
Emacs key functions

Feb 17th, 2022 (edited)
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text 2.52 KB | Software | 0 0
  1. Quit: C-x C-c
  2. Help: C-h (then enter topic; just pressing RET lists all topics)
  3. Save buffer: C-x s
  4. Save buffer (overwrite existing file): C-x C-s
  5. Save as: C-x C-w (then enter path and file name)
  6. Cancel: C-g
  7. Open (find) file: C-x f or C-x C-f (then enter path and file name)
  8. Search forward: C-s (then enter search string)
  9. Search backward: C-r (then enter search string)
  10. (keep pressing C-s or C-r to repeat the search with the string entered before)
  11. Split screen horizontally: C-x 2
  12. Split screen vertically: C-x 3
  13. Shrink window to fit its content: C-x -
  14. Resize windows to have equal size: C-x +
  15. Enlarge current window horizontally by 1 line: C-x ^
  16. Enlarge current window vertikallyally by 1 column: C-x }
  17. Shrink current window vertikallyally by 1 column: C-x {
  18. Switch to other window: C-x o or C-x n
  19. Unsplit/delete other window: C-x 1
  20. Switch to buffer: C-x b (then enter buffer name)
  21. Undo: C-/ or C-_ or C-x u
  23. Mark region: C-SPC (then move cursor to end of region and proceed with one of the following options)
  24. Copy region to buffer: ESC-w
  25. Kill (cut & copy region to buffer): C-w
  26. Yank (paste buffer): C-y
  27. Move cursor back to mark location: C-x C-x
  29. Meta functions (ESC is used as meta key 'M'):
  30. ---------------
  31. Enable/disable word wrap: M-x visual-line-mode
  32. Edit font colors: M-x customize-face (cursor must be placed on the color to change)
  34. Work with coding systems:
  35. ---------------
  36. Describe a particular coding system: C-h C (then enter name of coding system; just pressing RET describes the system currently used)
  37. List all coding systems: M-x list-coding-systems
  38. Change coding system: C-x C-m f (then enter name of coding system; default is utf-8-unix)
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