

Jun 19th, 2018
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  1. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  2. # MyCommand Commands config file (last update v5.3.0) #
  3. # #
  4. # BukkitDev Help page : #
  5. # #
  6. # How to make a command : (See an example command below) #
  7. # For first, put your command name on first line #
  8. # Now put your command_line name after the "command:" line. Don't forget the '/' before your command. #
  9. # So, now select your command type from a predefined list putting it after "type" line #
  15. # #
  16. # If your command is "TEXT" type, you can put multiple line of text below this parameter #
  17. # You can do the same thing with the "RUNCOMMAND" type, but instead of text, puts commands in this list #
  18. # For delayed command(s) add $delay$ before the command in runcmd Example : - $delay$/list #
  19. # Set delay time with delaytimer: 5 (5 = seconds) | #
  20. # If you are using the Vault plugin, you can put the "cost: 123.0" with this line. #
  21. # You can customize your permission node by placing "permission-node:" field in a command #
  22. # Also,you can change the permission error message with "permission-error:" #
  23. # Custom error-message for invalid args ,put "error-message:" line in a command. #
  24. # You can use itemcost : 'ID:AMOUNT' for set a cost with items. #
  25. # Register REAL commands putting "register: true" below the command. #
  26. # With register commands you can use the "tab_completer: - Hi - Hello!" #
  27. # For Scripts and more features, find more on the bukkitdev page #
  28. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  29. gamemode_alias:
  30. command: /gm
  31. type: ALIAS
  32. alias: /gamemode
  33. permission-required: true
  34. simple_dice:
  35. command: /mycmd-dice
  36. type: TEXT
  37. text:
  38. - '&0[&6Dice&0] &eYou got &6$rnd6 !'
  39. permission-required: true
  40. permission-node: mycommand.cmd.dice
  41. permission-error: "&a$player! , &2You can't use this command!"
  42. tab_completer:
  43. command: /greets
  44. type: RUN_COMMAND
  45. runcmd:
  46. - '$broadcasttext$&0[&e$player&0]&r $multiargs'
  47. required_args: 1
  48. register: true
  49. tab_completer:
  50. - Hi
  51. - Hello!
  52. - Well Met!
  53. shortcut:
  54. command: /l
  55. type: RUN_COMMAND
  56. runcmd:
  57. - '/list'
  58. cost: 0
  59. mycmd_colors:
  60. command: /mycmd-colors
  61. type: TEXT
  62. text:
  63. - "&11 &22 &33 &44 &55 &66 &77 &88 &99 &00 &aa &bb &cc &dd &ee &ff"
  64. - "&nn&r &mm&r &ll&r &oo&r $random_color :D"
  65. permission-required: false
  66. shortcut_with_arguments:
  67. command: /t
  68. type: RUN_COMMAND
  69. runcmd:
  70. - '/time $arg1 $arg2'
  71. cost: 0
  72. error-message: '&cType &e/t set day'
  73. require_all_arguments: true
  74. delay_example:
  75. command: /mycmd-countdown
  76. type: RUN_COMMAND
  77. runcmd:
  78. - '$delay$$broadcasttext$&0[&eCountdown&0] $random_color3..'
  79. - '$delay$$broadcasttext$&0[&eCountdown&0] $random_color2..'
  80. - '$delay$$broadcasttext$&0[&eCountdown&0] $random_color1..'
  81. - '$delay$$broadcasttext$&0[&eCountdown&0] &eGO!!'
  82. cost: 0
  83. delaytimer: 1
  84. delaytimer_format: SECONDS
  85. broadcast_example:
  86. command: /mycmd-broadcast
  87. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  88. text:
  89. - '&0[&e$player&0]&r $multiargs'
  90. required_args: 1
  91. run_by_console:
  92. command: /mycmd-runconsole
  93. type: RUN_CONSOLE
  94. runcmd:
  95. - /say This /say it's performed by the console.
  96. cost: 0
  97. warmups_cooldowns_info:
  98. command: /warmupsandcooldowns
  99. type: TEXT
  100. text:
  101. - 'Put your command over /warmupsandcooldowns'
  102. - 'And change type : from text to WARMUP for Warmups and COOLDOWN for Cooldowns'
  103. - 'adjust the warmup and cooldowns time with delaytimer'
  104. delaytimer: 5
  105. add_permission:
  106. command: /command-to-override
  107. type: ADD_PERMISSION
  108. text:
  109. - '$6Add an extra permission to another existing command'
  110. permission-node:
  111. cost: 0
  112. some_placeholders:
  113. command: /mycmd-playerinfo
  114. type: TEXT
  115. text:
  116. - '&2Player name : &a$player'
  117. - '&2World : &a$world'
  118. - '&2Health : &a$health &2Food : &a$food'
  119. - '&2Exp : &a$exp &2Level : &a$level'
  120. - '&2Gamemode : &a$gamemode'
  121. - '&2LastDamage : &a$lastdamage'
  122. mycmd_list_command:
  123. command: /mycmd-online
  124. type: TEXT
  125. text:
  126. - '&2There are &a$online &2players online.'
  127. - '&a $ponline'
  128. clear_chat:
  129. command: /clearchat
  130. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  131. text:
  132. - '%Repeat%100% '
  133. - '&0[&eMyCommand&0]&b Chat clared :D'
  134. shortcut_with_multiargs:
  135. command: /mycmd-shortcut
  136. type: RUN_COMMAND
  137. runcmd:
  138. - '/say $multiargs'
  139. random_example:
  140. command: /rockpaperscissors
  142. runcmd:
  143. - '/me Rock!'
  144. - '/me Paper!'
  145. - '/me Scissors!'
  146. iconmenu_page1:
  147. command: /iconmenu
  148. type: ICON_MENU
  149. text:
  152. iconmenu_title: '&cMyCommand &4ItemMenu'
  153. iconmenu_size: 27
  154. iconmenu_commands:
  155. - '0:GOLDEN_APPLE:0:/help:&2Help:&aOpen the help menu'
  156. - '1:COMPASS;DAMAGE_ALL;1:0:/mycmd:Menu:MyCommand menu'
  157. - '9:EMERALD:0:/list:Player List:&bShow online players'
  158. - '10:WATCH:0:/time set 0:Day:Turn day'
  159. - '26:WOOL:11:%openiconmenu%/iconmenu2:Next Page:&cChange IconMenu Page;&a--------->'
  160. cost: 0
  161. delaytimer: 5
  162. iconmenu_page2:
  163. command: /iconmenu2
  164. type: ICON_MENU
  165. iconmenu_title: 'Page 2'
  166. iconmenu_size: 9
  167. iconmenu_commands:
  168. - '0:GOLDEN_APPLE:0:Do something:Hello!:=)'
  169. - '8:WOOL:13:%openiconmenu%/iconmenu:Return Back:&cChange IconMenu Page;&a<---------'
  170. cost: 0
  171. delaytimer: 5
  172. help_page_0:
  173. command: /mycmd-help
  174. type: TEXT
  175. text:
  176. - '&a ---- &6MyCommand Help &eMain Page &a----'
  177. - '&e This is the Main page of the help '
  178. - '&e Type &6/mycmd-help 2 &efor see the second page'
  179. help_page_1:
  180. command: /mycmd-help 2
  181. type: TEXT
  182. text:
  183. - '&a ---- &6MyCommand Help &ePage two &a----'
  184. - '&e And this is the page two of the help'
  185. itemcost_example:
  186. command: /itemcostexample
  187. type: TEXT
  188. text:
  189. - '$random_colorYou have spent 5 Cobblestone for see this message.'
  190. itemcost: 'COBBLESTONE:5'
  191. scoreboard_example:
  192. command: /sbexample
  193. type: SCOREBOARD
  194. text:
  195. - The Scoreboard will get removed after DelayTimer(sec). If 0 don't remove
  196. - Use $marquee$ as a prefix of the scoreboard name for scroll the text.
  197. - Use scoreboard_refresh_ticks, for determinate how frequent the plugin have to update the scoreboard.
  198. scoreboard_name: "$marquee$&1M&2y&3C&4o&5m&6m&7a&8n&9d &aS&bc&co&dr&ee&fb&0o&1a&2r&3d &nExample&r "
  199. scoreboard_text:
  200. - "4;&c&lCoordinates:"
  201. - "3;&6X:&e $locX &6Y:&e $locY &6Z:&e $locZ "
  202. - "2;&c&lPlayer Info:"
  203. - "1;&6Health: &e$health"
  204. - "0;&6Food: &e$food"
  205. scoreboard_refresh_ticks: 5
  206. delaytimer: 10
  207. bungeecord_example:
  208. command: /bungeetest
  209. type: BUNGEE_TP
  210. server_name: hub
  211. allowed_worlds_example:
  212. command: /onlynether
  213. type: TEXT
  214. text:
  215. - "&cYea,The Nether!"
  216. allowed_worlds:
  217. - world_nether
  218. per_world_commands:
  219. command: /perworldcommand
  220. type: RUN_COMMAND
  221. runcmd:
  222. - "$world=%world%/me This command will be performed only if you are in the world"
  223. - "$world=%world_nether%/me And this only if you are in the nether"
  224. permission-required: false
  225. executefor_example:
  226. command: /executeforall
  227. type: RUN_CONSOLE
  228. executefor: ONLINE_PLAYERS
  229. runcmd:
  230. - "/tp $player 0 64 0"
  231. permission-required: false
  232. ouch:
  233. command: /ouch
  234. type: RUN_COMMAND
  235. runcmd:
  236. - '%PlayerOptions%damage: 1'
  237. - '$text$&c<3'
  238. permission-required: false
  239. heal_me:
  240. command: /mycmd-heal
  241. type: RUN_COMMAND
  242. runcmd:
  243. - '%PlayerOptions%setHealth: 20'
  244. - '%PlayerOptions%setFoodLevel: 20'
  245. - '%PlayerOptions%sendMessage: &aHealed!'
  246. permission-required: false
  247. world_guard_example:
  248. command: /checkregion
  249. type: TEXT
  250. text:
  251. - 'You are in $wgregionname region!'
  252. allowed_wg_region:
  253. - 'region_name_here'
  254. custom_cmd_cooldown:
  255. command: /cooldown-example
  256. type: TEXT
  257. text:
  258. - '&aBla bla bla, type the command again for see the cooldown effect.'
  259. cooldown: 5
  260. custom_cmd_warmup:
  261. command: /warmup-example
  262. type: TEXT
  263. text:
  264. - '&aYou have waited 5 second for see this command performed'
  265. warmup: 5
  266. call_url:
  267. command: /call-url
  268. type: CALL_URL
  269. url: 'http://localhost/yourscript.php?variable=$arg1&player=$player'
  270. get_output : true
  271. show_output_ingame : true
  272. save_output_as : httpResponse
  273. script_example_420:
  274. command: /example420
  275. type: RUN_COMMAND
  276. runcmd:
  277. - $Script$%if%$arg1==password
  278. - $text$&eRight!
  279. - $Script$%if%$arg1==420
  280. - $text$&aBLAZE IT
  281. - $Script$%else%
  282. - $text$Password not correct
  283. bar_text:
  284. command: /bar_example
  285. type: BAR_API_TEXT
  286. text:
  287. - '&aHello $random_color$player'
  288. bar_seconds: 5
  289. bar_percentage: 8
  290. bar_style: SEGMENTED_20
  291. bar_flag: DARKEN_SKY
  292. bar_color: PINK
  293. rawmessage_example:
  294. command: /raw-example
  295. type: RAW_TEXT
  296. text:
  297. - '&aHello &b$player! &aHover your mouse over me!; &dMAGIC'
  298. - '&0[&d*&0]&e Click me; &eClick Here for suggest the command &d/mycmd;/mycmd'
  299. - '$RUN_COMMAND$&0[&e*&0]&c Set the time to day; &eClick for Execute;/time set day'
  300. - '$OPEN_URL$&0[&e*&0]$random_color Open; &eClick for open;'
  301. lottery_example:
  302. command: /lottery_example
  303. type: RUN_COMMAND
  304. runcmd:
  305. - '%PlayerOptions%playSound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK:1.0F:1'
  306. - '$text$&6Welcome to &eMyCommand &6Lottery!'
  307. - '$delay$'
  308. - '$text$&b+------------------------------------'
  309. - '$text$&b| &2Prize of today :'
  311. - '$text$&b+------------------------------------'
  312. - '$text$&ePlease wait for the results!'
  313. - '$delay$$delay$$delay$'
  314. - '$delay$$text$&0[$random_colorLottery&0] &65...'
  315. - '%PlayerOptions%playSound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK:1.0F:1'
  316. - '$delay$$text$&0[$random_colorLottery&0] &64...'
  317. - '%PlayerOptions%playSound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK:1.0F:1'
  318. - '$delay$$text$&0[$random_colorLottery&0] &63...'
  319. - '%PlayerOptions%playSound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK:1.0F:1'
  320. - '$delay$$text$&0[$random_colorLottery&0] &62...'
  321. - '%PlayerOptions%playSound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK:1.0F:1'
  322. - '$delay$$text$&0[$random_colorLottery&0] &61...'
  323. - '%PlayerOptions%playSound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK:1.0F:1'
  324. - '$delay$'
  325. - '%PlayerOptions%playSound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP:1.0F:1'
  326. - '$Script$%PlayerData%lotteryprize=$GetRandomStringFromList%COBBLESTONE;DIAMOND;GOLD_INGOT;BREAD;APPLE%'
  327. - '$Script$%PlayerData%amount_lotteryprize=$randomnumber%3%'
  328. - '$delay$'
  329. - '$text$&b+------------------------------------'
  330. - '$text$&b| &6Congratulation! You won : &e $PlayerData%amount_lotteryprize% $PlayerData%lotteryprize%! '
  331. - '$text$&b+------------------------------------'
  332. - '%PlayerOptions%addItem: $PlayerData%lotteryprize%:$PlayerData%amount_lotteryprize%'
  333. delaytimer: 1
  334. dailybonus:
  335. command: /dailybonus
  336. type: RUN_COMMAND
  337. runcmd:
  338. - "$Script$%if%$todaydate!=$PlayerData%DailyBonus%"
  339. - "$text$&0[&6Daily&eBonus&0]&b Hello $player! Here, your daily reward!"
  340. - "$text$&0[&6Daily&eBonus&0]&b Received &a1 DIAMOND!"
  341. - "%PlayerOptions%addItem: DIAMOND:1"
  342. - "$Script$%PlayerData%DailyBonus=$todaydate"
  343. - "$text$&0[&6Daily&eBonus&0]&b Come back tomorrow!"
  344. - "$Script$%else%"
  345. - "$text$&0[&6Daily&eBonus&0]&b That's enough for today! Come back tomorrow!"
  346. permission-required: false
  347. broadcast_message_with_perm:
  348. command: /brmsgwithperm
  349. type: BROADCAST_TEXT
  350. text:
  351. - "Only the player with the correct permission can see this message"
  352. broadcast_message_permission_node: permission.for.see.this.message
  353. out:
  354. command: /out
  355. type: ALIAS
  356. alias: /hub
  357. permission-required: true
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