
Summary Story 201803

Jun 19th, 2018
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  1. Reagan's side: (sorry I couldn't remember the names)
  2. Boy 2 was in love with Girl 2 and wanted to confess but couldn't. Right when it's Boy 1's turn to sacrifice, he passed Boy 2 a letter, saying that he is in love with Girl 2 too, but then since he would go before Boy 2, he wanted to give his blessings to Boy 2 for him to confess to Girl 2. Ignitio wanted to stop Boy 1 but Boy 1 bypassed Ignitio with teleportation magic. Then Gramps battled Ignitio to show him what a magical barrier can do, noting that his magical barrier is nothing compared to Ardore Emperor's. So he wished them to understand their choice.
  4. Then when it is Boy 2's turn, Sieghart made them an opportunity to be alone. However, Girl 2 told Boy 2 that she was in love with Boy 1 before Boy 2 could confess. So Boy 2 told Girl 2 that Boy 1 was in love with her instead. Sieghart was proud of Boy 2's beautiful action before his sacrifice.
  6. Then, the party had to split so that when the magical seal is complete, a squad is close enough to emperor to act. Ignitio and Sieghart chose to protect Girl 2 to the final sealing spot. When Girl 2 was about to put up the seal, Girl 2 and Gramps (separately to different people) told Reagan and friends that the 4 Hess Sages were visions. They 5 were part of a plan to assassinate Ardore Emperor 40 years ago and Gramps was the only survivor. So Gramps wanted to die together with them to join his friends. So Reagan answered to his wishes and let Gramps face Ardore Emperor alone when the final seal is put up.
  8. Gramps attempted to kamikaze to Ardore Emperor but failed. So Reagan came out to face the emperor instead while urging his friends to flee.
  10. Lasswell's side:
  11. They met the mysterious duo again (with one of them having superpowerful magic power). Then the woman fainted and stopped breathing. The mage guy explained that she was an automatan and requires magic power to move. He was at his limit of giving magic power to her so he wished to gain power so he could access to crystal extraction facilities for unlimited magic power to power his automaton.
  13. The mage guy was formerly Orders #16, he could not agree with the brutality and quit. Then he found the automaton somewhere. He eventually found joy and hope from being in her company to the point that he found life meaningless without her, even ready to turn his life force into magic power to give her if he must. Lasswell, Nichol, Fina, Rain and eventually Sakura gave magical power to the girl so that he would not resort to it.
  15. They said that if they will go all out of they face each other eventually, but promise to carry on each other's will in participating in the tournament should one group of them lost.
  17. Axter showed up from time to time without saying anything to them. The mage guy remarked at the sheer aura around him due to his strength.
  19. Jake and Lid were in Gungan, and Kunshira was assisting Lid in tending to him. Kunshira thought to herself that not waking up even after extensive healing magic could mean serious damage to his nerves. Jake eventually woke up but he couldn't see or hear anything.
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