
Friend's Dad 56(end of season 2)

Jul 15th, 2017
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  1. app based sum(google tl). not very accurate and might have missing parts or unintentional rewrite.
  3. MC meets perv boss and one of them goes how from all the places in the world they meet here(not sure). Boss asks MC what is he doing here(but thinks why is this bastard here ..) and he replies with 'that's what i wanna ask you, why are u in front of Zinc's/Ayeoni's door'. Boss goes how maybe MC isn't aware but this is his property, his officetel and she is using it now. MC thinks smth like 'you shady fuck'. MC goes off on him telling him that no matter if he owns it or not loitering at her door will make her uncomfortable and boss thinks that MC wants to have a go at him.
  5. FMC comes out and calls their name/titles and asks them what are they doing here. She thinks what's up with this situation and MC asks her if she's aware of how much he was worried that she left without saying a word. She tells him sorry and that she couldn't impose on the anymore but thinks she's at fault for HyeSoo not coming back home. MC denies it being so and boss cuts in and goes how she is an adult and she can do what she wants without permission from anybody. MC goes how it's not like that but boss goes how it sure looks so. MC insists that they lived together for months and if she was planing to move somewhere else she needed to consult with an adult about it. Boss scoffs at the 'adult' part and asks if MC acted as an adult towards FMC and he goes 'what?' and she tries to pacify it and tells them that it's late and to go home.
  7. MC and thinks how it's lonely. Then old guy and daughter and he think how it's great to have her but it's painful(not sure). Stuff about her body shape. Daughter goes smth if he enjoys the sight.. and then if he wants to he can do her at any time(she's prbly sarcastic ..not sure) and he goes 'for real?' and yeah goes yeah, anytime u want and he goes 'well then, here i go' and i thinks he thinks that he is a strange guy. She moans and wonders if FMC changed her number. She goes 'what?' when she hears FMC left the house and pulls out. Guy asks her where is she going this later at night and he tells him to wait it out till she calls him again.
  9. At home, she goes 'daddy~' and he goes 'what?! HyeSoo' she hugs him and tells him how she knew he would pick her and he goes HyeSoo..'. She asks if FMC left and he goes how yeah, that's it and she goes how to celebrate her return they should go eat out tomorrow and he goes okay and thinks towards his daughter that he still works on FMC and in his mind he hasn't let her go.
  11. FMC and boss, and she asks what's up with him this early in the morning(job related ..) and he asks her if she slept well and how as an apology for last night, she gets the day off today he wants to take her out for lunch. She goes how he doesn't have to .. and he goes how don't make it awkward and to just go.
  13. Boss goes how there's a restaurant there, so to go there and she goes yeah .. He goes how the interior is nice but she fells how this is uncomfortable. Daughter asks dad if eating lunch with just the two of them isn't it nice and he goes yeah. Boss sees them and goes 'what ..what the fuck?'. MC goes 'ah!' and daughter asks him what is it and FMC goes 'ah!' a well when they see each other. Some thoughts how the world is strange at times and goes flows this way, this situation(not sure). FMC thinks about what is she to do now, and boss goes smth about eating a fine meal. HyeSoo thinks about FMC. MC wonders why FMC went out with that bastard. Tbc...
  15. Author's words next he goes 'hello everyone'. Goes how he's gonna take a rest break for a while and he will be back with season 3 in one month and offers his thanks(smth like this).
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