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- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Symbolab Pro
- // @namespace
- // @version 1.4.5
- // @description Symbolab pro for free
- // @author J. Lawrence Dev Pro Tips
- // @match
- // @include *://**
- // @grant none
- // @license MIT
- // ==/UserScript==
- (function () {
- "use strict";
- const VERSION = "1.4.5";
- console.log(`"Symbolab Pro" v${VERSION} loaded.`);
- // hide steps until full solution is loaded
- document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<style id='hide_solution'>.solution_div { display: none; }</style>`);
- window.addEventListener("load", function () {
- // prevent paywall from appearing when verify button is clicked
- createUpgradeTooltip = () => null;
- // only run script if on a page with a solution
- if (typeof SYMBOLAB !== "undefined" && SYMBOLAB?.params?.query) {
- // initialize constants
- const url = location.href;
- const langMatch = url.match("//([a-z]{2}).symbolab");
- const lang = langMatch ? langMatch[1] : "en";
- const query = htmlDecode(SYMBOLAB.params.query);
- // reinitialize SymbolabSteps with subscribed set to true
- SYSTEPS = new SymbolabSteps(lang, "true", null, url);
- // reinitialize Solutions with subscribed set to true
- SOLUTIONS = new Solutions("", "step-by-step", query, "", 0, "", lang, "true");
- SOLUTIONS.init();
- console.log(`"Symbolab Pro" full step-by-step solutions initialized.`);
- }
- // if not signed in, create a warning next to the sign in link to tell the user they must log in
- if (!isUserLoggedIn()) {
- console.warn(`"Symbolab Pro" only works when signed in. You can create an account for free.`);
- const joinEl = document.getElementById("join");
- const warning = document.createElement("div");
- = "sign_in_warning";
- const warningStyles = {
- position: "fixed",
- top: "48px",
- right: "0px",
- width: "260px",
- height: "200px",
- backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
- zIndex: "9999",
- padding: "1em",
- fontSize: "150%",
- lineHeight: "1.5em",
- border: "2px solid red",
- };
- Object.assign(, warningStyles);
- warning.innerHTML = `<p>Viewing step-by-step solutions for free is only possible when logged in.</p>
- <p style="font-size: 90%">Sign in or create a free account to continue.</p>
- <a href="" onclick="return false;" style="font-size: 75%">'Symbolab Pro' script v${VERSION}</a>`;
- // close button
- const closeButton = document.createElement("button");
- closeButton.innerHTML = "×";
- const closeStyles = {
- position: "absolute",
- top: "0px",
- right: "0px",
- fontSize: "150%",
- fontWeight: "bold",
- cursor: "pointer",
- background: "none",
- border: "none",
- };
- Object.assign(, closeStyles);
- closeButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
- = "none";
- });
- warning.appendChild(closeButton);
- if (joinEl) {
- joinEl.appendChild(warning);
- }
- // flash warning when show steps button is clicked since the content is locked
- document.body.addEventListener(
- "click",
- (e) =>
- $(".solution_title_container")[0] &&
- $("#sign_in_warning").fadeOut(100).fadeIn(100).fadeOut(100).fadeIn(100)
- );
- }
- // show solution
- document.getElementById("hide_solution").remove();
- });
- })();
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