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a guest
Jan 13th, 2016
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  1. Commands
  3. Help:
  5. !help fun - List of fun commands
  6. !help useful - List of useful commands
  7. !help info - List of information commands
  8. !help games - List of game commands
  9. !help other - List of other commands
  10. !memelist - List of meme names for the !meme command
  11. !aide - Liste des commandes en Francais
  12. Fun:
  14. !8ball question - Answers the question
  15. !chat sentence - Chats with you
  16. !coin - Flips a coin
  17. !decide something or something... - Decides between given words
  18. !drama number - Responds with a drama image, if no number is written, a random one
  19. !emoji number - Responds with an emoji copypasta, if no number is written, a random one
  20. !meme meme name "top text" "bottom text" - Creates a meme with the given meme name and text
  21. !pugbomb count - Bombs chat with adorable pugs
  22. !quote number - Responds with a quote, if no number is written, a random one
  23. !roll times sides - Rolls the dice a number of times with a number of sides
  24. !snoopify sentence - Snoopifies tha sentence
  25. !yoda setence - Yodaify a sentence
  26. Useful:
  28. !gif gif tags - Gets a gif from Giphy matching the given tags
  29. !join invitation link - Joins the server the bot is invited to
  30. !urban search terms - Returns the summary of the first matching search result from Urban Dictionary
  31. !wiki search terms - Returns the summary of the first matching search result from Wikipedia
  32. !youtube video tags - Gets a video from Youtube matching the given tags
  33. !wolfram query - Query Wolfram Alpha for almost anything
  34. !videocall Optional @username - Start a one click video call or screenshare directly on Mention users to make it private.
  35. Information:
  37. !avatar @username - Responds with the avatar of the user, if no user is written, the avatar of the sender
  38. !serverinfo - Gives information about the server
  39. !serverlist - Lists all the servers the bot is connected to
  40. !servers - Lists how many servers, channels and users the bot is connected to
  41. !uptime - Shows how long the bot has been online
  42. !userinfo @username - Gives information about the user, if no user is written, yourself
  43. !version - Get information on the latest version of Gravebot
  44. Games:
  46. Dota2
  48. !dota2 - Help
  49. !dota2 best position - Get the top 10 Heroes for a specific position
  50. !dota2 build hero-name - Get the most popular build for a Hero
  51. !dota2 counters hero-name - Get the top 10 counters for a Hero
  52. !dota2 impact - Get the top 10 Heroes with the biggest impact
  53. !dota2 items hero-name - Get the top 10 most used items for a Hero`
  54. League of Legends
  56. !lol - Help
  57. !lol bans - Get the top 10 most common bans
  58. !lol best position - Get the top 10 best champs for a position
  59. !lol counters champ-name position - Get the top 10 counters for a Champion and Position
  60. !lol items champ-name position - Get the highest win item sets for a Champion and Position
  61. !lol match region summoner-name - Get rank, champ, winrate, and games for all players in a current match.
  62. !lol skills champ-name position - Get the highest win skills for a Champion and Position
  63. !lol status - Get the LoL Game and Client server status for all regions
  64. Other:
  66. !ayylmao
  67. !chillenmyb
  68. !endall
  69. !feelsgoodman
  70. !kappa
  71. !kappaHD
  72. !skeltal
  73. !starwars4
  74. !starwars5
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