
Fire Emblem Quest: Part 2 Summary

Jul 14th, 2015
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  1. Part 2 Link:
  3. Part 2 Summary:
  4. -Ellen is knocked out by bandits right as Lambert and Stefyn's fight begins.
  5. -She is awoken by the red and green cavaliers, Biff and Byron. Mistaking Biff for a bandit in her dazed state, she punches him.
  6. -Through Byron and later Natalie, Ellen finds out that Orsin village was mostly destroyed, and very few people survived to be saved by Prince Garrus' personal guard, who have been tasked with wiping out the Johalva bandits by Drasma, the king of Neir.
  7. -Yvette, an older woman, is the one who speaks for the shy prince most of the time.
  8. -Robert and Jay found Lambert in the remains of Orsin village, horribly wounded and near death.
  9. -Ellen had a conversation with Garrus, and by the end of it she and the Town Drunk had volunteered to raid the bandit hideout alongside Garrus' forces.
  10. -First thing the next morning, Ellen discovered that Lambert had died.
  12. Confirmed Party Members (as of end of thread 2):
  13. -Ellen (pre-Mercenary Trainee Class) The player character, a young woman raised in the village of Orsin. As vaguely-defined in personality as any earlygame quest protagonist.
  14. -Natalie/Nat (Cleric) Has a cold exterior despite being sensitive
  15. -Town Drunk (name not known by Ellen) (Villager Class) A farmhand from the same town as Ellen, Nat, and Lambert. Has a lot of zeal, but might be a bit of a slimeball.
  16. -Biff and Byron (red and green cavaliers) Biff is enthusiastic and outgoing, Byron is collected and polite. Together they got Natalie and Ellen away from Orsin after Ellen was knocked unconscious.
  17. -Robert and Jay (Fighter Class) Robert is loud and rude, Jay is quiet and responsible.
  18. -Garrus (Axe Lord) The crown prince of Neir, son of King Drasma. Surprisingly timid and small-framed.
  19. -Yvette (Paladin) A middle-aged retainer for Prince Garrus. Often speaks in his place due to his timidness.
  20. -Hooded figure (name not known by Ellen) (Thief/Outlaw Class) Ellen knows nothing about him.
  21. -Bandanna-wearing Man with Braided Hair (name not known by Ellen) (Horseman/Nomad Class) Ellen knows nothing about him.
  23. Deceased units:
  24. -Lambert (Mercenary Class, died in thread 2) The son of the captain of Orsin village's guard. A talented swordsman who was found half-dead after a fight with a myrmidon with the Johalva bandits named Stefyn. He died early the next morning despite the best efforts of Garrus' knights and Nat.
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