before breaking down: 4 [1d6=4]
  672. [20:43:47] <~Mons> 4d12+16+15 heels
  673. [20:43:48] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, heels: 60 [4d12=3,10,8,8]
  674. [20:44:11] * Felicia Shivers in her big boots. "Socold."
  675. [20:44:19] <Beatrice> "Fear not, ladies! I've plenty of remedies for zose injuries after zis!"
  676. [20:44:20] <Frederica> "Um, Shamal... are you sure you want to do that? There's still time to change your mind, you know," Wheels coughs.
  677. [20:44:25] <~Mons> George: Congratulations... Beatrice Fauxicore! You are FIRST PLACE here! The rest, please continue, but miss, I request that you refrain from attacking.
  678. [20:44:32] <Isabella> "Appreciated, Bea!"
  679. [20:44:43] <Frederica> 1d20+3 go
  680. [20:44:44] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, go: 9 [1d20=6]
  681. [20:44:49] <Frederica> ... Nevermind.
  682. [20:44:53] <Beatrice> "May I heal ze others zen, Professor?"
  683. [20:44:53] <~Mons> derpy seal
  684. [20:45:00] <~Mons> "I suppose, but that isn't as fun!"
  685. [20:45:25] <~Mons> "I mean, you aren't as dedicated to it as miss... Rosalin, is it?"
  686. [20:45:25] <Frederica> (Uh, what's shamal's range right now?)
  687. [20:45:33] <~Mons> "That there is BONUS POINTS, I suppose."
  688. [20:45:39] <~Mons> Shamal is at 51
  689. [20:45:48] <~Mons> or wait
  690. [20:45:51] <Frederica> (So closer than 5m to all the cannons?)
  691. [20:45:54] * Beatrice cocks a head. "You said nothing of bonus points before."
  692. [20:45:56] <~Mons> yyyeah
  693. [20:46:03] <Frederica> "Correct. And... I'd, um, like to apologize in advance, Mr. George."
  694. [20:46:07] <Beatrice> "Fine, I shall refrain from healing until after ze competition."
  695. [20:46:12] <~Mons> "You said nothing of having different objectives in this than me before!"
  696. [20:46:17] <Frederica> 1d20 FISSURE ON ALL THE CANNONS
  697. [20:46:18] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, FISSURE ON ALL THE CANNONS: 3 [1d20=3]
  698. [20:46:29] <~Mons> "Wha? Nonono, it was--ahahaha, you're interesting, but no."
  699. [20:46:41] <Isabella> "Waaa, watch where you aim that!"
  700. [20:46:44] <Mikaela> (Trice should wish this until it works for trolling)
  701. [20:46:44] <Frederica> "... Oh. You tried your best, Shamal!"
  702. [20:46:55] <Frederica> (I want to say ^ but at the same time I don't)
  703. [20:46:57] <Beatrice> (I dunno if I WANT TO D:)
  704. [20:47:04] <Beatrice> (YOU GUYS ARE HORRIBLE.)
  705. [20:47:06] <Frederica> (You're out of the arena now!)
  706. [20:47:07] <Mikaela> "Holy shit Rica, that is pretty rad. Try it again!"
  707. [20:47:09] <~Mons> I'd say choose one cannon and one PC+pokemon
  708. [20:47:15] <~Mons> If it is wished and hits
  709. [20:47:19] <Frederica> OH PFFT
  710. [20:47:26] <Frederica> ... How about two cannons and two PCs+mons?
  711. [20:47:32] <~Mons> >:I
  712. [20:47:34] <Beatrice> (fuck you no wishes >:<)
  713. [20:47:37] <Frederica> okay.jpg
  714. [20:47:38] <Isabella> I will throttle you
  715. [20:47:39] <Frederica> x2
  716. [20:47:50] * Beatrice shoots ZE EVIL EYE at that spheal.
  717. [20:47:50] <Felicia> "That was bold!"
  718. [20:47:54] <~Mons> 1d6 thunder
  719. [20:47:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, thunder: 2 [1d6=2]
  720. [20:48:04] <~Mons> 4d12+16+15 REALLY hates bella
  721. [20:48:05] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, REALLY hates bella: 59 [4d12=11,5,7,5]
  722. [20:48:16] <~Mons> 1d20 if it hits
  723. [20:48:17] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, if it hits: 3 [1d20=3]
  724. [20:48:21] <Frederica> "Well, if nobody's hurt, there is something I can do about it..." With a wicked grin she desperately tries to hold back, Rica notices that 190/260 EN is more than enough for Restore Strength.
  725. [20:48:23] <~Mons> SLOWPOKES.
  726. [20:48:30] * Isabella can take it... thanks to Rica's healing
  727. [20:48:36] <Mikaela> 1d20+4 minmay progress
  728. [20:48:40] <DiceMaid-9001> Mikaela, minmay progress: 6 [1d20=2]
  729. [20:48:46] <Beatrice> "Casse toi, you little monster!"
  730. [20:48:46] <Mikaela> And bite on the wall in front
  731. [20:49:03] <~Mons> JUST cancels out your failure
  732. [20:49:22] <Frederica> "Oh, we're definitely going to do it again! ... If anybody closeby could attempt to reach a safe distance that'd be much appreciated."
  733. [20:49:41] <~Mons> 1d20+2 dat bug
  734. [20:49:42] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, dat bug: 21 [1d20=19]
  735. [20:49:46] <~Mons> goes fast
  736. [20:50:22] <~Mons> 1d20+3 and i forgot the chicken didn't i
  737. [20:50:23] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, and i forgot the chicken didn't i: 22 [1d20=19]
  738. [20:50:32] <Mikaela> (oh she's dual wielding?)
  739. [20:50:36] <~Mons> Yes
  740. [20:50:42] <Frederica> (cheater)
  741. [20:51:20] <~Mons> 1d20 bug uses mud shot on sticky; 1d20 chicken uses MEGA KICK on sticky
  742. [20:51:20] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, bug uses mud shot on sticky: 14 [1d20=14]; chicken uses MEGA KICK on sticky: 4 [1d20=4]
  743. [20:51:24] <~Mons> yes no
  744. [20:51:53] <~Mons> 1d6 speaking of the sticky
  745. [20:51:53] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, speaking of the sticky: 5 [1d6=5]
  746. [20:52:01] <Frederica> ;_;
  747. [20:52:11] <~Mons> WHEEEEEEELS loses 10 progress. She's barely left the start at this point
  748. [20:52:21] <~Mons> sai
  749. [20:52:26] * Frederica has tools with totally goofy range, she's not worried as long as Shamal makes it!
  750. [20:52:39] <Felicia> (How far is Sai at this point?)
  751. [20:53:48] <Felicia> 1d20+4 For move any how
  752. [20:53:49] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, For move any how: 20 [1d20=16]
  753. [20:53:53] <~Mons> Sai is 48 progress and THERE
  754. [20:54:05] <Felicia> 1d20 DragonBreath on Fire Cannon
  755. [20:54:05] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, DragonBreath on Fire Cannon: 1 [1d20=1]
  756. [20:54:11] <Felicia> (...Damn you dicemaid)
  757. [20:54:29] <Frederica> "All right, everybody, if anybody is caught please remain still and don't panic, it might just sting a little... Please let me know if the cannons will need repair costs, Mr. George."
  758. [20:54:52] <~Mons> "Hahaha, no! The school provides its own supplies and I work with them myself!"
  759. [20:55:01] <Frederica> "Okay then~!"
  760. [20:55:07] <~Mons> 1d6 TOMATO TIME
  761. [20:55:07] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, TOMATO TIME: 4 [1d6=4]
  762. [20:55:18] <~Mons> 2#1d6 RAPID FIRE for in CLOSE RANGE
  763. [20:55:18] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, RAPID FIRE for in CLOSE RANGE: 6 [1d6=6], 4 [1d6=4]
  764. [20:55:29] <~Mons> 1x redhead, 2x heels
  765. [20:55:37] <~Mons> 1d4 red
  766. [20:55:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, red: 2 [1d4=2]
  767. [20:55:43] <~Mons> NEUTRAL TOMATO does nothing
  768. [20:55:45] <~Mons> 2d4 heels
  769. [20:55:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, heels: 6 [2d4=3,3]
  770. [20:55:52] <~Mons> SLIPPERY TOMATO!
  771. [20:55:54] <Beatrice> "Va te faire foutre, trouduc!" she yells at Wheels.
  772. [20:55:55] <~Mons> 4d20 damage
  773. [20:55:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, damage: 32 [4d20=11,2,18,1]
  774. [20:56:09] <Isabella> >Slippery tomato
  775. [20:56:10] <Isabella> >those heels
  776. [20:56:11] <Isabella> ow
  777. [20:56:15] <Frederica> "I'm sorry! She really likes doing it!"
  778. [20:56:51] <~Mons> Back to redhead
  779. [20:56:54] <Felicia> (Wait. So this is doing SE damage to me? D=)
  780. [20:57:04] <~Mons> TOMATO is typeless damage
  781. [20:57:15] <Mikaela> (slippery type is supereffective against heels type :3)
  782. [20:57:25] <~Mons> Anyway back to the redhead
  783. [20:57:27] <~Mons> 1d20 HJK on sticky+thunder
  784. [20:57:28] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, HJK on sticky+thunder: 9 [1d20=9]
  785. [20:57:31] * Felicia Falls on her but looking quite hurt. "Owwie."
  786. [20:57:47] <Frederica> "... Maybe we should just do it later, Shamal?"
  787. [20:57:48] <Felicia> ;_;
  788. [20:57:51] <~Mons> 5d12+22+???
  789. [20:57:52] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, 5d12+22+???: 63 [5d12=7,11,4,8,11]
  790. [20:58:10] <Mikaela> (no, do it anyway)
  791. [20:58:10] <~Mons> beato
  792. [20:58:19] <Frederica> (Wheels has a CONSCIENCE)
  793. [20:58:29] <Frederica> (... unless beats can heal heels from there)
  794. [20:59:15] <Beatrice> Beato has no action
  795. [20:59:19] <Mikaela> 1d20+5 Mika progress
  796. [20:59:20] <DiceMaid-9001> Mikaela, Mika progress: 9 [1d20=4]
  797. [20:59:24] <Mikaela> (ffff)
  798. [20:59:24] <Beatrice> she stands against the wall, out of the way, watching that stupid spheal.
  799. [20:59:24] * Isabella hnnnghs and tries to climb the tomato cannon and shake it with her weight to dislodge it. Oh god terrible idea. "Europa, I need some help here please!"
  800. [20:59:30] <Mikaela> 1d20 whirlwind Minmay forward?
  801. [20:59:30] <DiceMaid-9001> Mikaela, whirlwind Minmay forward?: 6 [1d20=6]
  802. [20:59:39] <Isabella> 1d20 Countering the tomato cannon with Isabella's tomatoes
  803. [20:59:39] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, Countering the tomato cannon with Isabella's tomatoes: 1 [1d20=1]
  804. [20:59:39] <Beatrice> Well, that's a lie, she returns her Pokemon as an action.
  805. [21:00:05] <Frederica> 1d2 aaaah damnit everyone only dies on 2
  806. [21:00:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, aaaah damnit everyone only dies on 2: 2 [1d2=2]
  807. [21:00:11] <Frederica> wwwwwelp
  808. [21:00:15] <Felicia> (Fuuuuuck ;_;)
  809. [21:00:18] <~Mons> Minmay is FORWARDED
  810. [21:00:22] <Beatrice> (This is hilarious)
  811. [21:00:26] <Frederica> 1d20 wheels progress btw
  812. [21:00:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, wheels progress btw: 17 [1d20=17]
  813. [21:00:32] <Beatrice> "...Euh, Bella, zat's a really bad idea."
  814. [21:00:33] <Mikaela> (is Minmay at the cannons yet? I imagine she should be with 2x +20 progress from whirlwind)
  815. [21:00:41] <~Mons> Yes
  816. [21:00:54] * Felicia Sends out Dulac Spd 19
  817. [21:01:08] * Mons changes topic to 'Redhead>Beato>Bella=Mike=Heels>Wheels | Dulac > Fire Cannon > EuropaSamedi > Brigitte > Combusken > Ice Cannon > Shamal > Thunder Cannon > Minmay > Ranka > Kabuto > Sticky Cannon > Sai > Tomato Cannon'
  818. [21:01:29] <Frederica> "Isabella, Felicia... can you hang in there? Um, I'll try to make sure you're not caught in it..." With a ZZZAP, Shamal's strength is restored.
  819. [21:01:44] <Isabella> "...oh god."
  820. [21:02:00] <Felicia> "What."
  821. [21:02:13] <~Mons> Movin on to mans?
  822. [21:02:20] <Mikaela> "Here we go, huh?"
  823. [21:02:23] <Frederica> "Hmmm, I hope I'm not misunderstanding... but this class is about tactics, right?"
  824. [21:02:30] <Felicia> 1d20 Night Slash on Fire Cannon and what ever is closest. Yaaay Dulac
  825. [21:02:30] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, Night Slash on Fire Cannon and what ever is closest. Yaaay Dulac: 17 [1d20=17]
  826. [21:02:41] <~Mons> Fire+Tomato get SLASHED
  827. [21:03:03] <~Mons> 1d6 while you roll damage, fire itself, well, fires
  828. [21:03:04] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, while you roll damage, fire itself, well, fires: 3 [1d6=3]
  829. [21:03:11] <~Mons> 4d12+16+15 mika
  830. [21:03:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, mika: 60 [4d12=11,5,10,3]
  831. [21:03:16] <Isabella> 2#1d20+5 Europa progress WHY ARE YOU NOT THERE YET
  832. [21:03:16] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, Europa progress WHY ARE YOU NOT THERE YET: 10 [1d20=5], 22 [1d20=17]
  833. [21:03:20] <Felicia> 3d8+12+20
  834. [21:03:21] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, 3d8+12+20: 41 [3d8=2,5,2]
  835. [21:03:32] <~Mons> Europa is now THERE YET
  836. [21:03:38] <~Mons> Attack as you will
  837. [21:03:40] <Mikaela> (is the rule still "hits anyone in Mika's party"?)
  838. [21:03:42] <Isabella> "Signal Beam!"
  839. [21:03:46] <Isabella> 1d20 Tomato Cannon
  840. [21:03:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, Tomato Cannon: 13 [1d20=13]
  841. [21:03:47] <Frederica> (Isn't ice cannon down? I remember ice cannon being down.)
  842. [21:03:51] <~Mons> Hits EVERYONE IN MIKA'S PARTY
  843. [21:03:56] <~Mons> Yeah ice is down
  844. [21:03:58] <Mikaela> (owwww)
  845. [21:04:09] <Isabella> 3d10+12+16+4
  846. [21:04:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, 3d10+12+16+4: 43 [3d10=1,1,9]
  847. [21:04:10] * Mons changes topic to 'Redhead>Beato>Bella=Mike=Heels>Wheels | Dulac > Fire Cannon > EuropaSamedi > Brigitte > Combusken > Shamal > Thunder Cannon > Minmay > Ranka > Kabuto > Sticky Cannon > Sai > Tomato Cannon'
  848. [21:04:46] <~Mons> 2d20 combusken doublekicks the sticky
  849. [21:04:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, combusken doublekicks the sticky: 18 [2d20=10,8]
  850. [21:04:56] * Isabella bangs on the cannon uselessly for emphasis as the signal beam hits home.
  851. [21:05:13] <~Mons> 2d10+8+??????
  852. [21:05:13] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, 2d10+8+??????: 19 [2d10=6,5]
  853. [21:05:20] <Frederica> "... Go!" The look in Rica's eyes desperately hopes for it to not work.
  854. [21:05:26] <Frederica> 1d20+3 progress first
  855. [21:05:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, progress first: 10 [1d20=7]
  856. [21:05:30] <Felicia> (And then Rica killed everyone.)
  857. [21:05:34] <~Mons> Sure is there
  858. [21:05:39] <Mikaela> (and then there were only 2 winners)
  859. [21:05:43] <Mikaela> (because everyone else died)
  860. [21:05:49] <Frederica> ...
  861. [21:05:52] <Frederica> "... Tactics..."
  862. [21:05:57] <Frederica> "Tactics."
  863. [21:06:00] <Frederica> 1d2
  864. [21:06:01] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, 1d2: 1 [1d2=1]
  865. [21:06:05] <Frederica> "Oh nevermind!"
  866. [21:06:05] <~Mons> "That's the name, don't wear it out!"
  867. [21:06:07] <Frederica> 1d20 FISSURE
  868. [21:06:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, FISSURE: 2 [1d20=2]
  869. [21:06:12] <Mikaela> (pffft)
  870. [21:06:13] <Felicia> (HAH)
  871. [21:06:13] <~Mons> womp
  872. [21:06:18] <Beatrice> Obviously
  873. [21:06:21] <Frederica> (I was going to use Yawn on 2)
  874. [21:06:21] <Felicia> "Stop that!"
  875. [21:06:25] <Beatrice> Beatrice is giving this Spheal the stink eye.
  876. [21:06:33] <~Mons> Spheal is :3
  877. [21:06:34] <~Mons> :3
  878. [21:06:43] <Frederica> "It was worth a try! Okay, um, everybody who's injured please stay still."
  879. [21:06:50] <~Mons> 1d6 thunder cannon!
  880. [21:06:50] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, thunder cannon!: 6 [1d6=6]
  881. [21:06:59] <~Mons> 1d20 hits everyone in redhead's party now
  882. [21:07:00] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, hits everyone in redhead's party now: 13 [1d20=13]
  883. [21:07:06] <~Mons> 4d12+16+15 ow
  884. [21:07:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, ow: 62 [4d12=9,7,3,12]
  885. [21:07:22] <~Mons> 1d20+2 kabuto progress
  886. [21:07:23] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, kabuto progress: 17 [1d20=15]
  887. [21:07:27] <~Mons> Kabuto is there
  888. [21:07:31] : Mikaela 's whole team looks pretty battered. "Alright, Minmay you've probably got only one shot at this so make it count!"
  889. [21:07:41] <Mikaela> 1d20 metal burst on whatever is the most efficient clustering of cannons
  890. [21:07:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Mikaela, metal burst on whatever is the most efficient clustering of cannons: 10 [1d20=10]
  891. [21:07:55] <Mikaela> 75 damage do not apply stats don't pass go
  892. [21:07:57] <Mikaela> (3m burst)
  893. [21:08:07] <~Mons> Minmay knocks out the fire cannon!
  894. [21:08:11] <Frederica> "Well, I guess it's my fault for wasting time like that."
  895. [21:08:21] <Mikaela> (thank fuck, she was at 9 HP too)
  896. [21:08:24] * Felicia Grumbles. "I was going for that one."
  897. [21:08:39] <Frederica> "So was Shamal! But that's part of the game too, isn't it?"
  898. [21:08:41] <~Mons> "Congratulations Miss Alvar, you are now SECOND PLACE! Please rest."
  899. [21:08:43] <Mikaela> "Al-fucking-right!"
  900. [21:09:17] <~Mons> 1d20 meanwhile the Kabuto goes all EARTH POWER onnnn STICKY
  901. [21:09:17] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, meanwhile the Kabuto goes all EARTH POWER onnnn STICKY: 17 [1d20=17]
  902. [21:09:22] <~Mons> Bam.
  903. [21:09:37] <~Mons> "And.. oh my, is this... a tie!?"
  904. [21:09:40] <Frederica> "Okay, Felicia, let's see if I can adjust the aim right from back here... change the coordinates a bit, check the angle..."
  905. [21:09:47] <~Mons> "Second place goes to Miss O'Hara as well!"
  906. [21:10:12] <~Mons> Redhead takes a few breaths and calms down, she still hasn't said a word.
  907. [21:10:34] <Mikaela> "O'Hara, huh? That's a name to remember I guess." Mikaela slings her guitar back over her shoulder and waves at the girl.
  908. [21:10:36] <Frederica> (EXCUSE ME)
  910. [21:10:49] <Frederica> ( )
  911. [21:10:59] <Frederica> (... alright continue)
  912. [21:11:05] <Mikaela> (hahaha what)
  913. [21:11:05] <~Mons> beautiful
  914. [21:11:17] <Beatrice> (bardy's wonderful artwork.)
  915. [21:11:28] <~Mons> Sai
  916. [21:11:33] <Felicia> (Dulac went)
  917. [21:12:11] <~Mons> Righto
  918. [21:12:19] <~Mons> 3d3 TOMATO TIME
  919. [21:12:20] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, TOMATO TIME: 5 [3d3=1,3,1]
  920. [21:12:42] * Ramiel|IntheCorner is now known as Ramiel|Uh-Ohtime
  921. [21:12:42] <~Mons> Bella Wheels Bella
  922. [21:12:46] <~Mons> 1d4 wheels
  923. [21:12:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, wheels: 2 [1d4=2]
  924. [21:12:51] <~Mons> Neutral tomato
  925. [21:12:53] <~Mons> 2d4 bella
  926. [21:12:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, bella: 6 [2d4=3,3]
  927. [21:13:01] <~Mons> DOUBLE SLIPPERY TOMATO!
  928. [21:13:03] <~Mons> 4d20 ow
  929. [21:13:03] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, ow: 50 [4d20=6,18,11,15]
  930. [21:13:21] <Felicia> (This hits Heels and Bella?)
  931. [21:13:24] * Frederica takes it to the face and takes a bite after wiping her face off. "Well, I was getting a bit hungry..."
  932. [21:13:29] <~Mons> Just bella
  933. [21:13:33] * Isabella is getting fed-up with this charade. She'll have to settle for third place, but third-fucking place it'll be! Still sitting on top of the tomato cannon she raises both of her hands up in a two fisted, overhead... PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, she's smacked right in the face with the slippery tomatoes and slides off, hitting the ground. Barely conscious, and covered in tomato, she glares
  934. [21:13:33] * Isabella as she pulls herself up...
  935. [21:13:52] <~Mons> Back to the beginning! and by that i mean miss wordtits over there
  936. [21:13:53] <Isabella> 1d20 OH NO YOU DIDN'T
  937. [21:13:53] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, OH NO YOU DIDN'T: 12 [1d20=12]
  938. [21:13:59] <~Mons> Plonk.
  939. [21:14:18] <Isabella> 1d12+6+3 :3c
  940. [21:14:18] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, :3c: 19 [1d12=10]
  941. [21:14:24] * Frederica aims the medicanon toward Felicia like promised, but poor wordtits ;_;
  942. [21:14:54] * Isabella reaches her hand around and hits the damn thing as hard as she can, which isn't very hard.
  943. [21:15:21] <Felicia> 1d20 HEELSING the Tomato Cannon after Bella then "Ignorantstupidvegtableslingingdeplorablemechonism!"
  944. [21:15:21] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, HEELSING the Tomato Cannon after Bella then "Ignorantstupidvegtableslingingdeplorablemechonism!": 8 [1d20=8]
  945. [21:15:51] <Frederica> 1d20 I think wheels still needs progress... also, +80 to Felicia and 60/260EN oh my god restore strength makes everything wonky
  946. [21:15:52] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, I think wheels still needs progress... also, +80 to Felicia and 60/260EN oh my god restore strength makes everything wonky: 14 [1d20=14]
  947. [21:16:02] <Felicia> 1d12+6+2
  948. [21:16:02] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, 1d12+6+2: 17 [1d12=9]
  949. [21:16:07] <Felicia> If Heels Hit.
  950. [21:16:16] <~Mons> yap
  951. [21:16:35] <~Mons> dulac
  952. [21:16:36] <Felicia> 2#1d20 Dual Choppan the Tomato Cannon with Dulac
  953. [21:16:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, Dual Choppan the Tomato Cannon with Dulac: 13 [1d20=13], 10 [1d20=10]
  954. [21:17:39] <Felicia> 4d8+6+4+2+10
  955. [21:17:40] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, 4d8+6+4+2+10: 37 [4d8=5,1,8,1]
  956. [21:17:42] <~Mons> And he saws the tomato cannon off! It's just between Bella and Wheels now!
  957. [21:17:57] * Felicia Pants, doing a fist pump.
  958. [21:18:02] <Isabella> "That was mine!"
  959. [21:18:03] <~Mons> "And Miss Thornebrook takes third place!"
  960. [21:18:10] <Frederica> "Good job! Let's try our best, then... also um, are you feeling alright?" Worried blue eyes shoot toward tits. Toward her face, not her tits.
  961. [21:18:28] <Frederica> 1d20 this is IBIY body slam by the way
  962. [21:18:30] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, this is IBIY body slam by the way: 4 [1d20=4]
  963. [21:18:30] <Isabella> What's left?
  964. [21:18:36] <~Mons> Just electric
  965. [21:18:45] <Isabella> Hey no you don't Rica :C
  966. [21:18:51] <Felicia> "Oh was it? My apologies." =3
  967. [21:19:00] <Frederica> Shamal's after Dulac, ri- er wait
  968. [21:19:11] <Frederica> I'm wrong! Carry on~
  969. [21:19:24] * Isabella 's eyes flare open. "Now is the time! Come blessed power!"
  970. [21:19:30] <Mikaela> (oh lawd)
  971. [21:19:36] <Beatrice> (SHE. MAD.)
  972. [21:19:43] <Frederica> (oh no)
  973. [21:19:44] <~Mons> She really wants fourth place doesn't she.
  974. [21:19:54] <Felicia> (Heels: Mission Accomplished.)
  975. [21:20:06] <Isabella> 1d20 Channel Divinity Psychic on HEE-I mean Thunder Cannon ;_;
  976. [21:20:07] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, Channel Divinity Psychic on HEE-I mean Thunder Cannon: 7 [1d20=7]
  977. [21:20:09] <Frederica> "I... don't think you're supposed to be taking it THAT seriously..."
  978. [21:20:19] <~Mons> beeew goes flying off.
  979. [21:20:34] <Beatrice> (is like, wheels still at the fucking entrance)
  980. [21:20:42] <Felicia> (I think so yeah.)
  981. [21:20:47] <Beatrice> (the nameless fucks must really suck if she got 5th.)
  982. [21:20:49] <~Mons> "And fourth place to Miss Ironstag! Right, all done!"
  983. [21:21:00] <Mikaela> (the nameless fucks couldn't take a hit)
  984. [21:21:02] <Isabella> Europa glows and unleashes a powerful psychic blast, which I'm rolling because fuck everything
  985. [21:21:12] <Isabella> 3d12+14+16+4+1
  986. [21:21:13] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, 3d12+14+16+4+1: 55 [3d12=4,4,12]
  987. [21:21:17] <Isabella> Anyway
  988. [21:21:19] <~Mons> The lasers stop generating screens and start up on mediguns for everyone.
  989. [21:21:37] * Frederica looks only a bit sour, not even at the losing so much as the fact that this is her job ;_;
  990. [21:21:40] <Beatrice> "Oh, zat's convienent." She puts away her medicinal gear.
  991. [21:21:51] <Felicia> "This was a most interesting first day. Thank you Professor."
  992. [21:21:58] <Frederica> Of course, if they're able to provide an energy refill that's a DIFFERENT story.
  993. [21:22:02] <Isabella> (So how did o hara tie for second place, but Bella got fourth?)
  994. [21:22:06] <~Mons> George's plates whirl back off, and the holograms and screens flicker back to life. "Well--well done, everyone! Certainly FAR more spirit than I had expected to see out of the new arrivals!"
  995. [21:22:11] <Frederica> "I still was able to have a fun time- and good job, Shamal, you tried your best!"
  996. [21:22:24] <Mikaela> (yeah, shouldn't Heels and Bella tie for 3rd since they did their shit in the same turn?)
  997. [21:22:30] <~Mons> Because her kabuto was same speed as ranka
  998. [21:22:36] <~Mons> yeah but dulac is faster than europa
  999. [21:22:38] <Mikaela> (Minmay but okay)
  1000. [21:22:46] <Isabella> (I knew I should have quick attacked)
  1001. [21:22:47] <~Mons> Well they're ALL the same speed
  1002. [21:22:56] <~Mons> Anyway
  1003. [21:23:04] <~Mons> First Place: 3500
  1004. [21:23:07] <~Mons> Second Place: 3000
  1005. [21:23:10] <~Mons> Third Place: 2500
  1006. [21:23:14] <~Mons> Fourth Place: 2000
  1007. [21:23:18] <~Mons> Below: 1500
  1008. [21:23:33] * Beatrice "A challenge such as zis is most befitting for a first day. I presume all our...classes will be like zis?"
  1009. [21:23:41] <~Mons> "Not really, just mine!"
  1010. [21:23:49] <Beatrice> "Well, zat is what I meant."
  1011. [21:23:53] * Isabella crosses her arms, frowning.
  1012. [21:23:54] <Beatrice> "All your classes."
  1013. [21:23:55] <Felicia> "I hope so."
  1014. [21:24:01] <~Mons> "Oh! Well then YES!"
  1015. [21:24:10] <Mikaela> "Hey prof! Can we use this kind of neat shit when doin' practice battles in the stadiums? Or d'ya just take 'em out for class time?"
  1016. [21:24:14] <Frederica> "Hee hee. Nobody has any lasting injuries from any of that, do they?"
  1017. [21:24:33] * Isabella pushes some hair out of her eyes. "At least I'll be able to save face in upcoming classes then."
  1018. [21:24:37] <~Mons> "Regardless, your performance has been tallied, and I'll... ah, no, though you are free to use my simulation pokemon--or even my REAL pokemon if you want a risk, hehe."
  1019. [21:24:42] <Frederica> "I... may need to um, have Shamal practice her Fissure a bit."
  1020. [21:24:43] * Felicia Rubs her back with a faint grin. "Just a slightly bruised pride..."
  1021. [21:24:48] <Mikaela> "And Minmay - fuckin' metal." She holds out her hand for a fistbump. The mech arm, of course.
  1022. [21:24:55] <~Mons> Bump.
  1023. [21:24:56] * Beatrice grins. "Tres bien."
  1024. [21:25:23] <Mikaela> "Whatcha got for real pokemon?"
  1025. [21:25:26] <~Mons> "Now, once everyone's dry, this will conclude class for today!"
  1026. [21:25:29] * Isabella heads over to Beatrice and gives her a thumb up. "Really nice job back there. You showed the rest of us."
  1027. [21:25:31] <~Mons> "Oh, you'll see."
  1028. [21:25:32] <Frederica> "Sorry for scaring anyone." Rica gives a small bow. "And ah, Beatrice, sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to talk to you after cl- ... oh."
  1029. [21:25:36] <~Mons> "No need to spoil the surprise."
  1030. [21:25:41] <Frederica> "Then I have something to talk to you about now."
  1031. [21:25:58] <Mikaela> "S'fair enough."
  1032. [21:26:05] <~Mons> The lasers flip back in and are replaced with a huge amount of hair dryers. WHIRRRRR
  1033. [21:26:22] * Frederica wheels out of sight to the corner and weakly makes her way back, blanket-wrapped egg in lap.
  1034. [21:26:31] <Isabella> "I'm glad these uniforms are at least somewhat thick."
  1035. [21:26:38] <Beatrice> "Light and shadow is my specialty, so zis was heavily in my favor," she says, trying to be a bit humble.
  1036. [21:27:03] <~Mons> Now I'm gonna brb a sec, tell me when you want to move ahead to legendary studies
  1037. [21:27:08] * Isabella doesn't seem to be giving Felicia the time of day.
  1038. [21:27:12] <Felicia> "I thought I had second place for sure. Nice job Mikaela."
  1039. [21:27:19] * Frederica acknowledges that she's busy! Of course, the witch is gonna end up running into wheels when she goes by the door.
  1040. [21:27:57] * Felicia Smiles as she patpats both Dulac and Sai before returning them. "Quite a nice first day indeed~"
  1041. [21:28:10] <~Mons> And when we DO move on I think tree is done for the session given that wheels is in neither LS nor MA, so get your talking in while the talking's good
  1042. [21:28:23] <Frederica> is happenin'
  1043. [21:28:36] <Mikaela> "Thanks Felicia. I was gettin' a bit worried til Minmay took that hit right as she got up there, and well, that's just clinched it for a nifty trick I had ready."
  1044. [21:29:26] <Beatrice> "Well, if zis is it for ze day, zen I have some moving to do to ze Mystical Aptitude building."
  1045. [21:29:30] * Felicia Nods "I have to admit that I did not expect that from Minmay. It was quite impressive. What other little trick do you have hidden away?" She asks giggling.
  1046. [21:29:31] * Frederica returns Shamal and sits by the doorway, wearing her zuhat.
  1047. [21:29:48] <Frederica> And still waiting for Trice obviously.
  1048. [21:29:57] <Felicia> (Also next two levels come at me bro. Two levels and then PP ups for errybody.)
  1049. [21:30:09] * Beatrice turns to wheels, then.
  1050. [21:30:38] * Frederica quickly gets to unwrapping. "Sorry, I don't want to take too much time, but uh... this, I wanted to, I mean..."
  1051. [21:30:54] <Frederica> CoughCOUGH. "Well ah, it's just that it, well..."
  1052. [21:31:27] * Beatrice head tilt. "Euh."
  1053. [21:31:29] <Beatrice> "Yes?"
  1054. [21:31:36] <Frederica> "It's uh, not a Vulpix egg."
  1055. [21:31:47] <Frederica> "... Or an Eevee egg."
  1056. [21:32:02] * Isabella finds a place to sit and rub her temples. Today has already been quite the shitty day for her.
  1057. [21:32:17] * Frederica cuddles it lovingly, but worriedly.
  1058. [21:32:19] <Beatrice> "Well zat doesn't make any sense at all."
  1059. [21:32:40] <Frederica> "M-My thoughts exactly. But I just thought you should know... I'd like to take care of it until it hatches, is that alright?"
  1060. [21:32:44] <Mikaela> "Best I save those 'til next class, y'know." Mika smiles then remembers something and speaks quietly. "...Shit, I've gotta go find Isa. Y'know that dream shit that we went through? happened to her too."
  1061. [21:33:05] <Beatrice> "Either way, I told you zey were not whatever your fears were. And I presumed you wished to take care of ze child anyway."
  1062. [21:33:52] <~Mons> Slowing down
  1063. [21:33:53] <~Mons> ?
  1064. [21:34:00] <Felicia> "What? Her...Hmph."
  1065. [21:34:02] <Frederica> "Well, I..." A small, forced giggle. "I wasn't sure how to ask that, but I just wanted to be sure you were aware they may have produced something rare. I'll be sure to call you when it hatches!"
  1066. [21:34:06] <~Mons> Also pretty interesting that you didn't go back to the dreamworld stuff...
  1067. [21:34:10] <Frederica> With a smilynod, wheels wheels out.
  1068. [21:34:22] <Isabella> You're too impatient, Mons, Mika mentioned it right there.
  1069. [21:34:27] * DamienLunas ( Quit (Quit: These donuts are great! Jelly filled are my favorite. Nothing beats a jelly filled donut!)
  1070. [21:34:32] <~Mons> SORRY FOR NOT READING ALL DEM WORDS
  1071. [21:34:33] * DamienLunas ( has joined #traineracademy
  1072. [21:34:41] <Frederica> (FEEL SHAME, LOWLING)
  1073. [21:34:45] <Felicia> "What did she say about it?"
  1074. [21:35:11] * Beatrice shrugs. "Well, ze child is yours. Care for it well."
  1075. [21:35:33] <Mikaela> "Didn't get to say much 'fore class started. C'mon, I'm gona go ask her more 'bout it now." Mika jogs off to find Isabella.
  1076. [21:35:51] * Isabella looks up as Mika approaches.
  1077. [21:35:59] <Beatrice> She looks to Bella and walks over. "Bella, have you...given any zought to what I asked yesterday night?"
  1078. [21:36:19] <Isabella> "...hey. 'grats on second place. I guess it's nice to have equally ambitious classmates..." "Hm?" she looks at Beatrice.
  1079. [21:36:23] * Felicia Grins brightly as she follows Mika.
  1080. [21:36:46] <Isabella> "Oh, that... I suppose I wasn't too clear on that, I suppose? The subject of ingesting dream smoke?"
  1081. [21:36:50] * Isabella says quietly
  1082. [21:37:08] <Beatrice> "No no, about euuuh, living together, ze Mystical Aptitude building."
  1083. [21:37:45] <Isabella> "Oh, that! Actually, yes, I think that would be nice. It's in the graveyard, yes? Full of ghosts... should be a fine challenge, I think. ...I need to get stronger."
  1084. [21:37:46] <Mikaela> "You too, very impressive last move you did. But anyway, y'think we can continue where we left off earlier with this dream world biz? Who else came with on your trip?"
  1085. [21:37:59] <Isabella> "That, right..."
  1086. [21:38:12] * Felicia Listens intently.
  1087. [21:38:25] <Beatrice> "Well, I ask now because I imagine it is not a...populous place. We could discuss zis zere."
  1088. [21:38:52] <~Mons> if you do, please do after session/in minis
  1089. [21:38:53] <Isabella> "Well, there's ten of us in that dorm room right now, right? Five of you were grouped yesterday on the boat... it was the other four who came with me. Ali, Franz, Corinne, and John."
  1090. [21:38:57] <Beatrice> (which is also something I imagine we should do after session, yeah)
  1091. [21:39:04] <Beatrice> (I just wanna segway into that later.)
  1092. [21:39:06] <~Mons> Mmm
  1093. [21:39:19] <~Mons> 1d100
  1094. [21:39:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Mons, 1d100: 96 [1d100=96]
  1095. [21:39:22] <Isabella> You'd rather us not have this discussion now? =/
  1096. [21:39:26] <~Mons> Perception everyone
  1097. [21:39:30] <~Mons> Yes because PLUTONIS IS ON A TIME LIMIT
  1098. [21:39:31] <Isabella> 1d20+8
  1099. [21:39:32] <Beatrice> (I think he wants to get through the classes first.)
  1100. [21:39:32] <DiceMaid-9001> Isabella, 1d20+8: 9 [1d20=1]
  1101. [21:39:39] <Beatrice> 1d20+1
  1102. [21:39:39] <DiceMaid-9001> Beatrice, 1d20+1: 11 [1d20=10]
  1103. [21:39:41] <Mikaela> 1d20-2 hurrr
  1104. [21:39:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Mikaela, hurrr: 1 [1d20=3]
  1105. [21:39:47] <Beatrice> (derp squad.)
  1106. [21:39:57] <~Mons> felicia frederica
  1107. [21:40:00] <Felicia> 1d20+4
  1108. [21:40:00] <~Mons> beard tree
  1109. [21:40:01] <DiceMaid-9001> Felicia, 1d20+4: 20 [1d20=16]
  1110. [21:40:02] <Frederica> 1d20+6 I don't even know if I'm still here
  1111. [21:40:03] <DiceMaid-9001> Frederica, I don't even know if I'm still here: 9 [1d20=3]
  1112. [21:40:30] <~Mons> Anyway
  1113. [21:40:34] <~Mons> prince_ali plutonis
  1114. [21:40:45] <~Mons> Ramiel|uh-ohtime
  1115. [21:41:07] <Isabella> "I suppose we COULD discuss this a bit later, I'm not feeling too well at the moment..."
  1116. [21:41:08] * Felicia Hmhmhms. Giving a Sly Look (tm) to the Redheaded girl.
  1117. [21:41:11] <Mikaela> (oh whoa, Prince Ali is in LS?)
  1118. [21:41:14] <~Mons> yes
  1119. [21:41:22] <~Mons> which is why I wanted to be faster with this but
  1120. [21:41:28] <~Mons> It's okay as long as plut's still here
  1121. [21:41:45] <Isabella> "We'll meet up, then?"
  1122. [21:41:45] <Prince_Ali> (Oh my)
  1123. [21:42:00] <Prince_Ali> (D: i'll try to stay more than 15 mins then)
  1124. [21:42:06] <~Mons> God dammit varg
  1125. [21:42:13] * Beatrice nods. "You'll know where to find me."
  1126. [21:42:13] : Mikaela nods. "We oughtta get everyone together for this then, y'know. If it really was all ten of us from that room that got taken."
  1127. [21:42:37] <Isabella> "It's not a coincidence. Things don't work like that by pure luck."
  1128. [21:42:51] <Frederica> (Okay, I'm gonna vanish and be back in a few if postclass stuff happens)
  1129. [21:42:52] <Mikaela> "S'what I figured. 'Tied by fate' and all that jazz."
  1130. [21:42:58] * Isabella shakes her head. "Anyway, I'll get my things packed, then, if you don't mind having me, BEa."
  1131. [21:43:14] <~Mons> (Defs confirming postclass stuff)
  1132. [21:43:26] <~Mons> Anyway, proceed: y/n
  1133. [21:43:28] <Isabella> y
  1134. [21:43:29] <Felicia> Y
  1135. [21:43:29] <Mikaela> (y)
  1136. [21:43:29] <Frederica> (then I'll be back up in ~15 or so)
  1137. [21:43:33] <Beatrice> "Why would I not? I asked you in the first place." :3 y
  1138. [21:43:53] <Isabella> "Yeah, I suppose..." where did her enthusiasm go?
  1139. [21:43:53] <~Mons> The next day:
  1140. [21:45:11] <Mikaela> (writing new parts: Ranka's shock wave in the morning)
  1141. [21:45:13] <Felicia> (Did the homework Lord Oberon, and uh School History again =B)
  1142. [21:45:43] <~Mons> The Legendary Studies classroom is its own building a short distance outside the main campus. From outside, it appears to be a near identical structure to the classroom from yesterday, just, well, standalone. Stepping inside, though...
  1143. [21:46:35] <Beatrice> (claimed the ghost house in the name of the emprah.)
  1144. [21:47:00] <~Mons> It's completely different. The floor basically blends in with the grass and flowers outside, and around the edges there are just couches scattered around, and some of the rocks seem comfortable enough to sit in. The center is occupied by what appears to be a much more standard teaching apparatus; though as with George the "blackboard" is all holograms.
  1145. [21:47:02] <Isabella> (And moving in~)
  1146. [21:47:04] <Felicia> (Hmm. This may end up interestingly. Felicia has no where to go.)
  1147. [21:47:21] <Mikaela> (cave dorm? :D)
  1148. [21:47:57] <Beatrice> (join us in the ghost dorm, all the passive aggression.)
  1149. [21:47:58] * Isabella seems to have regained some of her former composure, looking around the place with a bit of a smile on her face.
  1150. [21:48:04] <Mikaela> (Mons, you need to let us have a Phoenix Wright scene like the movie sometime)
  1151. [21:48:05] * Prince_Ali is looking around inside the classroom, examining the flowers while looking for a rock to sit that doesn't look, you know, spiky. He is as fabulous as ever, although the burnt turban from yesterday has been replaced by a white Fez.
  1152. [21:48:37] <Mikaela> ("TAKE THAT!" /me throws hologram)
  1153. [21:48:47] <Isabella> (Politicsandnegotiation.jpg)
  1154. [21:48:53] <~Mons> Noted
  1155. [21:48:54] <Mikaela> (damnit not in that class D:)
  1156. [21:48:55] * Beatrice finds couches a curious seating option with the grass and all, finds a comfy one anyway.
  1157. [21:49:19] * Felicia Mills about before taking a seat. She pulls out a notebook and a pencil and begins to write a bit before class.
  1158. [21:49:21] * Isabella plops down next to Bea, why not.
  1159. [21:49:25] : Mikaela takes a seat near the center of things.
  1160. [21:50:47] * Prince_Ali checks out the girls from where he is~
  1161. [21:51:42] * Isabella sort of absently nods at Ali when he looks her way. She still can't believe this guy's fate is tied to her's.
  1162. [21:51:44] * Beatrice isn't much a note taker, seems to be more interested in things just getting started.
  1163. [21:52:00] <~Mons> After a bit of waiting, there's a POP and a huge purple bipedal cat zaps in at the desk.
  1164. [21:52:16] * Isabella 's eyes open a bit with interest.
  1165. [21:52:25] * Felicia Continues writing not noticing the Cat.
  1166. [21:52:29] <~Mons> <Right. For the few who probably don't recognize, I'm Mewtwo. Teaching, of course.>
  1167. [21:52:30] <Beatrice> (fffff seen list crap D:)
  1168. [21:52:37] <Beatrice> (that's +3 today so far, I think.)
  1169. [21:52:45] <Prince_Ali> "What."
  1170. [21:52:58] * Isabella nods. "Good morning, Professor."
  1171. [21:53:10] <Beatrice> <He makes quite the entrance> she thinks at the 'fated,' even Ali.
  1172. [21:53:10] <~Mons> <And... show of hands, who ISN'T aware? Knowledge was only one factor in deciding admission to my class.>
  1173. [21:53:11] * Felicia Looks up. "Oh. Well. Hello Professor."
  1174. [21:53:12] <Mikaela> "Guess the other profs have gotta outdo giant robot stadium somehow." Mika blinks in surprise.
  1175. [21:53:25] * Prince_Ali looks at the fucking teacher Pokémon with a weirded out look. "Uh... Okay i guess."
  1176. [21:55:28] <Prince_Ali> "That stuff was not on the flier they gave me, you know. Not that i read it, Mwahaha!"
  1177. [21:55:31] <~Mons> <And... I suppose I'm not EXACTLY the only teacher here. Right, everyone else come out now!>
  1178. [21:56:01] <Mikaela> (zoof are you handling all seen?)
  1179. [21:56:03] <Felicia> "Multiple professors?"
  1180. [21:56:07] * WHEELS ( has joined #traineracademy
  1181. [21:56:09] * Isabella tests her Omen out of curiosity.
  1182. [21:56:34] <~Mons> A chunk of grass off to the side and a patch of orange flowers wiggle up, revealing the tiny hedgehogs underneath. The pointy rock Ali avoided uproots itself, as does one other suspicious one and a weird lump in the ground.
  1183. [21:56:43] <Beatrice> (I was just commenting, someone else edit please :3)
  1184. [21:56:45] <~Mons> Bella: PING PING PING PING PING PING
  1185. [21:56:54] <Prince_Ali> (Shaymin :3333)
  1186. [21:56:57] <~Mons> Yep sure are legendaries
  1187. [21:58:00] * Felicia Blinks "Ohmy."
  1188. [21:58:35] <Isabella> "Shaymins? How wonderful~"
  1189. [21:58:59] * Isabella pays rapt attention.
  1190. [21:59:17] * Prince_Ali tries not to aww a the shuffling little Shaymin in front of the girls.
  1191. [21:59:17] <~Mons> <Redcap!> <Puck!> Mewtwo: <And those are the Stone, the Spear and the Sword.>
  1192. [21:59:28] <Mikaela> "So this is a more hands on class then, huh?"
  1193. [21:59:31] <~Mons> <Afraid the golems don't exactly likely talk.>
  1194. [22:00:11] <~Mons> <Oh? In a sense. There'll be a lot of lecturing, but most of us are generally open to questions if you have them. Not... exactly active, y'know, I prefer a relaxed style.>
  1195. [22:00:14] * Felicia Begins to write in her note book. Even trying to make little sketches of the 'Professors'. "Hello. Proffessors."
  1196. [22:00:46] <~Mons> <So, I guess where we start here...>
  1197. [22:01:08] * Isabella regards the small golems with some degree of curiosity before paying attention to Mewtwo again.
  1198. [22:01:18] <~Mons> Small? They're easily 9 feet each.
  1199. [22:01:19] * Prince_Ali passes his hands on his hair, throwing bishounen sparkles behind. "Hm! Well, i guess we shall do first things first, no?"
  1200. [22:01:23] * Beatrice watches curiously as the new comers mingle around, but keeps her eyes on Mewtwo herself.
  1201. [22:01:28] <Beatrice> (er. himself.)
  1202. [22:01:40] <Isabella> (Oh, you seemed to imply otherwise. :B)
  1203. [22:02:16] <~Mons> <There are more new people around than not, so where we start is the basics. A lot of this must be pretty surprising to all of you, so we should cover any potential questions first.>
  1204. [22:03:00] <Prince_Ali> (brb)
  1205. [22:03:14] * Felicia Looks around to see if anyone else is asking a question.
  1206. [22:03:19] <Mikaela> "There a story behind those names? For the golems I mean."
  1207. [22:03:46] <Mikaela> "I mean, of course there is. Just wonderin' what it is."
  1208. [22:04:21] <Felicia> "I was more interested in how you became Professor here, er Professor."
  1209. [22:04:22] <~Mons> <Interesting start! It's... their purpose, I guess, they've generally been guides and servants to the king, traditionally. Of course, the last one gave them over to the Academy when it was founded.>
  1210. [22:04:46] * Felicia Scribbles down notes.
  1211. [22:05:05] <~Mons> <That... is a very long story. I came of my own accord, unlike the others, who have lived on this island or the mainland since time immemorial.>
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