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a guest
Mar 4th, 2015
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  1. setscreen ("graphics:799;599")
  2. put "Enter your name: "..
  3. var name : string
  4. get name
  5. put "Enter the colour number (0-255) for the left eye: "..
  6. var lc : int
  7. get lc
  8. put "Enter the colour number (0-255) for the right eye: "..
  9. var rc : int
  10. get rc
  11. colourback (25)
  12. cls
  13. put "Hello "..
  14. put name ..
  15. put "!!"
  16. Draw.FillOval (400,300,250,250,14)
  17. Draw.Oval (400,300,250,250,255)
  18. Draw.FillOval (400,200,200,50,4)
  19. Draw.FillOval (500,400,50,50,rc)
  20. Draw.FillOval (300,400,50,50,lc)
  21. colourback (4)
  22. colour (0)
  23. locate(25,46)
  24. put "Hello "..
  25. put name ..
  26. put "!!"..
  29. put "Enter an Integer (0-255) for circle 1's colour: "..
  30. var cc1 : int
  31. get cc1
  32. put "Enter an Integer (0-255) for circle 2's colour: "..
  33. var cc2 : int
  34. get cc2
  35. put "Enter an Integer (0-255) for circle 3's colour: "..
  36. var cc3 : int
  37. get cc3
  38. Draw.FillOval (300,200,50,50,cc1)
  39. Draw.FillOval (150,200,50,50,cc2)
  40. Draw.FillOval (450,200,50,50,cc3)
  43. put "Enter an Integer (0-255) for background colour: "..
  44. var bgc : int
  45. get bgc
  46. put "Enter an Integer (0-255) for text colour: "..
  47. var tc : int
  48. get tc
  49. put "Enter an Integer (0-255) for circles' colour: "..
  50. var cc : int
  51. get cc
  52. cls
  53. colourback (bgc)
  54. cls
  55. Draw.FillOval (300,200,50,50,cc)
  56. Draw.FillOval (150,200,50,50,cc)
  57. Draw.FillOval (450,200,50,50,cc)
  58. colour (tc)
  59. locate(18,28)
  60. put "3 colours - 3 variables"
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