
Choke On This

Jun 8th, 2017
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  1. iKamal: mani!
  2. Tsaaq: Heyyyy.
  3. iKamal: whatcha doin
  4. Tsaaq: Reveiwing books on amazon lol.
  5. iKamal: im recruiting people for the rp they keep asking me if its part of your rp
  6. Tsaaq: Well it is pretty similar.
  7. iKamal: true it is
  8. iKamal: but yours people actually rp XD
  9. Tsaaq: Oh yeah I guess that's the difference LMAO
  10. iKamal: did you want to rp?
  11. Tsaaq: Uhhh we can we don't have to
  12. Tsaaq: I'm still writing reveiws lol.
  13. iKamal: I want to
  14. iKamal: ill post firs tif you wan t so you can finish
  15. Tsaaq: Oh okay, GO AHEAD! :p
  16. Tsaaq: ((Heyyy.))
  17. iKamal: Kam made her way towards the Hiraj in the mood for soem curry puffs. She sat in the car with her feet up on the back of greg's seat kicking it annoying him as she looked down at her phone playing color switch. "Kam..please ...stop." Greg gritted his teeth and she grinned." Stop what..." she gave his seat a good hard kick and her foot slipped and hit him in the back of the head. She covered her mouth to stifle a laugh and he swerved abit but ganged control of the car quickly."REally kam!"
  18. ChurchAeki: Charles attempted to get out the house again, this time he gained enough strength to walk on his own, but he need a cane to keep him upright for the moments he felt weak. He tapped his cane against the window as Kam bugged Greg, Charles eyes corning over towards Kam as she kiced him in the back of his head which caused him to chuckles before Greg looked to him. "What?" Charles said aggressivly before Greg turned around with a huff.
  19. Tsaaq: Libi moved away from the counter towards her favorite booth with her hips switching. Her grandfather wasn't too far behind. "I told you I'm out of food and I need a good meal in before work." She scoffed before turning to face him. "So fuck off Daada and feed me." // Mr. Hiraj shook his head. "I feed but you wear clothes, you'll get sniffles!" He said in an attempt to cover her butt with his sweater. He knew she would do what she wanted but it was important to him that she didn't become sick from being half naked all the time. "If you save some money you will have food at home. I promise." Mr. Hiraj told her before forcing her to sit. He never commented on her job anymore.
  20. iKamal: Kam grinned and stuck her tongue out at greg as he glared at her through the review mirror. she looked at Charles and smiled.You look like a pimp with that cane you know tha tright." Once Greg pulled up to the Hiraj Kam got out and waited for Charkes."Hey Greg stay close by just incase I feel like going somewhere else."
  21. ChurchAeki: Greg started to get out the car to help Charles, but Charles waved him off, he needed to do this on his own if he wanted to get stronger for potential family. He struggled at first, gritting his teeth until he was out of the car holding his lower torso where his stitches were; though as he stood up stright he pulled back the pain and closed the door, walking over to Kam and offering his arm to her for her to take.
  22. iKamal: She smiled and hoked her arm with charles and made her way Inside with him and waited for Mr.Hiraj to seat them."Are you getting anything to eat here? god those curry puffs are so good." she smiled and laid her head o nhis arm seeing as she was shorter then him.
  23. Tsaaq: She threw the sweater across the resturant and landed on some other people's table. She crossed her arms over her chest. "Fuck off. I'm not gonna get sick! Just bring me the usually!" She shouted. // Mr. Hiraj shook his head and walked away from her to the entrance, greeting Kam with a smile. "Oh hello-" He paused when seeing Charles. "We no want not trouble." He said quickly with his hands raised.
  24. iKamal: [i freakin love mr.hiraj XD]
  25. ChurchAeki: As they entered the resturant he would look around before he looked down towards her as she spoke. "I might, I'll try you puffs if you get them; though I'm craving Lamb right now." He smiles to her as she laid her head on his arm, he held tight onto his cane as he leaned over and kissed the top of her head; he seemed like a completely new person after what was mentioned the other day. Hearing the old man Charles would just smile to him with a smile. "You have my word one father to the other." Charles was way over his head on possibly being a father thing.
  26. iKamal: Kam smiled to Mr.Hiraj."No trouble today I promise." she looked at charles and raised a brow."shhh charles jesus we don't even know if it's true.." she looked aorund the place spotting Libi."There is my favorite drunk." she chuckled softly. She liked hanging out with Libi. She always had fun especially when Libi was fucked up on something. She made her way towards Libi and smiled at her."Hey sexy you must be getting ready for work looking like that."
  27. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes as her grandad walked off and went to take a couple sips from her tiny liquor bottle before belching. She looked up from the table and saw Kam. "Suuuuup." She greeted and resumed drinking. She tossed the empty bottle into the booth behind her then adjusted her boobs in her outfit. "Yeah... Trying to get a lot of tips today..." She replied. "My snapchat is dry this week." Libi sighed. // He nodded his head in relief before giving Charles a worrisome look anyways."Father?" He repeated. "Very nice." He smiled. "Well... Sit where you want. Sit here with Libi in the booth. Do you know your order?"
  28. ChurchAeki: "It could be." He chuckles and as she spotted Libi and called her out his smile would disappear; Libi was a bad influence on Kam right now if she was pregnant. As they walked up to the table Charles waited for Kam to slip inside the booth before he sat down next to her, placing his cane underneath the table under his feet before he reached over and started to to rub Kams stomach under the table while his arm came around her shoulders. Charles head would be facing the old man as he spoke up. "Yeah, babygirl here want your famous Curry Puffballs and I want the larges Lamb serving you have...." He looks to Kam. "You want something to drink, baby?" His eyes drift to Libi. "Hey." He says to her quickly trying not to be as rude.
  29. iKamal: She slid into the booth across from Libi."That sucks. You can come to my place and entertain me..." she grinned and winked before blowing a kiss at Libi as she made an awful joke. She felt Charles's hand snake it's way to her stomach. He was a little to excited about the maybe. she nodded her head."Yeah can I have soem sweet tea and I don't want jsut your curry puffs. I want a kabob too please." she looked back at Libi." So what are you doing after work?"
  30. Tsaaq: Libi sputtered her lips. "You wouldn't pay enough." She said as she waved her hand at Kam. She fished around in her purse for the rest of her liquor. She glared a bit at Charles then waved unenthusiastically. "Yeah hey." he replied before cracking open another tiny bottle. "If work goes the way I want? Drugs. I want to do drugs... GRANDPA!" She shouted, trying to wave him away. // He nodded his head again while scribbling on his tiny notepad. "Sounds very good. I will tell my wife." He muttered, noticing how much Libi was drinking he put down some water and a straw. He sighed once Libi shouted but he didn't seem to fazed. "I'll be back with drinks." He told them, reluctantly moving away from the booth.
  31. ChurchAeki: Charles removed his hand from Kam stomach as he kissed her cheek lovingly before he sat back into the booth seat and looked around the table. "You always need something to drink, maybe try that water instead." He points to the glass the was left on the table.
  32. iKamal: Kam smiled and grinned looking at Libi"I'm sure I can pay you more then any guy at that bar." she laughed and sighed some as Charles kissed her cheek and she smiled at him."Sounds like a everyday thing for oyu Libi." she frowned abit wanting to do some ith libi but knew better then to with Charles the way he was now.
  33. AshDaCvsh: Hello.
  34. Tsaaq: "I don't know about all that." Libi shrugged. She rolled her eyes at Charles. "Why don't you mind your fucking business cause last time I checked you're not my fucking dad?" She scoffed then picked up the glass and tossed it to the ground her anger. Libi shook her head and resumed slouching in the booth. "Yeah, it's an everyday thing when I have money. But I blew it all. That's why I need to get a good amount of tips today."
  35. iKamal: She shrugged her shoulders some."Why not try something new? like with the drugs spice things up abit." she saw the tension between charles and Libi."What is wrong with you mintue you are doing blow in my bathroo mand now you two can't have a decent conversation with each other."
  36. ChurchAeki: He looked off across the resturant. "I think she can do better than what she doing....wasting her life on the shit." He shrugs. "But like she said I'll mind my own damn business.
  37. Tsaaq: "Because he's a bossy little shit!" She replied angrily. "Like what... Like heroin? I never really tried the H." Libi asked with a raise of her eyebrow. "But I heard it's just like taking those dumb pain killers." She sputtered her lips again and slurped down the remainder of her little bottle. "We only did blow once and that was the only time I liked him." She grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. "Yeah you should mind your fucking business. If I want to waste my life I will. Cause it's mine. Plus I'm probably gonna die before I'm twenty five and I'm totally cool with it." She stuck her tongue out then looked around for her grandfather. // He came out with their plates of food and put them down rather hurriedly since he saw the broken glass and water every. "Oh no. Nobody walk over here. You could get hurt!" He called out, busying himself with cleaning the mess up.
  38. iKamal: Kam looked at charles."Like you are any better then her? You did coke in a bathroom with had duffle bags full of drugs and alchol."she raised a brow and fell silent once the food and drinks were brought to them. she took one of the curry puffs and popped it into her mouth smiling."oh my god yes..." she leaned back in the booth enjoying the puffs.
  39. ChurchAeki: He leaned over the table a bit wincing as his stitches stretched abit. "You want to die, then go kill yourself but don't be around my family with that shit" He kept his voice low as he spoke to her. "I don't want it around Kam with her the way she" He simply threw out the fact she couldn't be pregnant right now. "You an embarassment to your family....Kam, I don't want you around this mess...." He says as he looked down to his plate and started to cut into his lamb.
  40. ChurchAeki: "I do it socially, not for a life goal." He says to Kam before he stuff a fork full of food into his mouth.
  41. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes. "I didn't say I wanted to die, retard. I said I probably will and I don't care." Libi narrowed her eyes at the two of them. "How the fuck is she now? She looks the same to me. No braids? Okay? So the fuck what?" Libi asked. "Listen dude. I don't give a fuck what you think about me. I don't know if you've gotten it yet but I don't really give a shit about anything. So maybe I am an embarassment? So maybe I'm not? So the fuck what? Why do you even care?" She asked before rolling her eyes once more. "Don't want her around me fine. I'm not making people hang out with me. That's stupid." Libi said
  42. ChurchAeki: "You said you don't care if you die is really saying you wouldn't care if someone pointed a gun at your head right now and shot you in front of your family. Why wait to OD and just end it right now cause that what you doing anyway slowly killing yourself, I'd perfer a quick death than a slow one that your family has to watch." He placed his fork down. "Why do I care, that is fucking excellent question." He paused dramatically. "Oh I know, because you hanging around my woman and I don't want her to be influenced by someone like you. So if I care about your habits it's only cause I care for her, not you."
  43. Tsaaq: "Is somebody talking?" Libi asked, totally tuning him out now. "Better get rid of this plate since nobody is eating it..." She trailed off, pushing Charles' food to the floor right beside the mess her grandfather was cleaning. "That's better." She sighed with a smile.
  44. iKamal: She sighed and looked at him."I can hang out with who ever I want...I like hanging out with Libi at least I know if she is talking shit about me it's to my face. I like Libi she is the only friend I have. Yeah she lives life to the fullest and doesn't care what people think about her and yes she has habits but wh doesn't have habits. She doesn't force me to do anything I don't want to do either. and how I am now we don't even know if I'm pregnant..I was jsut past due a depo appointment. Stop judging Libi. " Kam poked at her food abit."Stop being so mean to her too. " she looked at libi as Libi pushed his plate on the floor and she sighed knowing it was just going to make him angery. she slipped her hands over his to hold them down on the table.
  45. ChurchAeki: As she pushed his food tot he floor he would yank his hands out of Kam's grasp andtake Kam's Glass and toss it onto Libi. "Fucking low life junkie." He stood up from the table and looked to Kam, his anger buring visibly. "You want to be friends with this fucked up mess? What if you are pregnant huh? You think I'd sit by while you have this filth around our must be out of you mind."
  46. ChurchAeki: "You want me to leave my family business for our child and I accepted willing, but you can't see how fucked up this is?"
  47. Tsaaq: She furrowed her eyebrows skeptically. "Pregnant? Gross." She sighed. "If you need anybody to push you down a flight of stairs I'm here." Libi said before smirking. She gasped, feeling the glass collide into her chin and neck. "Next time just hit me. We already know you're into beating chicks." She said. The liquid splashed onto her as the glass itself shattered. "You gotta buy some not fucking cheap tableware!" She shouted to her grandad before brushing everything off her with a napkin other than that she seemed relatively unfazed. "You're a real fucking downer you know that?" She asked. "Lighten the fuck up." Libi scoffed. "If you're pregnant with his kid pray it doesn't come out giving some stupid lecture about how you shouldn't flash your pussy to doctors." She stood up so she could wipe her seat now.
  48. iKamal: Kam looked him."Jesus christ Charles. What the hell is your problem!" she collected some napkins and handed them to libi."IF I am pregnant I will stop hanging out with her jesus we don't even know if I am there is no need to cut everything off. Calm down. that was so uncalled for." she frowned seeing them fight and him yell at her ." Charles you promised Mr.hiraj no trouble and here you are thrwing a glass at his granddaughter." she got up and pushed passed Charles to help Libi and saw she was hurt." Here let me help you Libi." she pressed a napkin on her chin to stop the bleeding. She ahted it when he got this and Libi's words hit home for her."Libi you don't know the full story Charles doesn't hit women..."
  49. ChurchAeki: "I'll fucking kill you." He said after hearing Libi state that she would kill his unborn child, even if it was a joke it flew right over his head as he went to grab her by her neck; if Kam didn't catch him before he did or Libi didn't move from the reach he would choke the living hell at of her as his face turned red with anger.
  50. ChurchAeki: (Lol forever banned from this resturant.)
  51. iKamal: [not the curry puffs!!!]
  52. Tsaaq: "You're right, he just kicks your ass..." Libi shrugged her shoulders. "My bad. I could only be so lucky. I wish my boyfriend would kick my ass-" She rambled before her words cut off by his hands meeting her throat causing her to make a high picthed gasp. She didn't really fight back or do much to stop him beside attempting to gasp for air. Her hands moved to his wrists weakly as her legs kicked. // Mr. Hiraj gasped loudly before running over and trying to pry Charles from Libi but he was much too weak to be successful. "Stop it!" He shouted. "I'm calling the police!" He said, looking for his phone in a panic.
  53. iKamal: Kam grabbed Charles hand trying to help Mr.Hiraj"That's a enough!" she looked at Libi and back at Charles and she smacked at Charles's head" LET HER GO NOW!" she screamed at him trying to get him to her go. She was worried that he would hurt Libi more then anything at the moment.
  54. ChurchAeki: As he fingers wrapped around her throat he would squeeze as hard as he could, though as Kam smacked him in the head, yanking at him as she yelled at him he would let go. Hearing that the old man would call the police he would become more fustrated and started to yell at the old man. "You'd call the police on me? She threated to push my girl down the stair to kill my kid and you call them on me?" After his rant Charles would storm out the resturant and angrily paced out front.
  55. ChurchAeki: (O_O We need a Jail house for this RP lmao)
  56. Tsaaq: Libi fell to the ground and touched her neck, inhaling a deep breath of air. "I get choked harder than that when I'm getting fucked!" She attempted to call out in her hoarse voice. She sat up, coughing loudly as Kam and her grandad stood around, wanting to yell for them to get away from her but she was busy coughing. // "I dont understand!" Mr.Hiraj said loudly in response to Charles, he finally found his phone and dialed 9-1-1. "Don't worry. I'm calling now." He said gently to Libi as he took a few steps back.
  57. ChurchAeki: (brb)
  58. ChurchAeki: (back)
  59. Tsaaq: ((Wb.))
  60. iKamal: Kam knelt down by Libi"jesus Libi are you okay? i'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." she made sure Libi was okay before looking at no don't do that. Don't call the cops please."She was thinking of what rufus would do if he found out that libi's grandpa called the cops on charles and put his son in prison. She frowned and heard the door slam shut as charles left. she gave Libi her space knowing she didn't like people caring about her and stuff.
  61. Tsaaq: She tried to stand up but landed on her ass again. "I'm fine. I'm just horny as shit now." Libi replied, she finally hoistered herself to her feet and went to sit down on the table of the booth. // "What?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed. "You crazy. He just assault Libi and she did nothing." He held the phone to his ear. "Hello? Hello!" He spoke, still panicked. // Libi stood once more. "Daada. It's fine." She whispered. "I don't even care. He's just full of shit. If he thinks I should die he should've just finished the job instead of running like a pussy."
  62. ChurchAeki: *Charles continued to pace outside, before he sat on the curb and grabed his head trying to calm himself.*
  63. iKamal: She sighed and cursed under her breath."I'm sorry.." she turned and made her way outside finding Charles outside."Are you fucking happy! you could have killed her charles! what the fuck is your problem! now her grand father is calling the cops and you are going to jail. this is the shit I was talking about, That's it i'm not dealing with this shit....I'm done. I'm puttign this baby up for adoption if I am pregnant. no kid deserves to go through this." she put her hands up as if she was surrendering."especially nowthat it's dad is going to be in jail..." she could hear the sirens in the background and was so angery with him for being so stupid."thereis your future charles you hear it."
  64. Tsaaq: "Now where are you going?" LIbi asked Kam while she walked away. She turned to her granddad. "I didn't need you to call the fucking cops I don't even fucking care!" She shouted at him. Then grumbled, grabbing her things and going for the door. // "Yes, Hiraj family resturant. I think he's outside. He is tall, he had a gun last time he come to my resturant he try to kill my granddaughter!" He spoke hurriedly to the operator. He watched Libi walk away. "You have to stay! The police are coming."
  65. ChurchAeki: Hearing Kam yell at him, he would lift his head from his hands and look at her with the most sadest eyes as she said she gave up and their child would be up for adoption. Looking away from her he would nod his head hearing the sirens as she mentioned them and his future before he got up from the curb and fiixed his hair and shirt; he held his lower abdomen as he turned to face her. "When I get out...if I do go to jail and if you are pregnant and put our child up for adoption, I will find my kid..." Greg came over running trying to get Charles away, but Charles refused and pushed him away before sitting back on the curb.
  66. iKamal: She looked at him."I'll be waiting." she did promise to never leave him and she kept her promises."I'm not raising a kid on my own charles. I'm not doing it." she saw greg try to get him out and she pulled her phone out."I'll cal lyour dad to get you a lawyer." she saw Libi come out of the resturant and smiled to her."Going to work before the fuzz show up? Need a shower don't you?"
  67. ChurchAeki: "Charles...!" Greg yell out. "You going to get me killed, I told your father that I'll watch over you....if you go to jail he is going to kill me... man. So get off your ass." Greg was a big dude and he would rip Charles form the curb not caring if he hurt him and tossed him over his shoulder as he mumbled. "I'm not dying over this shit...." Greg would open the car door and shoved Charles in who was elbowing him in the back of the head, but Greg took it like a true OG as he slammed the Car door and looked over to Kam. "Bring your narrow ungratful ass." He says to her before getting in the car and starting the engin.
  68. Tsaaq: She crossed her arms over her chest. She looked over to Kam and furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't know... I dont think I'm going in anymore." She answered in a monotone. "Sucks. I totally wasted this outfit." She looked at the guy and Charles going to the car then turned to Kam. "Oh... Guess you have to leave..." She trailed off. "Well. I guess the brightside is he'll beat your ass but he won't kill ya."
  69. iKamal: Kam watched greg get charles up into the car and she looked at Greg."fuck you greg! why don't you go cheat on your wife you piece of shit!" she reacehd in her pocket and pulled out about three hundred dollars and handed it over to Libi."Here I know it makes nothing better but at least you have something. I better go...I'll text you or something maybe we can hang out... you have your drugs and I have mine..." she turned and made her way into the front seat of the car away from the thrashing charles she did in fact call his dad though.
  70. ChurchAeki: (<_< Kam taking from his stash again?)
  71. iKamal: [thats non of your business! XD]
  72. Tsaaq: Libi took the money and placed it in her cleavage. "Thanks." She said reluctantly, she hated looking like a charity case. "I guess so." She replied, watching as Kam went over to the car. She slowly began to walk towards her own hearse, seeing the police pull up in front of the resturant.
  73. ChurchAeki: Just as Greg was about to pull off the Police would arrive and block their way from exiting, Greg cursed up a storm hitting the stiring will countless time. "Fuck....I'm dead man...I'm fucking dead." Charles would yell at Greg and then seeing Kam sitting in the front seat. "Baby." He said repeatly and grabbled the head rest of her seat as he pulled himself up towards it. "You didn't mean what you said did's our kid..." The Cops getting out their cars as Greg tried to get them to move their cars but the officers refused to let anyone go until the problem was resolved, they would enter the resturant to get the statement from the one that called.
  74. iKamal: Kam was on the phone waiting for his dad to answer the phone. her jaw was tense and she was so angry with him." shut the fuck up greg! everything isn't about you!" she threw the phone at gregs head it smacking him across the face. she glared at Charles." This is your fault. this is all your fault. you jsut cant keep your hands to yourself charls. now not only are you going to jail people think you beat me. My business is out there and if I was going to keep the kid I can't now social services will take it away. You had no right doing that to libi. She was joking. You don't put your hands on women you dumb shit." she turned back around and glared at greg and smacked him upp aside the head."and you owe me a new phone."
  75. Tsaaq: She slowed around when it came to getting into her hearse since she saw the police blocking the way. "Oh joy." Libi whispered as she got inside, she put an actual cigarette in her mouth instead of her vape and lit it as she sat in her front seat. She honked her horn obnoxiously. "MOVE YOU FUCKING PIGS!" She called out from her window, causing a few officers to approach her vehicle. // Mr. Hiraj was rubbing his hands nervously. "I don't know if she's okay she just walk out." He sighed to his wife before running to the police. "Thank god you're here. I was right here!" He pointed to the booth. "Stop cleaning! Is evidence." He told Mrs. Hiraj who was just trying to clean up all the food and glass.
  76. ChurchAeki: Rufus would picked up just as Kam tossed the phone at Greg; thought with no answer on the other line Rufus would just hang up without a care and went on with his business. Charles on the other hand was flipping out in the back of the car as Kam yelled at him. "You don't joke about kill someone kid Kam....." He barks back towards her. "I never told anyone I hit you, if they know anything it because you put your shit out there not me. That Libi she deserved to be fucking choked maybe that would fucking snap her out of that fucked up life she is living....STILL YOU DON'T FUCKING JOKE ABOUT KILLING SOMEONES KID!" Greg would yell at Kam at the same time Charles was yelling. "I owe you a fucking PHONE? YOU OWN ME A HELL OF A LOT, If it wasn't for him LOVING your crazy ass none of this shit would of happened, none. Him getting upset cause you slept with another guy or him shooting his fucking self after you tried to stop him from shooting up Mar's place. I wouldn't of never been in this fucking shit if he never met your ass."
  77. ChurchAeki: Charles would begin to yell at Greg. "Don't you fucking yell at her!" Charles reached over the seat and punched Greg square in the face he continued to yell. "You got your life fucked cause you left me, that's the only reason you where you are ran like a bitch."
  78. ChurchAeki: (O_o I literally can RP by myself. lol)
  79. iKamal: Kam yelled at greg."Fuck you greg you left him there to die you piece of shit! I don't own nothing but a royal ass beating you good for nothing fucking flea bag." her head snapped back at Charles and came between both men."Stop it stop it! the cops are right there!!" she growls"I'm not staying in this car with you two assholes! and greg call his father! Charles don't say a fucking word unless you have al awyer present." She got out of the car and huffed slamming the door shut. An officer came over to her to stop her incase she planed to walk away from the crime scene."I'm not goign anywhere jsut get away from me.
  80. ChurchAeki: As Kam got out the door Charles would get as well, leaving Greg in the car hold himself. "Kam....Kam." He calls out to her but as the cops walked out the resturant they would see Charles matching the description they were given over the phone; they would run over towards Charles and put him down on the ground. Charles didn't resist but he kept calling out her name. "Kam...KAM!!!"
  81. Tsaaq: She turned once the officers reached her doors and rolled down the window. She inhaled her cigarette and exhaled the smoke from her nostrils. "What seems to be the officer problem?" Libi asked with a smirk, recognizing a few of their faces. // "Oh, it's just you..." One of the officers said. "You grandad called." // Libi honked her horn each time the officers spoke, laughing once she saw how annoyed they were. // "Stop!" He shouted then saw Charles getting out the car. "He fits the description." He called out as his colleauges would go and apprehend him. He jogged away from Libi's hearse. // "Come back, I'm bored." She groaned, watching as she watched Kam walk off.
  82. iKamal: Kam ignored Charles and shook her head. "nope i'm not watching not watching that..." she stopped once she got to Libi's hearse and got into the hearse and she slammed the door shut and looked at Libi."take meto the store bitch. I need booze and a pregnancy test." she runs her fingers through her hair and let out a frusrating breath."did charles really turn you on by choking kinky bitch..." she forced a smile on her face trying to relax."After the store I'll give you some more cash for a ride to the jail."
  83. iKamal: [i have the jail room up btw]
  84. Tsaaq: ((Niiice.))
  85. ChurchAeki: Seeing as Kam ignored him and got into Libi's car he would spit on the ground is disgust; the police would lift Charles from the ground causing him to wince. "Shit my stitches." They were already ripped but the police didn't check anything as they put him in the car and drove off.
  86. Tsaaq: Libi tapped the ash from her cigarette, turning on her car radio and letting the hard pour from the stereo. She watched as Kam came into the passenger side and sat down. She took another drag, holding her cig between her lips. "Sounds fun." Libi said in a monotone as she turned on her engine and switched gears as the cops slowly began to clear the way for her. "About fucking time." She called out before turning to Kam once more. "I mean..." She trailed off pausing awkwardly for the first time that day. "I'm into some weird shit." She whispered as she began to drive. Libi shook her head. "Listen, you're gonna have to stop giving me money. It's okay. I'm fully capable of whoring myself to get a few bucks. Don't worry. I'll just do it. You need only ask."
  87. iKamal: she nodded her head and jsut chuckled some looking down at her lap."I'll probably need you for something in the future." she shrugs her shoulders abit"Just shut up whore and take my money. You can give me that sweet ass some other time." she chuckled softly and took a deep breath as Libi drove off.
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