
Hoof Finds Out Rain is Pregnant 3/6/15

Mar 6th, 2015
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  1. [22:12] * GreenLight peeks in oocly, and enters ICly after getting the Vault medbay room ready... tired, but his day isn't exactly over.
  2. [22:12] * Rain-Drop comes back to visit Hoof and as well as to check in with the doctar
  3. [22:13] <06Rain-Drop> "Light? You on...ngh.." Rain winces holdering her stomach with her wings.
  4. [22:15] * GreenLight blinks, scrambling closer to Rain "R-rain! Yeah, I'm on shift... Y-you okay, there?"
  5. [22:18] <06Rain-Drop> "Yeah...just..." Rain shudders a bit holding her sides. "Do you have any antacid?"
  6. [22:19] <06Rain-Drop> "Stomach is cramping and I think I mighta ate something to spicy...also how's hoofer? He bout ready to get...nnngh..." Rain does a small upchuck motion with her neck before coughing.
  7. [22:20] * GreenLight nodnods "H-heh, yeah, back when White's stomach would upset I'd make sure to stock up on [PLACEHOLDER BECAUSE I'M A SHITLORD WHOM FORGOT WHAT FLOWER HELPED CALM STOMACHS I THINK IT WAS DANDELION?] tea... I can brew some up for ya right now."
  8. [22:21] * GreenLight sees dat upchuck motion and widens his eyes, bolting for the back to get to brewin'
  9. [22:22] <06Rain-Drop> [hahha light you nutter]
  10. [22:22] <09GreenLight> [:3]
  11. [22:22] * Rain-Drop nods before taking a seat to hold her stomach. "Ghegh...."
  12. [22:23] <09GreenLight> [Mebbe Ginger, I dunno fek]
  13. [22:26] * GreenLight comes back after an adequate amount of time, on account of nothing else happening. He hoofs the cup to Rain with an empathetic smile "How long has your stomach been upset?"
  14. [22:27] * GreenHoof snores somewhat loudly turning onto his good side and leaving his sewn up shoulder facing up.
  15. [22:28] * Rain-Drop downs that shit like McJagger before letting out a heavy breath. "Nn...I don't know nothing really started till a few days ago..." Rain trails off trying to think of what might ahve actually done then when she hear's a snoring stallion and ponders before shaking her head. "Yeah I don't...yeah pretty sure that doesn't ha-Urk!" Rain snaps her jaw shut as her neck bobs. "
  16. [22:28] * Rain-Drop got more of that tea?"
  17. [22:30] * GreenLight nodnods, his brow furrowing "I-I... yeah, was gonna take the rest of it to White, but I can always brew some more later." He trots out to pour some more, before giving it to Rain once more
  18. [22:33] * Rain-Drop takes some more cautious sips of her drink squriming in her seat as her stomach seems ready to rebel against her. "Ugn...this stuff is still good right? Really would like to know what's causing all of this...speaking you happen to have any jalapeno's with bbq sauce to dip in?"
  19. [22:34] <09GreenLight> [Rain pls.. cravings don't happen for another month.~]
  20. [22:35] * Rain-Drop blinks "Why did I ask for that? My stomach hates me right now..."
  21. [22:35] <09GreenLight> "Uhm... N-no, I don't..." He crinkles his nose, tilting his head "Maybe that's why your stomach's upset? Hah, where'd you even find bbq sauce?"
  22. [22:35] <09GreenLight> "Erm, Rain, you o-okay?"
  23. [22:35] * GreenLight laughs "You're actin' like White recently
  24. [22:35] <03GreenHoof> [>implying not everyone craves jalapenos with bbq sauce]
  25. [22:35] <06Rain-Drop> "I haven't just got a craving for em...or spicy things I guessss, wait what you mean by that?"
  26. [22:36] <06Rain-Drop> [I actually only like banna peppers in terms of spice]
  27. [22:38] * GreenLight snorts "I dunno, weirdass cravings? Or, huh, never mind, I suppose if you were fed jalapenos with bbq sauce when you were little, you might want them when you aren't feeling well now..."
  28. [22:38] * GreenLight hems and haws
  29. [22:38] <03GreenHoof> [come down to Louisiana and I'll have you loving all sorts of spicy fud]
  30. [22:39] <06Rain-Drop> "Nah, buttered noodles and nature seasoning would be mine..."
  31. [22:39] <09GreenLight> [[/me wonders if he does do that 2-week vacation, driving across the USA... if he'll make a pitstop in Louisiana]]
  32. [22:40] * GreenLight smiles "Mine too! My mum would make noodles with a homemade butter-parm-whitesauce and, oh gosh it was good."
  33. [22:40] <06Rain-Drop> "Though ...oh., long would a..would a egg start to do its thing?"
  34. [22:40] <06Rain-Drop> "Oh man that sounds really good to be honest...but back to what I was meaning to ask..."
  35. [22:41] * GreenLight crinkles his nose "...E-egg to do its thing?"
  36. [22:42] <03GreenHoof> [Come on down!]
  37. [22:44] <06Rain-Drop> [would be cool at least]
  38. [22:45] * Rain-Drop whispers quietly, "For an egg to get implanted in the uterus wall...."
  39. [22:45] <03GreenHoof> *COOOOOONK! SHEEEW!* Hoof snores loudly as he turns onto his back again, the stallion's hindleg dangling off the side of the bed. The covers are all strewn about, barely covering any of the little pony's body.
  40. [22:46] * Rain-Drop looks over at the room Hoof is sleeping in and her face flushes some.
  41. [22:47] * GreenLight makes an audible thinking sound "Ahhhhh... Well, I'd say it's relatively instantaneous, damn near overnight for sure. S-supposing timing's right, and all that."
  42. [22:51] <06Rain-Drop> "Oh dear..."
  43. [22:51] <06Rain-Drop> "Oooooh dear...."
  44. [22:51] * Inkwell gets out of bed, having been awoken by the sneeze, and trots over to Hoof, gently covering him back up before returning to her own bed.
  45. [22:51] * Rain-Drop holds her hooves to her cheeks and flushes beet red now. "Oh me oh my...""
  46. [22:51] <06Rain-Drop> "I...
  47. [22:52] <09GreenLight> "Uhh, R-rain? You okay there?"
  48. [22:52] <06Rain-Drop> "I need to talk with Light, h-BLURGH!" Rain starts to say before the upchuck catches her off guard and projectile vomit flies forth to hit the green light.
  49. [22:54] <09GreenLight> [what]
  50. [22:54] <09GreenLight> [best b rollan dat shit]
  51. [22:57] <06Rain-Drop> !roll 1d20
  52. [22:57] <14GameServ> Rain-Drop rolled 1d20: 13 <Total: 13>
  53. [22:57] <06Rain-Drop> ]?<\
  54. [22:57] <09GreenLight> !roll 1d20+2
  55. [22:57] <14GameServ> GreenLight rolled 1d20: 20 <Total: 20(+2) = 22>
  56. [22:57] <09GreenLight> [SHIIIIIT]
  57. [22:58] <03GreenHoof> [awwww sheeeiiiit]
  58. [22:58] * Orange_Burst ( has joined #FourCannonClinic
  59. [22:59] * GreenLight DODGES THAT LIKE THE FIST OF THE NORTH STAR, bending his body backwards and avoiding every single drop of Rain's puke in an almost Matrix-like fashion, deadpanning and nodding to a nurse who's already starting to clean it up "...Welp"
  60. [22:59] * Rain-Drop covers her mouth with her hooves looking quite ill and sad, "I'm so so sorry..." The purple mare manages around her hooves spittle leaking in her hooves.
  61. [23:00] * GreenLight pokerfaces, handing Rain a stray rag after dampening it "Erm, Rain... I-I think ya broke the cardinal rule of the Clinic, hue." He looks around before winking, whispering "Not a big deal- the rule, I mean~"
  62. [23:01] * Star_ (Mibbit@ has joined #FourCannonClinic
  63. [23:02] * Rain-Drop wipes her mouth weakly with the rag and huffs through her nose nervously as she sorta hyper venalates, "What...what ever ya mean>? I dunno what you talknig bout..."
  64. [23:03] <09GreenLight> "Well, uh, boy, isn't this really apparent?" He scratches the back of his head, scrunching his nose "...Shoot, were we this oblivious too?"
  65. [23:04] <14Orange_Burst> [wot? whats happening?]
  66. [23:05] <06Rain-Drop> " idea s-so Im gonna...yeah visit hoofer and uh...yeah...:
  67. [23:06] * GreenLight nodnods "...Want me to check up on him, or give you two some space?"
  68. [23:08] <06Rain-Drop> "Um...yeah..that works too..."
  69. [23:09] * GreenLight quirks his head "Which one?"
  70. [23:12] <06Rain-Drop> "Both!" Rain blurts out before booking it to the room.
  71. [23:12] * Rain-Drop closes the door inside and leans against it as she sinks down to see Hoof sleeping away his days.
  72. [23:13] * Rain-Drop bites her lip before trotting over and gently nuding the sleeping stallion. "Hoof?"
  73. [23:14] * GreenHoof 's snoring seems to have died down a bit, the little stallion's face now looking quite peaceful and content as he sleeps. His face looks more youthful and innocent than when he's awake, as if he doesn't have a care in the world. If one looked close, they could even see a little smile. He doesn't react much to Rain's nudge.
  74. [23:14] * GreenLight is confuzzled, frowning for a second before giving a biiig sigh. And maybe wearing a shit-eating grin.
  75. [23:16] <06Rain-Drop> [shut your face shut your face]
  76. [23:16] * Rain-Drop nudges Hoof once more, " need to wake up...please?"
  77. [23:16] <09GreenLight> [Roll it~]
  78. [23:16] <03GreenHoof> [^]
  79. [23:16] <06Rain-Drop> !roll 1d20
  80. [23:16] <14GameServ> Rain-Drop rolled 1d20: 11 <Total: 11>
  81. [23:17] <03GreenHoof> [A perfectly average succeeding roll. Huh.]
  82. [23:17] <09GreenLight> [Also dubs]
  83. [23:18] * GreenHoof 's eyes slowly crack open as he feels the nudge, groaning a bit. He blinks a few times, remembering where he was, and turns his head on the pillow, looking to Rain and rubbing an eye with his good hoof. "Nnngh..."
  84. [23:20] * Rain-Drop smiles despite her worry at seeing her stallion slowly awaken and nuzzle him but not enough for him to get sick on him that be bad. "Hey..."
  85. [23:21] * Boris[Ronin] is now known as Boris[Sleeps]
  86. [23:21] * GreenHoof closes his eyes and smiles at the nuzzle, looking to his mare with a content, innocent smile. "Hey..." He says quietly and slightly groggily
  87. [23:22] <06Rain-Drop> "Hoof, I...I think we have...we.." Rain doesn't know how to say it. Taking a deep breath the mare gets it out in a rush. "I think I'm pregnant."
  88. [23:23] <14Orange_Burst> [:o]
  89. [23:25] <09GreenLight> [>Not "Hoof I think you're pregnant!"]
  90. [23:26] * GreenHoof 's smile immediately drops. He picks his head up, supporting himself on his good hoof as he just stares at Rain, his eyes going wider than ever and his pupils shrinking to pinpricks. The stallion's breathing becomes noticably heavier, taking deeper and deeper breaths, though it's quiet. His hooves go completely cold as he totally freezes, and an immediate sinking feeling falls in his stomach. He doesn't say anything, just lays there staring at Rain.
  91. [23:27] * Rain-Drop isen't sure what to do with herself so she gives a shaky smile at the stallion and says with a quaver in her voice, "S-surprise?"
  92. [23:28] <14Vanilla_Skies> [ohshitneger.png]
  93. [23:29] <14Orange_Burst> [:D]
  94. [23:29] * GreenHoof 's jaw drops, and the world around him dissapears. He sees nothing in his mind's eye, staring right through Rain into oblivion. His hoof wavers and loses support, the stallion falling back onto the bed uncerimoniously.
  95. [23:30] <03GreenHoof> 'Oh god, what have I done?!'
  96. [23:30] <03GreenHoof> [^thought]
  97. [23:30] <03GreenHoof> [:3]
  98. [23:30] <09GreenLight> [you put tha peen in tha peenslot]
  99. [23:32] <14Orange_Burst> [why so many stallions accidently getting mares pregnant? Both greens did that!]
  100. [23:33] <06Rain-Drop> "Hoof?"
  101. [23:33] * Rain-Drop gently nudges the stallion's face a few times as he seems to be stuck.
  102. [23:33] <06Rain-Drop> "Liiiight I think I broke Hoof....Again!"
  103. [23:35] * Inkwell looks over at them and yawns, "W-What's all the commotion? Light? Rain?" She looks around, and blinks the sleep from her eyes.
  104. [23:36] * GreenLight is leaning against the door, ear admittedly pressed to it as he looks to Inkwell, assuming she's outside of the room where the two are having a private moment "He ain't broken, just processing!"
  105. [23:36] * GreenHoof is brought out of his trance by her exclamation, gasping for breath as he realizes he stopped breathing and looking to Rain with a look of utter shock. He glances to the door, then Rain again, before gulping. "A-are you sure? How do you know?!"
  106. [23:36] <06Rain-Drop> [Inks I think in the same room...]
  107. [23:37] <01Inkwell> [/me should still be bunked with Hoof]
  108. [23:37] <03GreenHoof> [yeah we're roomies]
  109. [23:37] <03GreenHoof> [Hoof and Ink requested it]
  110. [23:37] <06Rain-Drop> "Well...I did just about hit Light in the face with vomit...I kinda wanna eat some hot spicy food like crazy aaand it's been, weel a few days since we did that...thing you know..."
  111. [23:37] * Rain-Drop plays with her hooves nervously
  112. [23:37] <06Rain-Drop> " I in trouble?"
  113. [23:38] * GreenLight is outside of the room, then, twiddling his hooves and listening through the door, since he wanted to give the two some privacy
  114. [23:39] * Inkwell blinks and blushes, her mind working quickly, "Holy shit she's actually pregnant?" She whispers to herself.
  115. [23:40] <09GreenLight> [[>Ink: "And I was THERE!"]]
  116. [23:40] <01Inkwell> ["I watched it happen! That makes me godmother or something right?"]
  117. [23:41] <09GreenLight> [Ink pls! It makes you a Godpervert :3]
  118. [23:41] <09GreenLight> [Just like Sunny with Lightship ]
  119. [23:41] <06Rain-Drop> [weird how that happens huh?"
  120. [23:43] <09GreenLight> [I swer dese parallels]
  121. [23:44] * GreenHoof takes a deep breath, his hooves tingling from the cold feeling in his limbs all the sudden. Despite just waking up, the stallion now has complete clarity. He looks Rain up and down, gulping. His first thought was to say 'No, we're in trouble!' but he stops himself, seeing the nervous, probably equally shocked face of his lover. He glances to Inkwell, then to Rain again. His face is completely pale white under his fur, and if ever the pony looked scared, it was now. He shakes his head. "N-no..." he says, barely above a whisper. "O-of course you're not!" you're in deep shit, Lee
  122. [23:46] <09GreenLight> [[deeper than your Harvey Oswald counterpart!]]
  123. [23:46] <09GreenLight> [EL PLS]
  124. [23:47] * Rain-Drop squirms in place now as she looks at Hoof with worry, "Are...well...what are we gonna do! I mean I'm not wanting to just dump this all on you and say here fix it, but...but I figured you oughta know!"
  125. [23:54] <14Mary_ONette> [I was gonna come visit hoof but this is going on so I'll visit tomorrow]
  126. [23:55] * GreenHoof takes another deep breath, his heart starting to race. Oh god... he was worried, and shocked, but seeing Rain squirm in worry and ask him what they're gonna do... She had a baby growing inside her. Their baby! He calms his breathing, trying his best to compose himself. He would have to deal with his own crisis later. Right now, his mare needed him to be strong. He closes his eyes and rubs a hoof through his mane before opening them again. "I don't know... y-yet!" He clenches his teeth but then relaxes, sighing and folding his ears back, looking down at the floor. "I don't know..." He then brings his gaze up to meet Rain's eyes. "...But we'll figure it out... Together."
  127. [23:57] <09GreenLight> [Yusssss]
  128. [23:58] * Rain-Drop 's face scrunchies up as she opens her mouth wide in a smile or a grimace of surprise, it's hard to tell when, "Sounds...sounds like a plan to me it alright if I sleep with you tonight?"
  129. [23:58] * Inkwell looks at the two, smiling softly to herself and chuckling a tiny bit. Her eyes sparkle in the low light before she turns away from the two and brings her blanket back over her head.
  130. [00:00] * GreenLight sheepishly takes this moment to enter, knocking on the door with the customary 'two-knocks' doctor thing before trotting in "H-hey guys, just checkin' on Hoof..."
  131. [00:00] * GreenLight gives a look to the stallion, implying he's meaning more than Hoof's injured shoulder. "How're you doing?"
  132. [00:01] * Curious is now known as Curious|bed
  133. [00:01] * GreenHoof 's feeling of despair, shock, and terror diminishes slightly when he sees her smile, making him nod rapidly. "S-sure Rain, sure..." He quickly jolts his head to look at GreenLight, his pupils still pinpricks. "L-Light!"
  134. [00:02] * Rain-Drop looks over at Light with a slightly scrunched face before letting her breath out in a rush as sshe tries to calm down but a the same time she is kinda excited but nervous as well and you know what she's going to just crawl into bed, yep right now."
  135. [00:03] <03GreenHoof> [Guessin you gotta go to bed IRL, Rain?]
  136. [00:04] * GreenLight looks around, at the scene before flashing his pearly whites in a big smile, trying to help his bro feel better "I-Iseeyou'redoingjustfine,getsomerest!"
  137. [00:04] * GreenLight promptly absconds out of the room
  138. [00:05] * GreenHoof watches as Light leaves as quickly as he came in, swiveling back to look at Rain now crawled up next to him. His mouth is still hanging open and his eyes wide.
  139. [00:06] <06Rain-Drop> [kinmda yeah have class tomorrows]
  140. [00:06] <03GreenHoof> [Alright]
  141. [00:06] <06Rain-Drop> "Just go back to sleep Hoofer..." Rain murmurs before using a hoof to close his mouth.
  142. [00:08] * Inkwell breathes softly under her blankets, and after a few moments of silence, she lets out a meek, "C-Congrats guys. I-I don't know about you, but I think you'd be great parents..."
  143. [00:09] <06Rain-Drop> "R-really?"
  144. [00:10] * GreenHoof watches Rain fall asleep next to him, keeping his mouth closed when she shuts it. He just sits there, staring at her, letting it sink in that he had impregnated this mare. She had his child inside her right now. His own flesh and blood. It made her seem more real than at any time in the past, the fact that they had now started a family. The logical part of his mind was already starting to accept it, but the emotional part... the human part... oh god. He's now a father. His ear twitches when he hears Inkwell, and though he doesn't take his eyes off his special somepony, he does respond. "Th... Thanks..."
  145. [00:11] <09GreenLight> [>Not Y-you too]
  146. [00:11] <03GreenHoof> [hue]
  147. [00:14] * Inkwell nods under her blankets, smiling brightly although nobody can see her face, "R-really really. D-Don't think about it like it's a bad thing, cause it's not..."
  148. [00:18] * GreenHoof gulps and nods a bit, still staring at Rain's (probably passed out) form. He speaks up, raspily and quietly. "I-Ink?"
  149. [00:20] <01Inkwell> "Y-yeah Hoof?" She's still under her blankets, not stirring much but her head must have turned a little.
  150. [00:21] * GreenHoof turns his head slightly to glance over to her bed, then back to Rain. "C-can you... Please keep this news between just us for now? Please don't tell anyone..."
  151. [00:22] <09GreenLight> [[Behind the door, Light tells literally every nurse on duty]]
  152. [00:23] <03GreenHoof> [NUUUUUUUUU]
  153. [00:24] * Inkwell nods, her blankets shifting, "Yeah, you have my word. Until I get the 'go ahead' my lips are sealed."
  154. [00:24] * Star_ (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  155. [00:27] * GreenHoof nods, laying his head against the pillow. "Thank you..." He whispers loudly, just staring at Rain Drop, specifically drifting down to her belly which rises and falls with each of her breaths.
  156. [00:31] * Inkwell breathes out a quiet sigh, "Of course. I'd be a shit friend if I didn't..."
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