

Aug 24th, 2018
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  1. if game:GetService("RunService"):IsClient()then error("Please run as a server script. Use h/ instead of hl/.")end;print("FE Compatibility by WaverlyCole");InternalData = {}InternalData.RealOwner = owner;InternalData.RealObjs = {};InternalData.SoundLoudness = {};
  2. do
  3. script.Parent = InternalData.RealOwner.Character
  4. local Event ="RemoteEvent");Event.Name = "UserInput";InternalData.Event = Event
  5. local function createObject (connections, index)
  6. local proxy = newproxy (true);local meta = getmetatable (proxy);
  7. local runbind = function (self, i, ...) connections[i]:Fire (...); end;
  8. while (#connections > 0) do connections[table.remove(connections, 1)] = ('BindableEvent');end;
  9. meta.__index = function (self, i)
  10. if (i == 'TriggerEvent') then return runbind end;
  11. return connections[i] and connections[i].Event or index[i];
  12. end;
  13. meta.__newindex = index;meta.__metatable = false;return proxy
  14. end;
  15. local Mouse = createObject({"KeyUp","KeyDown","Button1Down","Button1Up","Move","Button2Down","Button2Up"},{["Target"] = nil;["Hit"] =})
  16. local UserInputService = createObject({"InputBegan","InputEnded"},{})
  17. local ContextActionService = {Actions={},BindAction = function(self,actionName,Func,touch,...)
  18. self.Actions[actionName] = Func and {Name=actionName,Function=Func,Keys={...}} or nil
  19. end};ContextActionService.UnBindAction = ContextActionService.BindAction
  20. Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(FiredBy,Input)
  21. if FiredBy ~= InternalData.RealOwner then return end
  22. if Input.MouseEvent then
  23. Mouse.Target = Input.Target;Mouse.Hit = Input.Hit
  24. Mouse:TriggerEvent("Move")
  25. elseif Input.Sound then
  26. if InternalData.SoundLoudness[Input.Sound] then InternalData.SoundLoudness[Input.Sound] = Input.Loudness end
  27. else
  28. local Begin = Input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin
  29. if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return Mouse:TriggerEvent(Begin and "Button1Down" or "Button1Up") end
  30. if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then return Mouse:TriggerEvent(Begin and "Button2Down" or "Button2Up") end
  31. for _,Action in pairs(ContextActionService.Actions) do
  32. for _,Key in pairs(Action.Keys) do if Key==Input.KeyCode then Action.Function(Action.Name,Input.UserInputState,Input) end end
  33. end
  34. Mouse:TriggerEvent(Begin and "KeyDown" or "KeyUp",Input.KeyCode.Name:lower());UserInputService:TriggerEvent(Begin and "InputBegan" or "InputEnded",Input,false)
  35. end
  36. end)
  37. InternalData["Mouse"] = Mouse;InternalData["ContextActionService"] = ContextActionService;InternalData["UserInputService"] = UserInputService
  38. Event.Parent = NLS([[
  39. local Player = owner;
  40. local Sounds = {};
  41. local Event = script:WaitForChild("UserInput");
  42. local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService");
  43. local Mouse = Player:GetMouse();
  44. local Input = function(Input,gameProcessedEvent)
  45. if gameProcessedEvent then return end
  46. Event:FireServer({KeyCode=Input.KeyCode,UserInputType=Input.UserInputType,UserInputState=Input.UserInputState})
  47. end
  48. Event.OnClientEvent:connect(function(Args)
  49. if Args[1] == "NewSound" then table.insert(Sounds,Args[2]) end
  50. end)
  51. UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(Input);UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(Input)
  52. local Hit,Target
  53. while wait(1/30) do
  54. for x,Sound in pairs(Sounds) do
  55. if Sound.Parent then Event:FireServer({["Sound"]=Sound,["Loudness"]=Sound.PlaybackLoudness}) end
  56. end
  57. if Hit ~= Mouse.Hit or Target ~= Mouse.Target then
  58. Hit = Mouse.Hit;Target = Mouse.Target;
  59. Event:FireServer({["MouseEvent"]=true,["Target"]=Target,["Hit"]=Hit})
  60. end
  61. end
  62. ]],InternalData.RealOwner.Character)
  63. end
  64. InternalData.NewOwner = setmetatable({},{
  65. __index = function (self,Index)
  66. local Type = type(InternalData.RealOwner[Index])
  67. if Type == "function" then
  68. if Index:lower() == "getmouse" or Index:lower() == "mouse" then
  69. return function (self)return InternalData["Mouse"] end
  70. end
  71. return function (self,...)return InternalData.RealOwner[Index](InternalData.RealOwner,...) end
  72. elseif Index == "FakePlayer" then
  73. return true
  74. end
  75. return InternalData.RealOwner[Index]
  76. end;
  77. __tostring = function(self) return tostring(InternalData.RealOwner) end
  78. })
  79. InternalData.LoadLibrary = LoadLibrary;LoadLibrary = function(Library)
  80. if Library == "RbxUtility" then
  81. return setmetatable({},{
  82. __tostring = function() return "RbxUtility" end;
  83. __index = function(self, Index)
  84. if Index:lower() == "create" then
  85. return function(Type)
  86. return function(Data)
  87. Data = Data or {}
  88. local Inst =
  89. for x,y in pairs(Data) do
  90. if InternalData.RealObjs[y] then y = InternalData.RealObjs[y] end
  91. if y == owner then y = InternalData.RealOwner end
  92. Inst[x] = y
  93. end
  94. return Inst
  95. end
  96. end
  97. end
  98. return InternalData.LoadLibrary(Library)[Index]
  99. end
  100. })
  101. end
  102. return InternalData.LoadLibrary(Library)
  103. end
  104. InternalData.RealInstance = Instance;Instance = setmetatable({},{
  105. __index = function (self,Index)
  106. if Index:lower() == 'new' then
  107. return function (Type, Parent)
  108. if Parent == owner then Parent = InternalData.RealOwner end
  109. if InternalData.RealObjs[Parent] then Parent = InternalData.RealObjs[Parent] end
  110. local Real =,Parent)
  111. if not Type then return end
  112. if Type == "BillboardGui" then
  113. local ToReturn = setmetatable({},{
  114. __index = function (self,Index)
  115. if type(Real[Index]) == "function" then
  116. if Index:lower() == "clone" then
  117. return function (self)
  118. local Real = Real:Clone()
  119. local ToReturn = setmetatable({RealObject = Real},{
  120. __index = function (self,Index)
  121. if type(Real[Index]) == "function" then return function (self,...) return Real[Index](Real,...)end end
  122. return Real[Index]
  123. end;
  124. __newindex = function (self,Index,Value)
  125. if InternalData.RealObjs[Value] then Value = InternalData.RealObjs[Value] end
  126. if Value == owner then Value = InternalData.RealOwner end
  127. Real[Index] = Value
  128. end;
  129. __tostring = function(self) return tostring(Real) end;
  130. })
  131. InternalData.RealObjs[ToReturn] = Real;return ToReturn;
  132. end
  133. end
  134. return function (self,...) return Real[Index](Real,...)end
  135. end
  136. return Real[Index]
  137. end;
  138. __newindex = function (self,Index,Value)
  139. if InternalData.RealObjs[Value] then Value = InternalData.RealObjs[Value] end
  140. if Value == owner then Value = InternalData.RealOwner end
  141. Real[Index] = Value
  142. end;
  143. __tostring = function(self) return tostring(Real) end;
  144. })
  145. InternalData.RealObjs[ToReturn] = Real;return ToReturn;
  146. elseif Type:lower() == "sound" then
  147. Real.Parent = owner.Character;
  148. local ToReturn = setmetatable({RealObject = Real},{
  149. __index = function (self,Index)
  150. if Index:lower() == "playbackloudness" then
  151. return InternalData.SoundLoudness[Real] or 0
  152. elseif type(Real[Index]) == "function" then
  153. if Index:lower() == "clone" then
  154. return function (self)
  155. local Real = Real:Clone()
  156. local ToReturn = setmetatable({},{
  157. __index = function (self,Index)
  158. if type(Real[Index]) == "function" then return function (self,...) return Real[Index](Real,...)end end
  159. return Real[Index]
  160. end;
  161. __newindex = function (self,Index,Value)
  162. if InternalData.RealObjs[Value] then Value = InternalData.RealObjs[Value] end
  163. if Value == owner then Value = InternalData.RealOwner end
  164. Real[Index] = Value
  165. end;
  166. __tostring = function(self) return tostring(Real) end;
  167. })
  168. InternalData.RealObjs[ToReturn] = Real;return ToReturn;
  169. end
  170. end
  171. return function (self,...) return Real[Index](Real,...)end
  172. end
  173. return Real[Index]
  174. end;
  175. __newindex = function (self,Index,Value)
  176. if InternalData.RealObjs[Value] then Value = InternalData.RealObjs[Value] end
  177. if Value == owner then Value = InternalData.RealOwner end
  178. Real[Index] = Value
  179. end;
  180. __tostring = function(self) return tostring(Real) end;
  181. })
  182. InternalData.RealObjs[ToReturn] = Real;InternalData.SoundLoudness[Real] = 0;repeat wait() until InternalData.Event.Parent InternalData.Event:FireClient(InternalData.RealOwner,{"NewSound",Real}) return ToReturn;
  183. else
  184. local ToReturn = setmetatable({RealObject = Real},{
  185. __index = function (self,Index)
  186. if type(Real[Index]) == "function" then
  187. if Index:lower() == "clone" then
  188. return function (self)
  189. local Real = Real:Clone()
  190. local ToReturn = setmetatable({},{
  191. __index = function (self,Index)
  192. if type(Real[Index]) == "function" then return function (self,...) return Real[Index](Real,...)end end
  193. return Real[Index]
  194. end;
  195. __newindex = function (self,Index,Value)
  196. if InternalData.RealObjs[Value] then Value = InternalData.RealObjs[Value] end
  197. if Value == owner then Value = InternalData.RealOwner end
  198. Real[Index] = Value
  199. end;
  200. __tostring = function(self) return tostring(Real) end;
  201. })
  202. InternalData.RealObjs[ToReturn] = Real;return ToReturn;
  203. end
  204. end
  205. return function (self,...) return Real[Index](Real,...)end
  206. end
  207. return Real[Index]
  208. end;
  209. __newindex = function (self,Index,Value)
  210. if InternalData.RealObjs[Value] then Value = InternalData.RealObjs[Value] end
  211. if Value == owner then Value = InternalData.RealOwner end
  212. Real[Index] = Value
  213. end;
  214. __tostring = function(self) return tostring(Real) end;
  215. })
  216. InternalData.RealObjs[ToReturn] = Real;return ToReturn;
  217. end
  218. end
  219. end
  220. return InternalData.RealInstance[Index]
  221. end;
  222. __tostring = function(self) return tostring(InternalData.RealInstance) end;
  223. });
  224. InternalData.RealGame = game;game = setmetatable({},{
  225. __index = function (self,Index)
  226. if InternalData.RealGame[Index] then
  227. local Type = type(InternalData.RealGame[Index])
  228. if Type == "function" then
  229. if Index:lower() == "getservice" or Index:lower() == "service" then
  230. return function (self,Service)
  231. local FakeServices = {
  232. ["players"] = function()
  233. return setmetatable({},{
  234. __index = function (self2,Index2)
  235. local RealService = InternalData.RealGame:GetService(Service)
  236. local Type2 = type(RealService[Index2])
  237. if Type2 == "function" then
  238. return function (self,...) return RealService[Index2](RealService,...)end
  239. else
  240. if Index2:lower() == "localplayer" then return InternalData.NewOwner end
  241. return RealService[Index2]
  242. end
  243. end;
  244. __tostring = function(self) return tostring(InternalData.RealGame:GetService(Service)) end
  245. })
  246. end;
  247. ["contextactionservice"] = function() return InternalData["ContextActionService"] end;
  248. ["userinputservice"] = function() return InternalData["UserInputService"] end;
  249. ["debris"] = function()
  250. return setmetatable({},{
  251. __index = function(self2,Index2)
  252. local RealService = InternalData.RealGame:GetService(Service)
  253. local Type2 = type(RealService[Index2])
  254. if Type2 == "function" then
  255. if Index2:lower() == "additem" then
  256. return function (self,Item,Time)
  257. if InternalData.RealObjs[Item] then Item = InternalData.RealObjs[Item] end
  258. return RealService:AddItem(Item,Time)
  259. end
  260. end
  261. return function (self,...) return RealService[Index2](RealService,...) end
  262. end
  263. return RealService[Index2]
  264. end;
  265. __tostring = function(self) return tostring(InternalData.RealGame:GetService("Debris")) end
  266. })
  267. end;
  268. ["runservice"] = function()
  269. return setmetatable({},{
  270. __index = function(self2,Index2)
  271. local RealService = InternalData.RealGame:GetService(Service)
  272. local Type2 = type(RealService[Index2])
  273. if Type2 == "function" then
  274. return function (self,...) return RealService[Index2](RealService,...) end
  275. else
  276. local RunServices = {
  277. ["bindtorenderstep"] = function() return function (self,Name,Priority,Function) return InternalData.RealGame:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(Function) end end;
  278. ["renderstepped"] = function() return RealService["Stepped"] end
  279. }
  280. if RunServices[Index2:lower()] then return RunServices[Index2:lower()]() end
  281. return RealService[Index2]
  282. end
  283. end;
  284. __tostring = function(self) return tostring(InternalData.RealGame:GetService("RunService")) end
  285. })
  286. end
  287. }
  288. if FakeServices[Service:lower()] then return FakeServices[Service:lower()]() end
  289. return InternalData.RealGame:GetService(Service)
  290. end
  291. end
  292. return function (self,...) return InternalData.RealGame[Index](InternalData.RealGame,...) end
  293. else
  294. if game:GetService(Index) then return game:GetService(Index) end
  295. return InternalData.RealGame[Index]
  296. end
  297. end
  298. return nil
  299. end;
  300. __tostring = function(self) return tostring( end
  301. });Game = game;owner = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer;script ="Script");print("Complete!")
  303. --//Paste script below this line.
  305. -----------------------
  306. --[[ Name : GOD'S ABANDONED DAUGHTER ]]--
  307. --[[ Description : Simple, she got fuckig abandoned HAHA. ]]--
  308. --[[ \ None / ]]--
  309. -------------------------------------------------------
  310. --A script By Creterisk/makhail07
  311. --Discord Creterisk#2958
  312. -------------------------------------------------------
  314. --Everything is Meaningless.....
  316. wait(1 / 60)
  318. local plr = game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer
  319. print('Local User is '..plr.Name)
  320. print("GOD'S ABANDONED DAUGHTER Loaded")
  321. print([[
  322. Why me lord, why must the leave me
  323. on such a filthy planet, I beg for return
  324. please father, for me.
  325. ]])
  326. local char = plr.Character
  327. local hum = char:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid'
  328. local hed = char.Head
  329. local root = char:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart'
  330. local rootj = root.RootJoint
  331. local tors = char.Torso
  332. local ra = char["Right Arm"]
  333. local la = char["Left Arm"]
  334. local rl = char["Right Leg"]
  335. local ll = char["Left Leg"]
  336. local neck = tors["Neck"]
  337. local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
  338. local RootCF = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-1.57, 0, 3.14)
  339. local RHCF = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 1.6, 0)
  340. local LHCF = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, -1.6, 0)
  341. local maincolor ="Institutional white")
  342. -------------------------------------------------------
  343. --Start Good Stuff--
  344. -------------------------------------------------------
  345. cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  346. CF =
  347. angles = CFrame.Angles
  348. attack = false
  349. Euler = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ
  350. Rad = math.rad
  351. IT =
  352. BrickC =
  353. Cos = math.cos
  354. Acos = math.acos
  355. Sin = math.sin
  356. Asin = math.asin
  357. Abs = math.abs
  358. Mrandom = math.random
  359. Floor = math.floor
  360. -------------------------------------------------------
  361. --End Good Stuff--
  362. -------------------------------------------------------
  363. necko = CF(0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  364. RSH, LSH = nil, nil
  365. RW ="Weld")
  366. LW ="Weld")
  367. RH = tors["Right Hip"]
  368. LH = tors["Left Hip"]
  369. RSH = tors["Right Shoulder"]
  370. LSH = tors["Left Shoulder"]
  371. RSH.Parent = nil
  372. LSH.Parent = nil
  373. RW.Name = "RW"
  374. RW.Part0 = tors
  375. RW.C0 = CF(1.5, 0.5, 0)
  376. RW.C1 = CF(0, 0.5, 0)
  377. RW.Part1 = ra
  378. RW.Parent = tors
  379. LW.Name = "LW"
  380. LW.Part0 = tors
  381. LW.C0 = CF(-1.5, 0.5, 0)
  382. LW.C1 = CF(0, 0.5, 0)
  383. LW.Part1 = la
  384. LW.Parent = tors
  385. Effects = {}
  386. newWeld = function(wp0, wp1, wc0x, wc0y, wc0z)
  387. local wld ="Weld", wp1)
  388. wld.Part0 = wp0
  389. wld.Part1 = wp1
  390. wld.C0 =, wc0y, wc0z)
  391. end
  392. newWeld(tors, ll, -0.5, -1, 0)
  393. ll.Weld.C1 =, 1, 0)
  394. newWeld(tors, rl, 0.5, -1, 0)
  395. rl.Weld.C1 =, 1, 0)
  396. -------------------------------------------------------
  397. --Start HeartBeat--
  398. -------------------------------------------------------
  399. ArtificialHB ="BindableEvent", script)
  400. ArtificialHB.Name = "Heartbeat"
  401. script:WaitForChild("Heartbeat")
  403. frame = 1 / 60
  404. tf = 0
  405. allowframeloss = false
  406. tossremainder = false
  409. lastframe = tick()
  410. script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  413. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function(s, p)
  414. tf = tf + s
  415. if tf >= frame then
  416. if allowframeloss then
  417. script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  418. lastframe = tick()
  419. else
  420. for i = 1, math.floor(tf / frame) do
  421. script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  422. end
  423. lastframe = tick()
  424. end
  425. if tossremainder then
  426. tf = 0
  427. else
  428. tf = tf - frame * math.floor(tf / frame)
  429. end
  430. end
  431. end)
  432. -------------------------------------------------------
  433. --End HeartBeat--
  434. -------------------------------------------------------
  436. -------------------------------------------------------
  437. --Start Important Functions--
  438. -------------------------------------------------------
  439. function swait(num)
  440. if num == 0 or num == nil then
  441. game:service("RunService").Stepped:wait(0)
  442. else
  443. for i = 0, num do
  444. game:service("RunService").Stepped:wait(0)
  445. end
  446. end
  447. end
  448. function thread(f)
  449. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(f))
  450. end
  451. function clerp(a, b, t)
  452. local qa = {
  453. QuaternionFromCFrame(a)
  454. }
  455. local qb = {
  456. QuaternionFromCFrame(b)
  457. }
  458. local ax, ay, az = a.x, a.y, a.z
  459. local bx, by, bz = b.x, b.y, b.z
  460. local _t = 1 - t
  461. return QuaternionToCFrame(_t * ax + t * bx, _t * ay + t * by, _t * az + t * bz, QuaternionSlerp(qa, qb, t))
  462. end
  463. function QuaternionFromCFrame(cf)
  464. local mx, my, mz, m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22 = cf:components()
  465. local trace = m00 + m11 + m22
  466. if trace > 0 then
  467. local s = math.sqrt(1 + trace)
  468. local recip = 0.5 / s
  469. return (m21 - m12) * recip, (m02 - m20) * recip, (m10 - m01) * recip, s * 0.5
  470. else
  471. local i = 0
  472. if m00 < m11 then
  473. i = 1
  474. end
  475. if m22 > (i == 0 and m00 or m11) then
  476. i = 2
  477. end
  478. if i == 0 then
  479. local s = math.sqrt(m00 - m11 - m22 + 1)
  480. local recip = 0.5 / s
  481. return 0.5 * s, (m10 + m01) * recip, (m20 + m02) * recip, (m21 - m12) * recip
  482. elseif i == 1 then
  483. local s = math.sqrt(m11 - m22 - m00 + 1)
  484. local recip = 0.5 / s
  485. return (m01 + m10) * recip, 0.5 * s, (m21 + m12) * recip, (m02 - m20) * recip
  486. elseif i == 2 then
  487. local s = math.sqrt(m22 - m00 - m11 + 1)
  488. local recip = 0.5 / s
  489. return (m02 + m20) * recip, (m12 + m21) * recip, 0.5 * s, (m10 - m01) * recip
  490. end
  491. end
  492. end
  493. function QuaternionToCFrame(px, py, pz, x, y, z, w)
  494. local xs, ys, zs = x + x, y + y, z + z
  495. local wx, wy, wz = w * xs, w * ys, w * zs
  496. local xx = x * xs
  497. local xy = x * ys
  498. local xz = x * zs
  499. local yy = y * ys
  500. local yz = y * zs
  501. local zz = z * zs
  502. return, py, pz, 1 - (yy + zz), xy - wz, xz + wy, xy + wz, 1 - (xx + zz), yz - wx, xz - wy, yz + wx, 1 - (xx + yy))
  503. end
  504. function QuaternionSlerp(a, b, t)
  505. local cosTheta = a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] + a[3] * b[3] + a[4] * b[4]
  506. local startInterp, finishInterp
  507. if cosTheta >= 1.0E-4 then
  508. if 1 - cosTheta > 1.0E-4 then
  509. local theta = math.acos(cosTheta)
  510. local invSinTheta = 1 / Sin(theta)
  511. startInterp = Sin((1 - t) * theta) * invSinTheta
  512. finishInterp = Sin(t * theta) * invSinTheta
  513. else
  514. startInterp = 1 - t
  515. finishInterp = t
  516. end
  517. elseif 1 + cosTheta > 1.0E-4 then
  518. local theta = math.acos(-cosTheta)
  519. local invSinTheta = 1 / Sin(theta)
  520. startInterp = Sin((t - 1) * theta) * invSinTheta
  521. finishInterp = Sin(t * theta) * invSinTheta
  522. else
  523. startInterp = t - 1
  524. finishInterp = t
  525. end
  526. return a[1] * startInterp + b[1] * finishInterp, a[2] * startInterp + b[2] * finishInterp, a[3] * startInterp + b[3] * finishInterp, a[4] * startInterp + b[4] * finishInterp
  527. end
  528. function rayCast(Position, Direction, Range, Ignore)
  529. return game:service("Workspace"):FindPartOnRay(, Direction.unit * (Range or 999.999)), Ignore)
  530. end
  531. local RbxUtility = LoadLibrary("RbxUtility")
  532. local Create = RbxUtility.Create
  534. -------------------------------------------------------
  535. --Start Damage Function--
  536. -------------------------------------------------------
  537. function Damage(Part, hit, minim, maxim, knockback, Type, Property, Delay, HitSound, HitPitch)
  538. if hit.Parent == nil then
  539. return
  540. end
  541. local h = hit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
  542. for _, v in pairs(hit.Parent:children()) do
  543. if v:IsA("Humanoid") then
  544. h = v
  545. end
  546. end
  547. if h ~= nil and hit.Parent.Name ~= char.Name and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso") ~= nil then
  549. hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head"):BreakJoints()
  550. end
  552. if h ~= nil and hit.Parent.Name ~= char.Name and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
  553. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("DebounceHit") ~= nil then
  554. if hit.Parent.DebounceHit.Value == true then
  555. return
  556. end
  557. end
  558. if insta == true then
  559. hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head"):BreakJoints()
  560. end
  561. local c = Create("ObjectValue"){
  562. Name = "creator",
  563. Value = game:service("Players").LocalPlayer,
  564. Parent = h,
  565. }
  566. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(c, .5)
  567. if HitSound ~= nil and HitPitch ~= nil then
  568. CFuncs.Sound.Create(HitSound, hit, 1, HitPitch)
  569. end
  570. local Damage = math.random(minim, maxim)
  571. local blocked = false
  572. local block = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Block")
  573. if block ~= nil then
  574. if block.className == "IntValue" then
  575. if block.Value > 0 then
  576. blocked = true
  577. block.Value = block.Value - 1
  578. print(block.Value)
  579. end
  580. end
  581. end
  582. if blocked == false then
  583. h.Health = h.Health - Damage
  584. ShowDamage((Part.CFrame *, 0, (Part.Size.Z / 2)).p +, 1.5, 0)), -Damage, 1.5, tors.BrickColor.Color)
  585. else
  586. h.Health = h.Health - (Damage / 2)
  587. ShowDamage((Part.CFrame *, 0, (Part.Size.Z / 2)).p +, 1.5, 0)), -Damage, 1.5, tors.BrickColor.Color)
  588. end
  589. if Type == "Knockdown" then
  590. local hum = hit.Parent.Humanoid
  591. hum.PlatformStand = true
  592. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(HHumanoid)
  593. swait(1)
  594. HHumanoid.PlatformStand = false
  595. end), hum)
  596. local angle = (hit.Position - (Property.Position +, 0, 0))).unit
  597. local bodvol = Create("BodyVelocity"){
  598. velocity = angle * knockback,
  599. P = 5000,
  600. maxForce =, 8e+003, 8e+003),
  601. Parent = hit,
  602. }
  603. local rl = Create("BodyAngularVelocity"){
  604. P = 3000,
  605. maxTorque =, 500000, 500000) * 50000000000000,
  606. angularvelocity =, 10), math.random(-10, 10), math.random(-10, 10)),
  607. Parent = hit,
  608. }
  609. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bodvol, .5)
  610. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(rl, .5)
  611. elseif Type == "Normal" then
  612. local vp = Create("BodyVelocity"){
  613. P = 500,
  614. maxForce =, 0, math.huge),
  615. velocity = Property.CFrame.lookVector * knockback + Property.Velocity / 1.05,
  616. }
  617. if knockback > 0 then
  618. vp.Parent = hit.Parent.Torso
  619. end
  620. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(vp, .5)
  621. elseif Type == "Up" then
  622. local bodyVelocity = Create("BodyVelocity"){
  623. velocity =, 20, 0),
  624. P = 5000,
  625. maxForce =, 8e+003, 8e+003),
  626. Parent = hit,
  627. }
  628. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bodyVelocity, .5)
  629. elseif Type == "DarkUp" then
  630. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  631. for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do
  632. swait()
  633. Effects.Block.Create("Black"), hit.Parent.Torso.CFrame, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, .08, 1)
  634. end
  635. end))
  636. local bodyVelocity = Create("BodyVelocity"){
  637. velocity =, 20, 0),
  638. P = 5000,
  639. maxForce =, 8e+003, 8e+003),
  640. Parent = hit,
  641. }
  642. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bodyVelocity, 1)
  643. elseif Type == "Snare" then
  644. local bp = Create("BodyPosition"){
  645. P = 2000,
  646. D = 100,
  647. maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge),
  648. position = hit.Parent.Torso.Position,
  649. Parent = hit.Parent.Torso,
  650. }
  651. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bp, 1)
  652. elseif Type == "Freeze" then
  653. local BodPos = Create("BodyPosition"){
  654. P = 50000,
  655. D = 1000,
  656. maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge),
  657. position = hit.Parent.Torso.Position,
  658. Parent = hit.Parent.Torso,
  659. }
  660. local BodGy = Create("BodyGyro") {
  661. maxTorque =, 4e+005, 4e+005) * math.huge ,
  662. P = 20e+003,
  663. Parent = hit.Parent.Torso,
  664. cframe = hit.Parent.Torso.CFrame,
  665. }
  666. hit.Parent.Torso.Anchored = true
  667. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part)
  668. swait(1.5)
  669. Part.Anchored = false
  670. end), hit.Parent.Torso)
  671. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(BodPos, 3)
  672. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(BodGy, 3)
  673. end
  674. local debounce = Create("BoolValue"){
  675. Name = "DebounceHit",
  676. Parent = hit.Parent,
  677. Value = true,
  678. }
  679. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(debounce, Delay)
  680. c = Create("ObjectValue"){
  681. Name = "creator",
  682. Value = Player,
  683. Parent = h,
  684. }
  685. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(c, .5)
  686. end
  687. end
  688. -------------------------------------------------------
  689. --End Damage Function--
  690. -------------------------------------------------------
  692. -------------------------------------------------------
  693. --Start Damage Function Customization--
  694. -------------------------------------------------------
  695. function ShowDamage(Pos, Text, Time, Color)
  696. local Rate = (1 / 30)
  697. local Pos = (Pos or, 0, 0))
  698. local Text = (Text or "")
  699. local Time = (Time or 2)
  700. local Color = (Color or, 0, 1))
  701. local EffectPart = CFuncs.Part.Create(workspace, "SmoothPlastic", 0, 1,, "Effect",, 0, 0))
  702. EffectPart.Anchored = true
  703. local BillboardGui = Create("BillboardGui"){
  704. Size =, 0, 3, 0),
  705. Adornee = EffectPart,
  706. Parent = EffectPart,
  707. }
  708. local TextLabel = Create("TextLabel"){
  709. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  710. Size =, 0, 1, 0),
  711. Text = Text,
  712. Font = "Bodoni",
  713. TextColor3 = Color,
  714. TextScaled = true,
  715. TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0),
  716. Parent = BillboardGui,
  717. }
  718. game.Debris:AddItem(EffectPart, (Time))
  719. EffectPart.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace")
  720. delay(0, function()
  721. local Frames = (Time / Rate)
  722. for Frame = 1, Frames do
  723. wait(Rate)
  724. local Percent = (Frame / Frames)
  725. EffectPart.CFrame = +, Percent, 0)
  726. TextLabel.TextTransparency = Percent
  727. end
  728. if EffectPart and EffectPart.Parent then
  729. EffectPart:Destroy()
  730. end
  731. end)
  732. end
  733. -------------------------------------------------------
  734. --End Damage Function Customization--
  735. -------------------------------------------------------
  737. function MagniDamage(Part, magni, mindam, maxdam, knock, Type)
  738. for _, c in pairs(workspace:children()) do
  739. local hum = c:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  740. if hum ~= nil then
  741. local head = c:findFirstChild("Head")
  742. if head ~= nil then
  743. local targ = head.Position - Part.Position
  744. local mag = targ.magnitude
  745. if magni >= mag and c.Name ~= plr.Name then
  746. Damage(head, head, mindam, maxdam, knock, Type, root, 0.1, "", 1.2)
  747. end
  748. end
  749. end
  750. end
  751. end
  754. CFuncs = {
  755. Part = {
  756. Create = function(Parent, Material, Reflectance, Transparency, BColor, Name, Size)
  757. local Part = Create("Part")({
  758. Parent = Parent,
  759. Reflectance = Reflectance,
  760. Transparency = Transparency,
  761. CanCollide = false,
  762. Locked = true,
  763. BrickColor =,
  764. Name = Name,
  765. Size = Size,
  766. Material = Material
  767. })
  768. RemoveOutlines(Part)
  769. return Part
  770. end
  771. },
  772. Mesh = {
  773. Create = function(Mesh, Part, MeshType, MeshId, OffSet, Scale)
  774. local Msh = Create(Mesh)({
  775. Parent = Part,
  776. Offset = OffSet,
  777. Scale = Scale
  778. })
  779. if Mesh == "SpecialMesh" then
  780. Msh.MeshType = MeshType
  781. Msh.MeshId = MeshId
  782. end
  783. return Msh
  784. end
  785. },
  786. Mesh = {
  787. Create = function(Mesh, Part, MeshType, MeshId, OffSet, Scale)
  788. local Msh = Create(Mesh)({
  789. Parent = Part,
  790. Offset = OffSet,
  791. Scale = Scale
  792. })
  793. if Mesh == "SpecialMesh" then
  794. Msh.MeshType = MeshType
  795. Msh.MeshId = MeshId
  796. end
  797. return Msh
  798. end
  799. },
  800. Weld = {
  801. Create = function(Parent, Part0, Part1, C0, C1)
  802. local Weld = Create("Weld")({
  803. Parent = Parent,
  804. Part0 = Part0,
  805. Part1 = Part1,
  806. C0 = C0,
  807. C1 = C1
  808. })
  809. return Weld
  810. end
  811. },
  812. Sound = {
  813. Create = function(id, par, vol, pit)
  814. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  815. local S = Create("Sound")({
  816. Volume = vol,
  817. Pitch = pit or 1,
  818. SoundId = id,
  819. Parent = par or workspace
  820. })
  821. wait()
  822. S:play()
  823. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(S, 6)
  824. end))
  825. end
  826. },
  827. ParticleEmitter = {
  828. Create = function(Parent, Color1, Color2, LightEmission, Size, Texture, Transparency, ZOffset, Accel, Drag, LockedToPart, VelocityInheritance, EmissionDirection, Enabled, LifeTime, Rate, Rotation, RotSpeed, Speed, VelocitySpread)
  829. local fp = Create("ParticleEmitter")({
  830. Parent = Parent,
  831. Color =, Color2),
  832. LightEmission = LightEmission,
  833. Size = Size,
  834. Texture = Texture,
  835. Transparency = Transparency,
  836. ZOffset = ZOffset,
  837. Acceleration = Accel,
  838. Drag = Drag,
  839. LockedToPart = LockedToPart,
  840. VelocityInheritance = VelocityInheritance,
  841. EmissionDirection = EmissionDirection,
  842. Enabled = Enabled,
  843. Lifetime = LifeTime,
  844. Rate = Rate,
  845. Rotation = Rotation,
  846. RotSpeed = RotSpeed,
  847. Speed = Speed,
  848. VelocitySpread = VelocitySpread
  849. })
  850. return fp
  851. end
  852. }
  853. }
  854. function RemoveOutlines(part)
  855. part.TopSurface, part.BottomSurface, part.LeftSurface, part.RightSurface, part.FrontSurface, part.BackSurface = 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
  856. end
  857. function CreatePart(FormFactor, Parent, Material, Reflectance, Transparency, BColor, Name, Size)
  858. local Part = Create("Part")({
  859. formFactor = FormFactor,
  860. Parent = Parent,
  861. Reflectance = Reflectance,
  862. Transparency = Transparency,
  863. CanCollide = false,
  864. Locked = true,
  865. BrickColor =,
  866. Name = Name,
  867. Size = Size,
  868. Material = Material
  869. })
  870. RemoveOutlines(Part)
  871. return Part
  872. end
  873. function CreateMesh(Mesh, Part, MeshType, MeshId, OffSet, Scale)
  874. local Msh = Create(Mesh)({
  875. Parent = Part,
  876. Offset = OffSet,
  877. Scale = Scale
  878. })
  879. if Mesh == "SpecialMesh" then
  880. Msh.MeshType = MeshType
  881. Msh.MeshId = MeshId
  882. end
  883. return Msh
  884. end
  885. function CreateWeld(Parent, Part0, Part1, C0, C1)
  886. local Weld = Create("Weld")({
  887. Parent = Parent,
  888. Part0 = Part0,
  889. Part1 = Part1,
  890. C0 = C0,
  891. C1 = C1
  892. })
  893. return Weld
  894. end
  897. -------------------------------------------------------
  898. --Start Effect Function--
  899. -------------------------------------------------------
  900. EffectModel ="Model", char)
  901. Effects = {
  902. Block = {
  903. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay, Type)
  904. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "SmoothPlastic", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",
  905. prt.Anchored = true
  906. prt.CFrame = cframe
  907. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("BlockMesh", prt, "", "",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  908. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  909. if Type == 1 or Type == nil then
  910. table.insert(Effects, {
  911. prt,
  912. "Block1",
  913. delay,
  914. x3,
  915. y3,
  916. z3,
  917. msh
  918. })
  919. elseif Type == 2 then
  920. table.insert(Effects, {
  921. prt,
  922. "Block2",
  923. delay,
  924. x3,
  925. y3,
  926. z3,
  927. msh
  928. })
  929. else
  930. table.insert(Effects, {
  931. prt,
  932. "Block3",
  933. delay,
  934. x3,
  935. y3,
  936. z3,
  937. msh
  938. })
  939. end
  940. end
  941. },
  942. Sphere = {
  943. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  944. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",
  945. prt.Anchored = true
  946. prt.CFrame = cframe
  947. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("SpecialMesh", prt, "Sphere", "",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  948. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  949. table.insert(Effects, {
  950. prt,
  951. "Cylinder",
  952. delay,
  953. x3,
  954. y3,
  955. z3,
  956. msh
  957. })
  958. end
  959. },
  960. Cylinder = {
  961. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  962. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "SmoothPlastic", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",
  963. prt.Anchored = true
  964. prt.CFrame = cframe
  965. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("CylinderMesh", prt, "", "",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  966. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  967. table.insert(Effects, {
  968. prt,
  969. "Cylinder",
  970. delay,
  971. x3,
  972. y3,
  973. z3,
  974. msh
  975. })
  976. end
  977. },
  978. Wave = {
  979. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  980. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",
  981. prt.Anchored = true
  982. prt.CFrame = cframe
  983. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("SpecialMesh", prt, "FileMesh", "rbxassetid://20329976",, 0, 0), / 60, y1 / 60, z1 / 60))
  984. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  985. table.insert(Effects, {
  986. prt,
  987. "Cylinder",
  988. delay,
  989. x3 / 60,
  990. y3 / 60,
  991. z3 / 60,
  992. msh
  993. })
  994. end
  995. },
  996. Ring = {
  997. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  998. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "SmoothPlastic", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",
  999. prt.Anchored = true
  1000. prt.CFrame = cframe
  1001. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("SpecialMesh", prt, "FileMesh", "rbxassetid://3270017",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  1002. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  1003. table.insert(Effects, {
  1004. prt,
  1005. "Cylinder",
  1006. delay,
  1007. x3,
  1008. y3,
  1009. z3,
  1010. msh
  1011. })
  1012. end
  1013. },
  1014. Break = {
  1015. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1)
  1016. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",, 0.5, 0.5))
  1017. prt.Anchored = true
  1018. prt.CFrame = cframe * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50))
  1019. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("SpecialMesh", prt, "Sphere", "",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  1020. local num = math.random(10, 50) / 1000
  1021. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  1022. table.insert(Effects, {
  1023. prt,
  1024. "Shatter",
  1025. num,
  1026. prt.CFrame,
  1027. math.random() - math.random(),
  1028. 0,
  1029. math.random(50, 100) / 100
  1030. })
  1031. end
  1032. },
  1033. Spiral = {
  1034. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  1035. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "SmoothPlastic", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",
  1036. prt.Anchored = true
  1037. prt.CFrame = cframe
  1038. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("SpecialMesh", prt, "FileMesh", "rbxassetid://1051557",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  1039. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  1040. table.insert(Effects, {
  1041. prt,
  1042. "Cylinder",
  1043. delay,
  1044. x3,
  1045. y3,
  1046. z3,
  1047. msh
  1048. })
  1049. end
  1050. },
  1051. Push = {
  1052. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  1053. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "SmoothPlastic", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",
  1054. prt.Anchored = true
  1055. prt.CFrame = cframe
  1056. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("SpecialMesh", prt, "FileMesh", "rbxassetid://437347603",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  1057. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  1058. table.insert(Effects, {
  1059. prt,
  1060. "Cylinder",
  1061. delay,
  1062. x3,
  1063. y3,
  1064. z3,
  1065. msh
  1066. })
  1067. end
  1068. }
  1069. }
  1070. function part(formfactor ,parent, reflectance, transparency, brickcolor, name, size)
  1071. local fp = IT("Part")
  1072. fp.formFactor = formfactor
  1073. fp.Parent = parent
  1074. fp.Reflectance = reflectance
  1075. fp.Transparency = transparency
  1076. fp.CanCollide = false
  1077. fp.Locked = true
  1078. fp.BrickColor = brickcolor
  1079. fp.Name = name
  1080. fp.Size = size
  1081. fp.Position = tors.Position
  1082. RemoveOutlines(fp)
  1083. fp.Material = "SmoothPlastic"
  1084. fp:BreakJoints()
  1085. return fp
  1086. end
  1088. function mesh(Mesh,part,meshtype,meshid,offset,scale)
  1089. local mesh = IT(Mesh)
  1090. mesh.Parent = part
  1091. if Mesh == "SpecialMesh" then
  1092. mesh.MeshType = meshtype
  1093. if meshid ~= "nil" then
  1094. mesh.MeshId = ""..meshid
  1095. end
  1096. end
  1097. mesh.Offset = offset
  1098. mesh.Scale = scale
  1099. return mesh
  1100. end
  1102. function Magic(bonuspeed, type, pos, scale, value, color, MType)
  1103. local type = type
  1104. local rng ="Part", char)
  1105. rng.Anchored = true
  1106. rng.BrickColor = color
  1107. rng.CanCollide = false
  1108. rng.FormFactor = 3
  1109. rng.Name = "Ring"
  1110. rng.Material = "Neon"
  1111. rng.Size =, 1, 1)
  1112. rng.Transparency = 0
  1113. rng.TopSurface = 0
  1114. rng.BottomSurface = 0
  1115. rng.CFrame = pos
  1116. local rngm ="SpecialMesh", rng)
  1117. rngm.MeshType = MType
  1118. rngm.Scale = scale
  1119. local scaler2 = 1
  1120. if type == "Add" then
  1121. scaler2 = 1 * value
  1122. elseif type == "Divide" then
  1123. scaler2 = 1 / value
  1124. end
  1125. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1126. for i = 0, 10 / bonuspeed, 0.1 do
  1127. swait()
  1128. if type == "Add" then
  1129. scaler2 = scaler2 - 0.01 * value / bonuspeed
  1130. elseif type == "Divide" then
  1131. scaler2 = scaler2 - 0.01 / value * bonuspeed
  1132. end
  1133. rng.Transparency = rng.Transparency + 0.01 * bonuspeed
  1134. rngm.Scale = rngm.Scale + * bonuspeed, scaler2 * bonuspeed, scaler2 * bonuspeed)
  1135. end
  1136. rng:Destroy()
  1137. end))
  1138. end
  1140. function Eviscerate(dude)
  1141. if dude.Name ~= char then
  1142. local bgf = IT("BodyGyro", dude.Head)
  1143. bgf.CFrame = bgf.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(Rad(-90), 0, 0)
  1144. local val = IT("BoolValue", dude)
  1145. val.Name = "IsHit"
  1146. local ds = coroutine.wrap(function()
  1147. dude:WaitForChild("Head"):BreakJoints()
  1148. wait(0.5)
  1149. target = nil
  1150. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1151. for i, v in pairs(dude:GetChildren()) do
  1152. if v:IsA("Accessory") then
  1153. v:Destroy()
  1154. end
  1155. if v:IsA("Humanoid") then
  1156. v:Destroy()
  1157. end
  1158. if v:IsA("CharacterMesh") then
  1159. v:Destroy()
  1160. end
  1161. if v:IsA("Model") then
  1162. v:Destroy()
  1163. end
  1164. if v:IsA("Part") or v:IsA("MeshPart") then
  1165. for x, o in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  1166. if o:IsA("Decal") then
  1167. o:Destroy()
  1168. end
  1169. end
  1170. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1171. v.Material = "Neon"
  1172. v.CanCollide = false
  1173. local PartEmmit1 = IT("ParticleEmitter", v)
  1174. PartEmmit1.LightEmission = 1
  1175. PartEmmit1.Texture = "rbxassetid://284205403"
  1176. PartEmmit1.Color =
  1177. PartEmmit1.Rate = 150
  1178. PartEmmit1.Lifetime =
  1179. PartEmmit1.Size ={
  1180., 0.75, 0),
  1181., 0, 0)
  1182. })
  1183. PartEmmit1.Transparency ={
  1184., 0, 0),
  1185., 1, 0)
  1186. })
  1187. PartEmmit1.Speed =, 0)
  1188. PartEmmit1.VelocitySpread = 30000
  1189. PartEmmit1.Rotation =, 500)
  1190. PartEmmit1.RotSpeed =, 500)
  1191. local BodPoss = IT("BodyPosition", v)
  1192. BodPoss.P = 3000
  1193. BodPoss.D = 1000
  1194. BodPoss.maxForce =, 50000000000, 50000000000)
  1195. BodPoss.position = v.Position +, 15), Mrandom(-15, 15), Mrandom(-15, 15))
  1196. v.Color = maincolor.Color
  1197. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1198. for i = 0, 49 do
  1199. swait(1)
  1200. v.Transparency = v.Transparency + 0.08
  1201. end
  1202. wait(0.5)
  1203. PartEmmit1.Enabled = false
  1204. wait(3)
  1205. v:Destroy()
  1206. dude:Destroy()
  1207. end))
  1208. end))
  1209. end
  1210. end
  1211. end))
  1212. end)
  1213. ds()
  1214. end
  1215. end
  1217. function FindNearestHead(Position, Distance, SinglePlayer)
  1218. if SinglePlayer then
  1219. return Distance > (SinglePlayer.Torso.CFrame.p - Position).magnitude
  1220. end
  1221. local List = {}
  1222. for i, v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1223. if v:IsA("Model") and v:findFirstChild("Head") and v ~= char and Distance >= (v.Head.Position - Position).magnitude then
  1224. table.insert(List, v)
  1225. end
  1226. end
  1227. return List
  1228. end
  1230. function Aura(bonuspeed, FastSpeed, type, pos, x1, y1, z1, value, color, outerpos, MType)
  1231. local type = type
  1232. local rng ="Part", char)
  1233. rng.Anchored = true
  1234. rng.BrickColor = color
  1235. rng.CanCollide = false
  1236. rng.FormFactor = 3
  1237. rng.Name = "Ring"
  1238. rng.Material = "Neon"
  1239. rng.Size =, 1, 1)
  1240. rng.Transparency = 0
  1241. rng.TopSurface = 0
  1242. rng.BottomSurface = 0
  1243. rng.CFrame = pos
  1244. rng.CFrame = rng.CFrame + rng.CFrame.lookVector * outerpos
  1245. local rngm ="SpecialMesh", rng)
  1246. rngm.MeshType = MType
  1247. rngm.Scale =, y1, z1)
  1248. local scaler2 = 1
  1249. local speeder = FastSpeed
  1250. if type == "Add" then
  1251. scaler2 = 1 * value
  1252. elseif type == "Divide" then
  1253. scaler2 = 1 / value
  1254. end
  1255. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1256. for i = 0, 10 / bonuspeed, 0.1 do
  1257. swait()
  1258. if type == "Add" then
  1259. scaler2 = scaler2 - 0.01 * value / bonuspeed
  1260. elseif type == "Divide" then
  1261. scaler2 = scaler2 - 0.01 / value * bonuspeed
  1262. end
  1263. speeder = speeder - 0.01 * FastSpeed * bonuspeed
  1264. rng.CFrame = rng.CFrame + rng.CFrame.lookVector * speeder * bonuspeed
  1265. rng.Transparency = rng.Transparency + 0.01 * bonuspeed
  1266. rngm.Scale = rngm.Scale + * bonuspeed, scaler2 * bonuspeed, 0)
  1267. end
  1268. rng:Destroy()
  1269. end))
  1270. end
  1272. function SoulSteal(dude)
  1273. if dude.Name ~= char then
  1274. local bgf = IT("BodyGyro", dude.Head)
  1275. bgf.CFrame = bgf.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(Rad(-90), 0, 0)
  1276. local val = IT("BoolValue", dude)
  1277. val.Name = "IsHit"
  1278. local torso = (dude:FindFirstChild'Head' or dude:FindFirstChild'Torso' or dude:FindFirstChild'UpperTorso' or dude:FindFirstChild'LowerTorso' or dude:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart')
  1279. local soulst = coroutine.wrap(function()
  1280. local soul ="Part",dude)
  1281. soul.Size =,1,1)
  1282. soul.CanCollide = false
  1283. soul.Anchored = false
  1284. soul.Position = torso.Position
  1285. soul.Transparency = 1
  1286. local PartEmmit1 = IT("ParticleEmitter", soul)
  1287. PartEmmit1.LightEmission = 1
  1288. PartEmmit1.Texture = "rbxassetid://569507414"
  1289. PartEmmit1.Color =
  1290. PartEmmit1.Rate = 250
  1291. PartEmmit1.Lifetime =
  1292. PartEmmit1.Size ={
  1293., 1, 0),
  1294., 0, 0)
  1295. })
  1296. PartEmmit1.Transparency ={
  1297., 0, 0),
  1298., 1, 0)
  1299. })
  1300. PartEmmit1.Speed =, 0)
  1301. PartEmmit1.VelocitySpread = 30000
  1302. PartEmmit1.Rotation =, 360)
  1303. PartEmmit1.RotSpeed =, 360)
  1304. local BodPoss = IT("BodyPosition", soul)
  1305. BodPoss.P = 3000
  1306. BodPoss.D = 1000
  1307. BodPoss.maxForce =, 50000000000, 50000000000)
  1308. BodPoss.position = torso.Position +, 15), Mrandom(-15, 15), Mrandom(-15, 15))
  1309. wait(1.6)
  1310. soul.Touched:connect(function(hit)
  1311. if hit.Parent == char then
  1312. soul:Destroy()
  1313. end
  1314. end)
  1315. wait(1.2)
  1316. while soul do
  1317. swait()
  1318. PartEmmit1.Color =
  1319. BodPoss.Position = tors.Position
  1320. end
  1321. end)
  1322. soulst()
  1323. end
  1324. end
  1325. function FaceMouse()
  1326. local Cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
  1327. return {
  1328.,, char.Torso.Position.y, mouse.Hit.p.z)),
  1329., mouse.Hit.p.y, mouse.Hit.p.z)
  1330. }
  1331. end
  1332. Effects = {
  1333. Block = function(cf,partsize,meshstart,meshadd,matr,colour,spin,inverse,factor)
  1334. local p ="Part",EffectModel)
  1335. p.BrickColor =
  1336. p.Size = partsize
  1337. p.Anchored = true
  1338. p.CanCollide = false
  1339. p.Material = matr
  1340. p.CFrame = cf
  1341. if inverse == true then
  1342. p.Transparency = 1
  1343. else
  1344. p.Transparency = 0
  1345. end
  1346. local m ="BlockMesh",p)
  1347. m.Scale = meshstart
  1348. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1349. for i = 0, 1, factor do
  1350. swait()
  1351. if inverse == true then
  1352. p.Transparency = 1-i
  1353. else
  1354. p.Transparency = i
  1355. end
  1356. m.Scale = m.Scale + meshadd
  1357. if spin == true then
  1358. p.CFrame = p.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.random(-50,50),math.random(-50,50),math.random(-50,50))
  1359. end
  1360. end
  1361. p:Destroy()
  1362. end)()
  1363. return p
  1364. end,
  1365. Sphere = function(cf,partsize,meshstart,meshadd,matr,colour,inverse,factor)
  1366. local p ="Part",EffectModel)
  1367. p.BrickColor =
  1368. p.Size = partsize
  1369. p.Anchored = true
  1370. p.CanCollide = false
  1371. p.Material = matr
  1372. p.CFrame = cf
  1373. if inverse == true then
  1374. p.Transparency = 1
  1375. else
  1376. p.Transparency = 0
  1377. end
  1378. local m ="SpecialMesh",p)
  1379. m.MeshType = "Sphere"
  1380. m.Scale = meshstart
  1381. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1382. for i=0,1,factor do
  1383. swait()
  1384. if inverse == true then
  1385. p.Transparency = 1-i
  1386. else
  1387. p.Transparency = i
  1388. end
  1389. m.Scale = m.Scale + meshadd
  1390. end
  1391. p:Destroy()
  1392. end)()
  1393. return p
  1394. end,
  1396. Cylinder = function(cf,partsize,meshstart,meshadd,matr,colour,inverse,factor)
  1397. local p ="Part",EffectModel)
  1398. p.BrickColor =
  1399. p.Size = partsize
  1400. p.Anchored = true
  1401. p.CanCollide = false
  1402. p.Material = matr
  1403. p.CFrame = cf
  1404. if inverse == true then
  1405. p.Transparency = 1
  1406. else
  1407. p.Transparency = 0
  1408. end
  1409. local m ="CylinderMesh",p)
  1410. m.Scale = meshstart
  1411. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1412. for i=0,1,factor do
  1413. swait()
  1414. if inverse == true then
  1415. p.Transparency = 1-i
  1416. else
  1417. p.Transparency = i
  1418. end
  1419. m.Scale = m.Scale + meshadd
  1420. end
  1421. p:Destroy()
  1422. end)()
  1423. return p
  1424. end,
  1426. Wave = function(cf,meshstart,meshadd,colour,spin,inverse,factor)
  1427. local p ="Part",EffectModel)
  1428. p.BrickColor =
  1429. p.Size =
  1430. p.Anchored = true
  1431. p.CanCollide = false
  1432. p.CFrame = cf
  1433. if inverse == true then
  1434. p.Transparency = 1
  1435. else
  1436. p.Transparency = 0
  1437. end
  1438. local m ="SpecialMesh",p)
  1439. m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://20329976"
  1440. m.Scale = meshstart
  1441. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1442. for i=0,1,factor do
  1443. swait()
  1444. if inverse == true then
  1445. p.Transparency = 1-i
  1446. else
  1447. p.Transparency = i
  1448. end
  1449. m.Scale = m.Scale + meshadd
  1450. p.CFrame = p.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(spin),0)
  1451. end
  1452. p:Destroy()
  1453. end)()
  1454. return p
  1455. end,
  1457. Ring = function(cf,meshstart,meshadd,colour,inverse,factor)
  1458. local p ="Part",EffectModel)
  1459. p.BrickColor =
  1460. p.Size =
  1461. p.Anchored = true
  1462. p.CanCollide = false
  1463. p.CFrame = cf
  1464. if inverse == true then
  1465. p.Transparency = 1
  1466. else
  1467. p.Transparency = 0
  1468. end
  1469. local m ="SpecialMesh",p)
  1470. m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://3270017"
  1471. m.Scale = meshstart
  1472. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1473. for i=0,1,factor do
  1474. swait()
  1475. if inverse == true then
  1476. p.Transparency = 1-i
  1477. else
  1478. p.Transparency = i
  1479. end
  1480. m.Scale = m.Scale + meshadd
  1481. end
  1482. p:Destroy()
  1483. end)()
  1484. return p
  1485. end,
  1487. Meshed = function(cf,meshstart,meshadd,colour,meshid,textid,spin,inverse,factor)
  1488. local p ="Part",EffectModel)
  1489. p.BrickColor =
  1490. p.Size =
  1491. p.Anchored = true
  1492. p.CanCollide = false
  1493. p.CFrame = cf
  1494. if inverse == true then
  1495. p.Transparency = 1
  1496. else
  1497. p.Transparency = 0
  1498. end
  1499. local m ="SpecialMesh",p)
  1500. m.MeshId = meshid
  1501. m.TextureId = textid
  1502. m.Scale = meshstart
  1503. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1504. for i=0,1,factor do
  1505. swait()
  1506. if inverse == true then
  1507. p.Transparency = 1-i
  1508. else
  1509. p.Transparency = i
  1510. end
  1511. m.Scale = m.Scale + meshadd
  1512. p.CFrame = p.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(spin),0)
  1513. end
  1514. p:Destroy()
  1515. end)()
  1516. return p
  1517. end,
  1519. Explode = function(cf,partsize,meshstart,meshadd,matr,colour,move,inverse,factor)
  1520. local p ="Part",EffectModel)
  1521. p.BrickColor =
  1522. p.Size = partsize
  1523. p.Anchored = true
  1524. p.CanCollide = false
  1525. p.Material = matr
  1526. p.CFrame = cf * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.random(-360,360)),math.rad(math.random(-360,360)),math.rad(math.random(-360,360)))
  1527. if inverse == true then
  1528. p.Transparency = 1
  1529. else
  1530. p.Transparency = 0
  1531. end
  1532. local m ="SpecialMesh",p)
  1533. m.MeshType = "Sphere"
  1534. m.Scale = meshstart
  1535. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1536. for i=0,1,factor do
  1537. swait()
  1538. if inverse == true then
  1539. p.Transparency = 1-i
  1540. else
  1541. p.Transparency = i
  1542. end
  1543. m.Scale = m.Scale + meshadd
  1544. p.CFrame = p.CFrame *,move,0)
  1545. end
  1546. p:Destroy()
  1547. end)()
  1548. return p
  1549. end,
  1551. }
  1552. -------------------------------------------------------
  1553. --End Effect Function--
  1554. -------------------------------------------------------
  1555. function Cso(ID, PARENT, VOLUME, PITCH)
  1556. local NSound = nil
  1557. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1558. NSound = IT("Sound", PARENT)
  1559. NSound.Volume = VOLUME
  1560. NSound.Pitch = PITCH
  1561. NSound.SoundId = ""..ID
  1562. swait()
  1563. NSound:play()
  1564. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(NSound, 10)
  1565. end))
  1566. return NSound
  1567. end
  1568. function CamShake(Length, Intensity)
  1569. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1570. local intensity = 1 * Intensity
  1571. local rotM = 0.01 * Intensity
  1572. for i = 0, Length, 0.1 do
  1573. swait()
  1574. intensity = intensity - 0.05 * Intensity / Length
  1575. rotM = rotM - 5.0E-4 * Intensity / Length
  1576. hum.CameraOffset =, intensity)), Rad(Mrandom(-intensity, intensity)), Rad(Mrandom(-intensity, intensity)))
  1577. cam.CFrame = cam.CFrame * CF(Rad(Mrandom(-intensity, intensity)), Rad(Mrandom(-intensity, intensity)), Rad(Mrandom(-intensity, intensity))) * Euler(Rad(Mrandom(-intensity, intensity)) * rotM, Rad(Mrandom(-intensity, intensity)) * rotM, Rad(Mrandom(-intensity, intensity)) * rotM)
  1578. end
  1579. hum.CameraOffset =, 0, 0)
  1580. end))
  1581. end
  1582. NewInstance = function(instance,parent,properties)
  1583. local inst =
  1584. inst.Parent = parent
  1585. if(properties)then
  1586. for i,v in next, properties do
  1587. pcall(function() inst[i] = v end)
  1588. end
  1589. end
  1590. return inst;
  1591. end
  1592. hum.MaxHealth = 1.0E298
  1593. hum.Health = 1.0E298
  1594. game:GetService("RunService"):BindToRenderStep("HOT", 0, function()
  1595. if hum.Health > 0.1 and hum.Health < 1.0E298 then
  1596. hum.MaxHealth = 1.0E298
  1597. hum.Health = 1.0E298
  1598. end
  1599. end)
  1600. function CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor(TYPE, PARENT, PART0, PART1, C0, C1)
  1601. local NEWWELD = IT(TYPE)
  1602. NEWWELD.Part0 = PART0
  1603. NEWWELD.Part1 = PART1
  1604. NEWWELD.C0 = C0
  1605. NEWWELD.C1 = C1
  1606. NEWWELD.Parent = PARENT
  1607. return NEWWELD
  1608. end
  1609. function GetTorsos(pos,dis)
  1610. local people = workspace:GetChildren()
  1611. local peopletab = {}
  1612. local temp = nil
  1613. local humtor = nil
  1614. local temp2 = nil
  1615. for x = 1, #people do
  1616. temp2 = people[x]
  1617. if temp2.className == "Model" and temp2 ~= char and temp2:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then
  1618. temp = temp2:FindFirstChild("Torso") or temp2:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso")
  1619. humtor = temp2:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
  1620. if temp ~= nil and humtor ~= nil and humtor.Health > 0 then
  1621. if (temp.Position - pos).magnitude < dis then
  1622. table.insert(peopletab,temp)
  1623. dis = (temp.Position - pos).magnitude
  1624. end
  1625. end
  1626. end
  1627. end
  1628. return peopletab
  1629. end
  1630. -------------------------------------------------------
  1631. --End Important Functions--
  1632. -------------------------------------------------------
  1635. -------------------------------------------------------
  1636. --Start Customization--
  1637. -------------------------------------------------------
  1638. local Player_Size = 1
  1639. if Player_Size ~= 1 then
  1640. root.Size = root.Size * Player_Size
  1641. tors.Size = tors.Size * Player_Size
  1642. hed.Size = hed.Size * Player_Size
  1643. ra.Size = ra.Size * Player_Size
  1644. la.Size = la.Size * Player_Size
  1645. rl.Size = rl.Size * Player_Size
  1646. ll.Size = ll.Size * Player_Size
  1647. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1648. rootj.Parent = root
  1649. neck.Parent = tors
  1650. RW.Parent = tors
  1651. LW.Parent = tors
  1652. RH.Parent = tors
  1653. LH.Parent = tors
  1654. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1655. rootj.C0 = RootCF * CF(0 * Player_Size, 0 * Player_Size, 0 * Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(0))
  1656. rootj.C1 = RootCF * CF(0 * Player_Size, 0 * Player_Size, 0 * Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(0))
  1657. neck.C0 = necko * CF(0 * Player_Size, 0 * Player_Size, 0 + ((1 * Player_Size) - 1)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(0))
  1658. neck.C1 = CF(0 * Player_Size, -0.5 * Player_Size, 0 * Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-90), Rad(0), Rad(180))
  1659. RW.C0 = CF(1.5 * Player_Size, 0.5 * Player_Size, 0 * Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(0)) --* RIGHTSHOULDERC0
  1660. LW.C0 = CF(-1.5 * Player_Size, 0.5 * Player_Size, 0 * Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(0)) --* LEFTSHOULDERC0
  1661. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1662. RH.C0 = CF(1 * Player_Size, -1 * Player_Size, 0 * Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(90), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(0))
  1663. LH.C0 = CF(-1 * Player_Size, -1 * Player_Size, 0 * Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(-90), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(0))
  1664. RH.C1 = CF(0.5 * Player_Size, 1 * Player_Size, 0 * Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(90), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(0))
  1665. LH.C1 = CF(-0.5 * Player_Size, 1 * Player_Size, 0 * Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(-90), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(0))
  1666. --hat.Parent = Character
  1667. end
  1668. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1669. local SONG = 1752290765
  1670. local SONG2 = 0
  1671. local Music ="Sound",tors)
  1672. Music.Volume = 2.5
  1673. Music.Looped = true
  1674. Music.Pitch = 1 --Pitcher
  1675. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1676. local equipped = false
  1677. local idle = 0
  1678. local change = 1
  1679. local val = 0
  1680. local toim = 0
  1681. local idleanim = 0.4
  1682. local sine = 0
  1683. local Sit = 1
  1684. local WasAir = false
  1685. local InAir = false
  1686. local LandTick = 0
  1687. local movelegs = false
  1688. local FF ="ForceField",char)
  1689. FF.Visible = false
  1690. local Speed = 16
  1691. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1692. hum.JumpPower = 55
  1693. hum.Animator.Parent = nil
  1694. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1695. local top ="Shirt")
  1696. top.ShirtTemplate = "rbxassetid://1088769202"
  1697. top.Parent = char
  1698. top.Name = "Cloth"
  1699. local bottom ="Pants")
  1700. bottom.PantsTemplate = "rbxassetid://1088767946"
  1701. bottom.Parent = char
  1702. bottom.Name = "Cloth"
  1703. if hed:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal") then
  1704. hed:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal"):Destroy()
  1705. end
  1706. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1708. local PART = CreatePart(3, char, MATERIAL, 0, 1, COLOR, "CirclePart",, 0, 0), false)
  1709. for i = 1, 45 do
  1710. local RingPiece = CreatePart(3, char, MATERIAL, 0, 0, COLOR, "CirclePart",, WIDTH, SIZE * 0.65), false)
  1711. local RingWeld = CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", RingPiece, PART, RingPiece, CF(0, 0, 0) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(i * 8), Rad(0)), CF(0, 0, 0) * CF(SIZE * 4, 0, 0))
  1712. end
  1713. local PartWeld = CreateWeldOrSnapOrMotor("Weld", ATTACHPART, PART, ATTACHPART, POSITION * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(0)), CF(0, 0, 0))
  1714. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1715. if DOESSPIN == true then
  1716. while true do
  1717. wait()
  1718. PartWeld.C0 = clerp(PartWeld.C0, POSITION * angles(Rad(0), Rad(sine * 2), Rad(0)), 1)
  1719. end
  1720. end
  1721. end))
  1722. end
  1723. CreateNeonCircle(hed, CF(0, -1.15, 0.1), 0.26, true, "Really black", "Neon", 0.10, 0.10)
  1724. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1725. HSHair = IT("Model")
  1726. HSHair.Parent = char
  1727. HSHair.Name = "HSHair"
  1728. RHe = IT("Part")
  1729. RHe.Parent = HSHair
  1730. RHe.BrickColor ="Really black")
  1731. RHe.Locked = true
  1732. RHe.CanCollide = false
  1733. RHe.Transparency = 0
  1734. PMesh = IT("SpecialMesh")
  1735. RHe.formFactor = "Symmetric"
  1736. PMesh.MeshType = "FileMesh"
  1737. PMesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://731023666"
  1738. PMesh.TextureId = "rbxassetid://6748187"
  1739. PMesh.Scale =, 0.200000003, 0.170000002)
  1740. PMesh.Parent = RHe
  1741. local RWeld = IT("Weld")
  1742. RWeld.Parent = RHe
  1743. RWeld.Part0 = RHe
  1744. RWeld.Part1 = hed
  1745. RWeld.C0 = CF(0, 2.5, 1) * angles(0, Rad(180), 0)
  1746. -------------------------------------------------------
  1747. --End Customization--
  1748. -------------------------------------------------------
  1751. -------------------------------------------------------
  1752. --Start Attacks N Stuff--
  1753. -------------------------------------------------------
  1754. function AttackTemplate()
  1755. attack = true
  1756. for i = 0, 2, 0.1 do
  1757. swait()
  1758. rootj.C0 = clerp(rootj.C0, RootCF * CF(0* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size, -0.1 + 0.1* Player_Size * Cos(sine / 20)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.1)
  1759. neck.C0 = clerp(neck.C0, necko* CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1* Player_Size) - 1)) * angles(Rad(0 - 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.1)
  1760. rl.Weld.C0 = clerp(rl.Weld.C0, CF(0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(-10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(5)), 0.1)
  1761. ll.Weld.C0 = clerp(ll.Weld.C0, CF(-0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(-5)), 0.1)
  1762. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CF(1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.1 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0 + 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(10 + 5 * Sin(sine / 20))), 0.1)
  1763. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CF(-1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.1 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0 - 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(-10 - 5 * Sin(sine / 20))), 0.1)
  1764. end
  1765. attack = false
  1766. end
  1767. function ROAR()
  1768. attack = true
  1769. Speed = 0
  1770. local Roaring = Cso("340341349", char, 3, 0.8)
  1771. swait(2)
  1772. repeat
  1773. swait()
  1774. CamShake(2.5, 5)
  1775. rootj.C0 = clerp(rootj.C0, RootCF * CF(0* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size, -0.3 + 0.1* Player_Size * Cos(sine / 20)) * angles(Rad(30), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.1)
  1776. neck.C0 = clerp(neck.C0, necko* CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1* Player_Size) - 1)) * angles(Rad(-15), Rad(0), Rad(0 - 5 * Cos(sine / 25))), 0.15)
  1777. rl.Weld.C0 = clerp(rl.Weld.C0, CF(0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(30), Rad(-10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(5)), 0.1)
  1778. ll.Weld.C0 = clerp(ll.Weld.C0, CF(-0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(30), Rad(10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(-5)), 0.1)
  1779. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CF(1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.1 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-40), Rad(0), Rad(35)), 0.1)
  1780. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CF(-1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.1 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-40), Rad(0), Rad(-35)), 0.1)
  1781. until Roaring.Playing == false
  1782. attack = false
  1783. Speed = 16
  1784. end
  1785. function Betraying_God()
  1786. attack = true
  1787. Speed = 0
  1788. for i = 0, 3, 0.1 do
  1789. swait()
  1790. rootj.C0 = clerp(rootj.C0, RootCF * CF(0* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size, -0.1 + 0.1* Player_Size * Cos(sine / 20)) * angles(Rad(-20), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.1)
  1791. neck.C0 = clerp(neck.C0, necko* CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1* Player_Size) - 1)) * angles(Rad(0 - 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.1)
  1792. rl.Weld.C0 = clerp(rl.Weld.C0, CF(0.5* Player_Size, -0.2 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, -0.6* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(-10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(5)), 0.1)
  1793. ll.Weld.C0 = clerp(ll.Weld.C0, CF(-0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-20), Rad(10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(-5)), 0.1)
  1794. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CF(1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.1 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-20), Rad(0), Rad(10)), 0.1)
  1795. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CF(-1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.1 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-20), Rad(0), Rad(-10)), 0.1)
  1796. end
  1797. CamShake(3, 7)
  1798. MagniDamage(root, 60, 50, 100, 0, "Normal")
  1799. Magic(1, "Add", root.CFrame,, 100, 50), 4, BrickC("Mulberry"), "Sphere")
  1800. Magic(1, "Add", root.CFrame,, 60, 30), 4, BrickC("Really black"), "Sphere")
  1801. Magic(1, "Add", root.CFrame,, 600, 3), 4, BrickC("Mulberry"), "Sphere")
  1802. CFuncs["Sound"].Create("rbxassetid://138213851", char, 2,1.2)
  1803. CFuncs["Sound"].Create("rbxassetid://239000203", char, 2,1.2)
  1804. --CFuncs["Sound"].Create("rbxassetid://919941001", char, 3,1.05)
  1805. for i = 0, 4, 0.1 do
  1806. swait()
  1807. rootj.C0 = clerp(rootj.C0, RootCF * CF(0* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size, -0.1 + 0.1* Player_Size * Cos(sine / 20)) * angles(Rad(20), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.3)
  1808. neck.C0 = clerp(neck.C0, necko* CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1* Player_Size) - 1)) * angles(Rad(25 - 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.3)
  1809. rl.Weld.C0 = clerp(rl.Weld.C0, CF(0.5* Player_Size, -0.7 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, -0.6* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(20), Rad(-10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(5)), 0.3)
  1810. ll.Weld.C0 = clerp(ll.Weld.C0, CF(-0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(20), Rad(10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(-5)), 0.3)
  1811. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CF(1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.1 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-20), Rad(0), Rad(25)), 0.3)
  1812. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CF(-1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.1 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-20), Rad(0), Rad(-25)), 0.3)
  1813. end
  1814. Speed = 16
  1815. attack = false
  1816. end
  1817. function Gods_Funeral()
  1818. attack = true
  1819. Speed = 0
  1820. MagniDamage(mouse.hit, 15, 20, 35, 0, "Normal")
  1821. Magic(1, "Add", mouse.hit,, 15, 15), 2, BrickC("Mulberry"), "Sphere")
  1822. Magic(1, "Add", mouse.hit,, 2, 2), 2, BrickC("Really black"), "Sphere")
  1823. for i = 0, 6 do
  1824. Effects.Meshed(mouse.hit * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360))),,,.0005,.0115),"","rbxassetid://662585058","",0,false,0.03)
  1825. Aura(3, 1.5, "Add", mouse.hit * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.random(-360, 360)), math.rad(math.random(-360, 360)), math.rad(math.random(-360, 360))), 5, 5, 45, -0.05, BrickC("Really black"), 0, "Sphere")
  1826. Aura(3, 1.5, "Add", mouse.hit * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.random(-360, 360)), math.rad(math.random(-360, 360)), math.rad(math.random(-360, 360))), 5, 5, 45, -0.05, BrickC("Really black"), 0, "Sphere")
  1827. end
  1828. --Magic(1, "Add", root.CFrame,, 600, 3), 4, BrickC("Mulberry"), "Sphere")
  1829. CFuncs["Sound"].Create("rbxassetid://1691481631", tors, 2,1.2)
  1830. for i = 0, 2, 0.1 do
  1831. swait()
  1832. rootj.C0 = clerp(rootj.C0, RootCF * CF(0* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size, -0.1 + 0.1* Player_Size * Cos(sine / 20)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.3)
  1833. neck.C0 = clerp(neck.C0, necko* CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1* Player_Size) - 1)) * angles(Rad(0 - 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.3)
  1834. rl.Weld.C0 = clerp(rl.Weld.C0, CF(0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(-10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(5)), 0.3)
  1835. ll.Weld.C0 = clerp(ll.Weld.C0, CF(-0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(-5)), 0.3)
  1836. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CF(1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.1 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(80), Rad(0 + 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(10 + 5 * Sin(sine / 20))), 0.3)
  1837. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CF(-1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.1 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0 - 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(-10 - 5 * Sin(sine / 20))), 0.3)
  1838. end
  1839. Speed = 16
  1840. attack = false
  1841. end
  1842. function Grudge_Holder()
  1843. attack = true
  1844. for i = 0, 2, 0.1 do
  1845. swait()
  1846. rootj.C0 = clerp(rootj.C0, RootCF * CF(0* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size, -0.1 + 0.1* Player_Size * Cos(sine / 20)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.1)
  1847. neck.C0 = clerp(neck.C0, necko* CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1* Player_Size) - 1)) * angles(Rad(0 - 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.1)
  1848. rl.Weld.C0 = clerp(rl.Weld.C0, CF(0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(-10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(5)), 0.1)
  1849. ll.Weld.C0 = clerp(ll.Weld.C0, CF(-0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(-5)), 0.1)
  1850. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CF(1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.1 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0 + 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(10 + 5 * Sin(sine / 20))), 0.1)
  1851. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CF(-1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.1 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0 - 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(-10 - 5 * Sin(sine / 20))), 0.1)
  1852. end
  1853. attack = false
  1854. end
  1855. function In_Heavens_Name()
  1856. attack = true
  1857. Speed = 0
  1858. for i = 0, 3, 0.1 do
  1859. swait()
  1860. rootj.C0 = clerp(rootj.C0, RootCF * CF(0* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size, -0.2 + 0.1* Player_Size * Cos(sine / 20)) * angles(Rad(35 - 1.5 * Cos(sine / 20)), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.1)
  1861. neck.C0 = clerp(neck.C0, necko* CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1* Player_Size) - 1)) * angles(Rad(0 - 1.5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(0), Rad(0 - 5 * Cos(sine / 20))), 0.1)
  1862. rl.Weld.C0 = clerp(rl.Weld.C0, CF(0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(35 - 1.5 * Cos(sine / 20)), Rad(-10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(5)), 0.1)
  1863. ll.Weld.C0 = clerp(ll.Weld.C0, CF(-0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(35 - 1.5 * Cos(sine / 20)), Rad(10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(-5)), 0.1)
  1864. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CF(1.2* Player_Size, 0.3 + 0.01 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, -0.4* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(40), Rad(0 + 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(-45)), 0.1)
  1865. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CF(-1.2* Player_Size, 0.3 + 0.01 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, -0.4* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(40), Rad(0 - 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(45)), 0.1)
  1866. end
  1867. for i = 0, 2, 0.1 do
  1868. swait()
  1869. rootj.C0 = clerp(rootj.C0, RootCF * CF(0* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size, -0.2 + 0.1* Player_Size * Cos(sine / 20)) * angles(Rad(-35 - 1.5 * Cos(sine / 20)), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.3)
  1870. neck.C0 = clerp(neck.C0, necko* CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1* Player_Size) - 1)) * angles(Rad(0 - 1.5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(0), Rad(0 - 5 * Cos(sine / 20))), 0.3)
  1871. rl.Weld.C0 = clerp(rl.Weld.C0, CF(0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-35 - 1.5 * Cos(sine / 20)), Rad(-10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(5)), 0.3)
  1872. ll.Weld.C0 = clerp(ll.Weld.C0, CF(-0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-35 - 1.5 * Cos(sine / 20)), Rad(10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(-5)), 0.3)
  1873. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CF(1.2* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.01 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-40), Rad(0 + 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(45)), 0.3)
  1874. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CF(-1.2* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.01 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-40), Rad(0 - 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(-45)), 0.3)
  1875. end
  1876. for i,v in pairs(GetTorsos(tors.CFrame.p, 40)) do
  1877. if v.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then
  1878. local GOTCHA = v.Parent
  1879. local GOTCHAhum = GOTCHA:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
  1880. local GOTCHAtor = GOTCHA:FindFirstChild("Torso") or GOTCHA:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso")
  1881. GOTCHAhum.Health = GOTCHAhum.Health - 60
  1882. for i = 0, 9 do
  1883. Effects.Meshed(GOTCHAtor.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360))),,,.0005,.0115),"","rbxassetid://662585058","",0,false,0.03)
  1884. Aura(3, 1.5, "Add", GOTCHAtor.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.random(-360, 360)), math.rad(math.random(-360, 360)), math.rad(math.random(-360, 360))), 5, 5, 45, -0.05, BrickC("Really black"), 0, "Sphere")
  1885. Aura(3, 1.5, "Add", GOTCHAtor.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.random(-360, 360)), math.rad(math.random(-360, 360)), math.rad(math.random(-360, 360))), 5, 5, 45, -0.05, BrickC("Really black"), 0, "Sphere")
  1886. end
  1887. CFuncs["Sound"].Create("rbxassetid://138213851", char, 2,1.2)
  1888. CFuncs["Sound"].Create("rbxassetid://239000203", char, 2,1.2)
  1889. Magic(1, "Add", GOTCHAtor.CFrame,, 100, 35), 1, BrickC("Mulberry"), "Sphere")
  1890. Magic(2, "Add", GOTCHAtor.CFrame,, 60, 15), 2, BrickC("Really black"), "Sphere")
  1891. Magic(3, "Add", GOTCHAtor.CFrame,, 600, 3), 3, BrickC("Mulberry"), "Sphere")
  1892. end
  1893. end
  1894. Speed = 16
  1895. attack = false
  1896. end
  1897. -------------------------------------------------------
  1898. --End Attacks N Stuff--
  1899. -------------------------------------------------------
  1900. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1901. if attack == false then
  1902. if key == "t" then
  1903. ROAR()
  1904. elseif key == "z" then
  1905. Betraying_God()
  1906. elseif key == "x" then
  1907. Gods_Funeral()
  1908. elseif key == "c" then
  1909. Grudge_Holder()
  1910. elseif key == "v" then
  1911. In_Heavens_Name()
  1912. end
  1913. end
  1914. end)
  1923. -------------------------------------------------------
  1924. --Start Animations--
  1925. -------------------------------------------------------
  1926. print("By Creterisk / Makhail07")
  1927. print("--------------------------------")
  1928. print("Attacks")
  1929. print("T : Roar.")
  1930. print("Z : Betraying God, Stomp on the ground doing massive damage.")
  1931. print("X : Gods Funeral, Aim with your mouse making a large explosion.")
  1932. print("(Not Done) C : Grudge Holder, Shoot a large beam eviscerating those in your way.")
  1933. print("V : In Heavens Name, Get close to a person blasting them with a beam.")
  1934. print("--------------------------------")
  1935. while true do
  1936. swait()
  1937. sine = sine + change
  1938. local torvel = (root.Velocity *, 0, 1)).magnitude
  1939. local velderp = root.Velocity.y
  1940. hitfloor, posfloor = rayCast(root.Position,, root.Position -, 1, 0)).lookVector, 4* Player_Size, char)
  1941. if equipped == true or equipped == false then
  1942. if attack == false then
  1943. idle = idle + 1
  1944. else
  1945. idle = 0
  1946. end
  1947. local Landed = false
  1948. if(hitfloor)then
  1949. WasAir = false
  1950. else
  1951. WasAir = true
  1952. end
  1953. if(WasAir == false)then
  1954. if(InAir == true)then
  1955. LandTick = time()
  1956. Landed = true
  1957. end
  1958. end
  1959. if(time()-LandTick < .3)then
  1960. Landed = true
  1961. end
  1962. if(hitfloor)then
  1963. InAir = false
  1964. else
  1965. InAir = true
  1966. end
  1967. local Walking = (math.abs(root.Velocity.x) > 1 or math.abs(root.Velocity.z) > 1)
  1968. local State = (hum.PlatformStand and 'Paralyzed' or hum.Sit and 'Sit' or Landed and 'Land' or not hitfloor and root.Velocity.y < -1 and "Fall" or not hitfloor and root.Velocity.y > 1 and "Jump" or hitfloor and Walking and "Walk" or hitfloor and "Idle")
  1969. local WALKSPEEDVALUE = 6 / (hum.WalkSpeed / 16)
  1970. if(State == 'Jump')then
  1971. hum.JumpPower = 55
  1972. if attack == false then
  1973. rootj.C0 = clerp(rootj.C0, RootCF * CF(0* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size, -0.1 + 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-16), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.1)
  1974. neck.C0 = clerp(neck.C0, necko* CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1* Player_Size) - 1)) * angles(Rad(10 - 2.5 * Sin(sine / 30)), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.3)
  1975. rl.Weld.C0 = clerp(rl.Weld.C0, CF(0.5* Player_Size, -.2 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20), -.3* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(-10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(-2.5), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.1)
  1976. ll.Weld.C0 = clerp(ll.Weld.C0, CF(-0.5* Player_Size, -.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20), -.5* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(-2.5), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.1)
  1977. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CF(1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.02 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(25), Rad(-.6), Rad(13 + 4.5 * Sin(sine / 20))), 0.1)
  1978. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CF(-1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.02 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(25), Rad(-.6), Rad(-13 - 4.5 * Sin(sine / 20))), 0.1)
  1979. end
  1980. elseif(State == 'Fall')then
  1981. if attack == false then
  1982. rootj.C0 = clerp(rootj.C0, RootCF * CF(0* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size, -0.1 + 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(25), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.1)
  1983. neck.C0 = clerp(neck.C0, necko* CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1* Player_Size) - 1)) * angles(Rad(10 - 2.5 * Sin(sine / 30)), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.3)
  1984. rl.Weld.C0 = clerp(rl.Weld.C0, CF(0.5* Player_Size, -1 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, -.3* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(-10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(25), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.1)
  1985. ll.Weld.C0 = clerp(ll.Weld.C0, CF(-0.5* Player_Size, -.8 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, -.3* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(25), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.1)
  1986. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CF(1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.02 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(165), Rad(-.6), Rad(45 + 4.5 * Sin(sine / 20))), 0.1)
  1987. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CF(-1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.02 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(165), Rad(-.6), Rad(-45 - 4.5 * Sin(sine / 20))), 0.1)
  1988. end
  1989. elseif(State == 'Land')then
  1990. hum.JumpPower = 0
  1991. if attack == false then
  1992. rootj.C0 = clerp(rootj.C0, RootCF * CF(0* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size, -1 + 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(10), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.15)
  1993. neck.C0 = clerp(neck.C0, necko* CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1* Player_Size) - 1)) * angles(Rad(35 - 2.5 * Sin(sine / 30)), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.3)
  1994. rl.Weld.C0 = clerp(rl.Weld.C0, CF(0.5* Player_Size, 0.1 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, -.3* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(-10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(-3.5), Rad(0), Rad(5)), 0.15)
  1995. ll.Weld.C0 = clerp(ll.Weld.C0, CF(-0.5* Player_Size, 0.1 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, -.3* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(-3.5), Rad(0), Rad(-5)), 0.15)
  1996. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CF(1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.02 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(65), Rad(0), Rad(25 + 4.5 * Sin(sine / 20))), 0.1)
  1997. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CF(-1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.02 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(55), Rad(0), Rad(-25 - 4.5 * Sin(sine / 20))), 0.1)
  1998. end
  1999. elseif(State == 'Idle')then
  2000. change = 1
  2001. if attack == false then
  2002. rootj.C0 = clerp(rootj.C0, RootCF * CF(0* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size, -0.2 + 0.1* Player_Size * Cos(sine / 20)) * angles(Rad(25 - 1.5 * Cos(sine / 20)), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.1)
  2003. neck.C0 = clerp(neck.C0, necko* CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1* Player_Size) - 1)) * angles(Rad(0 - 1.5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(0), Rad(0 - 5 * Cos(sine / 20))), 0.1)
  2004. rl.Weld.C0 = clerp(rl.Weld.C0, CF(0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(25 - 1.5 * Cos(sine / 20)), Rad(-10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(5)), 0.1)
  2005. ll.Weld.C0 = clerp(ll.Weld.C0, CF(-0.5* Player_Size, -0.9 - 0.1 * Cos(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(25 - 1.5 * Cos(sine / 20)), Rad(10), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0), Rad(0), Rad(-5)), 0.1)
  2006. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CF(1.2* Player_Size, 0.3 + 0.01 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, -0.4* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(40), Rad(0 + 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(-35)), 0.1)
  2007. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CF(-1.2* Player_Size, 0.3 + 0.01 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, -0.4* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(40), Rad(0 - 5 * Sin(sine / 20)), Rad(35)), 0.1)
  2008. end
  2009. elseif(State == 'Walk')then
  2010. change = 1
  2011. hum.JumpPower = 55
  2012. if attack == false then
  2013. rootj.C0 = clerp(rootj.C0, RootCF * CF(0* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size, -0.3 - 0.25 * Cos(sine / (WALKSPEEDVALUE / 2))) * angles(Rad(10), Rad(0), Rad(0 - 2.75 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE)) + root.RotVelocity.Y / 75), 0.1)
  2014. neck.C0 = clerp(neck.C0, necko* CF(0, 0, 0 + ((1* Player_Size) - 1)) * angles(Rad(0 + 5 * Sin(sine / (WALKSPEEDVALUE / 2))), Rad(0), Rad(0 - 2.75 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE)) + root.RotVelocity.Y / 13), 0.1)
  2015. rl.Weld.C0 = clerp(rl.Weld.C0, CF(0.5* Player_Size, -0.8 - 0.5 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE) / 2* Player_Size, 0.6 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE) / 2* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-10 - 25 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE)) - root.RotVelocity.Y / 75 + -Sin(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE) / 2.5, Rad(0 - 10 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE)), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0 + 2 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE)), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.3)
  2016. ll.Weld.C0 = clerp(ll.Weld.C0, CF(-0.5* Player_Size, -0.8 + 0.5 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE) / 2* Player_Size, -0.6 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE) / 2* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-10 + 25 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE)) + root.RotVelocity.Y / -75 + Sin(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE) / 2.5, Rad(0 - 10 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE)), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0 - 2 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE)), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.3)
  2017. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CF(1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.1 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-25), Rad(0), Rad(35)), 0.1)
  2018. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CF(-1.5* Player_Size, 0.5 + 0.1 * Sin(sine / 20)* Player_Size, 0* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-25), Rad(0), Rad(-35)), 0.1)
  2019. elseif attack == true and movelegs == true then
  2020. rl.Weld.C0 = clerp(rl.Weld.C0, CF(0.5* Player_Size, -0.8 - 0.5 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE) / 2* Player_Size, 0.6 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE) / 2* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-10 - 25 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE)) - root.RotVelocity.Y / 75 + -Sin(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE) / 2.5, Rad(0 - 10 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE)), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0 + 2 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE)), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.3)
  2021. ll.Weld.C0 = clerp(ll.Weld.C0, CF(-0.5* Player_Size, -0.8 + 0.5 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE) / 2* Player_Size, -0.6 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE) / 2* Player_Size) * angles(Rad(-10 + 25 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE)) + root.RotVelocity.Y / -75 + Sin(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE) / 2.5, Rad(0 - 10 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE)), Rad(0)) * angles(Rad(0 - 2 * Cos(sine / WALKSPEEDVALUE)), Rad(0), Rad(0)), 0.3)
  2022. end
  2023. end
  2024. end
  2025. for _, c in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do
  2026. if c.ClassName == "Part" and c.Name ~= "Detail" then
  2027. --c.Material = "Fabric"
  2028. if c:FindFirstChildOfClass("ParticleEmitter") then
  2029. c:FindFirstChildOfClass("ParticleEmitter"):remove()
  2030. end
  2031. if c ~= hed then
  2032. --c.Color =,1,1)
  2033. else
  2034. --c.Color =,1,1)
  2035. end
  2036. elseif c.ClassName == "CharacterMesh" or c.ClassName == "Accessory" or c.Name == "Body Colors" then
  2037. c:remove()
  2038. elseif (c.ClassName == "Shirt" or c.ClassName == "Pants") and c.Name ~= "Cloth" then
  2039. c:remove()
  2040. end
  2041. end
  2042. hum.Name = "HUM"
  2043. hum.WalkSpeed = Speed
  2044. Music.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..SONG
  2045. Music.Looped = true
  2046. Music.Pitch = 1
  2047. Music.Volume = 1.5
  2048. Music.Parent = tors
  2049. Music.Playing = true
  2050. if 0 < #Effects then
  2051. for e = 1, #Effects do
  2052. if Effects[e] ~= nil then
  2053. local Thing = Effects[e]
  2054. if Thing ~= nil then
  2055. local Part = Thing[1]
  2056. local Mode = Thing[2]
  2057. local Delay = Thing[3]
  2058. local IncX = Thing[4]
  2059. local IncY = Thing[5]
  2060. local IncZ = Thing[6]
  2061. if 1 >= Thing[1].Transparency then
  2062. if Thing[2] == "Block1" then
  2063. Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[1].CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50))
  2064. local Mesh = Thing[1].Mesh
  2065. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale +[4], Thing[5], Thing[6])
  2066. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  2067. elseif Thing[2] == "Block2" then
  2068. Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[1].CFrame +, 0, 0)
  2069. local Mesh = Thing[7]
  2070. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale +[4], Thing[5], Thing[6])
  2071. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  2072. elseif Thing[2] == "Block3" then
  2073. Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[1].CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50)) +, 0.15, 0)
  2074. local Mesh = Thing[7]
  2075. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale +[4], Thing[5], Thing[6])
  2076. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  2077. elseif Thing[2] == "Cylinder" then
  2078. local Mesh = Thing[1].Mesh
  2079. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale +[4], Thing[5], Thing[6])
  2080. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  2081. elseif Thing[2] == "Blood" then
  2082. local Mesh = Thing[7]
  2083. Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[1].CFrame *, 0.5, 0)
  2084. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale +[4], Thing[5], Thing[6])
  2085. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  2086. elseif Thing[2] == "Elec" then
  2087. local Mesh = Thing[1].Mesh
  2088. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale +[7], Thing[8], Thing[9])
  2089. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  2090. elseif Thing[2] == "Disappear" then
  2091. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  2092. elseif Thing[2] == "Shatter" then
  2093. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  2094. Thing[4] = Thing[4] *, Thing[7], 0)
  2095. Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[4] * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(Thing[6], 0, 0)
  2096. Thing[6] = Thing[6] + Thing[5]
  2097. end
  2098. else
  2099. Part.Parent = nil
  2100. table.remove(Effects, e)
  2101. end
  2102. end
  2103. end
  2104. end
  2105. end
  2106. end
  2107. -------------------------------------------------------
  2108. --End Animations And Script--
  2109. -------------------------------------------------------
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